blob: 1d5dbaf471faca144e84d4c2438e66d089457a92 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#include "NAVersionedObject.h"
#include "ComQueue.h"
#include "ex_globals.h"
class HdfsFileInfo
char * fileName() { return fileName_; }
// used for text/seq file access
Int64 getStartOffset() { return startOffset_; }
Int64 getBytesToRead() { return bytesToRead_; }
// used for ORC access
Int64 getStartRow() { return startOffset_; }
Int64 getNumRows() { return bytesToRead_; }
Lng32 getFlags() { return flags_; }
void setFileIsLocal(NABoolean v)
{(v ? flags_ |= HDFSFILEFLAGS_LOCAL : flags_ &= ~HDFSFILEFLAGS_LOCAL); };
NABoolean fileIsLocal() { return (flags_ & HDFSFILEFLAGS_LOCAL) != 0; };
void setFileIsSplitBegin(NABoolean v)
{(v ? flags_ |= HDFSFILE_IS_SPLIT_BEGIN : flags_ &= ~HDFSFILE_IS_SPLIT_BEGIN); };
NABoolean fileIsSplitBegin() { return (flags_ & HDFSFILE_IS_SPLIT_BEGIN) != 0; };
void setFileIsSplitEnd(NABoolean v)
{(v ? flags_ |= HDFSFILE_IS_SPLIT_END : flags_ &= ~HDFSFILE_IS_SPLIT_END); };
NABoolean fileIsSplitEnd() { return (flags_ & HDFSFILE_IS_SPLIT_END) != 0; };
enum HdfsFileInfoFlags
Lng32 entryNum_; // 0 based, first entry is entry num 0.
Lng32 flags_;
NABasicPtr fileName_;
Int64 startOffset_;
Int64 bytesToRead_;
typedef HdfsFileInfo* HdfsFileInfoPtr;
typedef NAArray<HdfsFileInfoPtr> HdfsFileInfoArray;
#include "ExpLOBaccess.h"
enum ExpLOBinterfaceInputFlags
CREATE_TGT_FILE_ = 0x0002,
Lng32 ExpLOBinterfaceInit(void *& lobGlob, void * lobHeap, void *currContext,NABoolean isHiveRead, char *hdfsServer="default", Int32 port=0);
Lng32 ExpLOBinterfaceCleanup(void *& lobGlob, void * lobHeap);
Lng32 ExpLOBinterfaceCreate(void * lobGlob,
char * lobName,
char * lobLoc,
Lng32 lobType = (Lng32)Lob_HDFS_File,
char * lobHdfsServer = (char *)"default",
Int64 lobMaxSize = 0,
Lng32 lobHdfsPort = 0,
int bufferSize = 0,
short replication =0,
int blocksize=0);
Lng32 ExpLOBinterfaceDrop(void * lobGlob,
char * lobHdfsServer ,
Lng32 lobHdfsPort ,
char * lobName,
char * lobLoc);
Lng32 ExpLOBInterfacePurgedata(void * lobGlob,
char * lobName,
char * lobLoc);
Lng32 ExpLOBinterfaceCloseFile(void * lobGlob,
char * lobName,
char * lobLoc,
Lng32 lobType,
char * lobHdfsServer ,
Lng32 lobHdfsPort );
Lng32 ExpLOBInterfaceInsertSelect(void * lobGlob,
char * lobHdfsServer,
Lng32 lobHdfsPort ,
char * tgtLobName,
char * lobStorageLocation,
Lng32 handleLen,
char * lobHandle,
Int64 &descSyskey,
Int64 &lobLen,
char * lobData,
char * srcLobName,
short srcDescSchNameLen,
char * srcDescSchName,
Int64 srcDescKey,
Int64 srcDescTS);
Lng32 ExpLOBInterfaceInsert(void * lobGlob,
char * tgtLobName,
char * lobLocation,
Lng32 lobType,
char * lobHdfsServer,
Lng32 lobHdfsPort,
Lng32 handleLen,
char * lobHandle,
Int32 * outHandleLen,
char * outLobHandle,
Int64 blackBoxLen,
char * blackBox,
Int64 &requestTag,
Int64 xnId,
Int64 &tgtDescSyskey,
LobsOper lo,
Lng32 * cliError = 0,
LobsSubOper so = Lob_Memory,
Lng32 waited = 0,
char * srcLobData = NULL,
Int64 srcLobLen = 0,
Int64 lobMaxSize = 0,
Int64 lobMaxChunkMemSize = 0,
Int64 lobGCLimit = 0,
int bufferSize = 0,
short replication =0,
int blocksize=0
Lng32 ExpLOBInterfaceUpdate(void * lobGlob,
char * lobHdfsServer ,
Lng32 lobHdfsPort,
char * tgtLobName,
char * lobLocation,
Lng32 handleLen,
char * lobHandle,
Int32 *outHandleLen,
char * outLobHandle,
Int64 &requestTag,
Int64 xnId,
Lng32 checkStatus,
Lng32 waitedOp,
LobsSubOper so,
Int64 &tgtDescSyskey,
Int64 tgtLobLen,
char * srcLobData,
char * srcLobName,
short srcDescSchNameLen,
char * srcDescSchName,
Int64 srcDescKey,
Int64 srcDescTS,
