blob: e9a1bae59a9443a852cede66056cf1613365db4f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef EX_EXPLAIN_H
#define EX_EXPLAIN_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ExExplain.h
* Description: Class declarations for ExExplainTcb
* Created: 4/26/96
* Language: C++
#include "exp_attrs.h"
class ExplainDesc;
class ExplainTuple;
// Task Definition Block for Explain Function:
// Notable contents:
// - scanPred_ a scan predicate to be applied to each tuple in the
// explain tree.
// - paramsExpr - a contiguous move expression to be applied to the input
// which will populate a tuple with the parameters.
#include "ComTdbExplain.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes defined in this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExExplainTdb;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes referenced in this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ex_tcb;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ExExplainTdb
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExExplainTdb : public ComTdbExplain
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor is only called to instantiate an object used for
// retrieval of the virtual table function pointer of the class while
// unpacking. An empty constructor is enough.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC ExExplainTdb()
NA_EIDPROC virtual ~ExExplainTdb()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build a TCB for this TDB. Redefined in the Executor project.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NA_EIDPROC virtual ex_tcb *build(ex_globals *globals);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// *********************************************************************
// The Executor TDB's are only used for the sole purpose of providing a
// way to supplement the Compiler TDB's (in comexe) with methods whose
// implementation depends on Executor objects. This is done so as to
// decouple the Compiler from linking in Executor objects unnecessarily.
// When a Compiler generated TDB arrives at the Executor, the same data
// image is "cast" as an Executor TDB after unpacking. Therefore, it is
// a requirement that a Compiler TDB has the same object layout as its
// corresponding Executor TDB. As a result of this, all Executor TDB's
// must have absolutely NO data members, but only member functions. So,
// if you reach here with an intention to add data members to a TDB, ask
// yourself two questions:
// 1. Are those data members Compiler-generated?
// If yes, put them in the ComTdbExplain instead.
// If no, they should probably belong to someplace else (like TCB).
// 2. Are the classes those data members belong defined in the executor
// project?
// If your answer to both questions is yes, you might need to move
// the classes to the comexe project.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Task control block from Explain Function
// Notable contents:
class ReposTextChunksInfo
void init()
numChunks_ = 0;
totalLen_ = 0;
Int32 numChunks_;
Int32 totalLen_; // total length of all chunks
// this structure is stored in repository and preceeds the actual explain data.
// It contains details about explain storage and chunks info, if explain plan
// was chunked into multiple rows and stored in metric_text_table.
class ExplainReposInfo
void init()
filler_ = 0;
Int64 filler_;
ReposTextChunksInfo rtci_;
class ExExplainTcb : public ex_tcb
// The return code for the traversal method (see traverseTree() below)
// This enum has to be public, in order for the c89 compiler to be
// able to compile ex_explain.C
enum traverseReturnCode {
EXPL_TRAV_DONE, // traverseTree() returned because the
// traversal was completed.
EXPL_TRAV_QUEUEFULL, // traverseTree() returned because its
// parent up queue was full and it could
// not proceed at this time. When called
// again it will pick up where it left off.
EXPL_TRAV_NOBUFFERS, // traverseTree() returned because it
// could not get a buffer and it could
// not proceed at this time. When called
// again it will pick up where it left off.
// Constructor called during build phase (ExExplainTdb::build()).
ExExplainTcb(const ExExplainTdb & explainTdb, ex_globals *glob);
// Default destructor
// Free resources (Don't know exactly what this should do)
void freeResources();
// The work procedure for ExExplainTcb.
// For details see ex_explain.C
short work();
// The queue pair used to communicate with the parent TCB
ex_queue_pair getParentQueue() const;
// A virtual function used by the GUI. Will always return 0 for
// ExExplainTcb
virtual Int32 numChildren() const;
virtual const ex_tcb *getChild(Int32 pos) const;
// Method used to allocate and initialize the the paramsTuple.
// Also two buffers are allocated to hold the values of the
// parameters to the explain function.
// The paramsTuple will contain the values of the parameters
// to the explain function (module name and statement pattern)
// The paramsTuple will be populated by evaluating the paramsExpr
void initParamsTuple(Int32 tupleLength,
ex_cri_desc *criDescParams,
Lng32 lengthModName,
Lng32 lengthStmtPattern);
void setQid(char *qid, Lng32 len);
void setReposQid(char *reposQid, Lng32 len);
void setExplainAddr(char *addr, Lng32 len);
void setExplainAddr(Int64 addr);
void setExplainStmt(char *stmt, Lng32 len);
void setExplainPlan(char *plan, Lng32 len);
RtsExplainFrag *sendToSsmp();
static short getExplainData(
ex_root_tdb * rootTdb,
char * explain_ptr,
Int32 explain_buf_len,
Int32 * ret_explain_len,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea,
CollHeap * heap);
static short storeExplainInRepos(
CliGlobals * cliGlobals,
Int64 * execStartUtcTs,
char * qid, Lng32 qidLen,
char * explainData, Lng32 explainDataLen);
// A reference to the cooresponding TDB (ExExplainTdb)
inline ExExplainTdb &explainTdb() const;
// The scanPred expression which is stored in the TDB.
// This predicate will be applied to every tuple in the
// tree that is being explained. If it evaluates to TRUE,
// the tuple is passed to the parent.
inline ex_expr *getScanPred() const;
// The params expressions which is stored in the TDB.
