blob: 17129cf14948ddf59640e4d5f310a32c605e1cf8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: <file>
* Description: Expression clauses for functions, like string or datetime
* functions
* Created: 7/10/95
* Language: C++
#include "exp_clause.h"
#include "exp_clause_derived.h"
#include "dfs2rec.h"
#include "exp_dp2_expr.h"
#include "SequenceGeneratorAttributes.h"
#pragma warning ( disable : 4251 )
class ex_function_clause;
// Both op1 and op2 are unsigned long.
// 3 bit left circular shift op1, and xor with op2.
// If (op1 << 3) has sign bit on, clear it and toggle one other bit
// by xor with 0x80000002.
// op2 remains intact.
// result and op2 have the identical sign bit value.
#define EXP_SHIFT31_XOR(op1, op2) \
( ((op1) & 0x10000000) ? \
( ( ((op1) << 3) | ((op1) >> 29) ) ^ 0x80000002 ^ (op2) ) : \
( ( ((op1) << 3) | ((op1) >> 29) ) ^ (op2) ) \
// Both op1 and op2 are unsigned short
#define EXP_SHIFT15_XOR(op1, op2) \
( ((op1) & 0x1000) ? \
( ( ((op1) << 3) | ((op1) >> 13) ) ^ 0x8002 ^ (op2) ) : \
( ( ((op1) << 3) | ((op1) >> 13) ) ^ (op2) ) \
#define EXP_SCRAMBLE 0x35
#define MAX_IPV4_STRING_LEN 15
#define MAX_IPV6_STRING_LEN 8 * 4 + 7
#define IPV6_PARTS_NUM 8
SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC NA_EIDPROC UInt32 FastHash(char *data, Int32 length);
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionAscii : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionAscii(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionAscii();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// class ExAuditImage
// This function clause implements the AuditImage ItemExpr. It generates
// the audit row image by evaluating the expression(ex_expr) stored in
// its data member auditImageContainerExpr_. This clause also sets the
// length of audit row image on to the length field of the return value.
// The data members of this class are:
// ExpDP2ExprPtr auditImageContainerExpr_: This ExpDp2Expr object contains the ex_expr
// that creates the audit row image.
// This ex_expr is generated by the
// generateContiguousMoveExpr
// This node is a leaf node.
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExAuditImage : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExAuditImage(Attributes **attr,
Space *space,
ExpDP2ExprPtr auditImageContainerExpr
NA_EIDPROC ExAuditImage();
// This is where all the work is done.
ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[],
CollHeap *,
ComDiagsArea** diagsArea = 0);
Long pack(void *space);
NA_EIDPROC Lng32 unpack(void *, void * reallocator);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type fixup(Space * space = 0,
CollHeap * exHeap = 0,
char * constants_area = 0,
char * temps_area = 0,
char * persistentArea = 0,
short = 0,
NABoolean spaceCompOnly = FALSE);
// Cuttrently we are not going to generate PCODE. The spec. calls for
// generating PCODE if time permits. So, commenting it out instead of
// deleting it.
// NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space);
NA_EIDPROC void displayContents(Space * space, const char * displayStr,
Int32 clauseNum, char * constsArea);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ExpDP2ExprPtr auditImageContainerExpr_; // 00-07
char fillers_[8]; // 08-15
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionChar : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionChar(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionChar();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionConvertHex : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionConvertHex(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionConvertHex();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionRepeat : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionRepeat(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionRepeat();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionReplace : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionReplace(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionReplace();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// collation
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC CharInfo::Collation getCollation()
return (CharInfo::Collation) collation_;
NA_EIDPROC void setCollation( CharInfo::Collation c)
collation_ = (Int16) c;
NA_EIDPROC Int16 getArgEncodedLen( Int16 i)
assert(i <2 && i>=0);
return argsEncodedLen_[i];
NA_EIDPROC void setArgEncodedLen( Int16 v, Int16 i)
assert(i <2 && i>=0);
argsEncodedLen_[i] = v;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
Int16 collation_;
Int16 argsEncodedLen_[2];
char fillers_[2];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_char_length : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_char_length(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_char_length();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_oct_length : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_oct_length(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_oct_length();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_char_length_doublebyte :
public ex_function_clause
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_char_length_doublebyte(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_char_length_doublebyte();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_position : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_position(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_position();
// Routine to find position of pattern string within
// source string. For use with ISO88591 chars only.
// Caller is to verify that lengths are > 0. This
// function does check, however, to see if the pattern
// length is <= the source length.
// Furthermore, this function takes a boolean flag
// called "patternInFront" which indicates that the
// caller only wants to check if the pattern resides at
// the beginning of the string (and not waste time
// checking the entire string). This is used by LIKE
// clauses.
Int32 findPosition(char* pat,
Int32 patLen,
char* src,
Int32 srcLen,
NABoolean patternInFront);
// If searchLen is <= 0 or searchLen > sourceLen or
// searchStr is not present in sourceStr,
// return a position of 0;
// otherwise return the position of searchStr in
// sourceStr.
Lng32 findPosition(char * sourceStr,
Lng32 sourceLen,
char * searchStr,
Lng32 searchLen,
short bytesPerChar = 1,
Int16 nPasses = 1,
CharInfo::Collation collation = CharInfo::DefaultCollation,
short charOffsetFlag = 0,
CharInfo::CharSet cs = CharInfo::ISO88591);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// collation.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC CharInfo::Collation getCollation()
return (CharInfo::Collation) collation_;
NA_EIDPROC void setCollation(CharInfo::Collation v)
collation_ = (Int16) v;
Int16 collation_;
char fillers_[6]; //
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_position_doublebyte :
public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_position_doublebyte(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_position_doublebyte();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_concat : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_concat(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_concat();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_lower : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_lower(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_lower();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_lower_unicode : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_lower_unicode(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_lower_unicode();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_upper : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_upper(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_upper();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_upper_unicode : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_upper_unicode(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_upper_unicode();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_substring : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_substring(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
short num_operands,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_substring();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_trim : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_trim(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space, Int32 mode);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_trim() {};
NA_EIDPROC inline Int32 getTrimMode() const {return mode_;}
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0) = 0;
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *) = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// collation
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC CharInfo::Collation getCollation()
return (CharInfo::Collation) collation_;
NA_EIDPROC void setCollation( CharInfo::Collation c)
collation_ = (Int16) c;
NA_EIDPROC Int16 getSrcStrEncodedLength()
return srcStrEncodedLength_;
NA_EIDPROC void setSrcStrEncodedLength( Int16 v)
srcStrEncodedLength_ = v;
NA_EIDPROC Int16 getTrimCharEncodedLength()
return trimCharEncodedLength_;
NA_EIDPROC void setTrimCharEncodedLength( Int16 v)
trimCharEncodedLength_ = v;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 mode_; //00-03
Int16 collation_; //04-05
Int16 srcStrEncodedLength_; //06-07
Int16 trimCharEncodedLength_; //08-09
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fillers for potential future extensions without changing class size.
