blob: b048680f10ab601393d4e2571aed7a33e3cff12c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef IPC_H
#define IPC_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: Ipc.h
* Description: Classes to establish and perform data exchange between
* processes. Supports sockets and GUARDIAN file system.
* Ipc objects do not use the C++ runtime library.
* Created: 11/6/95
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Platform.h"
#include "PortProcessCalls.h"
#include "Int64.h"
#include "ComVersionDefs.h"
#include "IpcSockets.h"
//#include "ex_sql_table.h"
#include "Collections.h"
#include "fs/feerrors.h"
// 64-bit
// We must use literal "int" here, which violates our rule not use int
// directly in our source code. Otherwise, we'd have macro redefinition
// because _cc_status is defined as int in a header file not in our source.
#define _cc_status int /* MUST use "int" here, not Int32. See comment above.*/
#define LSIG 0200
#define LREQ 0400
#define LDONE 02000
#define LRABBIT 010
#include "ComExeTrace.h"
#include <time.h>
#if (defined (NA_LINUX) && defined (SQ_NEW_PHANDLE))
#include "seabed/fs.h"
#endif // NA_LINUX
#endif // ERROR_STATE
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const unsigned char closeTraceEntries = 64;
const unsigned char bawaitioxTraceEntries = 64;
#ifdef _DEBUG
struct GuaNodeName;
struct GuaReceiveInfo;
struct CloseTraceEntry;
struct PersistentOpenEntry;
struct BawaitioxTraceEntry;
class GuaReceiveFastStart;
class SockConnection;
class SqlTableConnection;
class IpcNodeName;
struct GuaProcessHandle;
class MyGuaProcessHandle;
struct SockProcessId;
class IpcProcessId;
class IpcConnection;
class IpcSetOfConnections;
class SockPairConnection;
class GuaConnectionToServer;
class GuaMsgConnectionToServer;
class GuaConnectionToClient;
class IpcControlConnection;
class SockControlConnection;
class GuaReceiveControlConnection;
class IpcMessageBuffer;
class IpcMessageStreamBase;
class IpcMessageStream;
class IpcBufferedMsgStream;
class IpcClientMsgStream;
class IpcServerMsgStream;
class IpcServer;
class IpcGuardianServer;
class IpcServerClass;
class IpcAllConnections;
class IpcEnvironment;
class DefaultIpcHeap;
class ComDiagsArea;
class IpcConnectionTrace;
struct NowaitedEspStartup;
struct NowaitedEspServer;
// Macros
#define DELAY_CSEC(n) DELAY(n)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward declarations
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CliGlobals;
class ExRtFragTable; // needed for IPC-related data structure integrity check
class ExMasterEspMessage; // needed for IPC-related data structure integrity check
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A GUARDIAN style node name
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const Int32 GuaNodeNameMaxLen = 8;
struct GuaNodeName
char nodeName_[GuaNodeNameMaxLen]; // we don't store the leading backslash
struct IpcEyeCatcher
char nameForObjIdentity[4]; // should 8-byte have better performance
class IpcAwaitiox
IpcAwaitiox() { fileNum_ = -1; completed_ = FALSE; retryCount_ = 0; }
void DoAwaitiox(NABoolean ignoreLrec);
Int32 ActOnAwaitiox(void **bufAddr, Int32 *count, SB_Tag_Type *tag);
inline short getFileNum() { return fileNum_; }
inline NABoolean getCompleted() { return completed_; }
Int32 condCode_;
short fileNum_;
void * bufAddr_;
Int32 count_;
SB_Tag_Type tag_;
short retCode_;
short lastError_;
NABoolean completed_;
short retryCount_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A generic, normalized node name (either IP address or GUARDIAN node name)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class IpcNodeName
inline IpcNodeName() { domain_ = IPC_DOM_INVALID; }
// resolve a node name from a domain identifier and a character string
IpcNodeName(IpcNetworkDomain dom,
const char *name);
// extract a node name from a process id
// IpcNodeName(const IpcProcessId &proc);
// make a node name from an Internet address or from a phandle
IpcNodeName(const SockIPAddress &iPNode);
#if (defined(NA_GUARDIAN_IPC) || defined(NA_GUARDIAN_MSG) || defined(NA_HSC))
IpcNodeName(const GuaProcessHandle &phandle);
// Return the Guardian node name as a character string, without trailing spaces.
inline void getNodeNameAsString (char * nodeName) const
nodeName[0] = '\\';
for (Int32 i=0;i<GuaNodeNameMaxLen;i++)
if (guardianNode_.nodeName_[i] > ' ')
nodeName[i+1] = guardianNode_.nodeName_[i];
nodeName[i+1] = 0;
IpcNodeName & operator = (const IpcNodeName &other);
NABoolean operator == (const IpcNodeName &other);
inline IpcNetworkDomain getDomain() const { return domain_; }
SockIPAddress getIPAddress() const;
// the domain under which this node is addressable
IpcNetworkDomain domain_;
SockRawIPAddress ipAddr_;
GuaNodeName guardianNode_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// maximum buffer size sent through WRITEREADX (for GuaConnectionToServer)
// or MSG_LINK_ (for GuaMsgConnectionToServer). Attempts to use buffers
// larger than this will result in the message being broken up and sent in
// chunks in those class's tryToStartNewIO methods. This value is also
// used by GuaReceiveControlConnection::initiateReceive and by
// GuaReceiveControlConnection::recycleReceiveBuffer.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#define IOSIZEMAX 32000 // 131016 128K - 48 (buffer header) - 8 (memory fragment overhead)
const IpcMessageObjSize GuaMaxMsgIOSize = IOSIZEMAX;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// max length of node names in ASCII format (Guardian actually has a
// lower limit, see GuaNodeNameMaxLen above)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const Int32 IpcNodeNameMaxLength = 100;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Minimum Priv Stack size.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const Int32 minPrivStackSize = 65536;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// max length of Unix/OSS file names and Guardian file names
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const Int32 IpcMaxUnixPathNameLength = 512;
const Int32 IpcMaxGuardianPathNameLength = NA_MAX_PATH;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A Guardian file number and a Guardian error code
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef short GuaFileNumber;
const GuaFileNumber InvalidGuaFileNumber = -1;
typedef short GuaErrorNumber;
// some error numbers that are handled in this code
const GuaErrorNumber GuaOK = FEOK;
const GuaErrorNumber GuaTimeoutErr = FETIMEDOUT;
const GuaErrorNumber GuaSysmsgReceived = FESYSMESS;
const GuaErrorNumber GuaInvalidFileType = FEINVALOP;
const GuaErrorNumber GuaClientCpuDown = 509; // received "cpu down" sysmsg
const GuaErrorNumber GuaClientNodeDown = 510; // received "node down" sysmsg
const GuaErrorNumber GuaIpcApplicationErr = 511; // generated by this Ipc layer
// indicate an invalid Guardian reply tag in a message buffer
const short GuaInvalidReplyTag = -1;
// Helps with tracing state changes in IpcConnection
const Int32 NumIpcConnTraces = 8;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A network process id, uniquely identifying a process on a node
// (actually, two different implementations for this object exist)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct GuaProcessHandle
#if (defined(NA_LINUX) && defined (SQ_NEW_PHANDLE))
SB_Phandle_Type phandle_;
// on NSK systems, this is called a PHANDLE
short phandle_[10];
#endif // NA_LINUX
NABoolean operator == (const GuaProcessHandle &other) const;
#if (defined(NA_GUARDIAN_IPC) || defined(NA_GUARDIAN_MSG))
NABoolean compare(const GuaProcessHandle &other) const;
NABoolean fromAscii(const char *ascii);
Int32 toAscii(char *ascii, Int32 asciiLen) const;
#if (defined (NA_LINUX) && defined(SQ_NEW_PHANDLE))
Lng32 decompose(Int32 &cpu, Int32 &pin, Int32 &nodeNumber
, SB_Int64_Type &seqNum
) const;
Lng32 decompose(short &cpu, short &pin, Int32 &nodeNumber) const;
#endif // NA_LINUX
Int32 decompose2(Int32 &cpu, Int32 &pin, Int32 &node
, SB_Int64_Type &seqNum
) const;
void dumpAndStop(bool doDump, bool doStop) const;
#if (defined(NA_GUARDIAN_IPC) || defined(NA_GUARDIAN_MSG))
class MyGuaProcessHandle : public GuaProcessHandle
// default constructor initializes object with my own process handle
struct SockProcessId
// with TCP/IP socket-based communication, a process is identified by an
// IP address (a node identifier) and its listner port
// (the port to send new connect() requests to)
SockRawIPAddress ipAddress_;
SockPortNumber listnerPort_;
struct GuaReceiveInfo
// type of I/O 0=sys msg, 1=WRITE, 2=READ, 3=WRITEREAD
short ioType_;
// max possible reply length (reply buffer len of READ/WRITEREAD)
#ifndef USE_SB_NEW_RI
short maxReplyLen_;
Int32 maxReplyLen_;
// system-assigned message tag, to be specified in REPLYX
short replyTag_;
// open file number used by client
short clientFileNumber_;
// sync id (mainly for NonStop process pairs
short syncId_[2];
// phandle of the client
GuaProcessHandle phandle_;
// open label, assigned by the server upon reply to the open message
// (used here to store the connection id)
short openLabel_;
SB_Uid_Type userId_;
struct CloseTraceEntry
unsigned short count_; // Number of times traceClose was called
unsigned short line_; // Line number where traceClose was called
short clientFileNumber_;
Int32 cpu_;
Int32 pin_;
SB_Int64_Type seqNum_;
struct PersistentOpenEntry
GuaProcessHandle persistentOpenPhandle_;
short persistentOpenFileNum_;
NABoolean persistentOpenExists_;
struct BawaitioxTraceEntry
unsigned short count_;
ULng32 recursionCount_;
IpcSetOfConnections *ipcSetOfConnections_;
CollIndex firstConnectionIndex_;
IpcConnection *firstConnection_;
IpcAwaitiox ipcAwaitiox_;
class GuaReceiveFastStart
NABoolean open_;
GuaFileNumber receiveFile_;
GuaErrorNumber openError_;
NABoolean readUpdate_;
unsigned char readBuffer_[80];
_bcc_status readUpdateStatus_;
unsigned char *bufferData_;
NABoolean awaitiox_;
_bcc_status awaitioxStatus_;
Int32 awaitioxCountTransferred_;
SB_Tag_Type ioTag_;
GuaErrorNumber awaitioxError_;
GuaErrorNumber fileGetInfoError_;
NABoolean fileGetReceiveInfo_;
GuaReceiveInfo receiveInfo_;
GuaErrorNumber fileGetReceiveInfoError_;
NABoolean replyx_;
Int32 replyxCountWritten_;
GuaErrorNumber replyxstatus_;
struct NowaitedEspStartup
NowaitedEspServer *nowaitedEspServer_;
Int32 *procCreateError_;
void **newPhandle_;
NABoolean *nowaitedStartupCompleted_;
struct NowaitedEspServer
pthread_mutex_t cond_mutex_;
pthread_cond_t cond_cond_;
Int64 startTag_;
Int64 callbackCount_;
Int64 completionCount_;
NABoolean waiting_;
char waitedStartupArg_;
class IpcProcessId : public IpcMessageObj
// create a NULL process id
// create a process id from a phandle
IpcProcessId(const GuaProcessHandle &phandle);
// create a process id from an IP address and a port number
IpcProcessId(const SockIPAddress &ipAddr, SockPortNumber port);
// create a process id from an ASCII string (IP addr:port for internet,
IpcProcessId(const char *asciiRepresentation);
// copy constructor
IpcProcessId(const IpcProcessId &other);
// Destructor (needed for Tandem compiler for some strange reason)
~IpcProcessId() {}
IpcProcessId & operator = (const IpcProcessId &other);
inline IpcNetworkDomain getDomain() const { return domain_; }
NABoolean operator == (const IpcProcessId &other) const;
NABoolean match(const IpcNodeName &name,
IpcCpuNum cpuNum = IPC_CPU_DONT_CARE) const;
SockIPAddress getIPAddress() const;
SockPortNumber getPortNumber() const;
const GuaProcessHandle &getPhandle() const;
IpcNodeName getNodeName() const;
IpcCpuNum getCpuNum() const;
Int32 toAscii(char *outBuf, Int32 outBufLen) const;
void addProcIdToDiagsArea(ComDiagsArea &diags, Int32 stringno = 0) const;
// make a connection to the process
IpcConnection *createConnectionToServer(IpcEnvironment *env,
NABoolean usesTransactions,
Lng32 maxNowaitRequests,
NABoolean parallelOpen = FALSE,
Int32 *openCompletionScheduled = NULL
NABoolean dataConnectionToEsp = FALSE
) const;
// methods needed to pack and unpack the object
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer);
void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer);
// the domain under which this process is addressable
IpcNetworkDomain domain_;
#ifdef NA_64BIT
// to make phandle_ 8-byte aligned
Int32 spare_;
GuaProcessHandle phandle_;
SockProcessId pid_;
// private methods
#if (defined(NA_GUARDIAN_IPC) || defined(NA_GUARDIAN_MSG))
IpcCpuNum getCpuNumFromPhandle() const;
typedef enum WaitReturnStatusEnum
WAIT_OK = 0, // the wait() terminated with no error
WAIT_INTERRUPT // interrupt received during wait()
} WaitReturnStatus;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A message queue is a queue of message buffers waiting to be sent
// or to be read
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class IpcMessageQueue : public LIST(IpcMessageBuffer *)
IpcMessageQueue(CollHeap *hp=0) : LIST(IpcMessageBuffer *)(hp) {}
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// An IpcConnection represents a point-to-point connection from one
// process to another.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef CollIndex IpcConnectionId;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// IpcConnection eyecatchers, copy only 4 chars and not the '\0'
// indentations show class hierachy
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// IpcConnectionStateEnum strings, must match the enum below
static const char * IpcConnStateName[] = {
"INITIAL ", // no connection
"OPENING ", // waiting for completion of nowaited open
"ESTABLISHED ", // connection established, we may send
"SENDING ", // we have sent a message, IO isn't complete yet
"REPLY_PENDING", // our message is sent, other party may now send
"RECEIVING ", // we are waiting for a reply, pending I/O
"CANCELLING ", // we are trying to cancel a message
"ERROR_STATE ", // the connection is in an error state
"CLOSED " // the connection has been closed
class IpcConnection : public NABasicObject
enum IpcConnectionState
INITIAL = 0, // no connection
OPENING, // waiting for completion of nowaited open
ESTABLISHED, // connection established, we may send
SENDING, // we have sent a message, IO isn't complete yet
REPLY_PENDING, // our message is sent, other party may now send
RECEIVING, // we are waiting for a reply, pending I/O
CANCELLING, // we are trying to cancel a message
ERROR_STATE, // the connection is in an error state
CLOSED // the connection has been closed
static const char *getConnectionStateString(IpcConnectionState s);
: fileNumForIOCompletion_(InvalidGuaFileNumber),
recvStreams_(NULL) {} // recvStream on C++ heap
virtual ~IpcConnection();
// send or receive a message through the connection,
// call the callback when the I/O completes
virtual void send(IpcMessageBuffer *buffer) = 0;
virtual void receive(IpcMessageStreamBase *msg) = 0;
// TRUE if repeated wait calls are allowed on this connection.
