blob: a671d44b74eb8c2b6dfb7de673e9cfeeb456963f [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ExBitMuxFunction.h
* RCS: $Id
* Description: ExBitMuxFunction class Declaration
* Created: 6/15/97
* Modified: $Author
* Language: C++
* Status: $State
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
// Only include this file once
// Includes
#include "exp_clause.h"
#include "exp_clause_derived.h"
// Internal forward declarations
class ExpBitMuxFunction;
// ExpBitMuxFunction
// The ExBitMuxFunction class is a leaf of the derivation chain
// ex_function_clause->ex_clause->NABasicObject. The NABasicObject class provides a basic
// interface for memory management and packing of executor classes. The
// ex_clause class provides the basic unit of operation for the standard
// executor expression evaluation engine. The ex_function_clause class is
// a specialization of the ex_clause class for "functions". Other examples
// of classes derived from ex_function_clause include the string functions
// trim, substring, etc. and the numeric functions variance and standard
// deviation.
// The ExpBitMuxFunction class provides support for the "BitMuxing" function.
// The BitMuxing function is a variable arity function which computes a
// unique byte stream for each unique set of inputs. The outputs of separate
// applications of the BitMuxing function can be byte compared to determine
// the equality of sets of inputs. This is very similar to the encode
// function, except BitMuxing only works for equality comparisons and not
// less/greater than operations. This difference means that there are
// fewer restrictions for the BitMuxing operation and more oppurtunities
// for time and space optimizations. For example, the order of attributes
// and NULL/VARCHAR indicators in the BitMuxing output is not important.
// For encode, on the other hand all items relating to an attribute must
// be contiguous in the output.
// The BitMuxing function may be used in hash grouping and hash join
// operations in order to convert the input rows into byte comparable
// form. This allows equality comparisions to be made without using the
// expression evaluation engine -- a large performance gain.
#pragma warning ( disable : 4251 )
// ExpBitMuxFunction declaration
class SQLEXP_LIB_FUNC ExpBitMuxFunction : public ex_function_clause {
// Construction - this is the "real" constructor
NA_EIDPROC ExpBitMuxFunction(OperatorTypeEnum oper_type,
Int32 arity,
Attributes ** attr,
Space * space);
// This constructor is used only to get at the virtual function table.
NA_EIDPROC ExpBitMuxFunction();
// isNullInNullOut - Must redefine this virtual function to return 0
// since a NULL input does not simply produce a NULL output.
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullInNullOut() const { return 0; };
// isNullRelevant - Must redefine this virtual function to return 0
// since all the work is done in eval and none in processNulls.
NA_EIDPROC Int32 isNullRelevant() const { return 0; };
// eval - Must redefine eval to compute the BitMuxing function.
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type eval(char *op_data[], CollHeap*,
ComDiagsArea** =0);
// pack - Must redefine pack.
NA_EIDPROC Long pack(void *);
// pCodeGenerate - Must redefine pCodeGenerate the produce specific
// PCODE instructions for BitMuxing.
NA_EIDPROC ex_expr::exp_return_type pCodeGenerate(Space *space,
UInt32 f);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of methods inherited from NAVersionedObject.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize() { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// There are no private members.
#pragma warning ( default : 4251 )