// When a new member is added, size of this filler should be reduced so
// that the size of the object remains the same (and is modulo 8).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
char fillers_[6]; // 10-15
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_trim_char : public ex_function_trim {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_trim_char(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space, Int32 mode);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_trim_char();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionCrc32: public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionCrc32(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionCrc32();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionSha: public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionSha(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionSha();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionSha2: public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionSha2(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space,
Lng32 mode);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionSha2();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 mode;
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionSoundex: public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionSoundex(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionSoundex();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionMd5: public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionMd5(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionMd5();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionIsIP : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionIsIP(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionIsIP();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionInetAton: public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionInetAton(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionInetAton();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionInetNtoa: public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionInetNtoa(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionInetNtoa();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionAESEncrypt : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionAESEncrypt(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space,
int args_num,
Int32 aes_mode);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionAESEncrypt();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_datap[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 aes_mode;
Int32 args_num;
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionAESDecrypt : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionAESDecrypt(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space *space,
int args_num,
Int32 aes_mode);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionAESDecrypt();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea ** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 aes_mode;
Int32 args_num;
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionTokenStr : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionTokenStr(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionTokenStr();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_trim_doublebyte : public ex_function_trim {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_trim_doublebyte(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space, Int32 mode);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_trim_doublebyte();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_current : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_current(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_current();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ++ Triggers -
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_unique_execute_id : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_unique_execute_id(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_unique_execute_id();
// this eval is dummy, the value is set in ex_root
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0){ return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;};
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ++ Triggers -
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_get_triggers_status : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_get_triggers_status(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_get_triggers_status();
// this eval is dummy, the value is set in ex_root
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0){ return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;};
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ++ Triggers -
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_get_bit_value_at : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_get_bit_value_at(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_get_bit_value_at();
// this eval is dummy, the value is set in ex_root
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ++ MV
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_is_bitwise_and_true : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_is_bitwise_and_true(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_is_bitwise_and_true();
// this eval is dummy, the value is set in ex_root
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_substring_doublebyte: public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_substring_doublebyte(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
short num_operands,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_substring_doublebyte();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_translate : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_translate (OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space, Int32 conv_type);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_translate () {};
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC Int32 get_conv_type() { return conv_type_; };
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 conv_type_; // 00-03
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fillers for potential future extensions without changing class size.
// When a new member is added, size of this filler should be reduced so
// that the size of the object remains the same (and is modulo 8).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
char fillers_[4]; // 04-07
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_encode : public ex_function_clause {
// Construction
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_encode();
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_encode(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space,
short descFlag = 0);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_encode(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space,
CharInfo::Collation collation = CharInfo::DefaultCollation,
short descFlag = 0,
CollationInfo::CollationType collType = CollationInfo::Sort);
// Null Semantics
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullInNullOut() const { return 0; };
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullRelevant() const { return 1; };
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type processNulls(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
// Execution
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isEvalRelevant() const { return 1; };
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
// Fixup
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
// Helpers
NA_EIDPROC static void encodeKeyValue(Attributes * attr,
const char *source,
const char *varlen_ptr,
char *target,
NABoolean isCaseInsensitive,
Attributes * tgtAttr = NULL,
char *tgt_varlen_ptr = NULL,
const Int32 tgtLength = 0,
CharInfo::Collation collation = CharInfo::DefaultCollation,
CollationInfo::CollationType collType = CollationInfo::Sort);
NA_EIDPROC static void encodeCollationKey(const UInt8 * src,
Int32 srcLength,
UInt8 * encodedKey,
const Int32 encodedKeyLength,
Int16 nPasses,
CharInfo::Collation collation = CharInfo::DefaultCollation,
NABoolean rmTSpaces = TRUE);
NA_EIDPROC static void encodeCollationSearchKey(
const UInt8 * src,
Int32 srcLength,
UInt8 * encodedKey,
const Int32 encodedKeyLength,
Int32 & effEncodedKeyLength,
Int16 nPasses,
CharInfo::Collation collation = CharInfo::DefaultCollation,
NABoolean rmTSpaces = TRUE);
ex_expr::exp_return_type evalDecode(char *op_data[],
CollHeap* heap);
NA_EIDPROC static short decodeKeyValue(Attributes * attr,
NABoolean isDesc,
char *source,
char *varlen_ptr,
char *target,
char *target_varlen_ptr,
NABoolean handleNullability);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC NABoolean isDesc()
return ((flags_ & IS_DESC) != 0);
NA_EIDPROC inline void setIsDesc(NABoolean v)
(v) ? flags_ |= IS_DESC: flags_ &= ~IS_DESC;
NA_EIDPROC NABoolean caseInsensitive()
return ((flags_ & CASE_INSENSITIVE) != 0);
NA_EIDPROC inline void setCaseInsensitive(NABoolean v)
(v) ? flags_ |= CASE_INSENSITIVE: flags_ &= ~CASE_INSENSITIVE;
NA_EIDPROC NABoolean regularNullability()
return ((flags_ & REGULAR_NULLABILITY) != 0);
NA_EIDPROC inline void setRegularNullability(NABoolean v)
NA_EIDPROC NABoolean isDecode()
return ((flags_ & IS_DECODE) != 0);
NA_EIDPROC inline void setIsDecode(NABoolean v)
(v) ? flags_ |= IS_DECODE: flags_ &= ~IS_DECODE;
NA_EIDPROC static unsigned char getCollationWeight(
CharInfo::Collation collation,
Int16 pass,
UInt16 chr) ;
NA_EIDPROC static void getCollationWeight(
CharInfo::Collation collation,
Int16 pass,
UInt16 chr,
UInt8 * weightStr,
Int16 & weightStrLen);
NA_EIDPROC CollationInfo::CollationType getCollEncodingType() const
return (CollationInfo::CollationType)CollEncodingType_;
NA_EIDPROC void setCollEncodingType(CollationInfo::CollationType v)
CollEncodingType_ = (UInt8)v;
NA_EIDPROC CharInfo::Collation getCollation() const
return (CharInfo::Collation) collation_;
NA_EIDPROC void setCollation(CharInfo::Collation v)
collation_ = (Int16)v;;
NA_EIDPROC static Int16 getNumberOfDigraphs(CharInfo::Collation collation);
NA_EIDPROC static UInt8 * getDigraph(const CharInfo::Collation collation, const Int32 digraphNum);
NA_EIDPROC static Int16 getDigraphIndex(const CharInfo::Collation collation, const Int32 digraphNum);
NA_EIDPROC static NABoolean getRmTSpaces(const CharInfo::Collation collation);
NA_EIDPROC static NABoolean getNumberOfChars(const CharInfo::Collation collation);
NA_EIDPROC static NABoolean isOneToOneCollation(const CharInfo::Collation collation);
// encode for case insensitive comparison for character datatypes.
