blob: 1bbc09dfc7dc635fc5eb5a4dbf73bf8b2b8c0c69 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ComObjectName.h
* Description: ComObjectName represents a three part ANSI name. The
* three parts being the catalog name part, the schema
* name part, and the object name part. The syntax of
* the external-format ANSI SQL name is:
* [ [ <catalog-name-part> . ] <schema-name-part> . ]
* <object-name-part>
* Class ComRoutineActionName represents a partially- or fully-
* qualified routine action name. The UID of the associating
* universal user-defined function (UUDF - e.g. sas_score)
* must be provided to distinguish 2 different actions with
* with the same name (note that their corresponding associating
* UUDF's are not the same).
* Created: 7/21/95
* Language: C++
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#include <iosfwd>
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
#include "NABoolean.h"
#include "NAString.h"
#include "ComOperators.h"
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
#include "ComAnsiNamePart.h"
#include "ComRoutineActionNamePart.h"
#include "ComSchemaName.h"
#include "ComMisc.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward declarations
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ComObjectName;
class ComRoutineActionName;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definition of class ComObjectName
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ComObjectName : public NABasicObject
// global friend functions
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const ComObjectName &name);
friend void ComObjTest(const NAString &e); //##
// constructors
// Default constructor
ComObjectName(CollHeap * h=0);
// Copy constructor
ComObjectName( const ComObjectName & rhs
, CollHeap * h=0
ComObjectName( const NAString &objectName
, const ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace = COM_UNKNOWN_NAME
, NABoolean createDropAlias = FALSE
, CollHeap * h=0
, unsigned short toInternalIdentifierFlags = NASTRING_ALLOW_NSK_GUARDIAN_NAME_FORMAT
// Initializing constructor. The method scans the input
// object name to find out whether the input name is legal.
// If the input object name is legal, the method decomposes
// the input into separate name components. If the input
// name does not include the catalog or schema name part,
// the methods treats the corresponding name part to be empty.
// If the input object name is illegal, the constructed
// object is empty.
// Examples of the contents of the input objectName parameter:
// catalog_name_part.schema_name_part.object_name_part
// Parameter toInternalIdentifierFlags is the same as
// parameter pv_flags in the declaration of routine
// ToInternalIdentifier() in header file NAString.h --
// It is different from the data member flags_.
ComObjectName( const NAString &objectName
, size_t &count
, const ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace = COM_UNKNOWN_NAME
, CollHeap * h=0
// Similar to the previous ctor, except:
// - the number of bytes scanned is returned via the parameter count.
// - successful scans proceed up to the first illegal unquoted char
// (or end-of-string); e.g.
// "cat . sch . tbl . col"
// 123456789 123456789
// returns an object "cat.sch.tbl" and a count of 16.
// The caller can then continue scanning the rest of the string.
// If the object name is not found or is illegal, the
// parameter count contains the number of bytes examined
// when the name is determined to be invalid. If the
// input object name is legal, the parameter count
// contains the length of the input object name.
ComObjectName( const NAString &catalogNamePart
, const NAString &schemaNamePart
, const NAString &objectNamePart
, const ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace = COM_UNKNOWN_NAME
, const ComAnsiNamePart::formatEnum format =
, CollHeap * h=0
// Initializing constructor - If parameter format contains
// the value ComAnsiNamePart::EXTERNAL_FORMAT (the default),
// the first three (3) parameters (whose names contain the
// NamePart suffix) must contain the name parts in external
// format (the format used by ANSI SQL users). If parameter
// format contains the value ComAnsiNamePart::INTERNAL_FORMAT,
// the parameters ...NamePart must contain the name parts in
// internal format (the format stored in the Metadata Dictionary
// tables).
// If an input name part is illegal, the constructed object is
// empty. If the catalog name part is not empty and the schema
// name part is empty, the constructed object is empty (that is,
// the input name parts are considered as being illegal).
ComObjectName( const NAString &catalogNamePart
, const NAString &schemaNamePart
, const NAString &objectNamePart
, const ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace
, NABoolean doNotParse // must be TRUE
// This method constructs ComObjectName directly from input strings.
