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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ext_tuple_desc.cpp
* Description:
* Created: 7/10/95
* Language: C++
#include "Platform.h"
#include "dfs2rec.h"
#include "ComPackDefs.h"
#include "exp_stdh.h"
// Uncomment this line to see the offsets computed.
// #define LOG_OFFSETS
#if defined( LOG_OFFSETS )
#include <stdlib.h>
ExpTupleDesc::ExpTupleDesc(UInt32 num_attrs,
Attributes ** attrs,
UInt32 tupleDataLength,
TupleDataFormat tdataF,
TupleDescFormat tdescF,
Space * space)
: numAttrs_(num_attrs),
if ( space != NULL )
// remember current allocated space size. Used at the end of
// generation to find out total tuple desc length allocated.
tupleDescLength_ = space->getAllocatedSpaceSize();
flags_ = 0;
attrs_ = 0;
#ifndef _DEBUG
if (tdescF == LONG_FORMAT)
// allocate an array of num_attrs Attributes*. This array follows
// 'this' class.
attrs_ = (AttributesPtr *)
(space->allocateAlignedSpace(num_attrs * sizeof(AttributesPtr)));
for (UInt32 i=0; i < num_attrs; i++)
// make a new copy of input attributes. This new attr entry
// will follow the attribute array.
attrs_[i] = attrs[i]->newCopy(space);
// and now find out the total length of the generated descriptor
tupleDescLength_ = sizeof(*this) +
space->getAllocatedSpaceSize() - tupleDescLength_;
flags_ = 0;
attrs_ = attrs;
tupleDescLength_ = 0x0ffff;
str_pad(fillers_, sizeof(fillers_), '\0');
ExpTupleDesc::ExpTupleDesc(UInt32 num_attrs,
AttributesPtr * attrs,
UInt32 tupleDataLength,
TupleDataFormat tdataF,
TupleDescFormat tdescF)
: numAttrs_(num_attrs),
// special case where space is null, used in ex_rcb.cpp for late bind.
flags_ = 0;
attrs_ = attrs;
tupleDescLength_ = 0x0ffff;
ExpTupleDesc::ExpTupleDesc() :
// if ((tupleDescFormat_ == LONG_FORMAT) && (attrs_))
// {
// for (Int32 i=0; i < (Int32) numAttrs_; i++)
// {
// delete attrs_[i];
// }
// delete[] attrs_;
// }
// attrs_ = 0;
// Takes a list of fixed fields and destructively rearranges the fixed fields
// such that all the 8-byte fields come first, followed by the 4-byte, then
// 2-byte, and then all remaining fields. This is only done for non-added
// columns. The added columns follow the original fixed columns and are NOT
// ordered on their byte boundary, but put in the list in the order they
// were added.
static Int16 orderFixedFieldsByAlignment( Attributes ** attrs,
NAList<UInt32> * fixedFields)
Int16 rc = 0;
Attributes *attr;
NAList<UInt32> align8(NULL,4);
NAList<UInt32> align4(NULL,10);
NAList<UInt32> align2(NULL,10);
NAList<UInt32> align1(NULL,4);
NAList<UInt32> addedCols(NULL,4); // on C++ heap, wil get dellocated when
// we return
UInt32 fieldIdx = 0;
UInt32 numFixed = fixedFields->entries();
Int32 alignSz;
UInt32 i;
for( i = 0; i < numFixed; i++ )
fixedFields->getFirst( fieldIdx );
attr = attrs[ fieldIdx ];
if (attr->isAddedCol()) // an added column
addedCols.insert( fieldIdx );
alignSz = attr->getDataAlignmentSize();
if ( alignSz == 8 )
align8.insert( fieldIdx );
else if ( alignSz == 4 )
align4.insert( fieldIdx );
else if ( alignSz == 2 )
align2.insert( fieldIdx );
align1.insert( fieldIdx );
if ( align8.entries() > 0 )
for( i = 0; i < align8.entries(); i++ )
fixedFields->insert( align8[ i ] );
// Add all the 4-byte attributes next.
if ( align4.entries() > 0 )
for( i = 0; i < align4.entries(); i++ )
fixedFields->insert( align4[ i ] );
// Add all the 2-byte attributes next.
