blob: e5bd6564ec7363aa624f9d48b263bef7e644e197 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: wstr.C
* RCS: $Id: wstr.cpp,v 1.2 1998/08/10 15:34:01 Exp $
* Description:
* Modified: $Date: 2001/09/8 15:34:01 $ (GMT)
* Language: C++
* Status: $State: Exp $
#include <limits>
#include <errno.h>
#include "NAAssert.h"
#include "NAWinNT.h" // where the headers are declared. Should be moved
// to wstr.h later
#include "wstr.h"
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
// inline. because nawstring class needs it
unsigned wcslen (const NAWchar * wstr)
const NAWchar* s;
for (s = wstr; *s; ++s);
return s - wstr;
int iswspace (NAWchar wc)
return ( wc == L' ' );
// Do a char-by-char comparison (including nulls) up to the length of the
// shorter string or the first difference. If the strings are equal up to the
// length of the shorter one, we consider the longer one to be greater and
// return -1 if the short string is the first string, and 1 if it is the
// second string. We can't return the positive or negative value of the first
// character of the remainder of the longer string because it may be a null,
// which would result in 0 being returned and interpreted as if the strings
// were equal.
Int32 na_wcsnncmp (const NAWchar *wstr1, UInt32 len1,
const NAWchar *wstr2, UInt32 len2)
UInt32 shorterLen = (len1 < len2 ? len1 : len2);
UInt32 currCharPos = 0;
while (currCharPos++ < shorterLen && *wstr1++ == *wstr2++)
if (currCharPos > shorterLen)
// First shorterLen chars were equal.
if (len1 < len2)
return -1;
else if (len1 > len2)
return 1;
return 0;
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
return *--wstr1 - *--wstr2;
// return (*(const UInt16*)--wstr1 - *(const UInt16*)--wstr2);
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
Int32 na_wcsncmp (const NAWchar * wstr1, const NAWchar * wstr2, UInt32 len)
if ( len == 0 ) return 0;
#pragma warning (disable : 4018) //warning elimination
for (Int32 i=0; i<len; i++ )
#pragma warning (default : 4018) //warning elimination
if ( *wstr1 != *wstr2 )
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
return ( *wstr1 - *wstr2 );
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
if ( *wstr1 == 0 ) break;
wstr1++; wstr2++; ;
return 0;
Int32 na_wcscmp (const NAWchar * wstr1, const NAWchar * wstr2)
while (*wstr1 == *wstr2++)
if (*wstr1++ == 0)
return (0);
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
return (*wstr1 - *--wstr2);
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
#if 0 /* As of 8/30/2011, there are no callers in SQ SQL. */
Int32 na_wcsicmp (const NAWchar * wstr1, const NAWchar * wstr2)
while (na_towlower(*wstr1) == na_towlower(*wstr2++))
if (*wstr1++ == 0)
return (0);
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
return (*wstr1 - *--wstr2);
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
#endif /* As of 8/30/2011, there are no callers in SQ SQL. */
Int32 na_wcsincmp (const NAWchar * wstr1, const NAWchar * wstr2, UInt32 len)
if ( len == 0 ) return 0;
for ( Int32 i = 0; static_cast<UInt32>(i) < len; i++, wstr1++, wstr2++ )
// na_towlower() only lowers letters specified in 7-bit US ASCII
if ( na_towlower(*wstr1) != na_towlower(*wstr2) )
return ( static_cast<Int32>(static_cast<UInt32>(*wstr1)) -
static_cast<Int32>(static_cast<UInt32>(*wstr2)) );
if ( *wstr1 == 0 ) break;
return 0;
NAWchar *na_wcscat (NAWchar* wstr1, const NAWchar* wstr2)
if ( wstr1 == NULL || wstr2 == NULL ) return wstr1;
na_wcscpy(wstr1+na_wcslen(wstr1), wstr2);
return wstr1;
// copies src to tgt for length bytes and upshifts, if upshift <> 0,
// else downshifts. Src and Tgt may point to the same location.
Int32 na_wstr_cpy_convert(NAWchar *tgt, NAWchar *src, Lng32 length, Int32 upshift)
assert((tgt && src) || !length);
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (upshift)
tgt[i] = na_towupper(src[i]);
tgt[i] = na_towlower(src[i]);
return 0;
NAWchar *na_wcsncpy (NAWchar * dest, const NAWchar * src, UInt32 n)
if (n != 0) {
NAWchar *d = dest;
const NAWchar *s = src;
do {
if ((*d++ = *s++) == 0) {
// NUL pad the remaining n-1 bytes
while (--n != 0)
*d++ = 0;
} while (--n != 0);
return (dest);
// inline. nawstring needs it.
