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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ComSchemaName.C
* Description: methods for class ComSchemaName
* Created: 9/12/95
* Language: C++
#include <string.h>
#include "ComASSERT.h"
#include "ComMPLoc.h"
#include "ComSchemaName.h"
#include "ComSqlText.h"
#include "NAString.h"
#include "SqlParserGlobals.h" // last
// constructors
// default constructor
ComSchemaName::ComSchemaName ()
// initializing constructor
ComSchemaName::ComSchemaName (const NAString &externalSchemaName)
// initializing constructor
ComSchemaName::ComSchemaName (const NAString &externalSchemaName,
size_t &bytesScanned)
scan(externalSchemaName, bytesScanned);
// initializing constructor
ComSchemaName::ComSchemaName (const ComAnsiNamePart &schemaNamePart)
: schemaNamePart_ (schemaNamePart)
// initializing constructor
ComSchemaName::ComSchemaName (const ComAnsiNamePart &catalogNamePart,
const ComAnsiNamePart &schemaNamePart)
: catalogNamePart_ (catalogNamePart)
, schemaNamePart_ (schemaNamePart)
// "cat." is invalid
if (NOT catalogNamePart_.isEmpty() AND schemaNamePart_.isEmpty())
// virtual destructor
ComSchemaName::~ComSchemaName ()
// assignment operator
ComSchemaName &ComSchemaName::operator= (const NAString &rhsSchemaName)
return *this;
// accessors
const NAString &
ComSchemaName::getCatalogNamePartAsAnsiString(NABoolean) const
return catalogNamePart_.getExternalName();
const NAString &
ComSchemaName::getSchemaNamePartAsAnsiString(NABoolean) const
return schemaNamePart_.getExternalName();
ComSchemaName::getExternalName(NABoolean) const
NAString extSchemaName;
#ifndef NDEBUG
Int32 ok = 0;
if (NOT schemaNamePart_.isEmpty())
if (NOT catalogNamePart_.isEmpty())
#ifndef NDEBUG
ok = 1;
extSchemaName = getCatalogNamePartAsAnsiString() + "." +
extSchemaName = getSchemaNamePartAsAnsiString();
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (!ok)
cerr << "Warning: incomplete ComSchemaName " << extSchemaName << endl;
return extSchemaName;
// mutators
// Resets data members
void ComSchemaName::clear()
// private methods
// Scans (parses) input external-format schema name.
ComSchemaName::scan(const NAString &externalSchemaName)
size_t bytesScanned;
return scan(externalSchemaName, bytesScanned);
// Scans (parses) input external-format schema name.
// This method assumes that the parameter externalSchemaName only
// contains the external-format schema name. The syntax of an
// schema name is
// [ <catalog-name-part> ] . <schema-name-part>
// A schema name part must be specified; the catalog name part is optional.
// The method returns the number of bytes scanned via the parameter
// bytesScanned. If the scanned schema name is illegal, bytesScanned
// contains the number of bytes examined when the name is determined
// to be invalid.
// If the specified external-format schema name is valid, this method
// returns TRUE and saves the parsed ANSI SQL name part into data
// members catalogNamePart_ and schemaNamePart_; otherwise, it returns
// FALSE and does not changes the contents of the data members.
ComSchemaName::scan(const NAString &externalSchemaName,
size_t &bytesScanned)
size_t count;
size_t externalSchemaNameLen = externalSchemaName.length();
bytesScanned = 0;
ComAnsiNamePart(x, ComAnsiNamePart::INTERNAL_FORMAT)
if (( SqlParser_Initialized() && SqlParser_NAMETYPE == DF_NSK) ||
(!SqlParser_Initialized() && * == '\\')) {
ComMPLoc loc(externalSchemaName);
switch (loc.getFormat()) {
case ComMPLoc::SUBVOL:
catalogNamePart_ = COPY_VALIDATED_STRING(loc.getSysDotVol());
schemaNamePart_ = COPY_VALIDATED_STRING(loc.getSubvolName());
bytesScanned = externalSchemaNameLen;
return TRUE;
case ComMPLoc::FILE:
if (!loc.hasSubvolName()) {
catalogNamePart_ = "";
schemaNamePart_ = COPY_VALIDATED_STRING(loc.getFileName());
bytesScanned = externalSchemaNameLen;
return TRUE;
// Each ComAnsiNamePart ctor below must be preceded by "count = 0;"
// -- see ComAnsiNamePart.cpp, and for a better scan implementation,
// see ComObjectName::scan() + ComObjectName(bytesScanned) ctor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Scan the leftmost ANSI SQL name part.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
count = 0;
ComAnsiNamePart part1(externalSchemaName, count);
bytesScanned += count;
if (NOT part1.isValid())
return FALSE;
if (bytesScanned >= externalSchemaNameLen)
ComASSERT(bytesScanned == externalSchemaNameLen);
schemaNamePart_ = part1;
return TRUE; // "sch"
// Get past the period separator
if (NOT ComSqlText.isPeriod(externalSchemaName[bytesScanned++]))
return FALSE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Scan the last ANSI SQL name part
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
Int32 remainingLen = externalSchemaNameLen - bytesScanned;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
NAString remainingName = externalSchemaName(bytesScanned, remainingLen);
count = 0;
ComAnsiNamePart part2(remainingName, count);
bytesScanned += count;
if (NOT part2.isValid())
return FALSE;
if (bytesScanned == externalSchemaNameLen)
catalogNamePart_ = part1;
schemaNamePart_ = part2;
return TRUE; // "cat.sch"
// The specified external-format object name contains some extra
// trailing characters -- illegal.
return FALSE;
} // ComSchemaName::scan()
void ComSchemaName::setDefinitionSchemaName (const COM_VERSION version)