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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ex_union.C
* Description: Methods for the tdb and tcb of a UNION ALL operation
* Created: 5/3/94
* Language: C++
// This file contains all the generator and executor methods associated
// with a union operator
#include "ex_union.h"
#include "ExStats.h"
#include "ex_error.h"
// TDB procedures
// Build a union tcb
ex_tcb * ex_union_tdb::build(ex_globals * glob)
// first build the children
ex_tcb * left_tcb;
ex_tcb * right_tcb;
ex_union_tcb *union_tcb;
ex_assert( !(isMergeUnion() && isOrderedUnion()),
"MergeUnion, OrderedUnion can't be simultaneously true" );
//++ Triggers -
ex_assert( !(isMergeUnion() && isBlockedUnion()),
"MergeUnion, BlockedUnion can't be simultaneously true" );
ex_assert(numChildren() == 2,
"ex_union_tcb::build - invalid number of children");
left_tcb = tdbLeft_->build(glob);
right_tcb = (tdbRight_ != (ComTdbPtr)NULL) ? tdbRight_->build(glob): (ex_tcb *)NULL ;
if (isMergeUnion())
union_tcb = new(glob->getSpace())
ex_m_union_tcb(*this, left_tcb, right_tcb, glob);
else if (isOrderedUnion() || isBlockedUnion()) //++ Triggers - , add blocked union
union_tcb = new(glob->getSpace())
ex_o_union_tcb(*this, left_tcb, right_tcb, glob, isBlockedUnion(), hasNoOutputs());
else if (isConditionalUnion())
union_tcb = new(glob->getSpace())
ex_c_union_tcb(*this, left_tcb, right_tcb, glob);
union_tcb = new(glob->getSpace())
ex_union_tcb(*this, left_tcb, right_tcb, glob);
// add the union_tcb to the schedule
return (union_tcb);
// TCB procedures
// Constructor for union_tcb
#pragma nowarn(770) // warning elimination
ex_union_tcb::ex_union_tcb(const ex_union_tdb & union_tdb, //
const ex_tcb * left_tcb, // left queue pair
const ex_tcb * right_tcb, // right queue pair
ex_globals *glob
) :
ex_tcb( union_tdb, 1, glob)
tcbLeft_ = left_tcb;
tcbRight_ = right_tcb;
CollHeap * space = glob->getSpace();
// Allocate the buffer pool
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
pool_ = new(space) sql_buffer_pool(union_tdb.numBuffers_,
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
// get the queues that left and right use to communicate with me
childQueues_[0] = left_tcb->getParentQueue();
childQueues_[1] = right_tcb->getParentQueue();
// the union TCB adds input tupps to its down queues, therefore we
// need to allocate new ATPs for its children
for (Int32 i = 0; i < numChildren(); i++ )
// The cri of the rows we get from our parent
// is the same as we give to our left and right children
ex_cri_desc * from_parent_cri = childQueues_[0].down->getCriDesc();
// The cri we return to our parent is the one returned by the left or
// right child. They should both be the same.
ex_cri_desc * to_parent_cri;
to_parent_cri = childQueues_[0].up->getCriDesc();
// Allocate the queue to communicate with parent
qparent.down = new(space) ex_queue(ex_queue::DOWN_QUEUE,
// Allocate the private state in each entry of the down queue
ex_union_private_state p(this);
qparent.down->allocatePstate(&p, this);
processedInputs_ = qparent.down->getHeadIndex();
qparent.up = new(space) ex_queue(ex_queue::UP_QUEUE,
// fixup left expression
if (moveExpr(0))
(void) moveExpr(0)->fixup(0, getExpressionMode(), this,
glob->getSpace(), glob->getDefaultHeap(), FALSE, glob);
// fixup right expression
if (moveExpr(1))
(void) moveExpr(1)->fixup(0, getExpressionMode(), this,
glob->getSpace(), glob->getDefaultHeap(), FALSE, glob);
// fixup merge expression
if (mergeExpr())
(void) mergeExpr()->fixup(0, getExpressionMode(), this,
glob->getSpace(), glob->getDefaultHeap(), FALSE, glob);
// fixup conditional expression
if (condExpr())
(void) condExpr()->fixup(0, getExpressionMode(), this,
glob->getSpace(), glob->getDefaultHeap(), FALSE, glob);
// fixup triggered action exception expression
if (trigExceptExpr())
(void) trigExceptExpr()->fixup(0, getExpressionMode(), this,
glob->getSpace(), glob->getDefaultHeap(), FALSE, glob);
#pragma warn(770) // warning elimination
// Destructor for union_tcb
delete qparent.up;
delete qparent.down;
// Free Resources
void ex_union_tcb::freeResources()
delete pool_;
pool_ = 0;
void ex_union_tcb::registerSubtasks()
ExScheduler *sched = getGlobals()->getScheduler();
// down queues are handled by workDown()
sched->registerInsertSubtask(sWorkDown, this, qparent.down,"DN");
sched->registerUnblockSubtask(sWorkDown, this, childQueues_[0].down);
sched->registerUnblockSubtask(sWorkDown, this, childQueues_[1].down);
// cancellations are handled by the complaints department
sched->registerCancelSubtask(sCancel, this, qparent.down,"CN");
// up queues are handled by workUp()
sched->registerUnblockSubtask(sWorkUp, this, qparent.up,"UP");
sched->registerInsertSubtask(sWorkUp, this, childQueues_[0].up);
sched->registerInsertSubtask(sWorkUp, this, childQueues_[1].up);
// Starts up the next requested union operation by sending
// requests to both children. Child queue must have room!
