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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: NAWString.h
* RCS: $Id: nawstring.h,v 1.2 1998/08/10 15:33:50 Exp $
* Description: common definitions of basic data types
* Created: 4/27/94
* Modified: $Date: 2001/03/13 15:33:
* Language: C++
* Status: $State: Exp $
#include "Platform.h"
#include "NAWinNT.h"
#include "NAStringDef.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// a Unicode string datatype
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Note NAWString always put a NAWchar null at the end of the string. So we
// count in the trailing NAWchar null here.
#define NAW_TO_NASTRING(w) (const char *), (w.length()+1) * BYTES_PER_NAWCHAR
class SQLEXPORT_LIB_FUNC NAWString : public NABasicObject
virtual NAMemory * defaultHeapPtr () const
{ return NABasicObject::systemHeapPtr() ; } // fyi, this value is 0x0
#if __SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__ == 2
typedef folly::basic_fbstring<char16_t> FBWString;
typedef folly::basic_fbstring<NAWchar> FBWString;
NAWString(Lng32 charset, const char* str, NAMemory *h=NAWSTRING_UNINIT_HEAP_PTR);
NAWString(Lng32 charset, const char* str, size_t, NAMemory *h=NAWSTRING_UNINIT_HEAP_PTR);
NAWString(const NAWchar*, size_t, NAMemory *h=NAWSTRING_UNINIT_HEAP_PTR);
NAWString(const NAWchar*, NAMemory *h=NAWSTRING_UNINIT_HEAP_PTR);
NAWString(const NAWString &, NAMemory *h=NAWSTRING_UNINIT_HEAP_PTR);
NABoolean operator==(const NAWchar * s2) const
{ return*)s2) == 0; }
operator const NAWchar*() const
{ return (const NAWchar*); }
NAWString& operator=(const NAWString& rhs) // Replace string
{ fbwstring_.replace(0, length(), (FBWString::value_type*), rhs.length()); return *this; }
NAWString& operator=(const NAWchar*); // Replace string
NAWString& operator+=(NAWchar wc)
{ fbwstring_ += (FBWString::value_type)wc; return *this; }
NAWchar& operator[](size_t i) { return (NAWchar&)fbwstring_[i]; } ;
size_t index(const NAWchar* pat, size_t patLen, size_t i=0, NAString::caseCompare cmp = NAString::exact) const;
size_t index(const NAWString& pat, size_t i=0, NAString::caseCompare cmp = NAString::exact) const
{ return index(, pat.length(), i, cmp); }
NAWString& append(const NAWString& s)
{ fbwstring_.replace(length(), 0, (FBWString::value_type*), s.length());return *this; }
NAWString& append(const NAWchar* cs, size_t N)
{ fbwstring_.replace(length(), 0, (FBWString::value_type*)cs, N); return *this;}
NAWString& remove(size_t pos)
{ fbwstring_.replace(pos, length()-pos, nanil, 0);return *this; }
// Remove n chars starting at pos
NAWString& remove(size_t pos, size_t n)
{ fbwstring_.replace(pos, n, nanil, 0); return *this;}
NAWString& replace(size_t pos, size_t n1, const NAWchar* cs, size_t n2);
const NAWchar* data() const { return (NAWchar*); }
size_t length() const { return fbwstring_.length(); }
NAWString ToQuotedWString();
NAWString operator+(const NAWString& s1, const NAWString& s2);
NABoolean operator==(const NAWString& s1, const NAWString& s2);
NABoolean operator< (const NAWString& s1, const NAWString& s2);
NABoolean operator> (const NAWString& s1, const NAWString& s2);
NAWString(const NAWchar* a1, size_t N1,
const NAWchar* a2, size_t N2, NAMemory *h);
void initFromSingleByteString(Lng32 charset, const char* str, size_t N, NAMemory *h);
void initFromVariableWidthMultiByteString(Lng32 charset, const char* str, size_t N, NAMemory *h);
// ====================================================================
// Capacity, increment and max waste are all expressed in UCS2 units
// ====================================================================
size_t capacity() const {return fbwstring_.capacity()/BYTES_PER_NAWCHAR;}
static size_t adjustCapacity(size_t nc);
static size_t initialCapacity(size_t ic = 15); // Initial allocation Capacity
static size_t maxWaste(size_t mw = 15); // Max empty space before reclaim
static size_t resizeIncrement(size_t ri = 16); // Resizing increment
static size_t getInitialCapacity() {return initialCapac;}
