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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: EHException.h
* Description: Exception handling support (without stack unwinding support)
* Created: 5/16/95
* Language: C++
#include "NABasicObject.h"
#include "EHCommonDefs.h"
#include "EHExceptionTypeEnum.h"
#include "EHJmpBufNode.h"
#include "EHJmpBufStack.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class EHExceptionHandler;
class EHCallBack;
// macro EH_END_TRY
// macro EH_REGISTER
// macro EH_TRY
// macro EH_CATCH
// macro EH_THROW
// macro EH_RESET
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Descriptions of This Exception Handling Package
// ---------------------------------------------------
// This exception handling package provides temporary support for
// exception handling (until the Tandem Native Mode C++ compiler
// provides the C++ exception handling support). This exception
// handling package cut back the runtime stack by calling the C
// runtime function longjmp. The destructors of the cut-back
// automatic instances will not be invoked.
// The header file EHExceptionTypeEnum.h contains the list of
// enumerated constants for various kinds of exceptions. If the
// user needs to handle a new kind of exception that is not
// described in the list, the user will need to update this file
// to add a new enumerated constant to describe the new exception.
// The new enumerated constant must be have the EH_ prefix, and
// it must be placed between the existing enumerated constants
// The macro EH_TRY is corresponding to the C++ keyword try. It
// should be used in place of the try keyword in a try block.
// The macro EH_CATCH should be used in place of the catch
// keyword in a catch block. Unlike the parameter of the C++
// catch clause, the parameter of the macro EH_CATCH must be an
// enumerated constant (defined in the file EHExceptionTypeEnum.h).
// Since this exception handling package does not have any C++
// compiler support, the package requires that the user specify
// the kinds of exceptions to be caught by the catch blocks
// associating with a try block. The macro EH_REGISTER is
// used for this purpose. It must be placed before the try block,
// and it only accepts one parameter (an enumerated constant
// describing the kind of exception to be caught). If there are
// more than one catch blocks assocating with a try block, more
// than one EH_REGISTER will need to be invoked to register the
// exceptions associating with the try block. The expanded
// (invoked) macro EH_REGISTER must placed right before the
// expanded macro EH_TRY. It is recommended that the catch blocks
// be placed right after the try block (as required by the C++
// syntax).
// The user also needs to place the macro EH_END_TRY right after
// the try block, before any catch blocks. If the code in the
// try block exits the try block, the user needs to place the
// macro EH_END_TRY right befor the exit point. This is necessary
// since this exception handling package does not any any C++
// compiler support. The macro EH_END_TRY should not be terminated
// by any semicolon.
// The macro EH_RESET should be used in a catch block if the exception is
// not going to be thrown. This resets the exception type to normal so
// other exception blocks work correctly. This fixes a problem encountered
// while testing a bug fix for genesis case: 10-020808-8324
// Example:
// {
// // code in try block
// if (wantsToExitThisRoutineIsTrue)
// {
// return; // Exits try block
// }
// // other code in try block
// }
// {
// // code in catch block to handle
// // arithmetic overflow condition
// }
// {
// // code in catch block to handle
// // out of range condition
// }
// {
// // catches the other remaining exceptions
// }
// The enumerated constant EH_ALL_EXCEPTIONS simulates the ellipsis
// in the catch statement. EH_ALL_EXCEPTIONS may be used to catch
// any errors, and it must be registered just like any other exceptions.
// The EH_ALL_EXCEPTIONS catch block should be placed last.
// The macro EH_THROW should be used in place of the C++ throw
// keyword. Unlike the syntax of the C++ try statement, this macro
// requires one parameter (an enumerated constant describing the
// the kind of exception being thrown). For example:
// The macro EH_THROW needs to be terminated by a semicolon.
// This exception handling package does not issue any error messages
// when two catch blocks (associating with the same try block) catch
// the same exception. When that exception is thrown, the first catch
// block will catch the exception and the other catch block is skipped.
