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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#include "ExpPCodeOptimizations.h"
// This is a recursive function that attempts to find a hash inst whose write
// operand is equivalent to the provided def operand. Begin the search at the
// provided start inst.
PCodeInst* PCodeCfg::findHashInst(PCodeOperand* def, PCodeInst* start)
CollIndex defIndex = def->getBvIndex();
PCodeBlock* block;
if (start == NULL)
return NULL;
block = start->block;
// Walk each inst backwards from start in search for an inst that defines
// "def". If that inst is not a hash or a bulk hash combined inst, then
// return NULL.
for (CollIndex i=0; i < inst->getWOps().entries(); i++) {
if (defIndex == inst->getWOps()[i]->getBvIndex()) {
if (inst->isHash() ||
inst->getOpcode() == PCIT::HASHCOMB_BULK_MBIN32U)
return inst;
return NULL;
// At this point, we could not find the instruction which defined def. Now
// if the definition reaches this block, then all paths to this block must
// have the definition of this def operand. So, only check the first pred
// via a recursive call.
if (block->reachingDefsTab_->find(defIndex, TRUE /* In */))
if (block->getPreds().entries() > 0)
return findHashInst(def, block->getPreds()[0]->getLastInst());
// Definition could not be found - return NULL.
return NULL;
// Create bulk hash combined instructions from multiple hash and hashcomb
// instructions.
void PCodeCfg::bulkHashComb()
CollIndex i, j, length, idx;
FOREACH_BLOCK(block, firstInst, lastInst, index) {
FOREACH_INST_IN_BLOCK(block, inst) {
if (inst->getOpcode() == PCIT::HASHCOMB_MBIN32U_MBIN32U_MBIN32U)
PCodeInst* newInst;
// Find the hash instruction which defines the source operands of this
// hashcomb instruction.
PCodeInst* src1 = findHashInst(inst->getROps()[0], inst);
PCodeInst* src2 = findHashInst(inst->getROps()[1], inst);
// Unless HASH_ALL is set, continue if either src1 or src2 is NULL.
// HASH_ALL is used when the definition found does not need to be
// hashed again - this is often the case when no hash instruction
// exists (e.g., OPDATA/CLAUSE_EVAL is used).
if (!HASH_ALL && (!src1 || !src2))
NABoolean topOpOnlySrc1 = FALSE, topOpOnlySrc2 = FALSE;
// Set length taken by operands (index,offset,size,pos = 4 ints / oper)
// If src1 is null (i.e. no proper HASH found) or the number of ops
// is greater than the max allowed, just use the final result for the
// new HASHCOMB_BULK instruction. Otherwise read in all operands.
if (src1 && (src1->getROps().entries() < max))
length = src1->getROps().entries();
else {
topOpOnlySrc1 = TRUE;
length = 1;
if (src2 && ((length+src2->getROps().entries()) <= max))
length += src2->getROps().entries();
else {
topOpOnlySrc2 = TRUE;
length += 1;
// Add length of write operand, length field, and opcode itself
length = 4*(length+1);
// Set up pcode byte stream with what we know
newInst = createInst(PCIT::HASHCOMB_BULK_MBIN32U, length);
newInst->code[1] = length;
newInst->code[2] = inst->code[1];
newInst->code[3] = inst->code[2];
// Create one list with all the source operands
OPLIST list(heap_);
// If the source inst found is not null (i.e. HASH or HASHCOMB_BULK)
// then include its operands. Otherwise, we can't hash the source, but
// we can still combine it, while hashing everything else. This
// requires a small hack of resetting the size of the operand to 0.
// A zero length tells the hashing algoritm to return the value as is,
// unhashed.
if (!topOpOnlySrc1)
else {
if (!topOpOnlySrc2)
else {
for (i=0; i < list.entries(); i++) {
newInst->code[(4*i) + 4] = list[i]->getStackIndex();
newInst->code[(4*i) + 5] = list[i]->getOffset();
newInst->code[(4*i) + 6] = list[i]->getLen();
newInst->code[(4*i) + 7] = i;
block->insertInstAfter(inst, newInst);
// Now reorder operands in hash for better parallel hashing.
