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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: NumericType.cpp
* Description: Numeric Type Implementation
* Created: 4/27/94
* Modified: $Date: 2006/11/21 05:53:06 $
* Language: C++
* Status: Experimental
#include "Platform.h"
#include "NumericType.h"
#include "Int64.h"
#include "float.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "exp_clause_derived.h"
#define NAME_BUF_LEN 100
NAString LiteralInteger("INTEGER");
NAString LiteralTinyInt("TINYINT");
NAString LiteralSmallInt("SMALLINT");
NAString LiteralLargeInt("LARGEINT");
NAString LiteralNumeric("NUMERIC");
NAString LiteralDecimal("DECIMAL");
NAString LiteralBigNum("BIG NUM");
NAString LiteralLSDecimal("LSDECIMAL");
NAString LiteralFloat("FLOAT");
NAString LiteralReal("REAL");
NAString LiteralDoublePrecision("DOUBLE PRECISION");
static void unsignedLongToAscii(ULng32 number, char * asciiString,
NABoolean prefixWithAMinus = FALSE)
Lng32 index = 0;
do // generate digits in the reverse order
asciiString[index++] = (char)(number % 10 + (Lng32)'0'); // get next digit
} while ( (number /= 10) > 0);
if (prefixWithAMinus)
asciiString[index++] = '-';
asciiString[index] = '\0';
// reverse the string in place
char temp;
Int32 i,j;
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
for (i = 0, j = strlen(asciiString)-1; i < j; i++, j--)
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
temp = asciiString[i];
asciiString[i] = asciiString[j];
asciiString[j] = temp;
} // unsignedLongToAscii()
static void signedLongToAscii(Lng32 number, char * asciiString)
Lng32 sign = number;
if (sign < 0) // record sign
number = -number; // make it a positive number
unsignedLongToAscii((ULng32)number, asciiString, (sign < 0));
} // signedLongToAscii()
// inserts the scale indicator dot ('.') in str
static void insertScaleIndicator(NAString * str, Int32 scale)
if (scale > 0)
str->insert(str->length() - scale, ".");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// utility functions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned short getBinaryStorageSize(Lng32 precision)
if (precision < 1 || precision > 19) {
return 0;
if (precision < 3)
if (precision < 5)
if (precision < 10)
return SQL_INT_SIZE;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Data type name to internal type qualifier mapping function
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
enum NumericType::NumericTypeEnum
NumericType::tokenizeTypeName(const NAString& adtName) const
NumericTypeEnum token = MIN_NUMERIC_TYPE;
if (adtName == "NUMERIC")
token = SQLNumeric_TYPE;
else if (adtName == "BIT PRECISION INTEGER")
token = SQLBPInt_TYPE;
else if (adtName == "DECIMAL")
token = SQLDecimal_TYPE;
else if (adtName == "BIG NUM")
token = SQLBigNum_TYPE;
else if (adtName == "LSDECIMAL")
token = LSDecimal_TYPE;
else if (adtName == "LARGEINT")
token = SQLLarge_TYPE;
else if (adtName == "INTEGER")
token = SQLInt_TYPE;
else if (adtName == "SMALLINT")
token = SQLSmall_TYPE;
else if (adtName == "TINYINT")
token = SQLTiny_TYPE;
else if (adtName == "FLOAT")
token = SQLFloat_TYPE;
else if (adtName == "REAL")
token = SQLReal_TYPE;
else if (adtName == "DOUBLE PRECISION")
token = SQLDoublePrecision_TYPE;
else // issue an error
NAString temp = "INTEGER";
assert(adtName == temp);
return token;
} // tokenizeTypeName()
// ***********************************************************************
// Ugly data type conversion stuff
// ***********************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************
// NumericType
// ***********************************************************************
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NumericType::NumericType( const NAString& adtName,
Lng32 dataStorageSize,
Lng32 precision,
Lng32 scale,
Lng32 alignment,
NABoolean allowNegValues,
NABoolean allowSQLnull,
NABoolean varLenFlag,
CollHeap * heap
: NAType(adtName, NA_NUMERIC_TYPE, dataStorageSize,
, varLenFlag
, ( varLenFlag ? SQL_VARCHAR_HDR_SIZE : 0 )
, alignment
, heap
assert (scale <= precision);
qualifier_ = tokenizeTypeName(adtName);
precision_ = precision;
scale_ = scale;
unsigned_ = !(allowNegValues);
} // NumericType() default
NumericType::NumericType(const NumericType & numeric, CollHeap * heap)
: NAType(numeric,heap)
qualifier_ = numeric.qualifier_;
precision_ = numeric.precision_;
scale_ = numeric.scale_;
unsigned_ = numeric.unsigned_;
assert (scale_ <= precision_);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Equality comparison
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean NumericType::operator==(const NAType& other) const
if (NAType::operator==(other))
if (qualifier_ == ((NumericType&)other).qualifier_ &&
precision_ == ((NumericType&)other).precision_ &&
scale_ == ((NumericType&)other).scale_ &&
unsigned_ == ((NumericType&)other).unsigned_)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
} // operator==()
NABoolean NumericType::equalIgnoreNull(const NAType& other) const
if (NAType::equalIgnoreNull(other))
if (qualifier_ == ((NumericType&)other).qualifier_ &&
precision_ == ((NumericType&)other).precision_ &&
scale_ == ((NumericType&)other).scale_ &&
unsigned_ == ((NumericType&)other).unsigned_)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A method which tells if a conversion error can occur when converting
// a value of this type to the target type.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean NumericType::errorsCanOccur (const NAType& target,
NABoolean lax) const
NABoolean rc = TRUE; // assume the worst
if (target.getTypeQualifier() == NA_NUMERIC_TYPE) {
const NumericType &numericTarget = (const NumericType &)target;
if (*this == numericTarget) {
rc = FALSE; // no error can occur if datatypes are the same
else {
if (!NAType::errorsCanOccur(target)) {
if (isExact()) {
if ((unsigned_) || (!numericTarget.unsigned_)) {
if (numericTarget.isExact()) {
// Source and target are exact.
// If the magnitude and scale of the target are greater
// than or equal to the source, then no conversion
// error can occur
if (getMagnitude() <= numericTarget.getMagnitude()) {
if (scale_ == numericTarget.scale_) {
rc = FALSE;
else if (lax==FALSE && scale_<=numericTarget.scale_) {
rc = FALSE;
else { // Source is exact, target is approximate.
// if both are binary precision or decimal precision
// and the precision of the target is greater than
// or equal to the source, then no conversion error
// can occur
if (getTrueBinaryPrecision() <=
rc = FALSE;
else { // Source is approximate.
if (!numericTarget.isExact()) { // Both are approximate.