void ex_union_tcb::start()
// Advance processedInputs_ by one, all checks need to be done
// by the caller. No down request is sent for a cancelled message.
ex_queue_entry * lentry = childQueues_[0].down->getTailEntry();
ex_queue_entry * rentry = childQueues_[1].down->getTailEntry();
ex_queue_entry * pentry_down = qparent.down->getQueueEntry(processedInputs_);
const ex_queue::down_request request = pentry_down->downState.request;
ex_union_private_state & pstate =
*((ex_union_private_state*) pentry_down->pstate);
// pass same request down to both children
lentry->downState.request = request;
lentry->downState.requestValue = pentry_down->downState.requestValue;
lentry->downState.parentIndex = processedInputs_;
rentry->downState.request = request;
rentry->downState.requestValue = pentry_down->downState.requestValue;
rentry->downState.parentIndex = processedInputs_;
// pass it to both children
pstate.matchCount_ = 0; // no matches yet for this parent row
pstate.childStates_[0] = STARTED_;
pstate.childStates_[1] = STARTED_;
if (request == ex_queue::GET_NOMORE)
// immediately cancel the request (requests are already in
// cancelled state but the cancel callback isn't activated yet)
pstate.childStates_[0] = CANCELLED_;
pstate.childStates_[1] = CANCELLED_;
// $$$$ should find a smarter way to do this
// All child rows have been returned.
// Now return an eof indication to parent.
void ex_union_tcb::stop()
// Remove the head entries of the parent down queue and the two
// child up queues. All checks are done by the caller.
ex_queue_entry * pentry_down = qparent.down->getHeadEntry();
ex_union_private_state & pstate =
*((ex_union_private_state*) pentry_down->pstate);
ex_queue_entry * pentry = qparent.up->getTailEntry();
ex_queue_entry * centry0 = childQueues_[0].up->getHeadEntry();
ex_queue_entry * centry1 = childQueues_[1].up->getHeadEntry();
pentry->upState.status = ex_queue::Q_NO_DATA;
pentry->upState.parentIndex = pentry_down->downState.parentIndex;
pentry->upState.downIndex = qparent.down->getHeadIndex();
pentry->upState.setMatchNo(centry0->upState.getMatchNo() +
ComDiagsArea *da = pentry->getDiagsArea();
ComDiagsArea *c0da = centry0->getDiagsArea();
ComDiagsArea *c1da = centry1->getDiagsArea();
if (c0da || c1da)
if (da == NULL)
da = ComDiagsArea::allocate(getGlobals()->getDefaultHeap());
if (c0da)
if (c1da)
// insert into parent
// consume the left and right child row
// this parent request has been processed.
// Hasta La Vista!
ExWorkProcRetcode ex_union_tcb::processCancel()
// Check the down queue from the parent for cancellations. Propagate
// cancel requests and remove all requests that are completely cancelled.
// loop over all requests that have been sent down
// (the others are handled by start() later)
queue_index ix = qparent.down->getHeadIndex();
while (ix != processedInputs_)
ex_queue_entry * pentry_down = qparent.down->getQueueEntry(ix);
// check whether the current down request is cancelled
if (pentry_down->downState.request == ex_queue::GET_NOMORE)
// yes, cancel this down request if not already done so
ex_union_private_state & pstate =
*((ex_union_private_state*) pentry_down->pstate);
// cancel child requests if not already done so and if they
// aren't already finished
for (Int32 i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if (pstate.childStates_[i] == ex_union_tcb::STARTED_)
// cancel request to this child
pstate.childStates_[i] = ex_union_tcb::CANCELLED_;
} // for each child
} // cancelled rows request
ix++; // may wrap around
} // parent queue is not empty
// checked all active entries nothing more to do
// return WORK_CALL_AGAIN;
return WORK_OK;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generic work procedure should never be called
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ExWorkProcRetcode ex_union_tcb::work()
ex_assert(0,"Should never reach ex_union_tcb::work()");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Work procedure to send requests down
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ExWorkProcRetcode ex_union_tcb::workDown()
// while we have unprocessed down requests and while both
// children's down queues have room, start more child requests
while (qparent.down->entryExists(processedInputs_) &&
! childQueues_[0].down->isFull() &&
! childQueues_[1].down->isFull())
return WORK_OK;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// generic up-processing for union
// (see method whichSide() for specific part)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ExWorkProcRetcode ex_union_tcb::workUp()
ExOperStats *statsEntry;
statsEntry = getStatsEntry();
// while there is a chance that we have work (may exit via return)
while (qparent.down->getHeadIndex() != processedInputs_)
// get head entry and pstate
ex_queue_entry * pentry_down = qparent.down->getHeadEntry();
ex_union_private_state & pstate =
*((ex_union_private_state*) pentry_down->pstate);
Int32 side = -1;
Int32 endOfData = 0;
// while we have room in the up queue and while we can make up our
// mind from which side to take the next row, move a row up to the
// parent
while (! qparent.up->isFull() &&
(pstate.getErrorCode() || whichSide(pstate,side,endOfData)))
// whichSide() side-effects the variable side, to show which side
// actually has the next row. It guarantees that there actually is a row.