// This contiguous move expression will be evaluated to populate
// the paramsTuple with the values of the parameters to the
// Explain function.
inline ex_expr *getParamsExpr() const;
// Method used to copy the parameters from the paramsTuple to
// the buffers (modName_ and stmtPattern_ see below). These buffers
// are allocated by the method initParamsTuple().
void copyParameters();
// Boolean used to determine if the value of the module name
// parameter stored in the paramsTuple is NULL. Will return 1 if
// the value is NULL 0 otherwise.
short isNullModName();
// Boolean used to determine if the value of the statement pattern
// parameter stored in the paramsTuple is NULL. Will return 1 if
// the value is NULL 0 otherwise.
short isNullStmtPattern();
// Method used to get a pointer to the explainTree of the statement
// specified by the parameters (module name and statement pattern).
// Since the statement pattern can contain wild card characters (as
// with the LIKE predicate), there can be several statements that
// match. Repeated calls to this method will return each match.
// When no more matches exist, NULL is returned.
ExplainDesc *getNextExplainTree();
// explain data is at explainFragAddr. Unpack it and return
ExplainDesc * getNextExplainTree(Int64 explainFragAddr);
// Method used to traverse the Explain tree. Enough state must be kept
// in the TCB so that if necessary the routine can return and later be
// restarted where it left off. The routine will return if the traversal
// is complete or if the parent up queue is full.
traverseReturnCode traverseTree();
// This routine is called by traverseTree() on each node of the
// explainTree. visitNode will check to make sure that this node has
// been initialized and has been populated with explain Info. If it has,
// it will then apply the scan predicate (if it exists) to the node and
// if true will insert the explain Tuple into the parent up queue.
Int32 visitNode();
// loadModule loads the named module if it has not already been loaded.
// assumes that the buffer modName_ has been allocated and contains the
// name of the module calculated by evaluating the paramsExpr. Also,
// initialize the statement list (stmtList_) to point to the statement
// list of the current context. The context is only available from the
// master executor.
Int32 loadModule();
short processExplainStmt();
short processExplainPlan();
short getExplainFromRepos(char * qid, Lng32 qidLen);
// private state
// Queues used to communicate with the parent TCB.
ex_queue_pair qParent_;
// The Params Atp (and other supporting stuctures):
// The last entry in the Params Atp will point to paramsTupp_.
// paramsTupp_ will point to paramsTuppDesc_.
// paramsTuppDesc_ will point to paramsTuple_.
// paramsTuple_ will point to a buffer allocated to hold
// the result of applying the paramsExpr_.
// This is all set up by the method initParamsTuple();
atp_struct * paramsAtp_;
tupp paramsTupp_;
tupp_descriptor paramsTuppDesc_;
char *paramsTuple_;
// Pointer to buffer used to hold the module name parameter.
// The buffer is allocated by inintParamsTuple().
// The value of the parameter is copied to this buffer from the
// paramsTuple_ by the method copyParameters().
char *modName_;
// if the 3-part module name is prepended by the directory where this
// module is present, then this parameter contains that dir name.
// The dir name must be in the for /usr/application/.
char *modDir_;
// Pointer to buffer used to hold the statement pattern parameter.
// The buffer is allocated by inintParamsTuple().
// The value of the parameter is copied to this buffer from the
// paramsTuple_ by the method copyParameters().
char *stmtPattern_;
// A list of statements for the module named by the module name
// parameter.
HashQueue *stmtList_;
// A pointer to the statement whose explainTree is currently
// being traversed.
Statement *currentStmt_;
// A pointer to the root of the explainTree that is currently
// being explained.
ExplainDesc *explainTree_;
// A pointer to the node of the explainTree which is currently
// being explained. This is part of the state kept by traverseTree().
ExplainTuple *currentExplain_;
// A ponter to a node of the explainTree. This will be a pointer
// to the child node which was most recently visited, Or NULL when
// the next child node is to be visited next (see ex_explain.C for
// more details
ExplainTuple *cameFrom_;
// An enumeration of the nodes of the explainTree. This is maintained
// by the traverseTree method. This value is used to set the 'seq_num'
// field of the explainTuple.
UInt32 seqNum_;
// Number of rows returned to the parent. Used to interface with
// the parent up queue.
UInt32 matchNo_;
// Used to test the work procedure. It is used to simulate a
// FULL queue every so often.
UInt32 debugCounter_;
// Possible states of the work procedure.
enum explain_work_state {
// The current state of the work procedure.
explain_work_state workState_;
// Contains the queryId, if stmtPattern_ starts with QID=
char *qid_;
// query id of explain information that will be read from repository.
char * reposQid_;
Int64 explainAddr_;
NABoolean explainFromAddrProcessed_;
char * explainStmt_;
char * explainPlan_;
Lng32 explainPlanLen_;
char * explainFrag_;
Lng32 explainFragLen_;
ComDiagsArea * diagsArea_;
Lng32 retryAttempts_;
char *stmtName_;
// Inline procedures
inline ExExplainTdb &
ExExplainTcb::explainTdb() const
return (ExExplainTdb &) tdb;
inline ex_expr *
ExExplainTcb::getScanPred() const
return explainTdb().getScanPred();
inline ex_expr *
ExExplainTcb::getParamsExpr() const
return explainTdb().getParamsExpr();