//NAWchar *wcsncpy (NAWchar * dest, const NAWchar * src, unsigned int n)
// if (n != 0) {
// NAWchar *d = dest;
// const NAWchar *s = src;
// do {
// if ((*d++ = *s++) == 0) {
// /* NUL pad the remaining n-1 bytes */
// while (--n != 0)
// *d++ = 0;
// break;
// }
// } while (--n != 0);
// }
// return (dest);
//NAWchar towupper (NAWchar wc)
// if ( L'a' <= wc && wc <= L'z' )
// return wc - L'a' + L'A';
// else
// return wc;
//NAWchar towlower (NAWchar wc)
// if ( L'A' <= wc && wc <= L'Z' )
// return wc - L'A' + L'a';
// else
// return wc;
NAWchar *na_wcschr (const NAWchar * wstr, NAWchar wc)
NAWchar* p = (NAWchar*)wstr;
if ( wc == 0 )
return p+na_wcslen(wstr);
while ( *p != (NAWchar)0 )
if ( wc == *p )
return p;
return NULL;
NAWchar *na_wcsrchr (const NAWchar * wstr, NAWchar wc)
NAWchar* p = (NAWchar*)wstr;
if ( p == NULL ) return NULL;
else p += na_wcslen(p);
while ( p >= wstr )
if ( wc == *p )
return p;
return NULL;
Int64 na_wcstoll (const NAWchar * wstr)
// pattern recognized: [ws]*[+|-]*[digit]*
Int16 sign = 1;
Int64 res = 0;
while ( wstr && *wstr == L' ' ) wstr++;
if ( wstr )
if (*wstr == L'-') {
sign = -1;
} else
if (*wstr == L'+')
while ( wstr && (L'0' <= *wstr && *wstr <= L'9') ) {
res = res*10 + *wstr - L'0';
return res * sign;
Lng32 na_wcstol (const NAWchar * wstr)
// Get the value.
Int64 val = na_wcstoll(wstr);
// If the value is outside 32-bit range, set errno and return upper/lower bound.
if (val > numeric_limits<Lng32>::max())
errno = ERANGE;
return numeric_limits<Lng32>::max();
else if (val < numeric_limits<Lng32>::min())
errno = ERANGE;
return numeric_limits<Lng32>::min();
return (Lng32)na_wcstoll(wstr);
//LCOV_EXCL_START : cnu - used only by swscanf() (which is not used) and EncodedValue.cpp (in DEBUG code)
double na_wcstod(const NAWchar *, NAWchar **)
// not implemented!
return (double)0;
NAWchar *na_wmemchr(const NAWchar *ws, NAWchar wc, Int32 n)
if (n != 0) {
const NAWchar *p = ws;
do {
if (*p++ == wc)
return (NAWchar*)p;
} while (--n != 0);
return (NULL);
size_t na_wcstombs(char * p, const NAWchar* wp, size_t mx_p)
if ( p == NULL ) return mx_p;
size_t n =0;
while (mx_p-- > 0 && (*p++ =(char)*wp)) {
wp++; n++;
return n;
size_t na_mbstowcs(NAWchar* wp, const char* p, size_t mx_wp)
if ( wp == NULL ) return mx_wp;
size_t n =0;
while (mx_wp-- > 0 && (*wp++ =(NAWchar)(unsigned char)*p)) {
p++; n++;
return n;
//LCOV_EXCL_START : cnu [ used only by CIEDelimDataFileDoubleByte::PositionFile() in the IMPORT utility ]
NAWchar* na_wcswcs(const NAWchar* wp1, const NAWchar* wp2)
if ( wp2 == NULL || *wp2 == (NAWchar)0 )
return (NAWchar*)wp1;
Int32 len2 = na_wcslen(wp2);
Int32 len1 = na_wcslen(wp1) - len2 + 1;
// brute force search of wp2 in wp1
for (Int32 i=0; i<len1; i++ ) {
if ( na_wcsncmp(wp1+i, wp2, len2) == 0 )
return (NAWchar*)(wp1+i);
return NULL;
#include "swscanf.cpp"
#include "swsprintf.cpp"