IS_DESC = 0x0001,
IS_DECODE = 0x0008
Int16 flags_; // 00-01
Int16 collation_; //02-03
UInt8 CollEncodingType_; //04-04
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fillers for potential future extensions without changing class size.
// When a new member is added, size of this filler should be reduced so
// that the size of the object remains the same (and is modulo 8).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
char fillers_[3]; // 05-07
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: Collated_cmp()
// PURPOSE: Compare 2 strings using specified collation
// RETCODE: 0 - The two strings collate as EQUAL to each other
// < 0 if string1 < string2
// > 0 if string1 > string2
// INPUT: char *string1: Ptr to first string
// char *string2: Ptr to second string
// int length: Amt to compare (in bytes)
// CharInfo::Collation Collation: Enum value for Collation
// char *sortBuffer1 - buffer to hold encoded Collation Key 1
// char *sortBuffer2 - buffer to hold encoded Collation Key 2
// NOTE: sortBuffer1 & sortBuffer2 MUST BE preallocated and big enough.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: No need to use NA_EIDPROC ... maybe in the future?
static Int32 Collated_cmp(char *string1, char *string2, Int32 length,
CharInfo::Collation Collation,
char *sortBuffer1, char *sortBuffer2)
Int16 nPasses = CollationInfo::getCollationNPasses(Collation);
Int32 encodeKeyBufLen = length * nPasses + 2 + nPasses;
ex_function_encode::encodeCollationKey( (const UInt8 *)string1,
(UInt8 *)sortBuffer1,
FALSE /*remove trailing spaces */
ex_function_encode::encodeCollationKey( (const UInt8 *)string2,
(UInt8 *)sortBuffer2,
FALSE /*remove trailing spaces */
return ( str_cmp(sortBuffer1, sortBuffer2, encodeKeyBufLen) );
//-- Czech collation info START
struct collationParams
Int16 numberOfPasses;
Int16 numberOfChars;
Int16 numberOfDigraphs;
Int16 numberOfLigatures;
NABoolean rmTSpaces; // for varchar. for char we trim Tspaces
UInt8 digraphs[10][2];
Int16 digraphIdx[10];
UInt8 weightTable[4][300]; // need to change 4 to collationInfo::maxNbrePAsses after defining it in charinfo.h
typedef struct collationParams CollationParams;
static const CollationParams collParams[3]=
2, //collationNPasses[0],
{256, 257, 258},
//XCZECH weights
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247,
248, 249, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50,
55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90,
95, 98, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 122,
125, 130, 135, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50,
55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90,
95, 98, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 122,
125, 130, 135, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 20, 0, 75, 0, 75, 105, 0,
0, 107, 105, 110, 135, 0, 138, 135,
0, 20, 0, 75, 0, 75, 105, 0,
0, 107, 105, 110, 135, 0, 138, 135,
100, 20, 20, 20, 20, 75, 30, 30,
32, 40, 40, 40, 40, 60, 60, 35,
35, 85, 85, 90, 90, 90, 90, 0,
102, 115, 115, 115, 115, 130, 110, 105,
100, 20, 20, 20, 20, 75, 30, 30,
32, 40, 40, 40, 40, 60, 60, 35,
35, 85, 85, 90, 90, 90, 90, 0,
102, 115, 115, 115, 115, 130, 110, 0,
57, 57, 57}
{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
1, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,
40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63,
64, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95,
96, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127,
128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135,
136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143,
144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151,
152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159,
160, 28, 216, 32, 164, 14, 5, 167,
168, 14, 26, 14, 4, 173, 14, 22,
176, 27, 219, 31, 180, 13, 4, 199,
184, 13, 25, 13, 3, 221, 13, 21,
4, 4, 12, 16, 10, 4, 22, 26,
14, 4, 28, 22, 14, 4, 8, 14,
32, 22, 14, 4, 8, 18, 10, 215,
14, 6, 4, 18, 10, 4, 26, 1,
3, 3, 11, 15, 9, 3, 21, 25,
13, 3, 27, 21, 13, 3, 7, 13,
31, 21, 13, 3, 7, 17, 9, 247,
13, 5, 3, 17, 9, 3, 25, 217,
1, 2, 3}
2, //collationNPasses[1],
{256, 257, 258},
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247,
248, 249, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50,
55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90,
95, 98, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 122,
125, 130, 135, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50,
55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90,
95, 98, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 122,
125, 130, 135, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 20, 0, 75, 0, 75, 105, 0,
0, 107, 105, 110, 135, 0, 138, 135,
0, 20, 0, 75, 0, 75, 105, 0,
0, 107, 105, 110, 135, 0, 138, 135,
100, 20, 20, 20, 20, 75, 30, 30,
32, 40, 40, 40, 40, 60, 60, 35,
35, 85, 85, 90, 90, 90, 90, 0,
102, 115, 115, 115, 115, 130, 110, 105,
100, 20, 20, 20, 20, 75, 30, 30,
32, 40, 40, 40, 40, 60, 60, 35,
35, 85, 85, 90, 90, 90, 90, 0,
102, 115, 115, 115, 115, 130, 110, 0,
57, 57, 57}
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
1, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,
40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63,
64, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95,
96, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127,
128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135,
136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143,
144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151,
152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159,
160, 27, 216, 31, 164, 13, 3, 167,
168, 13, 25, 13, 3, 173, 13, 21,
176, 27, 219, 31, 180, 13, 3, 199,
184, 13, 25, 13, 3, 221, 13, 21,
3, 3, 11, 15, 9, 3, 21, 25,
13, 3, 27, 21, 13, 3, 7, 13,
31, 21, 13, 3, 7, 17, 9, 215,
13, 5, 3, 17, 9, 3, 25, 0,
3, 3, 11, 15, 9, 3, 21, 25,
13, 3, 27, 21, 13, 3, 7, 13,
31, 21, 13, 3, 7, 17, 9, 247,
13, 5, 3, 17, 9, 3, 25, 217,
1, 1, 1}
{ // Czech standard
4, //collationNPasses[2],
{256, 257, 258},
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43,
44, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31,
32, 33, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31,
32, 33, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
48, 53, 53, 55, 53, 53, 55, 55,
53, 55, 53, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55,
46, 54, 54, 56, 54, 56, 56, 56,
54, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56,
4, 5, 0, 18, 0, 18, 26, 0,
0, 27, 26, 28, 34, 0, 35, 34,
0, 5, 0, 18, 0, 18, 26, 0,
0, 27, 26, 28, 34, 0, 35, 34,
24, 5, 5, 5, 5, 18, 7, 7,
8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 15, 15, 9,
9, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 0,
25, 29, 29, 29, 29, 33, 28, 26,
24, 5, 5, 5, 5, 18, 7, 7,
8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 15, 15, 9,
9, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 0,
25, 29, 29, 29, 29, 33, 28, 0,
14, 14, 14}
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
4, 6, 0, 4, 0, 3, 3, 0,
0, 1, 4, 2, 2, 0, 1, 3,
0, 6, 0, 4, 0, 3, 3, 0,
0, 1, 4, 2, 2, 0, 1, 3,
2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 2, 3,
1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 2, 3, 3,
2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 5, 4, 0,
1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 2, 3, 1,
2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 2, 3,
1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 2, 3, 3,
2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 5, 4, 0,
1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 2, 3, 0,
1, 1, 1}
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 7, 3, 1, 4, 2, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27,
6, 4, 5, 3, 6, 2, 1, 5,
3, 4, 1, 8, 2, 6, 7, 9,
8, 2, 3, 5, 4, 2, 3, 7,
1, 6, 1, 10, 4, 8, 9, 11,
6, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 2, 0,
0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2,
0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
1, 2, 3}
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
255, 10, 14, 64, 52, 48, 44, 74,
28, 30, 66, 62, 4, 18, 2, 24,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 12, 6, 36, 60, 38, 8,
58, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 32, 26, 34, 84, 56,
76, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 40, 22, 42, 78, 255,
54, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
16, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 86, 255, 50, 255, 255, 46,
90, 255, 255, 255, 255, 20, 255, 255,
72, 255, 94, 255, 82, 255, 255, 88,
96, 255, 255, 255, 255, 92, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 68,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 70,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 80,
255, 255, 255}
//-- Czech collation info END
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_explode_varchar : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_explode_varchar(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
short num_operands,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space,
NABoolean forInsert);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_explode_varchar();
// Null Semantics
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullInNullOut() const { return 0; };
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullRelevant() const { return 1; };
// Execution
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isEvalRelevant() const { return 1; };
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC virtual ex_expr::exp_return_type processNulls(char *op_data[],
CollHeap * = 0,
ComDiagsArea ** = 0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 forInsert_; // 00-03
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fillers for potential future extensions without changing class size.
// When a new member is added, size of this filler should be reduced so
// that the size of the object remains the same (and is modulo 8).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
char fillers_[4]; // 04-07
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_hash : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_hash(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_hash();
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullInNullOut() const { return 0; };
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullRelevant() const { return 0; };
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fillers for potential future extensions without changing class size.
// When a new member is added, size of this filler should be reduced so
// that the size of the object remains the same (and is modulo 8).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
char fillers_[8]; // 00-07
NA_EIDPROC ULng32 HashHash(ULng32 inValue);
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_hivehash : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_hivehash(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_hivehash();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f)
{ return ex_clause::pCodeGenerate(space, f); };
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID() { return 1; }
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
NA_EIDPROC virtual Lng32 hashForCharType(char*, Lng32);
char fillers_[8]; // 00-07
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExHashComb : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExHashComb(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExHashComb();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExHiveHashComb : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExHiveHashComb(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExHiveHashComb();
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID() { return 1; }
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f)
{ return ex_clause::pCodeGenerate(space, f); };
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// 256 pregenerated randome 32-bit values.
// Do not edit.
static const ULng32 randomHashValues[256] = {
0x905ebe29, 0x95ff0b84, 0xe5357ed6, 0x2cffae90,
0x8350b3f1, 0x1748a7eb, 0x2a0695db, 0x1e7ca00c,
0x60f80c24, 0x9a41fe1c, 0xa985a647, 0x0ed7e512,
0xcd34ef43, 0xe06325a6, 0xecbf735a, 0x76540d38,
0x35cba55d, 0xff539efc, 0x64545d45, 0xd7112c0d,
0x17e09e1c, 0x02359d32, 0x45976350, 0xd630a578,
0x34cd0c12, 0x754546f6, 0x1bf4f249, 0xbc65c34f,
0x5c932f44, 0x6cb0d8d0, 0xfd0e7030, 0x2b160e3b,
0x101daff6, 0x25bbcb9d, 0xe7eca21f, 0x6d3b24ca,
0xaef7e6b9, 0xd212f049, 0x2de2817e, 0x2792bcd5,
0x67f794b2, 0xaec6f7cc, 0x79a3e367, 0xd5a85114,
0xa98ecc2d, 0xf373e266, 0x58ae2757, 0xd8faa0ff,
0x45e7eb61, 0xbd72ba1e, 0xc28f6b16, 0x804bc2e6,
0xfed74984, 0x881cd177, 0xa02647e8, 0xd799d053,
0xbe143d12, 0x49177474, 0xbbc0c5f4, 0x99f7fe9f,
0x24fc1559, 0xce0925cf, 0x1dded5f4, 0x1d1a2cd3,
0xafe3ef48, 0x6fd5d075, 0x4a63bc1d, 0x93aa36c0,
0x2942d778, 0xb26a2444, 0x5616cc50, 0x7565c161,
0xa006197b, 0xee700b07, 0x4a236a82, 0x693db870,
0x9a919e64, 0x995b05b1, 0xd4659569, 0x90e45846,
0xbca11996, 0x3e345cd9, 0xb29a9967, 0x7e9e66f7,
0x9ce136d0, 0xcde74e76, 0xde56e4bb, 0xba4dc6ae,
0xf9d40779, 0x4e5c0bdb, 0xde14f9e5, 0x278f8745,
0x13ce0128, 0x8bb308f5, 0x4c41a359, 0x273d1927,
0x50338e76, 0xdfceb7c2, 0xf1b86f68, 0xc8b12d6a,
0xf4cb0e08, 0xa74b4b14, 0x81571c6a, 0xebc4a928,
0x1d6d5fd6, 0x7f4bbc87, 0x61ba542f, 0x9b06d11d,
0xb53ae1c1, 0xdcc2a6c0, 0x7f04f8a8, 0x8da9d186,
0xa168e054, 0x21ed0ce7, 0x9ca9e9d1, 0x0e01fb38,
0xd8b6b1d9, 0xb8d10266, 0x203a9de1, 0x37ba3ffe,
0x9fefb09f, 0x5e4cb3e2, 0xcecd03b4, 0xcc270838,
0xa1619089, 0x22995679, 0x6dcd6b78, 0x8c50f9b1,
0x1c354ada, 0x48a0f13e, 0xca7b4696, 0x5c1fe8bf,
0xdd0f433f, 0x8aa411f1, 0x149b2ee3, 0x181d16a1,
0x3b84b01d, 0xee745103, 0x0f230907, 0x663d1014,
0xd614181b, 0xb1b88cc9, 0x015f672c, 0x660ea636,
