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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ex_exe_stmt_globals.h
* Description: Statement globals for stmts executed in master exe or esp.
* Created: 7/10/95
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include "Platform.h"
#include "Globals.h"
#include "ex_globals.h"
#include "FragDir.h"
#include "ex_frag_inst.h"
#include "Int64.h"
#include "ExCollections.h"
#ifndef __EID
#include "timeout_data.h"
#if (defined (NA_NSK) || defined(NA_LINUX)) && !defined(__EID)
#include "ex_esp_frag_dir.h"
// forward
class SequenceValueGenerator;
// Comment in and build to trace an ESPAccess ESP process
//#define TRACE_ESP_ACCESS 1
#if !defined(__EID) && defined(_DEBUG) && defined(TRACE_ESP_ACCESS)
class ESPTraceEntry
ESPTraceEntry(ex_globals *glob, char *t1);
ESPTraceEntry(ex_globals *glob, Lng32 espNum,
Lng32 pid,
Int64 currentTS,
char* t1);
void createMessage(char *msg);
// get the espNum from (int) espGlob->getMyInstanceNumber();
ULng32 espNum_;
// from ExEspStmtGlobals->getPid()
pid_t pid_;
// gotten from doing NA_JulianTimestamp()
Int64 timestamp_;
// A message
char *msgtext1_;
ex_globals *globals_;
// List of ESPTraceEntry
class ESPTraceList : public LIST(ESPTraceEntry *)
ESPTraceList(ex_globals *globals,
CollHeap* h/*=0*/)
: LIST(ESPTraceEntry *)(h),
NA_EIDPROC void insertNewTraceEntry(char *msg);
NA_EIDPROC void logESPTraceToFile(char *fn, char *signature, ESPTraceList &traceList);
// Remove all entries the list and call their destructors
void clearAndDestroy();
ex_globals *globals_;
NABoolean traceOn_;
}; // class ESPTraceList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExExeStmtGlobals;
class ExMasterStmtGlobals;
class ExEspStmtGlobals;
// forward references
class ExRtFragTable;
class ExProcessIdsOfFragList;
class ExEspFragInstanceDir;
class ComDiagsArea;
class IpcEnvironment;
class IpcProcessId;
class ExEspManager;
class ExFragDir;
class ContextCli;
class CliGlobals;
class ResolvedNameList;
class MemoryMonitor;
class ExMsgResourceInfo;
class ExScratchFileOptions;
class ComTdbRoot;
class CliStatement;
class ExUdrServer;
class ExRsInfo;
class ex_send_top_tcb;
class StmtStats;
class SMConnection;
class ExSMDownloadInfo;
class ExExeStmtGlobals : public ex_globals
ExExeStmtGlobals(short num_temps,
CliGlobals *cliGlobals,
short create_gui_sched = 0,
Space * space = NULL,
CollHeap * heap = NULL);
// Deletes objects this object points to... does NOT destroy
// this object
NA_EIDPROC virtual void deleteMe(NABoolean fatalError);
NA_EIDPROC virtual ExExeStmtGlobals * castToExExeStmtGlobals();
virtual ExMasterStmtGlobals * castToExMasterStmtGlobals();
virtual ExEspStmtGlobals * castToExEspStmtGlobals();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Information about fragments belonging to this statement
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// get the pointer to a fragment of the statement (or NULL if the
// fragment isn't available) and the fragment length
virtual char * getFragmentPtr(ExFragId fragId) const = 0;
virtual IpcMessageObjSize getFragmentLength(ExFragId fragId) const = 0;
// get the fragment key for a given fragment of this statement
virtual ExFragKey getFragmentKey(ExFragId fragId) const = 0;
// simple method to get number of instances for my fragment id
// (this method is rooted in the base class, ex_globals)
virtual Lng32 getNumOfInstances() const;
// get the number of instances for a given fragment and get the process
// id for one of the instances, or find out how many processes are
// in the local node and which of them I am
virtual Lng32 getNumOfInstances(ExFragId fragId) const = 0;
virtual const IpcProcessId & getInstanceProcessId(
ExFragId fragId,
Lng32 instanceNum) const = 0;
virtual Lng32 getMyInstanceNumber() const = 0;
virtual void getMyNodeLocalInstanceNumber(
Lng32 &myNodeLocalInstanceNumber,
Lng32 &numOfLocalInstances) const = 0;
// Virtual methods to retrieve SeaMonster settings. These methods
// will be implemented in the master and ESP subclasses.
