blob: 06755eafa80da3682412b11cacedf13a25e8f6bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef NATYPE_H
#define NATYPE_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: NAType.h
* Description: The base class for all (abstract) data types
* Created: 4/27/94
* Language: C++
#include "BaseTypes.h"
#include "Collections.h"
#include "NAStringDef.h"
#include "SQLTypeDefs.h"
#include "dfs2rec.h"
#include "charinfo.h"
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
// forward ref for methods implemented in ../optimizer/SynthType.cpp
class ItemExpr;
#define ALIGN(offset, alignment) \
((offset > 0) ? (((offset - 1)/alignment) + 1) * alignment : offset)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class NAType;
// ***********************************************************************
// Literals for the maximum and minimum data values for numeric data types
// with precision. These values are used to supply low and high values for
// keys in determining partition ranges etc.
// ***********************************************************************
#define recBin16sMax 077777
#define recBin16sMin 0100000
#define recBin16uMax 0177777
#define recBin16uMin 00
#define recBin32sMax 017777777777
#define recBin32sMin 020000000000
#define recBin32uMax 037777777777
#define recBin32uMin 00
#define recBin64sMax 0777777777777777777777LL
#define recBin64sMin 01000000000000000000000LL
#define recFloat32Min 037777777777
#define recFloat32Max 017777777777
#define recFloat64Min 01777777777777777777777LL
#define recFloat64Max 0777777777777777777777LL
// ***********************************************************************
// Enumerated lists for built-in data types that are supported.
// ***********************************************************************
enum NABuiltInTypeEnum
// ***********************************************************************
// Enumeration of different type synthesis methods that are supported.
// Each item in the list corresponds to some operation that is defined
// for the datatype.
// ***********************************************************************
enum NATypeSynthRuleEnum
// ***********************************************************************
// Minimum and maximum constants
// ***********************************************************************
enum NATypeExtrema
enum NATypeDefaultVals
// ***********************************************************************
// NAType : An abstract data type (ADT)
// ***********************************************************************
class NAType : public NABasicObject
// copy ctor
NAType (const NAType & rhs, NAMemory * h=0) ;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor function (storage size and alignment needs to be
// specified for data field only, null indicator and variable len
// field are handled automatically)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NAType (const NAString & adtName,
NABuiltInTypeEnum ev,
Lng32 dataStorageSize,
NABoolean nullable = FALSE,
Lng32 SQLnullHdrSize = 0,
NABoolean variableLength = FALSE,
Lng32 lengthHeaderSize = 0,
Lng32 dataAlignment = 1,
NAMemory * h=0
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for comparing if two ADT definitions are equal.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NABoolean operator==(const NAType& other) const;
// Identical as NAType::operator==() except null attribute is not compared.
virtual NABoolean equalIgnoreNull(const NAType& other) const;
// Checks NATypes to see if they are equal just like the operator==
// except for the SQLnullFlag_ flags. For the SQLnullFlag_ it
// checks to see if it's physical.
NABoolean equalPhysical(const NAType& other) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Are the two types compatible?
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NABoolean isCompatible(const NAType& other, UInt32 * flags = NULL) const
{ return qualifier_ == other.qualifier_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Are the two types comparable (a more stringent test)?
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
enum { EmitErrNever = FALSE, EmitErrAlways = TRUE, EmitErrIfAnyChar = 991 };
#ifndef CLI_SRL
virtual NABoolean isComparable(const NAType &other,
ItemExpr *parentOp,
Int32 emitErr = EmitErrAlways,
UInt32 * flags = NULL) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Can a conversion error occur when converting from this datatype
// to a given target datatype?
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NABoolean errorsCanOccur(const NAType& target,
NABoolean lax=TRUE) const = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the enum of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABuiltInTypeEnum getTypeQualifier() const { return qualifier_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the textual description of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const NAString& getTypeName() const { return typeName_; }
void getTypeSQLnull(NAString& ns, NABoolean ignore = FALSE) const;
virtual NAString getTypeSQLname(NABoolean terse = FALSE) const;
// For data type like BYTEINT, getTypeName() returns "SMALLINT"
// and getDisplayDataType() returns "BYTEINT"
const NAString& getDisplayDataType() const { return displayDataType_; }
void setDisplayDataType(const NAString& dt) { displayDataType_ = dt; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get a simpler textual description of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAString getSimpleTypeName() const { return getTypeSQLname(); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the filesystem datatype value (from DFS2REC) for this type.