if ( align2.entries() > 0 )
for( i = 0; i < align2.entries(); i++ )
fixedFields->insert( align2[ i ] );
// Add all the remaining attributes if any.
if ( align1.entries() > 0 )
for( i = 0; i < align1.entries(); i++ )
fixedFields->insert( align1[ i ] );
// Add all the added column attributes in their logical order.
if ( addedCols.entries() > 0 )
for( i = 0; i < addedCols.entries(); i++ )
fixedFields->insert( addedCols[ i ] );
return rc;
// input is a single attribute
Int16 ExpTupleDesc::computeOffsets(Attributes * attr,
TupleDataFormat tf,
UInt32& datalen,
UInt32 start_offset)
ExpTupleDesc::computeOffsets(1, &attr, tf,
start_offset); // start here
return 0;
// This code is the same for fixed fields and GuOutput fields.
void computeOffsetOfFixedField(Attributes ** attrs,
UInt32 fieldIdx,
UInt32 bitmapOffset,
UInt32& fixedOffset,
UInt32& firstField,
UInt32& prevIdx,
UInt16& nullBitIdx,
ExpHdrInfo * hdrInfo = NULL,
NABoolean alignFormat = FALSE)
Attributes *field = attrs[fieldIdx];
if (prevIdx != ExpOffsetMax)
if (alignFormat)
if ((field->isAddedCol()) && (field->getDataAlignmentSize() == 8))
fixedOffset = ADJUST(fixedOffset, 4);
fixedOffset = ADJUST(fixedOffset, field->getDataAlignmentSize());
if (firstField == ExpOffsetMax)
// Only the first fixed field will have a VOA offset set.
// This is used when writing SQLMX_FORMAT so the proper offset gets
// written there.
firstField = fixedOffset;
if (hdrInfo != NULL)
hdrInfo->setFirstFixedOffset( firstField );
// Relative offet is to the very start of the field - before the null
// indicator offset.
field->setRelOffset(fixedOffset - firstField);
if (field->getNullFlag())
if (alignFormat)
// The SQLMX_ALIGNED_FORMAT has a null bitmap - 1 bit per nullable field.
// Each nullable field has the same null indicator offset that
// points to the start of the bitmap and a bit within
// the null bitmap that is set if the field is null.
field->setNullBitIndex( nullBitIdx++ );
field->setNullIndOffset( bitmapOffset );
// The SQLMX_FORMAT has the 2 byte null indicator field at the start
// of the fields data.
fixedOffset += field->getNullIndicatorLength();
// A varchar could be a fixed field if the forceFixed flag is set.
if (field->getVCIndicatorLength() > 0)
fixedOffset += field->getVCIndicatorLength();
fixedOffset += field->getLength();
prevIdx = fieldIdx;
// Static method
// Input is an array of num_attrs Attributes.
Int16 ExpTupleDesc::computeOffsets(UInt32 num_attrs, /* IN */
Attributes ** attrs, /* IN */
TupleDataFormat tf, /* IN */
UInt32 & datalen, /* OUT */
UInt32 startOffset, /* IN */
UInt32 * rtnFlags, /* OUT */
TupleDataFormat * outTf, /* OUT */
ExpHdrInfo * hdrInfo, /* OUT */
UInt32 * headerSizePtr, /* OUT */
UInt32 * varSizePtr) /* OUT */
// start at startOffset.
UInt32 offset = startOffset;
UInt32 attrStartOffset;
// The first fixecd field needs to add in the pad bytes if the data length
// is extended and for Aligned Format.
// This only needs to be done if there are no variable length fields present
// and there is a hdrInfo passed in. Data rows with a variable length field
// adjust the data len at runtime.
NABoolean adjustFirstFixed = FALSE;
datalen = 0;
if (outTf)
*outTf = tf;
// Compute length of tuple and assign offset to attributes.
switch (tf)
Int16 varchar_seen = 0;
for (UInt32 i=0; i < num_attrs; i++)
attrStartOffset = offset;
// set format in attrs
if (attrs[i]->getNullFlag())
if (attrs[i]->getVCIndicatorLength() > 0)
// all fields except char/varchar fields may need alignment
// at runtime.
if ((attrs[i]->getDatatype() < REC_MIN_CHARACTER) ||
(attrs[i]->getDatatype() > REC_MAX_CHARACTER))
if (varchar_seen)
// this field follows a varchar field. Cannot
// determine offset at compile time. Remember
// the position of this field (as a negative number
// coz all positive values could be valid offsets).