FOREACH_BLOCK(block, firstInst, lastInst, index) {
FOREACH_INST_IN_BLOCK(block, inst) {
if (inst->getOpcode() == PCIT::HASHCOMB_BULK_MBIN32U) {
// Create one list with all the source operands
OPLIST list(heap_);
// Go through the list of operands and find pairs with minimal
// differences in lengths. These pairs are more suitable for parallel
// hashing. Unfortunately, however, because the need to be combined in
// the same order as was generated, we need to also keep track of each
// operands position (a.k.a combined order index).
for (idx = 0; idx != list.entries();)
CollIndex op1=0, op2=0; // Operand positions of ideal hash pairs
UInt32 len1, len2; // Lengths of operands 1 and 2
UInt32 min = UINT_MAX; // Init min diff between operand lengths
// Go through each operand in list
for (i=0; i < list.entries(); i++) {
// If operand was already inserted, continue to next operand
if (list[i] == NULL) continue;
// Initialize op1 and op2 if this is the first legit operand seen
if (min == UINT_MAX) {
op1 = op2 = i;
// Length of operand 1
len1 = (list[i]->getLen() == 0) ? -1 : list[i]->getLen();
// Now go through the operand list again, but this time starting
// with the operand after op1. The difference in lengths will be
// calculated here, and then compared to the least difference found
// so far.
for (j=i+1; j < list.entries(); j++) {
// If operand was already inserted, continue to next operand
if (list[j] == NULL) continue;
// Length of operand 2
len2 = (list[j]->getLen() == 0) ? -1 : list[j]->getLen();
// Difference calculated must be absolute for comparison purposes
UInt32 diff = (len1 > len2) ? len1 - len2 : len2 - len1;
// If diff is lowest found so far, we found a new hash candidate
if (diff < min) {
min = diff;
// Always make op1 the smaller of the two, since parallel hash
// requires this order
op1 = (len1 > len2) ? j : i;
op2 = (len1 > len2) ? i : j;
// At this point, it is only possible that we either found a pair or
// we have but one operand left. In either case, we're inserting at
// least one operand. Note that we move the index up in the last
// store
inst->code[(4*idx) + 4] = list[op1]->getStackIndex();
inst->code[(4*idx) + 5] = list[op1]->getOffset();
inst->code[(4*idx) + 6] = list[op1]->getLen();
inst->code[(4*idx++) + 7] = op1;
// Since removing entry out of list will mess up the position info of
// each operand, replace with NULL, so that entry is side-stepped in
// algorithm
list.insertAt(op1, NULL);
// If not a pair, then break out
if (op1 == op2)
// Add op2 and then effectively remove it from list
inst->code[(4*idx) + 4] = list[op2]->getStackIndex();
inst->code[(4*idx) + 5] = list[op2]->getOffset();
inst->code[(4*idx) + 6] = list[op2]->getLen();
inst->code[(4*idx++) + 7] = op2;
list.insertAt(op2, NULL);
// Performs code motion and instruction grouping across all blocks
void PCodeCfg::codeMotion()
FOREACH_BLOCK(block, firstInst, lastInst, index) {
// This function has two purposes. The first is to group like instructions
// together so that 1) they can be later combined into "bulk" forms and 2) to
// remove any unnecessary dependencies on execution order. The second
// purpose of this function is to find and generate genuine bulk moves where
// moves of two adjacent columns can be done in one shot. This comes as an
// artifact from the NOT_NULL_BRANCH_BULK instruction
void PCodeCfg::localCodeMotion(PCodeBlock* block)
FOREACH_INST_IN_BLOCK(block, inst) {
// Group certain instructions as close together as possible
if ((inst->getOpcode() == PCIT::RANGE_MFLT64) ||
(inst->isNullBitmap()) ||
(inst->isCopyMove() || inst->isConstMove()))
PCodeInst* insertInst = NULL;
// Given inst, walk backwards from inst and try to find a spot to move
// inst into, taking consideration of waw/raw/war dependency violations
FOREACH_INST_IN_BLOCK_BACKWARDS_AT(block, prev, inst->prev) {
CollIndex i, j;
NABoolean found = FALSE;
PCodeInst* nInst;
// Moves are grouped in a more intricate way. If both operands are
// same-size moves, then we attempt to order them relative to each
// other in a way which would expose adjacent/bulk moves.