// and that the row is not an end-of-data indicator. Note that if getErrorCode()
// shows any error we cannot use the side-effected result from whichSide(),
// because it never was called.
ex_queue_entry * pentry = qparent.up->getTailEntry();
if (pstate.getErrorCode())
// The ex_c_union_tcb::workDown has seen an error when deciding
// which child. It never sent any request down. Finish processing
// the error now that the offending queue request is at the head
// of the parent down queue. The diags area is on that queue entry's
// atp.
pentry->upState.status = ex_queue::Q_SQLERROR;
pentry->upState.parentIndex = pentry_down->downState.parentIndex;
pentry->upState.downIndex = qparent.down->getHeadIndex();
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
ex_queue_entry * centry = childQueues_[side].up->getHeadEntry();
if ((pstate.childStates_[side] != CANCELLED_) &&
(centry->upState.status != ex_queue::Q_SQLERROR))
// ++Triggers -
// The union is a control node that does not return data.
// This code was entered to prevent problems in embedded Sql, where update
// operation stops after the first returned row.
if (hasNoOutputs() &&
centry->upState.status == ex_queue::Q_OK_MMORE &&
!pentry_down->downState.request == ex_queue::GET_N)
// consume the child rows
if (!childQueues_[side].up->isEmpty())
centry = childQueues_[side].up->getHeadEntry();
} while (!childQueues_[side].up->isEmpty() &&
centry->upState.status == ex_queue::Q_OK_MMORE);
if (centry->upState.status == ex_queue::Q_OK_MMORE)
return WORK_OK;
// --Triggers -
pentry->upState.status = centry->upState.status;
pentry->upState.parentIndex = pentry_down->downState.parentIndex;
pentry->upState.downIndex = qparent.down->getHeadIndex();
if (pentry_down->downState.request == ex_queue::GET_N &&
pentry_down->downState.requestValue <= (Lng32)pstate.matchCount_)
// cancel this request
// if stats are to be collected, collect them.
if (statsEntry)
// Return the row to parent.
// First, Move/Convert it to union buffer, if needed.
if (moveExpr(side))
// copy input tupps from parent request
// allocate space to hold the unioned row
if (pool_->get_free_tuple(
// couldn't alloc., try again later.
// copy down entry ATP into up entry
// copy child data to parent ATP
if (moveExpr(side)->eval(centry->getAtp(),
pentry->getAtp()) == ex_expr::EXPR_ERROR)
// handle errors - set the status to Q_SQLERROR.
processError(pstate, endOfData, centry->getAtp());
// Setting the diagnostics area for the up entry. This is
// to flow the diagnostics information to the parent.
ComDiagsArea * da = centry->getAtp()->getDiagsArea();
if (da)
// copy child's atp to
// the output atp (to parent's up queue)
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
// insert into parent up queue
} // child state is not cancelled
else if ((pstate.childStates_[side] != CANCELLED_) &&
(centry->upState.status == ex_queue::Q_SQLERROR))
if (trigExceptExpr()) // trigs
// Setting the diagnostics area for the up entry. This is
// to flow the diagnostics information to the parent.
ComDiagsArea * da = centry->getAtp()->getDiagsArea();
ex_assert((da != NULL), "should not be here");
if (da->returnIndex(-ComDiags_TrigActionExceptionSQLCODE) ==
trigExceptExpr()->eval(centry->getAtp(), 0);
processError(pstate, endOfData, centry->getAtp());
// consume the child row
if (childQueues_[side].up->isEmpty() && (numChildren()>1))
{ // -- Triggers: should not get in for conditional, single child unions.
// moving this row up made the queue empty, we can not
// continue if there isn't a non EOD row in the other queue
if (childQueues_[1-side].up->isEmpty() ||
pstate.childStates_[1-side] == DONE_)
return WORK_OK;
} // parent up queue is not full and we know the next side
// Either the parent queue is full or we can't read any more data
// rows from the children. This means we can return from this work
// procedure, UNLESS we are at end of data for the current request
// and can return EOD and possibly try another down request
if (endOfData && ! qparent.up->isFull())
return WORK_OK;
} // while parent ComQueue.has entries
// parent down queue is empty
return WORK_OK;
void ex_union_tcb::processError(ex_union_private_state &pstate, Int32 &endOfData,
atp_struct* atp)
ex_queue_entry * pentry_down = qparent.down->getHeadEntry();
ex_queue_entry * pentry = qparent.up->getTailEntry();
pentry->upState.status = ex_queue::Q_SQLERROR;
pentry->upState.parentIndex = pentry_down->downState.parentIndex;
pentry->upState.downIndex = qparent.down->getHeadIndex();
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
// cancel this request and cancel all the children.