// Used by expressions, filesystem and dp2.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual short getFSDatatype() const;
virtual Lng32 getPrecision() const;
virtual Lng32 getMagnitude() const;
virtual Lng32 getScale() const;
// the expressions code overlays precision and max chars, ...
virtual Lng32 getPrecisionOrMaxNumChars() const;
// well as scale and charset
virtual Lng32 getScaleOrCharset() const;
virtual CharInfo::CharSet getCharSet() const;
// { return CharInfo::UnknownCharSet; };
// The following method is redefined for the SQLMPDatetime and SQLInterval classes.
virtual NABoolean isSupportedType() const {return TRUE;};
virtual NABoolean isSkewBusterSupportedType() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The nominal size is number of BYTES required for storing the
// actual bit pattern that represents the data.
// The total size includes any overheads that may be associated
// for representing certain kinds of data, e.g., null values or
// variable length data (total size >= nominal size).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 getNominalSize() const { return dataStorageSize_; }
void setNominalSize(Int32 newSize) { dataStorageSize_ = newSize; }
NABoolean isValid() const { return dataStorageSize_ > 0; }
void makeInvalid() { dataStorageSize_ = 0; }
virtual Lng32 getTotalSize() const;
virtual Lng32 getTotalAlignedSize() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check if this ADT allows SQL null values.
// If physical nulls are not supported, then logical nulls are not either
// (if physicalNulls is False, then logicalNulls is ignored).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
enum SupportsSQLnull
NABoolean supportsSQLnullLogical() const
{ return SQLnullFlag_ == ALLOWS_NULLS; }
NABoolean supportsSQLnullPhysical() const
{ return SQLnullFlag_ != NOT_NULL_NOT_DROPPABLE; }
NABoolean supportsSQLnull() const
{ return supportsSQLnullPhysical(); } // for historical reasons
void setNullable(NABoolean physicalNulls, NABoolean logicalNulls = TRUE);
void setNullable(const NAType &src)
{ setNullable(src.supportsSQLnullPhysical(), src.supportsSQLnullLogical()); }
// temporarily set SQLnullFlag_ to ALLOWS_NULLS
void setSQLnullFlag() { SQLnullFlag_ = ALLOWS_NULLS; }
// reset SQLnullFlag_ to NOT_NULL_NOT_DROPPABLE
void resetSQLnullFlag() { SQLnullFlag_ = NOT_NULL_NOT_DROPPABLE; }
Lng32 getSQLnullHdrSize() const { return SQLnullHdrSize_; }
void resetSQLnullHdrSize() { SQLnullHdrSize_= 0; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check if this ADT allows values to be of variable length.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean isVaryingLen() const { return varLenFlag_; }
Lng32 getVarLenHdrSize() const { return lengthHdrSize_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the alignments, the total size of the prefix (null indicator +
// variable length field) including filler bytes, and the size of the
// type if it is an array element
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 getTotalAlignment() const { return totalAlignment_; }
Lng32 getDataAlignment() const { return dataAlignment_; }
Lng32 getPrefixSize() const;
Lng32 getPrefixSizeWithAlignment() const ;
Lng32 getArrayElementSize() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods that return the binary form of the minimum and the maximum
// representable values.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void minRepresentableValue(void*, Lng32*,
NAString ** stringLiteral = NULL,
CollHeap* h=0) const;
virtual void maxRepresentableValue(void*, Lng32*,
NAString ** stringLiteral = NULL,
CollHeap * h=0) const;
inline void minMaxRepresentableValue(void* buf,
Lng32* bufLen,
NABoolean isMax,
NAString ** stringLiteral = NULL,
CollHeap * h=0) const
{ if (isMax) maxRepresentableValue(buf, bufLen, stringLiteral, h);
else minRepresentableValue(buf, bufLen, stringLiteral, h); }
virtual double getMinValue() const { return 0; };
virtual double getMaxValue() const { return 0; };
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// create an SQL literal (in UTF-8) from a binary buffer
// returns whether it was able to create a valid SQL literal
// This assumes "buf" to be in the format of an already decoded
// key value. That's similar to SQL/ARK exploded format, except
// that there are no fillers for alignment, NULL indicator. Var
// len indicator and value appear adjacent to each other, unaligned.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NABoolean createSQLLiteral(const char * buf, // in
NAString *&sqlLiteral, // out
NABoolean &isNull, // out
CollHeap *h) const; // in/out
// compute the largest smaller value than v
virtual double computeLSV(double v) const
{ return (roundTripConversionToDouble())? v-1 : v; }
virtual NAString* convertToString(double v, NAMemory * h=0) const;
virtual NABoolean computeNextKeyValue(NAString &stringLiteral) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method that returns the encoded form (in floating point) for a
// given value. This value will then be used by the optimizer
// for estimations and selectivity computation. NOTE: this is
// NOT the key encoding used in DP2 to access rows in key-sequenced
// tables.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual double encode (void*) const { return -1; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the length of the key encoding for this type.