// Always return TRUE in this base class.
// Flag set in other connection methods to prevent possible looping
// caused by repeated wait calls.
virtual NABoolean moreWaitsAllowed();
// wait until a send or receive operation completed
virtual WaitReturnStatus wait(IpcTimeout timeout, UInt32 *eventConsumed = NULL, IpcAwaitiox *ipcAwaitiox = NULL) = 0;
// get the state of the connection
inline IpcConnectionState getState() const { return state_; }
// used to display connection type
const char * getEyeCatcher() const { return eyeCatcher_.nameForObjIdentity; }
// return the id used to insert a connection into an IpcSetOfConnections
inline IpcConnectionId getId() const { return id_; }
// get error info
inline Lng32 getErrorInfo() const { return errorInfo_; }
virtual void populateDiagsArea(ComDiagsArea *&d, CollHeap *diagsHeap) = 0;
// get environment info
inline IpcEnvironment *getEnvironment() const { return environment_; }
// who are we connected to
inline const IpcProcessId &getOtherEnd() const { return otherEnd_; }
ULng32 getReplySeqNum() { return replySeqNum_; }
virtual bool isServerSide();
// safe type cast down the class hierarchy
virtual SockConnection *castToSockConnection();
virtual GuaConnectionToServer *castToGuaConnectionToServer();
virtual GuaMsgConnectionToServer *castToGuaMsgConnectionToServer();
virtual GuaConnectionToClient *castToGuaConnectionToClient();
virtual SqlTableConnection *castToSqlTableConnection();
// Methods to do further status checking of connections: see whether
// there are I/O operations active at the time and whether unsent or
// unread message buffers are queued up.
inline NABoolean isConnected() const
{ return (state_ != INITIAL && state_ != ERROR_STATE); }
inline NABoolean sendIOPending() const { return (state_ == SENDING); }
inline NABoolean receiveIOPending() const
{ return (state_ == RECEIVING); }
virtual Int32 numQueuedSendMessages() = 0;
virtual Int32 numQueuedReceiveMessages() = 0;
virtual Int64 getSqlTableTransid();
// methods used for data structure integrity checking
void checkIntegrity(NABoolean checkIfOrphan = TRUE); // traverses to the "top" to begin integrity check
void checkLocalIntegrity(void); // checks integrity of this object
// Manage the flag to indicate whether IpcMessageBuffer integrity
// check should be performed on all incoming buffers.
NABoolean getTrustIncomingBuffers() const { return trustIncomingBuffers_; }
void setTrustIncomingBuffers(NABoolean b) { trustIncomingBuffers_ = b; }
NABoolean breakReceived() const { return breakReceived_; }
void setBreakReceived(NABoolean b) { breakReceived_ = b; }
// Number of streams that are waiting for replies
Int32 numReceiveCallbacksPending() { return (Int32) recvStreams_.entries(); }
// set the connection state (also manages the pending IOs list in the
// global set of connections)
virtual void setState(IpcConnectionState s);
// Used after fatal error to avoid deadlock.
virtual void setFatalError(IpcMessageStreamBase *msgStream);
virtual short getFileNumForIOCompletion()
return fileNumForIOCompletion_;
virtual void openPhandle(char * processName, NABoolean parallelOpen);
IpcMessageBuffer *getLastSentMsg() { return lastSentBuffer_; }
IpcMessageBuffer *getLastReceivedMsg() { return lastReceivedBuffer_; }
NABoolean newClientConnection(IpcMessageBuffer *receivedBuffer);
inline void setSendPersistentOpenReconnect(NABoolean v) { sendPersistentOpenReconnect_ = v; }
void reportBadMessage();
virtual IpcConnection *castToSMConnection() { return NULL; }
virtual NABoolean hasActiveIOs() { return FALSE; }
virtual void dumpAndStopOtherEnd(bool doDump, bool doStop) const {return ;}
// TRUE if connection error occurs.
// used to avoid wait looping.
// Checked by the virtual method moreWaitsAllowed().
NABoolean stopWait_;
// The Guardian file number that corresponds to this connection for
// handling of AWAITIOX completion. -1 indicates one of the
// following:
// * SQL table
// * scratch file
// * seamonster connection
short fileNumForIOCompletion_;
NABoolean sendPersistentOpenReconnect_;
// the constructor is protected since this is a pure virtual object
IpcConnection(IpcEnvironment *env, const IpcProcessId &pid, const char *eye);
// set the stopWait_ flag.
inline void stopWait(NABoolean b) { stopWait_ = b; }
inline void setErrorInfo(Lng32 x) { errorInfo_ = x; }
inline void clearErrorInfo() { errorInfo_ = 0; }
inline void setOtherEnd(const IpcProcessId &pid) { otherEnd_ = pid; }
void IOPending();
void IOComplete();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Manage the message queues in front of each connection. The queues
// may contain two kinds of message buffers: those that are waiting
// to be sent or read, and those that are currently being sent or
// received. Use the public methods send, receive, wait, sendIOPending,
// receiveIOPending, numQueuedSendMessages, and numQueuedReceiveMessages
// to put buffers into the send queue, retrieve completely received
// buffers from the receive queue, complete pending I/Os, and check the
// status of the send and receive queues.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
inline const IpcMessageQueue &sendQueue() const { return sendQueue_; }
inline const IpcMessageQueue &receiveQueue() const {return receiveQueue_;}
inline CollIndex sendQueueEntries() { return sendQueue_.entries(); }
inline CollIndex receiveQueueEntries() {return receiveQueue_.entries();}
inline void queueSendMessage(IpcMessageBuffer *msg)
{ sendQueue_.insert(msg); }
inline void queueReceiveMessage(IpcMessageBuffer *msg)
{ receiveQueue_.insert(msg);
lastReceivedBuffer_ = msg;
IpcMessageBuffer *getNextSendQueueEntry();
IpcMessageBuffer *getNextReceiveQueueEntry();
// register a messageStream callback to receive incoming message
void addReceiveCallback(IpcMessageStreamBase* msgStream)
{ recvStreams_.insert(msgStream); }
// Manage the flag to indicate whether an IpcMessageBuffer integrity
// check has failed.
NABoolean getIpcMsgBufCheckFailed() const { return ipcMsgBufCheckFailed_; }
void setIpcMsgBufCheckFailed(NABoolean b) { ipcMsgBufCheckFailed_ = b; }
inline IpcEnvironment *env() const {return environment_; }
// For tracing state_ changes.
class IpcConnectionTrace
friend class IpcConnection;
IpcConnectionState oldState_;
IpcMessageBuffer * mostRecentSendBuffer_;
IpcMessageBuffer * mostRecentReceiveBuffer_;
struct timespec stateChangeTime_;
IpcConnectionTrace(void) :
stateChangeTime_.tv_sec = 0;
stateChangeTime_.tv_nsec = 0;
IpcConnectionTrace traceState_ [NumIpcConnTraces];
Int32 lastTraceIndex_;
IpcMessageBuffer *lastSentBuffer_;
IpcMessageBuffer *lastReceivedBuffer_;
// Subclasses may want to separate the operations of removing from
// the send queue and preparing a buffer to be sent (which involves
// assigning the buffer a sequence number among other things). These
// two operations together perform the equivalent of
// getNextSendQueueEntry().
IpcMessageBuffer *removeNextSendBuffer();
IpcMessageBuffer *removeNextReceiveBuffer();
void prepareSendBuffer(IpcMessageBuffer *);
void removeReceiveStreams();
// eye catcher
IpcEyeCatcher eyeCatcher_;
// the state of the connection (who may send next, etc.)
IpcConnectionState state_;
// an index into the global connection table
IpcConnectionId id_;
// error information associated with the connection
Lng32 errorInfo_;
// environment information
IpcEnvironment *environment_;
// which process is this connection connected to on the other end
IpcProcessId otherEnd_;
// messages queues for sending/receiving
IpcMessageQueue sendQueue_;
IpcMessageQueue receiveQueue_;
// sequence number of the next expected msg reply. the server side puts
// seq number in reply buffer before msg send. the client side verifies
// reply seq number upon msg receive.
ULng32 replySeqNum_;
// lists used to match message stream callbacks with incoming messages
LIST(IpcMessageStreamBase*) recvStreams_;
// for data structure integrity checking -- used to detect "orphaned" objects
NABoolean isOrphaned_; // set to TRUE at beginning of check, set
// to FALSE when traversed to, checked at end of check
// All connections carry a flag indicating whether incoming buffers
// should be trusted. When buffers are not trusted, a sanity check
// is performed on each incoming IpcMessageBuffer as it arrives to
// make sure the chain of IpcMessageObj instances in that buffer
// does not extend beyond the buffer.
// When one of these sanity checks fails, the IpcConnection subclass
// should set ipcMsgBufCheckFailed_ to TRUE and transition to the
// ERROR_STATE state.
// Currently the only connection object that does not trust incoming
// buffers is the client-side connection to the UDR server.
NABoolean trustIncomingBuffers_;
NABoolean ipcMsgBufCheckFailed_;
// A flag indicating whether a break was received while waiting on the
// connection.
NABoolean breakReceived_;
}; // class IpcConnection
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A bunch of connections (used to broadcast/multicast messages and
// to wait for any one of the message transfers to complete)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class IpcSetOfConnections : public SUBARRAY(IpcConnection *)
IpcSetOfConnections(IpcAllConnections *superset, CollHeap* hp=0,
NABoolean eventDriven=FALSE, NABoolean esp=FALSE);
// copy ctor
IpcSetOfConnections (const IpcSetOfConnections & orig, CollHeap * h=0) ;
// TRUE if repeated wait calls are allowed on ANY connection,
// FALSE otherwise.
// used to prevent possible looping caused by repeated wait calls.
NABoolean moreWaitsAnyConnection();
// used by asynchronous CLI cancel.
inline void cancelWait(NABoolean b) { cancelWait_ = b; }
// Wait on the specified connections (or on a superset of them)
// until some I/O completes on some connection (not necessarily
// one of the specified set) or until the timeout expires.
// If calledByESP then also deletes closed connections and checks that
// the master process is still alive (if not alive then the ESP stops).
WaitReturnStatus waitOnSet(IpcTimeout timeout = IpcInfiniteTimeout,
NABoolean calledByESP = FALSE,
NABoolean *timedout = NULL);
void infoPendingConnections(char *buffer, int max_len, int *rsp_len);
void waitOnSMConnections(IpcTimeout timeout);
// allow iteration over the members of the set, by writing the
// following for-loop:
// IpcSetOfConnections x;
// for (CollIndex i = 0; x.setToNext(i); i++)
// x.element(i)->wait();
// setToNext returns TRUE if entry at index i is used, else it sets the
// value of the index i to the next used connection and returns TRUE as well.
// FALSE is returned if there are no more connections (beyond i).
inline NABoolean setToNext(CollIndex &i) const { return nextUsed(i); }
inline NABoolean isEsp() const { return esp_; }
// methods used for data structure integrity checking
void checkIntegrity(void); // traverses to the "top" to begin integrity check
void checkLocalIntegrity(void); // checks integrity of this object
NABoolean cancelWait_;
// for data structure integrity checking -- used to detect "orphaned" objects
NABoolean isOrphaned_; // set to TRUE at beginning of check, set
// to FALSE when traversed to, checked at end of check
IpcAllConnections * allc_; // so we can traverse there for integrity check
NABoolean eventDriven_; // Drive polling by waiting on LDONE
NABoolean esp_;
Int64 callCount_; // Number of times wait method was called
Int64 pollCount_; // Number of times connections were polled
Int64 waitCount_; // Number of times WAIT was called
Int64 ldoneCount_; // Number of LDONE completions
Int64 lreqCount_; // Number of LREQ completions
Int64 lsigCount_; // Number of LSIG completions
Int64 smCompletionCount_; // Number of seamonster (LRABBIT) completions
Int64 timeoutCount_; // Number of timeout completions
Int64 activityPollCount_; // Number of times connections were polled due to activity
short lastWaitStatus_; // Last status returned by WAIT
NABoolean ipcAwaitioxEnabled_; // IPC AWAITIOX(-1) is enabled where applicable
IpcAwaitiox ipcAwaitiox_; // IocAwaitiox object
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A socket-based connection
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class SockConnection : public IpcConnection
SockConnection(IpcEnvironment *env,
const IpcProcessId &pid,
NABoolean thisIsTheControlConnection,
const char *eye = eye_SOCKET_CONNECTION);
// a constructor to use an existing operating system socket in this object
SockConnection(IpcEnvironment *env, SockFdesc fdesc, NABoolean isClient,
const char *eye = eye_SOCKET_CONNECTION);
virtual ~SockConnection();
// get the listner port from the client
// (use only if this is the control connection)
void receiveClientProcId(IpcProcessId &pid);
// send and receive (when a callback function is specified, then
// the operation is non-blocking/nowait)
virtual void send(IpcMessageBuffer *buffer);
virtual void receive(IpcMessageStreamBase *msg);
// wait until some send or receive operation completed
virtual WaitReturnStatus wait(IpcTimeout timeout, UInt32 *eventConsumed = NULL, IpcAwaitiox *ipcAwaitiox = NULL);
virtual SockConnection *castToSockConnection();
// check how many messages are currently queued (for flow control)
virtual Int32 numQueuedSendMessages();
virtual Int32 numQueuedReceiveMessages();
// set error info
virtual void populateDiagsArea(ComDiagsArea *&diags, CollHeap *diagsHeap);
// assign this socket to standard input/output and close the existing
// file descriptor (this assignment stays beyond fork() and exec() calls)
inline void assignToStdInOut() { sock_.assignToStdInOut(); }
// creates a duplicate handle for fdesc_
inline SockFdesc getDuplicateFdesc_() { return sock_.getDuplicateFdesc_(); };
// public to make the compiler happy
// A struct to store information about a buffer that is not yet sent
// or that is currently being received.
