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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: NAStringDef.h (previously under /common)
* RCS: $Id: NAStringDef.h,v 1.2 1998/07/30 06:44:34 Exp $
* Description: This file contains the class definition for class NAString
* Created: 5/6/98
* Modified: $ $Date: 1998/07/30 06:44:34 $ (GMT)
* Language: C++
* Status: $State: Exp $
#ifndef __NASTRING_DEF_H__
#define __NASTRING_DEF_H__
#include "Platform.h"
#include <iosfwd>
using namespace std;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// class NAString : derived from the source for Facebook's FBString
// --> adapted to take a NAMemory* in every ctor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// $$$ NB: if we write our own (simple) c-string functionality, we can
// (almost) use NAString in the executor (see the bottom of this file
// for the two functions we need to #ifdef to allow this)
// --> goal : someday (soon?) we will no longer include the following file:
#include <string.h>
#include "NABasicObject.h"
#include "NAStringDefGlobals.h" /* NAReference, NAStringRef */
#include "NAAssert.h"
#include "FBString.h"
#ifndef __EID
// no use for this in EID
#include "ComGuardianFileNameParts.h"
#include "Collections.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions we use to stay as compatible with the RWCString class, and
// usage of the RWCString class, as possible
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#define NASize_T size_t
const size_t NA_NPOS = ~(size_t)0; // rw/defs.h : RW_NPOS ;
#define nanil 0 // rw/defs.h : rwnil
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// index into a string
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef size_t StringPos;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// redundant defn (see BaseTypes.h) in order to reduce NAString's
// dependencies ...
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef MAXOF
#define MAXOF(X,Y) (X >= Y ? X : Y)
#ifndef MINOF
#define MINOF(X,Y) (X <= Y ? X : Y)
#ifndef MIN_ONE /* denoting "at least one ..." */
#define MIN_ONE(X) MAXOF(X,1)
// the source someday should be changed to use only one of these --
// for now, we fudge it
#define NAASSERT(b) NAPRECONDITION(b,"" #b "")
#define NAPRECONDITION(b,s) \
{ if (!(b)) NAAssert(s, __FILE__, __LINE__); }
// Number of bits per byte
const size_t BITSPERBYTE = 8;
// Check pre- and post-conditions used in
// /export/NAStringDef.cpp and /common/rawstring.cpp
// ps: Copied from rw/defs.h
#if defined(NA_C89_VERSION3)
#include <assert.h>
#define RWPRECONDITION(a) assert( (a) != 0 )
#define RWPOSTCONDITION(a) assert( (a) != 0 )
#define RWPRECONDITION2(a,b) assert((b, (a) !=0))
#define RWPOSTCONDITION2(a,b) assert((b, (a) !=0))
#define RWASSERT(a) assert( (a) != 0 )
// classes in this file:
class NASubString ; // rewrite of RWCSubString, from cstring.h/cstring.cpp
class NAString ; // rewrite of RWCString, from cstring.h/cstring.cpp
// //
// NASubString //
// //
* The NASubString class allows selected elements to be addressed.
* There are no public constructors.
NASubString(const NASubString& sp)
: str_(sp.str_), begin_(sp.begin_), extent_(sp.extent_) {;}
NASubString& operator=(const char*); // Assignment to char*
NASubString& operator=(const NAString&); // Assignment to NAString
NASubString& operator=(const NASubString&); // Assignment to NASubString
char& operator()(size_t i); // Index with optional bounds checking
char& operator[](size_t i); // Index with bounds checking
char operator()(size_t i) const ;
char operator[](size_t i) const ;
const char* startData() const; // Replaces data(). See definition below.
// startData() will remain undocumented. Please don't even ask.
// Use at your own risk. It may be deprecated in the future.
const char* data() const;
// This member is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
// It remains public only to maintain source compatibility.