// NOTE: don't confuse the encoding of types into floating point
// values (approximate, used for histogram statistics and other
// heuristical decisions in the optimizer) and the key encoding
// (an order-preserving, non-reducing encoding into an unsigned
// array of bytes).
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Lng32 getEncodedKeyLength() const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods that returns TRUE if encoding for comparison is needed.
// Datatypes are encoded as a string of chars so they could be
// compared using string comparison (memcmp). Used to compare keys
// and other places where the caller doesn't want to be concerned
// about the datatype.
// Note that this function has nothing to do with the 'encode'
// method.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NABoolean isEncodingNeeded() const { return FALSE; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A function for synthesizing a nullable type from this type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const NAType* synthesizeNullableType(NAMemory * h) const;
// enums for the 'flags' parameter to synthesizeType method.
enum SynthesizeTypeFlags
// indicates that the max precision of an exact numeric bi arith
// operation is to be limited to MAX_NUMERIC_PRECISION.
// indicates that special1 mode is on. Special handling of
// syntax, expressions is done in some cases.
// See other parts of code for what all is done in this case.
MODE_SPECIAL_1 = 0x0002,
// result with scale is requested to be rounded.
ROUND_RESULT = 0x0008,
// if result of arith operation is actually rounded.
// if the result of union synthesis should always be binary
// if the result of IfThenElse or Union synthesis should be a varchar
// indicates that special4 mode is on. Special handling of
// syntax, expressions is done in some cases.
// See other parts of code for what all is done in this case.
MODE_SPECIAL_4 = 0x0080,
// enable incompatibe operations.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function for synthesizing the type of a binary operator.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual const NAType* synthesizeType(enum NATypeSynthRuleEnum synthRule,
const NAType& operand1,
const NAType& operand2,
NAMemory * h,
UInt32 *flags = NULL) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function for synthesizing the type of a ternary operator.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual const NAType* synthesizeTernary(enum NATypeSynthRuleEnum synthRule,
const NAType& operand1,
const NAType& operand2,
const NAType& operand3,
NAMemory * h=0) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following table contains the order of precedence for the type
// synthesis rules. Precedence is listed from lowest to highest. For
// example, if a binary operator has operands of type SQLNumeric
// and SQLFloat, the result type will be computed by
// SQLFloat::synthesizeType, because SQLFloat has higher precedence.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
enum SynthesisPrecedence {
, SYNTH_PREC_INTERVAL // > Numeric (ANSI 6.15, multiplication)
, SYNTH_PREC_DATETIME // > Interval (ANSI 6.14, addition)
virtual NAType::SynthesisPrecedence getSynthesisPrecedence() const
//is this type numeric or non-numeric
virtual NABoolean isNumeric() const;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Operations on 'simple' type can usually be supported by the
// underlying hardware (like, smallint, long, etc).
// Operations on 'complex' type are done in software as they involve
// more complicated operations (like datetime, large decimal, etc).
// Used by expression generator to decide which of the two methods to
// use to generate code.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NABoolean isSimpleType() const {return TRUE;};
virtual NABoolean isComplexType() const {return FALSE;};
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// If this datatype is supported externally only, then this function
// returns TRUE. External datatypes are the one that could be declared
// in an application, but they are not supported internally (that is,
// it cannot be used in a CREATE TABLE statement to create a column).
// An example is the ANSI VARCHAR datatype, which is a null terminated
// string and supported in programs only. Such datatype values are
// converted to an equivalent internal datatype when inputing the
// value into the executor. ANSI VARCHAR is converted to SQL VARCHAR
// (which is length bytes followed by data). Similarly, at output
// time, the internal datatype value is converted to the external
// datatype.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NABoolean isExternalType() const {return FALSE;};
//is this type a blob/clob
virtual NABoolean isLob() const {return FALSE;};
// returns the equivalent internal datatype
virtual NAType * equivalentType(NAMemory * h=0) const {return NULL;};
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// If this is a software datatype like Large Decimal or Big Num, this
// routine returns TRUE. Currently (Jan '03) an exact numeric literal
// that is greater than 18 digits is not supported in both R2 And R 1.8.X.
