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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ExpPCodeExpGen.cpp
* RCS: $Id: exppcodeexpgen.cpp,v 1.2 2006/11/21 05:53:06 Exp $
* Description:
* Created: 8/25/97
* Modified: $ $Date: 2006/11/21 05:53:06 $ (GMT)
* Language: C++
* Status: $State: Exp $
#include "Platform.h"
#include "exp_stdh.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "exp_expr.h"
#include "exp_clause_derived.h"
#include "ExpPCode.h"
#include "ExpPCodeOptimizations.h"
#define GenAssert(p, msg) if (!(p)) { NAAssert(msg, __FILE__ , __LINE__ ); };
ex_expr::exp_return_type ex_expr::pCodeGenerate(Space * space,
CollHeap *heap,
UInt32 f) {
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifndef __EID
if (getenv("NO_PCODE"))
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
// If the expression mode does not indicate that PCODE is "ON", then
// don't generate any code. It is important not to allocate any
// memory either since this may be the resource fork expression which
// currently has a NULL space pointer.
if(!(pCodeMode_ & PCODE_ON)) {
pCode_ = 0;
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
// cannot proceed if no space was passed in.
if (! space)
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
PCodeBinary *pCode = NULL;
NABoolean versionOK = TRUE;
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifndef __EID
// for debug
char *buf;
Int32 bufLen = 0; // to store PCode in ascii for to buf, set it to 16384
Int32 dumpPci = 0; // set this to 1 as well
if (bufLen > 0) {
buf = (char*) space->allocateSpaceMemory(bufLen);
if (buf == NULL) // failed to get memory
bufLen = 0;
if (pCode_.getPointer()) {
pCode = getPCodeBinary();
versionOK = pCode_.getPointer()->versionOK();
if (versionOK && pCode && getPCodeGenCompile()) {
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
// If pcode is supposedly generated at compile-time, but there's no pcode,
// set PCodeGenCompile flag to 0
if (getPCodeGenCompile()) {
// Allocate the PCODE object and instruction list.
PCode *codeObject = new(heap)PCode(heap, space);
PCIList code(heap);
ex_clause *clause = clauses_;
// Clear count of branch targets from any previous processing.
NABoolean branchingClausesExist = FALSE;
clause = clauses_;
// copy handleIndirectVC flag into the clause
clause->setHandleIndirectVC( handleIndirectVC() );
// copy forInsertUpdate flag into the clause
clause->setForInsertUpdate( forInsertUpdate() );
ex_branch_clause *branchClause = (ex_branch_clause*)clause;
ex_clause *targetClause = branchClause->get_branch_clause();
branchingClausesExist = TRUE;
clause = clause->getNextClause();
// Handle clauses that branch. Set the target clause's flags to
// indicate that the clause is a target of a branch. This operation
// was previously performed in the clause::pCodeGenerate but this
// did not allow for backwards branching since the target clause
// would have already been processed. A TARGET PCI instruction
// will be added when PCI's are generated for the target clause.
// (See ExpPCode.cpp:preClausePCI()).
clause = clauses_;
if (branchingClausesExist)
ex_branch_clause *branchClause = (ex_branch_clause*)clause;
ex_clause *targetClause = branchClause->get_branch_clause();
clause = clause->getNextClause();
// If the expression mode indicates "EVAL", then generate PCIs for
// calling the standard clause->eval() routine. IF pcode generate
// returns EXPR_NULL, something fatal occurred so abort PCODE
// generation altogether. Currently, this happens if generate encounters
// an access to a column following a VARCHAR column (does not work because
// of a bug with computeDataPtr).
clause = clauses_;
if (pCodeMode_ & PCODE_EVAL) {
while(clause) {
// Check if any of the operands can not generate pCode.
// See ExpTupleDesc::computeOffsets() for when offsets are set to
// UINT_MAX. It is dependent on the tuple data format.