for (Int32 i=0; i < 2; i++)
while (!(childQueues_[i].up->isEmpty()) &&
pstate.childStates_[i] != DONE_)
ex_queue_entry * centry = childQueues_[i].up->getHeadEntry();
switch (centry->upState.status)
case ex_queue::Q_OK_MMORE:
case ex_queue::Q_SQLERROR:
case ex_queue::Q_NO_DATA:
pstate.childStates_[i] = DONE_;
case ex_queue::Q_INVALID:
ex_assert(0, "ex_m_union_tcb::processError() Invalid state returned by child");
if (pstate.childStates_[0] == DONE_ && pstate.childStates_[1] == DONE_)
endOfData = 1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Vanilla union all:
// This tcb is used to return all rows from the left child and the right
// child. To distribute processing evenly, the left and right child queue
// is tried alternatively, but if they don't have data then the other
// queue gets a chance.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 ex_union_tcb::whichSide(ex_union_private_state & pstate,
Int32 &side,
Int32 &endOfData)
// switch sides, try treating both children the same
pstate.whichSide_ = 1 - pstate.whichSide_;
Int32 numEod = 0;
// once for each child
for (Int32 i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if (!childQueues_[pstate.whichSide_].up->isEmpty())
if (childQueues_[pstate.whichSide_].up->
getHeadEntry()->upState.status == ex_queue::Q_NO_DATA)
// end of data, indicate that this child is done
pstate.childStates_[pstate.whichSide_] = DONE_;
// a good row in this child queue, that's it, return success
side = pstate.whichSide_;
return 1;
} // child's up queue is not empty
// flip sides
pstate.whichSide_ = 1 - pstate.whichSide_;
} // once for each child
// didn't find a good data row, our last chance is two end of data rows
endOfData = (numEod == 2);
// indicate that no data row can be moved
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Merge Union
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const ex_union_tdb & union_tdb, //
const ex_tcb * left_tcb, // left queue pair
const ex_tcb * right_tcb, // right queue pair
ex_globals *glob
) : ex_union_tcb( union_tdb, left_tcb, right_tcb, glob)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Up-processing for merge union:
// two sorted data streams are merged. A merge expression indicates
// whether the left (TRUE) or the right (FALSE/NULL) side contains the
// next row in the merge order. A merge union can only return a row if
// it has a data or EOD row on both of its children. Note that this
// procedure does not use or maintain pstate.whichSide_.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 ex_m_union_tcb::whichSide(ex_union_private_state & pstate,
Int32 &side,
Int32 &endOfData)
if (childQueues_[0].up->isEmpty() || childQueues_[1].up->isEmpty())
// need to wait until both children have a queue entry, this
// is not the EOD case
endOfData = 0;
return 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// If either child has returned an error, then pass the error to the parent of the
// merge-union operator. We make this check before evaluating the merge expr in order
// to avoid evaluating this expression on a row with no meaningful data.
// case 10-030904-5021
ex_queue_entry * lentry = childQueues_[0].up->getHeadEntry();
ex_queue_entry * rentry = childQueues_[1].up->getHeadEntry();
if (lentry->upState.status == ex_queue::Q_SQLERROR)
processError(pstate, endOfData, lentry->getAtp());
return 0;
if (rentry->upState.status == ex_queue::Q_SQLERROR)
processError(pstate, endOfData, rentry->getAtp());
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Now we have a row on both children.
// Check which ones are at end of data.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 numEod = 0;
for (Int32 i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if (childQueues_[i].up->getHeadEntry()->upState.status ==
// found an end of data up entry
pstate.childStates_[i] = DONE_;
// take the other side (its EOD status gets checked, too)
side = 1 - i;
// now that we have looked at both children:
switch (numEod)
case 0:
// - if we found 0 EOD entries, use the merge expression to find
// out which side and return TRUE
// Compare the two rows and return the one
// which is lesser. The mergeExpr() has been generated to
// return TRUE if left is lesser than the right.
ex_expr::exp_return_type retCode = mergeExpr()->eval(rentry->getAtp(), 0);
if (retCode == ex_expr::EXPR_ERROR)
processError(pstate, endOfData, rentry->getAtp());
return 0;
else if (retCode == ex_expr::EXPR_TRUE)
side = 0; // LEFT
side = 1; // RIGHT (in case of all other return values)
return 1;
case 1:
// - if we found 1 EOD entry, return TRUE, the side is already set
// to the child that isn't yet at EOD
return 1;
case 2:
// - if we found 2 EOD entries, set the endOfData indicator and
// return FALSE
endOfData = 1;
return 0;
ex_assert(0,"A very unusual error occurred in the executor");
return 0; // if you ever reach here I'll eat a broom with the stick
// Constructor for o_union_tcb
const ex_union_tdb & union_tdb, //
const ex_tcb * left_tcb, // left queue pair
const ex_tcb * right_tcb, // right queue pair
ex_globals *glob,
NABoolean blocked_union, // Triggers -, blocked union
Int32 hasNoOutputs // Triggers -
) : ex_union_tcb( union_tdb, left_tcb, right_tcb, glob),
phase2Event_((ExSubtask *)0),
phase3Event_((ExSubtask *)0), // ++ Triggers -
blockedUnion_(blocked_union), // ++ Triggers -
hasNoOutputs_(hasNoOutputs) // ++ Triggers -
{ }
// decide which side to choose for up-processing for ordered union
// (first left, then right). Also pipeline as many requests as possible
// for processing in the right child. Argument side is changed only if
// whichSide() returns 1.
