blob: 4b7b924b2dd946ced4a96dcd3e6fe68289233b80 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef EX_ESP_MSG_H
#define EX_ESP_MSG_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ex_esp_msg.h
* Description: Requests and replies exchanged between master executor and
* ESPs and dependent objects sent in them.
* Created: 1/22/96
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Platform.h"
#include "Int64.h"
#include "ex_frag_inst.h"
#include "sql_buffer.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// enum ESPMessageTypeEnum
// enum ESPMessageObjTypeEnum
// The NSK compiler doesn't like forward declarations of "struct" and
// the NT compiler doesn't like forward "class" followed by "struct".
// Sigh.
#define FWD_STRUCT struct
class ExEspMsgObj;
class ExEspRequestHeader;
class ExEspReplyHeader;
FWD_STRUCT ExEspInputDataReqHeader;
FWD_STRUCT ExEspContinueReqHeader;
FWD_STRUCT ExEspReturnDataReplyHeader;
FWD_STRUCT ExEspLoadFragmentReqHeader;
FWD_STRUCT ExEspFixupFragmentReqHeader;
FWD_STRUCT ExEspReleaseFragmentReqHeader;
FWD_STRUCT ExEspOpenReqHeader;
FWD_STRUCT ExEspPartInputDataReqHeader;
FWD_STRUCT ExEspWorkReqHeader;
FWD_STRUCT ExEspReleaseWorkReqHeader;
FWD_STRUCT ExEspReturnStatusReplyHeader;
class TupMsgBuffer;
class ExProcessIdsOfFrag;
class ExProcessIdsOfFragList;
class ExResolvedNameObj;
class ExMsgFragment;
class ExMsgTransId;
class ExMsgTimeouts;
class ExMsgResourceInfo;
class ExMsgSecurityInfo;
class ExSMDownloadInfo;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class TimeoutData;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Enum type for message streams used by ESPs
// (see IpcMessageTypeEnum in file IpcMessageType.h)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
enum ESPMessageTypeEnum
// ---------> must add any new entries just above this line!! <---------
const char *getESPStreamTypeString(ESPMessageTypeEnum t);
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrEspRequestMessageVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrEspReplyMessageVersion = 100;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Request and reply types sent between ESPs
// - An input data request contains down queue entries from the parent
// node of a fragment.
// The server takes the down queue entries, passes them on to its
// child and returns the results in a return data reply.
// Objects following the input data request:
// -> 1 ESP_INPUT_SQL_BUFFER object
// - If a server got an input data request and has more reply data than
// fits in one reply, it replies with some of the data (the parent
// detects that from the missing end of data up entry). The parent
// (client) then sends a continue request down to the server. The
// continue message can also carry a transaction id.
// Objects following the continue request:
// -> none
// - The return data reply is the reply to an input data or a continue
// request and contains up queue entries.
// Objects following the return data reply:
// -> 1 ESP_OUTPUT_SQL_BUFFER object
// -> 0 or more ESP_DIAGNOSTICS_AREA objects
// - The load fragment request comes from the process that manages the
// ESP and it is a request to install a fragment instance on the ESP
// and to assign a fragment instance id to it. Unlike most other
// messages, this one does not contain a complete fragment instance id.
// The ESP replies with a status that contains that id.
// Objects following the load fragment request:
// -> 1 or more ESP_FRAGMENT objects
// - The fixup request requests fixup of a previously downloaded fragment.
// Objects following the fixup request:
// -> 1 or more ESP_PROCESS_IDS_OF_FRAG objects
// -> 0 or 1 ESP_LATE_NAME_INFO objects
// -> 0 or more ESP_RESOURCE_INFO objects
// -> 0 or 1 ESP_TIMEOUT_DATA object
// -> 0 or 1 ESP_SM_DOWNLOAD_INFO objects
// - The release request requests complete release of a downloaded
// fragment. The fragment instance id becomes invalid after release.
// Objects following the release request:
// -> none
// - Partition input data requests come from either the parent node or
// the ESP manager process. They contain the partition input data which
// tells an ESP which partition to work on. Partition input data does
// not contain down queue status neither does it contain a transaction id.