// Since NASubString works by referencing the NAString's data,
// if you attempt to directly use the data() member of the NAString,
// you will very likely be surprised by the result, which will be null
// terminated not at the extent of the substring,
// but at the end of the NAString.
size_t length() const {return extent_;}
size_t start() const {return begin_;}
void toLower(); // Convert self to lower-case
void toUpper(); // Convert self to upper-case
// For detecting null substrings:
NABoolean isNull() const {return begin_==NA_NPOS;}
Int32 operator!() const {return begin_==NA_NPOS;}
void subStringError(size_t, size_t, size_t) const;
void assertElement(size_t i) const; // Verifies i is valid index
// NB: the only constructor is private:
NASubString(const NAString & s, size_t start, size_t len);
NAString* str_; // Referenced string
size_t begin_; // Index of starting character
size_t extent_;// Length of NASubString
NABoolean operator==(const NASubString& s1, const NASubString& s2);
NABoolean operator==(const NASubString& s1, const NAString& s2);
NABoolean operator==(const NASubString& s1, const char* s2);
friend class NAString;
// //
// NAString //
// //
// NB: classes deriving from NAString can change just the
// 'defaultHeapPtr()' method in order to define a default heap. In this
// way, it should be easy to create a "ParseString" or "OptString" class
// whose underlying char* array is always allocated in the right place.
class SQLEXPORT_LIB_FUNC NAString : public NABasicObject
// Often when an NAString is created, no heap pointer is specified;
// in this case, we need to use a default value.
virtual NAMemory * defaultHeapPtr () const
{ return NABasicObject::systemHeapPtr() ; } // fyi, this value is 0x0
// used to identify NAMemory *'s that weren't specified by the NAString ctor call
enum { nastring_uninit_heap_ptr = 0x0002 } ;
#define NASTRING_UNINIT_HEAP_PTR ((NAMemory *)NAString::nastring_uninit_heap_ptr)
enum stripType {leading = 0x1, trailing = 0x2, both = 0x3};
enum caseCompare {exact, ignoreCase};
enum scopeType {one, all};
typedef folly::basic_fbstring<char> FBString;
NAString(const NAString & s, NAMemory *h=NASTRING_UNINIT_HEAP_PTR) ;
NAString(const NASubString& SS, NAMemory *h=NASTRING_UNINIT_HEAP_PTR) ;
NAString(const char * a, NAMemory *h=NASTRING_UNINIT_HEAP_PTR) ;
NAString(const char * a, size_t N, NAMemory *h=NASTRING_UNINIT_HEAP_PTR) ;
// these three ctors are all the same
NAString(char c, NAMemory *h=NASTRING_UNINIT_HEAP_PTR) ;
NAString(unsigned char c, NAMemory *h=NASTRING_UNINIT_HEAP_PTR) ;
NAString(signed char c, NAMemory *h=NASTRING_UNINIT_HEAP_PTR) ;
NAString(const FBString & fbs, NAMemory *h=NASTRING_UNINIT_HEAP_PTR) ;
#ifndef __EID
// not supposed to be in executor-in-DP2
NAString(const ComGuardianFileNamePart & e, NAMemory *h=NASTRING_UNINIT_HEAP_PTR)
:fbstring_(e.castToConstChar(), e.length(),
(h == NASTRING_UNINIT_HEAP_PTR) ? this->defaultHeapPtr() : h)
NAString(char c, size_t N, NAMemory *h=NASTRING_UNINIT_HEAP_PTR) ;
virtual ~NAString() ;
// Type conversion:
operator const char*() const {return;}
#ifndef __EID
// not supposed to be in executor-in-DP2
operator const ComNodeName() const {return ComNodeName(;}
operator const ComVolumeName() const {return ComVolumeName(;}
// Assignment:
NAString& operator=(const char*); // Replace string
NAString& operator=(const NAString&); // Replace string
#ifndef __EID
// not supposed to be in executor-in-DP2
NAString& operator=(const ComGuardianFileNamePart & e)
{return operator= (e.castToConstChar());};
NAString& operator=(const char c)
{return operator= (NAString(c, heap()));};
NAString& operator+=(const char*); // Append string.
