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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ex_timeout.h
* Description: Executor's TDB and the TCB for the "set timeout" statement
* Created: 12/27/1999
* Language: C++
#ifndef EX_TIMEOUT_H
#define EX_TIMEOUT_H
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "ex_stdh.h"
#include "ComTdb.h"
#include "ex_tcb.h"
#include "ex_error.h"
#include "Int64.h"
// class ExTimeoutTdb
#include "ComTdbTimeout.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes defined in this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExTimeoutTdb;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes referenced in this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ex_tcb;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ExTimeoutTdb
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExTimeoutTdb : public ComTdbTimeout
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor is only called to instantiate an object used for
// retrieval of the virtual table function pointer of the class while
// unpacking. An empty constructor is enough.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC ExTimeoutTdb() {}
NA_EIDPROC virtual ~ExTimeoutTdb() {}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build a TCB for this TDB. Redefined in the Executor project.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual ex_tcb *build(ex_globals *globals);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// *********************************************************************
// The Executor TDB's are only used for the sole purpose of providing a
// way to supplement the Compiler TDB's (in comexe) with methods whose
// implementation depends on Executor objects. This is done so as to
// decouple the Compiler from linking in Executor objects unnecessarily.
// When a Compiler generated TDB arrives at the Executor, the same data
// image is "cast" as an Executor TDB after unpacking. Therefore, it is
// a requirement that a Compiler TDB has the same object layout as its
// corresponding Executor TDB. As a result of this, all Executor TDB's
// must have absolutely NO data members, but only member functions. So,
// if you reach here with an intention to add data members to a TDB, ask
// yourself two questions:
// 1. Are those data members Compiler-generated?
// If yes, put them in the ComTdbTimeout instead.
// If no, they should probably belong to someplace else (like TCB).
// 2. Are the classes those data members belong defined in the executor
// project?
// If your answer to both questions is yes, you might need to move
// the classes to the comexe project.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// TCB: Task control block
class ExTimeoutTcb : public ex_tcb
friend class ExTimeoutTdb;
friend class ExTimeoutPrivateState;
// ctor
ExTimeoutTcb(const ExTimeoutTdb & timeout_tdb,
ExMasterStmtGlobals * glob = 0);
~ExTimeoutTcb(); // dtor
virtual short work(); // do the actual work ...
ex_queue_pair getParentQueue() const{return qparent_;};
inline Int32 orderedQueueProtocol()
const{return ((const ExTimeoutTdb &)tdb).orderedQueueProtocol();}
void freeResources(){}; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
Int32 numChildren() const { return 0; }
const ex_tcb* getChild(Int32 /*pos*/) const { return 0; } // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
// holds the ANSI name of the table (for which the timeout value is set)
char * theTableName_;
ex_queue_pair qparent_;
atp_struct * workAtp_;
inline ExTimeoutTdb & timeoutTdb()
const{return (ExTimeoutTdb &) tdb;};
inline ex_expr * timeoutValueExpr() const
{ return timeoutTdb().timeoutValueExpr_; };
// if diagsArea is not NULL, then its error code is used.
// Otherwise, err is used to handle error.
void handleErrors(ex_queue_entry *pentry_down,
ComDiagsArea* diagsArea,
ExeErrorCode err = EXE_INTERNAL_ERROR);
class ExTimeoutPrivateState : public ex_tcb_private_state
friend class ExTimeoutTcb;
ExTimeoutPrivateState(const ExTimeoutTcb * tcb); //constructor
~ExTimeoutPrivateState(); // destructor
ex_tcb_private_state * allocate_new(const ex_tcb * tcb);