// There are 3 flavors of partition input data requests: a) a static
// assignment that lasts until cancelled b) a dynamic assignment that
// lasts until an end-of-data is received from the child of the
// split bottom node and that requires it to ask for more data, and c)
// an indication that there are no more dynamic assignments and that
// the split bottom node may return end-of-data to its consumer ESPs.
// Objects following the partition input data request:
// -> 0 or 1 ESP_INPUT_SQL_BUFFER objects
// - Work requests may carry a transaction id with them and
// allow the ESP to do work on behalf of the transaction. The ESP usually
// does not immediately reply to such requests. It waits until either
// a time limit has expired, until it gets a work release request,
// or until it is done with its current work (end-of-data from child).
// The work request comes from the master executor and is processed by
// the split bottom node in the ESP.
// Objects following the transaction work request:
// -> 0 or 1 ESP_TRANSID objects
// - Work release requests signal that the caller wants to have its
// work request back. The ESP replies to two requests when it gets
// such a message, to the previous work request and to the
// work release request.
// Objects following the work release request:
// -> none
// - The return status reply is the standard reply to requests that
// come from the ESP manager (all requests except input data, and
// continue, which expect a return data reply). The status reply
// contains a diagnostics area.
// Objects following the return status reply:
// -> 0 or 1 ESP_DIAGNOSTICS_AREA objects
// -> 0 or 1 ESP_STATISTICS objects
// - Messages can piggyback on other messages. This is done by including
// multiple request headers in a single message buffer. Examples:
// -> load + fixup
// -> partition input data (static) + work
// -> ...
// - Each request type has an associated header that contains information
// global to the message, such as an error status, number of rows, etc.
// - The request objects are declared as structs rather than classes, this
// means that all their members are public by default. Request objects
// are sent over the wire and different processes may use them on each
// side. We do not want the methods to receive a message to be exported
// to the sender process. Therefore we avoid having any methods on the
// request and reply class, instead those methods are implemented in
// the callback functions of IpcMessageStream objects that are used to
// send and receive these requests.
// Objects sent in ESP messages for different requests:
// - Input SQL buffers are objects of type sql_buffer, containing two
// tupps for each row sent: the first tupp contains the down state
// from the input queue and the second tupp contains the actual data
// row. In other words, there is always an even number of tupps in
// the buffer. The format is the same as in the protocol between
// executor, filesystem, and DP2. See class TupMsgBuffer.
// - Output SQL buffers are the same as input SQL buffers, except that
// they contain up states and rows in two separate tupps per returned
// row. See class TupMsgBuffer.
// - Diagnostics areas are a compressed form of the SQL diagnostics area.
// - Statistics are a compressed form of the SQLSA.
// - Fragments are the tdbs and expressions generated by the SQL compiler
// for a given ESP. A fragment has to be unpacked and fixed up before
// it can be executed in the ESP. See class ExFragmentData in file
// ex_load_esp.h.
// - Fixup messages carry lists of process ids for each input fragment
// of the fragment to be fixed up, see class ExProcessIdsOfFrag.
// - Transaction ids encapsulate NSK transactino ids (maybe others
// someday). Right now they are for aestetic reasons only, to symbolize
// the fact that NSK sends the transaction id automatically.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
enum ESPMessageObjTypeEnum
const char *getESPMessageObjTypeString(ESPMessageObjTypeEnum t);
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrInputDataHdrVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrContinueHdrVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrReturnDataHdrVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrLoadFragmentHdrVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrFixupFragmentHdrVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrReleaseFragmentHdrVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrOpenHdrVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrReturnStatusHdrVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrPartitionInputDataHdrVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrWorkTransactionHdrVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrReleaseTransactionHdrVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrFragmentKeyVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrInputSqlBufferVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrOutputSqlBufferVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrProcessIdsOfFragVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrResolvedNameObjVersion = 101;
const IpcMessageObjVersion Pre1800ResolvedNameObjVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrDiagnosticsAreaVersion =
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrStatisticsVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrFragmentVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrTransidVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrTimeoutDataVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrSMDownloadInfoVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrResourceInfoVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrCancelHdrVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrCancelReplyHdrVersion = 100;
const IpcMessageObjVersion CurrLateCancelHdrVersion = 100;
// When we send a boolean over the network, it gets sent as a long
// (just to hedge ourselves against a possible redefinition of this type)
typedef Int32 ExIpcMsgBoolean;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Base class for all objects sent to an ESP
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExEspMsgObj : public IpcMessageObj
ExEspMsgObj(ESPMessageObjTypeEnum objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NAMemory *heap) :
IpcMessageObj(objType,objVersion), heap_(heap) {}
ExEspMsgObj(IpcBufferedMsgStream* msgStream) :
IpcMessageObj(msgStream), heap_(NULL) {}
// the real reason for the existence of this object: manage the heap
void operator delete(void *p);
// accessor method (mostly for derived classes)
inline NAMemory * getHeap() const { return heap_; }
// Override some virtual functions from IpcMessageObj, so that the
// heap_ member does not get sent in a message, that it does not
// get overwritten when an object is unpacked, and that our operator
// delete (see above) is called when an object is no longer needed.