// For rows that have varchars in them, set datalen
// to be the max datalen. Set 'offset' variable to reflect this.
// Offset is used later to find
// out the total length.
offset += attrs[i]->getStorageLength();
if (attrs[i]->getVCIndicatorLength() > 0)
*rtnFlags = ExpTupleDesc::VAR_FIELD_PRESENT;
varchar_seen = -1;
if (attrs[i]->getNullFlag())
offset += attrs[i]->getNullIndicatorLength();
if (attrs[i]->getVCIndicatorLength() > 0)
offset += attrs[i]->getVCIndicatorLength();
offset += attrs[i]->getLength();
if (attrs[i]->getRowsetSize() > 0) {
if (!(attrs[i]->getUseTotalRowsetSize())) {
// The space used by a rowset consists of four bytes to hold
// the number of entries, plus the space used by each array
// entry times the number of elements
offset = (attrStartOffset +
((offset - attrStartOffset) * attrs[i]->getRowsetSize())
+ sizeof(Int32));
} // none of the previous fields is a varchar
} // for
for (UInt32 i=0; i < num_attrs; i++)
attrStartOffset = offset;
// set format in attrs
if (attrs[i]->getNullFlag())
attrs[i]->setNullIndicatorLength( KEY_NULL_INDICATOR_LENGTH );
if (attrs[i]->getVCIndicatorLength() > 0)
attrs[i]->setVCIndicatorLength( VC_ACTUAL_LENGTH );
// all fields except char/varchar fields may need alignment
// at runtime.
if ((attrs[i]->getDatatype() < REC_MIN_CHARACTER) ||
(attrs[i]->getDatatype() > REC_MAX_CHARACTER))
if (attrs[i]->getNullFlag())
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
offset += attrs[i]->getNullIndicatorLength();
if (attrs[i]->getVCIndicatorLength() > 0)
offset += attrs[i]->getVCIndicatorLength();
offset += attrs[i]->getLength(); // returns max len for varchars
if (attrs[i]->getRowsetSize() > 0) {
if (!(attrs[i]->getUseTotalRowsetSize())) {
// The space used by a rowset consists of four bytes to hold the
// number of entries, plus the space used by each array entry
// times the number of elements
offset = (attrStartOffset +
((offset - attrStartOffset) * attrs[i]->getRowsetSize())
+ sizeof(Int32));
for (UInt32 i=0; i < num_attrs; i++)
attrStartOffset = offset;
// set format in attrs
UInt32 nullIndicatorOffset = 0;
UInt32 vcIndicatorOffset = 0;
offset = ExpTupleDesc::sqlarkExplodedOffsets(offset,
(UInt32) attrs[i]->getDataAlignmentSize(),
attrs[i]->getVCIndicatorLength() ?
attrs[i]->getVCIndicatorLength() :
if (attrs[i]->getNullFlag())
// All datatypes, if not aligned and if we don't move
// them to an aligned buffer at runtime, will trap and then
// get aligned by the system.
// This trap & alignement doesn't work for IEEE float datatypes
// which *must* be aligned at runtime before doing any float
// operations on them.
// Any row which is of the format, SQLARK_EXPLODED_FORMAT, should
// always start on an 8-byte boundary. But some operators do
// not do this correctly and that causes float operations on
// fields inside of that row to fail.
// Set the needDataAlignment flag out here for ieee float
// datatypes.
// This is not done if this is a rowsets as values inside
// of a rowset are already aligned.
if ((attrs[i]->getRowsetSize() == 0) &&
((attrs[i]->getDatatype() == REC_FLOAT32) ||
(attrs[i]->getDatatype() == REC_FLOAT64)))
if (attrs[i]->getVCIndicatorLength() > 0)
offset += attrs[i]->getLength();
if (attrs[i]->getRowsetSize() > 0) {
if (!(attrs[i]->getUseTotalRowsetSize())) {
UInt32 elementDataLen = 0;
// The space used by a rowset consists of four bytes to hold the
// number of entries, plus the space used by each array entry
// times the number of elements
// For rowsets, the nullIndOffset_ and vcLenIndOffset_ has to be
// set to match the code in CliExpExchange.cpp for input and
// output.