// Possible states of an IO queue in the client:
// + send() has been called, not sent yet
// -> sent_ = FALSE, msg_, sendBuffer_, replyTag_ set, receiving_ = FALSE
// + sent, no reply received yet and receive() not called yet
// -> sent_ = TRUE, msg_, replyTag_ set, sendBuffer_ = NULL,
// recvBuffer_ = NULL, receiving_ = FALSE
// + sent, reply data received but receive() not called yet
// -> sent_ = TRUE, msg_, recvBuffer_ set, sendBuffer_ = NULL,
// receiving_ = FALSE
// + sent, no reply data received but receive() has been called
// -> sent_ = TRUE, msg_, replyTag_, whenDone_ set, sendBuffer_ = NULL,
// recvBuffer_ = NULL, receiving_ = TRUE
// + received (callback has been called)
// -> entry is gone from the list
// Possible states of an IO queue in the server:
// + receive() has been called, no data received yet
// -> sent_ = FALSE, sendBuffer_ = NULL, recvBuffer_ = NULL,
// receiving_ = TRUE,
// + data has been received and the receive callback has been called
// -> sent_ = FALSE, replyTag_ set, recvBuffer_ = NULL,
// sendBuffer_ = NULL, receiving_ = FALSE,
// + send() has been called to reply, data has not been sent yet
// -> sent_ = FALSE, sendBuffer_, replyTag_ set, receiving_ = FALSE,
// + reply has been sent
// -> entry is gone from the list
struct socketIOQueueEntry
NABoolean sent_; // true if sent
IpcMessageStreamBase * msg_; // msg stream associated with this IO
IpcMessageBuffer * sendBuffer_; // buffer to send or NULL
IpcMessageBuffer * recvBuffer_; // received buffer or NULL
short replyTag_; // to match reply from server
NABoolean receiving_; // has receive() been called yet?
inline void setFdesc(SockFdesc fdesc, NABoolean isClient);
inline SockSocket & socket() { return sock_; }
SockPortNumber connect(const SockIPAddress &ipAddr, SockPortNumber port);
SockSocket sock_;
// the actual port number used for the connection (the server id has
// the port number of the listener port which is used to initiate new
// connections)
SockPortNumber port_;
// Is this the client or the server part of the connection? Needed because
// client supports multiple sends, server supports multiple receives
// at the same time.
NABoolean isClient_;
// the last reply tag assigned
short lastReplyTag_;
LIST(socketIOQueueEntry *) ioq_;
// private methods
// try to start another send operation
void tryToSendMore();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A socket pair connection to a server that is started with fork()
// and exec(). A server that uses a socket pair connection can only
// have a single connection back to its client. No other clients can
// talk to the server, but the client can have other servers.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class SockPairConnection : public SockConnection
// create both ends of a socket pair connection ("this" is the client)
SockPairConnection(IpcEnvironment *env,
const char *eye = eye_SOCKET_PAIR_CONNECTION);
SockPairConnection(IpcEnvironment *env,SockIPAddress ipAddr,SockPortNumber port);
// create the server end of a socket pair connection, pass in the already
// created socket's file descriptor
SockPairConnection(IpcEnvironment *env,SockFdesc fd);
virtual ~SockPairConnection();
// return the other end of the connection (does this only once)
SockPairConnection *otherEnd();
void doConnectNow();
SockPairConnection *otherEnd_;
SockPortNumber port_;
SockIPAddress ipAddr_;
#if (defined(NA_GUARDIAN_IPC) || defined(NA_GUARDIAN_MSG))
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A Guardian connection on the client side that connects to a server
// by opening its process file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class GuaConnectionToServer : public IpcConnection
friend class IpcGuardianServer;
GuaConnectionToServer( IpcEnvironment *env
, const IpcProcessId &procId
, NABoolean usesTransactions
, unsigned short nowaitDepth
, const char *eye = eye_GUA_CONNECTION_TO_SERVER
, NABoolean parallelOpen = FALSE
, Int32 *openCompletionScheduled = NULL
, NABoolean dataConnectionToEsp = FALSE
, time_t childCreationTimeSec = 0
, long childCreationTimenSec = 0
virtual ~GuaConnectionToServer();
// send or receive a message through the connection,
// call the callback when the I/O completes
virtual void send(IpcMessageBuffer *buffer);
virtual void receive(IpcMessageStreamBase *msg);
virtual NABoolean moreWaitsAllowed();
// wait until a send or receive operation completed
virtual WaitReturnStatus wait(IpcTimeout timeout, UInt32 *eventConsumed = NULL, IpcAwaitiox *ipcAwaitiox = NULL);
virtual GuaConnectionToServer *castToGuaConnectionToServer();
virtual Int32 numQueuedSendMessages();
virtual Int32 numQueuedReceiveMessages();
inline GuaErrorNumber getGuardianError() const { return guaErrorInfo_; }
inline short getFileNumForLogging() const { return openFile_; }
// set error info
virtual void populateDiagsArea(ComDiagsArea *&diags, CollHeap *diagsHeap);
// Used after fatal error to avoid deadlock.
virtual void setFatalError(IpcMessageStreamBase *msgStream);
virtual short getFileNumForIOCompletion()
if (getState() == OPENING)
return openFile_;
return fileNumForIOCompletion_;
virtual void openPhandle(char * processName = NULL, NABoolean parallelOpen = FALSE);
inline Int32 getOpenRetries() const { return openRetries_; }
inline void setOpenRetries(Int32 num) { openRetries_ = num; }
void openRetryCleanup();
// struct is public only to make the compiler happy
struct ActiveIOQueueEntry
// how many bytes have been sent in this operation (0 for a READX)
IpcMessageObjSize bytesSent_;
// what's the size of the receive buffer (0 for WRITEX)
IpcMessageObjSize receiveBufferSizeLeft_;
// what's the offset in buffer_ where the I/O buffer started
IpcMessageObjSize offset_;
// the message buffer to be sent
IpcMessageBuffer *buffer_;
// the message buffer to be received
IpcMessageBuffer *readBuffer_;
// I/O tag = -1 means no oustanding I/O or I/O already completed.
// I/O tag >= 0 means entry has a no-wait I/O outstanding.
// I/O tag value cannot exceed nowaitDepth_-1.
short ioTag_;
// TRUE if an I/O is in progress for this entry, FALSE otherwise
bool inUse_;
virtual NABoolean hasActiveIOs();
virtual void dumpAndStopOtherEnd(bool doDump, bool doStop) const ;
// Try to issue one nowait WRITEREADX call and return
// TRUE if one of these operations was successfully started.
NABoolean tryToStartNewIO();
// close the connected server process
void closePhandle();
void addSendCallbackBuffer(IpcMessageBuffer *buffer);
NABoolean removeSendCallbackBuffer(IpcMessageBuffer *buffer);
void handleIOError();
void handleIOErrorForStream(IpcMessageStreamBase *msgStream);
void handleIOErrorForEntry(ActiveIOQueueEntry &entry);
void cleanUpActiveIOEntry(ActiveIOQueueEntry &entry);
// Fix for CR 7128
bool childProcessPidRecycled();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The send and receive queues of a Guardian connection to a server are
// managed like this:
// - Guardian Send operations are started in the order they are
// they are called, but may complete in any order.
// - The send() method places the new message at the end of the send
// queue. Buffers in the send queue are not physically sent yet.
// - If less than <nowait depth> operations are active and if buffers
// are in the send queue, send as many as possible, leaving one
// possible I/O operation open for out-of-band data.
// - If a buffer is longer than the max. length for WRITEREADX, then
// send it in chunks. The server MUST NOT reply with data to any
// chunk. After all chunks are sent, issue a read on
// the beginning of the buffer. This completes the send part.
// - If a buffer is completely sent (immediately if this is a single
// chunk message), the send callback is called.
// - The receive() call by the user looks for a buffer in the receive
// queue first. If such a buffer exists, the receive callback is
// called and the buffer is removed from the receive queue.
// Otherwise, the oldest outstanding receive operation is found
// and branded with the receive callback specified in receive().
// - If an AWAITIOX operation completes, we check whether a partial
// buffer has come back. If this is the case, a new READX request
// is started immediately to redrive the I/O and read another chunk.
// Otherwise, call the receive callback if it has been assigned
// already or add the buffer to the receive queue if it doesn't have
// a receive callback assigned yet. This means that the receive
// queue contains buffers whose I/Os have completed but for which
// no receive() call has been issued yet.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// open file number to the server
GuaFileNumber openFile_;
Int32 *openCompletionScheduled_;
// how many WRITEREADX operations can be active at a time, also the
// number of entries in the circular array activeIOs_
unsigned short nowaitDepth_;
// Max size of a raw message sent through this connection (this value
// MUST NOT be larger than the max message size of the server's control
// connection).
IpcMessageObjSize maxIOSize_;
// A dynamically allocated circular array of nowaitDepth_ entries,
// one for each outstanding I/O. See srEntry() method on how
// this circular array is managed. Add entries by incrementing
// numOutstandingIOs_ and remove entries by calling removeHead().
ActiveIOQueueEntry *activeIOs_;
// the index of the last entry allocated (initially, set to nowaitDepth_ - 1)
unsigned short lastAllocatedEntry_;
// Number of outstanding WRITEREADX operations.
// Must be less than nowaitDepth_ if no out-of-band data is sent and
// may be less or equal to nowaitDepth_ if out-of-band data has been sent.
unsigned short numOutstandingIOs_;
// pointer to a buffer that is currently being sent in chunks and total
// number of bytes sent for that buffer
IpcMessageBuffer *partiallySentBuffer_;
IpcMessageObjSize chunkBytesSent_;
// pointer to a buffer that is currently being received in chunks and total
// number of bytes requested/actually received for that buffer; also
// remember whether that buffer had its receive callback added yet
IpcMessageBuffer *partiallyReceivedBuffer_;
IpcMessageObjSize chunkBytesRequested_;
IpcMessageObjSize chunkBytesReceived_;
// a list of send callback buffers. for each message stream that uses this
// connection, there is a send callback buffer on the list corresponding
// to that stream. the send callback buffer is added to the list before
// the first chunk is sent. after the last chunk is sent, we remove the
// send callback buffer from the list and invoke the send callback.
IpcMessageBuffer **sendCallbackBufferList_;
// does the connection propagate transaction ids to the server?
NABoolean usesTransactions_;
// information about the error returned from Guardian in case the
// connection is in the ERROR state
GuaErrorNumber guaErrorInfo_;
NABoolean dataConnectionToEsp_;
NABoolean self_;
Int32 openRetries_;
struct timespec beginOpenTime_;
struct timespec completeOpenTime_;
// Fix for CR 7128
// this childCreationTime_ is non-zero only for
// control connections from master to servers that
// the master created.
struct timespec childCreationTime_;
NABoolean tscoOpen_;
#if 0
char *sentMsgHdr_;
short sentMsgHdrInd_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A Guardian connection from the server to the client via $RECEIVE
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class GuaConnectionToClient : public IpcConnection
friend class GuaReceiveControlConnection;
virtual ~GuaConnectionToClient();
// send or receive a message through the connection,
// call the callback when the I/O completes
virtual void send(IpcMessageBuffer *buffer);
virtual void receive(IpcMessageStreamBase *msg);
// wait until any send or receive operation on $RECEIVE completed
virtual WaitReturnStatus wait(IpcTimeout timeout, UInt32 *eventConsumed = NULL, IpcAwaitiox *ipcAwaitiox = NULL);
virtual GuaConnectionToClient *castToGuaConnectionToClient();
virtual Int32 numQueuedSendMessages();
virtual Int32 numQueuedReceiveMessages();
inline GuaErrorNumber getGuardianError() const { return guaErrorInfo_; }
inline short getFileNumForLogging() const { return clientFileNumber_; }
// set error info
virtual void populateDiagsArea(ComDiagsArea *&diags, CollHeap *diagsHeap);
NABoolean thisIsMyClient(const GuaProcessHandle &phandle,
GuaFileNumber fileNo) const;
// client has gone away
void close(NABoolean withError = FALSE,
GuaErrorNumber gerr = GuaOK);
virtual bool isServerSide();
virtual void dumpAndStopOtherEnd(bool doDump, bool doStop) const;
#if 0
inline char * receivedMsgHdr() const { return receivedMsgHdr_; }
inline void incrReceivedMsgHdrInd()
if (receivedMsgHdrInd_ == 7)
receivedMsgHdrInd_ = 0;
receivedMsgHdrInd_ += 1;
inline short receivedMsgHdrInd() const { return receivedMsgHdrInd_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A Guardian connection to a client doesn't directly manipulate
// $RECEIVE, it uses the control connection instead.
// Whenever a message arrives in $RECEIVE, the control connection
// determines which GuaConnectionToClient object is the receiver.
// Remember that there may only be one GuaConnectionToClient object
// per client OPEN (a combination of client phandle, client file #).
// Incoming messages are given to the connection with the acceptBuffer()
// method.
// - The send queue maintained by the IpcConnection base class contains
// messages that have been passed in through a send() call and that
// don't have a reply tag attached to them. Those messages have no
// corresponding request yet. As more requests come in, the replies
// will get matched up with them
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// client's open file number
// (incoming messages can be identified by client phandle/client file #)
GuaFileNumber clientFileNumber_;
// Error info
GuaErrorNumber guaErrorInfo_;
// this connection shares $RECEIVE with the control connection and with
// all other connections to Guardian clients
GuaReceiveControlConnection *controlConnection_;
// pointer to a buffer that is currently being sent in chunks and total
// number of bytes sent for that buffer
IpcMessageBuffer *partiallyRepliedBuffer_;
IpcMessageObjSize chunkBytesReplied_;
// pointer to a buffer that is currently being received in chunks and total
// number of bytes received for that buffer
IpcMessageBuffer *partiallyReceivedBuffer_;
IpcMessageObjSize chunkBytesReceived_;
Lng32 numOutstandingRequests_;
#if 0
char *receivedMsgHdr_;
short receivedMsgHdrInd_;
// private methods
// the constructor is private because a client connection gets created
// only as part of an incoming open message; users get pointers to
// client connections via IpcControlConnection::getConnection() and
// GuaReceiveControlConnection::actOnSystemMessage().
