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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef EX_FRAG_RT_H
#define EX_FRAG_RT_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ex_frag_rt.h
* Description: Run time fragment management in the master executor
* Created: 1/22/96
* Language: C++
#include "Ipc.h"
#include "NABitVector.h"
#include "ex_frag_inst.h"
#include "ExScheduler.h"
#include "ComExeTrace.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExRtFragTable;
class ExRtFragTableEntry;
class ExRtFragInstance;
class ExMasterEspMessage;
class ExEspDbEntry;
class ExEspCacheKey;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ex_root_tcb;
class ExMasterStmtGlobals;
class ExOperStats;
class ContextCli;
// reply buffer length for control messages
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The run-time fragment directory (contains all the allocated ESPs and
// handles of the downloaded fragment instances for a statement and
// resides in the master executor). It is allocated once in the global
// Space object.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExRtFragTable : public NABasicObject
friend class ExRtFragTableEntry;
friend class ExRtFragInstance;
friend class ExMasterEspMessage;
// state of the fragment directory (all downloaded instances together)
enum FragDirState
NOT_ASSIGNED, // no ESPs have been assigned
NO_ESPS_USED, // this statement doesn't use ESPs (may have DP2 frags)
ASSIGNED, // ESPs are assigned
READY, // all fragments are fixed up and ready
ERROR, // an error occurred, statement can not continue
ExRtFragTable(ExMasterStmtGlobals *glob,
ExFragDir *fragDir,
char *generatedObject);
// get the state
inline enum FragDirState getState() const { return state_; }
// root node indicates that it is processing the next exec() request
// or that it is done with the current request
// NOTE: with dynamic load balancing in progress the root node
// can't process more than one request at a time
NABoolean setActiveState();
void setInactiveState();
// assign ESPs for all entries after talking to the resource governor.
// numOfEspsStarted: number of new esps started by this operator.
// VO, Genesis solution 10-051125-2802:
// Added ComVersion_NodeInfo parameters. See ex_root.cpp for explanation.
void assignEsps( NABoolean checkResourceGovernor,
UInt32 &numOfTotalEspsUsed,
UInt32 &numOfEspsStarted
// unfix, and release ESPs when errors occur during assignEsps()
void releaseAssignedEsps();
// download fragments unless already done and fix them up
void downloadAndFixup();
// restore priority for all esps after fixup is completed
short restoreEspPriority();
// assign initial (or permanent) partition ranges to the ESPs
// or assign additional ranges during dynamic load balancing
// (may subcontract this task out to another process),
// send transaction down to ESPs, if needed
void assignPartRangesAndTA(NABoolean initial);
// stop using the transaction and quiesce those ESPs that need
// a transaction, complete all transaction-bearing I/Os
void releaseTransaction(NABoolean allWorkRequests,
NABoolean alwaysSendReleaseMsg);
// tell whether there are outstanding transaction requests
inline NABoolean hasOutstandingWorkRequests() const
{ return numWorkMsgesOut_ > 0; }
// tell how many outstanding transaction requests
inline Lng32 numOutstandingWorkRequests() const
{ return numWorkMsgesOut_; }
// tell whether there are outstanding transaction requests
inline NABoolean hasOutstandingTransactionalMsges() const
{ return numTransactionalMsgesOut_ > 0; }
// tell how many outstanding transaction requests
inline Lng32 numOutstandingTransactionalMsges() const
{ return numTransactionalMsgesOut_; }
// tell whether there are outstanding load/fixup requests
inline NABoolean hasOutstandingLoadFixupMsges() const
{ return numLoadFixupMsgesOut_ > 0; }