// The offsets for rowset COBOL VARCHAR attributes is set as
// follows:
// - offset_ points to the start of the rowset info followed
// by four bytes of the rowset size
// - nullIndOffset_ (if nullIndicatorLength_ is not set to 0)
// points to (offset_+4).
// - vcLenIndOffset_ (if vcIndicatorLength_ is not set to 0)
// points to (offset_+nullIndicatorLength_)
// - The first data value starts at
// (offset_+nullIndicatorLength_+vcIndicatorLength_) or
// (offset_+vcIndicatorLength_) depending on whether
// - nullIndicatorLength_ is valid or not.
// Note vcIndicatorLength_ is set to sizeof(Int16) for rowset
// SQLVarChars.
if (attrs[i]->getNullFlag()){
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
elementDataLen += attrs[i]->getNullIndicatorLength();
if (attrs[i]->getVCIndicatorLength() > 0){
elementDataLen += attrs[i]->getVCIndicatorLength();
else {
if (attrs[i]->getVCIndicatorLength() > 0){
elementDataLen += attrs[i]->getVCIndicatorLength();
elementDataLen += attrs[i]->getLength();
offset = (attrStartOffset +
(elementDataLen * attrs[i]->getRowsetSize())
+ sizeof(Int32));
// Loop through all attributes processing the variable length fields
// first to determine how many VOA[] (variable offset array)
// entries there are. The first fixed field is directly after the VOA.
// The first variable length field is "saved" so the actual offset can
// be set since this offset is directly after all fixed field offsets.
// All other variable length fields will be computed when writing the
// data to disk and the respective VOA[i] will be written to disk too.
// The fixed fields are processed after all variable length fields.
// Fixed field offsets are relative offsets added to the VOA[0]
// value read at runtime. This is to support add column in a lazy
// fashion (ie. added columns only exist when data is actually
// inserted and not for old data).
NABoolean alignedFormat = (tf == SQLMX_ALIGNED_FORMAT);
UInt32 voaIdxOff = startOffset;
UInt32 varLen = 0;
UInt32 i = 0;
UInt32 nullableCnt = 0; // assign a bit for each nullable field
Int16 nullIndLen = (Int16)(alignedFormat ? 0 : NULL_INDICATOR_LENGTH);
Int16 varIndLen = (Int16)(alignedFormat
? (Int16) ExpAlignedFormat::OFFSET_SIZE
UInt32 voaSz = (alignedFormat
? ExpAlignedFormat::OFFSET_SIZE
: ExpVoaSize);
// Keep a handle on the first variable length field.
Attributes *firstVarField = NULL;
// Lists to accumulate fixed and variable fields so we can process
// them in their respective groups.
// GU attributes are materialized view columns that are projected out
// during an update.
// Variable length fields get their VOA offset set here too.
NAList<UInt32> fixedColumns(NULL,10);
NAList<UInt32> varFields(NULL,10);
NAList<UInt32> guFields(NULL,3);
NAList<UInt32> *fixedFields = &fixedColumns;
*rtnFlags = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < num_attrs; i++ )
// set format in attrs
if (attrs[i]->getNullFlag())
// Aligned format has the null bitmap at the start of the data
// thus the length is 0 for each field.
// The null indicator offset will be the offset to the bitmap
// within the data record. The actual bit index within the bitmap
// will be stored in a new field.
attrs[i]->setNullIndicatorLength( nullIndLen );
// all fields except char/varchar fields may need to be aligned
// at runtime
if ((attrs[i]->getDatatype() < REC_MIN_CHARACTER) ||
(attrs[i]->getDatatype() > REC_MAX_CHARACTER))
// Handle variable length fields. Some varchars (aggregates)
// are treated as a fixed field if the forceFixed flag is
// set.
if ( attrs[i]->getVCIndicatorLength() > 0 && !attrs[i]->isForceFixed())
// Variable length fields get their VOA offset set here,
// and the first variable field is saved since this variable
// fields offset can be calculated and set, where as accessing
// all other variable fields is done via their VOA offset.
if (firstVarField == NULL)
firstVarField = attrs[i];
*rtnFlags |= ExpTupleDesc::VAR_FIELD_PRESENT;
// Different size for Packed and Aligned formats ...
attrs[i]->setVCIndicatorLength( varIndLen );
voaIdxOff += voaSz;
// get the total storage space (Null and VC ind. len's)
varLen += attrs[i]->getStorageLength();
else if ( attrs[i]->getVCIndicatorLength() > 0 && attrs[i]->isForceFixed())
// Varchars that are forceFixed are treated as fixed fields.