// If offset is UINT_MAX, pcode is normally generated unless
// CQD says otherwise or if this operation is for insert/update.
for(short i = 0; i < clause->getNumOperands(); i++) {
#if defined(__EID)
if ((clause->getOperand(i)->getOffset() == UINT_MAX) ||
(clause->getOperand(i)->isAddedCol() && !pCodeSpecialFields()))
if (((clause->getOperand(i)->getOffset() == UINT_MAX) &&
!handleIndirectVC()) ||
(clause->getOperand(i)->isAddedCol() &&
pCode_ = 0;
NADELETE(codeObject, PCode, heap);
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
// Allow for a clause to return EXPR_NULL - unlikely, but keep for
// future possibilities.
if(clause->ex_clause::pCodeGenerate(space, f) == ex_expr::EXPR_NULL) {
pCode_ = 0;
NADELETE(codeObject, PCode, heap);
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
code.append(PCIList(clause->getPCIList(), space));
clause = clause->getNextClause();
// Otherwise, generate PCI instructions for each clause and only use
// clause->eval() for unimplemented operations.
else {
Attributes *tmpAttr = NULL;
while(clause) {
// Check if any of the operands can not generate pCode.
// See ExpTupleDesc::computeOffsets() for when offsets are set to
// UINT_MAX. It is dependent on the tuple data format.
// If offset is UINT_MAX, pcode is normally generated unless
// CQD says otherwise or if this operation is for insert/update.
for(short i = 0; i < clause->getNumOperands(); i++) {
if (! clause->getOperand(i))
if (((clause->getOperand(i)->getOffset() == UINT_MAX) &&
!handleIndirectVC()) ||
(clause->getOperand(i)->isAddedCol() &&
pCode_ = 0;
NADELETE(codeObject, PCode, heap);
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
// If we can't generate PCode for a specific clause, then no PCode
// is generated at all and we throw away what we've generated already.
if(clause->pCodeGenerate(space, f) == ex_expr::EXPR_NULL) {
pCode_= 0;
NADELETE(codeObject, PCode, heap);
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
code.append(PCIList(clause->getPCIList(), space));
// If the target type in the clause is varchar, save the attribute for
// update row length.
// (But not if the varchar is being treated as a fixed field (forceFixed)).
if(clause->getNumOperands() > 0)
if((clause->getOperand()[0])->getVCIndicatorLength() > 0 &&
(clause->getOperand()[0])->isSQLMXDiskFormat() &&
// save the attribute for updateRowlen
tmpAttr = clause->getOperand()[0];
// update row len when the current clause is the last one in the list
// and one of the target type in a clause is varchar.
if(clause->getNextClause() == NULL && tmpAttr)
code.append(PCode::updateRowLen(tmpAttr, space, f));
clause = clause->getNextClause();
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifndef __EID
if (dumpPci == 1)
PCode::dumpContents(code, buf, bufLen);
// Fixup PCI CLAUSE_BRANCH instructions. Modify the corresponding TARGET
// PCIs so that they point to the actual PCIs for the branch sources.
// The actual branch offset fixup is done at the end of this procedure.
PCIListIter iter(code);
PCI * pci;
NABoolean containsClauseEval = FALSE;
for(pci = iter.first(); pci; pci =
if ((NOT containsClauseEval) &&
containsClauseEval = TRUE;
PCIListIter iter2(code);
for(PCI *tpci = iter2.first(); tpci; tpci = {
// A TARGET PCI with the same pointer as the CLAUSE_BRANCH PCI
// indicates a branch-target pair. The target PCI operand needs
// to be changed to point to the branch PCI.
if(PCode::IsTargetInstruction(tpci) &&
(pci->getLongOperand(0) == tpci->getLongOperand(0)))
pci->setLongOperand(0, (Long)0);
tpci->setLongOperand(0, (Long)pci);
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifndef __EID
if (dumpPci == 1)
PCode::dumpContents(code, buf, bufLen);
// Fixup addresses. This requires a pass over
// the PCODE instruction list. Any instruction that access memory
// may need to be fixed up with the correct pointers. These operations
// include: Op_SUM.
// Also, use this pass over the PCODE instructions to compute the
// minimum and maximum ATP and ATP indexes that are accessed in
// LD/ST_ATP operations. This information is used later to make the
// ATP/ATP Index map.
// Also, use this pass over the PCODE instructions to compute the
// maximum PCODE stack depth needed. If this exceeds the stack depth
// allocated in eval (which is currently fixed), then abort PCODE
// generation.
Int32 maximumStackDepth = 0;
Int32 minAtp = INT_MAX, maxAtp = INT_MIN;
Int32 minAtpIndex = INT_MAX, maxAtpIndex = INT_MIN;
Int32 atpOperation = 0;
for(pci = iter.first(); pci; pci = {
// Fixup constant, temp, and persistent pointers, if necessary.