0x4107c7f3, 0x6f0d8afe, 0xf0aeffeb, 0x93b25fa0,
0x620c9075, 0x155a4d7e, 0x10fdbd73, 0xb162eabe,
0xaf9605db, 0xba35d441, 0xde327cfa, 0x15a6fd70,
0x0f2f4b54, 0xfb1b4995, 0xec092e68, 0x37ebade6,
0x850f63ca, 0xe72a879f, 0xc823f741, 0xc6f114b8,
0x74e461f6, 0x1d01ad14, 0xfe1ed7d3, 0x306b9444,
0x9ebd40a6, 0x3275b333, 0xa8540ca1, 0xeb8d394c,
0xa2aef54c, 0xf12d0705, 0x8974e70e, 0x59ae82cf,
0x32469aca, 0x973325d8, 0x27ba604d, 0x9aeb7827,
0xaf0af97c, 0x9783e6f8, 0xe0725a87, 0x2f02d864,
0x717a0587, 0x0c90d7b0, 0x6828b84e, 0xba08ebe7,
0x65cf8360, 0x63132f80, 0xbb8d4a41, 0xbd5b8b41,
0x459f019f, 0x5e68369f, 0xe855f000, 0xa79a634c,
0x172c7704, 0x07337ab3, 0xb2926453, 0x11084c8a,
0x328689ca, 0xa7e3efcf, 0x8b9a5695, 0x76b65bbe,
0x87bb5a2a, 0x5f73e6ad, 0xcf59b265, 0x4fe46ec9,
0x52561232, 0x70db002c, 0xc21d1b8f, 0xd7ceb1c6,
0xff4a97c8, 0xdd21c90b, 0x48c14c38, 0x64262c68,
0x74c5d3f9, 0x66bf60e7, 0xce804348, 0x98585792,
0x7619fc86, 0x91de3f72, 0x57f5191c, 0x576d9737,
0x5f4535b0, 0xb9ee8ef5, 0x2e9eff6c, 0xc7c9f874,
0xe6ac0843, 0xd93b8c08, 0x2f34a779, 0x407799eb,
0x2b9904e0, 0x14bb018f, 0x1fcf367b, 0x7975c362,
0xba31448f, 0xa59286f7, 0x1255244a, 0xd685169b,
0xc791ec84, 0x3b5461b1, 0x4822924a, 0x26d86175,
0x596e6b2f, 0x6a157bef, 0x8bc98a9b, 0xa8220343,
0x91eaad8a, 0x42b89a9e, 0x7c9b5f81, 0xb5f9ec6c,
0xd999ef9e, 0xa547f6a3, 0xc391f010, 0xe9d8bb43
// The following two classes (ExHDPHash and ExHDPHashComb) are used by
// the HashDistPartitioningFunction. They are isolated from the other
// general purpose versions of these functions so that they won't be
// inadvertently altered. Any changes these functions that results in
// a different runtime behavior will cause existing hash partitioned
// tables to be invalid.
// Hash Function used by Hash Partitioning. This function cannot
// change once Hash Partitioning is released! Defined for all data
// types, returns a 32 bit non-nullable hash value for the data item.
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExHDPHash : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExHDPHash(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NO_FLAGS = 0x0000,
SWAP_TWO = 0x0001,
SWAP_FOUR = 0x0002,
SWAP_EIGHT = 0x0004,
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullInNullOut() const { return 0; };
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullRelevant() const { return 0; };
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
NA_EIDPROC static ULng32 hash(const char *data, UInt32 flags, Int32 length);
NA_EIDPROC static UInt64 hashP(const unsigned char *src1,
const unsigned char *src2,
Int32 len1, Int32 len2)
Int32 i = 0;
ULng32 hash1 = 0;
ULng32 hash2 = 0;
// Loop over all the bytes of the value and compute the hash value.
for(; i < len1; i++) {
// Make sure the hashValue is sensitive to the byte position.
// One bit circular shift.
hash1 = (hash1 << 1 | hash1 >> 31);
hash2 = (hash2 << 1 | hash2 >> 31);
hash1 = hash1 ^ randomHashValues[*src1++];
hash2 = hash2 ^ randomHashValues[*src2++];
for(; i < len2; i++) {
hash2 = (hash2 << 1 | hash2 >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*src2++];
return (((UInt64)hash1 << 32) | hash2);
// Hash an 8 byte long key
NA_EIDPROC static ULng32 hash8(const char *data, UInt32 flags)
unsigned char *valp = (unsigned char *)data;
ULng32 hashValue = 0;
switch(flags) {
case NO_FLAGS:
hashValue = randomHashValues[*valp++];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*valp++];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*valp++];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*valp++];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*valp++];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*valp++];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*valp++];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*valp++];
case SWAP_TWO:
hashValue = randomHashValues[*(valp+1)];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*(valp+0)];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*(valp+3)];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*(valp+2)];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*(valp+5)];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*(valp+4)];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*(valp+7)];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*(valp+6)];
valp += 8;
hashValue = randomHashValues[*--valp];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*--valp];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*--valp];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*--valp];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*--valp];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*--valp];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*--valp];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*--valp];
return hashValue;
// Hash a 4-byte long key
NA_EIDPROC static ULng32 hash4(const char *data, UInt32 flags)
unsigned char *valp = (unsigned char *)data;
ULng32 hashValue = 0;
switch(flags) {
case NO_FLAGS:
hashValue = randomHashValues[*valp++];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*valp++];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*valp++];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*valp++];
case SWAP_TWO:
hashValue = randomHashValues[*(valp+1)];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*(valp+0)];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*(valp+3)];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*(valp+2)];
valp += 4;
hashValue = randomHashValues[*--valp];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*--valp];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*--valp];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*--valp];
return hashValue;
// Hash a 2-byte long key
NA_EIDPROC static ULng32 hash2(const char *data, UInt32 flags)
unsigned char *valp = (unsigned char *)data;
ULng32 hashValue = 0;
switch(flags) {
case NO_FLAGS:
hashValue = randomHashValues[*valp++];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*valp++];
case SWAP_TWO:
valp += 2;
hashValue = randomHashValues[*--valp];
hashValue = (hashValue << 1 | hashValue >> 31) ^ randomHashValues[*--valp];
return hashValue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
static const UInt32 nullHashValue = 666654765;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fillers for potential future extensions without changing class size.
// When a new member is added, size of this filler should be reduced so
// that the size of the object remains the same (and is modulo 8).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
char fillers_[8]; // 00-07
// This function is used to combine two hash values to produce a new
// hash value. Used by Hash Partitioning. This function cannot change
// once Hash Partitioning is released! Defined for all data types,
// returns a 32 bit non-nullable hash value for the data item.