Int32 ex_o_union_tcb::whichSide(ex_union_private_state & pstate,
Int32 &side,
Int32 &endOfData)
if (childQueues_[pstate.whichSide_].up->isEmpty())
// sorry, we are fixed on that side, need to wait
endOfData = 0;
return 0;
// is the current side at end of data?
if (childQueues_[pstate.whichSide_].up->getHeadEntry()->upState.status ==
if (pstate.whichSide_ == 0)
// schedule workroutine of Phase2 since EOD from left child is received
rightRequestCnt_++; // there is at least one request that we can send
// to right child
// perhaps there are more EODs on left child UPqueue? try to
// pipeline as many requests to the right child as possible.
// because of pipelining, we set pstate.whichSide_ in
// StartRightchild().
// for the same reason, pstate.childStates[0] is set to DONE_
// in startRightchild().
queue_index ix;
ex_queue* upQ;
upQ = childQueues_[pstate.whichSide_].up;
ix = upQ->getHeadIndex();
while ( upQ->entryExists(ix) &&
upQ->getQueueEntry(ix)->upState.status == ex_queue::Q_NO_DATA )
rightRequestCnt_++; // change the corresponding pstate.whichSide_;
// this is done in startRightchild().
} // while pipeline is possible
// go produce replies from right child for this request
endOfData = 0;
return 0;
// second child has EOD, first child must have returned EOD
// earlier, otherwise we wouldn't be workin on the second one
pstate.childStates_[pstate.whichSide_] = DONE_;
endOfData = 1;
// ++ Triggers -
// schedule workroutine of left child since EOD from right child is received,
// and there might be some left entries that where blocked
// till the end of the exection of the right child
if (blockedUnion_)
// -- Triggers -
return 0;
// success, return side stored in pstate
side = pstate.whichSide_;
return 1;
} // ex_o_union_tcb::whichSide()
// Work procedure to send requests down to left child
ExWorkProcRetcode ex_o_union_tcb::workDownLeft()
// while we have unprocessed down requests and while left
// child's down ComQueue.has room, start more child requests
while (qparent.down->entryExists(lprocessedInputs_) &&
processedInputs_ = whichSideParentIndex();
return WORK_OK;
} // ex_o_union_tcb::workDownLeft()
//++ Triggers -, blocked union
// Work procedure to send requests down to left child, in blocked union
ExWorkProcRetcode ex_o_union_tcb::workDownBlockedLeft()
// if we have unprocessed down requests
// start one child requests only for the head qparent entry
if ((qparent.down->getHeadIndex() == lprocessedInputs_) &&
ex_assert(!childQueues_[0].down->isFull(), "Full child queue, should not occur in blocked union");
processedInputs_ = whichSideParentIndex();
return WORK_OK;
} // ex_o_union_tcb::workBlockedDownLeft()
//-- Triggers -, blocked union
// Work procedure to send requests down to right child
ExWorkProcRetcode ex_o_union_tcb::workDownRight()
// while we have unprocessed down requests and while right
// child's down ComQueue.has room, start requests (at least one,
// may be more) that have received EOD from the left child.
while ( qparent.down->entryExists(rprocessedInputs_) &&
rightRequestCnt_ > 0 && !childQueues_[1].down->isFull())
processedInputs_ = whichSideParentIndex();
return WORK_OK;
} // ex_o_union_tcb::workDownRight()
// Helper to determine which child's (left or right) parent is farther
// from the parent down ex_queue's head_. It encapsulates the complexity
// that the queue_indexes can wrap around at 4,294,967,296.