// both are approximate; if they are both binary precision
// (which today always happens to be true) and if the
// target precision is greater than or equal to the source
// then no conversion error can occur
if (getTrueBinaryPrecision() <=
rc = FALSE;
return rc;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal type qualifier to data type name mapping function
// This is needed for supporting the SQL DESCRIBE command.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NAString NumericType::getTypeName(NumericTypeEnum ntev) const
NAString adtName;
switch (ntev)
case SQLBPInt_TYPE :
case SQLTiny_TYPE :
adtName = "TINYINT";
case SQLSmall_TYPE :
adtName = "SMALLINT";
case SQLInt_TYPE :
adtName = "INTEGER";
case SQLLarge_TYPE :
adtName = "LARGEINT";
case SQLNumeric_TYPE :
adtName = "NUMERIC";
case SQLDecimal_TYPE :
adtName = "DECIMAL";
case SQLBigNum_TYPE :
adtName = "BIG NUM";
case LSDecimal_TYPE :
adtName = "LSDECIMAL";
case SQLFloat_TYPE :
adtName = "FLOAT";
case SQLReal_TYPE :
adtName = "REAL";
case SQLDoublePrecision_TYPE :
default :
assert(0 == 1); // ****ERROR: data type not supported
} // switch (ntevev)
return adtName;
} // getTypeName()
NAString NumericType::getTypeSQLname(NABoolean terse) const
NAString rName = getTypeName(qualifier_);
switch (qualifier_) {
case SQLBigNum_TYPE :
rName = "NUMERIC";
if (getScale() > 0) {
char precision[20];
sprintf(precision, "(%d,%d)", getPrecision(), getScale());
rName += precision;
} else {
char precision[20];
sprintf(precision, "(%d)", getPrecision());
rName += precision;
case SQLNumeric_TYPE :
case SQLDecimal_TYPE :
case LSDecimal_TYPE :
case SQLFloat_TYPE :
case SQLBPInt_TYPE :
if (getScale() > 0) {
char precision[20];
sprintf(precision, "(%d,%d)", getPrecision(), getScale());
rName += precision;
} else {
char precision[20];
sprintf(precision, "(%d)", getPrecision());
rName += precision;
if ( supportsSign ())
if (unsigned_)
rName += " UNSIGNED";
rName += " SIGNED";
getTypeSQLnull(rName, terse);
return rName;
} // getTypeSQLname()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Table of standard precisions
// NOTE: The following table implements the binary precision for the
// NonStop SQL data types
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 NumericType::getBinaryPrecision() const
// If the numeric type has binary precision, return the precision.
// If the numeric type has decimal precision, compute the binary precision.
if (binaryPrecision())
return getPrecision();
Lng32 decimalPrec = getPrecision();
if (decimalPrec > 18)
assert (decimalPrec > 0);
static const Lng32 binaryPrec[18] = {
4, 7, 10, 14, 17, 20, 24, 27, 30,
34, 37, 40, 44, 47, 50, 54, 57, 60
return binaryPrec[decimalPrec - 1] + 1 /*for sign*/;
} // getBinaryPrecision()
Lng32 NumericType::getTrueBinaryPrecision() const
// We're assuming binaryPrecision() returns true for the anomalous cases
// that return zero-precision described in NumericType.h
if (binaryPrecision())
return getTruePrecision();
return getBinaryPrecision();
} // getTrueBinaryPrecision()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Type synthesis for binary operators
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const NAType* NumericType::synthesizeType(enum NATypeSynthRuleEnum synthRule,
const NAType& operand1,
const NAType& operand2,
CollHeap* h,
UInt32 *flags) const
// If the second operand's type synthesis rules have higher precedence than
// this operand's rules, use the second operand's rules.
if (operand2.getSynthesisPrecedence() > getSynthesisPrecedence())
return operand2.synthesizeType(synthRule, operand1, operand2, h, flags);
// If either operand is not numeric, the expression is invalid.
if ((operand1.getTypeQualifier() != NA_NUMERIC_TYPE) ||
(operand2.getTypeQualifier() != NA_NUMERIC_TYPE))
return NULL;
const NumericType& op1 = (NumericType &) operand1;
const NumericType& op2 = (NumericType &) operand2;
// If either operand is signed, the result is signed.
NABoolean isSigned = op1.isSigned() OR op2.isSigned();
// If either operand is nullable, the result is nullable.
NABoolean isNullable = op1.supportsSQLnull() OR op2.supportsSQLnull();
NABoolean isRealBigNum =
((op1.isBigNum() && ((SQLBigNum&)op1).isARealBigNum()) ||
(op2.isBigNum() && ((SQLBigNum&)op2).isARealBigNum()));
// By default, the result is not decimal.
NABoolean isDecimal = FALSE;
// Compute the scale and precision of the result.
Lng32 scale;
Lng32 precision;
NABoolean modeSpecial1 =
((flags) && ((*flags & NAType::MODE_SPECIAL_1) != 0));
NABoolean limitPrecision =
((flags) && ((*flags & NAType::LIMIT_MAX_NUMERIC_PRECISION) != 0));
NABoolean makeUnionResultBinary =
((flags) && ((*flags & NAType::MAKE_UNION_RESULT_BINARY) != 0));
NABoolean makeLargeint = FALSE;
switch (synthRule) {
// Compute the magnitude of the result. Magnitude is scaled up by a factor
// of 10, because integers do not have exact decimal precision. For
// example, a SMALLINT has a precision of between 4 and 5 digits, so its
// magnitude is 45. A NUMERIC(5) has a precision of 5 digits so its
// magnitude is 50.
Lng32 magnitude = MAXOF(op1.getMagnitude(), op2.getMagnitude());
// If one of the operands is an unsigned integer (e.g. SMALLINT UNSIGNED or
// INTEGER UNSIGNED) and the other is a signed number that has a smaller or
// equal magnitude, then the magnitude of the result must be rounded up to
// hold the range of both operands. For example, if the operands are
// SMALLINT and SMALLINT UNSIGNED, the result will be NUMERIC(5).
if ((op1.isAnyUnsignedInt() AND op2.isSigned() AND
(op1.getMagnitude() >= op2.getMagnitude())) OR
(op2.isAnyUnsignedInt() AND op1.isSigned() AND
(op2.getMagnitude() >= op1.getMagnitude())))
magnitude += 10 - (magnitude % 10);
// Compute the scale of the result.
scale = MAXOF(op1.getScale(), op2.getScale());
// If the result has a scale and the magnitude is approximate, round up the
// magnitude.
if ((scale > 0) AND ((magnitude % 10) > 0))
magnitude += 10 - (magnitude % 10);
// Compute the precision of the result.
precision = magnitude / 10 + scale;
// If the magnitude is approximate, the result is an integer.
if (((magnitude % 10) > 0) ||
(makeUnionResultBinary)) {
Lng32 size = getBinaryStorageSize(precision);
// convert tinyint to smallint.
if (size == SQL_TINY_SIZE)
// for now, make result to be an int32 or int64.
if ((makeUnionResultBinary) &&
(size == SQL_SMALL_SIZE))
size = SQL_INT_SIZE;
switch (size) {
return new(h) SQLSmall(isSigned, isNullable);
return new(h) SQLInt(isSigned, isNullable);
return new(h) SQLLargeInt(isSigned, isNullable);
return NULL;
else if (limitPrecision)
if (precision > MAX_NUMERIC_PRECISION)
makeLargeint = TRUE;
// If both operands are DECIMAL, the result is DECIMAL.