// Different size for Packed and Aligned formats ...
attrs[i]->setVCIndicatorLength( varIndLen );
else if (attrs[i]->isGuOutput())
else // have a fixed field, add it to list to process next
if (attrs[i]->isAddedCol())
*rtnFlags |= ExpTupleDesc::ADDED_COLUMN;
// If the added column is nullable and using Aligned format,
// then there's the possibility that the key may have shifted
// since the bitmap array may need to grow to accomodate this.
// This is very conservative approach and we can fine-tune this
// by counting the number of nullable columns and only when the
// null bitmap array needs to grow set this flag.
// OR if the added column is a varchar then the key may be shifted
// for short rows. This is true for both formats.
// OR if this is the first fixed field and it is an added column
// then the key was a varchar and thus it is shifted now.
if ( (attrs[i]->getNullFlag() && alignedFormat) ||
(attrs[i]->getVCIndicatorLength() > 0) ||
(fixedFields->entries() == 1) )
*rtnFlags |= ExpTupleDesc::KEY_SHIFT;
if (varSizePtr != NULL)
*varSizePtr = varLen;
if ( alignedFormat )
// This call destructively rearranges the list of fixed fields.
orderFixedFieldsByAlignment( attrs, fixedFields);
// No variable fields present so adjust the first fixed for the
// pad bytes.
if ( (NULL != hdrInfo) && (varFields.entries() == 0) )
adjustFirstFixed = TRUE;
// Next, set the offsets for the accumulated fixed length fields.
// The offset values are absolute offsets from the beginning of the
// record.
// Also setup a relative offset for Add Column support. The relative
// offset is used to determine if there are missing added column values.
// This relative offset is relative to VOA[0] (the first fixed offset).
Attributes *field = NULL;
UInt32 firstField = ExpOffsetMax;
UInt32 fieldIdx = 0;
UInt32 prevIdx = ExpOffsetMax;
UInt16 nullBitIdx = 0;
UInt32 bitmapOffset= 0; // bitmap offset value
UInt32 hdrSz; // size in bytes of header
UInt32 fixedOffset; // first fixed offset value
Int32 ffAlignSize = (fixedFields->entries()
? attrs[fixedFields->at(0)]->getDataAlignmentSize()
: -1);
fixedOffset = computeFirstFixedOffset(ffAlignSize, startOffset,
voaIdxOff, tf,
nullableCnt, hdrInfo,
hdrSz, bitmapOffset);
if (headerSizePtr)
*headerSizePtr = fixedOffset;
// Set offsets for all the fixed fields ...
while( fixedFields->entries() )
fixedFields->getFirst( fieldIdx );
// Set offsets for all the variable length fields ...
firstField = ExpOffsetMax;
while( varFields.entries() )
varFields.getFirst( fieldIdx );
field = attrs[fieldIdx];
if (prevIdx != ExpOffsetMax)
// bump each voa offset by the header size
field->setVoaOffset( hdrSz + field->getVoaOffset() );
// The first variable length field handled like a fixed field
// since the offset can be computed at compile time.
if (firstField == ExpOffsetMax)
UInt32 firstVarOffset;
firstField = fieldIdx;
// set the first variable length field's offset to a
// valid offset (at the end of all fixed fields)
firstVarOffset = fixedOffset;
if (field->getNullFlag() && (NOT alignedFormat) )
field->setNullIndOffset( firstVarOffset );
firstVarOffset += field->getNullIndicatorLength();
firstVarOffset += field->getVCIndicatorLength();
if ( field->getNullFlag() && alignedFormat )
// Each nullable field in the aligned format
// has the same null indicator offset that
// points to the start of the bitmap and a bit within
// the null bitmap that is set if the field is null.
field->setNullBitIndex( nullBitIdx++ );
field->setNullIndOffset( bitmapOffset );
prevIdx = fieldIdx;
// Repeat the fixed field treatment for GuOutput fields.