virtual IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer);
virtual void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer);
virtual IpcMessageRefCount decrRefCount();
// the heap on which this object is allocated on
// (a NULL pointer for the heap indicates that the object is allocated
// directly inside a message buffer with the copyless IPC protocol)
NAMemory * heap_; // not really used when sending the object, but
void * fillerFor64Bit_; // a filler for 64 bits may someday avoid a copy
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Base class for all request messages to ESPs
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExEspRequestHeader : public ExEspMsgObj
// constructor
ExEspRequestHeader(ESPMessageObjTypeEnum objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NAMemory *heap);
// constructor used to perform copyless receive, maps packed objects in place
ExEspRequestHeader(IpcBufferedMsgStream* msgStream);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Base class for all reply messages from ESPs
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExEspReplyHeader : public ExEspMsgObj
// constructor
ExEspReplyHeader(ESPMessageObjTypeEnum objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NAMemory *heap);
// constructor used to perform copyless receive, maps packed objects in place
ExEspReplyHeader(IpcBufferedMsgStream* msgStream);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Input data request:
// The parent node of a fragment instance sends down one or more down
// queue entries and expects the ESP to start or continue working on the
// instance.
// Objects that follow this header:
// An input TupMsgBuffer.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ExEspInputDataReqHeader : public ExEspRequestHeader
ExEspInputDataReqHeader(NAMemory *heap);
// constructor used to perform copyless receive, maps packed objects in place
ExEspInputDataReqHeader(IpcBufferedMsgStream* msgStream);
// method needed to pack and unpack this object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
// data members
ExFragInstanceHandle handle_;
Int32 myInstanceNum_;
char endianness_; // big-endian, little endian
char spare1_;
Int16 spare2_;
UInt32 injectErrorAtQueueFreq_;
Int32 spare3_, spare4_, spare5_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Continue request:
// An ESP has replied with a return data reply, but there are still
// outstanding up queue entries from the ESP (there are still down queue
// entries that haven't received end of data yet). This request is to
// redrive the ESP to continue working. For slow cursors, no work will
// be done by the ESP between its reply and receiving the continue
// request.
// Objects that follow this header:
// None.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ExEspContinueReqHeader : public ExEspRequestHeader
ExEspContinueReqHeader(NAMemory *heap);
// constructor used to perform copyless receive, maps packed objects in place
ExEspContinueReqHeader(IpcBufferedMsgStream* msgStream);
// method needed to pack and unpack this object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
// data members
ExFragInstanceHandle handle_;
Int32 myInstanceNum_;
char endianness_; // big-endian, little endian
char spare1_;
Int16 spare2_;
Int32 spare3_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return data reply:
// An ESP replies to an input data request or a continue request with up
// queue entries. None, some, or all reply entries may be included in the
// message.
// Objects that follow this header:
// An output TupMsgBuffer and a SQL Diagnostics area.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ExEspReturnDataReplyHeader : public ExEspReplyHeader
ExEspReturnDataReplyHeader(NAMemory *heap);
// constructor used to perform copyless receive, maps packed objects in place
ExEspReturnDataReplyHeader(IpcBufferedMsgStream* msgStream);
// method needed to pack and unpack this object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
// data members
ExIpcMsgBoolean stopSendingData_; // server saturated, continue requests only
char endianness_; // big-endian, little endian
char spare1_;
Int16 spare2_;
Int32 spare3_, spare4_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Load fragment request:
// A process requests to download a fragment and to assign a fragment
// handle to it.
