blob: e07aaa7628015596e69055630d79317197d82803 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef EX_MDAM_H
#define EX_MDAM_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: <file>
* Description:
* Created: 10/30/96
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "ex_error.h"
#include "NABoolean.h"
#include "key_range.h"
#include "key_mdam.h"
#include "MdamEnums.h"
#include "MdamEndPoint.h"
#include "MdamPoint.h"
#include "MdamRefList.h"
#include "MdamRefListEntry.h"
#include "MdamInterval.h"
#include "MdamIntervalList.h"
#include "MdamIntervalListIterator.h"
#include "FixedSizeHeapManager.h"
// forward references
class MdamColumn;
// Class MdamPredIterator
// This class is used to build an Mdam network. It keeps
// state associated with traversing MdamPreds hung off of
// the keyRangeGen and MdamColumnGen objects. We can't keep
// this state in the keyRangeGen and MdamColumnGen objects
// themselves since they are read-only (created by the
// Generator). Some of the needed state is managed by
// this class but stored in MdamColumn objects.
class MdamPredIterator : public ExGod
Lng32 currentDisjunctNumber_;
Lng32 maxDisjunctNumber_;
// The next variable is used to parse the MdamPred's into OR
// groups. It is initialized to FALSE by positionToNextOr();
// getNextPred() sets it to TRUE whenever it returns a predicate.
// If getNextPred() is called and this variable is already true,
// getNextPred() returns 0 if the firstInOrGroup() method on the
// next MdamPred is TRUE.
NABoolean returnedAPred_;
NA_EIDPROC MdamPredIterator(MdamColumn * first,Lng32 maxDisjunctNumber);
NA_EIDPROC ~MdamPredIterator()
{ };
NA_EIDPROC Lng32 getNextDisjunctNumber(); // -1 means no more disjuncts
// In the next three methods, currentPred is state stored in MdamColumn
// objects, but updated by these methods only.
// FALSE means no more predicates
NA_EIDPROC NABoolean positionToNextOr(MdamPred **currentPred);
// 0 (NULL) means no more predicates
// for this key column within this predicate
NA_EIDPROC MdamPred * getNextPred(MdamPred **currentPred);
// Position the predicate list to the current disjunct.
NA_EIDPROC void positionToCurrentDisjunct(MdamPred **currentPred);
// class MdamColumn
class MdamColumn : public ExGod
MdamColumn * next_;
MdamColumn * previous_;
MdamIntervalList intervals_;
MdamIntervalList tentative_intervals_; // used in building; holds
// intervals for current disjunct
MdamIntervalListIterator interval_iterator_; // needed for traversal
MdamInterval * current_interval_; // needed for traversal
NABoolean current_is_subset_interval_;
NABoolean traversal_in_progress_;
// The next field determines whether we use dense or sparse probes
// to materialize values in a non-subset interval. (See below for a
// description of what a subset interval is.)
NABoolean useSparseProbes_;
// The next field is used only for dense probes. If we do a dense
// probe, and the scan operator doesn't obtain any rows from the
// resulting fetch ranges, we switch to sparse probes until the
// situation changes. This keeps us from generating lots of
// non-productive fetch ranges when there are gaps between values in
// some interval.
ULng32 lastProductiveFetchRangeCounter_;
// The next three fields are always FALSE when dense probing is
// used. When sparse probing is used, sparseProbeNeeded_ is set
// whenever getNextValue() returns "PROBE". It is reset by
// reportProbeResult(). The latter method sets exactly one of
// sparseProbeSucceeded_ or sparseProbeFailed_. These variables
// enforce the protocol that after getNextValue() returns "PROBE",
// we must call reportProbeResult() (or initNextValue()) before calling
// getNextValue() again.
NABoolean sparseProbeNeeded_;
NABoolean sparseProbeSucceeded_;
NABoolean sparseProbeFailed_;
// The following ref list is the intersection of the ref lists
// of the current intervals of this and all preceeding columns.
// It is meaningful only when we have traversed to some column
// beyond this column (i.e. when we traverse down).
MdamRefList current_context_;
// The following ref list is used to determine whether a given
// interval is a "subset interval", i.e. whether we can use this
// interval to define a single key range. We can do this if and
// only if all values of any key columns to the right of this
// column are included. (Note that this implies that any interval
// in the right-most column that can be traversed to is a subset
// interval.) We call this ref list a "stop list" because it
// stops traversal to key columns to the right.
MdamRefList stop_list_;
// The hi, lo, etc. values here are all encoded, so they already
// take into account whether the column is ASC vs. DESC (but not
// whether this is a reverse scan).
tupp currentValue_; // current value of column
tupp hi_; // highest possible value for column
tupp lo_; // lowest possible value for column
tupp nonNullHi_; // highest possible non-NULL value for column
tupp nonNullLo_; // lowest possible non-NULL value for column
// the next field links the run-time column state to compile-time
// column state
MdamColumnGen * columnGenInfo_;
// the next field is used by MdamPredIterator to maintain state
// when iterating over predicates for a given column
MdamPred * currentPred_;
// globals.