virtual Int64 getSMQueryID() const = 0;
virtual Int32 getSMTraceLevel() const = 0;
virtual const char *getSMTraceFilePrefix() const = 0;
inline IpcPriority getMyProcessPriority()
{ return cliGlobals_->myPriority(); }
// get resource info
virtual const ExScratchFileOptions *getScratchFileOptions() const = 0;
// there is one SQL diagnostics area for the statement; to be used only
// for fatal errors that aren't related to a single row
inline ComDiagsArea *getDiagsArea() const { return diagsArea_; }
void setGlobDiagsArea(ComDiagsArea *da);
#if !defined(__EID) && defined(_DEBUG) && defined (TRACE_ESP_ACCESS)
inline ESPTraceList *getESPTraceList() const {return espTraceList_; }
void setESPTraceList(ESPTraceList *traceList) {espTraceList_ = traceList;}
// update the input parameter diags area with the (non-queue) error
// info from globals, if there is any
void takeGlobalDiagsArea(ComDiagsArea &cliDA);
void setCliGlobals(CliGlobals * cg) { cliGlobals_ = cg; }
inline CliGlobals * getCliGlobals() { return cliGlobals_; }
// return of TRUE means error, FALSE means all Ok.
virtual NABoolean closeTables();
virtual NABoolean reOpenTables();
// This method adds a Condition to the statement's diags area
// to complain about memory alloc errors.
void makeMemoryCondition(Lng32 errCode);
inline ContextCli *getContext() const
{ return cliGlobals_->currContext(); }
SequenceValueGenerator * seqGen();
// the IPC environment is used by the IPC routines and contains useful
// information (such as a dynamic heap) for other code as well
inline IpcEnvironment * getIpcEnvironment() const
{ return cliGlobals_->getEnvironment(); }
inline MemoryMonitor * getMemoryMonitor () const
{ return cliGlobals_->getMemoryMonitor(); }
ExUdrServer *acquireUdrServer(const char *runtimeOptions,
const char *optionDelimiters,
NABoolean dedicated = FALSE);
inline ExUdrServer * getUdrServer() const { return udrServer_; }
inline LIST(ExUdrServer *) getUdrServersD() const { return udrServersD_; }
void setUdrConnection(IpcConnection *conn) { udrIpcConnection_ = conn; }
IpcConnection *getUdrConnection();
void incrementUdrTxMsgsOut();
void decrementUdrTxMsgsOut();
void incrementUdrNonTxMsgsOut();
void decrementUdrNonTxMsgsOut();
Lng32 numUdrMsgsOut() const { return numUdrTxMsgsOut_ + numUdrNonTxMsgsOut_; }
Lng32 numUdrTxMsgsOut() const { return numUdrTxMsgsOut_; }
Lng32 numUdrNonTxMsgsOut() const { return numUdrNonTxMsgsOut_; }
inline Int64 &getTransid() { return transid_; }
inline Int64 &getSavepointId() { return savepointId_; }
ResolvedNameList* &resolvedNameList() { return resolvedNameList_; };
// for accounting for unanswered send top messages sent.
virtual void decrementSendTopMsgesOut();
inline void incrementSendTopMsgesOut() { numSendTopMsgesOut_++; };
inline NABoolean anySendTopMsgesOut() { return numSendTopMsgesOut_ != 0; }
inline Lng32 numSendTopMsgesOut() { return numSendTopMsgesOut_; }
// for accounting for unanswered cancel messages sent thru IPC & ArkFs.
void decrementCancelMsgesOut();
inline void incrementCancelMsgesOut() { numCancelMsgesOut_++; };
inline NABoolean anyCancelMsgesOut() { return numCancelMsgesOut_ != 0; }
inline Lng32 numCancelMsgesOut() { return numCancelMsgesOut_; }
inline NABoolean noNewRequest() { return noNewRequest_; }
inline virtual void setNoNewRequest(NABoolean n) { noNewRequest_ = n; }
void setCloseAllOpens(NABoolean v) { closeAllOpens_ = v; }
NABoolean closeAllOpens() { return closeAllOpens_; }
#ifndef __EID
// return TRUE iff this timeout was set, and then put value in timeoutValue
inline NABoolean getLockTimeout( char * tableName, Lng32 & timeoutValue )
if ( NULL == timeouts_ ) return FALSE;
return timeouts_->getLockTimeout( tableName, timeoutValue );
} ;
// returns a reference to the internal pointer (used inter alia for setting)
TimeoutData ** getTimeoutData() { return & timeouts_; } ;
inline NABoolean grabMemoryQuotaIfAvailable(ULng32 size)
if ( unusedBMOsMemoryQuota_ < size ) return FALSE;
unusedBMOsMemoryQuota_ -= size ;
return TRUE;
inline void resetMemoryQuota() { unusedBMOsMemoryQuota_ = 0 ; }
inline ULng32 unusedMemoryQuota() { return unusedBMOsMemoryQuota_; }
inline void yieldMemoryQuota(ULng32 size)
{ unusedBMOsMemoryQuota_ += size; }
// getStreamTimeout: return TRUE (FALSE) if the stream-timeout was set (was
// not set). If set, the timeoutValue parameter would return that value
virtual NABoolean getStreamTimeout( Lng32 & timeoutValue );
// Whenever a (prepared) statement is re-executed, the executionCount_
// is incremented. Right now this counter is used only by the
// partition access to let the EID session know if a new input buffer
// represents a continuation of an earlier execution of the statement.