if (inst->isCopyMove() && prev->isCopyMove()) {
Int32 pWOff = prev->getWOps()[0]->getOffset();
Int32 pROff = prev->getROps()[0]->getOffset();
Int32 iWOff = inst->getWOps()[0]->getOffset();
Int32 iROff = inst->getROps()[0]->getOffset();
// First group by writes
if ((inst->getWOps()[0]->getStackIndex() ==
prev->getWOps()[0]->getStackIndex()) &&
(inst->getWOps()[0]->getOffset() >=
prev->getWOps()[0]->getOffset())) {
// Next group by reads
if ((inst->getROps()[0]->getStackIndex() ==
prev->getROps()[0]->getStackIndex()) &&
(inst->getROps()[0]->getOffset() >=
prev->getROps()[0]->getOffset())) {
// Moves are now in order. Check to see if any overlap exists.
// Note, overlapping moves should not involve the same tuple for
// both source and target, *unless* we're dealing with different
// ranges. Since that's unlikely, just check for same tuple.
if ((prev->getWOps()[0]->getStackIndex() !=
prev->getROps()[0]->getStackIndex()) &&
((pWOff + prev->getWOps()[0]->getLen()) == iWOff) &&
((pROff + prev->getROps()[0]->getLen()) == iROff)) {
Int32 len = prev->getROps()[0]->getLen() +
PCIType::Instruction opc;
switch (len) {
case 2:
case 4:
case 8:
// Create a move by combining the two moves together
nInst = block->insertNewInstBefore(prev, opc);
nInst->code[1] = prev->getWOps()[0]->getStackIndex();
nInst->code[2] = pWOff;
nInst->code[3] = prev->getROps()[0]->getStackIndex();
nInst->code[4] = pROff;
if (opc == PCIT::MOVE_MBIN8_MBIN8_IBIN32S)
nInst->code[5] = len;
// We're no longer trying to insert the inst
insertInst = NULL;
else {
// Check moves first
if (inst->isConstMove() &&
(prev->isConstMove() || prev->isCopyMove()) &&
(inst->getWOps()[0]->getStackIndex() ==
// Check all other instructions next
if (prev->getOpcode() == inst->getOpcode())
// If prev is the same type of instr as inst, then already grouped.
// First check for write-after-write hazards
// I.e. inst writes operand that prev writes to.
for (i=0; !found && (i < prev->getWOps().entries()); i++)
for (j=0; !found && (j < inst->getWOps().entries()); j++)
if (inst->getWOps()[j]->canOverlap(prev->getWOps()[i]))
found = TRUE;
// Now check for read-after-write hazards
// I.e. inst reads operand that prev writes to.
for (i=0; !found && (i < prev->getWOps().entries()); i++)
for (j=0; !found && (j < inst->getROps().entries()); j++)
if (inst->getROps()[j]->canOverlap(prev->getWOps()[i]))
found = TRUE;
// Lastly, check for write-after-read hazards
// I.e. prev reads operand that inst writes to.
for (i=0; !found && (i < prev->getROps().entries()); i++)
for (j=0; !found && (j < inst->getWOps().entries()); j++)
if (inst->getWOps()[j]->canOverlap(prev->getROps()[i]))
found = TRUE;
// If found is true, or then we can't perform the code motion.
if (found)
// It is safe to move the instruction before prev.
insertInst = prev;
// Move the instruction before insertInst
if (insertInst != NULL) {
// Don't move inst up if no like instruction was found, and is not a
// copy move
if ((insertInst->prev == NULL) && (!inst->isCopyMove()))
// Careful inserting since code motion must be done correctly when
// thinking about inserting in between opdata/clause-eval pairs
if (insertInst->prev)
block->insertInstAfter(insertInst->prev, inst);
block->insertInstBefore(insertInst, inst);
NABoolean PCodeCfg::removeBulkNullBranch()
Int32 numOfNB = 0;
if (!entryBlock_->getLastInst()->isBulkNullBranch())
return FALSE;
PCodeBlock* start = entryBlock_->getFallThroughBlock();
FOREACH_BLOCK_REV_DFO_AT(start, block, firstInst, lastInst, index) {
if (lastInst && lastInst->isNullBranch()) {
// Don't support bulk null checking for indirect varchars
if (lastInst->isVarcharNullBranch() &&
if (numOfNB < 2) {
entryBlock_ = start;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
NABoolean PCodeCfg::bulkNullBranch()
CollIndex i;
PCodeBlock* newBlock;
PCodeBlock* copyBlocks;
PCodeInst* newInst;
Int32 length;
OPLIST list(heap_);
PCodeBlock** map;
NABitVector defs(heap_);
NABoolean alignedFormat = FALSE;
NABoolean packedFormat = FALSE;
NABoolean differentRowsFound = FALSE;
Int32 bitmapIdx = 0;
Int32 bitmapOff = 0;
Int32 bitmapMaxNullBitIndex = -1;
Int32 numOfNB = 0; // Number of null branch insts in cfg
Int32 numOfProcessedNB = 0; // Num of nb insts we can eval early
PCodeBlock* startBlock = entryBlock_;
FOREACH_BLOCK_REV_DFO(block, firstInst, lastInst, index) {
// Add all defs - the purpose of which is described later.