isDecimal = op1.isDecimal() AND op2.isDecimal();
Lng32 magnitude = MAXOF(op1.getMagnitude(), op2.getMagnitude());
scale = MAXOF(op1.getScale(), op2.getScale());
precision = (magnitude + 9) / 10 + scale + 1;
if (limitPrecision)
if (precision > MAX_NUMERIC_PRECISION)
makeLargeint = TRUE;
// result of a subtraction can be negative even if the operands
// are unsigned. Make the result signed.
if (synthRule == SYNTH_RULE_SUB)
isSigned = TRUE;
scale = op1.getScale() + op2.getScale();
precision = (op1.getMagnitude() + 9) / 10 +
(op2.getMagnitude() + 9) / 10 +
if (limitPrecision)
if ((modeSpecial1) &&
// scale overflow, return error.
return NULL;
if ((scale <= MAX_NUMERIC_PRECISION) &&
makeLargeint = TRUE;
NABoolean roundingRequested =
((flags) && ((*flags & NAType::ROUND_RESULT) != 0));
NABoolean roundingDone = FALSE;
if (limitPrecision)
scale = MAXOF(op1.getScale(), op2.getScale());
precision = (op1.getMagnitude() + 9) / 10 +
(op2.getMagnitude() + 9) / 10 +
scale = (op2.getMagnitude() + 9) / 10 + op1.getScale();
precision = (op1.getMagnitude() + 9) / 10 + op2.getScale() + scale;
if (limitPrecision)
//if (precision > MAX_NUMERIC_PRECISION)
// {
makeLargeint = TRUE;
// }
if (roundingRequested &&
roundingDone = TRUE;
if ((flags) && (roundingRequested))
if (NOT roundingDone)
// rounding was requested but not done.
// Reset the ROUND bit in flags so caller could get this
// information.
*flags &= ~NAType::RESULT_ROUNDED;
*flags |= NAType::RESULT_ROUNDED;
scale = 6;
isSigned = op1.isSigned();
return NULL;
if (precision > MAX_NUMERIC_PRECISION) {
// If the hardware doesn't support a binary numeric of the result's
// precision, make the result a Big Num.
return new(h) SQLBigNum(precision,
// If the result is DECIMAL, return a DECIMAL.
if (isDecimal)
return new(h) SQLDecimal(precision, scale, isSigned, isNullable);
// If the precision is more than 9, it must be signed.
if (precision > 9)
isSigned = TRUE;
// Compute the storage size of the binary result.
Lng32 size = getBinaryStorageSize(precision);
// convert tinyint to smallint for arithmetic results.
if (size == SQL_TINY_SIZE)
// The result is NUMERIC.
if (makeLargeint)
NumericType * nat = new(h) SQLLargeInt(isSigned, isNullable);
return nat;
return new(h) SQLNumeric(size, precision, scale, isSigned, isNullable);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Min and Max permissible values.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void NumericType::minRepresentableValue(void*, Lng32*, NAString**,
CollHeap* h) const {}
void NumericType::maxRepresentableValue(void*, Lng32*, NAString**,
CollHeap* h) const {}
NABoolean NumericType::createSQLLiteral(const char * buf,
NAString *&stringLiteral,
NABoolean &isNull,
CollHeap *h) const
if (NAType::createSQLLiteral(buf, stringLiteral, isNull, h))
return TRUE;
// For all the numeric types, just converting the number to a string value should
// produce a valid SQL literal.
const int RESULT_LEN = 100;
char result[RESULT_LEN];
const char *valPtr = buf + getSQLnullHdrSize();
unsigned short resultLen = 0;
ComDiagsArea *diags = NULL;
ex_expr::exp_return_type ok =
convDoIt((char *) valPtr,
(char *) &resultLen,
if ( ok != ex_expr::EXPR_OK || resultLen == 0)
return FALSE;
stringLiteral = new(h) NAString(result, resultLen, h);
return TRUE;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Print function for debugging
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void NumericType::print(FILE* ofd, const char* indent)
#ifdef TRACING_ENABLED // NT_PORT ( bd 8/4/96 )
fprintf(ofd,"%s %s\n",indent,getTypeSQLname());
} // NumericType::print()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A method for generating the hash key.
// SQL builtin types should return getTypeSQLName()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NAString* NumericType::getKey(CollHeap* h) const
return new (h) NAString(getTypeSQLname(), h);
} // NumericType::getKey()
short NumericType::getFSDatatype() const
return -1;
double NumericType::encode (void *) const
return -1;
NABoolean NumericType::isEncodingNeeded() const
#if defined( NA_LITTLE_ENDIAN )
return TRUE;
if (isBigNum()) // bignums always need to be encoded
return TRUE;
else if (isSigned())
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for SQLTiny
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SQLTiny::SQLTiny(NABoolean allowNegValues, NABoolean allowSQLnull,CollHeap * heap)
: NumericType
( LiteralTinyInt
, 0
, 2
, allowNegValues
, allowSQLnull
} // SQLTiny()
double SQLTiny::encode (void* bufPtr) const
Int8 tempValue;
UInt8 usTempValue;
char * valPtr = (char *)bufPtr;
if (supportsSQLnull())
valPtr += getSQLnullHdrSize();
str_cpy_all ((char *)&usTempValue, valPtr, getNominalSize());
return ((double)usTempValue * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale()));
str_cpy_all ((char *)&tempValue, valPtr, getNominalSize());
return ((double)tempValue * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale()));
// -- Min and max permissible values
void SQLTiny::minRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
CollHeap* h) const
assert(*bufLen >= sizeof(char));
Lng32 valueBuf;
*bufLen = sizeof(char);
if (NumericType::isUnsigned())
*((char*)bufPtr) = 0;
valueBuf = 0;
char temp = CHAR_MIN;
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < sizeof(char); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
valueBuf = CHAR_MIN;
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
// Generate a printable string for the minimum value
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN]; // 2 ** 16 == 65536. Need space for 5 digits only
signedLongToAscii(valueBuf, nameBuf);
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
} // SQLTiny::minRepresentableValue()
void SQLTiny::maxRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
CollHeap* h) const
assert(*bufLen >= sizeof(char));
Lng32 valueBuf;
*bufLen = sizeof(char);
if (NumericType::isUnsigned())
unsigned short temp = UCHAR_MAX;
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < sizeof(char); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
valueBuf = UCHAR_MAX;
short temp = CHAR_MAX;
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < sizeof(char); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
valueBuf = CHAR_MAX;
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
// Generate a printable string for the maximum value
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN]; // 2 ** 16 == 65536. Need space for 5 digits only
signedLongToAscii(valueBuf, nameBuf);
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
} // SQLTiny::maxRepresentableValue()
NAString* SQLTiny::convertToString(double v, CollHeap* h) const
Lng32 valueBuf = (Lng32)v;
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN]; // 2 ** 16 == 65536. Need space for 5 digits only
signedLongToAscii(valueBuf, nameBuf);
return new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for SQLSmall
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SQLSmall::SQLSmall(NABoolean allowNegValues, NABoolean allowSQLnull,CollHeap * heap)
: NumericType
( LiteralSmallInt
, 0
, 2
, allowNegValues
, allowSQLnull
} // SQLSmall()
double SQLSmall::encode (void* bufPtr) const
short tempValue;
unsigned short usTempValue;
char * valPtr = (char *)bufPtr;
if (supportsSQLnull())