GuaConnectionToClient(IpcEnvironment *env,
const IpcProcessId &clientProcId,
GuaFileNumber clientFileNumber,
GuaReceiveControlConnection *controlConnection,
const char *eye = eye_GUA_CONNECTION_TO_CLIENT);
// send next buffer through the control connection
NABoolean startReplyingToNextRequest();
// accept an incoming client request from the control connection,
void acceptBuffer(IpcMessageBuffer *buffer,
IpcMessageObjSize receivedDataLength);
void incrNumOutstandingRequests() { numOutstandingRequests_++; }
void decrNumOutstandingRequests() { numOutstandingRequests_--; }
#endif /* NA_GUARDIAN_IPC */
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The connection through which a server gets controlled by its owner.
// Exactly one object of this type exists in every server. This is
// an abstract base class, derived objects exist for each domain.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class IpcControlConnection
IpcControlConnection(IpcNetworkDomain domain,
const char *eye = eye_CONTROL_CONNECTION) : domain_(domain)
str_cpy_all((char *) &eyeCatcher_, eye, 4);
numRequestors_ = 0;
virtual ~IpcControlConnection();
// get the control connection (there may be alternate control connections,
// too)
virtual IpcConnection *getConnection() const = 0;
// through which domain is this control connection addressable
inline IpcNetworkDomain getDomain() const { return domain_; }
// safe casting down the class hierarchy
virtual SockControlConnection *castToSockControlConnection();
virtual GuaReceiveControlConnection * castToGuaReceiveControlConnection();
// get number of requestors
inline Lng32 getNumRequestors() const { return numRequestors_; }
inline void incrNumRequestors() { numRequestors_++; }
inline void decrNumRequestors() { numRequestors_--; }
IpcNetworkDomain domain_; // which domain is the control
// connection in
Lng32 numRequestors_; // how many processes are requestors
IpcEyeCatcher eyeCatcher_; // eye catcher
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// a special connection that listens for connect requests from
// other processes to a given port and accepts them
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class SockListnerPort : public SockConnection
// constructor
SockListnerPort(IpcEnvironment *env,
SockFdesc fdesc,
SockControlConnection *cc,
const char *eye = eye_SOCKET_LISTNER_PORT);
// it is not allowed to send or receive on a listner port, it accepts
// connection requests only and is always in the RECEIVING state
virtual void send(IpcMessageBuffer *buffer);
virtual void receive(IpcMessageStreamBase *msg);
// wait until a connect request is made and initiate a new accept() call
virtual WaitReturnStatus wait(IpcTimeout timeout, UInt32 *eventConsumed = NULL, IpcAwaitiox *ipcAwaitiox = NULL);
SockPortNumber getListnerPortNum() const { return listnerPortNum_; }
// pointer back to the control connection to call acceptNewConnectionRequest
SockControlConnection *cc_;
SockPortNumber listnerPortNum_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A control connection for a process that was forked by inetd,
// by its client, or by another process. It communicates to its client
// via stdin and stdout which are bound to sockets. New clients are
// accepted from a special listner port which is created.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class SockControlConnection : public IpcControlConnection
SockControlConnection(IpcEnvironment *env,
const char *eye = eye_SOCKET_CONTROL_CONNECTION);
SockControlConnection(IpcEnvironment *env,
Int32 inheritedSocket,
Int32 passedPort,
const char *eye = eye_SOCKET_CONTROL_CONNECTION);
IpcConnection *getConnection() const;
SockControlConnection *castToSockControlConnection();
SockPortNumber getListnerPortNum() const { return listnerPortNum_; }
// this method is called when a new process tries to connect
virtual void acceptNewConnectionRequest(SockConnection *conn);
// the control connection to the client (use polymorphism)
SockConnection *controlConnection_;
// the port through which new connections to this server can be created
SockSocket listnerSocket_;
SockPortNumber listnerPortNum_;
SockListnerPort *listnerPort_;
#if (defined(NA_GUARDIAN_IPC) || defined(NA_GUARDIAN_MSG))
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A control connection for a Guardian server using $RECEIVE
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class GuaReceiveControlConnection : public IpcControlConnection
friend class GuaConnectionToClient;
GuaReceiveControlConnection(IpcEnvironment *env,
short receiveDepth = 4000,
GuaReceiveFastStart *guaReceiveFastStart = NULL);
virtual IpcConnection *getConnection() const;
GuaReceiveControlConnection * castToGuaReceiveControlConnection();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Guardian $RECEIVE control connection manages the OS file $RECEIVE
// and dispatches incoming messages to the correct connections. To do
// this, the object mainatains a set of all Guardian-based connections
// to a client (which share $RECEIVE). There is one GuaConnectionToClient
// object for each file open that a client does on our process' $RECEIVE.
// Multiple IpcMessageStream objects can share the same client
// connection, though.
// Receive buffer management: note that READUPDATEX operations complete
// in arbitrary order, so it is not possible to use specific receive
// buffers for specific requests. So, we use a one-size-fits-all
// approach for the buffers. There is no limit on the number of
// buffers, as the protocol is already limited by the nowait depth.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// wait for an event to happen on $RECEIVE, return whether it did
WaitReturnStatus wait(IpcTimeout timeout = IpcInfiniteTimeout, UInt32 *eventConsumed = NULL, IpcAwaitiox *ipcAwaitiox = NULL);
// Handle an incoming system message. For open messages only, a new
// connection is created and passed in newConnection. The default
// implementation ignores all system messages except that it refuses
// all open messages except the first one.
virtual void actOnSystemMessage(
short messageNum,
IpcMessageBufferPtr sysMsg,
IpcMessageObjSize sysMsgLen,
short clientFileNumber,
const GuaProcessHandle &clientPhandle,
GuaConnectionToClient *connection);
inline void setUserTransReplyTag(short urt)
{ userTransReplyTag_ = urt; switchToUserTransid(); }
// needed for LRU when esp initiates its own transaction
inline void setBeginTransTag(Lng32 transTag)
{ beginTransTag_ = transTag; }
inline Lng32 getBeginTransTag()
{ return beginTransTag_; }
inline void clearBeginTransTag()
{ beginTransTag_ = -1; }
// On Linux, if an ESP starts a transaction, before replying to the master,
// it has to restore the original transaction (since the TM and Seabed do
// not handle this on Linux). The original transaction handle is saved here,
// to allow this to be done easily.
void setOriginalTransaction(short *txHandle);
short *getOriginalTransaction();
void clearOriginalTransaction();
inline void setTxHandleValid()
{ txHandleValid_ = TRUE; }
inline void clearTxHandleValid()
{ txHandleValid_ = FALSE; }
inline NABoolean isTxHandleValid()
{ return txHandleValid_; }
inline IpcSetOfConnections *getClientConnections()
{ return &clientConnections_; }
inline IpcEnvironment * getEnv() const { return env_; }
inline GuaErrorNumber getGuaErrorInfo() const { return guaErrorInfo_; }
inline short getActiveTransReplyTag() const { return activeTransReplyTag_; }
void waitForMaster();
// open file number if $RECEIVE (always 0)
GuaFileNumber receiveFile_;
// did the first client open this process yet?
NABoolean initialized_;
// remember the environment
IpcEnvironment *env_;
// the first control connection (the connection to the client that
// sent the first open message)
IpcConnection *firstClientConnection_;
// a set of all GuaConnectionToClient objects that share $RECEIVE
IpcSetOfConnections clientConnections_;
// set of those connections whose clients failed or are unreachable
IpcSetOfConnections failedConnections_;
// a pool of free receive buffers that can be used
IpcMessageQueue receiveBufferPool_;
// a count on how many connections are currently in the receiving
// state and waiting for data from $RECEIVE
Lng32 numReceivingConnections_;
// a pool of receive buffers that are in use by an outstanding
// READUPDATEX (search for buffer here when AWAITIOX completes)
IpcMessageQueue activeReceiveBuffers_;
// how many READUPDATEX operations can be active at a time
short receiveDepth_;
// Max size of an incoming raw message (receive buffers must be this
// long to avoid losing data on incoming long request messages)
IpcMessageObjSize maxIOSize_;
// how many nowaited READUPDATEX calls can be active at a time?
// A number between 1 and receiveDepth_
Lng32 maxOutstandingIOs_;
// a count of how many active READUPDATEX calls we have
// (minimum of (maxOutstandingIOs_,numActiveReceiveCalls_,1))
Lng32 numOutstandingIOs_;
// a count of how many outstanding REPLYX calls we have
// (numOutstandingIOs_ + numOutstandingRequests_ <= receiveDepth_)
Lng32 numOutstandingRequests_;
// For certain operations such as LRU, the master does not initiate
// a transaction. instead each of the esps initiates their own transactions.
// if the transaction is initiated by an ESP, then remember the trans tag
// returned from BEGINTRANSACTION. later the trans tag can be used by ESP
// to invoke RESUMETRANSACTION and resume the transaction that was initiated
Lng32 beginTransTag_;
// Transaction handle of transaction received by an ESP via the message
// system on Linux.
// On Linux, if an ESP starts a transaction, before replying to the master,
// it has to restore the original transaction (since the TM and Seabed do
// not handle this on Linux). The original transaction handle is saved here,
// to allow this to be done easily.
NABoolean txHandleValid_;
SB_Transid_Type txHandle_;
// the last IO reply tag that determines the current transid.
// the last non-chunk IO reply tag that determines the implicit transid.
// the explicit user transaction reply tag in use at this time (if any).
short activeTransReplyTag_;
short implicitTransReplyTag_;
short userTransReplyTag_;
// the Guardian error code in case something went wrong
// (many errors in $RECEIEVE handling are fatal and abort the process)
GuaErrorNumber guaErrorInfo_;
GuaReceiveFastStart *guaReceiveFastStart_;
// private methods
// reply to a given request, using the REPLYX system call
void sendReplyData(IpcMessageBufferPtr data,
IpcMessageObjSize size,
short replyTag,
IpcConnection *conn, // for debugging only
GuaErrorNumber retcodeToClient);
// initiate a READUPDATEX operation on $RECEIVE
void initiateReceive(NABoolean newReceive = TRUE);
// make sure the user-specified transid is the current one
void switchToUserTransid();
// find a client connection with the given description of the client
GuaConnectionToClient *findConnection(
short openLabel);
GuaConnectionToClient *findConnection(
short clientFileNumber,
const GuaProcessHandle &clientPhandle);
// recycle a message buffer that has become free (decrements its refcount)
void recycleReceiveBuffer(IpcMessageBuffer *b);
// mark a connection whose client has died or is unreachable
void markAsDead(GuaConnectionToClient *c,
GuaErrorNumber gerr);
// for error injection testing.
virtual NABoolean fakeErrorFromNSK(short errorFromNSK,
GuaProcessHandle *clientPhandle) {return FALSE; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A message buffer (the container in which the message travels)
// It consists of a header struct which is not transmitted across the
// wire and of a space for the actual message. The reference count
// indicates how many other objects (message streams, connections) have
// a pointer to this object. Message buffers are often passed from one
// object to another without changing the reference count (e.g. via
// IpcConnection::send, IpcMessageBuffer::callReceiveCallback,
// IpcMessageStream::giveMessageTo, IpcMessageStream::internalActOnReceive).
// The reply tag and reply length are only used by Guardian connections
// to clients and help matching a reply with its corresponding client
// request. Callbacks get deposited by message streams during send and
// receive operations and get called when those operations complete.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct InternalMessageBufferHeader
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Make the length of this struct a multiple of 8. This is to avoid
// any alignment padding between this header structure and the data
// region of the IpcMessageBuffer.
// Currently we compile with 32-bit pointers. The struct has a size
// of 48 bytes and the sizes of datatypes in individual fields are:
// IpcMessageObjSize 4 bytes
// short 2 bytes
// IpcMessageRefCount 4 bytes
// Int64 8 bytes
// pointers 4 bytes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
IpcMessageObjSize maxLength_;// length of buffer following this struct
IpcMessageObjSize msgLength_;// length of msg to send / received msg
short flags_;
short replyTag_; // Guardian receive message tag for REPLYX
IpcMessageObjSize maxReplyLength_; // max len of a reply to recvd msg
IpcMessageRefCount refCount_; // how many msges & connections use it
IpcMessageObjSize maxIOSize_;// IO transmission chunk size
Int64 transid_; // save context transid
IpcMessageStreamBase *message_; // what is the message (used for callbacks)
CollHeap *heap_; // can point to NAMemory or is NULL if
// object was allocated on C++ heap
IpcConnection *connection_; // connection, source of IO callback
ARRAY(CollIndex) *chunkLockCount_; // if buffer shared, controls
// (un)lock of memory chunk
InternalMessageBufferHeader(CollHeap *heap,
IpcMessageObjSize maxLen,
IpcMessageObjSize msgLen,
IpcMessageStreamBase *msg,
short replyTag,
IpcMessageObjSize maxReplyLength,
Int64 transid,
short flags)
maxLength_ = maxLen;
msgLength_ = msgLen;
flags_ = flags;
replyTag_ = replyTag;
maxReplyLength_ = maxReplyLength;
refCount_ = 1;
maxIOSize_ = 0;
transid_ = transid;
message_ = msg;
heap_ = heap;
connection_ = NULL;
chunkLockCount_ = NULL;
#ifdef NA_DEBUG
assert((sizeof(InternalMessageBufferHeader) % 8) == 0);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// same as above, but with <length_> bytes of extra space appended
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class IpcMessageBuffer : private InternalMessageBufferHeader
// A friend function to enable internal integrity checks in
// IpcMessageBuffer objects.
friend NABoolean verifyIpcMessageBufferBackbone(IpcMessageBuffer &);
// all destroyed buffers should have a refcount of 1
// (similar to the IpcMessageObj class)
// Earlier code would assert refCount_ == 1 and we now assert
// refCount_ is 0. It does not make sense that the destructor
// would run with a ref count of 1 because decrRefCount() calls
// the destructor only when the ref count is 0. It is possible
// that this destructor actually never runs because we always call
// heap->deallocateMemory() instead of "delete".