// Use this constructor only if the input strings have already been
// parsed, such as calling from CatExecCreateAlias, CatExecDropalias.
// The last param doNotParse is used to differentiate from the previous
// constructor.
ComObjectName( const ComAnsiNamePart &objectNamePart
, const ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace = COM_UNKNOWN_NAME
// Initializing constructor. The catalog and schema name
// parts in the constructed object is empty.
ComObjectName( const ComAnsiNamePart &schemaNamePart
, const ComAnsiNamePart &objectNamePart
, const ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace = COM_UNKNOWN_NAME
// Initializing constructor. The catalog name part in the
// constructed object is empty.
ComObjectName( const ComAnsiNamePart &catalogNamePart
, const ComAnsiNamePart &schemaNamePart
, const ComAnsiNamePart &objectNamePart
, const ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace = COM_UNKNOWN_NAME
// Initializing constructor.
// virtual destructor
virtual ~ComObjectName();
// virtual cast methods
virtual const ComRoutineActionName * castToComRoutineActionName() const;
virtual ComRoutineActionName * castToComRoutineActionName();
// operators
ComObjectName& operator=(const NAString &rhsObjectName);
ComObjectName& operator=(const ComObjectName &rhsObjectName);
inline ComBoolean operator==(const ComObjectName &rhs) const;
inline ComBoolean operator>=(const ComObjectName &rhs) const;
// accessors
const ComAnsiNamePart &getCatalogNamePart() const {return catalogNamePart_;}
const ComAnsiNamePart &getSchemaNamePart() const {return schemaNamePart_;}
const ComAnsiNamePart &getObjectNamePart() const {return objectNamePart_;}
const NAString &getCatalogNamePartAsAnsiString(NABoolean = FALSE) const;
const NAString &getSchemaNamePartAsAnsiString (NABoolean = FALSE) const;
const NAString &getObjectNamePartAsAnsiString (NABoolean = FALSE) const;
virtual NAString getExternalName(NABoolean formatForDisplay = FALSE,
NABoolean displayedExternally = FALSE) const;
// returns an empty string if this object is empty; otherwise,
// returns the ANSI SQL object name, in external-format
// (the format used by ANSI SQL users). If the catalog name part
// does not exist (in this object), it will not be included
// in the returned object name (in external format). If the
// schema name part does not exist, only the object name part
// (in external format) is returned. If the name is to be displayed
// externall, for example in SHOWDDL, the catalog name is not included.
ComAnsiNameSpace getNameSpace() const { return nameSpace_; }
NAString getExternalNameWithNameSpace(NABoolean formatForDisplay = FALSE) const;
virtual inline NABoolean isEmpty() const;
virtual inline NABoolean isValid() const;
inline void getComSchemaNameObject(ComSchemaName & comSchNameObj) const; // out
// mutators
virtual void clear();
virtual void clearIfInvalid(); // Make all data members in this object empty.
void PLACEHOLDER_FOR_NONVIRTUAL_METHOD(); // ## remove, or rename+reuse
inline void setCatalogNamePart(const ComAnsiNamePart &catalogNamePart);
inline void setSchemaNamePart (const ComAnsiNamePart &schemaNamePart);
inline void setObjectNamePart (const ComAnsiNamePart &objectNamePart);
inline void setNameSpace (const ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace);
void applyDefaults( const ComAnsiNamePart &catalogNamePart
, const ComAnsiNamePart &schemaNamePart
NABoolean isVolatile() const { return (flags_ & IS_VOLATILE) != 0; }
void setIsVolatile(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= IS_VOLATILE : flags_ &= ~IS_VOLATILE);}
inline NABoolean isExternalHive() const;
inline NABoolean isExternalHbase() const;
// The following constructor is invoked by a constructor of class CatRoutineActionName
ComObjectName( const ComUID &uudfUid
, const NAString &catalogNamePart
, const NAString &schemaNamePart
, const NAString &routineActionNamePart
, const ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace // must be COM_UUDF_ACTION_NAME
, const ComAnsiNamePart::formatEnum format = ComAnsiNamePart::EXTERNAL_FORMAT
, ComBoolean parseInputNameParts = TRUE
, CollHeap * h=0
// The following method is invoked by the corresponding initializing constructor
// and one of theCatRoutineActionName::set() method. The following method clears
// the object and returns FALSE, if the input parameters are invalid.