// Objects that follow this header:
// An ExFragmentData object (see file ex_load_esp.h).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ExEspLoadFragmentReqHeader : public ExEspRequestHeader
ExEspLoadFragmentReqHeader(NAMemory *heap);
// method needed to pack and unpack this object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
Int32 spare1_;
Int32 spare2_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Perform fixup on a downloaded fragment:
// The master executor requests fixup of a downloaded fragment, which
// causes the input ESPs to be opened,
// Objects that follow this header:
// One or more ExProcessIdsOfFrag objects.
// Zero or 1 ExResolvedNameObj objects
// Zero or more ExMsgResourceInfo objects.
// Zero or 1 ExMsgTimeoutData object.
// Zero or 1 ExSMDownloadInfo objects
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ExEspFixupFragmentReqHeader : public ExEspRequestHeader
enum Flags
// indicates that stat collection at runtime is enabled.
// Set when fixup request is sent from master to esps.
// Used to collect stats info at fixup time (like num opens).
// indicates that a connection "error" due to receipt
// of close message while a request is outstanding
// (not replied to) should be logged to EMS
ExEspFixupFragmentReqHeader(NAMemory *heap);
// method needed to pack and unpack this object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
NABoolean statsEnabled() {return (flags_ & STATS_ENABLED) != 0;};
void setStatsEnabled(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= STATS_ENABLED : flags_ &= ~STATS_ENABLED); };
void setPersistentOpens(Lng32 v)
switch (v)
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
Lng32 getPersistentOpens()
if (flags_ & PERSISTENT_OPENS_1)
return 1;
else if (flags_ & PERSISTENT_OPENS_2)
return 2;
return 0;
void setEspFixupPriority(IpcPriority p)
espFixupPriority_ = (short)p;
IpcPriority getEspFixupPriority()
return (IpcPriority)espFixupPriority_;
void setEspExecutePriority(IpcPriority p)
espExecutePriority_ = (short)p;
IpcPriority getEspExecutePriority()
return (IpcPriority)espExecutePriority_;
void setMaxPollingInterval(Lng32 p)
maxPollingInterval_ = p;
Lng32 getMaxPollingInterval()
return maxPollingInterval_;
void setEspFreeMemTimeout(Lng32 p)
espFreeMemTimeout_ = p;
Lng32 getEspFreeMemTimeout()
return espFreeMemTimeout_;
void setEspCloseErrorLogging(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= ESP_CLOSE_ERROR_LOGGING : flags_ &= ~ESP_CLOSE_ERROR_LOGGING); };
NABoolean getEspCloseErrorLogging() {return (flags_ & ESP_CLOSE_ERROR_LOGGING) != 0;};
// data members
ExFragKey key_;
Lng32 numOfParentInstances_;
UInt32 flags_;
// priority that ESP should execute the stmt at.
// ESP changes its own priority to this value after 'fixup' stage.
// Once the query is finished after release fragment request, priority is
// changed back to the original fixup priority value which is saved
// in esp stmt globals after fixup stage.
short espExecutePriority_;
short espFixupPriority_;
Lng32 maxPollingInterval_;
Lng32 espFreeMemTimeout_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Release a downloaded fragment instance:
// The master executor indicates that it no longer needs a downloaded
// fragment. It is ok to release all the resources it currently uses.
// Objects that follow this header:
// None.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ExEspReleaseFragmentReqHeader : public ExEspRequestHeader
enum Flags
// delete all relatives within stmt as well?
DELETE_STMT = 0x0001,
// do real close of all tables instead reusing opens
ExEspReleaseFragmentReqHeader(NAMemory *heap);
// method needed to pack and unpack this object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
NABoolean deleteStmt() {return (flags_ & DELETE_STMT) != 0;};
void setDeleteStmt(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= DELETE_STMT : flags_ &= ~DELETE_STMT); };
NABoolean closeAllOpens() {return (flags_ & CLOSE_ALL_OPENS) != 0;};
void setCloseAllOpens(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= CLOSE_ALL_OPENS : flags_ &= ~CLOSE_ALL_OPENS); };
// data members
ExFragKey key_;
Int32 idleTimeout_;
UInt32 flags_;
ExIpcMsgBoolean detachFromMaster_; // does master need my service any more?