// This helps dp2 CPU limits work properly if the statement in both
// scenarios: 1) the statement is re-exec'd; and 2) the statement has
// multiple input buffers to DP2.
// The increment is done by the root and by the split bottom.
// NOTE: This is another place where the code assume that an ESP is never
// on the right-hand side of a flow node (TF, or ONLJ). Some would say the
// correct solution would be to maintain the exec count in the master,
// and then pass it to ESPs as dataflow input.
void incExecutionCount() { executionCount_++; }
ULng32 getExecutionCount() { return executionCount_; }
virtual void initSMGlobals();
// SQL Diagnostics area for this statement
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea_;
// Pointer to shared udr server used by scalar udfs
ExUdrServer *udrServer_;
// List of dedicated UDR servers associated with this statement
// Note that this list does not contain the shared udr server
// pointed to by udrServer_ defined above.This set of dedicated
// udr servers is used by tmudfs and accessed in statement.cpp
// when a statement want to assertain that all IO with these servers
// are completed.
LIST(ExUdrServer *) udrServersD_;
// IpcConnection to the UDR Server
IpcConnection *udrIpcConnection_;
// transaction identifier, if this statement is running under
// a transaction. -1, if it is not.
Int64 transid_;
// savepoint id, if dp2 savepoints are enabled and in use.
// -1, if not.
Int64 savepointId_;
ResolvedNameList * resolvedNameList_;
// Keep a count of unanswered send top messages.
Lng32 numSendTopMsgesOut_;
// Keep a count of unanswered cancel messages sent thru IPC & ArkFs.
Lng32 numCancelMsgesOut_;
// Keep a count of unanswered transactional UDR messages
Lng32 numUdrTxMsgsOut_;
// Keep a count of unanswered non-transactional UDR messages
Lng32 numUdrNonTxMsgsOut_;
// Set when split bottom gets release transaction
// Reset when split bottom gets work messge
NABoolean noNewRequest_;
NABoolean closeAllOpens_;
#ifndef __EID
// Hold all the dynamicly set timeout data (relevant to this statement)
// (Note: This pointer is NULL when there are no relevant timeouts set.)
TimeoutData * timeouts_;
// memory quota allocation given back by BMOs to be used by other BMOs
ULng32 unusedBMOsMemoryQuota_;
#if !defined(__EID) && defined(_DEBUG) && defined (TRACE_ESP_ACCESS)
ESPTraceList *espTraceList_;
ULng32 executionCount_;
inline void setUdrServer(ExUdrServer *udrServ) { udrServer_ = udrServ; }
// points to the executor global object. There is only one
// executor global for the whole executor session.
CliGlobals * cliGlobals_;
// Keep track of whether the SeaMonster query ID was registered
bool smQueryIDRegistered_;
enum StmtType {
StmtType stmtType_;
StmtType getStmtType();
void setStmtType(StmtType stmtType);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Both the main thread and the cancel thread can set the state.
// The only state that can be set to by the cancel thread is
// The main thread can set the remaining 3 states.
// statement::cancel acts based on the state.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef enum CancelStateEnum
CLI_CANCEL_TCB_INVALID = 1, // cancel enable but no tcb.
CLI_CANCEL_TCB_READY = 2, // cancel enable and tcb built.
CLI_CANCEL_REQUESTED = 3, // set by cancel thread to request cancel.
CLI_CANCEL_DISABLE = 4 // reject async cancel. Not retryable.