valPtr += getSQLnullHdrSize();
str_cpy_all ((char *)&usTempValue, valPtr, getNominalSize());
return ((double)usTempValue * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale()));
str_cpy_all ((char *)&tempValue, valPtr, getNominalSize());
return ((double)tempValue * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale()));
// -- Min and max permissible values
void SQLSmall::minRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
CollHeap* h) const
assert(*bufLen >= sizeof(short));
Lng32 valueBuf;
*bufLen = sizeof(short);
if (NumericType::isUnsigned())
*((short*)bufPtr) = 0;
valueBuf = 0;
short temp = SHRT_MIN;
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < sizeof(short); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
valueBuf = SHRT_MIN;
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
// Generate a printable string for the minimum value
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN]; // 2 ** 16 == 65536. Need space for 5 digits only
signedLongToAscii(valueBuf, nameBuf);
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
} // SQLSmall::minRepresentableValue()
void SQLSmall::maxRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
CollHeap* h) const
assert(*bufLen >= sizeof(short));
Lng32 valueBuf;
*bufLen = sizeof(short);
if (NumericType::isUnsigned())
unsigned short temp = USHRT_MAX;
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < sizeof(short); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
valueBuf = USHRT_MAX;
short temp = SHRT_MAX;
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < sizeof(short); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
valueBuf = SHRT_MAX;
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
// Generate a printable string for the maximum value
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN]; // 2 ** 16 == 65536. Need space for 5 digits only
signedLongToAscii(valueBuf, nameBuf);
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
} // SQLSmall::maxRepresentableValue()
NAString* SQLSmall::convertToString(double v, CollHeap* h) const
Lng32 valueBuf = (Lng32)v;
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN]; // 2 ** 16 == 65536. Need space for 5 digits only
signedLongToAscii(valueBuf, nameBuf);
return new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for SQLBPInt
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
SQLBPInt::SQLBPInt(UInt32 declared,
NABoolean allowSQLnull,
NABoolean allowNegValues,
CollHeap * heap)
: NumericType (LiteralBPInt // ADT Name
, SQL_SMALL_SIZE // StorageSize
, declared // Precision
, 0 // Scale
, 2 // Alignment
, allowNegValues
, allowSQLnull
, heap
assert (declared > 0 && declared < 16); // size between 1 & 15
assert (allowNegValues == FALSE);
declaredSize_ = declared;
} // SQLBPInt()
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
// Are two BPInt types equal if they have different storage sizes??
NABoolean SQLBPInt::operator==(const NAType& other) const
if (NumericType::operator==((NumericType&)other))
if (declaredSize_ == ((SQLBPInt&)other).declaredSize_)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
} // operator==()
double SQLBPInt::encode (void *bufPtr ) const
short tempValue;
unsigned short usTempValue;
char * valPtr = (char *)bufPtr;
if (supportsSQLnull())
valPtr += getSQLnullHdrSize();
str_cpy_all ((char *)&usTempValue, valPtr, getNominalSize());
return ((double)usTempValue * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale()));
str_cpy_all ((char *)&tempValue, valPtr, getNominalSize());
return ((double)tempValue * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale()));
void SQLBPInt::minRepresentableValue (void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
CollHeap* h) const
assert(*bufLen >= sizeof(short));
Lng32 valueBuf;
*bufLen = sizeof(short);
// BPInt is unsigned, so minimum value is 0.
*((short*)bufPtr) = 0;
valueBuf = 0;
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
// Generate a printable string for the minimum value
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN];
signedLongToAscii(valueBuf, nameBuf);
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
void SQLBPInt::maxRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
CollHeap* h) const
assert(*bufLen >= sizeof(short));
Lng32 valueBuf;
*bufLen = sizeof(short);
static const unsigned short limits[] = { 1, 3, 7, 15, 31,
63, 127, 255, 511, 1023,
2047, 4095, 8191, 16383, 32767 };
unsigned short temp = limits[declaredSize_ - 1];
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < sizeof(short); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
valueBuf = temp;
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
// Generate a printable string for the maximum value
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN]; // 2 ** 15 = 32768. Need space for 5 digits only
signedLongToAscii(valueBuf, nameBuf);
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
NAString* SQLBPInt::convertToString(double v, CollHeap* h) const
Lng32 temp = Lng32(v);
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN];
signedLongToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
return new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for SQLInt
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SQLInt::SQLInt(NABoolean allowNegValues, NABoolean allowSQLnull,CollHeap * heap)
: NumericType
( LiteralInteger
, 0
, 4
, allowNegValues
, allowSQLnull
} // SQLInt()
double SQLInt::encode (void* bufPtr) const
Lng32 tempValue;
ULng32 usTempValue;
char * valPtr = (char *)bufPtr;
if (supportsSQLnull())
valPtr += getSQLnullHdrSize();
str_cpy_all ((char *)&usTempValue, valPtr, getNominalSize());
return ((double)usTempValue * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale()));
str_cpy_all ((char *)&tempValue, valPtr, getNominalSize());
return ((double)tempValue * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale()));
void SQLInt::minRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
CollHeap* h) const
assert(*bufLen >= sizeof(Lng32));
// To generate a printable string for the minimum value
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN]; // 2 ** 32 == 4294967296. Need space for 10 digits only
ULng32 temp;
*bufLen = sizeof(Lng32);
if (NumericType::isUnsigned())
temp = 0;
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < sizeof(Lng32); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = 0;
if (stringLiteral != NULL) //only when need to return a string
unsignedLongToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
temp = INT_MIN;
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < sizeof(Lng32); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
if (stringLiteral != NULL) //only when need to return a string
signedLongToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
} // SQLInt::minRepresentableValue()
void SQLInt::maxRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
CollHeap* h) const
assert(*bufLen >= sizeof(Lng32));
// To generate a printable string for the minimum value
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN]; // 2 ** 32 == 4294967296. Need space for 10 digits only
*bufLen = sizeof(Lng32);
if (NumericType::isUnsigned())
ULng32 temp = UINT_MAX;
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < getNominalSize(); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