Int32 spare1_;
Int32 spare2_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A parent fragment instance tries to open this ESP and is giving the
// identity of the fragment instance it tries to reach. Note that the
// actual identity of the parent ESP has to be verified by calling an
// operating system service, just like for most other request messages.
// In Guardian that can be done by having OPEN system messages delivered.
// Objects that follow this header:
// None.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ExEspOpenReqHeader : public ExEspRequestHeader
ExEspOpenReqHeader(NAMemory *heap);
// constructor used to perform copyless receive, maps packed objects in place
ExEspOpenReqHeader(IpcBufferedMsgStream* msgStream);
// method needed to pack and unpack this object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
// typedef for open types
typedef enum
} ExIpcOpenTypes;
// method to get/set open types
ExIpcOpenTypes getOpenType() { return (ExIpcOpenTypes) openType_; }
void setOpenType(ExIpcOpenTypes type) { openType_ = type; }
// data members
ExFragKey key_;
// the parent need to say which instance number it has (for repartitioning)
Int32 myInstanceNum_;
char endianness_; // big-endian, little endian
char openType_; // type of open
Int16 spare2_;
Int64 statID_; // ID assigned to parent stat entry.
Int32 spare3_;
Int32 spare4_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A parent ESP, master executor, or a third process is sending partition
// input data. This identifies the partition this particular instance is
// supposed to work on. Partition input data is passed on to other nodes
// (especially file scan nodes) in the fragment. If no TupMsgBuffer
// follows this request then there is no (more) work to do for the
// fragment instance identified by <key_>.
// Objects that follow this header:
// An input TupMsgBuffer.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ExEspPartInputDataReqHeader : public ExEspRequestHeader
ExEspPartInputDataReqHeader(NAMemory *heap);
// method needed to pack and unpack this object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
// data members
ExFragKey key_;
// This flag indicates whether the ESP may get more partitions assigned
// to it dynamically or whether this assignment is permanent over the
// lifetime of the fragment instance. The ESP will reply immediately
// to this request if staticAssigment_ is set to TRUE, it will
// reply after it is done working on the request if staticAssignment_
// is set to FALSE. Once a static assignment is set, its remains in
// place indefinitely.
ExIpcMsgBoolean staticAssignment_;
// This boolean data member indicates whether the ESP should do work
// as a result of receiving this request or whether the request is
// simply sent because there is no more work for the ESP. The latter
// happens if work is assigned dynamically and the ESP keeps asking
// for more assignments.
ExIpcMsgBoolean askForMoreWorkWhenDone_;
Int32 spare1_;
Int32 spare2_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The master executor or a third process is sending a transaction id
// to be used for a certain fragment instance. The ESP may reply to this
// request in periodic intervals, it must reply if it gets an
// ExEspReleaseWorkReqHeader request. Once it has replied, the
// transaction becomes inactive and can no longer be used to work.
// Objects that follow this header:
// An ExMsgTransId object.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ExEspWorkReqHeader : public ExEspRequestHeader
ExEspWorkReqHeader(NAMemory *heap);
// method needed to pack and unpack this object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
// data members
ExFragKey key_;
Int32 spare1_;
Int32 spare2_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The master executor or a third process is requesting the ESP to
// release a previously sent transaction id (via ExEspWorkReqHeader)
// and to reply to this and to the ExEspWorkReqHeader request.
// Objects that follow this header:
// None.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ExEspReleaseWorkReqHeader : public ExEspRequestHeader
ExEspReleaseWorkReqHeader(NAMemory *heap);
// method needed to pack and unpack this object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
// data members
ExFragKey key_;
ExIpcMsgBoolean allWorkRequests_;
Int32 inactiveTimeout_;
Int32 spare1_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cancel request:
// The parent node of a fragment instance sends down one or more down
// queue entries. The queue entries are used by send_bottom in the ESP
// to identify canceled queue entries by their parent index.
// Objects that follow this header:
// An input TupMsgBuffer.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ExEspCancelReqHeader : public ExEspRequestHeader
ExEspCancelReqHeader(NAMemory *heap);
// constructor used to perform copyless receive, maps packed objects in place
ExEspCancelReqHeader(IpcBufferedMsgStream* msgStream);
// method needed to pack and unpack this object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
// data members
char endianness_; // big-endian, little endian
ExFragInstanceHandle handle_;
Int32 myInstanceNum_;
Int32 spare1_;
Int32 spare2_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Reply to Cancel.