} CancelState;
class ExMasterStmtGlobals : public ExExeStmtGlobals
ExMasterStmtGlobals(short num_temps,
CliGlobals *cliGlobals,
CliStatement *statement,
short create_gui_sched = 0,
Space * space = NULL,
CollHeap * heap = NULL);
// Deletes objects this object points to... does NOT destroy
// this object
NA_EIDPROC virtual void deleteMe(NABoolean fatalError);
virtual ExMasterStmtGlobals * castToExMasterStmtGlobals();
virtual char * getFragmentPtr(ExFragId fragId) const;
virtual IpcMessageObjSize getFragmentLength(ExFragId fragId) const;
virtual ExFragKey getFragmentKey(ExFragId fragId) const;
virtual ExFragId getMyFragId() const;
virtual Lng32 getNumOfInstances() const // avoid warning - hidden virtual func
{ return ExExeStmtGlobals::getNumOfInstances(); }
virtual Lng32 getNumOfInstances(ExFragId fragId) const;
virtual const IpcProcessId & getInstanceProcessId(ExFragId fragId,
Lng32 instanceNum) const;
virtual Lng32 getMyInstanceNumber() const;
virtual void getMyNodeLocalInstanceNumber(
Lng32 &myNodeLocalInstanceNumber,
Lng32 &numOfLocalInstances) const;
// Virtual methods to retrieve SeaMonster settings
// In the master executor these settings come from:
// Query ID: from statement globals
// Trace level: from session defaults
// Trace file prefix: from session defaults
virtual Int64 getSMQueryID() const { return smQueryID_; }
virtual Int32 getSMTraceLevel() const;
virtual const char *getSMTraceFilePrefix() const;
// In the master we allow root_tdb::build() to assign a SeaMonster
// ID to the query
void setSMQueryID(Int64 id) { smQueryID_ = id; }
virtual const ExScratchFileOptions *getScratchFileOptions() const;
// the frag table is only set in the master executor
inline void setFragDir(ExFragDir * frag_dir) {fragDir_ = frag_dir;}
inline ExFragDir * getFragDir() const {return fragDir_;}
inline void setStartAddr(void * start_addr) {startAddr_ = start_addr;}
inline void * getStartAddr() const {return startAddr_;}
inline ExRtFragTable *getRtFragTable() const { return fragTable_; }
inline void setRtFragTable(ExRtFragTable *m) { fragTable_ = m; }
inline ExEspManager * getEspManager() const {
return cliGlobals_->getEspManager();
NABoolean udrRuntimeOptionsChanged() const;
NA_EIDPROC Int64 getRowsAffected() const {return rowsAffected_;}
void setRowsAffected(Int64 newRows) {rowsAffected_ = newRows;}
inline CliStatement *getStatement() { return statement_; }
// For asynchronous CLI cancel.
inline CancelState getCancelState() const {return cancelState_;}
CancelState setCancelState(CancelState newState);
inline void clearCancelState() {setCancelState(CLI_CANCEL_TCB_INVALID);}
void resetCancelState();
// The following two methods are called in /cli/Statement.cpp :
#ifndef __EID
// copy timeout data relevant to this stmt (from the global CLI context)
// (This method is called after the statement was fixed up)
void setLocalTimeoutData(ComTdbRoot * rootTdb);
// check if a previous SET TIMEOUT statement affects this fixedup statement
// (This method is called before executing a previously fixedup statement)
NABoolean timeoutSettingChanged();
ExRsInfo *getResultSetInfo(NABoolean createIfNecessary = FALSE);
void deleteResultSetInfo();
void acquireRSInfoFromParent(ULng32 &rsIndex, // OUT
Int64 &udrHandle, // OUT
ExUdrServer *&udrServer, // OUT
IpcProcessId &pid, // OUT
ExRsInfo *&rsInfo); // OUT
#if (defined (NA_NSK) || defined(NA_LINUX)) && !defined (__EID)
StatsGlobals *getStatsGlobals()
{ return (cliGlobals_ ? cliGlobals_->getStatsGlobals() : NULL); }
Long getSemId()
{ return (cliGlobals_ ? cliGlobals_->getSemId() : (short)0);}
pid_t getPid()
{ return (cliGlobals_ ? cliGlobals_->myPin() : (short)0);}
pid_t getTid()
return syscall(SYS_gettid);
Lng32 myNodeNumber() { return (cliGlobals_ ? cliGlobals_->myNodeNumber() : (short)0);}
inline NABoolean verifyESP() { return verifyESP_; }
inline void setVerifyESP() { verifyESP_ = TRUE; }
inline void resetVerifyESP() { verifyESP_ = FALSE; }
// Methods to manage information related to the top-level ESPs
// involved in a parallel extract operation
void insertExtractEsp(const IpcProcessId &);
void insertExtractSecurityKey(const char *key);
short getExtractEspCpu(ULng32 index) const;
Lng32 getExtractEspNodeNumber(ULng32 index) const;
const char *getExtractEspPhandleText(ULng32 index) const;
const char *getExtractSecurityKey() const;
inline void addSMConnection(SMConnection *conn)
{ allSMConnections_.insert(conn); }
inline void removeSMConnection(SMConnection *conn)
{ allSMConnections_.remove(conn); }
const LIST(SMConnection *) &allSMConnections() const
{ return allSMConnections_; }
void setAqrWnrInsertCleanedup() { aqrWnrCleanedup_ = true; }
void resetAqrWnrInsertCleanedup() { aqrWnrCleanedup_ = false; }
bool getAqrWnrInsertCleanedup() const { return aqrWnrCleanedup_; }
// directory containing offsets and types of all fragments.