NABoolean initialize ( const ComUID &uudfUid // UID of UUDF associating with UDF action
, const NAString &catalogNamePart
, const NAString &schemaNamePart
, const NAString &routineActionNamePart
, const ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace // must be COM_UUDF_ACTION_NAME
, const ComAnsiNamePart::formatEnum format = ComAnsiNamePart::EXTERNAL_FORMAT
, ComBoolean parseInputNameParts = TRUE
inline Lng32 getFlags() const { return flags_; }
enum Flags { IS_VOLATILE = 0x1 };
ComAnsiNamePart catalogNamePart_;
ComAnsiNamePart schemaNamePart_;
ComAnsiNamePart objectNamePart_;
ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace_;
CollHeap *heap_;
Lng32 flags_;
NABoolean scan(const NAString &objectName, size_t &count
, NABoolean createDropAlias = FALSE
, unsigned short toInternalIdentifierFlags = NASTRING_ALLOW_NSK_GUARDIAN_NAME_FORMAT
// This method scans the specified external-format ANSI
// SQL object name.
// The method returns TRUE and decomposes the input object
// name and then stores the name components into the data
// members if the object name is valid. The method also
// returns the length of the scanned name via the
// parameter count.
// If the object name is not found or is illegal, the method
// returns FALSE and the number of bytes examined (via
// parameter count) when the name is determined to be
// invalid. In this case, the method does not change the
// contents of the data members.
// This method assumes that the parameter objectName
// contains only the external-format object name. Therefore,
// the method treats the following input as illegal because
// the input contain other characters besides an object name:
// "catalog_name_part.schema_name_part.object_name_part "
// (The double-quotes in the example are not part of the ANSI
// SQL name. They are used to represent a C string constant.)
NABoolean scan(const NAString &objectName
, NABoolean createDropAlias = FALSE
, unsigned short toInternalIdentifierFlags = NASTRING_ALLOW_NSK_GUARDIAN_NAME_FORMAT
// Same as above except that this method does not return
// the number of bytes scanned.
}; // class ComObjectName
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definition of class ComRoutineActionName
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ComRoutineActionName : public ComObjectName
// global friend functions
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const ComRoutineActionName &name);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// static (global) functions:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
static ComBoolean extractUudfUidAndIntActNameFromFunnyIntActNameInOBJECTS_OBJECT_NAME
( const ComString & funnyIntActNameInOBJECTS_OBJECT_NAME // in
, ComUID & uudfUid // out
, ComString & computedIntActName // out
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// constructors
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default constructor
ComRoutineActionName(CollHeap * h = NULL); // default is to use C/C++ runtime heap
// Copy constructor
ComRoutineActionName( const ComRoutineActionName &rhs
, CollHeap * h = NULL
// Initializing constructors
ComRoutineActionName( const ComUID & uudfUid // e.g., UID of UUDF sas_score
, const NAString & uudfNameAsAnsiName
, const NAString & routineActionNameAsAnsiName
, CollHeap * h = NULL
// Initializing constructor. The method scans the input
// routine action name to find out whether the input name is legal.
// If the input routine action name is legal, the method decomposes
// the input into separate name components. If the input
// name does not include the catalog and schema name parts, the
// corresponding data members of those name parts are to be empty.
// If the input routine action name is illegal, the constructed
// object is empty.