// A simple reply to a cancel request.
// Objects that follow this header:
// none.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ExEspCancelReplyHeader : public ExEspReplyHeader
ExEspCancelReplyHeader(NAMemory *heap);
// constructor used to perform copyless receive, maps packed objects in place
ExEspCancelReplyHeader(IpcBufferedMsgStream* msgStream);
// method needed to pack and unpack this object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
Int32 spare1_;
Int32 spare2_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Late Cancel request:
// The parent of a fragment instance (consumer) sends down an indication
// to the producer that it has lost interest in a request before a down
// queue entry reached the send top node of the parent. This message
// makes it known to the send bottom node (producer) that it will never
// have to produce any rows for this request.
// Objects that follow this header:
// An input TupMsgBuffer.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ExEspLateCancelReqHeader : public ExEspRequestHeader
ExEspLateCancelReqHeader(NAMemory *heap);
// constructor used for copyless receive
ExEspLateCancelReqHeader(IpcBufferedMsgStream* msgStream);
// method needed to pack and unpack this object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
// data members
ExFragKey key_;
Int32 myInstanceNum_;
Int32 spare1_;
Int32 spare2_;
Int32 spare3_;
Int32 spare4_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The reply message for requests other than input data requests and
// continue requests.
// The reply indicates whether the request was successful or not.
// Objects that follow this header:
// An SQL Diagnostics Area.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ExEspReturnStatusReplyHeader : public ExEspReplyHeader
// possible return states for the instance (one status reply header
// is sent for each instance)
// DOWNLOADED: instance has been downloaded but is waiting for
// fixup request, fragment handle has been assigned
// READY: instance has successfully been fixed up and is ready
// to execute
// ACTIVE: instance is executing
// RELEASED: the instance has been released (this may be due to an
// error or due to a release request)
// BROKEN: as a result of an error, the instance is broken and
// cannot be reused
// Note: the instance return status does not necessarily indicate
// success or failure of a request, to find out about this examine
// the attached diagnostics area. The instance status is mainly
// for the communication protocol to avoid cascading errors. It is
// not always possible to know the state of the ESP instance from
// the error returned in the diagnostics area.
ExEspReturnStatusReplyHeader(NAMemory *heap);
// constructor used to perform copyless receive, maps packed objects in place
ExEspReturnStatusReplyHeader(IpcBufferedMsgStream* msgStream);
// method needed to pack and unpack this object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
// data members
// the status reply contains both the input key data and the resulting
// fragment instance handle
ExFragKey key_;
// assigned handle; if a NULL handle is passed back this means that
// no instance is downloaded (either a serious error occurred or
// this is the reply to a release message)
ExFragInstanceHandle handle_;
// return the state of the instance (as a long, enums are not portable)
Int32 instanceState_;
char endianness_; // big-endian, little endian
char spare1_;
Int16 spare2_;
Int32 spare3_;
Int32 spare4_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A message buffer to contain tuples and the corresponding control info.
// This class is a wrapper around the sql_buffer class which is common
// between the filesystem interface and the ESP message interface.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class TupMsgBuffer : public ExEspMsgObj
enum InOut
// constructor with a given buffer length
TupMsgBuffer(Lng32 bufferLen, InOut inOut, NAMemory *heap);
// Constructor used to create a packed send message object.
TupMsgBuffer(Lng32 bufferLen,
InOut inOut,
IpcBufferedMsgStream* msgStream);
// Constructor used to perform copyless receive. maps packed objects in place.
TupMsgBuffer(IpcBufferedMsgStream* msgStream);
// get a pointer to the sql_buffer object associated with this object
// derived classes can implement this differently
inline SqlBuffer *get_sql_buffer() { return theBuffer_; }
// virtual methods needed for the base class
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer);
void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer);
// determine if TupMsgBuffer in IpcMessageBuffer is available for recycle.
virtual NABoolean msgObjIsFree()
{ return theBuffer_->isFree(); }
// deal with transport issues, change pointers to offsets, etc.