ExFragDir * fragDir_;
// pointer to the generated code for all fragments
void * startAddr_;
// fragment instance directory for the current statement
ExRtFragTable *fragTable_;
// Current statement
CliStatement *statement_;
// rows affected during the execution of this statement.
// Applies to rows updated/deleted/inserted ONLY.
Int64 rowsAffected_;
// Used exclusively by asynchronous CLI cancel.
CancelState cancelState_;
// local snapshot of the global timeout-change-counter at the time this
// stmt was fixed up (speeds up checking that timeout values are up-to-date)
ULng32 localSnapshotOfTimeoutChangeCounter_;
// Measure stmt counters
ExMeasStmtCntrs *stmtCntrs_;
// Store Procedure Result Set Info
// will always be NULL except for CALL statements that produce result sets.
ExRsInfo *resultSetInfo_;
// If TRUE, check every existing ESP before reassigning them
NABoolean verifyESP_;
// For a parallel extract producer query we need to manage
// information that describes the collection of top-level ESPs. The
// collection remains empty if this is not an extract producer query
struct ExExtractEspInfo
// Each ESP will be described by one instance of this struct
short cpu_;
Lng32 nodeNumber_;
char *phandleText_;
struct ExExtractProducerInfo
// One instance of this struct represents the entire collection of ESPs
ARRAY(ExExtractEspInfo*) *esps_;
char *securityKey_;
ExExtractProducerInfo *extractInfo_;
// A list of all SM connections used by this master executor. Used
// for error reporting when an ESP control connection is lost. Each
// SM connection will be informed of the error and will go into an
// error state rather than continuing to wait for arrivals.
LIST(SMConnection *) allSMConnections_;
// In the master we store the SeaMonster query ID here
Int64 smQueryID_;
// Let cli layer know that an NO ROLLBACK insert can be AQR'd.
bool aqrWnrCleanedup_;
class ExEspStmtGlobals : public ExExeStmtGlobals
ExEspStmtGlobals(short num_temps,
CliGlobals *cliGlobals,
short create_gui_sched,
Space * space,
CollHeap * heap,
ExEspFragInstanceDir *espFragInstanceDir,
ExFragInstanceHandle handle,
ULng32 injectErrorAtExprFreq,
char *queryId = NULL,
Lng32 queryIdLen = 0);
virtual void deleteMe(NABoolean fatalError);
virtual ExEspStmtGlobals * castToExEspStmtGlobals();
virtual char * getFragmentPtr(ExFragId fragId) const;
virtual IpcMessageObjSize getFragmentLength(ExFragId fragId) const;
virtual ExFragKey getFragmentKey(ExFragId fragId) const;
virtual ExFragId getMyFragId() const;
virtual Lng32 getNumOfInstances() const // avoid warning - hidden virtual func
{ return ExExeStmtGlobals::getNumOfInstances(); }
virtual Lng32 getNumOfInstances(ExFragId fragId) const;
virtual const IpcProcessId & getInstanceProcessId(ExFragId fragId,
Lng32 instanceNum) const;
virtual Lng32 getMyInstanceNumber() const;
virtual void getMyNodeLocalInstanceNumber(
Lng32 &myNodeLocalInstanceNumber,
Lng32 &numOfLocalInstances) const;
// Virtual methods to retrieve SeaMonster settings
// In an ESP these settings come from an ExSMDownloadInfo object
// that was sent with the fragment download message and is pointed
// to by statement globals
virtual Int64 getSMQueryID() const;
virtual Int32 getSMTraceLevel() const;
virtual const char *getSMTraceFilePrefix() const;
// This method will store a pointer to an object containing
// SeaMonster info for this query (e.g., query ID, trace level,
// ...). The object is sent from the master executor as part of the
// download message.