if (stringLiteral != NULL) //only when need to return a string
unsignedLongToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
Lng32 temp = INT_MAX;
for (short i = 0; i < getNominalSize(); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
if (stringLiteral != NULL) //only when need to return a string
signedLongToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
} // SQLInt::maxRepresentableValue()
NAString* SQLInt::convertToString(double v, CollHeap* h) const
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN]; // 2 ** 32 == 4294967296. Need space for 10 digits only
if (NumericType::isUnsigned()) {
ULng32 temp = (ULng32)v;
unsignedLongToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
} else {
Lng32 temp = (Lng32)v;
signedLongToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
return new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for SQLLargeInt
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SQLLargeInt::SQLLargeInt(NABoolean allowNegValues, NABoolean allowSQLnull,
CollHeap * heap)
: NumericType
( LiteralLargeInt
, 8/*SQL_L_INT_SIZE */
, 0
, 8
, allowNegValues
, allowSQLnull
} // SQLLargeInt()
SQLLargeInt::SQLLargeInt(Lng32 scale,
UInt16 disAmbiguate,
NABoolean allowNegValues, NABoolean allowSQLnull,
CollHeap * heap)
: NumericType
( LiteralLargeInt
, 8/*SQL_L_INT_SIZE */
, scale
, 8
, allowNegValues
, allowSQLnull
} // SQLLargeInt()
double SQLLargeInt::encode (void* bufPtr) const
Int64 tempValue;
UInt64 usTempValue;
char * valPtr = (char *)bufPtr;
if (supportsSQLnull())
valPtr += getSQLnullHdrSize();
if (isUnsigned())
str_cpy_all ((char *)&usTempValue, valPtr, getNominalSize());
return (convertUInt64ToDouble(tempValue) * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale()));
str_cpy_all ((char *)&tempValue, valPtr, getNominalSize());
return (convertInt64ToDouble(tempValue) * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale()));
void SQLLargeInt::minRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
CollHeap* h) const
assert(*bufLen >= sizeof(Int64));
*bufLen = sizeof(Int64);
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN];
if (NumericType::isUnsigned())
UInt64 temp = 0;
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < sizeof(UInt64); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = 0;
if (stringLiteral != NULL) //only when need to return a string
convertUInt64ToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
Int64 temp = LLONG_MIN;
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < sizeof(Int64); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
if (stringLiteral != NULL) //only when need to return a string
convertInt64ToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
} // SQLLargeInt::minRepresentableValue()
void SQLLargeInt::maxRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
CollHeap* h) const
assert(*bufLen >= sizeof(Int64));
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN];
*bufLen = sizeof(Int64);
if (NumericType::isUnsigned())
UInt64 temp = ULLONG_MAX;
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < getNominalSize(); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
if (stringLiteral != NULL) //only when need to return a string
convertUInt64ToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
Int64 temp = LLONG_MAX;
for (short i = 0; i < getNominalSize(); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
if (stringLiteral != NULL) //only when need to return a string
convertInt64ToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
} // SQLLargeInt::maxRepresentableValue()
NAString* SQLLargeInt::convertToString(double v, CollHeap* h) const
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN]; // a reasonably large buffer
if (NumericType::isUnsigned()) {
UInt64 temp = (UInt64)v;
convertUInt64ToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
} else {
Int64 temp = Int64(v);
convertInt64ToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
return new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for SQLBigInt
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SQLBigInt::SQLBigInt(NABoolean allowNegValues, NABoolean allowSQLnull,CollHeap * heap)
: SQLLargeInt(allowNegValues, allowSQLnull,heap)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for SQLNumeric
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SQLNumeric::SQLNumeric(Lng32 length, Lng32 precision, Lng32 scale,
NABoolean allowNegValues, NABoolean allowSQLnull,
CollHeap * heap)
: NumericType
( LiteralNumeric
, length
, precision
, scale
, length
, allowNegValues
, allowSQLnull
} // SQLNumeric()
// Note: DisAmbiguate arg added so Compiler can distinguish between
// this constructor and the one above...for 64bit project.
SQLNumeric::SQLNumeric(NABoolean allowNegValues, Lng32 precision, Lng32 scale,
const Int16 DisAmbiguate,
NABoolean allowSQLnull)
: NumericType
( LiteralNumeric
, getBinaryStorageSize(precision)
, precision
, scale
, getBinaryStorageSize(precision)
, allowNegValues
, allowSQLnull
} // SQLNumeric()
double SQLNumeric::encode (void* bufPtr) const
Lng32 longTemp;
ULng32 usLongTemp;
short shrtTemp;
unsigned short usShrtTemp;
Int8 charTemp;
UInt8 usCharTemp;
char * valPtr = (char *)bufPtr;
if (supportsSQLnull())
valPtr += getSQLnullHdrSize();
if (getNominalSize() <= 1)
if (isUnsigned())
str_cpy_all ((char *)&usCharTemp, valPtr, getNominalSize());
return ((double)usCharTemp * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale()));
str_cpy_all ((char *)&charTemp, valPtr, getNominalSize());
return ((double)charTemp * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale()));
else if (getNominalSize() <= 2)
if (isUnsigned())
str_cpy_all ((char *)&usShrtTemp, valPtr, getNominalSize());
return ((double)usShrtTemp * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale()));
str_cpy_all ((char *)&shrtTemp, valPtr, getNominalSize());
return ((double)shrtTemp * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale()));
else if (getNominalSize() <= 4)
if (isUnsigned())
str_cpy_all ((char *)&usLongTemp, valPtr, getNominalSize());
return ((double)usLongTemp * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale()));
str_cpy_all ((char *)&longTemp, valPtr, getNominalSize());
return ((double)longTemp * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale()));
Int64 int64Temp;
str_cpy_all ((char *)&int64Temp, valPtr, getNominalSize());
return (convertInt64ToDouble(int64Temp) * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale()));
void SQLNumeric::minRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
CollHeap* h) const
assert(*bufLen >= getNominalSize());
// To generate a printable string for the minimum value
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN]; // a reasonably large buffer
*bufLen = getNominalSize();
if (NumericType::isUnsigned())
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < getNominalSize(); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = 0;
Lng32 temp = 0;
unsignedLongToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
// signed numeric
switch (getNominalSize())
case sizeof(Int64):
Int64 temp = 0;
Lng32 i=0;
for (; i<getPrecision(); i++)
temp = temp * 10 + 9;
temp = -temp;
for (i = 0; i < getNominalSize(); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