FOREACH_INST_IN_BLOCK(block, inst) {
for (i=0; i < inst->getWOps().entries(); i++)
defs += inst->getWOps()[i]->getBvIndex();
if (lastInst && lastInst->isNullBranch()) {
NABoolean checked = FALSE;
// Don't support bulk null checking for indirect varchars
if (lastInst->isVarcharNullBranch() &&
// Found a null branch
for (i=0; i < lastInst->getROps().entries(); i++) {
PCodeOperand* read = lastInst->getROps()[i];
CollIndex rd = read->getBvIndex();
// Only variable read operands should be considered, since those are the
// only ones that can be defined upon entry. If this optimization were
// to ever change such that the bulk null branch instruction could be
// placed somewhere other than the entry block, revisit this.
if (!read->isVar())
#if 0
// Old way of doing this using reaching defs
PCodeInst* defI = startBlock->reachingDefsTab_->find(rd, TRUE /* In */);
PCodeInst* defO = block->reachingDefsTab_->find(rd);
// If the read operand of the null branch has a known def that reaches
// it from the start block, and that def is not overwritten in the
// block containing the null branch, then it serves as a candidate for
// code motion for early null detection. Also, don't add the operand
// if it already exists in the list
if ((defI != NULL) && (defI == defO))
// Instead of using costly reaching defs analysis, use the "defs" bit
// vector that has been computed up to this point. The idea being that
// if this read operand has been written to at any point in this expr,
// than it doesn't qualify for this opt. In almost every situation, a
// use of var operand in a null-branch check is done without a previous
// write to it in the same expr.
if (!defs.contains(rd))
CollIndex j;
// Set checked flag indicating that this is a NULL branch to process
checked = TRUE;
// Don't add operand if it already exists in list
for (j=0; j < list.entries(); j++)
if (rd == list[j]->getBvIndex())
// If operand does not already exist in the list, add it.
if (j == list.entries())
if (checked)
// If there are too many null branches, return.
if (numOfNB > 1000)
return FALSE;
// Heuristic - don't do optimization if less than two null branches were found
// or if more than 50 unique nulls must be examined. Why the latter? Because
// not all 50 nullable columns will likely be NULL for a given row.
if ((numOfProcessedNB < 2) || (list.entries() > 50))
return FALSE;
// Mark all blocks as unvisited - used in copyCfg()
// Create a map table used to map copy blocks to original blocks. Make a copy // of the cfg starting from startBlock.
map = (PCodeBlock**) new(heap_) PCodeBlock*[maxBlockNum_ + 1];
copyBlocks = copyCfg(startBlock, NULL, map);
NADELETEBASIC(map, heap_);
// Create new entry block for not-null-branch-bulk
newBlock = createBlock();
// Analyze the not-nulls collected to see if and how we should process
for (i=0; i < list.entries(); i++) {
Int32 nullBitIndex = list[i]->getNullBitIndex();
if (nullBitIndex == -1)
packedFormat = TRUE;
alignedFormat = TRUE;
bitmapMaxNullBitIndex = ((nullBitIndex > bitmapMaxNullBitIndex)
? nullBitIndex : bitmapMaxNullBitIndex);
if (i == 0) {
bitmapIdx = list[i]->getStackIndex();
bitmapOff = list[i]->getOffset();
bitmapMaxNullBitIndex = nullBitIndex;
// A different row representing different null indicators for either
// formats must show a different stack index - i.e. no need to compare
// offsets as well for aligned format bitmaps.