assert(refCount_ == 0);
inline Int64 getTransid() { return transid_; }
inline void setTransid(Int64 transid) { transid_ = transid; }
// There is no constructor to make this object, the static member
// function allocate needs to be used instead, so the object can
// only be created on the heap
static IpcMessageBuffer *allocate(IpcMessageObjSize maxLen,
IpcMessageStreamBase *msg,
CollHeap *heap,
short flags);
// create new empty buffer (defaults to same size buffer)
IpcMessageBuffer *createBuffer(IpcEnvironment *env,
IpcMessageObjSize newMaxLen = 0,
NABoolean failureIsFatal = TRUE);
// make a 1:1 copy of a buffer, allow to specify a new length
// (if there is a reply tag in the buffer, then the copy gets it)
IpcMessageBuffer *copy(IpcEnvironment *env,
IpcMessageObjSize newMaxLen = 0,
NABoolean failureIsFatal = TRUE);
// make a copy of a buffer starting from the offset location for newMaxLen
// (if there is a reply tag in the buffer, then the copy gets it)
IpcMessageBuffer *copyFromOffset(IpcEnvironment *env,
IpcMessageObjSize newMaxLen,
IpcMessageObjSize offset,
NABoolean failureIsFatal = TRUE);
// resize a message buffer (if refcount > 1 caller gets a copy)
IpcMessageBuffer *resize(IpcEnvironment *env,
IpcMessageObjSize newMaxLen);
// to make the compiler happy, write a matching delete operator for the
// placement new
void operator delete(void *ptr) { ::operator delete(ptr); }
// get the buffer length of this struct (the buffer follows the header
// fields and gets allocated by the allocate() method)
inline IpcMessageObjSize getBufferLength() const { return maxLength_; }
// get the total length of this struct
inline IpcMessageObjSize getTotalLength() const
{ return maxLength_ + sizeof(*this); }
// get message stream (where it makes sense)
inline IpcMessageStreamBase *getMessageStream() const {return message_;}
// get connection (where it makes sense)
inline IpcConnection* getConnection() const { return connection_; }
// get and set the actual message length (the part that gets transferred)
inline IpcMessageObjSize getMessageLength() const { return msgLength_; }
inline void setMessageLength(IpcMessageObjSize l) { msgLength_ = l; }
// remember the message tag and reply length for Guardian REPLYX
inline short getReplyTag() const { return replyTag_; }
inline void setReplyTag(short tag) { replyTag_ = tag; }
inline IpcMessageObjSize getMaxReplyLength() const
{ return maxReplyLength_; }
inline void setMaxReplyLength(IpcMessageObjSize l)
{ maxReplyLength_ = l; }
// get a pointer to the data byte number <i>
inline IpcMessageBufferPtr data(CollIndex i = 0)
{ return &((IpcMessageBufferPtr) (this + 1))[i]; }
// deal with reference counts, delete buffer once its count drops to 0
inline IpcMessageRefCount incrRefCount() { return ++refCount_; }
IpcMessageRefCount decrRefCount();
inline IpcMessageRefCount getRefCount() const { return refCount_; }
CollIndex initLockCount(IpcMessageObjSize maxIOSize);
CollIndex incrLockCount(IpcMessageObjSize offset);
CollIndex decrLockCount(IpcMessageObjSize offset);
CollIndex getLockCount(IpcMessageObjSize offset);
// returns TRUE if this is a multi-chunk buffer shared by multi-connections
inline NABoolean isShared() { return (chunkLockCount_ != NULL); }
// Handle alignment, increment offset to the next 8 byte boundary
// Message objects always start on 8 byte boundaries and the header
// objects all have a size that is a multiple of 8, so that all user
// objects should always be aligned for all currently existing
// hardware platforms. This makes it possible to read the user object
// out of the message buffer directly. Note: this alignment algorithm
// is fixed and independent of the actual alignment of the target
// platform, since we want to exchange messages between platforms (some day).
static void alignOffset(IpcMessageObjSize &offset);
// method to change and call the callback specified by I/O operations
inline void addCallback(IpcMessageStreamBase *msg) { message_ = msg; }
void callSendCallback(IpcConnection *conn);
void callReceiveCallback(IpcConnection *conn);
// Verify that the chain of message objects in this buffer does not
// extend beyond the buffer.
NABoolean verifyBackbone();
IpcMessageBuffer(); // Do not implement a default constructor
// Private constructor. Only called by public methods such as
// allocate(), createBuffer(), copy(), copyFromOffset().
IpcMessageBuffer(CollHeap *heap,
IpcMessageObjSize maxLen,
IpcMessageObjSize msgLen,
IpcMessageStreamBase *msg,
short flags,
short replyTag,
IpcMessageObjSize maxReplyLength,
Int64 transid);
// "placement new" to allocate the right size at the right place
void * operator new(size_t)
{ ABORT("must use placement new"); return (void *)0xDEADBEEF; }
// Private operator new for class IpcMessageBuffer. Only called by
// public methods such as allocate(), createBuffer(), copy(),
// copyFromOffset().
// If env is NULL or if env->getHeap() is NULL the new object is
// allocated by global new. Otherwise the object is allocated by
// env->getHeap()->allocateMemory().
void * operator new(size_t headerSize,
IpcMessageObjSize bufferLength,
CollHeap *heap,
NABoolean failureIsFatal);
// The following operator delete will be called if initialization throws
// an exception. It is needed to remove a warning from the .NET 2003
// compiler
void operator delete(void *ptr, IpcMessageObjSize bufferLength,
CollHeap *heap, NABoolean bIgnore);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Message header struct used in class IpcMessageStream (defined below)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct InternalMsgHdrInfoStruct : public IpcMessageObj
// constructor
IpcMessageType msgType,
IpcMessageObjVersion version);
// constructor used to perform copyless receive. maps packed objects in place.
InternalMsgHdrInfoStruct(IpcBufferedMsgStream* msgStream);
// get header sequence number (used to preserve send order)
#ifdef NA_64BIT
// dg64 - 32-bit seq number
UInt32 getSeqNum() const
ULng32 getSeqNum() const
{ return(seqNum_); }
// set header sequence number
#ifdef NA_64BIT
// dg64 - 32-bit seq number
void setSeqNum(UInt32 seqNum)
void setSeqNum(ULng32 seqNum)
{ seqNum_ = seqNum; }
short getSockReplyTag() const
{ return(sockReplyTag_); }
void setSockReplyTag(short sockReplyTag)
{ sockReplyTag_ = sockReplyTag; }
// is last buffer in multi-buffer message?
NABoolean isLastMsgBuf() const
{ return (flags_ & IPCMSG_LAST_BUF ? TRUE : FALSE); }
// set last buffer in multi-buffer message
void setLastMsgBuf()
{ flags_ |= IPCMSG_LAST_BUF; }
// Flag for last buffer in a batch of SeaMonster replies
NABoolean getSMLastInBatch() const
{ return (flags_ & IPCMSG_SM_LAST_IN_BATCH ? TRUE : FALSE); }
void setSMLastInBatch()
{ flags_ |= IPCMSG_SM_LAST_IN_BATCH; }
// get sending message stream id
// stream id is actually the pointer to the stream
Long getMsgStreamId() const
{ return(msgStreamId_); }
// set message stream id
// stream id is actually the pointer to the stream
void setMsgStreamId(Long id)
{ msgStreamId_ = id; }
// get the message length from the received message header
IpcMessageObjSize getMsgLengthFromData() { return totalLength_; }
// override method to get length information (packed length = actual length)
IpcMessageObjSize packedLength();
// override pack method
IpcMessageObjSize packObjIntoMessage(IpcMessageBufferPtr buffer);
// override unpack method to do some error checking
void unpackObj(IpcMessageObjType objType,
IpcMessageObjVersion objVersion,
NABoolean sameEndianness,
IpcMessageObjSize objSize,
IpcConstMessageBufferPtr buffer);
enum IpcMessageObjFlags
// Last buffer in a multi-buffer message
// Last buffer in a SeaMonster reply batch
// data fields (all public, to be used by IpcMessageStream only)
// total length of these fields is 24 bytes (divisible by 8)
// Note that the OS related code peeks at incoming messages to determine
// the message length and that it uses this struct for this purpose!!!
IpcMessageObjSize totalLength_; // total length of the message incl. header
short alignment_; // 1,2,4,8
short flags_; // enum IpcMessageObjFlags
short format_; // compressed, ...
short sockReplyTag_; // spare for Guardian, reply tag for sock.
#ifdef NA_64BIT
// dg64 - 32-bit eye
Int32 eyeCatcher_; // bit pattern to detect junk messages
Lng32 eyeCatcher_; // bit pattern to detect junk messages
#ifdef NA_64BIT
// dg64 - 32-bit seq num
UInt32 seqNum_; // sequence number to preserve send order
ULng32 seqNum_; // sequence number to preserve send order
// stream id is actually the pointer to the stream
Long msgStreamId_; // stream id for coalescing multi-buf msg
#if 0
struct MsgTraceEntry
InternalMsgHdrInfoStruct internalMsgHdrInfoStruct_;
void * bufAddr_;
unsigned int sentReceivedLength_;
// eye catcher for SQL/ARK messages (NOAH in big-endian HAON in little-endian)
const Lng32 Release1MessageEyeCatcher = 1313816904;
// default buffer size value for non-shared message streams
const IpcMessageObjSize DefaultInitialMessageBufSize = 2048;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// IpcMessageStream eyecatchers, copy only 4 chars and not the '\0'
// indentations show class hierachy
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Very simple base class for IpcMessageStream and BufferedMessageStream.
// This base class is used in IpcMessageBuffer objects when they point
// to a message stream.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class IpcMessageStreamBase : public NABasicObject
IpcMessageStreamBase(IpcEnvironment *env)
: environment_(env)
virtual ~IpcMessageStreamBase()
virtual IpcMessageStream * castToIpcMessageStream();
virtual IpcBufferedMsgStream * castToIpcBufferedMsgStream();
// internal send call back must be redefined by derived classes.
virtual void internalActOnSend(IpcConnection* connection) = 0;
// internal receive call back mustbe redefined by derived classes.
virtual void internalActOnReceive(IpcMessageBuffer* buffer,
IpcConnection* connection) = 0;
// A callback cannot directly delete its own message stream object, since
// upon return from the callback some more administrative tasks may happen.
// To achieve the same effect as a "delete this", the callback can call
// the following method instead, which will put "this" on a list of
// message streams to delete. The delete is then performed at
// a point in time when it is safe to do.
void addToCompletedList();
IpcEnvironment *environment_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// An object of class IpcMessageStream is a collection of other objects in
// some process that the process wants to share with others. The
// IpcMessageStream object therefore acts as a container. When creating a
// message object, the creator specifies whether he is willing to share
// the objects directly with the message system (or with other processes)
// or whether copies of all objects should be made immediately when they
// get added to the message.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class IpcMessageStream : public IpcMessageStreamBase
friend class IpcMessageStreamBase;
enum MessageStateEnum
EMPTY, // no data in the message, ready for send or receive
COMPOSING, // user is adding objects to the (yet unsent) message
SENDING, // message is being sent
SENT, // send operation has completed (msg is empty)
RECEIVING, // outstanding receive operation on the message
RECEIVED, // message was received
EXTRACTING, // user is extracting received objects (next state: empty)
ERROR_STATE, // an error occurred
IpcMessageStream(IpcEnvironment *env,
IpcMessageType msgType = IPC_MSG_INVALID,
IpcMessageObjVersion version = 1,
IpcMessageObjSize fixedMsgBufferLength = 0,
NABoolean shareMessageObjects = FALSE);
virtual ~IpcMessageStream();
virtual IpcMessageStream *castToIpcMessageStream();
// accessor methods
inline IpcMessageType getType() const { return h_.getType(); }
inline IpcMessageObjVersion getVersion() const { return h_.getVersion(); }
inline void setType(IpcMessageType t) { h_.setType(t); }
inline void setVersion(IpcMessageObjVersion v) { h_.setVersion(v); }
enum MessageStateEnum getState() { return state_; }
inline Lng32 getErrorInfo() const { return errorInfo_; }
IpcMessageObjSize getFixedMsgBufferLength() const { return fixedBufLen_; }
// Include an object into a message
IpcMessageStream & operator << (IpcMessageObj & toAppend);
// Extract an object from a message into an existing object of the same
// type (this will call the virtual(!) method toRetrieve.unpackObj())
inline IpcMessageStream & operator >> (IpcMessageObj & toRetrieve)
extractNextObj(toRetrieve, FALSE);
return *this;
// Extract a pointer to an object from a message
// (not recommended for objects that have virtual functions)
// The object has to be released by calling toRetrieve->decrRefCount()
IpcMessageStream & operator >> (IpcMessageObj * &toRetrieve);
inline IpcMessageObjSize getMaxReplyLength() const
{ return maxReplyLength_; }
inline void setMaxReplyLength(IpcMessageObjSize l)
{ maxReplyLength_ = l; }
// Extract an object from a message into an existing object of the
// same type and optionally perform an integrity check on the packed
// object before extracting the data. This will call the virtual
// methods toRetrieve.checkObj() and toRetrieve.unpackObj().
// "stream >> obj" is equivalent to "stream.extractNextObj(obj, FALSE)"
NABoolean extractNextObj(IpcMessageObj &toRetrieve, NABoolean checkObjects);
// check whether there are more objects to extract
NABoolean moreObjects() { return current_ != NULL; }
// get information about the next object to be retrieved
IpcMessageObjType getNextObjType() { return current_->getType(); }
IpcMessageObjVersion getNextObjVersion() { return current_->getVersion(); }
IpcMessageObjSize getNextObjSize() { return current_->s_.objLength_; }
// Check whether the message is in use by the send/receive methods
inline NABoolean hasIOPending() const { return (activeIOs_.entries() > 0); }
// remove all objects from the message (discards unread or unsent ones)
void clearAllObjects();
// get/set the recipients of a message to send
inline const IpcSetOfConnections & getRecipients() const
{ return recipients_; }
void addRecipient(IpcConnection *recipient);
void addRecipients(const IpcSetOfConnections &recipients);
void deleteRecipient(IpcConnection *recipient);
void deleteAllRecipients();
// pass a received message on to another message stream object
// (allows to dispatch messages from a central receiver to multiple
// dependent message stream objects)
void giveMessageTo(IpcMessageStream &other, IpcConnection *connection);
// give message to new class IpcBufferedMsgStream
// (temporary to bridge routing from old to new message stream)
void giveReceiveMsgTo(IpcBufferedMsgStream& msgStream);
// send a message and call the actOnSend callback
// once for each completed send operation to a recipient
void send(NABoolean waited = TRUE, Int64 transid = (Int64)-1);
// Receive a message and call the actOnReceive callback when done.
// If <waited> is set to TRUE, all receive operations on all connections
// are completed and the receive callback is called for each of them.
// In the case of multiple recipients (senders), the receive callback
// has to handle the extraction of message objects from the message or
// all but the objects from the last received message are lost. In the
// case of receiving from a single connection, either the callback or
// the caller of the receive method can do the extraction. The receive
// method never reads more than one message from each of the connections.
void receive(NABoolean waited = TRUE);
// Wait a certain time for some I/O to complete. Use the isIOPending()
// method to check whether all I/Os for this message have been completed,
// if a timeout other than the default value is used.