convertInt64ToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
case sizeof(Int32):
Lng32 temp = 0;
Lng32 i=0;
for (; i<getPrecision(); i++)
temp = temp * 10 + 9;
temp = -temp;
for (i = 0; i < getNominalSize(); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
signedLongToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
case sizeof(Int16):
short temp = 0;
Lng32 i=0;
for (; i<getPrecision(); i++)
temp = temp * 10 + 9;
temp = -temp;
for (i = 0; i < getNominalSize(); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
signedLongToAscii((Lng32)temp, nameBuf);
case sizeof(Int8):
Int8 temp = 0;
Lng32 i=0;
for (; i<getPrecision(); i++)
temp = temp * 10 + 9;
temp = -temp;
for (i = 0; i < getNominalSize(); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
signedLongToAscii((Lng32)temp, nameBuf);
} // switch
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
insertScaleIndicator(*stringLiteral, getScale());
} // SQLNumeric::minRepresentableValue()
void SQLNumeric::maxRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
CollHeap* h) const
assert(*bufLen >= getNominalSize());
// To generate a printable string for the maximum value
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN]; // a reasonably large buffer
*bufLen = getNominalSize();
switch (getNominalSize())
case sizeof(Int64):
Int64 temp = 0;
Lng32 i=0;
for (; i<getPrecision(); i++)
temp = temp * 10 + 9;
for (i = 0; i < getNominalSize(); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
convertInt64ToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
case sizeof(Int32):
Lng32 temp = 0;
Lng32 i=0;
for (; i<getPrecision(); i++)
temp = temp * 10 + 9;
for (i = 0; i < getNominalSize(); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
signedLongToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
case sizeof(Int16):
short temp = 0;
Lng32 i=0;
for (; i<getPrecision(); i++)
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
temp = temp * 10 + 9;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
for (i = 0; i < getNominalSize(); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
signedLongToAscii((Lng32)temp, nameBuf);
case sizeof(Int8):
Int8 temp = 0;
Lng32 i=0;
for (; i<getPrecision(); i++)
temp = temp * 10 + 9;
for (i = 0; i < getNominalSize(); i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = ((char *)&temp)[i];
signedLongToAscii((Lng32)temp, nameBuf);
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
insertScaleIndicator(*stringLiteral, getScale());
} // SQLNumeric::maxRepresentableValue()
NAString* SQLNumeric::convertToString(double v, CollHeap* h) const
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN]; // a reasonably large buffer
char fractionBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN]; // a reasonably large buffer
switch (getNominalSize())
case sizeof(Int64):
Int64 temp = (Int64)v;
convertInt64ToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
Int64 fraction = Int64(v - double(temp));
convertInt64ToAscii(temp, fractionBuf);
fractionBuf[getScale()] = 0;
#ifdef NA_64BIT
// dg64 - a bit of a guess
case sizeof(Int32):
case sizeof(Lng32):
Lng32 temp = (Lng32)v;
signedLongToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
Lng32 fraction = Lng32(v - double(temp));
signedLongToAscii(temp, fractionBuf);
fractionBuf[getScale()] = 0;
case sizeof(short):
short temp = (short)v;
signedLongToAscii((Lng32)temp, nameBuf);
short fraction = short(v - double(temp));
signedLongToAscii(temp, fractionBuf);
fractionBuf[getScale()] = 0;
NAString* result = new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
return result;
double SQLNumeric::getNormalizedValue(void* buf) const
double val;
switch (getNominalSize())
case sizeof(short):
if (isUnsigned())
val = (double)(*(unsigned short *)buf);
val = (double)(*(short *)buf);
case sizeof(Lng32):
if (isUnsigned())
val = (double)(*(ULng32 *)buf);
val = (double)(*(Lng32 *)buf);
case sizeof(Int64):
val = (double)(* (Int64 *)buf);
return -1; // invalid value
return val * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale());
double SQLNumeric::getMinValue() const
if (NumericType::isUnsigned())
return double(0);
switch (getNominalSize()) {
case sizeof(Int64):
Int64 temp = 0;
Lng32 i=0;
for (; i<getPrecision(); i++)
temp = temp * 10 + 9;
temp = -temp;
temp *= pow(10.0, -1 * getScale());
return double(temp);
#ifdef NA_64BIT
// dg64 - a bit of a guess
case sizeof(Int32):
case sizeof(Lng32):
Lng32 temp = 0;
Lng32 i=0;
for (; i<getPrecision(); i++)
temp = temp * 10 + 9;
temp = -temp;
temp *= pow(10.0, -1 * getScale());
return double(temp);
case sizeof(short):
short temp = 0;
Lng32 i=0;
for (; i<getPrecision(); i++)
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
temp = temp * 10 + 9;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
temp = -temp;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
temp *= pow(10.0, -1 * getScale());
return double(temp);
return 0;
double SQLNumeric::getMaxValue() const
switch (getNominalSize())
case sizeof(Int64):
Int64 temp = 0;
Lng32 i=0;
for (; i<getPrecision(); i++)
temp = temp * 10 + 9;
temp *= pow(10.0, -1 * getScale());
return double(temp);
#ifdef NA_64BIT
// dg64 - a bit of a guess
case sizeof(Int32):
case sizeof(Lng32):
Lng32 temp = 0;
Lng32 i=0;
for (; i<getPrecision(); i++)
temp = temp * 10 + 9;
temp *= pow(10.0, -1 * getScale());
return double(temp);
case sizeof(short):
short temp = 0;
Lng32 i=0;
for (; i<getPrecision(); i++)
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
temp = temp * 10 + 9;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
temp *= pow(10.0, -1 * getScale());
return double(temp);
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for SQLDecimal
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SQLDecimal::SQLDecimal(Lng32 length, Lng32 scale,
NABoolean allowNegValues,
NABoolean allowSQLnull,
CollHeap * heap)
: NumericType
( LiteralDecimal
, length
, length
, scale
, 1
, allowNegValues
, allowSQLnull
} // SQLDecimal()
double SQLDecimal::encode(void * input) const
double temp = 0;
char * valPtr = (char *)input;
// skip the null indicator header, if exists
if (supportsSQLnull()) valPtr += getSQLnullHdrSize();
char * temp_dec = new char[getNominalSize() + 1];
str_cpy_all(temp_dec, valPtr, getNominalSize());
temp_dec[getNominalSize()] = 0;
// first bit of the first byte is the sign bit.
// if set, the decimal number is a negative number.
// Reset the bit before converting to double.
if (temp_dec[0] & 0200)
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
temp_dec[0] = temp_dec[0] & 0177;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
temp = - atof(temp_dec);
temp = atof(temp_dec);
// upscale it
temp = temp * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale());
delete temp_dec;
return temp;
// -- Min and max permissible values
void SQLDecimal::minRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
CollHeap* h) const
assert(*bufLen >= getNominalSize());
*bufLen = getNominalSize();
for (Lng32 i=0; i<*bufLen; i++)
if (NumericType::isUnsigned())
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = '0';
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = '9';
// Convert to a string
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString(h);
// prefix '-' sign, if signed decimal
if (!NumericType::isUnsigned())
// and append the value.