if (bitmapIdx != list[i]->getStackIndex())
differentRowsFound = TRUE;
// As a potential pcode bytecode bloat problem, we want to make sure that if
// we're dealing with the alignedFormat, then expect to see at least 1 bit
// check per byte in the bitmask (i.e. equivalent to a non-parallel check)
if (alignedFormat && !packedFormat) {
float real = ((float)list.entries() / (float)bitmapMaxNullBitIndex);
float limit = (float)1/(float)8;
// If limit reached, generate longer NOT-NULL_BRANCH check
if (real < limit)
differentRowsFound = TRUE;
if (packedFormat && !alignedFormat) {
if (differentRowsFound) {
// Length of inst is (opc + len + sub-opc + 2*#operands + branch)
length = 3 + 2*list.entries() + 1;
newInst = createInst(PCIT::NOT_NULL_BRANCH_BULK, length);
newInst->code[1] = length;
newInst->code[2] = (differentRowsFound) ? 1 : 0;
for (i=0; i < list.entries(); i++) {
newInst->code[2*i + 3] = list[i]->getStackIndex();
newInst->code[2*i + 4] = list[i]->getOffset();
else {
// Length of inst is (opc + len + sub-opc + idx + #operands + branch)
length = 4 + list.entries() + 1;
newInst = createInst(PCIT::NOT_NULL_BRANCH_BULK, length);
newInst->code[1] = length;
newInst->code[2] = (differentRowsFound) ? 1 : 0;
newInst->code[3] = list[0]->getStackIndex();
for (i=0; i < list.entries(); i++) {
newInst->code[4+i] = list[i]->getOffset();
else if ((alignedFormat && !packedFormat) && (!differentRowsFound)) {
// Length of inst is (opc + len + sub-opc + bitmap-idx + bitmap-off +
// bitmap-len + bitmap-mask + branch)
length = 6 + ((bitmapMaxNullBitIndex >> 5) + 1) + 1;
newInst = createInst(PCIT::NULL_BITMAP_BULK, length);
newInst->code[1] = length;
newInst->code[2] = (differentRowsFound) ? 1 : 0;
newInst->code[3] = bitmapIdx;
newInst->code[4] = bitmapOff;
newInst->code[5] = (bitmapMaxNullBitIndex >> 3) + 1;
// Null out bitmap mask
for (i=0; i < (CollIndex)((bitmapMaxNullBitIndex >> 5) + 1); i++)
newInst->code[6+i] = 0;
for (i=0; i < list.entries(); i++) {
Int32 bitIdx = list[i]->getNullBitIndex();
((char*)(&newInst->code[6]))[bitIdx >> 3] |=
((UInt32)0x1 << (7 - (bitIdx & 7)));
else {
// Length of inst is (opc + len + sub-opc + (3 * #operands) + branch)
length = 3 + 3*list.entries() + 1;
newInst = createInst(PCIT::NULL_BITMAP_BULK, length);
newInst->code[1] = length;
newInst->code[2] = (differentRowsFound) ? 1 : 0;
for (i=0; i < list.entries(); i++) {
newInst->code[3*i + 3] = list[i]->getStackIndex();
newInst->code[3*i + 4] = list[i]->getOffset();
newInst->code[3*i + 5] = list[i]->getNullBitIndex();
// Add the bulk not null branch to the end of the new block. Add the
// fall-through edge to the startBlock, and add an target edge to the
// copy blocks.
newBlock->insertInstBefore(NULL, newInst);
if (startBlock == entryBlock_)
entryBlock_ = newBlock;
return TRUE;
// Create bulk move instructions for adjacent moves.
void PCodeCfg::bulkMove(NABoolean sameSizeMoves)
CollIndex i, j, srcStackIndex;
PCodeInst* newInst;
INSTLIST list(heap_);
PCodeInst* lastMoveInst = NULL;
FOREACH_BLOCK(block, firstInst, lastInst, index) {
// Since we're finding groups of candidate instructions for the bulk move,
// we need to restart at the end of each group. Begin at first inst
for (PCodeInst* start = firstInst; start; ) {
Int32 length = 0;
// Clear the bulk move group list;
srcStackIndex = 0;
// Given a start inst, traverse down the block in search of adjacent
// move inst with similar source and target operands.