queue_index ex_o_union_tcb::whichSideParentIndex()
if ((lprocessedInputs_ - qparent.down->getHeadIndex()) >
(rprocessedInputs_ - qparent.down->getHeadIndex()))
return lprocessedInputs_;
return rprocessedInputs_;
// Send union request to left child; left child down queue
// must have room! handle error processing
void ex_o_union_tcb::startLeftchild()
ex_queue_entry * lentry = childQueues_[0].down->getTailEntry();
ex_queue_entry * pentry_down = qparent.down->getQueueEntry(lprocessedInputs_);
const ex_queue::down_request request = pentry_down->downState.request;
ex_union_private_state & pstate =
*((ex_union_private_state*) pentry_down->pstate);
// pass same request down to left child
lentry->downState.request = request;
lentry->downState.requestValue = pentry_down->downState.requestValue;
lentry->downState.parentIndex = lprocessedInputs_;
// pass it to left child
pstate.matchCount_ = 0; // no matches yet for this parent row
pstate.childStates_[0] = STARTED_;
if (request == ex_queue::GET_NOMORE)
// immediately cancel the request (requests are already in
// cancelled state but the cancel callback isn't activated yet)
pstate.childStates_[0] = CANCELLED_;
// $$$$ should find a smarter way to do this
} // ex_o_union_tcb::startLeftchild()
// Send request down to right child. Right child down queue must
// have room! handle error processing
void ex_o_union_tcb::startRightchild()
ex_queue_entry * rentry = childQueues_[1].down->getTailEntry();
ex_queue_entry * pentry_down = qparent.down->getQueueEntry(rprocessedInputs_);
const ex_queue::down_request request = pentry_down->downState.request;
ex_union_private_state & pstate =
*((ex_union_private_state*) pentry_down->pstate);
ex_assert(pstate.whichSide_ == 0,
"ex_o_union_tcb::startRightchild() right child started too early");
pstate.childStates_[0] = DONE_; // because of pipelining
pstate.whichSide_ = 1; // because of pipelining
// pass same request down to right child
rentry->downState.request = request;
rentry->downState.requestValue = pentry_down->downState.requestValue;
rentry->downState.parentIndex = rprocessedInputs_;
// pass it to right child
// For NAR, we do not want to send down the diags area.
if (union_tdb().inNotAtomicStmt())
pstate.childStates_[1] = STARTED_;
if (request == ex_queue::GET_NOMORE)
// immediately cancel the request (requests are already in
// cancelled state but the cancel callback isn't activated yet)
pstate.childStates_[1] = CANCELLED_;
// $$$$ should find a smarter way to do this
} // ex_o_union_tcb::startRightchild()
// Register with the scheduler
void ex_o_union_tcb::registerSubtasks()
ExScheduler *sched = getGlobals()->getScheduler();
// ++Triggers -
if (blockedUnion_)
// in blocked union, there is only one entry served at a time
// left down is blocked till right child is done
// Phase1: down queues are handled by workDownBlockedLeft()
// Only one entry can go down at a time
sched->registerInsertSubtask(sWorkBlockedPhase1, this, qparent.down,"DN");
sched->registerUnblockSubtask(sWorkBlockedPhase1, this, childQueues_[0].down);
// Phase2 of Blockedunion is handled by workDownRight()
// the entry is schdulde to the right side when the left side is done
sched->registerUnblockSubtask(sWorkPhase2, this, childQueues_[1].down);
phase2Event_ = sched->registerNonQueueSubtask(sWorkPhase2, this);
// Phase3 of Blockedunion - rescedule left child when the right side is done
phase3Event_ = sched->registerNonQueueSubtask(sWorkBlockedPhase1, this);
else {
// --Triggers -
// Phase1: down queues are handled by workDownLeft()
sched->registerInsertSubtask(sWorkPhase1, this, qparent.down,"DN");
sched->registerUnblockSubtask(sWorkPhase1, this, childQueues_[0].down);
//Phase2 of Orderedunion is handled by workDownRight()
sched->registerUnblockSubtask(sWorkPhase2, this, childQueues_[1].down);
phase2Event_ = sched->registerNonQueueSubtask(sWorkPhase2, this);
// cancellations are handled by the complaints department
sched->registerCancelSubtask(sCancel, this, qparent.down,"CN");
// up queues are handled by default workUp() of parent class
sched->registerUnblockSubtask(sWorkUp, this, qparent.up,"UP");
sched->registerInsertSubtask(sWorkUp, this, childQueues_[0].up);
sched->registerInsertSubtask(sWorkUp, this, childQueues_[1].up);
} // ex_o_union_tcb::registerSubtasks
// Work routine for cancel processing for class ex_o_union_tcb
ExWorkProcRetcode ex_o_union_tcb::processCancel()
// Check the down queue from the parent for cancellations. Propagate
// cancel requests and remove all requests that are completely cancelled.
// Loop over all requests that have been sent down.
queue_index lix = qparent.down->getHeadIndex();
queue_index rix = lix;
while (lix != lprocessedInputs_)
ex_queue_entry * pentry_down = qparent.down->getQueueEntry(lix);
// check whether the current down request is cancelled
if (pentry_down->downState.request == ex_queue::GET_NOMORE)
// yes, cancel this down request if not already done so
ex_union_private_state & pstate =
*((ex_union_private_state*) pentry_down->pstate);
// cancel child requests if not already done so and if they
// aren't already finished
if (pstate.childStates_[0] == ex_union_tcb::STARTED_)
// cancel request to this child
pstate.childStates_[0] = ex_union_tcb::CANCELLED_;
} // cancelled rows request
lix++; // may wrap around
} // parent queue is not empty
while (rix != rprocessedInputs_)
ex_queue_entry * pentry_down = qparent.down->getQueueEntry(rix);
// check whether the current down request is cancelled
if (pentry_down->downState.request == ex_queue::GET_NOMORE)
// yes, cancel this down request if not already done so
ex_union_private_state & pstate =
*((ex_union_private_state*) pentry_down->pstate);
// cancel child requests if not already done so and if they
// aren't already finished
if (pstate.childStates_[1] == ex_union_tcb::STARTED_)
// cancel request to this child
pstate.childStates_[1] = ex_union_tcb::CANCELLED_;
} // cancelled rows request
rix++; // may wrap around
} // parent queue is not empty
// checked all active entries nothing more to do
// return WORK_CALL_AGAIN;
return WORK_OK;
} // ex_o_union_tcb::processCancel()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Conditional Union
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const ex_union_tdb &union_tdb,
const ex_tcb *left_tcb,
const ex_tcb *right_tcb,
ex_globals *glob) :
ex_union_tcb(union_tdb, left_tcb, right_tcb, glob)
void ex_c_union_tcb::registerSubtasks()
ExScheduler *sched = getGlobals()->getScheduler();
// Down queues are handled by CondWorkDown()
sched->registerInsertSubtask(sCondWorkDown, this, qparent.down,"DN");
Int32 i = 0;
for (; i < numChildren(); i++ )
sched->registerUnblockSubtask(sCondWorkDown, this, childQueues_[i].down);
// Cancellations are handled by the complaints department.