NAString& operator+=(const NAString& s);
NAString& operator+=(const char c);
#ifndef __EID
// not supposed to be in executor-in-DP2
NAString& operator+=(const ComGuardianFileNamePart & e)
{return operator+= (e.castToConstChar());};
// Indexing operators:
char& operator[](size_t); // Indexing with bounds checking
char& operator()(size_t); // Indexing with optional bounds checking
NASubString operator()(size_t start, size_t len); // Sub-string operator
# if !defined(RW_NO_STL)
NASubString match(const RWCRExpr& re); // Match the RE
NASubString match(const RWCRExpr& re, size_t start); // Match the RE
# endif
NASubString subString(const char* pat, size_t start=0, caseCompare=exact);
char operator[](size_t) const;
char operator()(size_t) const;
NASubString operator()(size_t start, size_t len) const;
# if !defined(RW_NO_STL)
NASubString match(const RWCRExpr& pat) const; // Match the RE
NASubString match(const RWCRExpr& pat, size_t start) const; // Match the RE
# endif
NASubString subString(const char* pat, size_t start=0, caseCompare=exact) const;
NASubString strip(stripType s=trailing, char c=' ') const;
// Non-static member functions:
NAString& append(const char* cs);
NAString& append(const char* cs, size_t N);
NAString& append(const NAString& s);
NAString& append(const NAString& s, size_t N);
NAString& append(const char c, size_t rep=1); // Append c rep times
#ifndef __EID
// not supposed to be in executor-in-DP2
NAString& append(const ComGuardianFileNamePart & e)
{return append (e.castToConstChar());}
//RWspace binaryStoreSize() const {return length()+sizeof(size_t);}
// total memory allocated, including the NAStringRef object in front of
// the string data and the null!
size_t getAllocatedSize() const
return fbstring_.get_alloc_size();
size_t capacity() const {return fbstring_.capacity();}
size_t capacity(size_t N);
void clear();
#ifndef RW_NO_LOCALE
Int32 collate(const char* cs) const {return ::strcoll(data(), cs);}
Int32 collate(const NAString& st) const;
Int32 compareTo(const char* cs, caseCompare cmp = exact) const;
Int32 compareTo(const NAString& st, caseCompare cmp = exact) const;
NABoolean contains(const char* pat, caseCompare cmp = exact) const;
NABoolean contains(const NAString& pat, caseCompare cmp = exact) const;
NAString copy() const;
inline const char* toCharStar() const {return;} ;
const char* data() const {return;}
size_t first(char c) const { return fbstring_.find_first_of(c);}
size_t first(char c, size_t i) const { return fbstring_.find_first_of(c, i);}
size_t first(const char* cs) const { return fbstring_.find_first_of(cs); }
size_t first(const char* cs, size_t N) const{return fbstring_.find_first_of(cs, N);}
//splite this string into words by delim, memory for words are allocated in heap of elems,
NAList<NAString> & split(char delim, NAList<NAString> & elems);
UInt32 hash(caseCompare cmp) const;
UInt32 hash() const;
UInt32 hashFoldCase() const;
void mash(UInt32& hash, UInt32 chars) const;
size_t index(const char* pat, size_t i=0, caseCompare cmp = exact)
size_t index(const NAString& s, size_t i=0, caseCompare cmp = exact)
size_t index(const char* pat, size_t patlen, size_t i,
caseCompare cmp) const;
size_t index(const NAString& s, size_t patlen, size_t i,
caseCompare cmp) const;
NAString& insert(size_t pos, const char*);
NAString& insert(size_t pos, const char*, size_t extent);
NAString& insert(size_t pos, const NAString&);
NAString& insert(size_t pos, const NAString&, size_t extent);
NABoolean isAscii() const;
NABoolean isNull() const {return 0 == fbstring_.size();}
size_t last(char c) const {return fbstring_.find_last_of(c);}
size_t last(char c,size_t i) const {return fbstring_.find_last_of(c, i);}
size_t length() const {return fbstring_.size();}
#ifndef RW_NO_LOCALE
size_t mbLength() const; // multibyte length, or NA_NPOS on error
NAString& prepend(const char*); // Prepend a character string
NAString& prepend(const char* cs, size_t N);
NAString& prepend(const NAString& s);
NAString& prepend(const NAString& s, size_t N);
NAString& prepend(char c, size_t rep=1); // Prepend c rep times
Int32 readFile(ifstream&); // Read to EOF or null character.