WaitReturnStatus waitOnMsgStream(IpcTimeout timeout = IpcInfiniteTimeout);
// safe cast to ExMasterEspMessage class
virtual ExMasterEspMessage * castToExMasterEspMessage(void);
// abort any outstanding I/Os on this stream
void abandonPendingIOs();
// methods used for data structure integrity checking
void checkIntegrity(void); // traverses to the "top" to begin integrity check
void checkLocalIntegrity(void); // checks integrity of this object
// to be implemented by users of the IpcMessageStream object: application
// code to be performed when replies or requests arrive or when
// a message gets sent(default is to do nothing)
virtual void actOnSend(IpcConnection *connection);
virtual void actOnSendAllComplete();
virtual void actOnReceive(IpcConnection *connection);
virtual void actOnReceiveAllComplete();
// to be used by Guardian client message streams that manipulate transactions
inline short getReplyTag() const { return msgBuffer_->getReplyTag(); }
// exercise assertions on the other side of the connection.
void corruptMessage() { corruptMessage_ = true; }
// header fields that get put into the message
InternalMsgHdrInfoStruct h_;
// fields that do not get sent with the message
IpcMessageBuffer *msgBuffer_; // current message buffer
IpcMessageObjSize fixedBufLen_; // user-specified max. len of messages
IpcMessageObjSize maxReplyLength_;// max len of a reply to recvd msg
NABoolean shareObjects_; // share msg objects with caller?
NABoolean objectsInBuffer_;// objects reside inside the buffer
IpcSetOfConnections recipients_; // communication partners
IpcSetOfConnections activeIOs_; // active communication partners
IpcMessageObj *tail_; // last object in linked object list
IpcMessageObj *current_; // current object in linked obj list
Lng32 errorInfo_; // fix this later to contain error info
ULng32 numOfSendCallbacks_;
MessageStateEnum state_; // state of the message (buffer)
// private methods
// get the first object in the message (this is the header itself)
IpcMessageObj *first() { return &h_; }
// remove all objcts from inside the current message buffer,
// checking for leftover references, allocate a message buffer
void clearMessageBufferContents();
void allocateMessageBuffer(IpcMessageObjSize len);
void resizeMessageBuffer(IpcMessageObjSize len);
// the following functions implement virtual callback functions
// by invoking the virtual methods msg->actOnSend(), msg->actOnReceive()
// after performing some administrative work
void internalActOnSend(IpcConnection *connection);
void internalActOnReceive(IpcMessageBuffer *buffer,
IpcConnection *connection);
// for data structure integrity checking
NABoolean isOrphaned_;
bool corruptMessage_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// IpcBufferedMsgStream
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
class IpcBufferedMsgStream : public IpcMessageStreamBase
friend class IpcClientMsgStream;
friend class IpcServerMsgStream;
friend class IpcMessageStream;
friend class IpcMessageStreamBase;
// constructor
IpcBufferedMsgStream(IpcEnvironment *env,
IpcMessageType msgType,
IpcMessageObjVersion version,
Lng32 inUseBufferLimit,
IpcMessageObjSize bufferSize);
// destructor
virtual ~IpcBufferedMsgStream();
virtual IpcBufferedMsgStream *castToIpcBufferedMsgStream();
// get next receive message from input queue.
// This method must be called before any message objects can be unpacked.
// The return value indicates whether a complete receive message exists.
// IpcMessageObjType parameter is the type of the sending message stream.
// This method will not advance to the next receive message until
// all message objects in the current receive message are processed
// via method receiveMsgObj(), OR until the current message is given to
// another peer message stream via method giveReceiveMsgTo().
NABoolean getNextReceiveMsg(IpcMessageObjType& msgType);
// get next message object type from current receive message.
// The return value indicates whether another message objects exists. The
// message stream does not advance to the next message object until it is
// actually unpacked via the method receiveMsgObj().
NABoolean getNextObjType(IpcMessageObjType& msgType);
// get next message object size from current receive message
IpcMessageObjSize getNextObjSize() const;
// get a pointer to the next packed object in the current receive message.
// Use this method in conjunction with IpcMessageObj::operator new() to
// unpack the message object. This method advances the message stream to the
// next message object in the current receive message. NULL is returned if
// no more messages objects exist in the current receive message.
IpcMessageObj* receiveMsgObj();
// give current receive message to a peer message stream for processing.
// The current receive message is available to give away until it is
// released implicitly when the next message is advanced via method
// getNextReceiveMsg().
void giveReceiveMsgTo(IpcBufferedMsgStream& msgStream);
// pack an object in the current send message
IpcBufferedMsgStream& operator << (IpcMessageObj& obj);
// unpack the next object in the current receive message
inline IpcBufferedMsgStream& operator >> (IpcMessageObj& obj)
extractNextObj(obj, FALSE);
return *this;
// Extract an object from a message into an existing object of the
// same type and optionally perform an integrity check on the packed
// object before extracting the data. This will call the virtual
// methods toRetrieve.checkObj() and toRetrieve.unpackObj().
// "stream >> obj" is equivalent to "stream.extractNextObj(obj, FALSE)"
NABoolean extractNextObj(IpcMessageObj &toRetrieve, NABoolean checkObjects);
// allocate space for a packed object in the current send message.
IpcMessageObj* sendMsgObj(IpcMessageObjSize packedObjLen);
// cleanup unpacked message buffers with objects no longer inuse
void cleanupBuffers();
// recalibrate garbage collection and release message buffers
void releaseBuffers()
garbageCollectLimit_ = 0;
// get number of inuse buffers (unpacked messages with objects
// still in use by the application)
Lng32 numOfInUseBuffers() const
{ return inUseBufList_.entries(); }
// get number of buffers in the input mesage queue
Lng32 numOfInputBuffers() const
{ return inBufList_.entries(); }
// get number of buffers in the output mesage queue
Lng32 numOfOutputBuffers() const
{ return outBufList_.entries(); }
// get number of buffers in the send mesage queue
Lng32 numOfSendBuffers() const
{ return sendBufList_.entries(); }
// get number of pending reply tags
Lng32 numOfReplyTagBuffers() const
{ return replyTagBufList_.entries(); }
// get last error information from connection
Lng32 getErrorInfo() const
{ return errorInfo_; }
// check limit of in use message buffers.
NABoolean inUseLimitReached() const
{ return((numOfInUseBuffers() + numOfInputBuffers()) >= inUseBufferLimit_); }
IpcMessageObjSize getBufferSize() { return bufferSize_; }
Lng32 getInUseBufferLimit() const { return inUseBufferLimit_; }
virtual IpcConnection *getConnection();
void setSMContinueProtocol(NABoolean b) { smContinueProtocol_ = b; }
NABoolean getSMContinueProtocol() const { return smContinueProtocol_; }
void setSMLastInBatch();
// user send call back, Application code to process error handling
virtual void actOnSend(IpcConnection* connection) = 0;
virtual void actOnSendAllComplete();
// user receive call back, Application code to invoke inbound msg processing
virtual void actOnReceive(IpcConnection* connection) = 0;
virtual void actOnReceiveAllComplete();
// add a message buffer to the input queue.
void addInputBuffer(IpcMessageBuffer* inputBuf);
// get next message buffer from output queue.
IpcMessageBuffer* getOutputBuffer()
{ IpcMessageBuffer* buf; return(outBufList_.getFirst(buf) ? buf : NULL); }
// get a copy of the next message buffer in the output queue.
IpcMessageBuffer* copyOutputBuffer()
{ return(outBufList_.entries() ?
outBufList_[0]->copy(environment_) : NULL); }
// prepare send message objects for output and put buffers in output queue.
void prepSendMsgForOutput();
// call back functions
// internal send call back may be redefined by derived classes.
virtual void internalActOnSend(IpcConnection* connection);
// internal receive call back may be redefined by derived classes.
virtual void internalActOnReceive(IpcMessageBuffer* buffer,
IpcConnection* connection);
// copy constructor (should not be called!)
IpcBufferedMsgStream(const IpcBufferedMsgStream&);
// assignment operator (should not be called!)
const IpcBufferedMsgStream& operator = (const IpcBufferedMsgStream&);
IpcMessageObjType msgType_; // message object type
IpcMessageObjVersion msgVersion_; // message object version
IpcMessageObjSize bufferSize_; // minimum length of message buffers
Lng32 inUseBufferLimit_; // inuse receive buffer limit
Lng32 garbageCollectLimit_; // inuse buf limit for garbage collect
Lng32 errorInfo_; // error info from connection
NABoolean receiveMsgComplete_; // complete receive msg ready to unpack
IpcMessageBuffer* sendMsgBuf_; // current send message buffer
sendMsgHdr_; // current send message header
IpcMessageObj* sendMsgObj_; // current send msg object being built
CollIndex receiveMsgBufI_; // index of receive message buffer
IpcMessageBuffer* receiveMsgBuf_; // current receive message buffer
receiveMsgHdr_; // current receive message header
IpcMessageObj* receiveMsgObj_; // next receive msg obj to be extracted
IpcMessageQueue sendBufList_; // current send message buffer list
IpcMessageQueue receiveBufList_; // current receive message buffer list
IpcMessageQueue inBufList_; // input message queue
IpcMessageQueue outBufList_; // output message queue
IpcMessageQueue inUseBufList_; // unpacked buffers with objects in use
IpcMessageQueue replyTagBufList_; // unpacked buffers with reply tags
NABoolean smContinueProtocol_;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IpcClientMsgStream
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class IpcClientMsgStream : public IpcBufferedMsgStream
// constructor
IpcClientMsgStream(IpcEnvironment *env,
IpcMessageType msgType,
IpcMessageObjVersion version,
Lng32 sendBufferLimit,
Lng32 inUseBufferLimit,
IpcMessageObjSize bufferSize);
// get/set the recipients of a message to send
inline const IpcSetOfConnections & getRecipients() const
{ return recipients_; }
// add a remote recipient connection to send request messages to
void addRecipient(IpcConnection* connection)
{ recipients_ += connection->getId(); }
// add a local recipient message stream to send request messages to
void addRecipient(IpcServerMsgStream* msgStream)
{ localRecipients_.insert(msgStream); }
// check limit of send message buffers.
NABoolean sendLimitReached()
{ return (responsesPending_ >= sendBufferLimit_); }
// get number of responses pending from IpcServerMsgStream
Lng32 numOfResponsesPending()
{ return responsesPending_; }
Lng32 getSendBufferLimit() const { return sendBufferLimit_; }
// broadcast the current send message to all recipients
void sendRequest(Int64 transid = (Int64)-1);
// we may want to add the capability to send() to a specific connection
// rather than broadcast
// void sendRequest(IpcConnection* connection, Int64 transid = (Int64)-1); ???
// we may want to add the capability to send() to a specific local message
// stream rather than broadcast
// void sendRequest(IpcServerMsgStream* msgStream, Int64 transid = (Int64)-1); ???
// abort any outstanding I/Os on this stream
void abandonPendingIOs();
// For seamonster
NABoolean getSMBatchIsComplete() const { return smBatchIsComplete_; }
void setSMBatchIsComplete(NABoolean x) { smBatchIsComplete_ = x; }
// internal receive call back
void internalActOnReceive(IpcMessageBuffer* buffer,
IpcConnection* connection);
// internal send call back
void internalActOnSend(IpcConnection* connection);
// get next local reply tag
short getLocalReplyTag()
{ while(++localReplyTag_ == GuaInvalidReplyTag); return(localReplyTag_); }
Lng32 sendBufferLimit_; // outstanding request buffer limit
Lng32 responsesPending_; // responses pending count
IpcSetOfConnections recipients_; // remote connections to receive broadcast
localRecipients_; // local msg streams to receive broadcast
short localReplyTag_; // reply tag used for local msg streams
// For seamonster
NABoolean smBatchIsComplete_; // has complete batch been received
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IpcServerMsgStream
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class IpcServerMsgStream : public IpcBufferedMsgStream
// constructor
IpcServerMsgStream(IpcEnvironment *env,
IpcMessageType msgType,
IpcMessageObjVersion version,
Lng32 sendBufferLimit,
Lng32 inUseBufferLimit,
IpcMessageObjSize bufferSize);
// set remote client connection to receive request messages from
void setClient(IpcConnection* connection, NABoolean receive = TRUE)
if (client_ != NULL)
client_->dumpAndStopOtherEnd(true, false);
assert(client_ == NULL);
client_ = connection;
if (receive)
IpcConnection* getClient()
{ return client_; }
// check limit of send message buffers.
NABoolean sendLimitReached()
{ return (numOfOutputBuffers() >= sendBufferLimit_); }
// prepare the current response message for output and continue responding
// to any pending request.
void sendResponse();
// server is done replying to all requests. send empty responses for all
// pending requests.
void responseDone();
// reply to outstanding requests from the output queue
void tickleOutputIo();
IpcConnection *getConnection() { return client_; }
// internal receive call back
void internalActOnReceive(IpcMessageBuffer* buffer,
IpcConnection* connection);
// get next message buffer from output queue matched with next reply tag.
IpcMessageBuffer* getReplyTagOutputBuffer(IpcConnection*& connection,
IpcBufferedMsgStream*& msgStream);
IpcConnection* client_; // remote client connection
Lng32 sendBufferLimit_; // output queue response buffer limit
// The SeaMonster continue protocol allows a batch of replies per
// request. The batch size is sendBufferLimit_.
// This is different from the current one-to-one continue protocol
// where the server sends one buffer for every request and the
// client sends a continue request after every reply.
// The buffersSentInBatch_ counter keeps track of how many buffers
// have been sent in the current batch.
// When the counter reaches sendBufferLimit_, the header of the last
// buffer in the batch is marked LAST IN BATCH. This informs the
// client to decrement stream and connection counters which enables
// a continue message to be sent by the client.