static size_t getResizeIncrement() {return resizeInc;}
static size_t getMaxWaste() {return freeboard;}
static const size_t initialCapac; // Initial allocation Capacity
static const size_t resizeInc; // Resizing increment
static const size_t freeboard; // Max empty space before reclaim
NAMemory * heap() const { return fbwstring_.heap() ; }
FBWString fbwstring_;
}; //NAWString
// NAWString Logical operators:
//#ifdef NA_NSK // :cnu -- As of 8/30/2011, there are no callers in SQ SQL
inline NABoolean operator==(const NAWString& s1, const NAWString& s2)
{ return s1.fbwstring_ == s2.fbwstring_; }
inline NABoolean operator< (const NAWString& s1, const NAWString& s2)
{ return s1.fbwstring_ < s2.fbwstring_; }
//#endif // :cnu
inline NABoolean operator!=(const NAWString& s1, const NAWString& s2)
{ return !(s1 == s2); }
inline NABoolean operator> (const NAWString& s1, const NAWString& s2)
{ return s1.fbwstring_ > s2.fbwstring_; }
inline NABoolean operator<=(const NAWString& s1, const NAWString& s2)
{ return !(s1 > s2); }
inline NABoolean operator>=(const NAWString& s1, const NAWString& s2)
{ return !(s1 < s2); }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns TRUE if the string consists entirely of whitespace
// (zero or more spaces or tabs, and nothing else), including none (empty str).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean IsNAWStringSpaceOrEmpty(const NAWString& naws);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Remove whitespace (spaces and tabs) from front or back or both
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void TrimNAWStringSpace(NAWString& naws, NAString::stripType s = NAString::trailing);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Allocates space (including an extra NAWchar for the NULL character
// terminator) in the specified heap or the process C/C++ runtime
// heap (if the specified heap pointer is a NULL pointer) and then
// DEEP-copies the contents of the NAWString parameter naws to the
// newly allocated buffer (including the NULL character terminator).
// It is the caller responsibility to deallocate the returned the
// newly allocated buffer when the buffer is no longer needed.
// Use the NADELETEBASIC(returned_NAWchar_star_pointer, heap_pointer)
// call (C macro expansion/invocation) to deallocate the buffer.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NAWchar * newNAWcharBuffer(const NAWString& naws, CollHeap *heap = NULL);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Allocates space for one or two NAWchar's to contain the
// NAWchar NULL character (respresenting on empty string)
// in the specified heap or the process C/C++ runtime
// heap (if the specified heap pointer is a NULL pointer)
// and then set the contents of newly allocated buffer to
// the NAWchar NULL character encoding value.
// It is the caller responsibility to deallocate the returned the
// newly allocated buffer when the buffer is no longer needed.
// Use the NADELETEBASIC(returned_NAWchar_star_pointer, heap_pointer)
// call (C macro expansion/invocation) to deallocate the buffer.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NAWchar * newNAWcharBufferContainingAnEmptyString(CollHeap *heap = NULL);
// // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// // A simple API (abeit inefficient) to convert a C string from ISO88591
// // encoding format to UCS2/UTF16 encoding format. The specified work
// // heap is used for allocating temporary storage buffers during the
// // execution of the routine - The default is to use the process heap.
// //
// // The returned NAWString object always uses the C/C++ runtime process
// // heap (regardless whether the working heap is specified or not).
// //
// // This function relates to the function Latin1StrToUTF8 declared in
// // the header file w:/common/NAString.h.
// //
// // 3/21/2011 Comment out the function because it is not currently used.
// // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// NAWString Latin1StrToUCS2(const NAString & latin1Str, CollHeap * workHeap = NULL);