Int32 readLine(ifstream&); // Read to EOF or newline.
Int32 readToDelim(ifstream&, char delim='\n'); // Read to EOF or delimitor.
NAString& remove(size_t pos); // Remove pos to end of string
void adjustMemory(size_t tot); // adjust the capacity to tot
// if tot is smaller or equal
// to the current capacity,
// do nothing.
NAString& remove(size_t pos, size_t n); // Remove n chars starting at pos
NAString& replace(size_t pos, size_t n, const char*);
NAString& replace(size_t pos, size_t n, const char*, size_t);
NAString& replace(size_t pos, size_t n, const NAString&);
NAString& replace(size_t pos, size_t n, const NAString&, size_t);
void resize(size_t N); // Truncate or add blanks as necessary.
NASubString strip(stripType s=trailing, char c=' ');
void toLower(); // Change self to lower-case
void toUpper(); // Change self to upper-case
void toUpper8859_1(); // ISO 8859_1 alphabet upper-case
NABoolean format(const char* formatTemplate...);
// useful for supplying hash functions to template hash collection ctors:
static UInt32 hash(const NAString&);
// Special concatenation constructor:
NAString (const char *a1, size_t N1, const char * a2, size_t N2, NAMemory *h = NASTRING_UNINIT_HEAP_PTR) ;
void assertElement(size_t) const; // Index in range
void clobber(size_t nc); // Remove old contents
void cow(); // Do copy on write as needed
void cow(size_t nc); // Do copy on write as needed
void initChar(char, NAMemory *h); // Initialize from char
static char* buildBuffer(const char* formatTemplate, va_list args);
void clone(); // Make self a distinct copy
void clone(size_t nc); // Make self a distinct copy w. capacity nc
NAMemory * heap() const { return fbstring_.heap(); }
FBString fbstring_;
NAString operator+(const NAString& s1, const NAString& s2);
NAString operator+(const NAString& s, const char* cs);
NAString operator+(const NAString& s, const char c);
NAString operator+(const char* cs, const NAString& s);
NABoolean operator==(const NAString& s1, const char* s2);
friend class NASubString;
typedef NAString* NAStringPtr;
SQLEXPORT_LIB_FUNC NAString toLower(const NAString&); // Return lower-case version of argument.
SQLEXPORT_LIB_FUNC NAString toUpper(const NAString&); // Return upper-case version of argument.
inline UInt32 rwhash(const NAString& s) { return s.hash(); }
inline UInt32 rwhash(const NAString* s) { return s->hash(); }
#ifndef RW_NO_LOCALE
NAString strXForm(const NAString&); // strxfrm() interface
// //
// Inlines //
// //
inline void NAString::cow()
{ clone(); }
inline void NAString::cow(size_t nc)
{ clone(nc); }
inline NAString& NAString::append(const char* cs)
{ fbstring_.append(cs); return *this; }
inline NAString& NAString::append(const char* cs, size_t N)
{ fbstring_.append(cs, N); return *this; }
inline NAString& NAString::append(const NAString& s)
{ fbstring_.append(s.fbstring_); return *this; }
inline NAString& NAString::append(const NAString& s, size_t N)
{ fbstring_.append(, N); return *this; }
inline NAString& NAString::operator+=(const char* cs)
{ fbstring_.append(cs, strlen(cs)); return *this; }
inline NAString& NAString::operator+=(const NAString& s)
{ fbstring_.append(, s.length()); return *this; }
inline NAString& NAString::operator+=(const char c)
{ fbstring_.append(1, c); return *this; }
#ifndef RW_NO_LOCALE
inline Int32 NAString::collate(const NAString& st) const
{ return ::strcoll(data(),; }
inline NABoolean NAString::contains(const NAString& pat, caseCompare cmp) const