Lng32 buffersSentInBatch_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is an object that is held by the owner of a context-sensitive
// server. It describes the name of the server (ServerId) and its
// properties.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class IpcServer
friend class IpcServerClass;
void release();
// accessor methods
const IpcProcessId & getServerId() const
{ return controlConnection_->getOtherEnd(); }
IpcConnection *getControlConnection() { return controlConnection_; }
IpcServerClass *getServerClass() { return serverClass_; }
virtual IpcGuardianServer *castToIpcGuardianServer();
void logEspRelease(const char * filename, int lineNum,
const char *msg = NULL);
// the id of the server's service connection (also contains its process id)
IpcConnection *controlConnection_;
// each server belongs to a server class
IpcServerClass *serverClass_;
// remember the expanded program file name (mainly for error reporting)
char progFileName_[IpcMaxGuardianPathNameLength];
// private methods
// constructor, to be used by friends and derived classes only,
// everybody else calls IpcServerClass::allocateServerProcess()
IpcServer(IpcConnection *controlConnection,
IpcServerClass *serverClass);
virtual ~IpcServer();
// stop the server process
virtual void stop();
#if (defined(NA_GUARDIAN_IPC) || defined(NA_GUARDIAN_MSG))
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Specialization for a Guardian server process
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class IpcGuardianServer : public IpcServer
IpcServerClass * serverClass,
ComDiagsArea **diags,
CollHeap *diagsHeap,
const char * nodeName,
const char * className,
IpcCpuNum cpuNum = IPC_CPU_DONT_CARE,
IpcPriority priority = IPC_PRIORITY_DONT_CARE,
IpcServerAllocationMethod allocMethod = IPC_LAUNCH_GUARDIAN_PROCESS,
short uniqueTag = 0,
NABoolean usesTransactions = FALSE,
NABoolean debugServer = FALSE,
NABoolean waitedStartup = TRUE,
Lng32 maxNowaitRequests = 2,
const char * overridingDefineForProgFile = "",
const char * processName = NULL,
NABoolean parallelOpens = FALSE);
inline void setStateReady() { serverState_ = READY; }
inline NABoolean isReady() const { return serverState_ == READY; }
inline NABoolean hasError() const { return serverState_ == ERROR_STATE; }
inline short getUniqueTag() const { return uniqueTag_; }
NABoolean isCreatingProcess() const
serverState state = serverState_;
NABoolean result = state == CREATING_PROCESS;
return result;
inline IpcCpuNum getCpuNum() const { return cpuNum_; }
inline NABoolean getRequestedCpuDown() const { return requestedCpuDown_;}
inline NABoolean getUsesTransactions() const { return usesTransactions_; }
inline unsigned short getNowaitDepth() const { return nowaitDepth_; }
virtual IpcGuardianServer *castToIpcGuardianServer();
virtual void stop();
// do work on the startup process without blocking
// Call this either for indefinite wait or until either isReady() or
// hasError() returns TRUE. If isReady() returns true, the connection_
// data member of the parent class will be set. If hasError() returns
// TRUE, then the diagnostics area will be set.
short workOnStartup(IpcTimeout timeout,
ComDiagsArea **diags,
CollHeap *diagsHeap);
// caller has a system message that indicates something about the
// startup of this server (leave type of sys msg unspecified)
void acceptSystemMessage(const char *sysMsg,
Lng32 sysMsgLength);
short changePriority(Lng32 priority, NABoolean isDelta = FALSE);
NABoolean serverDied(); // return TRUE iff server is dead
inline const char *getProcessName() {return processName_; }
NowaitedEspStartup nowaitedEspStartup_;
void * newPhandle_;
NABoolean nowaitedStartupCompleted_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// For nowaited process creation, the state in which the server is
// (right now this is used only for Guardian connections)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
enum serverState
} serverState_;
// private methods
void launchProcess(ComDiagsArea **diags, CollHeap *diagsHeap);
void spawnProcess(ComDiagsArea **diags, CollHeap *diagsHeap);
void useProcess(ComDiagsArea **diags, CollHeap *diagsHeap);
void launchNSKLiteProcess(ComDiagsArea **diags, CollHeap *diagsHeap);
void populateDiagsAreaFromTPCError(ComDiagsArea *&d, CollHeap *diagsHeap);
// put server cpu location in the given string. e.g. \EJR0101 cpu 1
void getCpuLocationString(char *location);
// the node name (Expand) on which the process is started or NULL for local
// node, note that this name must NOT contain the leading backslash
const char * nodeName_;
// The program file name of the server; if partially qualified it gets
// expanded with $SYSTEM.SYSTEM as the default. A DEFINE name could also
// be given but make sure that the resulting name has either the system
// name unspecified or has the same system as "nodeName_".
const char * className_;
// the requested CPU number (on node "nodeName_")
IpcCpuNum cpuNum_;
// remember if node-down caused server to be created on a CPU
// different from the requested one. (tbd - could the IpcConnection's
// phandle be compared to cpuNum_ to give the same info?)
NABoolean requestedCpuDown_;
// the requested priority for the server
IpcPriority priority_;
// allocation method, indicates whether PROCESS_LAUNCH_ or
// PROCESS_SPAWN_ should be used to start the process. If the process file
// name contains a slash "/", we always use PROCESS_SPAWN_, therefore
// one method is to specify IPC_LAUNCH_GUARDIAN_PROCESS by default and
// to pass OSS filenames with a slash in them.
IpcServerAllocationMethod allocMethod_;
// a unique tag for this server, used for nowaited I/O operations, or -1
// if no nowait operations are requested
short uniqueTag_;
// should the connection to the server propagate the client's transaction?
NABoolean usesTransactions_;
// should the server be started in the debugging mode
NABoolean debugServer_;
// should we use nowaited requests to start the server and send the startup
// message? If yes, call workOnStartup() until either isReady() or hasError()
// return TRUE.
NABoolean waitedStartup_;
NABoolean parallelOpens_;
// max number of concurrent nowait I/Os to the server
unsigned short nowaitDepth_;
// a Guardian DEFINE can be passed here that, if it exists and points to
// an existing file, overrides the given program file name in "className"
const char * overridingDefineForProgFile_;
// processname of the process
const char * processName_;
// Two error codes that are set when the state is ERROR. These error
// codes should be added to the diagnostics area.
GuaErrorNumber guardianError_;
Int32 procCreateError_;
short procCreateDetail_;
// when sending messages, don't delete the message until the I/O completed
char * activeMessage_;
// When stopping an ESP by name, check the ESPs creation timestamp
// to see if the ESP was started by this master. Helps when process
// names are reused. See ALM CR 4528. When SQF is enhanced to
// handle this problem (see enhancement CR 4780) we can remove this
// work-around logic.
struct timespec creationTime_;
NABoolean unhooked_;
#endif /* NA_GUARDIAN_IPC */
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Max. length of a server class name (see below)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const Int32 IpcMaxServerClassNameLen = 100;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A server class object is used to allocate servers of a certain type
// (like sqlcomp, esp, ...).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class IpcServerClass : public NABasicObject
// Constructor; specify a name
IpcServerClass(IpcEnvironment *env,
IpcServerType serverType,
IpcServerAllocationMethod allocationMethod =
short version = COM_VERS_MXV,
char *nodeName = NULL);
inline IpcEnvironment *getEnv() const { return environment_; }
// allocate and free a server
IpcServer *allocateServerProcess(ComDiagsArea **diags = NULL,
CollHeap *diagsHeap = NULL,
const char *nodeName = NULL,
IpcCpuNum cpuNum = IPC_CPU_DONT_CARE,
IpcPriority priority = IPC_PRIORITY_DONT_CARE,
Lng32 espLevel = 1,
NABoolean usesTransactions = TRUE,
NABoolean waitedCreation = TRUE,
Lng32 maxNowaitRequests = 2,
const char *progFileName = NULL,
const char *processName = NULL,
NABoolean parallelOpens = FALSE,
IpcGuardianServer **creatingProcess = NULL);
void freeServerProcess(IpcServer *s);
inline short getServerVersion() { return serverVersion_;}
inline IpcServerType getServerType() { return serverType_;}
char *getProcessName(const char *nodeName, short nodeNameLen, short cpuNum, char *processName);
NABoolean parallelOpens() { return parallelOpens_; }
NowaitedEspServer nowaitedEspServer_;
// server type
IpcServerType serverType_;
// allocation method
IpcServerAllocationMethod allocationMethod_;
// remember all the servers of this class that are used in this process
LIST(IpcServer *) allocatedServers_;
IpcEnvironment *environment_;
short serverVersion_;
char *nodeName_;
NABoolean parallelOpens_;
// private methods (contain the OS-related code to start the server)
// (Guardian processes are created by calling the constructor
// IpcGuardianServer::IpcGuardianServer() and the work procedure
// IpcGuardianServer::workOnStartup())
IpcConnection *createInternetProcess(
ComDiagsArea **diags,
CollHeap *diagsHeap,
const char *nodeName,
const char *className,
IpcCpuNum cpuNum = IPC_CPU_DONT_CARE,
NABoolean usesTransactions = FALSE,
SockPortNumber defaultPortNumber = NoSockPortNumber);
// the next port number to allocate
SockPortNumber nextPort_;
// process creation using native win32 createprocess api
IpcConnection *createNTProcess(
ComDiagsArea **diags,
CollHeap *diagsHeap,
const char *nodeName,
const char *className,
IpcCpuNum cpuNum = IPC_CPU_DONT_CARE,
NABoolean usesTransactions = FALSE,
SockPortNumber defaultPortNumber = NoSockPortNumber);
IpcConnection *forkProcess(
ComDiagsArea **diags,
CollHeap *diagsHeap,
const char *nodeName,
const char *className,
IpcCpuNum cpuNum = IPC_CPU_DONT_CARE,
NABoolean usesTransactions = FALSE);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A global data structure that holds a pointer to all connections that
// exist within a process. This allows certain global operations (e.g.
// wait for any I/O). This class is part of the Ipc environment, class
// IpcEnvironment.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class IpcAllConnections : public ARRAY(IpcConnection *)
friend class IpcConnection;
friend class IpcMessageBuffer;
IpcAllConnections(CollHeap *hp = 0, NABoolean esp = FALSE) : ARRAY(IpcConnection*)(hp)
pendingIOs_ = new(hp) IpcSetOfConnections(this,hp,TRUE,esp);
completionSequenceNo_ = 0;
deleteCount_ = 0;
recursionCount_ = 0;
receivedPartialMessage_ = FALSE;
traceRef_ = NULL;
numSMConnections_ = 0;
// copy ctor
IpcAllConnections (const IpcAllConnections & orig, CollHeap * h=0) ; // not written
void waitForAllSqlTableConnections(Int64 transid);
// wait for something to happen on any of the connections like awaitio(-1)
inline WaitReturnStatus waitOnAll(IpcTimeout timeout = IpcInfiniteTimeout,
NABoolean calledByESP = FALSE,
NABoolean *timedout = NULL,
Int64 *waitTime = NULL)
WaitReturnStatus retcode;
struct timespec startts;
struct timespec endts;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &startts);
retcode = pendingIOs_->waitOnSet(timeout, calledByESP, timedout);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &endts);
if (startts.tv_nsec > endts.tv_nsec)
// borrow 1 from tv_sec, convert to nanosec and add to tv_nsec.
endts.tv_nsec += 1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
endts.tv_sec -= 1;
if (waitTime != NULL)
*waitTime = ((endts.tv_sec - startts.tv_sec) * 1000LL * 1000LL * 1000LL)
+ (endts.tv_nsec - startts.tv_nsec);
return retcode;
// used by asynchronous CLI cancel.
inline void cancelWait(NABoolean b) const
{ pendingIOs_->cancelWait(b); }
// get those connections that are pending
inline const IpcSetOfConnections &getPendingIOs() const
{ return *pendingIOs_; }
// find out how many connections have pending IOs
inline CollIndex getNumPendingIOs() const
{ return pendingIOs_->entries(); }
// get the sequence number of the last I/O that completed
inline ULng32 getCompletionSeqenceNo() const
{ return completionSequenceNo_; }
// indicate an I/O completion to global wait procedures
inline void bumpCompletionCount() { completionSequenceNo_++; }
// indicate a connection was closed and should be deleted when no recursion
inline void incrDeleteCount() { deleteCount_++; }
// indicate a closed connection was deleted (when no recursion)
inline void decrDeleteCount() { deleteCount_--; }
// get the closed but not deleted count to determine whether to search
inline ULng32 getDeleteCount() { return deleteCount_; }
// increment on each recursive call to waitOnSet for a subset of all
inline void incrRecursionCount() { recursionCount_++; }
// decrement on each return from a recursive call to waitOnSet for a subset of all
inline void decrRecursionCount() { recursionCount_--; }
// get the count of recursive calls to waitOnSet for a subset of all
inline ULng32 getRecursionCount() { return recursionCount_; }
// indicate to global wait procedures that we received a partial message
inline void setReceivedPartialMessage(NABoolean flag)
{ receivedPartialMessage_ = flag; }
// find out if we received a partial message
inline NABoolean getReceivedPartialMessage()
{ return receivedPartialMessage_; }
// get the list of connections with pending I/Os and save the node names,
// CPUs and PINs of the first <n> processes of the other ends in given buff
CollIndex fillInListOfPendingPins(char *buff, ULng32 buffSize,
CollIndex numOfPins);
void fillInListOfPendingPhandles(GuaProcessHandle *phandles,
CollIndex& numOfPhandles);
// methods used for data structure integrity checking
void checkIntegrity(void); // traverses to the "top" to begin integrity check
void checkLocalIntegrity(void); // checks integrity of this object
// methods used for Ipc Connection tracing
void print(); // can be called from the debugger
void registTraceInfo(IpcEnvironment *env, ExeTraceInfo *ti);
Int32 printConnTrace(Int32 lineno, char *buf);
static Int32 getAnEntry(void * mine, Int32 lineno, char * buf)
{ return ((IpcAllConnections *) mine)->printConnTrace(lineno, buf); }
void infoAllConnections(char *buffer, int max_len, int *rsp_len);
void printConnTraceLine(char *buffer, int *rsp_len, IpcConnection *conn);
Int32 getNumSMConnections() { return numSMConnections_; }
void incrNumSMConnections() { numSMConnections_++; }
void decrNumSMConnections() { numSMConnections_--; }
// used by our friends, the connection objects, to change their status
inline void IOPending(IpcConnectionId id) { *pendingIOs_ += id; }
inline void IOComplete(IpcConnectionId id) { *pendingIOs_ -= id; }
// the subset of connections that are currently sending or receiving
IpcSetOfConnections *pendingIOs_;
// an ever-increasing (with wraparound) counter of completed I/Os
// (calling a callback for a completed send or receive counts as
// an I/O completion)
ULng32 completionSequenceNo_;
ULng32 deleteCount_;
ULng32 recursionCount_;
// A flag to indicate that we received a part of multi-chunk
// message. This flag is used only to reset the timeout in the
// wait method after we have received a part of multi-chunk message.