virtual void prepMsgObjForSend()
{ theBuffer_->drivePack(); }
SqlBuffer *theBuffer_;
Int32 filler64BitPtr_;
Int32 allocSize_; //may be larger than sql_buffer's size
char endianness_; // big-endian, little endian
char spare1_;
Int16 spare2_;
Int32 spare3_;
Int32 spare4_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The process ids of the instances of a fragment, in a form that can
// be shipped in a message.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExProcessIdsOfFrag : public ExEspMsgObj
ExProcessIdsOfFrag(NAMemory *heap, ExFragId fragId = 0);
virtual ~ExProcessIdsOfFrag() {}
// accessor functions
inline CollIndex entries() const { return processIds_.entries(); }
inline ExFragId getFragId() const { return fragmentId_; }
inline const IpcProcessId & operator[] (CollIndex i) const
{ return processIds_[i]; }
inline const IpcProcessId & getProcessId(CollIndex i) const
{ return processIds_[i]; }
// add another process id at the end of the list
inline void addProcessId(const IpcProcessId &newPid)
{ processIds_.insert(newPid); }
// method needed to pack and unpack this object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer);
void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer);
// operator == is needed for objects that are stored in collections
inline NABoolean operator == (const ExProcessIdsOfFrag &other) const
{ return fragmentId_ == other.fragmentId_; }
ExFragId fragmentId_;
Int64 spare_;
LIST(IpcProcessId) processIds_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Outside of a message, it is more convenient to keep multiple
// ExProcessIdsOfFrag objects in a list.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExProcessIdsOfFragList : public LIST(ExProcessIdsOfFrag *)
ExProcessIdsOfFragList(NAMemory *heap) : LIST(ExProcessIdsOfFrag *)(heap) {}
// find an entry with a particular fragment id
ExProcessIdsOfFrag * findEntry(ExFragId fragId) const;
// how many instances does this fragment have
inline Lng32 getNumOfInstances(ExFragId fragId) const
{ return findEntry(fragId)->entries(); }
// get the process id of a fragment instance
inline const IpcProcessId & getProcessId(ExFragId fragId,
CollIndex instanceNum) const
{ return findEntry(fragId)->getProcessId(instanceNum); }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The generated data of a fragment, in a form that can be shipped in
// a message.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExMsgFragment : public ExEspMsgObj
ExMsgFragment(NAMemory *heap); // for objects that get unpacked from a msg
const ExFragKey &key,
ExFragDir::ExFragEntryType fragType,
ExFragId parentId,
Lng32 topNodeOffset,
IpcMessageObjSize fragmentLength,
char *fragment,
Lng32 numTemps,
unsigned short mxv,
unsigned short planVersion,
NABoolean needsTransaction,
ULng32 injectErrorAtExprFreq,
NAMemory *heap,
NABoolean takeOwnership,
NABoolean displayInGui,
const char *queryId,
Lng32 queryIdLen,
Lng32 userID,
const char *userName,
Lng32 userNameLen,
IpcMessageObjSize compressedLength);
inline const ExFragKey & getKey() const { return key_; }
inline ExFragDir::ExFragEntryType getFragType() const
{ return (ExFragDir::ExFragEntryType) f_.fragType_; }
inline ExFragId getParentId() const { return f_.parentId_; }
inline Lng32 getTopNodeOffset() const { return f_.topNodeOffset_; }
inline IpcMessageObjSize getFragmentLength() const
{ return f_.fragmentLength_; }
inline char *getFragment() const { return fragment_; }
inline Lng32 getNumTemps() const { return f_.numTemps_; }
inline NABoolean getNeedsTransaction() const
{ return (NABoolean) f_.needsTransaction_; }
inline NABoolean getNeedsTransaction() const
{ return (NABoolean) 0; }
inline NABoolean getDisplayInGui() const
{ return (NABoolean) f_.displayInGui_; }
inline ULng32 getInjectErrorAtExpr() const
{ return f_.injectErrorAtExprFreq_; }
inline UInt16 getMxvOfOriginator() const { return f_.mxvOfOriginator_; }
inline UInt16 getPlanVersion() const { return f_.planVersion_; }
inline const char *getQueryId() const { return f_.queryId_; }
inline Lng32 getQueryIdLen() { return f_.queryIdLen_; }
Lng32 getDatabaseUserID() const { return f_.userID_; }
const char *getDatabaseUserName() { return f_.userName_; }
Lng32 getDatabaseUserNameLen() const { return f_.userNameLen_; }
// method needed to pack and unpack this object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer);
