blob: e06d8f8c3e9f90f3f588bca418d09ce6af20002a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef MISCTYPE_H
#define MISCTYPE_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: MiscType.h
* Description: Miscellaneous types
* Created: 4/12/95
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <limits.h>
#include "BaseTypes.h"
#include "NAType.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class SQLBoolean;
class SQLRowset;
class SQLUnknown;
static NAString LiteralBoolean("BOOLEAN");
static NAString LiteralRecord("RECORD");
static NAString LiteralUnknown("UNKNOWN");
static NAString LiteralRowset("ROWSET");
// ***********************************************************************
// SQLBooleanBase : The boolean data type
// ***********************************************************************
class SQLBooleanBase : public NAType
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SQLBooleanBase(NABoolean allowSQLnull,
NABoolean isRelat,
NAMemory * heap=0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A method which tells if a conversion error can occur when converting
// a value of this type to the target type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean errorsCanOccur (const NAType& target, NABoolean lax=TRUE) const;
}; // class SQLBooleanBase
// ***********************************************************************
// SQLBooleanRelat : The boolean data type used in relational operators
// ***********************************************************************
class SQLBooleanRelat : public SQLBooleanBase
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SQLBooleanRelat(NABoolean sqlUnknownFlag = TRUE,
NAMemory * heap=0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function to return a copy of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAType *newCopy(NAMemory* h=0) const;
virtual short getFSDatatype() const { return REC_BIN32_SIGNED; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the external/SQL name of the Type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAString getTypeSQLname(NABoolean terse = FALSE) const
{return "BOOLEAN_RELAT";}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function for synthesizing the type of a binary operator.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual const NAType* synthesizeType(enum NATypeSynthRuleEnum synthRule,
const NAType& operand1,
const NAType& operand2,
CollHeap* h,
UInt32 *flags = NULL) const;
// ---------------- Methods not inherited from NAType ----------------
NABoolean canBeSQLUnknown() const { return sqlUnknownFlag_;}
NABoolean sqlUnknownFlag_;
}; // class SQLBooleanRelat
// ***********************************************************************
// SQLBooleanNative : The boolean data type used as a column datatype
// ***********************************************************************
class SQLBooleanNative : public SQLBooleanBase
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SQLBooleanNative(NABoolean allowSQLnull,
NAMemory * heap=0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function to return a copy of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAType *newCopy(NAMemory* h=0) const;
virtual short getFSDatatype() const { return REC_BOOLEAN; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the external/SQL name of the Type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAString getTypeSQLname(NABoolean terse = FALSE) const
{return "BOOLEAN";}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function for synthesizing the type of a binary operator.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual const NAType* synthesizeType(enum NATypeSynthRuleEnum synthRule,
const NAType& operand1,
const NAType& operand2,
CollHeap* h,
UInt32 *flags = NULL) const;
virtual void minRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
CollHeap* h) const;
virtual void maxRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr, Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
CollHeap* h) const;
// ---------------- Methods not inherited from NAType ----------------
}; // class SQLBooleanNative
// ***********************************************************************
// SQLRowset: the Rowset array data type.
// This is mainly for host variables of Rowset type. Other than
// that, rowsets would be very much like arrays.
// The name SQLArray is not used to avoid a future conflict with a real
// database array type such as collection.
// ***********************************************************************
class SQLRowset : public NAType
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SQLRowset(NAType *elementType, Lng32 maxNumElements,
Lng32 numElements,NAMemory * heap=0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Are the two types compatible?
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NABoolean isCompatible(const NAType& other, UInt32 * flags = NULL) const;
virtual NABoolean operator==(const NAType& other) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Can a conversion error occur when converting from this datatype
// to a given target datatype?
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NABoolean errorsCanOccur (const NAType& target,
NABoolean lax=TRUE) const;
virtual NAString getSimpleTypeName() const;
virtual NAString getTypeSQLname(NABoolean terse = FALSE) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the filesystem datatype value (from DFS2REC) for this type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual short getFSDatatype() const;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Operations on 'simple' type can usually be supported by the
// underlying hardware (like, smallint, long, etc).
// Operations on 'complex' type are done in software as they involve
// more complicated operations (like datetime, large decimal, etc).
// Used by expression generator to decide which of the two methods to
// use to generate code.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NABoolean isSimpleType() const {return TRUE;};
virtual NABoolean isComplexType() const {return FALSE;};
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Print function for debugging
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void print(FILE* ofd = stdout, const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function to return a copy of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAType *newCopy(CollHeap* h=0) const;
virtual const NAType* synthesizeType(enum NATypeSynthRuleEnum synthRule,
const NAType& operand1,
const NAType& operand2,
CollHeap* h,
UInt32 *flags = NULL) const;
// ---------------- Methods not inherited from NAType ----------------
// Accesor methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NAType* getElementType() const;
Lng32 getNumElements() const;
Lng32 setNumElements(Lng32 numElements);
Lng32 getMaxNumElements() const;
NABoolean &useTotalSize()
return useTotalSize_;
NAType *elementType_; // The type of each array element
const Lng32 maxNumElements_; // Maximum number of elements as specified
// in the host variable declaration
Lng32 numElements_; // Number of elements in use always starting
// from zero.
NABoolean useTotalSize_; // Used at generation time to determine
// if the whole rowset size is to be
// generated or part of it
}; // class SQLRowset
// ***********************************************************************
// SQLRecord : The record data type
// ***********************************************************************
class SQLRecord : public NAType
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SQLRecord(const NAType * elementType,
const SQLRecord * restOfRecord,
NAMemory * heap=0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function to return a copy of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAType *newCopy(CollHeap * h=0) const;
short getFSDatatype() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get a simpler textual description of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAString getSimpleTypeName() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the external/SQL name of the Type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAString getTypeSQLname(NABoolean terse = FALSE) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function for synthesizing the type of a binary operator.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual const NAType* synthesizeType(enum NATypeSynthRuleEnum synthRule,
const NAType& operand1,
const NAType& operand2,
CollHeap* h,
UInt32 *flags = NULL) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Are the two types compatible?
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NABoolean isCompatible(const NAType& other, UInt32 * flags = NULL) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A method which tells if a conversion error can occur when converting
// a value of this type to the target type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean errorsCanOccur (const NAType& target, NABoolean lax=TRUE) const;
// ---------------- Methods not inherited from NAType ----------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accesor methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const NAType * getElementType() const;
const SQLRecord * getRestOfRecord() const;
Lng32 getDegree() const;
const NAType * elementType_;
const SQLRecord * restOfRecord_;
Lng32 degree_; // number of types in the record
}; // class SQLRecord
// ***********************************************************************
// SQLUnknown : The unknown data type (for params and NULLs)
// ***********************************************************************
class SQLUnknown : public NAType
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SQLUnknown(NABoolean supportsSQLnull = FALSE,CollHeap * heap=0)
: NAType(LiteralUnknown, NA_UNKNOWN_TYPE, 2, supportsSQLnull, SQL_NULL_HDR_SIZE,FALSE,0,1,heap) {}
// copy ctor
SQLUnknown(const SQLUnknown &unknown,NAMemory * heap=0)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function to return a copy of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAType *newCopy(CollHeap* h=0) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A method which tells if a conversion error can occur when converting
// a value of this type to the target type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean errorsCanOccur (const NAType& target, NABoolean lax=TRUE) const;
}; // class SQLUnknown
#endif /* MISCTYPE_H */