blob: ab0640262658c4026a3f6db7bf49dd82b0890a52 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: <file>
* Description:
* Created: 7/10/95
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Platform.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include "exp_stdh.h"
#include "exp_clause_derived.h"
#include "str.h"
// class AggrExpr
ex_expr::exp_return_type AggrExpr::initializeAggr(atp_struct * atp)
if (initExpr_)
if (initExpr_->eval(atp, atp) == ex_expr::EXPR_ERROR)
return ex_expr::EXPR_ERROR;
if (perrecExpr_)
ex_clause *clause = perrecExpr_->getClauses();
while (clause)
if (clause->getType() == ex_clause::AGGREGATE_TYPE)
if (((ex_aggregate_clause *)clause)->init() == ex_expr::EXPR_ERROR)
return ex_expr::EXPR_ERROR;
clause = clause->getNextClause();
if (groupingExpr_)
ex_clause *clause = groupingExpr_->getClauses();
while (clause)
if (clause->getType() == ex_clause::AGGREGATE_TYPE)
if (((ex_aggregate_clause *)clause)->init() == ex_expr::EXPR_ERROR)
return ex_expr::EXPR_ERROR;
clause = clause->getNextClause();
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
ex_expr::exp_return_type AggrExpr::finalizeAggr(atp_struct * /*atp*/)
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
ex_expr::exp_return_type AggrExpr::finalizeNullAggr(atp_struct * atp)
if (finalNullExpr_)
return finalNullExpr_->eval(atp, atp);
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
ex_expr::exp_return_type AggrExpr::evalGroupingForNull(
Int16 startEntry, Int16 endEntry)
if (groupingExpr_)
ex_clause *clause = groupingExpr_->getClauses();
while (clause)
if (clause->getOperType() == ITM_AGGR_GROUPING_FUNC)
ExFunctionGrouping * g = (ExFunctionGrouping*)clause;
if ((g->getRollupGroupIndex() >= startEntry) &&
(g->getRollupGroupIndex() <= endEntry))
clause = clause->getNextClause();
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
// class ex_aggregate_clause
ex_expr::exp_return_type ex_aggregate_clause::init()
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
ex_expr::exp_return_type ex_aggregate_clause::eval(char * /*op_data*/[],
CollHeap *heap,
ComDiagsArea** diagsArea)
ExRaiseSqlError(heap, diagsArea, EXE_INTERNAL_ERROR);
return ex_expr::EXPR_ERROR;
// class ex_aggr_one_row_clause
ex_expr::exp_return_type ex_aggr_one_row_clause::init()
oneRowProcessed_ = 0;
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
ex_expr::exp_return_type ex_aggr_one_row_clause::eval(char * /*op_data*/ [],
CollHeap *heap,
ComDiagsArea** diagsArea)
ex_expr::exp_return_type retcode = ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
// if oneRowProcessed_ is > 0, return error.
if (oneRowProcessed_) {
ExRaiseSqlError(heap, diagsArea, EXE_CARDINALITY_VIOLATION);
retcode = ex_expr::EXPR_ERROR;
} else
oneRowProcessed_ = 1;
return retcode;
// class ex_aggr_any_true_max_clause
ex_expr::exp_return_type ex_aggr_any_true_max_clause::init()
nullSeen_ = 0;
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
ex_expr::exp_return_type ex_aggr_any_true_max_clause::eval(char *op_data[],
CollHeap *heap,
ComDiagsArea** diagsArea)
ex_expr::exp_return_type retcode = ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
switch (*(Lng32 *)op_data[1])
case 1: // operand is TRUE
// return TRUE as result
*(Lng32 *)op_data[0] = 1;
retcode = ex_expr::EXPR_TRUE;
case -1: // operand is NULL
// remember that a null was seen.
nullSeen_ = 1;
// Genesis 10-040203-2921
// Fix for nested query returning different number of rows with ESP CQD.
// The case where all operands are NULL wasnt being handled. When all
// the operands are NULL, the result too is NULL.