// tell whether there are outstanding release esp requests
inline NABoolean hasOutstandingReleaseEspMsges() const
{ return numReleaseEspMsgesOut_ > 0; }
// tell how many outstanding release esp requests
inline Lng32 numOutstandingReleaseEspMsges() const
{ return numReleaseEspMsgesOut_; }
// start working again after a call to releaseTransaction()
void continueWithTransaction();
// close cursors, unfix, and release ESPs
void releaseEsps(NABoolean closeAllOpens);
// get the process id of a fragment instance
const IpcProcessId & getInstanceProcessId(ExFragId fragId,
CollIndex espNum) const;
// how many instances are there for a given fragment id
Lng32 getNumOfInstances(ExFragId fragId) const;
// get the control connection for a given instance
IpcConnection *getControlConnection(ExFragId fragId,
CollIndex espNum) const;
// get the fragment handle for a given instance
ExFragInstanceHandle getFragmentHandle(ExFragId fragId,
CollIndex espNum) const;
// check whether a given process id is this process or whether
// it identifies another process
NABoolean isLocal(const IpcProcessId &procId) const;
// return the fragment key for the root fragment of the statement
// (can be easily converted into fragment keys for all other fragments)
const ExFragKey &getMasterFragKey() const
{ return masterFragmentInstanceKey_; }
// add sent service requests and remove finished ones
void addRequestToBeSent(ExMasterEspMessage *m);
NABoolean removeCompletedRequest(ExMasterEspMessage *m);
// try to complete outstanding service requests
ExWorkProcRetcode workOnRequests();
// make the scheduler event known to the run-time frag table
void setSchedulerEvent(ExSubtask *st) { schedulerEvent_ = st; }
// manage GUI display (debugging only)
inline void displayGuiForESPs(NABoolean doit = TRUE)
{ displayInGui_ = doit; }
inline NABoolean isGuiDisplayActive() const { return displayInGui_; }
// access executor statement globals
inline ExMasterStmtGlobals * getGlobals() const { return glob_; }
// used by Statement::releaseTransaction after fatal error.
void abandonPendingIOs();
// used by runtime statistics.
short countSQLNodes(short masterNode);
// SeaMonster: Print routing information
void dumpSMRouteTable();
// for debugging
void print();
void checkIntegrity(void);
void checkLocalIntegrity(void);
// state of a downloaded fragment instance
enum FragInstanceState
// - comment out states that are not used
// the state
enum FragDirState state_;
// identification of the master fragment instance
ExFragKey masterFragmentInstanceKey_;
// all instances of all fragments
LIST(ExRtFragTableEntry *) fragmentEntries_;
// a pointer back to the executor globals
ExMasterStmtGlobals *glob_;
// a pointer to the generated fragment directory containing the number
// of compiled fragments, the compiled object, and the recommended resource
// usage
ExFragDir *fragDir_;
// the character buffer of the generated object from the module
char *generatedObject_;
// set if the frag dir performs dynamic load balancing for ESPs
NABoolean dynamicLoadBalancing_;
// indicate whether and how many queue entries of the root's down
// queue to its child are currently active (in most cases we have
// to restrict this to at most 1)
Lng32 numRootRequests_;
// set to TRUE if we need to complete all I/Os that are associated with
// a transaction, so the application can commit or REPLY.
NABoolean quiesce_;
// count how many fragment instances still have a fixup message outstanding
Lng32 numLoadFixupMsgesOut_;
// count how many work messages are outstanding
Lng32 numWorkMsgesOut_;
// count how many transactional messages are outstanding
// (can't commit a transaction while having such messages outstanding)
Lng32 numTransactionalMsgesOut_;
// count how many release esp messages are outstanding
Lng32 numReleaseEspMsgesOut_;
// A list of outstanding service messages, to be completed.