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExHDPHashComb : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExHDPHashComb(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_replace_null : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_replace_null(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_replace_null();
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullInNullOut() const { return 0; };
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullRelevant() const { return 0; };
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type processNulls(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fillers for potential future extensions without changing class size.
// When a new member is added, size of this filler should be reduced so
// that the size of the object remains the same (and is modulo 8).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
char fillers_[8]; // 00-07
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_mod : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_mod(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_mod();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_mask : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_mask(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_mask();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionShift : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionShift(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionShift();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_bool : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_bool(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_bool() {}
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_converttimestamp : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_converttimestamp(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_converttimestamp();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_dateformat : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_dateformat(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space, Int32 dateformat);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_dateformat();
void displayContents(Space * space, const char * displayStr,
Int32 clauseNum, char * constsArea);
NA_EIDPROC inline Int32 getDateFormat() const { return dateformat_; }
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// formats defined in class ExpDatetime in exp/exp_datetime.h
Int32 dateformat_; // 00-03
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fillers for potential future extensions without changing class size.
// When a new member is added, size of this filler should be reduced so
// that the size of the object remains the same (and is modulo 8).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
char fillers_[4]; // 04-07
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_dayofweek : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_dayofweek(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_dayofweek();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_extract : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_extract(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space, rec_datetime_field extractField);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_extract();
NA_EIDPROC rec_datetime_field getExtractField() const
{ return (rec_datetime_field)extractField_; }
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Int16 /*rec_datetime_field*/ extractField_; // 00-01
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fillers for potential future extensions without changing class size.
// When a new member is added, size of this filler should be reduced so
// that the size of the object remains the same (and is modulo 8).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
char fillers_[6]; // 02-07
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_juliantimestamp : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_juliantimestamp(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_juliantimestamp();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_exec_count : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_exec_count(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_exec_count();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: keeping this count in the clause means that it is shared
// among all statements that refer to this expression (e.g.
// in a multi-threaded environment). The only problem with this
// is that a statement must not rely on the counts being
// the true number of executions. Each statement will still get
// a unique, increasing count each time it executes, but the
// number may sometimes increase by more than 1 between executions.
Int64 execCount_; // 00-07
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fillers for potential future extensions without changing class size.
// When a new member is added, size of this filler should be reduced so
// that the size of the object remains the same (and is modulo 8).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
char fillers_[8]; // 08-15
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_curr_transid : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_curr_transid(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_curr_transid();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper routines used by ansi_user::eval and MXUDR code to obtain
// CURRENT_USER or SESSION_USER value. Not used by DP2.
SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC short exp_function_get_user(
OperatorTypeEnum user_type,
char *userNameBuffer,
Lng32 inputBufferLength,
Lng32 *actualLength); // OUT optional
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_ansi_user : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_ansi_user(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_ansi_user();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_user : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_user(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_user();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExpRaiseErrorFunction : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExpRaiseErrorFunction (Attributes ** attr,
Space *space,
Lng32 sqlCode,
NABoolean raiseError = TRUE,
const char *constraintName=NULL,
const char *tableName=NULL,
const NABoolean hasStringExp=FALSE); // -- Triggers
NA_EIDPROC ExpRaiseErrorFunction();
//NA_EIDPROC isNullInNullOut() const { return 0;};
//NA_EIDPROC isNullRelevant() const {return 0;};
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC Lng32 unpack(void *, void * reallocator);
NA_EIDPROC Lng32 getSQLCODE() {return theSQLCODE_;};
NA_EIDPROC const char *getConstraintName() {return constraintName_;};
NA_EIDPROC void setConstraintName(const char * constraintName)
{ constraintName_ = (char*)constraintName;};
NA_EIDPROC const char *getTableName() {return tableName_;};
NA_EIDPROC void setTableName(const char * tableName)
{ tableName_ = (char*)tableName;};
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC inline NABoolean raiseError(void)
return ((flags_ & RAISE_ERROR) != 0);
NA_EIDPROC inline void setRaiseError(NABoolean v)
(v)? flags_ |= RAISE_ERROR: flags_ &= ~RAISE_ERROR;
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
RAISE_ERROR =0x00000001 // Raise Error if set, or it's warning
NABasicPtr /*const char* */ constraintName_; // 00-07
NABasicPtr /*const char* */ tableName_; // 08-15
Int32 theSQLCODE_; // 16-19
Int32 flags_; // 20-23
// TRUE, raise error. FALSE, raise warning.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fillers for potential future extensions without changing class size.
// When a new member is added, size of this filler should be reduced so
// that the size of the object remains the same (and is modulo 8).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
char fillers_[8]; // 24-31
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionSVariance : public ex_function_clause {
ExFunctionSVariance(Attributes **attr, Space *space);
ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[],
CollHeap *,
ComDiagsArea** diagsArea = 0);
Long pack(void *space);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionSStddev : public ex_function_clause {
ExFunctionSStddev(Attributes **attr, Space *space);
ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[],
CollHeap *,
ComDiagsArea** diagsArea = 0);
Long pack(void *space);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// class ExUnPackCol ----------------------------------------------
// This function clause implements the UnPackCol ItemExpr. It is used
// to extract column values from a packed row. The data members of
// this class are:
// long width_: The width of the data to be extracted (in BITS).
// long base_: The offset of the Data section of the packed row (in BYTES).
// nullsPresent_: If TRUE, a NULL Bitmap section of the packed row is
// present.
// This node has two children. The first is the source packed row and is
// of type char(n) not null, the second is the index into the packed row
// and is of type int not null.
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExUnPackCol : public ex_function_clause {
ExUnPackCol(Attributes **attr,
Space *space,
Lng32 width,
Lng32 base,
NABoolean nullsPresent);
// Null Semantics
// NullInNullOut also implies, NotNullInNotNullOut. Since
// this clause does not have NULL in, but can have NULL out,
// This method must return 0.
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullInNullOut() const { return 0; };
// This clause handles all NULL processing in the eval()
// method.
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullRelevant() const { return 0; };
// This is where all the work is done.
ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[],
CollHeap *,
ComDiagsArea** diagsArea = 0);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
// This is a different kind of packing, done to relocate the
// expressions.
Long pack(void *space);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC inline NABoolean nullsPresent(void) const
return ((flags_ & NULLS_PRESENT) != 0);
NA_EIDPROC inline void setNullsPresent(NABoolean v)
(v)? flags_ |= NULLS_PRESENT: flags_ &= ~NULLS_PRESENT;
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NULLS_PRESENT = 0x00000001 // Nulls present if set
// The width of the data to be extracted. (in BITS).
Int32 width_; // 00-03
// The offset to the Data section of the packed row (in BYTES).
Int32 base_; // 04-07
// If TRUE, a NULL Bitmap is present in the packed row.
Int32 flags_; // 08-11
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fillers for potential future extensions without changing class size.