{ return index(, pat.length(), (size_t)0, cmp) != NA_NPOS; }
inline NABoolean NAString::contains(const char* s, caseCompare cmp) const
{ return index(s, strlen(s), (size_t)0, cmp) != NA_NPOS; }
inline size_t NAString::index(const char* s, size_t i, caseCompare cmp) const
{ return index(s, strlen(s), i, cmp); }
inline size_t NAString::index(const NAString& s, size_t i, caseCompare cmp) const
{ return index(, s.length(), i, cmp); }
inline size_t NAString::index(const NAString& pat, size_t patlen, size_t i, caseCompare cmp) const
{ return index(, patlen, i, cmp); }
inline NAString& NAString::insert(size_t pos, const char* cs)
{ return replace(pos, 0, cs, strlen(cs)); }
inline NAString& NAString::insert(size_t pos, const char* cs, size_t N)
{ return replace(pos, 0, cs, N); }
inline NAString& NAString::insert(size_t pos, const NAString& cstr)
{ return replace(pos, 0,, cstr.length()); }
inline NAString& NAString::insert(size_t pos, const NAString& cstr, size_t N)
{ return replace(pos, 0,, MINOF(N, cstr.length())); }
inline NAString& NAString::prepend(const char* cs)
{ return replace(0, 0, cs, strlen(cs)); }
inline NAString& NAString::prepend(const char* cs, size_t N)
{ return replace(0, 0, cs, N); }
inline NAString& NAString::prepend(const NAString& s)
{ return replace(0, 0,, s.length()); }
inline NAString& NAString::prepend(const NAString& s, size_t N)
{ return replace(0, 0,, MINOF(N, s.length())); }
inline NAString& NAString::remove(size_t pos)
{ return replace(pos, length()-pos, nanil, 0); }
inline NAString& NAString::remove(size_t pos, size_t n)
{ return replace(pos, n, nanil, 0); }
inline NAString& NAString::replace(size_t pos, size_t n, const char* cs)
{ return replace(pos, n, cs, strlen(cs)); }
inline NAString& NAString::replace(size_t pos, size_t n, const NAString& cstr)
{ return replace(pos, n,, cstr.length()); }
inline NAString& NAString::replace(size_t pos, size_t n1, const NAString& cstr, size_t n2)
{ return replace(pos, n1,, MINOF(cstr.length(),n2)); }
inline char& NAString::operator()(size_t i)
#ifndef NDEBUG
return fbstring_[i];
inline char NAString::operator[](size_t i) const
{ assertElement(i); return fbstring_[i]; }
inline char NAString::operator()(size_t i) const
#ifndef NDEBUG
return fbstring_[i];
#ifndef __EID
// not supposed to be in executor-in-DP2
inline NAString operator+(const NAString& s, const ComGuardianFileNamePart & e)
{return operator+(s, e.castToConstChar());};
inline NAString operator+(const ComGuardianFileNamePart & e, const NAString& s )
{return operator+(e.castToConstChar(), s);};
inline NAString operator+(const ComGuardianFileNamePart & e, const char * cs )
{return operator+(NAString(e), cs);};
inline NAString operator+(const char * cs, const ComGuardianFileNamePart & e )
{return operator+(cs, NAString(e));};
// NASubString::startData()
// This member replaces data().
// startData() will remain undocumented. Please don't even ask.
// Use at your own risk. It may be deprecated in the future.
// Since NASubString works by referencing the NAString's data,
// if you attempt to directly use the data() member of the NAString,
// you will very likely be surprised by the result, which will be null
// terminated not at the extent of the substring,
// but at the end of the NAString.
inline const char* NASubString::startData() const
{ return str_->data() + begin_; }
// This member is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
// It remains public only to maintain source compatibility.