*(Lng32 *) op_data[0] = -1;
case 0: // operand is FALSE
if (nullSeen_)
*(Lng32 *)op_data[0] = -1;
*(Lng32 *)op_data[0] = 0;
retcode = ex_expr::EXPR_TRUE;
ExRaiseSqlError(heap, diagsArea, EXE_INTERNAL_ERROR);
retcode = ex_expr::EXPR_ERROR;
// return code of EXPR_TRUE tells the caller to short circuit
// and not process any more rows.
return retcode;
// class ex_aggr_min_max_clause
ex_expr::exp_return_type ex_aggr_min_max_clause::eval(char * op_data[],
ComDiagsArea **)
ex_expr::exp_return_type retcode = ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
// if the second expression is true, make child to be current
// aggregate.
if (*(Lng32 *)op_data[2] == 1)
if (getOperand(0)->getNullFlag())
// A pointer to the null indicators of the operands.
char **null_data = &op_data[-2 * ex_clause::MAX_OPERANDS];
if ((getOperand(1)->getNullFlag()) &&
(! null_data[1])) // missing value, indicates
// child is null. Keep the current result.
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
getOperand(0)->getTupleFormat() );
if (getOperand(0)->getVCIndicatorLength() > 0)
// variable length operand. Note that first child (operand1)
// and result have the SAME attributes for min/max aggr.
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
Lng32 src_length = getOperand(1)->getLength(op_data[-MAX_OPERANDS + 1]);
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
Lng32 tgt_length = getOperand(0)->getLength(); // max varchar length
str_cpy_all(op_data[0], op_data[1], src_length);
// copy source length bytes to target length bytes.
// Note that the array index -MAX_OPERANDS will get to
// the corresponding varlen entry for that operand.
getOperand(0)->setVarLength(src_length, op_data[- MAX_OPERANDS]);
str_cpy_all(op_data[0], op_data[1], getOperand(0)->getLength());
return retcode;
// class ExFunctionGrouping
ex_expr::exp_return_type ExFunctionGrouping::init()
ex_expr::exp_return_type retcode = ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
rollupNull_ = 0;
return retcode;
ex_expr::exp_return_type ExFunctionGrouping::eval(char *op_data[],
CollHeap *heap,
ComDiagsArea** diagsArea)
char * tgt = op_data[0];
if (rollupNull_)
*(UInt32*)tgt = 1;
*(UInt32*)tgt = 0;
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
// class ex_pivot_group_clause
ex_expr::exp_return_type ex_pivot_group_clause::init()
ex_expr::exp_return_type retcode = ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
currPos_ = 0;
currTgtLen_ = 0;
return retcode;
ex_expr::exp_return_type ex_pivot_group_clause::eval(char * op_data[],
CollHeap *heap,
ComDiagsArea **diagsArea)
Attributes * tgtOp = getOperand(0);
Attributes * srcOp = getOperand(1);
Lng32 src_length = srcOp->getLength(op_data[-MAX_OPERANDS + 1]);
char * tgt = op_data[0];
char * src = op_data[1];
Lng32 currSrcPos = currPos_;
Lng32 delimSize = strlen(delim_);
Lng32 tgtBufNeeded = (currPos_ > 0 ? delimSize : 0) + src_length;
if ((currTgtLen_ + tgtBufNeeded) > maxLen_)
// not enough space in tgt buffer to move source.
// return a warning, if it has not already been returned.
if (NOT ovflWarn())
ExRaiseSqlWarning(heap, diagsArea, (ExeErrorCode)(8402));
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
if (currPos_ > 0)
str_cpy_all(&tgt[currPos_], delim_, strlen(delim_));
currPos_ += strlen(delim_);
str_cpy_all(&tgt[currPos_], src, src_length);
currPos_ += src_length;
currTgtLen_ += (currPos_ - currSrcPos);
tgtOp->setVarLength(currTgtLen_, op_data[- MAX_OPERANDS]);
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;