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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: conversionHex.cpp
* Description: hexa string conversion routines
* Created: 5/14/03
* Language: C++
#include "conversionHex.h"
#include "NAString.h"
#include "nawstring.h"
#include "ComASSERT.h"
#include "SQLTypeDefs.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "csconvert.h"
// a helper function converting a hexdecimal digit to its value
unsigned short getHexDigitValue(NAWchar wc)
if ( isDigit8859_1(wc) )
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
return (unsigned short)wc - '0';
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
else {
if ( 'A' <= wc AND wc <= 'F' )
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
return (unsigned short)wc - 'A' + 10;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
return (unsigned short)wc - 'a' + 10;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
// JQ
// spaces are allowed in hexadecimal format string literals
// these spaces have to be removed
static NAWString *removeWSpaces(const NAWchar *s, Int32& len, NAWchar quote, CollHeap *heap)
NAWString *r = new (heap) NAWString(heap);
Int32 tmpLen = 0;
if (!s || len <= 0) return r;
for (Int32 x = 0; x < len; x++)
if (s[x] == quote)
// prematurely end the process
if (s[x] != L' ') {
len = tmpLen;
return r;
// a helper function converting a hexdecimal digit to a single-byte string
static NAString *
convHexToChar(const NAWchar *s, Int32 inputLen, CharInfo::CharSet cs, CollHeap* heap)
ComASSERT((inputLen % SQL_DBCHAR_SIZE) == 0);
NAString *r = new (heap) NAString(heap);
if (!s || inputLen <= 0) return r;
unsigned char upper4Bits;
unsigned char lower4Bits;
for (Int32 i = 0; i < inputLen; i=i+2) {
if (isHexDigit8859_1(s[i]) AND isHexDigit8859_1(s[i+1])) {
#pragma warning (disable : 4244) //warning elimination
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
upper4Bits = getHexDigitValue(s[i]);
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
lower4Bits = getHexDigitValue(s[i+1]);
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
#pragma warning (default : 4244) //warning elimination
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
char c = (upper4Bits << 4) | lower4Bits;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
} else {
NADELETE(r, NAString, heap);
return NULL;
return r;
// a helper function converting a hexdecimal digit to a double-byte string
static NAWString *
convHexToWChar(const NAWchar *s, Int32 inputLen, CharInfo::CharSet cs, CollHeap* heap)
if ( cs == CharInfo::UNICODE )
NAWString *r = new (heap) NAWString(heap);
if (!s || inputLen <= 0) return r;
assert((inputLen % 4) == 0);
for (Int32 i = 0; i < inputLen; i=i+4) {
if ( isHexDigit8859_1(s[i]) AND isHexDigit8859_1(s[i+1]) AND
isHexDigit8859_1(s[i+2]) AND isHexDigit8859_1(s[i+3]) )
unsigned short first4Bits = getHexDigitValue(s[i]);
unsigned short second4Bits = getHexDigitValue(s[i+1]);
unsigned short third4Bits = getHexDigitValue(s[i+2]);
unsigned short fourth4Bits = getHexDigitValue(s[i+3]);
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
NAWchar wc = (first4Bits << 12) | (second4Bits << 8) | (third4Bits << 4) | fourth4Bits;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
else {
NADELETE(r, NAWString, heap);
return NULL;
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
if (! CharInfo::checkCodePoint(r->data(), r->length(), cs) ) {
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
NADELETE(r, NAWString, heap);
return NULL;
return r;
return NULL;
// verify whether a hexadecimal string is in valid format.
static NABoolean isValidHexFormat(const NAWchar *str, Int32 len, CharInfo::CharSet cs)
// specified by _charsetname'([0-9, a-f, A-F])*'
// ISO88591: hex digits per char = 2
// UCS2/KSC5601/KANJI: hex digits per char = 4
Int32 hexPerChar = 2 * CharInfo::minBytesPerChar(cs);
// The following while loop recognizes regular expression:
// space* [non-space]\{hexPerChar\} space*
// Examples of legal hexdecimal literals.
// x' 98 FF F0' (ISO88591)
// x' 98FF F0' (ISO88591)
// _ucs2 x' 98FF 3dF0' (UCS2)
// Examples of illegal hexdecimal literals.
// x' 98F F F0' (ISO88591)
// _ucs2 x'9FF 3dF0' (UCS2)
Int32 i = 0;
while ( i<len ) {
if ( str[i] != L' ' ) {
// at least hexPerChar non-space chars should be present, starting at i
for ( Int32 j=0; j<hexPerChar; j++ )
if ( i >= len || ! isHexDigit8859_1(str[i++]) ) {
// invalid format
return FALSE;
} else i++;
return TRUE;
hex_conversion_code verifyAndConvertHex(const NAWchar *str, Int32 len, NAWchar quote,
CharInfo::CharSet cs, CollHeap* heap, void*& result)
if ( CharInfo::isHexFormatSupported(cs) == FALSE )
if ( isValidHexFormat(str, len, cs) == FALSE )
return INVALID;
if ( heap == 0 )
NAWString *tmpStr = removeWSpaces(str, len, quote, heap);
// convert to actual string literal
hex_conversion_code ok = INVALID_CODEPOINTS;
switch ( cs ) {
case CharInfo::KANJI_MP:
case CharInfo::KSC5601_MP:
case CharInfo::ISO88591:
case CharInfo::UTF8:
Int32 StrLength = (Int32)(tmpStr->length());
result = convHexToChar(tmpStr->data(), StrLength, cs, heap);
if (result ) {
ok = SINGLE_BYTE; // Assume good data for now
if (cs == CharInfo::UTF8) {
// Verify UTF8 code point values are valid
Int32 iii = 0;
Int32 rtnv = 0;
NAString* reslt = (NAString*)result;
UInt32 UCS4 = 0;
StrLength = StrLength/2; // Orig StrLength was for hex-ASCII string
while ( iii < StrLength )
rtnv = LocaleCharToUCS4( &(reslt->data()[iii]), StrLength - iii,
&UCS4, cnv_UTF8 );
ok = INVALID_CODEPOINTS; // Return error
iii += rtnv;
case CharInfo::UNICODE:
result = convHexToWChar(tmpStr->data(), (Int32)(tmpStr->length()), cs, heap);
if (result) ok = DOUBLE_BYTE;
return ok;