// Internally we make these numeric values to be software datatypes
// (large decimal or big num)but that is only done for temporary results.
// User entered numeric values, either as literals or params or hostvars
// should not exceed 18 digits. Internally if a user defined variable is
// converted to these software datatypes, the optimizer converts it to
// its closest equivalent type. The routine closestEquivalentExternalType()
// returns this type. For example, if a parameter is coerced to either
// big num or large decimal, then the optimizer actually sets it to a
// SQLNumeric with maximum precision.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAType * closestEquivalentExternalType (NAMemory* heap=0) const
{return this->newCopy(heap);}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Print function for debugging
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void print(FILE* ofd = stdout, const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A method for generating the hash key.
// SQL builtin types should return getTypeSQLName()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAString *getKey(NAMemory * h=0) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A pure virtual function to return a copy of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAType *newCopy(NAMemory * h=0) const = 0;
// Gets the length that a given data type would use in the display tool
virtual Lng32 getDisplayLength(Lng32 datatype,
Lng32 length,
Lng32 precision,
Lng32 scale,
Lng32 heading_len) const;
virtual Lng32 getDisplayLength() const;
// A helper function.
// This method returns a text representation of the datatype
// based on the datatype information input to this method/
static short convertTypeToText(char * text, /* OUTPUT */
Lng32 fs_datatype, // all other vars: INPUT
Lng32 length,
Lng32 precision,
Lng32 scale,
rec_datetime_field datetimestart,
rec_datetime_field datetimeend,
short datetimefractprec,
short intervalleadingprec,
short upshift,
short caseinsensitive,
CharInfo::CharSet charSet,
CharInfo::Collation collation,
const char * displaydatatype,
short displayCaseSpecific = 0);
short getMyTypeAsText(NAString * outputStr,
NABoolean addNullability = TRUE) const; // output
short getMyTypeAsHiveText(NAString * outputStr) const; // output
// used for query caching
Lng32 getSize() const;
Lng32 hashKey() const;
NABoolean amSafeToHash() const;
// used for skew buster. For SQLNumeric data type, we do not want to
// compute hash in FrequentValue objects, since 200.00 and 200.000 will have different
// hash values. Yet they are equal. Since hash values are used to determine the
// equal-ness of two FrequentValues, we cannot compute hash for SQLNumeric when the
// intended use of the hash is to store in FrequentValue objects.
NABoolean useHashInFrequentValue() const;
NABoolean useHashRepresentation() const;
virtual NABoolean roundTripConversionToDouble() const { return FALSE; };
// used during expr generation to indicate if conversion to/from otherFsType
// is supported by expr evaluator.
virtual NABoolean expConvSupported
(const NAType &otherNAType) const { return TRUE; }
static NAType* getNATypeForHive(const char* hiveType, NAMemory* heap);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Each data type has a characteristic size, expressed in bytes, for
// representing a value. It does not include any extra headers that
// may be required for indicating that a value is null or of a
// variable length.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 dataStorageSize_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A flag that indicates whether the ADT supports SQL null values.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SupportsSQLnull SQLnullFlag_;
Lng32 SQLnullHdrSize_; // physical attribute
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A flag that indicates that dataStorageSize_ is the maximum number of
// bytes of storage required for representing an instance of this type.
// The actual size of the storage used is stored together with each
// value instance.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean varLenFlag_;
Lng32 lengthHdrSize_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A number that indicates how the data needs to be aligned. The
// data alignment shows how the actual data needs to be aligned, the
// total alignment is the combination of the alignments of null
// indicator, var length, and data field. It has one of the values of
// 1, 2, 4, or 8. A value of 1 means the field needs no alignment.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 totalAlignment_;
Lng32 dataAlignment_;
NAType(); // default ctor, not implemented, not callable
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Each ADT has a name.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NAString typeName_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The generic class to which the data type belongs.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABuiltInTypeEnum qualifier_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// For data type like BYTEINT which maps to SMALLINT
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NAString displayDataType_;
}; // class NAType
#endif /* NATYPE_H */