Long tempsArea = (Long)(tempsArea_.getPointer());
Long constsArea = (Long)(constantsArea_.getPointer());
Long persistentArea = (Long)(persistentArea_.getPointer());
PCIT::AddressingMode am;
for(Int32 i=0,op=0;
am = pci->getAddressingMode(i);
if(!PCIT::isMemoryAddressingMode(am)) continue;
if(pci->getOperand(op+1) == 0)
pci->setLongOperand(op+2, pci->getLongOperand(op+2) - constsArea);
else if(pci->getOperand(op+1) == 1)
if(pci->getOperand(op) == 0)
pci->setLongOperand(op+2, pci->getLongOperand(op+2) - tempsArea);
pci->getLongOperand(op+2) - persistentArea);
// Record min and max ATP/ATP Index accesses.
atpOperation = 1;
PCIT::AddressingMode am;
for(Int32 i=0,op=0;
am = pci->getAddressingMode(i);
if(!PCIT::isMemoryAddressingMode(am)) continue;
minAtp = MINOF(minAtp, pci->getOperand(op));
maxAtp = MAXOF(maxAtp, pci->getOperand(op));
minAtpIndex = MINOF(minAtpIndex, pci->getOperand(op+1));
maxAtpIndex = MAXOF(maxAtpIndex, pci->getOperand(op+1));
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifndef __EID
if (dumpPci == 1)
PCode::dumpContents(code, buf, bufLen);
// Do some optimization if required and possible:
// 1 Eliminate move to temporary space, e.g.
// MV(A->B) and ADD(C=D+B) becomes ADD(C=D+A) and MV(A->B) removed.
// 2 Eliminate redundant MOVE_MBIN8_MBIN8_IBIN32S to TEMPORARY SPACE, e.g.
// MV(A->B, sizeof(A)) and MV(B->C, sizeof(B)) becomes
// MV(A->C, sizeof(A))
// ?? Improvement: could we combine 1 and 2 in one loop?
// 3 Combine contiguous move instructions into one, e.g.
// MV(A->B, sizeof(A)) and MV((A+1)->(B+1), sizeof(A)) becomes
// MV(A->B, 2*sizeof(A))
// 4 Use standard size move (assignment) instruction if possible, e.g.
// MV(A->B, sizeof(A)) becomes MV(A->B) if sizeof(A) is 1, 2, 4, or 8.
// Do not do this optimization if pCodeMoveFastpath optimization could
// be done. That opt depends on the instruction being MOVE_MBIN8_MBIN8_IBIN32S.
if (pCodeMode_ & PCODE_OPTIMIZE)
NABoolean doPCodeMoveFastpathOpt = FALSE;
if ((iter.first()) &&
(iter.last() == iter.first()) &&
(PCode::getInstruction(iter.first()) ==
doPCodeMoveFastpathOpt = TRUE;
PCI *storePci = iter.first();
#if (defined (_DEBUG) && !(defined(__EID)))
// Case 1:
// Keep in mind that we do not eliminate the MOVE (storePci)
// if the temporary space is the target space of PCI inside
// or not inside a branch. For example, in the sequece of
// MOVE (TEMP <- A) ... ADD (TEMP = TEMP + B), the MOVE PCI
// can not be removed.
// Any MOVE PCI inside a branch will not be removed either,
// as the PCI might be conditionally executed.