void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer);
// data members
// unique identifier of the fragment
ExFragKey key_;
// pointer to the fragment
char *fragment_;
// to make packing/unpacking easier, put all fixed size stuff into a struct
// data from the master's fragment directory
Int32 fragType_; // really ExFragDir::ExFragEntryType
ExFragId parentId_;
Int32 topNodeOffset_;
IpcMessageObjSize fragmentLength_;
Int32 numTemps_;
ExIpcMsgBoolean needsTransaction_;
ExIpcMsgBoolean iOwnTheFragment_; // TRUE means destructor deletes frag
ExIpcMsgBoolean displayInGui_;
UInt32 injectErrorAtExprFreq_;
UInt16 mxvOfOriginator_;
UInt16 planVersion_;
char *queryId_;
Lng32 queryIdLen_;
IpcMessageObjSize compressedLength_;
Lng32 userID_;
char *userName_;
Lng32 userNameLen_;
Int32 reserved[6];
} f_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A transaction id that travels on an IPC message
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const Int64 ExInvalidInt64Transid = -1;
class ExMsgTransId : public ExEspMsgObj
ExMsgTransId(NAMemory *heap,
Int64 tid = ExInvalidInt64Transid, short *phandle = 0);
// accessor methods
Int64 getTransIdAsInt() const { return localTransId_; }
void setTransId(Int64 tid) { localTransId_ = tid; }
// method needed to pack and unpack this object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
Int64 localTransId_;
Int64 originatingTransId_;
Int64 spare2_;
class ExMsgTimeoutData : public ExEspMsgObj
ExMsgTimeoutData(TimeoutData *toData, NAMemory *heap );
// accessor methods
TimeoutData * getTimeoutData() { return timeoutData_; } ;
// methods needed to pack and unpack this object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer);
void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer);
TimeoutData * timeoutData_;
ExIpcMsgBoolean iOwnTD_; // TRUE means destructor deletes timeoutData_
// A message object to hold SeaMonster properties for the query
// Properties include:
// * SM query ID
// * SM trace level
// * SM trace file prefix
class ExSMDownloadInfo : public ExEspMsgObj
// Constructor to send a message
ExSMDownloadInfo(NAMemory *heap, Int64 smQueryID, Int32 smTraceLevel,
const char *smTraceFilePrefix, Int32 flags);
// Constructor to receive a message
ExSMDownloadInfo(NAMemory *heap);
ExSMDownloadInfo(); // Do not implement
virtual ~ExSMDownloadInfo();
// Virtual methods needed to pack and unpack this object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer);
void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer);
// Accessor methods
Int64 getQueryID() const { return smQueryID_; }
Int32 getTraceLevel() const { return smTraceLevel_; }
Int32 getFlags() const { return flags_; }
const char *getTraceFilePrefix() const { return smTraceFilePrefix_; }
Int64 smQueryID_;
Int32 smTraceLevel_;
char *smTraceFilePrefix_;
Int32 flags_;
class ExMsgResourceInfo : public ExEspMsgObj
ExMsgResourceInfo(const ExScratchFileOptions *sfo,
NAMemory *heap);
// accessor methods
const ExScratchFileOptions * getScratchFileOptions() const { return sfo_; }
// method needed to pack and unpack this object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer);
void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer);
const ExScratchFileOptions * sfo_;
Int32 totalNameLength_;
Int32 spare_;
char * bufferForDependentObjects_;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ExMsgSecurityInfo:
// - For Parallel Extract operations, an object of this class
// will have the security key and user id from the consumer
// query. This object is sent along with the OPEN message
// from consumer's sendTop to the producer's splitBottom nodes.
// - The packing/unpacking function implementations should consider
// that the sender uses buffered stream and the recipient uses
// unbuffered stream.
class ExMsgSecurityInfo : public ExEspMsgObj
ExMsgSecurityInfo(NAMemory *heap);
// pack/unpack methods
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer);
void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer);
// accessor methods
char * getSecurityKey() { return securityKey_; } ;
void setSecurityKey(char *str) { securityKey_ = str; };
char * getAuthID() { return authid_; } ;
void setAuthID(char *str) { authid_ = str; };
char *securityKey_;
char *authid_;
#endif /* EX_ESP_MSG_H */