sched->registerCancelSubtask(sCancel, this, qparent.down,"CN");
// Up queues are handled by workUp().
sched->registerUnblockSubtask(sWorkUp, this, qparent.up,"UP");
for (i = 0; i < numChildren(); i++ )
sched->registerInsertSubtask(sWorkUp, this, childQueues_[i].up);
workUpEvent_ = sched->registerNonQueueSubtask(sWorkUp, this);
} // ex_union_tcb::registerSubtasks()
ExWorkProcRetcode ex_c_union_tcb::condWorkDown()
// Process the parent request.
while (qparent.down->entryExists(processedInputs_))
// Get handles.
ex_queue_entry *pentry_down =
ex_union_private_state &pstate =
*((ex_union_private_state*) pentry_down->pstate);
// Evaluate the conditional expression. If it evaluates to TRUE,
// the left child is started. If it evaluates to FALSE, and there is
// a right child, it is started. Othewise, stop servicing the request.
ex_expr::exp_return_type retCode =
condExpr()->eval(pentry_down->getAtp(), 0);
if (retCode == ex_expr::EXPR_TRUE)
if (!(union_tdb().inNotAtomicStmt()))
pstate.whichChild_ = 0;
pstate.whichChild_ = -1;
ComDiagsArea * da = ExRaiseSqlError(getGlobals()->getDefaultHeap(),
else if ((retCode == ex_expr::EXPR_FALSE) ||
(retCode == ex_expr::EXPR_NULL))
pstate.whichChild_ = 1;
else if (retCode == ex_expr::EXPR_ERROR)
pstate.whichChild_ = -1;
// raise a Triggered Action Exception if an error occurred while
// evaluating the WHEN clause of a trigger.
if (trigExceptExpr()) // triggers
ComDiagsArea * da = pentry_down->getAtp()->getDiagsArea();
ex_assert((da != NULL) && (da->returnIndex(-ComDiags_TrigActionExceptionSQLCODE) == NULL_COLL_INDEX), "Should not be here");
trigExceptExpr()->eval(pentry_down->getAtp(), 0);
// schedule the workUp method, b/c no child responses are guaranteed.
ex_assert(0, "Unexpected return from exp_expr::eval");
// Pass the request to the appropirate child.
if (!childQueues_[pstate.whichChild_].down->isFull())
return WORK_OK;
} // ex_c_union_tcb::condWorkDown()
void ex_c_union_tcb::start()
// Get handles.
ex_queue_entry *pentry_down = qparent.down->getQueueEntry(processedInputs_);
const ex_queue::down_request request = pentry_down->downState.request;
ex_union_private_state &pstate =
*((ex_union_private_state*) pentry_down->pstate);
Int32 child = pstate.whichChild_;
ex_assert(pstate.validChild(), "ex_c_union_tdb::start - invalid state");
ex_queue_entry *entry = childQueues_[child].down->getTailEntry();
// Pass request down to child.
entry->downState.request = request;
entry->downState.requestValue = pentry_down->downState.requestValue;
entry->downState.parentIndex = processedInputs_;
pstate.childStates_[child] = STARTED_;
pstate.matchCount_ = 0;
// Immediately cancel the request if required.
if (request == ex_queue::GET_NOMORE)
pstate.childStates_[child] = CANCELLED_;
} // ex_c_union_tcb::start()
void ex_c_union_tcb::stop()
// Get handles.
ex_queue_entry *pentry_down = qparent.down->getHeadEntry();
ex_union_private_state &pstate =
*((ex_union_private_state*) pentry_down->pstate);
Int32 child = pstate.whichChild_;
ex_queue_entry *pentry = qparent.up->getTailEntry();
// Return EOF to parent.
pentry->upState.status = ex_queue::Q_NO_DATA;
pentry->upState.parentIndex = pentry_down->downState.parentIndex;
pentry->upState.downIndex = qparent.down->getHeadIndex();
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
// Consume the child row.
if (pstate.validChild())
// This parent request has been processed.