Int32 inBranch = 0;
Int32 branchCnt = 0;
const Int32 maxBranches = 256;
PCI *branches[maxBranches];
while (storePci)
if (PCode::IsBranchInstruction(storePci)) {
Int32 found = 0;
for (Int32 i=0; i<branchCnt; i++) {
if (storePci == branches[i]) {
GenAssert (inBranch >= 0,
"Expression contains unmatched branch and target instruction")
// branches[i] = branches[inBranch];
found = 1;
if (!found) {
if (branchCnt > maxBranches - 1) {
// Too many branches, give up now and assume what
// optmization has done is correct
inBranch = 0;
break; // from while (storePci) loop
branches[branchCnt] = storePci;
else if (PCode::IsTargetInstruction(storePci)) {
PCIID branchId = storePci->getLongOperand(0);
PCI *branch = PCode::getPCI(branchId);
Int32 found = 0;
for (Int32 i=0; i<branchCnt; i++) {
if (branch == branches[i]) {
GenAssert (inBranch >= 0,
"Expression contains unmatched branch and target instruction")
found = 1;
break; // Should have no other branch instruction
// points to this target instruction
if (!found) {
// encounted the target before the branch instruction
if (branchCnt > maxBranches - 1) {
// Too many branches, give up now and assume what
// optmization has done is correct
inBranch = 0;
break; // from while (storePci) loop
branches[branchCnt] = branch;
// If this instruction stores data to temporary space and
// it is not in branch
else if (!inBranch && PCode::IsTemporaryStore(storePci))
Int32 replaceUses = 1;
PCIListIter iterInner(iter);
PCI *usePci =;
for (; usePci; usePci =
if (PCI::replaceUsesOfTarget(storePci, usePci, 1)) {
replaceUses = 0;
// since we can not eliminate the use of temp space
break; // out from the for loop
if (replaceUses) {
// now we know we can at least replace the use of
// temp space. Replace it and see if we can remove it,
// i.e. no place the temp space is ever referenced
Int32 removeMove = 1;
PCIListIter iterInner(iter);
PCI *usePci =;
for (; usePci; usePci =
if (PCI::replaceUsesOfTarget(storePci, usePci, 0)) {
// can not remove the store PCI
removeMove = 0;
if (removeMove) {
} // If it's temporay store instruction and not in branch
// else check the next instruction
storePci =;
} // while (storePci)
GenAssert(inBranch == 0, "Unmatched branch and target instruction")
} // !getenv("PCODE_NO_MOVE_REMOVE")
// Case 2
// Eliminate redundant MOVE_MBIN8_MBIN8_IBIN32S (to/from TEMPORARY SPACE) pairs
// from ex_expr lists. All move operations between identical datatypes
// result in the generation of this move instruction.
// Once a matching MOVE pair is identified we scan the remaining
// part of the list to ensure that no other instruction accesses the temporary
// location we are about to eliminate.
// And, combine contiguous move instructions.
storePci = iter.first();
// If this instruction does not store data to temporary space,
// try the next one.
storePci =;
Int32 match = 0;
PCIListIter iterInner(iter);
PCI *loadPci =;
for(; loadPci;
loadPci =
if(PCode::IsBranchOrTarget(loadPci)) break;
if(PCI::temporaryStoreLoadOverlap(storePci, loadPci))
if(PCode::getInstruction(loadPci) != PCIT::MOVE_MBIN8_MBIN8_IBIN32S)
break ; // an instruction other than a move access the same temporary
// space as the move in storepci
// Else if Move(store) and Move(load) are
// to/from the same location, see if the pair can be removed.
if(PCI::temporaryStoreLoadMatch(storePci, loadPci))
Int32 anotherLD = 0;
PCIListIter iterInnerInner(iterInner);
for(PCI *lastPci =; lastPci;
lastPci =
if(PCI::temporaryStoreLoadOverlap(storePci, lastPci))
anotherLD = 1;
if(!anotherLD) match = 1;
else // not loadStoreMatch but is a MOVE_MBIN8_MBIN8_IBIN32S
else //not LoadStoreOverlap
// If a matching pair was not found, try the next instruction.
storePci =;
// We have found store and load operations to temporary space
// that are redundant.
// MV-MV becomes MV.
else {
storePci->setOperand(0, loadPci->getOperand(0));
storePci->setOperand(1, loadPci->getOperand(1));
storePci->setOperand(2, loadPci->getOperand(2));
// Case 3:
// Now do two optimizations in this loop
// a. Combine contiguous move operations into one.
// b. Replace standard size moves with specific move instructions
// c. Remove RANGE_MFLT64 instructions which companion MOVE MFLT64
// instructions were removed at previous steps
for(storePci = iter.first(); storePci; storePci =
// If this instruction is a MV, see if it can be combined with the
// next instruction if it is also a MV.
if(PCode::getInstruction(storePci) == PCIT::MOVE_MBIN8_MBIN8_IBIN32S)
PCIListIter iterNext(iter);
// Don't do this optimization if LLO optimization is specified
for(PCI *nextPci =;
nextPci && !(pCodeMode_ & PCODE_LLO);
if(PCode::getInstruction(nextPci) != PCIT::MOVE_MBIN8_MBIN8_IBIN32S) break;
// If the two MV's are contiguous, combine them.
// The DST ATP's must be the same, and the SRC
// ATP's must be the same, and the second DST
// start must be equal to the first DST end, and
// the second SRC start must be equal to the
// first SRC end.
if((nextPci->getOperand(0) == storePci->getOperand(0)) &&
(nextPci->getOperand(1) == storePci->getOperand(1)) &&
(nextPci->getOperand(3) == storePci->getOperand(3)) &&
(nextPci->getOperand(4) == storePci->getOperand(4)) &&
(nextPci->getOperand(2) == (storePci->getOperand(2)
+ storePci->getOperand(6))) &&
(nextPci->getOperand(5) == (storePci->getOperand(5)
+ storePci->getOperand(6))))
// The length of the combined MV is the sum
// of the two MV's.
storePci->setOperand(6, storePci->getOperand(6)
+ nextPci->getOperand(6));
// Remove the second MV.