// The files test1.C, test2.C, and test3.C in this directory illustrate
// how the macros with the EH_ prefix can be used.
// Instructions on How to Use This Package
// -------------------------------------------
// This exception handling package are included in the library
// file libehtool.a in the directory containing the file
// EHException.h (this file). To use the macros provided in this
// package, the user's source file need to include the header
// file EHException.h (this file). Since the header file EHException.h
// includes other header files in the same directory, the user needs
// to specify the compiler flag -I<ehdir> in the compilation. <ehdir>
// represents the name of the directory containing the package.
// Besides specifying the include (-I) flag, the user also needs to
// specify the library flags -L<ehdir> and -lehtool to bind the routines
// and methods provided by this package to the user's target object.
// For example:
// CC -o test1.o -c -I/designs/newarc/ark/main-thread/eh test1.C
// CC -o test1 test1.o -L/designs/newarc/ark/main-thread/eh -lehtool
// where /designs/newarc/ark/main-thread/eh is the directory
// containing this exception handling package.
// The file makefile.test in the same directory illustrates the
// steps in the make file used to build the tests test1.C and
// test2.C to test the exception handling package.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class NABasicObject;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Macro definitions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#define EH_END_TRY \
#define EH_REGISTER(exceptionType) \
#define EH_TRY \
EHExceptionHandle.setjmpStatus = \
setjmp(EHExceptionHandle.environment.jmpBuf); \
if (EHExceptionHandle.defineTryBlock() EQU EH_NORMAL)
#define EH_CATCH(exceptionType) \
if (EHExceptionHandle.catchException(exceptionType))
#define EH_THROW(exceptionType) \
#define EH_RESET \
#define EH_CATCH(exceptionType) !!!EH_CATCH_RETIRED_DO_NOT_USE_IT
#define EH_THROW(exceptionType) !!!EH_THROW_RETIRED_DO_NOT_USE_IT
class EHBreakException // EH conversion.
EHBreakException(const char* fileName = NULL, Int32 num = 0)
: lineNum_(num)
if ( fileName ) {
strncpy(fileName_, fileName, sizeof(fileName_));
fileName_[sizeof(fileName_)-1] = 0;
} else
fileName_[0] = 0;
~EHBreakException() {};
const char * getFileName() const { return fileName_; }
const UInt32 getLineNum() const { return lineNum_; }
char fileName_[512];
UInt32 lineNum_;
}; // EH conversion.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// class for exception handler - !!! Obsolete class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class EHExceptionHandler
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// public data members
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// environment.jmpBuf set by setjmp()
EHExceptionJmpBufNode::env environment;
// contains the value returned by setjmp()
Int32 setjmpStatus;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// public methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// virtual destructor
virtual ~EHExceptionHandler();
// accessor
inline EHExceptionTypeEnum getExceptionType() const;
// mutators
void endTryBlock();
// catch an exception
EHBoolean catchException(EHExceptionTypeEnum exceptionType);
void setExceptionType(Int32 setjmpStatus);
// register the type of the exception handlers
// associating with the following try block
void registerException(EHExceptionTypeEnum exceptionType);
// define try block
EHExceptionTypeEnum defineTryBlock();
// throw
void throwException(EHExceptionTypeEnum exceptionType);
void registerThrowCallBack(EHCallBack *pEHCallBack);
EHExceptionJmpBufStack exceptionJmpBufStack_;
EHExceptionTypeEnum exceptionType_;
EHExceptionTypeNode * pExceptionTypeList_;
// The following flag helps to make sure that no more than one catch
// block (of all catch blocks associating with a try block) catches
// an exception. This flag is cleared whenever an exception is thrown.
EHBoolean isCaught_;
EHCallBack *pEHCallBack_;
}; // class EHExceptionHandler
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class EHExceptionHandler
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
inline EHExceptionTypeEnum
EHExceptionHandler::getExceptionType() const
return exceptionType_;