LIST(ExMasterEspMessage *) outstandingServiceRequests_;
// A link to the scheduler to indicate when more work is to be done
ExSubtask *schedulerEvent_;
// for debugging: start GUI display for ESPs
NABoolean displayInGui_;
// private methods
// add load and fixup requests to a message
void addLoadRequestToMessage(ExMasterEspMessage *msg,
ExFragId fragId,
NABoolean addHeader = TRUE,
NABoolean compressFrag = FALSE);
void addFixupRequestToMessage(ExMasterEspMessage *msg,
ExFragId fragId,
IpcPriority fixupPriority,
IpcPriority executePriority,
Lng32 maxPollingInterval,
Lng32 persistentOpens,
NABoolean espCloseErrorLogging,
Lng32 espFreeMemTimeout);
void addReleaseRequestToMessage(ExMasterEspMessage *msg,
ExFragId fragId,
Lng32 idleTimeout,
NABoolean releaseAll = FALSE,
NABoolean closeAllOpens = FALSE);
// find a particular instance, given its control connection
ExRtFragInstance * findInstance(ExFragId fragId,
IpcConnection *connection) const;
Lng32 getStopIdleEspsTimeout();
Lng32 getEspIdleTimeout();
Lng32 getEspInactiveTimeout();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// all instances of one fragment (allocate on "Space")
// no public access, only friend is ExRtFragTable
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExRtFragTableEntry
friend class ExRtFragTable;
friend class ExMasterEspMessage;
// fragment id, this is the index of this entry
ExFragId id_;
// how many ESPs are needed (ex_frag_dir has compiler suggestion, this
// is the REAL number)
Lng32 numEsps_;
// TRUE if we assign partitions to ESPs each time the root query is
// executed, FALSE if we have a static assignments of partition input
// values to ESPs (in which case #ESPs >= #part input values).
NABoolean dynamicLoadBalancing_;
// an array with an entry for each assigned ESP / fragment instance
ARRAY(ExRtFragInstance *) assignedEsps_;
// the partition descriptor, generating partition input values
ExPartInputDataDesc *partDesc_;
// used for dynamic load balancing, those partition input values that
// are already assigned to an ESP
NABitVector assignedPartInputValues_;
// constructor and destructors
ExRtFragTableEntry(CollHeap *heap);
inline ~ExRtFragTableEntry() { release(); }
void release();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// one instance of one fragment (allocated on a heap)
// no public access, only friends are ExRtFragTable and ExRtFragTableEntry
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExRtFragInstance
friend class ExRtFragTable;
friend class ExRtFragTableEntry;
friend class ExMasterEspMessage;
friend class ExEspManager;
// desired properties of the ESP
const char * clusterName_;
IpcCpuNum cpuNum_;
short memoryQuota_;
// actual state of the assigned ESP (if any)
ExRtFragTable::FragInstanceState state_;
// the EspDbEntry: is a shared structure that can be pointed to by
// multiple fragments or even multiple statements in this process
ExEspDbEntry *usedEsp_;
// the (shortcut) fragment handle assigned by the ESP, once the
// ESP has told us this info in its reply to a load message
ExFragInstanceHandle fragmentHandle_;
// the heap from which "this" is allocated
CollHeap *whereIComeFrom_;
// set to the number of outstanding control messages (work + data)
Int32 numControlMessages_;
// set if the fragment instance got partition input values and has
// not yet replied to the PIV message or if PIVs are assigned statically
NABoolean partInputDataAssigned_;
// indicates whether we have sent a work request (with or without
// transaction) to this instance
NABoolean workMessageSent_;
// and the pointer to the message stream
ExMasterEspMessage *workMsg_;