void setSMDownloadInfo(ExSMDownloadInfo *info)
{ smDownloadInfo_ = info; }
virtual const ExScratchFileOptions *getScratchFileOptions() const;
// a Process Ids of Fragments list gets only sent to ESP fragment instances
inline ExProcessIdsOfFragList *getPidFragList() const
{ return processIdsOfFragList_; }
inline void setPidFragList(ExProcessIdsOfFragList *p)
{ processIdsOfFragList_ = p; }
inline const ExMsgResourceInfo * getResourceInfo() const
{ return resourceInfo_; }
inline void setResourceInfo(ExMsgResourceInfo *r) { resourceInfo_ = r; }
// deal with the transaction ids that come in with client requests
// set the reply tag that is associate with the transaction work request
// for this instance
void setReplyTag(Int64 transid, short replyTag);
// restore the transid associated with this instance and return whether
// this was possible (not possible if no current transaction work request)
NABoolean restoreTransaction();
// manage a list of the send top TCBs in this fragment instance, so that
// dependent ESPs can be notified if we lose interest in this statement
// because of a cancel operation
CollIndex registerSendTopTcb(ex_send_top_tcb *st);
void setSendTopTcbActivated(CollIndex id) { activatedSendTopTcbs_ += id; }
void setSendTopTcbLateCancelling();
void clearAllActivatedSendTopTcbs() { activatedSendTopTcbs_.clear(); }
void resetSendTopTcbLateCancelling();
ex_send_top_tcb * getFirstNonActivatedSendTop(CollIndex &i)
{ i = 0; return getNextNonActivatedSendTop(i); }
ex_send_top_tcb * getNextNonActivatedSendTop(CollIndex &i);
virtual void setNoNewRequest(NABoolean n);
virtual void decrementSendTopMsgesOut();
#if (defined (NA_NSK) || defined(NA_LINUX)) && !defined (__EID)
StatsGlobals *getStatsGlobals()
{ return espFragInstanceDir_->getStatsGlobals(); }
Long getSemId()
{ return espFragInstanceDir_->getSemId();}
pid_t getPid()
{ return espFragInstanceDir_->getPid();}
pid_t getTid()
{ return espFragInstanceDir_->getTid();}
NABoolean isAnESPAccess() {return isAnESPAccess_;}
void setIsAnESPAccess(NABoolean a) { isAnESPAccess_ = a;}
char *getQueryId() { return queryId_; }
Lng32 getQueryIdLen() { return queryIdLen_; }
inline StmtStats *getStmtStats() { return stmtStats_; }
StmtStats *setStmtStats();
void setMyFixupPriority(IpcPriority v) { myFixupPriority_ = v; }
IpcPriority getMyFixupPriority() { return myFixupPriority_; }
// my own fragment instance handle
// (using a long here to avoid exposing the entire ESP frag instance
// dir class to this header file)
ExFragInstanceHandle myHandle_;
// pointer back the the ESP's fragment instance directory
// (use this only to get pointers to fragments)
ExEspFragInstanceDir *espFragInstanceDir_;
// fragment instances of input fragments to this ESP (used in ESPs)
ExProcessIdsOfFragList *processIdsOfFragList_;
// downloaded resource info
ExMsgResourceInfo *resourceInfo_;
// reply tag is used to restore the transid for this reply tag
short replyTag_;
// list of the send top TCBs in this fragment instance, needed for
// cancel propagation to producer ESPs
ARRAY(ex_send_top_tcb *) sendTopTcbs_;
// the subset of the send top TCBs that got a request
SUBARRAY(ex_send_top_tcb *) activatedSendTopTcbs_;
// This is the priority ESPs run at when waiting for a 'fixup' message.
// After fixup message is received, the priority is changed to its
// 'execute' priority which is sent as part of the fixup message.
// Once ESPs are done executing and the release transaction msg is
// received, priority is changed back to the 'fixup' priority value.
IpcPriority myFixupPriority_;
char *queryId_;
Lng32 queryIdLen_;
StmtStats *stmtStats_;
NAHeap *heap_;
NABoolean isAnESPAccess_;
// A pointer to an object containing SeaMonster properties for the
// query
ExSMDownloadInfo *smDownloadInfo_;