inline const char* NASubString::data() const
{ return str_->data() + begin_; }
// Access to elements of sub-string with bounds checking
inline char NASubString::operator[](size_t i) const
{ assertElement(i); return (*str_)[begin_+i]; }
inline char NASubString::operator()(size_t i) const
#ifndef NDEBUG
return (*str_)[begin_+i];
// String Logical operators:
inline NABoolean operator==(const NAString& s1, const NAString& s2)
{ return ((s1.length() == s2.length()) &&
!memcmp(,, s1.length())); }
inline NABoolean operator< (const NAString& s1, const NAString& s2)
{ return s1.compareTo(s2)< 0;}
inline NABoolean operator!=(const NAString& s1, const NAString& s2)
{ return !(s1 == s2); }
inline NABoolean operator> (const NAString& s1, const NAString& s2)
{ return s1.compareTo(s2)> 0;}
inline NABoolean operator<=(const NAString& s1, const NAString& s2)
{ return s1.compareTo(s2)<=0;}
inline NABoolean operator>=(const NAString& s1, const NAString& s2)
{ return s1.compareTo(s2)>=0;}
inline NABoolean operator!=(const NAString& s1, const char* s2)
{ return !(s1 == s2); }
inline NABoolean operator< (const NAString& s1, const char* s2)
{ return s1.compareTo(s2)< 0; }
inline NABoolean operator> (const NAString& s1, const char* s2)
{ return s1.compareTo(s2)> 0; }
inline NABoolean operator<=(const NAString& s1, const char* s2)
{ return s1.compareTo(s2)<=0; }
inline NABoolean operator>=(const NAString& s1, const char* s2)
{ return s1.compareTo(s2)>=0; }
inline NABoolean operator==(const char* s1, const NAString& s2)
{ return (s2 == s1); }
inline NABoolean operator!=(const char* s1, const NAString& s2)
{ return !(s2 == s1); }
inline NABoolean operator< (const char* s1, const NAString& s2)
{ return s2.compareTo(s1)> 0; }
inline NABoolean operator> (const char* s1, const NAString& s2)
{ return s2.compareTo(s1)< 0; }
inline NABoolean operator<=(const char* s1, const NAString& s2)
{ return s2.compareTo(s1)>=0; }
inline NABoolean operator>=(const char* s1, const NAString& s2)
{ return s2.compareTo(s1)<=0; }
// SubString Logical operators:
inline NABoolean operator==(const NAString& s1, const NASubString& s2)
{ return (s2 == s1); }
inline NABoolean operator==(const char* s1, const NASubString& s2)
{ return (s2 == s1); }
inline NABoolean operator!=(const NASubString& s1, const char* s2)
{ return !(s1 == s2); }
inline NABoolean operator!=(const NASubString& s1, const NAString& s2)
{ return !(s1 == s2); }
inline NABoolean operator!=(const NASubString& s1, const NASubString& s2)
{ return !(s1 == s2); }
inline NABoolean operator!=(const NAString& s1, const NASubString& s2)
{ return !(s2 == s1); }
inline NABoolean operator!=(const char* s1, const NASubString& s2)
{ return !(s2 == s1); }
#ifndef __EID
// not supposed to be in executor-in-DP2
inline NABoolean operator==(const NAString& s1, const ComGuardianFileNamePart& s2)
{return (s1 == s2.castToConstChar());}
inline NABoolean operator==(const ComGuardianFileNamePart& s1, const NAString& s2)
{return (s2 == s1.castToConstChar());}
inline NABoolean operator==(const NAString& s1, const ComNodeName& s2)
{return (s1 == s2.castToConstChar());}
inline NABoolean operator==(const ComNodeName& s1, const NAString& s2)
{return (s2 == s1.castToConstChar());}
inline NABoolean operator==(const NAString& s1, const char c)
{return (s1.length() == 1 && * == c);}
// $$$NB: besides usage of c-string-lib functions inside the NAString code,
// if we #ifdef the following two functions then we ought to be able to
// use NAString objects inside the executor ...
// input/output
SQLEXPORT_LIB_FUNC istream& operator>>(istream& str , NAString& cstr);
SQLEXPORT_LIB_FUNC ostream& operator<<(ostream& str , const NAString& cstr);
#endif /* __NASTRING_DEF_H__ */