// Examples of the contents of the input
// routineActionNameAsAnsiName parameter:
// routine_action
// sch.routine_action
// cat.sch."$A ROUTINE ACTION"
ComRoutineActionName( const ComUID & uudfUid // e.g., UID of UUDF sas_score
, const ComObjectName & uudfName
, const NAString & catalogNamePart
, const NAString & schemaNamePart
, const NAString & routineActionNamePart
, const ComAnsiNamePart::formatEnum format = ComAnsiNamePart::EXTERNAL_FORMAT
, ComBoolean parseInputNameParts = TRUE
, CollHeap * h = NULL
// Initializing constructor - If parameter format contains
// the value ComAnsiNamePart::EXTERNAL_FORMAT (the default),
// the first three (3) parameters (whose names contain the
// NamePart suffix) must contain the name parts in external
// format (the format used by ANSI SQL users). If parameter
// format contains the value ComAnsiNamePart::INTERNAL_FORMAT,
// the parameters ...NamePart must contain the name parts in
// internal format (the format stored in the Metadata Dictionary
// tables).
// When parseInputNameParts is set to TRUE, the contents of the
// input parameters catalogNamePart, schemaNamePart, and
// routineActionNamePart will be scanned/parsed for correctness;
// otherwise, the input name parts are assumed to be legal
// without any checking (thus saving CPU cycles).
// If an input name part is illegal, the constructed object is
// empty. If the catalog name part is not empty and the schema
// name part is empty, the constructed object is empty (that is,
// the input name parts are considered as being illegal).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// virtual destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ~ComRoutineActionName();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// virtual cast methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual const ComRoutineActionName * castToComRoutineActionName() const;
virtual ComRoutineActionName * castToComRoutineActionName();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// accessors
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const ComUID & getUudfUID() const { return routineActionNamePart_.getUudfUID(); }
const ComObjectName & getUudfComObjectName() const { return uudfComObjectName_; }
const ComRoutineActionNamePart & getRoutineActionNamePart() const { return routineActionNamePart_; }
const NAString & getRoutineActionNamePartAsAnsiString(NABoolean = FALSE) const;
virtual NAString getExternalName(NABoolean formatForDisplay = FALSE,
NABoolean displayedExternally = FALSE) const;
// returns an empty string if this object is empty; otherwise,
// returns the ANSI SQL object name, in external-format
// (the format used by ANSI SQL users). If the catalog name part
// does not exist (in this object), it will not be included
// in the returned object name (in external format). If the
// schema name part does not exist, only the object name part
// (in external format) is returned. If the name is to be displayed
// externall, for example in SHOWDDL, the catalog name is not included.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// mutators
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean set ( const ComUID & uudfUid // e.g., UID of UUDF sas_score
, const NAString & uudfNameAsAnsiName
, const NAString & routineActionNameAsAnsiName
// The method scans the input routine action name to find out
// whether the input name is legal.
// If the input routine action name is legal, the method decomposes
// the input into separate name components. If the input
// name does not include the catalog and schema name parts, the
// corresponding data members of those name parts are to be empty.
// The method returns TRUE for this case.
// If the input routine action name is illegal, the object will
// be cleared and the method will return FALSE.
// Examples of the contents of the input
// routineActionNameAsAnsiName parameter:
// routine_action
// sch.routine_action
// cat.sch."$A ROUTINE ACTION"
NABoolean set ( const ComUID & uudfUid // e.g., UID of UUDF sas_score
, const ComObjectName & uudfObjName // in
, const NAString & catalogNamePart // in
, const NAString & schemaNamePart // in
, const NAString & routineActionNamePart // in
, const ComAnsiNamePart::formatEnum format = ComAnsiNamePart::EXTERNAL_FORMAT
, ComBoolean parseInputNameParts = TRUE
void setUudfComObjectName(const ComObjectName &src) { uudfComObjectName_ = src; }
ComObjectName &getUudfComObjectName() { return uudfComObjectName_; }
inline void setRoutineActionNamePart (const ComRoutineActionNamePart &actionNamePart);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// helpers
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NABoolean isEmpty() const;
virtual NABoolean isValid() const;
virtual void clear();
virtual void clearIfInvalid(); // Make all data members in this object empty.
