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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: FixedSizeHeapManager.h
* Description: Fixed size heap manager
* Created: 12/19/96
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "NABoolean.h"
#include "FixedSizeHeapElement.h"
#include "NAHeap.h" //
#include "ex_error.h" // for ExeErrorCode
#include <iostream>
// *****************************************************************************
// FixedSizeHeapManager is a simple manager for a heap containing fixed-sized
// elements.
// *****************************************************************************
// Forward declarations.
class FixedSizeHeapElement;
class FixedSizeHeapManagerBlock;
// End of forward declarations.
class FixedSizeHeapManager
friend class FixedSizeHeapManagerBlock;
// Constructor.
NA_EIDPROC FixedSizeHeapManager(const size_t elementSize,
const Lng32 numberOfElements);
// Destructor.
NA_EIDPROC ~FixedSizeHeapManager();
// Obtains the memory for the heap. Returns 0 if successful and an
// ExeErrorCode if not successful. Builds the free list.
NA_EIDPROC ExeErrorCode acquireHeapMemory(NAMemory * defaultHeapPtr);
// Allocate an element on the heap.
NA_EIDPROC void * allocateElement(size_t size);
// Returns true if the heap memory has been acquired. Otherwise, returns
// false.
NA_EIDPROC NABoolean heapMemoryAcquired() const;
// Print the status of the heap.
NA_EIDPROC void print(const char * header = "") const;
// Release an element from the heap and return the space to the free list.
NA_EIDPROC inline void releaseElement(void * elementPtr);
// Release heap memory.
NA_EIDPROC void releaseHeapMemory();
// Returns true if there is space available for an element on the heap.
// Retruns false if the heap is full or memory not acquired.
NA_EIDPROC inline NABoolean elementSpaceAvailable() const;
// The size of an element in the heap.
size_t adjustedElementSize_;
// Maximum number of elements in the heap.
const Lng32 numberOfElements_;
// Pointer to the head of the free list. Zero if the heap is full or
// if the heap memory has not been acquired.
FixedSizeHeapElement * freeListHeadPtr_;
// First block pointer. Zero if the heap memory is not acquired. If
// non-zero, the heap memory was sucessfully acquired and the free list
// was built.
FixedSizeHeapManagerBlock * firstBlockPtr_;
// Pointer to the default heap. This is needed to deallocate the space.
NAMemory * defaultHeapPtr_;
// Size of a FixedSizeHeapManagerBlock rounded up for allignment.
Lng32 sizeBlockRounded_;
// Copy constructor disallowed.
NA_EIDPROC inline FixedSizeHeapManager(const FixedSizeHeapManager &);
}; // class FixedSizeHeapManager
// *****************************************************************************
// Inline member functions for class FixedSizeHeapManager
// *****************************************************************************
// Copy constructor disallowed. Use of this constructor is disallowed
// so that passing a class object by value rather than by reference will
// raise a compilation error.
inline FixedSizeHeapManager::FixedSizeHeapManager(const FixedSizeHeapManager &)
: adjustedElementSize_(0),
"FixedSizeHeapManager::FixedSizeHeapManager: copy constructor called.");
// Release an element returning the space to the free list.
inline void FixedSizeHeapManager::releaseElement(void * elementPtr)
// Insert the element onto the head of the free list.
((FixedSizeHeapElement *)elementPtr)->setNextElementPtr(freeListHeadPtr_);
freeListHeadPtr_ = (FixedSizeHeapElement *)elementPtr;
// Returns true if there is space available for an element on the heap.
// Returns false if the heap is full or memory not acquired.
inline NABoolean FixedSizeHeapManager::elementSpaceAvailable() const
return freeListHeadPtr_ != 0;
// *****************************************************************************
// FixedSizeHeapManagerBlock models a block of memory for the heap.
// *****************************************************************************
class FixedSizeHeapManagerBlock
// Constructor.
NA_EIDPROC FixedSizeHeapManagerBlock(FixedSizeHeapManager & fixedSizeHeapManagerRef,
const Lng32 numberOfElements,
const size_t rawMemorySize);
// Destructor.
NA_EIDPROC inline ~FixedSizeHeapManagerBlock();
// Operator new.
NA_EIDPROC inline void * operator new(size_t, char * ptr);
// Get function for nextBlockPtr_.
NA_EIDPROC inline FixedSizeHeapManagerBlock * getNextBlockPtr();
// Pointer to form a linked-list of the blocks. This is a singlely-linked
// list. The last pointer is zero.
FixedSizeHeapManagerBlock * nextBlockPtr_;
// Raw memory size as allocated via call to allocateMemory().
// Includes space for the FixedSizeHeapManagerBlock object
// and the elements.
const size_t rawMemorySize_;
// Maximum number of elements in the block.
const Lng32 numberOfElements_;
// Pointer to first element in the block.
FixedSizeHeapElement * firstElementPtr_;
// Print function.
NA_EIDPROC void print(const char * header = "") const;
}; // class FixedSizeHeapManagerBlock
// *****************************************************************************
// Inline member functions for class FixedSizeHeapManagerBlock
// *****************************************************************************
// Operator new.
inline void * FixedSizeHeapManagerBlock::operator new(size_t, char * ptr)
return (void *)ptr;
// Get function for nextBlockPtr_.
inline FixedSizeHeapManagerBlock * FixedSizeHeapManagerBlock::getNextBlockPtr()
return nextBlockPtr_;