// Next try to replace standard size moves with specific
// move instructions for these sizes.
// Standard Sizes are: 1, 2, 4 and 8 byte moves.
// This avoids doing a str_cpy_all for these standard sizes.
#if (defined (_DEBUG) && !(defined(__EID)))
if (!getenv("PCODE_NO_STD_MOVE"))
if (NOT doPCodeMoveFastpathOpt)
Lng32 length = storePci->getOperand(6);
if (length == 1 ||
length == 2 ||
length == 4 ||
length == 8)
PCIType::AddressingMode am = PCIT::AM_NONE;
// Determine the proper addressing mode for this size.
case 1:
am = PCIT::MBIN8;
case 2:
am = PCIT::MBIN16U;
case 4:
am = PCIT::MBIN32U;
case 8:
am = PCIT::MBIN64S;
// Addressing modes for move instruction.
// These are always 'same-size' to 'same-size' moves.
AML aml(am, am);
// Location of data is the same as for original
// move instruction. but we no longer need the
// length operand.
OL ol(storePci->getOperand(0),
// Change the generic move instuction to a standard
// move.
storePci->replaceAddressingModesAndOperands(aml, ol);
} // if
#if (defined (_DEBUG) && !(defined(__EID)))
if(PCode::getInstruction(storePci) == PCIT::RANGE_MFLT64)
PCIListIter iterRange(iter);
PCI *rangePci =;
for (; rangePci; rangePci =
if(PCode::IsBranchOrTarget(rangePci)) break;
if(PCode::getInstruction(rangePci) == PCIT::RANGE_MFLT64)
if((rangePci->getOperand(0) == storePci->getOperand(0)) &&
(rangePci->getOperand(1) == storePci->getOperand(1)) &&
(rangePci->getOperand(2) == storePci->getOperand(2)))
#if (defined (_DEBUG) && !(defined(__EID)))
} // combine contiguous moves and use standard size move
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifndef __EID
if (dumpPci == 1)
PCode::dumpContents(code, buf, bufLen);
// Since the call to get the base data address for a tupp is relatively
// expensive (triple dereference along with relocation checking), we want
// to minimize the number of calls to getDataPointer. This is accomplished
// be loading the base data address for each tupp that is possibly
// accessed by the expression once before evaluating the expression. The
// pointers are stored at the top of the expression stack and all
// ATP references in the expression use the address pointers from the
// stack.
// Make a map of the accessed tupps. The mapping function subtracts the
// min ATP from the ATP and the min ATP index from the ATP index and then
// maps the resuling shifted ATP and ATP index into a 2-D array. This
// compacts the map somewhat.
Int32 opNum = 0;
Int32 *atpMap = 0;
Int32 *atpIndexMap = 0;
if(atpOperation) {
Int32 numAtps = (maxAtp - minAtp) + 1;
Int32 numAtpIndexs = (maxAtpIndex - minAtpIndex) + 1;
Int32 numOps = numAtps * numAtpIndexs;
char *tuppMap = new(space) char[numOps];
atpMap = new(space) Int32[numOps];
atpIndexMap = new(space) Int32[numOps];
Int32 i=0;
for(; i<numOps; i++) {
atpMap[i] = -1;
atpIndexMap[i] = -1;
tuppMap[i] = 0;
// Iterate over all of the LD/ST_ATP* operations.
// Mark in the map the accessed tupps and change the LD/ST_ATP* operand
// to be the computed index.
for(pci = iter.first(); pci; pci = {
Int32 atp, atpIndex, index;
PCIT::AddressingMode am;
for(Int32 i=0,op=0;
am = pci->getAddressingMode(i);
if(!PCIT::isMemoryAddressingMode(am)) continue;
atp = pci->getOperand(op);
atpIndex = pci->getOperand(op+1);
index = numAtpIndexs * (atp - minAtp) + (atpIndex - minAtpIndex);
tuppMap[index] = 1;
atpMap[index] = atp;
atpIndexMap[index] = atpIndex;
// Compress the array of ATPs and ATP indexes to those that are actually
// accessed.