// When a new member is added, size of this filler should be reduced so
// that the size of the object remains the same (and is modulo 8).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
char fillers_[4]; // 12-15
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionRandomNum : public ex_function_clause {
ExFunctionRandomNum(OperatorTypeEnum opType,
short num_operands,
NABoolean simpleRandom,
Attributes **attr, Space *space);
void genRand(char *op_data[]);
Lng32 getRand() { return seed_; };
virtual ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[],
CollHeap *,
ComDiagsArea** diagsArea = 0);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
Long pack(void *space);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void initSeed(char *op_data[]);
NABoolean simpleRandom() { return (flags_ & SIMPLE_RANDOM) != 0; }
Int32 seed_; // 00-03
Int16 flags_; // 04-05
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fillers for potential future extensions without changing class size.
// When a new member is added, size of this filler should be reduced so
// that the size of the object remains the same (and is modulo 8).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
char fillers_[2]; // 06-07
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionRandomSelection : public ExFunctionRandomNum {
ExFunctionRandomSelection (OperatorTypeEnum opType,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space,
float selProb
ExFunctionRandomSelection ();
virtual ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[],
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
Long pack(void *);
//TODO: when ready to require dp2 rebuild
//NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
void initDiff();
Float32 selProbability_; // 00-03
Int32 difference_; // 04-07
Int32 normProbability_; // 08-11
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fillers for potential future extensions without changing class size.
// When a new member is added, size of this filler should be reduced so
// that the size of the object remains the same (and is modulo 8).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
char fillers_[12]; // 12-23
// MV,
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionGenericUpdateOutput : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionGenericUpdateOutput(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionGenericUpdateOutput();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *space);
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ++ Triggers -
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionInternalTimestamp : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionInternalTimestamp(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionInternalTimestamp();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *space);
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExHash2Distrib : public ex_function_clause {
ExHash2Distrib(Attributes **attr, Space *space);
ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[],
CollHeap *,
ComDiagsArea** diagsArea = 0);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *space);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExProgDistrib : public ex_function_clause {
ExProgDistrib(Attributes **attr, Space *space);
ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[],
CollHeap *,
ComDiagsArea** diagsArea = 0);
Long pack(void *space);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExProgDistribKey : public ex_function_clause {
ExProgDistribKey(Attributes **attr, Space *space);
ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[],
CollHeap *,
ComDiagsArea** diagsArea = 0);
Long pack(void *space);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExPAGroup : public ex_function_clause {
ExPAGroup(Attributes **attr, Space *space);
ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[],
CollHeap *,
ComDiagsArea** diagsArea = 0);
Long pack(void *space);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionPack : public ex_function_clause
ExFunctionPack(Attributes** attr, Space* space, Lng32 width, Lng32 base,
NABoolean nullsPresent);
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullInNullOut() const { return 0; }
// Processing of null is in eval().
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullRelevant() const { return 0; }
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isEvalRelevant() const { return 1; }
// NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type processNulls(char *op_data[],
// CollHeap*,
// ComDiagsArea** = 0);
ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char* op_data[],
ComDiagsArea** diagsArea = 0);
Long pack(void* space);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC inline NABoolean nullsPresent(void)
return ((flags_ & NULLS_PRESENT) != 0);
NA_EIDPROC inline void setNullsPresent(NABoolean v)
(v)? flags_ |= NULLS_PRESENT: flags_ &= ~NULLS_PRESENT;
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NULLS_PRESENT = 0x00000001 // Nulls present if set
Int32 width_; // 00-03
Int32 base_; // 04-07
Int32 flags_; // 08-11
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fillers for potential future extensions without changing class size.
// When a new member is added, size of this filler should be reduced so
// that the size of the object remains the same (and is modulo 8).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
char fillers_[4]; // 12-15
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionRangeLookup : public ex_function_clause
ExFunctionRangeLookup(Attributes** attr,
Space* space,
Lng32 numParts,
Lng32 partKeyLen);
ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char* op_data[],
ComDiagsArea** diagsArea = 0);
Long pack(void* space);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 numParts_; // 00-03
Int32 partKeyLen_; // 04-07
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fillers for potential future extensions without changing class size.
// When a new member is added, size of this filler should be reduced so
// that the size of the object remains the same (and is modulo 8).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
char fillers_[8]; // 08-15
// class ExRowsetArrayScan
// The ExRowsetArrayScan class is the physical implementation of the
// RowsetArrayScan node which is used to extract an element of a Rowset
// array.
// Items of this type are attached to the UnpackRows node at bind time.
// When the generator finds an UnpackRows node, it creates an
// PhysUnPackRows node, and when it finds an RowsetArrayScan item, it
// generates a ExRowsetArrayScan node. At run time, each ExRowsetArrayScan
// node is evaluated and the corresponding element is returned by the
// PhysUnPackRows node to its parent.
// This class is derived from the ex_function_clause and has two children.
// The first child is the host variable array and the second child is
// the host variable used at execution time to index the array.
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExRowsetArrayScan : public ex_function_clause {
ExRowsetArrayScan(Attributes **attr,
Space *space,
Lng32 maxNumElem,
Lng32 elemSize,
NABoolean elemNullInd);
// This clause handles all NULL processing in the eval()
// method.
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullRelevant() const { return 0; };
ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[],
CollHeap *,
ComDiagsArea** diagsArea = 0);
Long pack(void *space);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 maxNumElem_; // Maximum number of elements // 00-03
Int32 elemSize_; // Element storage length in bytes // 04-07
Int32 elemNullInd_; // Null Present ? // 08-11
char fillersRowset_[4]; // 12-15
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExRowsetArrayRowid : public ex_function_clause {
ExRowsetArrayRowid(Attributes **attr,
Space *space,
Lng32 maxNumElem);
// This clause handles all NULL processing in the eval()
// method.
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullRelevant() const { return 0; };
ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[],
CollHeap *,
ComDiagsArea** diagsArea = 0);
Long pack(void *space);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 maxNumElem_; // Maximum number of elements // 00-03
char fillersRowset_[4]; // 04-07
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExRowsetArrayInto : public ex_function_clause
ExRowsetArrayInto(Attributes **attr,
Space *space,
Lng32 maxNumElem,
Lng32 elemSize,
NABoolean elemNullInd);
// This clause handles all NULL processing in the eval()
// method.
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullRelevant() const { return 0; };
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isEvalRelevant() const { return 1; }
ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[],
CollHeap *,
ComDiagsArea** diagsArea = 0);
// NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
Long pack(void *space);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
NA_EIDPROC virtual Int32 getElemSize()
return elemSize_;
NA_EIDPROC virtual Int32 getElemNullInd()
return elemNullInd_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 maxNumElem_; // Maximum number of elements // 00-03
Int32 numElem_; // Actual number of elements // 04-07
Int32 elemSize_; // Element storage length in bytes // 08-11
Int32 elemNullInd_; // Null Present ? // 12-15
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fillers for potential future extensions without changing class size.