// indicates whether we are in the process of releasing the work request
NABoolean releasingWorkMsg_;
// memory allocation/deallocation
ExRtFragInstance(CollHeap *heap);
void release();
static void * operator new(size_t size); // illegal form, will abort
static void * operator new(size_t size, CollHeap *heap);
static void operator delete(void *ptr); // also illegal
void deleteMe();
inline ExMasterEspMessage * getWorkMsg() { return workMsg_; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Request message used by the master executor to set ESPs up for
// query processing. This is an object that gets created and filled with
// a request. Once the request is sent, it continues on its own,
// completing the I/Os and receiving replies.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExMasterEspMessage : public IpcMessageStream
friend class ExRtFragTable;
ExMasterEspMessage(IpcEnvironment *env,
ExRtFragTable *rtFragTable);
virtual ~ExMasterEspMessage();
inline void markAsDownloadRequest() { downloadRequest_ = TRUE; }
inline void markAsFixupRequest() { fixupRequest_ = TRUE; }
inline void markAsAssignPartRequest() { assignPartRequest_ = TRUE; }
inline void markAsWorkTransRequest() { workTransRequest_ = TRUE; }
inline void markAsReleaseTransRequest() { releaseTransRequest_ = TRUE; }
inline void markAsReleaseRequest() { releaseRequest_ = TRUE; }
inline void markAsTransactionalRequest() {transactionalRequest_ = TRUE;}
virtual void actOnSend(IpcConnection *connection);
virtual void actOnSendAllComplete();
virtual void actOnReceive(IpcConnection *connection);
virtual void actOnReceiveAllComplete();
virtual ExMasterEspMessage * castToExMasterEspMessage(void);
void incReqMsg(Int64 msgBytes);
// a helper method that does book keepings on rtFragTable_
void decrFragTableCounters();
// a helper method that cleans up frag instance states upon connection error
void actOnErrorConnection(IpcConnection *connection);
// a pointer back to the run-time fragment table, so we can update its
// state as we receive replies
ExRtFragTable *rtFragTable_;
// indicators on the request, this helps the callbacks to set the
// states of the run-time fragment table to appropriate values
NABoolean downloadRequest_;
NABoolean fixupRequest_;
NABoolean assignPartRequest_;
NABoolean workTransRequest_;
NABoolean releaseTransRequest_;
NABoolean releaseRequest_;
NABoolean transactionalRequest_;
// ESP state name strings, must match with the enums below
static const char * EspStateEnumName[] =
"INITIAL ", // A pseudo state, just to get 0 out of the way
"CREATING ", // Create started
"CREATED_USE ", // Created and get assigned first time
"USED_IDLING ", // Done using, start idling
"IDLE_REUSE ", // Reusing an idle one
"IDLE_TIMEDOUT", // A short lived state
"IDLE_DELETE ", // Stop idle esps from ODBC
"DELETED " // Gone detected via server died test
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Per-process information needed by an ESP manager. The ESP manager
// may or may not be identical to the master executor process.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExEspManager
ExEspManager(IpcEnvironment *env, CliGlobals *cliGlobals);
// VO, Genesis solution 10-051125-2802:
// Added ComVersion_NodeInfo parameters. See ex_root.cpp for explanation.
ExEspDbEntry *shareEsp(
ComDiagsArea **diags,
LIST(ExEspDbEntry *) &alreadyAssignedEsps,
CollHeap *statementHeap,
CliStatement *statement,
const char * clusterName,
NABoolean &startedANewEsp, // returns TRUE, if a new esp was started
IpcCpuNum cpuNum,
short memoryQuota,
Int32 userid_,
NABoolean verifyESP, // need to verify that prior ESP is alive ?