ComRoutineActionNamePart routineActionNamePart_;
ComObjectName uudfComObjectName_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following methods are not defined - DO NOT USE them
ComRoutineActionName& operator= (const NAString &rhs); // DO NOT USE
ComRoutineActionName& operator= (const ComRoutineActionName &rhs); // DO NOT USE
const ComBoolean operator==(const ComRoutineActionName &rhs) const; // DO NOT USE
const ComBoolean operator>=(const ComRoutineActionName &rhs) const; // DO NOT USE
// The following method is called by one of the initializing constructors
// and the set() method that is similar to the initializing constructor.
// The following method should be not called from any other places.
NABoolean initializeRoutineActionNamePart
( const ComUID & uudfUid // e.g., UID of UUDF sas_score
, const ComObjectName & uudfObjName // in
, const NAString & catalogNamePart // in
, const NAString & schemaNamePart // in
, const NAString & routineActionNamePart // in
, const ComAnsiNamePart::formatEnum format = ComAnsiNamePart::EXTERNAL_FORMAT
, ComBoolean parseInputNameParts = TRUE
}; // class ComRoutineActionName
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class ComObjectName
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// virtual inline method
ComObjectName::isEmpty() const
return (objectNamePart_.isEmpty() AND
schemaNamePart_.isEmpty() AND
// virtual inline method
ComObjectName::isValid() const
return (NOT objectNamePart_.isEmpty());
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method: isExternalHive
// Looks at the prefix and suffix of the schema name to see the schema contains
// external (native) hive table information.
// returns TRUE if it is a HIVE schema
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ComObjectName::isExternalHive() const
NAString schemaName(schemaNamePart_.getInternalName());
if (ComIsTrafodionExternalSchemaName(schemaName))
return (schemaName(0,sizeof(HIVE_EXT_SCHEMA_PREFIX)-1) == HIVE_EXT_SCHEMA_PREFIX);
return FALSE;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method: isExternalHbase
// Looks at the prefix and suffix of the schema name to see the schema contains
// external (native) hbase table information.
// returns TRUE if it is a hbase schema
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ComObjectName::isExternalHbase() const
NAString schemaName(schemaNamePart_.getInternalName());
if (ComIsTrafodionExternalSchemaName(schemaName))
return (schemaName(0,sizeof(HBASE_EXT_SCHEMA_PREFIX)-1) == HBASE_EXT_SCHEMA_PREFIX);
return FALSE;
ComObjectName::setCatalogNamePart(const ComAnsiNamePart &catalogNamePart)
catalogNamePart_ = catalogNamePart;
ComObjectName::setSchemaNamePart(const ComAnsiNamePart &schemaNamePart)
schemaNamePart_ = schemaNamePart;
ComObjectName::setObjectNamePart(const ComAnsiNamePart &objectNamePart)
objectNamePart_ = objectNamePart;
ComObjectName::setNameSpace(const ComAnsiNameSpace nameSpace)
nameSpace_ = nameSpace;
ComObjectName::operator==(const ComObjectName &rhs) const
return ((catalogNamePart_ EQU rhs.catalogNamePart_) AND
(schemaNamePart_ EQU rhs.schemaNamePart_) AND
(objectNamePart_ EQU rhs.objectNamePart_) AND
(nameSpace_ EQU rhs.nameSpace_));
ComObjectName::operator>=(const ComObjectName &rhs) const
if (nameSpace_ GT rhs.nameSpace_) return FALSE;
if (nameSpace_ LT rhs.nameSpace_) return TRUE;
Int32 compResult = catalogNamePart_.compareTo (rhs.catalogNamePart_);
if (compResult GT 0) return FALSE;
if (compResult LT 0) return TRUE;
compResult = schemaNamePart_.compareTo (rhs.schemaNamePart_);
if (compResult GT 0) return FALSE;
if (compResult LT 0) return TRUE;
compResult = objectNamePart_.compareTo (rhs.objectNamePart_);
if (compResult GT 0) return FALSE;
else return TRUE;
inline void
ComObjectName::getComSchemaNameObject(ComSchemaName & comSchNameObj) const // out
comSchNameObj.setSchemaNamePart (getSchemaNamePart());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class ComRoutineActionName
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ComRoutineActionName::setRoutineActionNamePart(const ComRoutineActionNamePart &actionNamePart)
routineActionNamePart_ = actionNamePart;