// When a new member is added, size of this filler should be reduced so
// that the size of the object remains the same (and is modulo 8).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
char fillers_[8]; // 16-23
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_nullifzero : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_nullifzero(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_nullifzero();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
char fillers_[64];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_nvl : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_nvl(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_nvl();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space, UInt32 f);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// This clause handles all NULL processing in the eval() method.
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullRelevant() const { return 0; };
char fillers_[64];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_json_object_field_text : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_json_object_field_text(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_json_object_field_text();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// This clause handles all NULL processing in the eval() method.
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullRelevant() const { return 0; };
char fillers_[64];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionExtractColumns : public ex_function_clause
// constructor
ExFunctionExtractColumns (OperatorTypeEnum operType,
short numOperands,
Attributes ** attr,
Space *space,
UInt32 compressedAudit,
ULng32 *extractColList,
ULng32 encodedKeyLength,
ExpTupleDesc *auditImageTupleDesc,
ExpTupleDesc *extractedRowTupleDesc
// default constructor
// destructor
~ExFunctionExtractColumns() {};
inline UInt32 getCompressedAuditFlag() const
{ return flags_.auditCompressionFlag_; }
ex_expr::exp_return_type eval (char * op_data[],
CollHeap *heap,
ComDiagsArea **diags = 0);
Long pack(void * space);
Lng32 unpack (void * base, void *reallocator);
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID() { return 1; }
virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray(void)
setImageVersionID(2, getClassVersionID());
virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
ExpTupleDescPtr auditRowImageDesc_; // 00-07
ExpTupleDescPtr extractedRowDesc_; // 08-15
Int32Ptr extractColList_; // 16-23
Int32 numColsToExtract_; // 24-27
Int32 encodedKeyLen_; // 28-31
union { // 32-35
UInt32 value_;
struct {
UInt32 auditCompressionFlag_:2;
UInt32 mfMapIsNullConst_:1;
UInt32 filler1_:13;
UInt32 filler2_:16;
} flags_;
char filler_[44]; // 36-79
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ex_function_queryid_extract : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_queryid_extract(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_function_queryid_extract();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
char fillers_[64];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionUniqueId : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionUniqueId(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionUniqueId();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
char fillers_[64];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionRowNum : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionRowNum(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionRowNum();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
char fillers_[64];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionHbaseColumnLookup : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionHbaseColumnLookup(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
const char * colName,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionHbaseColumnLookup();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// This clause handles all NULL processing in the eval() method.
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullRelevant() const { return 0; };
static short extractColFamilyAndName(const char * input,
short len,
NABoolean isVarchar,
std::string &colFam, std::string &colName);
char colName_[256];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionHbaseColumnsDisplay : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionHbaseColumnsDisplay(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Lng32 numCols,
char * colNames,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionHbaseColumnsDisplay();
void init(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Lng32 numCols,
char * colNames,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
Lng32 unpack(void *base, void * reallocator);
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
char * colNames() { return colNames_; }
NABoolean toBeDisplayed(char * colName, Lng32 colNameLen);
Lng32 numCols_;
char filler1_[4];
NABasicPtr colNames_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionHbaseColumnCreate : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionHbaseColumnCreate(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
short numEntries,
short colNameMaxLen,
Int32 colValMaxLen,
short colValVCIndLen,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionHbaseColumnCreate();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
Lng32 unpack(void *base, void * reallocator);
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
Lng32 flags_;
short numEntries_;
short colNameMaxLen_;
Int32 colValMaxLen_;
short colValVCIndLen_; // 2 or 4 bytes
char filler1_[2];
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionCastType : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionCastType(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionCastType();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
// NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExFunctionSequenceValue : public ex_function_clause {
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionSequenceValue(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
const SequenceGeneratorAttributes &sga,
Space * space);
NA_EIDPROC ExFunctionSequenceValue();
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
// NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// This clause handles all NULL processing in the eval() method.
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullRelevant() const { return 0; };
void setIsCurr(NABoolean v)
(v) ? flags_ |= IS_CURR: flags_ &= ~IS_CURR;
NABoolean isCurr() { return ((flags_ & IS_CURR) != 0); }
IS_CURR = 0x0001
SequenceGeneratorAttributes sga_;
UInt32 flags_;
char filler1_[4];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExFunctionHbaseTimestamp : public ex_function_clause {
ExFunctionHbaseTimestamp(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Lng32 colIndex,
Space * space);
void displayContents(Space * space, const char * displayStr,
Int32 clauseNum, char * constsArea);
ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
Lng32 colIndex_;
ULng32 flags_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExFunctionHbaseVersion : public ex_function_clause {
ExFunctionHbaseVersion(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Attributes ** attr,
Lng32 colIndex,
Space * space);
void displayContents(Space * space, const char * displayStr,
Int32 clauseNum, char * constsArea);
ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** = 0);
virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
Lng32 colIndex_;
ULng32 flags_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExHeaderClause : public ex_function_clause
ExHeaderClause( Attributes **attr,
Space *space,
UInt16 adminSize,
UInt16 entryOffset,
UInt16 bitmapOffset,
UInt16 firstFixedOffset )
: ex_function_clause(ITM_HEADER, 1, attr, space),
virtual ~ExHeaderClause()
// Null values aren't relevant for this clause.
Int32 isNullRelevant() const
{ return 0; };
// This is where all the work is done.
ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[],
CollHeap *heap,
ComDiagsArea **diagsArea = 0);
ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space,
UInt32 flags);
// This is a different kind of packing, done to relocate the
// expressions.
Long pack(void *space);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
{ return 1; }
virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
virtual short getClassSize()
{ return (short)sizeof(*this); }
NABoolean isSQLMXAlignedFormat()
{ return(entryOffset_ > 0); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The complete admin size - header, complete VOA, bitmap, any padding before
// the first fixed field.
UInt16 adminSz_; // 00-01
// Actual offset value to where the bitmap resides within the data record.
// This value is the number of bytes to the start of the bitmap.
// This value may be 0 if no null columns are present (bitmapSize_ is 0 too),
// OR if this expression clause is used for SQL
UInt16 bitmapOffset_; // 02-03
// Where in the header the bitmap offset value is written.
UInt16 entryOffset_; // 04-05
// Offset to the first fixed field (may be 0).
UInt16 firstFixedOffset_; // 06-07
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fillers for potential future extensions without changing class size.
// When a new member is added, size of this filler should be reduced so
// that the size of the object remains the same (and is modulo 8).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
char fillers_[8]; // 08-15
#pragma warning ( default : 4251 )
#ifndef ULONG
#define ULONG ULng32