(*stringLiteral)->append((char *)bufPtr, (Int32)(*bufLen));
insertScaleIndicator(*stringLiteral, getScale());
// set the sign bit, if signed decimal
if (!NumericType::isUnsigned())
((char *)bufPtr)[0] |= 0200;
} // SQLDecimal::minRepresentableValue()
void SQLDecimal::maxRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
CollHeap* h) const
assert(*bufLen >= getNominalSize());
*bufLen = getNominalSize();
for (Lng32 i=0; i<*bufLen; i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = '9';
// Convert to a string
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString((char *)bufPtr, (Int32)(*bufLen), h);
insertScaleIndicator(*stringLiteral, getScale());
} // SQLDecimal::maxRepresentableValue()
NAString* SQLDecimal::convertToString(double v, CollHeap* h) const
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN]; // a reasonably large buffer
char fractionBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN]; // a reasonably large buffer
if (getNominalSize() <= sizeof(short))
short temp = (short)v;
signedLongToAscii((Lng32)temp, nameBuf);
short fraction = short(v - double(temp));
signedLongToAscii(fraction, fractionBuf);
fractionBuf[getScale()] = 0;
} else
if (getNominalSize() <= sizeof(Int32)) {
Lng32 temp = (Lng32)v;
signedLongToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
Int32 fraction = Int32(v - double(temp));
signedLongToAscii(fraction, fractionBuf);
fractionBuf[getScale()] = 0;
} else {
Int64 temp = (Int64)v;
convertInt64ToAscii(temp, nameBuf);
Int64 fraction = Int64(v - double(temp));
convertInt64ToAscii(fraction, fractionBuf);
fractionBuf[getScale()] = 0;
NAString* result = new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
result -> append('.');
result -> append(fractionBuf);
return result;
double SQLDecimal::getMinValue() const
if (NumericType::isUnsigned())
return double(0.0);
double temp = 1;
for (Lng32 i=0; i<getNominalSize(); i++)
temp = temp * 10 + 9;
temp = temp * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale());
return -temp;
double SQLDecimal::getMaxValue() const
double temp = 1;
for (Lng32 i=0; i<getNominalSize(); i++)
temp = temp * 10 + 9;
temp = temp * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale());
return temp;
// ------------------------------------------------------
// methods for class SQLBigNum
// ------------------------------------------------------
SQLBigNum::SQLBigNum(Lng32 precision, Lng32 scale,
NABoolean isARealBigNum,
NABoolean allowNegValues,
NABoolean allowSQLnull,
CollHeap * heap)
: NumericType
( LiteralBigNum
, BigNumHelper::ConvPrecisionToStorageLengthHelper(precision)
, precision
, scale
, 2 // Big Nums should always start on 2-byte boundaries
, allowNegValues
, allowSQLnull
, heap
} // SQLBigNum()
const NAType* SQLBigNum::synthesizeType(
enum NATypeSynthRuleEnum synthRule,
const NAType& operand1,
const NAType& operand2,
CollHeap* h,
UInt32 *flags) const
// If the second operand's type synthesis rules have higher precedence than
// this operand's rules, use the second operand's rules.
if (operand2.getSynthesisPrecedence() > getSynthesisPrecedence())
return operand2.synthesizeType(synthRule, operand1, operand2, h, flags);
// If either operand is not numeric, the expression is invalid.
if ((operand1.getTypeQualifier() != NA_NUMERIC_TYPE) ||
(operand2.getTypeQualifier() != NA_NUMERIC_TYPE))
return NULL;
const NumericType& op1 = (NumericType &) operand1;
const NumericType& op2 = (NumericType &) operand2;
// If either operand is signed, the result is signed.
NABoolean isSigned = op1.isSigned() OR op2.isSigned();
// If either operand is nullable, the result is nullable.
NABoolean isNullable = op1.supportsSQLnull() OR op2.supportsSQLnull();
NABoolean isRealBigNum =
((op1.isBigNum() && ((SQLBigNum&)op1).isARealBigNum()) ||
(op2.isBigNum() && ((SQLBigNum&)op2).isARealBigNum()));
// Compute the scale and precision of the result.
Lng32 scale;
Lng32 precision;
switch (synthRule) {
Lng32 magnitude = MAXOF(op1.getMagnitude(), op2.getMagnitude());
scale = MAXOF(op1.getScale(), op2.getScale());
precision = (magnitude + 9) / 10 + scale;
// Return a new type of type 'this' with data attributes of 'other'.
assert(this == &op2);
const NumericType& other = op1;
scale = other.getScale();
precision = (other.getMagnitude() + 9) / 10 + scale;
isSigned = other.isSigned();
isNullable = other.supportsSQLnull();
Lng32 magnitude = MAXOF(op1.getMagnitude(), op2.getMagnitude());
scale = MAXOF(op1.getScale(), op2.getScale());
precision = (magnitude + 9) / 10 + scale + 1;
scale = op1.getScale() + op2.getScale();
precision = (op1.getMagnitude() + 9) / 10 +
(op2.getMagnitude() + 9) / 10 +
// scale = MAXOF(op1.getScale(), op2.getScale());
//precision = (op1.getMagnitude() + 9) / 10 +
// (op2.getMagnitude() + 9) / 10 +
// scale;
scale = (op2.getMagnitude() + 9) / 10 + op1.getScale();
precision = (op1.getMagnitude() + 9) / 10 + op2.getScale() + scale;
scale = 6;
isSigned = op1.isSigned();
return NULL;
return new(h) SQLBigNum(precision,
double SQLBigNum::getNormalizedValue(void* buf) const
double temp = 0;
char * valPtr = (char *)buf;
char sign = BIGN_GET_SIGN(valPtr, getNominalSize());
// if negative, just return -1
if (sign)
return -1;
// Recast input as an array of unsigned shorts
unsigned short * valPtrInShorts = (unsigned short *) valPtr;
// NOTE: The last bit contains the sign bit. It must be 0 since, if not,
// we would have returned -1 above.
for (Int32 i = getNominalSize()/2 - 1; i >= 0; i--)
temp = temp * 65536 + valPtrInShorts[i]; // 65536 = 2^16, base for Big Nums
// set a limit to prevent possible overflow
if (temp >= 2.7430620343968440e+303 ) { // max of double / 65536
return -1;
return temp * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale());
double SQLBigNum::encode (void * input) const
double temp = 0;
char * valPtr = (char *)input;
if (supportsSQLnull()) valPtr += getSQLnullHdrSize();
// Recast input as an array of unsigned shorts
unsigned short * valPtrInShorts = (unsigned short *) valPtr;
char sign = BIGN_GET_SIGN(valPtr, getNominalSize());
// Clear sign bit
BIGN_CLR_SIGN(valPtr, getNominalSize());
for (Int32 i = getNominalSize()/2 - 1; i >= 0; i--)
temp = temp * (USHRT_MAX + 1) + valPtrInShorts[i]; // USHRT_MAX + 1 = 2^16, i.e
// the base in which Big Nums
// are representated
// Now, upscale it.
temp = temp * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale());
// If source is negative, negate result and then reset sign
if (sign) {
temp = -temp;
BIGN_SET_SIGN(valPtr, getNominalSize());
return temp;
// -- Min and max permissible values
void SQLBigNum::minRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
CollHeap* h) const
assert(*bufLen >= getNominalSize());
*bufLen = getNominalSize();
// Prepare ASCII representation of min permissible value in temp array.
char * temp = new (h) char[getPrecision() + 1]; // one extra byte for the sign.
if (NumericType::isUnsigned()) {
temp[0] = '+';
for (Int32 i = 1; i <= getPrecision(); i++)
temp[i] = '0';
else {
temp[0] = '-';
for (Int32 i = 1; i <= getPrecision(); i++)
temp[i] = '9';
// Convert ASCII to Big Num (with sign) representation
BigNumHelper::ConvAsciiToBigNumWithSignHelper(getPrecision() + 1, // extra byte for sign
(char *) bufPtr);
// Convert to a string
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString(temp, (Int32)(getPrecision() + 1), h);
insertScaleIndicator(*stringLiteral, getScale());
} // minRepresentableValue()
void SQLBigNum::maxRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr,
Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
CollHeap* h) const
assert(*bufLen >= getNominalSize());
*bufLen = getNominalSize();
// Prepare ASCII representation of min permissible value in temp array.
char * temp = new (h) char[getPrecision() + 1]; // one extra byte for the sign.