ex_globals * glob_;
enum getNextValueReturnType { TRAVERSE_DOWN, TRAVERSE_UP, SUBSET, PROBE };
NA_EIDPROC MdamColumn(MdamColumn * previous,
MdamColumnGen *columnGenInfo,
ex_globals *glob,
sql_buffer_pool *pool,
atp_struct *atp0,
atp_struct *workAtp,
unsigned short valueAtpIndex,
const ex_tcb *tcb);
NA_EIDPROC ~MdamColumn();
// methods used to build an Mdam network
NA_EIDPROC void initCurrentPred()
{ currentPred_ = columnGenInfo_->getFirstPred(); };
// returns TRUE if the disjunct number is in some stop list
NA_EIDPROC NABoolean buildDisjunct(MdamPredIterator & predIterator,
sql_buffer_pool *pool,
atp_struct *atp0,
atp_struct *atp1,
unsigned short valueAtpIndex,
Lng32 disjunct_number,
NABoolean disjunct_number_in_stop_list,
FixedSizeHeapManager & mdamIntervalHeap,
FixedSizeHeapManager &
FixedSizeHeapManager &
Lng32 & dataConvErrorFlag);
NA_EIDPROC void tossDisjunct(FixedSizeHeapManager & mdamIntervalHeap,
FixedSizeHeapManager & mdamRefListEntryHeap);
NA_EIDPROC void mergeDisjunct(Lng32 disjunct_number,
FixedSizeHeapManager & mdamIntervalHeap,
FixedSizeHeapManager & mdamRefListEntryHeap);
NA_EIDPROC NABoolean disjunctIsEmpty();
// Method used to destroy an Mdam network.
NA_EIDPROC void releaseNetwork(FixedSizeHeapManager & mdamIntervalHeap,
FixedSizeHeapManager & mdamRefListEntryHeap);
// Member function used when we are done with the plan.
NA_EIDPROC void release(FixedSizeHeapManager & mdamRefListEntrysForStopListsHeap);
// methods used to traverse an Mdam network
NA_EIDPROC MdamIntervalList & getIntervalList();
NA_EIDPROC MdamColumn * nextColumn() { return next_; };
NA_EIDPROC MdamColumn * previousColumn() { return previous_; };
NA_EIDPROC NABoolean initNextValue();
// returns TRAVERSE_DOWN if a value was obtained, and the current
// interval is not a subset interval; SUBSET if values were obtained
// and it *is* a subset interval; TRAVERSE_UP if no values were obtained.
// The input parameters are set as follows:
// Returned value Parameter
// -------------- ---------
// TRAVERSE_DOWN beginValue,endValue are both set
// (and are set to the same value)
// beginExclFlag and endExclFlag are not set
// TRAVERSE_UP nothing is set
// SUBSET or PROBE beginValue,endValue are both set
// (but might not be the same value)
// beginExclFlag and endExclFlag are both set and
// should be applied to the key range as a whole
NA_EIDPROC getNextValueReturnType getNextValue(ULng32 pFRCounter,
char *bktarget,
char *ektarget,
short &beginExclFlag,
short &endExclFlag,
FixedSizeHeapManager & mdamRefListEntryHeap);
NA_EIDPROC void reportProbeResult(char *keyData);
NA_EIDPROC void completeKey(char *bktarget,
char *ektarget,
short bkexcl,
short ekexcl);
NA_EIDPROC ULng32 getOffset()
{ return columnGenInfo_->getOffset(); };
// Print function.
NA_EIDPROC void print(const char * header = "") const;
NA_EIDPROC void setNextColumn(MdamColumn * next);
// class keyMdamEx
class keyMdamEx : public keyRangeEx
Lng32 number_of_key_cols_;
// anchors for the Mdam network
NABoolean network_built_;
NABoolean stop_lists_built_; // only need to build stop lists once ever
MdamColumn * first_column_;
MdamColumn * last_column_;
// state variables used during Mdam network traversal
MdamColumn * current_column_;
Lng32 current_column_index_;
// the counter below is passed to MdamColumn::getNextValue, and helps
// the MdamColumn decide whether to switch from dense probes to sparse
ULng32 productiveFetchRangeCounter_; // unsigned to allow wrapping
// Memory management for MdamRefListEntry*s and MdamInterval*s.
FixedSizeHeapManager mdamRefListEntryHeap_;
FixedSizeHeapManager mdamRefListEntrysForStopListsHeap_;
FixedSizeHeapManager mdamIntervalHeap_;
// For reverse scans, we complement the encoded key values in the
// Mdam network (this is done via the encode expressions created by
// the Generator) so that we can treat forward scans and reverse
// scans in the same way. But the scan operators require the values
// to be uncomplemented. So, we need to know whether to
// uncomplement them before returning. The following member tells
// us.
NABoolean complementKeysBeforeReturning_;
NA_EIDPROC keyMdamEx(const keyRangeGen & tdb_key,
const short in_version,
sql_buffer_pool *pool,
ex_globals *glob,
const ex_tcb *tcb);
NA_EIDPROC ~keyMdamEx();
NA_EIDPROC virtual ExeErrorCode initNextKeyRange(sql_buffer_pool *pool,
atp_struct * atp0);
NA_EIDPROC virtual getNextKeyRangeReturnType getNextKeyRange
(atp_struct * atp0,NABoolean fetchRangeHadRows,
NABoolean detectNullRange = TRUE);
NA_EIDPROC virtual void reportProbeResult(char *keyData);
// release tupp storage
NA_EIDPROC void release();
NA_EIDPROC keyMdamGen & getGenInfo()
{ return (keyMdamGen &)tdbKey_; };
// Returns zero if memory for MdamRefListEntry's and MdamInterval's
// is successfully acquired. Otherwise, returns ExeErrorCode.
NA_EIDPROC ExeErrorCode buildNetwork(sql_buffer_pool *pool,atp_struct *atp0);
NA_EIDPROC void destroyNetwork();
// Print function.
NA_EIDPROC void print(const char * header = "") const;