} // ex_c_union_tcb::stop()
Int32 ex_c_union_tcb::whichSide(ex_union_private_state &pstate,
Int32 &side,
Int32 &endOfData)
if (!pstate.validChild())
endOfData = 1;
return 0;
Int32 child = pstate.whichChild_;
// Check if the child has any data.
if (childQueues_[child].up->isEmpty())
return 0;
// Check if the child's at the end of its data stream.
if (childQueues_[child].up->
getHeadEntry()->upState.status == ex_queue::Q_NO_DATA)
// before setting the endofData flag and the child state to DONE_ we check to
// see if EXE_CS_EOD/EXE_CS_EOD_ROLLBACK_ERROR type warning/error needs
// to be issued. If the childstate is in a CANCELLED_ state an error has
// occurred in the child and we do not need to handle
// EXE_CS_EOD/EXE_CS_EOD_ROLLBACK_ERROR type warning/error. The childstate
// is set to CANCELLED_ by calling processError() which calls
// processCancel().
// If there was error while evaluating the conditional expression then
// whichSide() is not called at all, which is the appropriate behaviour
// to handle this error/warning.
if (pstate.childStates_[child] != CANCELLED_) {
NABoolean expectingRows ;
if (child == 0)
expectingRows = union_tdb().expectingLeftRows() ;
expectingRows = union_tdb().expectingRightRows() ;
if (expectingRows && !pstate.matchCount_){
if (union_tdb().afterUpdate()) {
else {
pstate.childStates_[child] = DONE_;
endOfData = 1;
return 0;
// The child has real data.
side = child;
return 1;
} // ex_c_union_tcb::whichSide()
ExWorkProcRetcode ex_c_union_tcb::processCancel()
// Similar to base class processCancel but only concerned with 1 child.
queue_index ix = qparent.down->getHeadIndex();
while (ix != processedInputs_)
ex_queue_entry *pentry_down = qparent.down->getQueueEntry(ix);
ex_union_private_state &pstate =
*((ex_union_private_state*) pentry_down->pstate);
Int32 child = pstate.whichChild_;
if (pentry_down->downState.request == ex_queue::GET_NOMORE &&
pstate.validChild() &&
pstate.childStates_[child] == ex_union_tcb::STARTED_)
pstate.childStates_[child] = ex_union_tcb::CANCELLED_;
return WORK_OK;
} // ex_c_union_tcb::processCancel()
void ex_c_union_tcb::processError(ex_union_private_state &pstate,
Int32 &endOfData,
atp_struct* atp)
// Similiar to base class processError but only concerned with 1 child.
ex_queue_entry * pentry_down = qparent.down->getHeadEntry();
ex_queue_entry * pentry = qparent.up->getTailEntry();
Int32 child = pstate.whichChild_;
pentry->upState.status = ex_queue::Q_SQLERROR;
pentry->upState.parentIndex = pentry_down->downState.parentIndex;
pentry->upState.downIndex = qparent.down->getHeadIndex();
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
if (!(childQueues_[child].up->isEmpty()) &&
pstate.validChild() &&
pstate.childStates_[child] != DONE_)
ex_queue_entry *centry = childQueues_[child].up->getHeadEntry();
switch (centry->upState.status)
case ex_queue::Q_OK_MMORE:
case ex_queue::Q_SQLERROR:
case ex_queue::Q_NO_DATA:
pstate.childStates_[child] = DONE_;
case ex_queue::Q_INVALID:
ex_assert(0, "ex_c_union_tcb::processError() Invalid state");
endOfData = (pstate.childStates_[child] == DONE_);
} // ex_c_union_tcb::processError
//issue a EXE_CS_EOD or a EXE_CS_EOD_ROLLBACK_ERROR type error/warning for
//conditional union
void ex_c_union_tcb::processEODErrorOrWarning(NABoolean isWarning)
ex_queue_entry *pdentry = qparent.down->getHeadEntry();
ex_queue_entry *puentry = qparent.up->getTailEntry();
ComDiagsArea * da ;
if (isWarning)
da = ExRaiseSqlError(getGlobals()->getDefaultHeap(), puentry,
da = ExRaiseSqlError(getGlobals()->getDefaultHeap(), puentry,
puentry->upState.status = ex_queue::Q_SQLERROR;
puentry->upState.parentIndex = pdentry->downState.parentIndex;
puentry->upState.downIndex = qparent.down->getHeadIndex();
} //ex_c_union_tcb::processEODErrorOrWarning
// Private state procedures
// Constructor and destructor for union_private_state
ex_union_private_state::ex_union_private_state(const ex_union_tcb *)
void ex_union_private_state::init()
matchCount_ = 0; // number of rows returned for this parent row
childStates_[0] = ex_union_tcb::EMPTY_;
childStates_[1] = ex_union_tcb::EMPTY_;
whichSide_ = 0; // start with left (important for ordered union)
whichChild_ = -1; // determined by conditional union (0 or 1).
ex_tcb_private_state * ex_union_private_state::allocate_new(const ex_tcb *tcb)
return new(((ex_tcb *)tcb)->getSpace()) ex_union_private_state((ex_union_tcb *) tcb);