FOREACH_INST_IN_BLOCK_AT(block, inst, start) {
// Reset start inst in prep for next group
start = inst->next;
// Since sameSizeMoves should always be TRUE for now, we only allow
// copy moves.
assert (sameSizeMoves == TRUE);
if (inst->isCopyMove() || inst->isConstMove()) {
if (list.isEmpty()) {
// This inst will begin the bulk move group. Record the stack
// index used for the source, if one exists
if (inst->getROps().entries() > 0)
srcStackIndex = inst->getROps()[0]->getStackIndex();
if (inst->getOpcode() == PCIT::MOVE_MBIN8_MBIN8_IBIN32S)
else if (inst->getWOps()[0]->getStackIndex() ==
// Target operands match, now we just need to make sure that source
// operands match, if one exists
if (inst->getROps().entries() > 0) {
if (srcStackIndex != 0) {
if (srcStackIndex != inst->getROps()[0]->getStackIndex()) {
start = inst;
srcStackIndex = inst->getROps()[0]->getStackIndex();
lastMoveInst = inst;
// Insert this inst in the list by grouping them with like instrs.
for (i=list.entries()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
CollIndex instWIdx, prevWIdx;
if (list[i]->getOpcode() == inst->getOpcode()) {
list.insertAt(i+1, inst);
instWIdx = inst->getWOps()[0]->getBvIndex();
prevWIdx = list[i]->getWOps()[0]->getBvIndex();
if ((i == 0) ||
(inst->getROps().entries() &&
(inst->getROps()[0]->getBvIndex() == prevWIdx)) ||
(list[i]->getROps().entries() &&
(instWIdx == list[i]->getROps()[0]->getBvIndex())) ||
(instWIdx == prevWIdx))
// If no match was found or a dependency violation exists
// which prevents the rearrangement, just insert at the end
if (inst->getOpcode() == PCIT::MOVE_MBIN8_MBIN8_IBIN32S)
else {
start = inst;
else if (!list.isEmpty()) {
// If we arrived at a non-move inst and the group has already been
// formed, break out
// Here we generate the bulk move inst for the group found if a group of
// more than 1 moves were found.
if (list.entries() > 1) {
// Length of inst is (3 * #operands) + opc + len + tgt-idx + src-idx
// Each operand will be (opc, tgt-off, src-off), and may include
// len of move as well if dealing with PCIT::MOVE_MBIN8_MBIN8_IBIN32S.
// Also, we do a "+=" because length is previously incremented while
// searching for groups for the car string moves
length += 3*list.entries() + 4;
// Format of bulk move instruction is this:
// Opc, length, wrt stk idx, src stk idx, [opc1, tgt-off1, src-off1]
// [opc2, tgt-off2, src-off2]
// ....
// And if we're dealing with a fast move instruction, that will be:
// [opc3, tgt-off3, src-off3, sz]
newInst = createInst(PCIT::MOVE_BULK, length);
newInst->code[1] = length;
newInst->code[2] = list[0]->getWOps()[0]->getStackIndex();
newInst->code[3] = srcStackIndex;
// Record the last inst before we should insert the buld move inst.
PCodeInst* indicatorInst = lastMoveInst->next;
// Walk through each read operand in the list and insert the appropriate
// fields in the pcode byte stream for the bulk move instruction.
for (i=0, j=4; i < list.entries(); i++, j+=3) {
// Source offset will either be a *real* source offset, or it is the
// constant for a constant move
Int32 srcOffset = ((list[i]->getROps().entries())
? list[i]->getROps()[0]->getOffset()
: list[i]->code[3]);
// Target offset
Int32 tgtOffset = list[i]->getWOps()[0]->getOffset();
newInst->code[j] = list[i]->getOpcode();
newInst->code[j+1] = list[i]->getWOps()[0]->getOffset();
newInst->code[j+2] = srcOffset;
if (list[i]->getOpcode() == PCIT::MOVE_MBIN8_MBIN8_IBIN32S) {
newInst->code[j+3] = list[i]->code[5];
// If indicatorInst is null, that means we want to insert the bulk move
// inst at the end of the block.
if (indicatorInst)
block->insertInstBefore(indicatorInst, newInst);
block->insertInstAfter(NULL, newInst);