for(i=0; i<numOps; i++) {
if(tuppMap[i] && (atpIndexMap[i] > 1)) {
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
tuppMap[i] = opNum + 4;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
atpMap[opNum] = atpMap[i];
atpIndexMap[opNum] = atpIndexMap[i];
} else if(tuppMap[i]) {
if(atpMap[i] == 0)
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
tuppMap[i] = atpIndexMap[i] + 1;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
tuppMap[i] = 3;
// Iterate over all of the LD/ST_ATP* operations.
for(pci = iter.first(); pci; pci = {
Int32 atp, atpIndex, index, compressedIndex;
PCIT::AddressingMode am;
for(Int32 i=0,op=0;
am = pci->getAddressingMode(i);
if(!PCIT::isMemoryAddressingMode(am)) continue;
// Compute the index into the tupp map.
atp = pci->getOperand(op);
atpIndex = pci->getOperand(op+1);
index = numAtpIndexs * (atp - minAtp) + (atpIndex - minAtpIndex);
compressedIndex = tuppMap[index];
// Store the new index as the ith operands and move the
// offset from the (i+2)th to the (i+1)th operand, etc.
pci->setOperand(op, compressedIndex);
for(Int32 j=op+1; j<pci->getNumberOperands()-1; j++)
pci->setOperand(j, pci->getOperand(j+1));
// There is only a fixed amount of PCODE stack space available for the
// expression evaluation at runtime. This is currently fixed to
// 256 integers. If the number of tupp pointers plus the maximum stack
// depth exceeds 256, then abort PCODE generation because a PCODE stack
// overflow is possible at runtime.
if(4 + opNum + maximumStackDepth >= 256) {
pCode_ = 0;
NADELETE(codeObject, PCode, heap);
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
// Fixup the branch targets (no more code changes after this).
// Compute the offset in the generated code vector of the first element
// for each PCI.
Int32 position = 0;
for(pci = iter.first(); pci; pci = {
position += pci->getGeneratedCodeSize();
// Based on the offset for the branch and target PCI's, compute and set
// the branch distance in the branch instruction.
for(pci = iter.first(); pci; pci = {
if(PCode::IsTargetInstruction(pci)) {
PCIID branchId = pci->getLongOperand(0);
PCI *branchPci = PCode::getPCI(branchId);
Int32 distance = pci->getCodePosition() - branchPci->getCodePosition() - 1;
if((branchPci->getOperation() == PCIT::Op_CLAUSE_BRANCH) ||
(branchPci->getOperation() == PCIT::Op_BRANCH_AND) ||
(branchPci->getOperation() == PCIT::Op_BRANCH_OR))
branchPci->setLongOperand(0, distance);
branchPci->setLongOperand(branchPci->getNumberOperands()-1, distance);
//#ifndef NDEBUG
if(getenv("PCODE_PRINT")) {
fprintf(stderr, "PCode ...\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifndef __EID
if (dumpPci == 1)
PCode::dumpContents(code, buf, bufLen);
if (!pCode_.getPointer())
pCode_ = new(space) PCodeSegment();
Int32 codeSize;
setPCodeBinary(codeObject->generateCodeSegment(opNum, atpMap, atpIndexMap,
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifndef __EID
if (dumpPci == 1)
PCode::dumpContents(pCode_.getPointer()->getPCodeBinary(), buf, bufLen);
// get rid of the temporary object
if (! ex_expr_base::forShowplan(f))
#ifndef __EID
// Perform PCODE optimizations
if (pCodeMode_ & PCODE_LLO) {
PCodeCfg* cfg = new(heap) PCodeCfg(this, atpMap, atpIndexMap, heap, space);
NADELETE(cfg, PCodeCfg, heap);
// see if move fastpath could be done.
// In this case, we move source to target directly without going
// through expr eval at runtime.
// Done if there is only one pcode instruction, MOVE_MBIN8_MBIN8_IBIN32S.
PCodeBinary *pc = getPCodeBinary();
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifndef __EID
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
if (pc)
if ((pc[0] == 2) &&
(pc[5] == PCIT::MOVE_MBIN8_MBIN8_IBIN32S) &&
((pc[11] == PCIT::END) || (pc[11] == PCIT::RETURN)))
return ex_expr::EXPR_OK;
void ex_expr::pCodePrint() {
PCode *pc = getPCodeObject();
if(pc) {
if(pc->isProfilingOn()) {
// fprintf(stderr, "Expression ??? \n");