NABoolean * verifyCPU, // input: need to verify each CPU
// output: if create ESP failed -- return TRUE
IpcPriority priority,
Lng32 espLevel,
Lng32 idleTimeout,
Lng32 assignTimeWindow,
IpcGuardianServer **creatingEsp,
NABoolean soloFragment);
void releaseEsp(ExEspDbEntry *esp, NABoolean verifyEsp, NABoolean badEsp);
// change ESP priorities. Some ESPs could have idle timedout
// and could return error 11 (not find). If the error should not
// be reported to caller, set ignoreNotFound to true
short changePriorities(IpcPriority priority, NABoolean isDelta,
bool ignoreNotFound = false);
// kill/delete all free esps in cache
Lng32 endSession(ContextCli *context);
// kill/delete all idle esps in cache
void stopIdleEsps(ContextCli *context);
IpcCpuNum getMaxCpuNum() { return maxCpuNum_; }
// This method is used for debugging only
Int32 getNumOfEsps();
Int32 printTrace(Int32 lineno, char *buf);
static Int32 getALine(void * mine, Int32 lineno, char *buf)
{return ((ExEspManager*) mine)->printTrace(lineno, buf); };
ExEspDbEntry *getEspFromCache(LIST(ExEspDbEntry *) &alreadyAssignedEsps, // multi fragment esp
CollHeap *statementHeap,
CliStatement *statement,
const char *clusterName,
IpcCpuNum cpuNum,
short memoryQuota,
Int32 user_id,
NABoolean verifyESP,
Lng32 espLevel,
Lng32 idleTimeout,
Lng32 assignTimeWindow,
Int32 nowaitDepth,
NABoolean &espServerError,
NABoolean soloFragment);
// ESP state tracing >>
enum EspStateEnum
INITIAL, // A pseudo state, just to get 0 out of the way
CREATING, // Create started
CREATED_USE, // Created and get assigned first time
USED_IDLING, // Done using, start idling
IDLE_REUSE, // Reusing an idle one
IDLE_TIMEDOUT, // A short lived state
IDLE_DELETE, // Stop idle esps from ODBC
DELETED // Gone detected via server died test
struct EspDbEntryTrace
ExEspDbEntry * espEntry_;
Int32 espState_; // value of enum EspStateEnum
#ifdef _DEBUG
void addToTrace(ExEspDbEntry * e, Int32 espState)
if (++lastEspTraceIndex_ >= maxEspTraceIndex_)
lastEspTraceIndex_ = 0;
espTraceArea_[lastEspTraceIndex_].espEntry_ = e;
espTraceArea_[lastEspTraceIndex_].espState_ = espState;
// ESP state tracing <<
IpcEnvironment *env_;
CliGlobals *cliGlobals_;
IpcServerClass *espServerClass_;
// esp cache: a hash dictionary
NAHashDictionary<ExEspCacheKey, NAList<ExEspDbEntry *> > *espCache_;
// round-robin CPU assignment for those ESPs that don't specify one
IpcCpuNum lastAssignedCpu_;
IpcCpuNum maxCpuNum_; // max number of CPU
// ESP state tracing
EspDbEntryTrace *espTraceArea_; // Array of EspDbEntryTrace
UInt32 lastEspTraceIndex_; // points to last used entry
UInt32 maxEspTraceIndex_; // max index can be used
void *traceRef_; // my trace reference in global trace depot
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// An entry of the global list of ESPs assigned to this process
// $$$$ this may change later
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExEspDbEntry : public NABasicObject
friend class ExEspManager;
void release();
inline ExEspCacheKey *getKey() const { return key_; }
inline IpcServer *getIpcServer() const { return server_; }
inline void clearIdleTimestamp() { idleTimestamp_ = 0; }
void setIdleTimestamp();
inline bool inUse() { return inUse_; }
// private methods
ExEspDbEntry(CollHeap *heap,
IpcServer *server,
const char * clusterName,
IpcCpuNum cpuNum,
Lng32 espLevel,
Int32 userId);
void deleteMe();
// data members
ExEspCacheKey *key_; // hash key for esp cache
IpcServer *server_; // the IPC layer object for the server process
Lng32 espLevel_;
Int64 idleTimestamp_;
bool inUse_;
short totalMemoryQuota_;
Lng32 usageCount_; // how many fragment instances use this process - multi-fragment
CliStatement *statement_; // Allow multiple fragments for just this statement
bool soloFragment_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hash key for esp cache
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExEspCacheKey : public NABasicObject
friend class ExEspManager;
ExEspCacheKey(const char *segment, IpcCpuNum cpu, Int32 userId,
CollHeap *heap = NULL);
inline NABoolean operator==(const ExEspCacheKey& key)
{ return (!str_cmp_ne(segment_, key.segment_) &&
cpu_ == key.cpu_ && userId_ == key.userId_); }
ULng32 hash() const;
// useful for supplying hash function to template hash collection creators
static ULng32 hash(const ExEspCacheKey&);
CollHeap *heap_;
char *segment_;
IpcCpuNum cpu_;
Int32 userId_;
#endif /* ex_frag_rt_h */