while( guFields.entries() )
guFields.getFirst( fieldIdx );
computeOffsetOfFixedField(attrs, fieldIdx, bitmapOffset, fixedOffset,
firstField, prevIdx, nullBitIdx);
// add in the max length of exploded variable length fields
// since we must allocate space for maximum field values
offset = fixedOffset + varLen;
// Align format may have to pad the record out 1 - 3 bytes to
// ensure each record starts on a 4-byte boundary.
if (alignedFormat)
if (adjustFirstFixed)
offset = hdrInfo->adjustFirstFixed( offset );
offset = ADJUST(offset, ExpAlignedFormat::ALIGNMENT);
nullBitIdx = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < num_attrs; i++ )
if (attrs[i]->getNullFlag())
attrs[i]->setNullBitIndex(nullBitIdx++ );
if(fixedFields->entries() &&
((*rtnFlags & ADDED_COLUMN) > 0))
*rtnFlags |= ExpTupleDesc::ADDED_FIXED_PRESENT;
#if defined( LOG_OFFSETS )
fprintf(stderr, "RowLen: %d \n", offset);
for(Int32 k = 0; k < (Int32)num_attrs; k++)
Attributes *attr = attrs[k];
" Attr(%d): dataType: %d nullable: %d variable: %d "
"offset: %d voaOff: %d align: %d\n",
k, attr->getDatatype(), attr->getNullFlag(),
(attr->getVCIndicatorLength() > 0 ? 1 : 0), attr->getOffset(),
attr->getVoaOffset(), attr->getDataAlignmentSize());
} // switch tf
datalen = offset - startOffset;
return 0;
UInt32 ExpTupleDesc::sqlarkExplodedOffsets(
UInt32 offset,
UInt32 length,
Int16 dataType,
NABoolean isNullable,
UInt32 * nullIndicatorOffset,
UInt32 * vcIndicatorOffset,
UInt32 vcIndicatorSize)
if (isNullable)
offset = ADJUST(offset, ExpTupleDesc::NULL_INDICATOR_LENGTH);
if (nullIndicatorOffset)
*nullIndicatorOffset = offset;
offset += ExpTupleDesc::NULL_INDICATOR_LENGTH;
if (DFS2REC::isAnyVarChar(dataType))
offset = ADJUST(offset, vcIndicatorSize);
if (vcIndicatorOffset)
*vcIndicatorOffset = offset;
offset += vcIndicatorSize;
// column value alignment
if (DFS2REC::isNumeric(dataType))
offset = ADJUST(offset, length);
return offset;
Long ExpTupleDesc::pack(void * space)
if (! packed())
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
if (attrs_) attrs_.pack(space, numAttrs_);
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
flags_ |= PACKED;
return NAVersionedObject::pack(space);
Int32 ExpTupleDesc::unpack(void * base, void * reallocator)
if (packed())
if (attrs_)
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
if (attrs_.unpack(base, numAttrs_, reallocator)) return -1;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
flags_ &= ~PACKED;
return NAVersionedObject::unpack(base, reallocator);
Int16 ExpTupleDesc::operator==(ExpTupleDesc * other)
if ((numAttrs_ != other->numAttrs_) ||
(tupleDataFormat_ != other->tupleDataFormat_))
return 0;
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < numAttrs_; i++)
if (! (*getAttr(i) == *other->getAttr(i)))
return 0;
return -1;
// assigns the atp and atp_index value to all attributes
void ExpTupleDesc::assignAtpAndIndex(Int16 atp, Int16 atp_index)
// attributes must be unpacked before they could be referenced
if ((attrs_) && (! packed()))
for (UInt32 i=0; i < numAttrs_; i++)
void ExpTupleDesc::display(const char* title)
if (title)
cout << title;
cout << "ExpTupleDesc::display()";
cout << endl;
UInt32 attrs = numAttrs();
cout << "this=" << this << ", num of attrs=" << attrs << endl;
for (Int32 j=0; j<attrs; j++) {
Attributes* attr = getAttr(j);
Int16 dt = attr->getDatatype();
UInt32 len = attr->getLength();
cout << j << "th attr: dt=" << dt << ", len=" << len << endl;