temp[0] = '+';
for (Int32 i = 1; i <= getPrecision(); i++)
temp[i] = '9';
// Convert ASCII to Big Num (with sign) representation
BigNumHelper::ConvAsciiToBigNumWithSignHelper(getPrecision() + 1, // extra byte for sign
(char *) bufPtr);
// Convert to a string
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString(temp, (Int32)(getPrecision() + 1), h);
insertScaleIndicator(*stringLiteral, getScale());
} // maxRepresentableValue()
NAType* SQLBigNum::closestEquivalentExternalType(CollHeap* heap)const
NAType *equivalentType = NULL;
equivalentType = this->newCopy(heap);
return equivalentType;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for LSDecimal
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
LSDecimal::LSDecimal(Lng32 length, Lng32 scale,
NABoolean allowSQLnull,CollHeap * heap)
: NumericType
( LiteralLSDecimal
, length + 1 // first byte is sign, i.e., stargae size is length + 1
, length
, scale
, 1
, allowSQLnull
} // LSDecimal()
double LSDecimal::encode(void * input) const
double temp = 0;
char * valPtr = (char *)input;
// skip the null indicator header, if exists
if (supportsSQLnull()) valPtr += getSQLnullHdrSize();
char * temp_dec = new char[getNominalSize() + 1];
str_cpy_all(temp_dec, valPtr, getNominalSize());
temp_dec[getNominalSize()] = 0;
temp = atof(temp_dec);
// upscale it
temp = temp * pow(10.0, -1 * getScale());
delete temp_dec;
return temp;
// -- Min and max permissible values
void LSDecimal::minRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
CollHeap* h) const
assert(*bufLen >= getNominalSize());
*bufLen = getNominalSize();
((char *)bufPtr)[0] = '-';
for (Lng32 i = 1; i < *bufLen; i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = '9';
// Convert to a string
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString((char *)bufPtr, (Int32)(*bufLen), h);
insertScaleIndicator(*stringLiteral, getScale());
} // LSDecimal::minRepresentableValue()
void LSDecimal::maxRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
CollHeap* h) const
assert(*bufLen >= getNominalSize());
*bufLen = getNominalSize();
((char *)bufPtr)[0] = ' ';
for (Lng32 i = 1; i < *bufLen; i++)
((char *)bufPtr)[i] = '9';
// Convert to a string
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString((char *)bufPtr, (Int32)(*bufLen), h);
insertScaleIndicator(*stringLiteral, getScale());
} // LSDecimal::maxRepresentableValue()
NABoolean NumericType::isInteger() const
return ( qualifier_ == SQLInt_TYPE || qualifier_ == SQLSmall_TYPE ||
(getTypeQualifier() == NA_NUMERIC_TYPE && getPrecision() > 0 && getScale() == 0) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Type synthesis for binary operators
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const NAType* SQLFloat::synthesizeType(enum NATypeSynthRuleEnum synthRule,
const NAType& operand1,
const NAType& operand2,
CollHeap* h,
UInt32 *flags) const
// If the second operand's type synthesis rules have higher precedence than
// this operand's rules, use the second operand's rules.
if (operand2.getSynthesisPrecedence() > getSynthesisPrecedence())
return operand2.synthesizeType(synthRule, operand1, operand2,h,flags);
// If either operand is not numeric, the expression is invalid.
if ((operand1.getTypeQualifier() != NA_NUMERIC_TYPE) ||
(operand2.getTypeQualifier() != NA_NUMERIC_TYPE))
return NULL;
const NumericType& op1 = (NumericType &) operand1;
const NumericType& op2 = (NumericType &) operand2;
// If either operand is nullable, the result is nullable.
NABoolean isNullable = op1.supportsSQLnull() OR op2.supportsSQLnull();
// Compute the precision of the result.
Lng32 precision;
switch (synthRule) {
precision = MAXOF(op1.getBinaryPrecision(), op2.getBinaryPrecision());
precision = MAXOF(op1.getBinaryPrecision(), op2.getBinaryPrecision()) + 1;
precision = op1.getBinaryPrecision() + op2.getBinaryPrecision();
return NULL;
precision = MINOF(precision, SQL_DOUBLE_PRECISION);
// return new(h) SQLFloat(isNullable, precision);
return new(h) SQLDoublePrecision(isNullable, h, precision);
double SQLFloat::encode (void* bufPtr) const
char * valPtr = (char *)bufPtr;
if (supportsSQLnull())
valPtr += getSQLnullHdrSize();
double double_ieee;
switch (getFSDatatype())
case REC_FLOAT32:
float float_ieee;
str_cpy_all ((char *)&float_ieee, valPtr, getNominalSize());
double_ieee = float_ieee;
case REC_FLOAT64:
str_cpy_all ((char *)&double_ieee, valPtr, getNominalSize());
return double_ieee;
#define FLT_TDM_MIN 1.7272337e-77F
#define FLT_TDM_MAX 1.1579208e77F
#define DBL_TDM_MIN 1.7272337110188889e-77
#define DBL_TDM_MAX 1.15792089237316192e77
void SQLFloat::minRepresentableValue
( void* bufPtr
, Lng32* bufLen
, NAString ** stringLiteral
, CollHeap* h
) const
assert(*bufLen >= getNominalSize());
*bufLen = getNominalSize();
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN]; // a reasonably large buffer
switch (getFSDatatype())
case REC_FLOAT32:
float temp = - FLT_MAX;
str_cpy_all((char *) bufPtr, (char *) &temp, SQL_REAL_SIZE);
sprintf(nameBuf, "%17.9E", temp);
case REC_FLOAT64:
// for some reason, DBL_MAX gives an overflow error when parser tries
// to convert the string literal back it the original value. So, for
// now, use FLT_MAX. (rsm 3/30/2000)
// double temp = - DBL_MAX;
double temp = - DBL_MAX;
str_cpy_all((char *) bufPtr, (char *) &temp, SQL_DOUBLE_PRECISION_SIZE);
sprintf(nameBuf, "%24.17E", temp);
} // switch
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
// Generate a printable string for the minimum value.
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
} // SQLFloat::minRepresentableValue()
void SQLFloat::maxRepresentableValue
( void* bufPtr
, Lng32* bufLen
, NAString ** stringLiteral
, CollHeap* h
) const
assert(*bufLen >= getNominalSize());
*bufLen = getNominalSize();
char nameBuf[NAME_BUF_LEN]; // a reasonably large buffer
switch (getFSDatatype())
case REC_FLOAT32:
float temp = FLT_MAX;
str_cpy_all((char *) bufPtr, (char *) &temp, SQL_REAL_SIZE);
sprintf(nameBuf, "%17.9E", temp);
case REC_FLOAT64:
// for some reason, DBL_MAX gives an overflow error when parser tries
// to convert the string literal back it the original value. So, for
// now, use FLT_MAX. (rsm 3/30/2000)
// double temp = - DBL_MAX;
double temp = DBL_MAX;
str_cpy_all((char *) bufPtr, (char *) &temp, SQL_DOUBLE_PRECISION_SIZE);
sprintf(nameBuf, "%24.17E", temp);
} // switch
if (stringLiteral != NULL)
// Generate a printable string for the minimum value.
*stringLiteral = new (h) NAString(nameBuf, h);
} // SQLFloat::maxRepresentableValue()