Int64 lobMaxSize = 0,
Int64 lobMaxChunkMemSize = 0,
Int64 lobGCLimit = 0);
Lng32 ExpLOBInterfaceUpdateAppend(void * lobGlob,
char * lobHdfsServer ,
Lng32 lobHdfsPort ,
char * tgtLobName,
char * lobLocation,
Lng32 handleLen,
char * lobHandle,
Int32 *outHandleLen,
char * outLobHandle,
Int64 &requestTag,
Int64 xnId,
Lng32 checkStatus,
Lng32 waitedOp,
LobsSubOper so,
Int64 &tgtDescSyskey,
Int64 tgtLobLen,
char * srcLobData,
char * srcLobName,
short srcDescSchNameLen,
char * srcDescSchName,
Int64 srcDescKey,
Int64 srcDescTS,
Int64 lobMaxSize = 0,
Int64 lobMaxChunkMemSize = 0,
Int64 lobGCLimit = 0
Lng32 ExpLOBInterfaceDelete(void * lobGlob,
char * lobHdfsServer ,
Lng32 lobHdfsPort ,
char * lobName,
char * lobLocation,
Lng32 handleLen,
char * lobHandle,
Int64 &requestTag,
Int64 xnId,
Int64 descSyskey,
Lng32 checkStatus,
Lng32 waitedOp);
Lng32 ExpLOBInterfaceSelect(void * lobGlob,
char * lobName,
char * lobLoc,
Lng32 lobType,
char * lobHdfsServer,
Lng32 lobHdfsPort,
Lng32 handleLen,
char * lobHandle,
Int64 &requestTag,
LobsSubOper so,
Int64 xnId,
Lng32 checkStatus,
Lng32 waited,
Int64 offset, Int64 inLen,
Int64 &outLen, char * lobData,
Int64 lobMaxChunkMemlen,
Int32 inputFlags=0);
Lng32 ExpLOBInterfaceSelectCursor(void * lobGlob,
char * lobName,
char * lobLoc,
Lng32 lobType,
char * lobHdfsServer,
Lng32 lobHdfsPort,
Int32 handleLen,
char * lobHandle,
Int64 cusrorBytes,
char *cursorId,
Int64 &requestTag,
LobsSubOper so,
Lng32 checkStatus,
Lng32 waitedOp,
Int64 offset, Int64 inLen,
Int64 &outLen, char * lobData,
Lng32 oper, // 1: open. 2: fetch. 3: close
Lng32 openType, // 0: not applicable. 1: preOpen. 2: mustOpen.
Int32 *hdfsDetailError = NULL
Lng32 ExpLOBinterfaceStats(void * lobGlob,
ExLobStats * lobStats,
char * lobName,
char * lobLoc,
Lng32 lobType = (Lng32)Lob_HDFS_File,
char * lobHdfsServer = (char *)"default",
Lng32 lobHdfsPort = 0);
char * getLobErrStr(Lng32 errEnum);
Lng32 ExpLOBinterfacePerformGC(void *& lobGlob, char *lobName,void *descChunksArray, Int32 numEntries, char *hdfsServer, Int32 hdfsPort,char *LOBlOC,Int64 lobMaxChunkMemSize);
Lng32 ExpLOBinterfaceRestoreLobDataFile(void *& lobGlob, char *hdfsServer, Int32 hdfsPort,char *lobLoc,char *lobName);
Lng32 ExpLOBinterfacePurgeBackupLobDataFile(void *& lobGlob, char *hdfsServer, Int32 hdfsPort,char *lobLoc,char *lobName);
// dirPath: path to needed directory (includes directory name)
// modTS is the latest timestamp on any file/dir under dirPath.
// This method validates that current modTS is not greater then input modTS.
// On return:
// failedModTS contains current timestamp that caused mismatch.
// failedLocBuf: buffer where path/name of failed dir/file will be returned.
// failedLocBufLen: IN: max len of buf. OUT: actual length of data.
// Return: 1, if check fails. 0, if passes. -1, if error.
Lng32 ExpLOBinterfaceDataModCheck(void * lobGlob,
char * dirPath,
char * lobHdfsServer,
Lng32 lobHdfsPort,
Int64 modTS,
Lng32 numOfPartLevels,
Int64 &failedModTS,
char * failedLocBuf,
Int32 &failedLocBufLen);
Lng32 ExpLOBinterfaceEmptyDirectory(void * lobGlob,
char * lobName,
char * lobLoc,
Lng32 lobType = (Lng32)Lob_Empty_Directory,
char * lobHdfsServer = (char *)"default",
Lng32 lobHdfsPort = 0,
int bufferSize = 0,
short replication =0,
int blocksize=0);
class HdfsFileInfo
char * fileName() { return fileName_; }
Int64 getStartOffset() { return startOffset_; }
Int64 getBytesToRead() { return bytesToRead_; }
Lng32 entryNum_; // 0 based, first entry is entry num 0.
NABasicPtr fileName_;
Int64 startOffset_;
Int64 bytesToRead_;