NABoolean receivedPartialMessage_;
// A reference to trace registered in global trace repository
void *traceRef_;
CollIndex printEntry_;
Int32 numSMConnections_; // Number of SeaMonster connections
// Constants to indicates how many concurrent requests we allow per
// ESP. The number of concurrent requests limits the number of fragment
// instances that we can download to the ESP, since for each transaction
// we need to be able to send 2 messages simultaneously. There are two
// constants: an initial one to save resources, and a second one for
// large queries to keep the number of ESPs low. See logic on IpcEnvironment
// constructor that allows these to be overridden with DEFINEs.
const Int32 InitialNowaitRequestsPerEsp = 15;
const Int32 HighLoadNowaitRequestsPerEsp = 15;
// Ipc Data message type names. must match with the enum IpcMsgOper below
static const char * IpcMsgOperName[] =
"NONE", // initial state or no action yet
"SEND", // for consumer to send request to a producer
"RECV", // for consumer to receive reply from a producer
"ACPT", // for producer to accept a request from consumer
"RESP" // for producer to respond request to a consumner
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The environment for IpcIPC objects and procedures.
// Using a pointer to this environment in many objects avoids global
// variables which are a problem in the executor library environment.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class IpcEnvironment : public NABasicObject
IpcEnvironment(CollHeap *heap = NULL, UInt32 *eventConsumed = NULL,
NABoolean breakEnabled = FALSE,
NABoolean useGuaIpcAtRuntime = FALSE,
NABoolean persistentProcess = FALSE);
Lng32 getMaxPollingInterval() { return maxPollingInterval_; }
void setMaxPollingInterval(Lng32 arg) { maxPollingInterval_ = arg; }
NABoolean getPersistentOpens() { return persistentOpens_; }
void setPersistentOpens(NABoolean arg) { persistentOpens_ = arg; }
unsigned short getPersistentOpenAssigned() { return persistentOpenAssigned_; }
short getPersistentOpenInfo(GuaProcessHandle *otherEnd, short *index);
void resetPersistentOpen(short index);
short getNewPersistentOpenIndex();
void setPersistentOpenInfo(short index, GuaProcessHandle *otherEnd, short fileNum);
NABoolean getMasterFastCompletion() { return masterFastCompletion_; }
NABoolean isPersistentProcess() { return persistentProcess_; }
void stopIpcEnvironment();
IpcAllConnections *getAllConnections() const { return allConnections_; }
IpcControlConnection *getControlConnection() const
{ return controlConnection_; }
inline void addToCompletedMessages(IpcMessageStreamBase * m)
void deleteCompletedMessages();
void setControlConnection(IpcControlConnection *cc);
inline NABoolean breakEnabled() { return breakEnabled_; }
inline void setBreakEnabled( NABoolean enabled ){ breakEnabled_ = enabled; }
inline CollHeap *getHeap() const { return heap_; }
IpcProcessId getMyOwnProcessId(IpcNetworkDomain dom = IPC_DOM_INVALID);
inline UInt32 * getEventConsumed() { return eventConsumedAddr_; }
inline void setEvent(NABoolean on, UInt32 event)
if (eventConsumedAddr_ != NULL)
if (on)
*eventConsumedAddr_ |= event;
*eventConsumedAddr_ &= 0xFFFFFFFF ^ event;
inline NABoolean isEvent(UInt32 event)
{ return eventConsumedAddr_ && *eventConsumedAddr_ & event; }
inline void setLdoneConsumed(NABoolean ldoneConsumed = TRUE)
if (eventConsumedAddr_ != NULL)
if (ldoneConsumed)
*eventConsumedAddr_ |= LDONE;
*eventConsumedAddr_ &= 0xFFFFFFFF ^ LDONE;
inline NABoolean ldoneConsumed()
{ return eventConsumedAddr_ && *eventConsumedAddr_ & LDONE; }
inline void setLsigConsumed(NABoolean lsigConsumed = TRUE)
if (eventConsumedAddr_ != NULL)
if (lsigConsumed)
*eventConsumedAddr_ |= LSIG;
*eventConsumedAddr_ &= 0xFFFFFFFF ^ LSIG;
inline NABoolean lsigConsumed()
{ return eventConsumedAddr_ && *eventConsumedAddr_ & LSIG; }
inline char ** getEnvVars() { return envvars_;}
inline Lng32 getEnvVarsLen() { return envvarsLen_;}
void setEnvVars(char ** envvars);
void setEnvVarsLen(Lng32 envvarsLen);
// for debug integrity checking
void setExRtFragTableIntegrityCheckPtr
(void (*fnptr) (ExRtFragTable *ft));
void setCurrentExRtFragTable(ExRtFragTable *ft);
void removeCurrentExRtFragTable(ExRtFragTable *ft);
ExRtFragTable * getCurrentExRtFragTable(Lng32 i);
void checkIntegrity(void); // traverses to the "top" to begin integrity check
void checkLocalIntegrity(void); // checks integrity of this object
IpcPriority getMyProcessPriority();
// We have a flag to indicate that the IPC heap became full. The
// flag is not used internally by the instance. It is only placed
// here because the IpcEnvironment is generally visible from all
// parts of the CLI and executor that are IPC-aware.
NABoolean getHeapFullFlag() const { return heapFull_; }
void setHeapFullFlag(NABoolean b);
// One other thing we do to manage the IPC heap is keep a "safety"
// buffer allocated in this instance and when the heap becomes full,
// the code which detects that can release the safety buffer to
// guarantee that there is some space left on the heap.
void releaseSafetyBuffer();
IpcTimeout getStopAfter() const { return stopAfter_; }
void setStopAfter(IpcTimeout stopAfter) { stopAfter_ = stopAfter; }
Int64 getIdleTimestamp() const { return idleTimestamp_; }
void clearIdleTimestamp() { idleTimestamp_ = 0; }
void setIdleTimestamp();
IpcTimeout getInactiveTimeout() const { return inactiveTimeout_; }
void setInactiveTimeout(IpcTimeout inactiveTimeout)
{ inactiveTimeout_ = inactiveTimeout; }
Int64 getInactiveTimestamp() const { return inactiveTimestamp_; }
void clearInactiveTimestamp() { inactiveTimestamp_ = 0; }
void setInactiveTimestamp();
Lng32 getEspPrivStackSize() const { return espPrivStackSize_; }
void setEspPrivStackSize(Lng32 espPrivStackSize) { espPrivStackSize_ = espPrivStackSize; }
Lng32 getEspFreeMemTimeout() const { return espFreeMemTimeout_; }
void setEspFreeMemTimeout(Lng32 freeMemTimeout) { espFreeMemTimeout_ = freeMemTimeout; }
NABoolean getEspCloseErrorLogging() const { return espCloseErrorLogging_; }
void setEspCloseErrorLogging(NABoolean espCloseErrorLogging) { espCloseErrorLogging_ = espCloseErrorLogging; }
inline NABoolean useGuaIpcAtRuntime() const { return useGuaIpcAtRuntime_; }
inline IpcServerType getIpcServerType() { return serverType_; }
void notifyNoOpens();
inline IpcMessageObjSize getGuaMaxMsgIOSize() { return guaMaxMsgIOSize_; }
// This allows setting the threshhold at which the tryToStartNewIO methods
// switch to chunking. See define =_SQLMX_MAX_IPC_MSG_SIZE usage in
// this class's ctor.
inline IpcMessageObjSize getGuaMaxMsgIOSize() const { return guaMaxMsgIOSize_; }
// Allows testing of send depth limits for control connections.
// See defines =_SQLMX_NOWAIT_DEPTH_LOW and _HI in this class's ctor.
inline unsigned short getCCMaxWaitDepthLow() const { return maxCCNowaitDepthLow_; }
inline unsigned short getCCMaxWaitDepthHigh() const { return maxCCNowaitDepthHigh_; }
// Supports logging of retried MSG_LINK_ or WRITEREADX calls.
inline void incrRetriedMessages() { retriedMessageCount_++; }
void logRetriedMessages(void);
// Allows testing of per-process Message Quick Cell limits.
// See define =_SQLMX_MAX_OUTGOING_MSG in this class's ctor.
inline short getMaxPerProcessMQCs() const { return maxPerProcessMQCs_; }
void setCliGlobals(CliGlobals *cliGlobals) { cliGlobals_ = cliGlobals; }
CliGlobals *getCliGlobals() const { return cliGlobals_; }
inline char getEspAssignByLevel() const { return espAssignByLevel_; }
inline void incrNumOpensInProgress() { numOpensInProgress_ += 1; }
inline void decrNumOpensInProgress() { numOpensInProgress_ -= 1; }
inline short getNumOpensInProgress() const { return numOpensInProgress_; }
void closeTrace(unsigned short, short, Int32, Int32, SB_Int64_Type);
void bawaitioxTrace(IpcSetOfConnections *ipcSetOfConnections,
ULng32 recursionCount,
CollIndex firstConnectionIndex,
IpcConnection *firstConnection,
IpcAwaitiox *ipcAwaitiox);
// Methods to aid executor tracing for data send and receive
void registTraceInfo(ExeTraceInfo *ti);
void addIpcMsgTrace(IpcConnection *conn, const char mtype,
void * bufAddr, Int32 length, char isLast,
UInt32 seqNum)
if (++lastIpcMsgTraceIndex_ >= maxIpcMsgTraceIndex_)
lastIpcMsgTraceIndex_ = 0;
ipcMsgTraceArea_[lastIpcMsgTraceIndex_].conn_ = conn;
ipcMsgTraceArea_[lastIpcMsgTraceIndex_].bufAddr_ = bufAddr;
ipcMsgTraceArea_[lastIpcMsgTraceIndex_].length_ = length;
ipcMsgTraceArea_[lastIpcMsgTraceIndex_].sendOrReceive_ = mtype;
ipcMsgTraceArea_[lastIpcMsgTraceIndex_].isLast_ = isLast;
ipcMsgTraceArea_[lastIpcMsgTraceIndex_].seqNum_ = seqNum;
Int32 printAnIpcEntry(Int32 lineno, char *buf);
static Int32 getALine(void * mine, Int32 lineno, char * buf)
{ return ((IpcEnvironment *) mine)->printAnIpcEntry(lineno, buf); }
bool getCorruptDownloadMsg() const {return corruptDownloadMsg_; }
bool getLogReleaseEsp() const { return logReleaseEsp_; }
bool getLogEspIdleTimeout() const { return logEspIdleTimeout_; }
bool getLogEspGotCloseMsg() const { return logEspGotCloseMsg_; }
bool getLogTimeIpcConnectionState() const
{ return logTimeIpcConnectionState_; }
bool smEnabled() { return seamonsterEnabled_; }
char const *myProcessName();
// trace for data send and receive
enum IpcMsgOper
UNUSED, // initial state or no action yet
SEND, // for consumer to send request to a producer
RECEIVE, // for consumer to receive reply from a producer
ACCEPT, // for producer to accept a request from consumer
RESPOND // for producer to respond request to a consumner
struct IpcMsgTrace
IpcConnection *conn_; // channel used to send or receive
void *bufAddr_; // buffer containing the data
Int32 length_; // total sent/received size
char sendOrReceive_; // contains enum IpcMsgOper value
char isLast_; // indicates if it is the last chunk
UInt32 seqNum_; // sequence number of multi-chunk message
IpcAllConnections *allConnections_; // all connections of this process
IpcControlConnection *controlConnection_; // if this is a server
LIST(IpcMessageStreamBase *) completedMessages_; // messages which will be cleaned up
// periodically
CollHeap *heap_; // heap for allocating space
ExRtFragTable *currentExRtFragTable_[4]; // for debug integrity checking
// contains the environment (the exported env vars on oss).
// Passed onto mxcmp when it is started on release platform.
// See CliLayerForNsk.cpp, method SetEnviron_InternalNSK for details
// on how this is set. See spawnProcess method in IPC on how envs
// are passed on.
char ** envvars_;
Lng32 envvarsLen_;
void (*integrityCheckExRtFragTablePtr_) (ExRtFragTable *ft) ;
UInt32 *eventConsumedAddr_; // address of event consumed indicator
NABoolean breakEnabled_;
NABoolean heapFull_;
char *safetyBuffer_;
NABoolean useGuaIpcAtRuntime_;
IpcTimeout stopAfter_; // Exit after time interval in microseconds
Int64 idleTimestamp_;
IpcTimeout inactiveTimeout_; // Exit after time interval in microseconds
Int64 inactiveTimestamp_;
Lng32 espPrivStackSize_; // Maximum esp priv stack size
NABoolean espCloseErrorLogging_; // Log EMS event if close is received with req outstanding
IpcServerType serverType_;
Lng32 maxPollingInterval_;
NABoolean persistentOpens_;
unsigned short persistentOpenEntries_; // Entries in array
unsigned short persistentOpenAssigned_; // Entries assigned
PersistentOpenEntry (*persistentOpenArray_)[1];
NABoolean masterFastCompletion_;
NABoolean persistentProcess_;
CliGlobals *cliGlobals_; // CliGlobals
Lng32 espFreeMemTimeout_; // secs after which idle ESP frees up memory.
IpcMessageObjSize guaMaxMsgIOSize_;
unsigned short maxCCNowaitDepthLow_;
unsigned short maxCCNowaitDepthHigh_;
Int32 retriedMessageCount_;
short maxPerProcessMQCs_;
// IpcPriority priority_;
char espAssignByLevel_;
short numOpensInProgress_;
CloseTraceEntry (*closeTraceArray_)[closeTraceEntries];
short closeTraceIndex_;
BawaitioxTraceEntry (*bawaitioxTraceArray_)[bawaitioxTraceEntries];
short bawaitioxTraceIndex_;
// Executor trace related, see ComExeTrace.h for more info
IpcMsgTrace *ipcMsgTraceArea_; // Array of IpcMsgTrace entries
Int32 lastIpcMsgTraceIndex_; // points to the last used entry
Int32 maxIpcMsgTraceIndex_; // max index value
void *ipcMsgTraceRef_; // pointer to this trace in the repository
bool corruptDownloadMsg_;
bool logReleaseEsp_;
bool logEspIdleTimeout_;
bool logEspGotCloseMsg_;
bool logTimeIpcConnectionState_;
bool seamonsterEnabled_;
char myProcessName_[PhandleStringLen];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default heap for IPC, using global operator new and delete
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <iosfwd>
using namespace std;
class ostream; // needed for decl below
// convenience function to make sure a diagnostics area is allocated
void IpcAllocateDiagsArea(ComDiagsArea *&diags, CollHeap *diagsHeap);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Overload global operator new with an IpcEnvironment
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void * operator new(size_t size, IpcEnvironment *env);
void * operator new[](size_t size, IpcEnvironment *env);
void operator delete(void *p, IpcEnvironment *env);
char *getServerProcessName(IpcServerType serverType, const char *nodeName, short nodeNameLen,
short cpuNum, char *processName, short *envType = NULL);
#endif /* IPC_H */