blob: b67901b4648919ba79b135f9c22191bdb412d9b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#include "seaquest/sqtypes.h"
#include "Platform.h"
#include "ComCextMisc.h"
#include "seabed/ms.h"
#include "seabed/fs.h"
#include <string.h>
typedef SB_Phandle_Type *PNSK_PORT_HANDLE;
static short const OMITSHORT = -291;
#ifdef __linux__
__int64 const OMIT__INT64 = 0xfedd000000000001LL;
static __int64 const OMIT__INT64 = -81909218222800895;
typedef _int64 NSKTIMESTAMP;
#define MS_ADJ 11644473600LL // diff between mic epoch 1/1/1601 & 1/1/1970
const NSKTIMESTAMP JTS_MIN = 148731163200000000LL; // 1/ 1/ 1 0:00:00.000000
const NSKTIMESTAMP JTS_1975 = 211024526400000000LL; // 1975/ 1/ 1 0:00:00.000000
//const NSKTIMESTAMP JTS_MAX = 274958971199999999LL; // 4000/12/31 23:59:59.999999
const NSKTIMESTAMP JTS_MAX = 464300683199999999LL; // 10000/12/31 23:59:59.999999
const unsigned long JULIAN_DATE_OFFSET = 1721119L; // the base JDN
const unsigned long JDN_MIN = 1721426L; // 1/ 1/ 1 0:00:00.000000
//const unsigned long JDN_MAX = 3182395L; // 4000/12/31 23:59:59.999999
const unsigned long JDN_MAX = 5373850L; // 10000/12/31 23:59:59.999999
const NSKTIMESTAMP LARGE_NEXTCHANGEGMT = 9223372036854775807LL;// 63 "1" bits
const NSKTIMESTAMP MICROSOFT_EPOCH = 199222286400000000LL; // 1601/ 1/ 1 0:00:00.000000
const NSKTIMESTAMP ONE_DAY = 86400000000LL; // microseconds in a day
const NSKTIMESTAMP ONE_MINUTE = 60000000; // microseconds in a minute
const NSKTIMESTAMP ONE_YEAR = 31536000000000LL; // microseconds in a year
const NSKTIMESTAMP TANDEM_EPOCH = 211024440000000000LL; // 1974/12/31 0:00:00.000000
BOOL GetMicroseconds( _int64 * t, short type = 0 );
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Function: GetMicroseconds *
// * This function returns the time in microseconds as a 64-bit integer. *
// * The time returned depends on the "type" parameter. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Parameters: *
// * *
// * <t> _int64 * Out *
// * is a pointer to the location to store the requested time. *
// * *
// * <type> short In *
// * is the type of time requested. *
// * type = 0 Current UTC time. *
// * type = 1 System start time rounded to nearest second. *
// * type = 2 Time since system start. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * Returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE. *
// * *
// *****************************************************************************
inline int CHECK_LIMIT_JTS( _int64 juliantimestamp )
return ((juliantimestamp < JTS_MIN) || (juliantimestamp > JTS_MAX));
BOOL GetMicroseconds( _int64 * t, short type )
static THREAD_P double
static THREAD_P double
static THREAD_P double
static THREAD_P unsigned _int64
static THREAD_P unsigned _int64
static THREAD_P unsigned _int64
static THREAD_P unsigned _int64
static THREAD_P unsigned _int64
unsigned _int64
unsigned _int64
if (!initialized)
struct LargeInt
// If the counterFrequency equals zero, that means that we ended up in this code
// prior to calculate_performance_frequency being called in the initialization flow.
// We never want this to happen, so bug check if it does.
counterFrequency.QuadPart = 1;
if (!GetSystemTimeAdjustment( &timeAdjustment, &timeAdjustmentPeriod, &adjusting ))
return( FALSE );
counterResolutionToTimeResolution = ((double) counterFrequency.QuadPart) / 10000000.0;
microsecondsPerCounterTick = 10000;
// Compute how far it's reasonable to expect the counter to drift from
// the time-of-day clock.
reasonableCounterDrift = ((double) (adjusting ? timeAdjustmentPeriod : 0))
* counterResolutionToTimeResolution;
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( (FILETIME *) &lastTime );
QueryPerfCounter( (struct LargeInt *) &baseCounter );
lastCounter = baseCounter;
baseMicroseconds = lastTime / 10;
coldLoadMicroseconds = baseMicroseconds
- ((_int64) (((double) ((_int64) baseCounter)) / microsecondsPerCounterTick));
coldLoadMicroseconds = ((coldLoadMicroseconds + 500000) / 1000000) * 1000000; // Round to clock precision.
initialized = TRUE;
QueryPerfCounter( (struct LargeInt *) &currentCounter );
if (currentCounter < lastCounter)
currentCounter = lastCounter;
if (type == 2)
*t = (_int64) (((double) ((_int64) currentCounter)) / microsecondsPerCounterTick);
*t = (_int64) ( currentCounter / microsecondsPerCounterTick );
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( (FILETIME *) &currentTime );
if (currentTime <= lastTime)
if ((currentTime < lastTime) // Time must have been set back.
(((double) ((_int64) (currentCounter - lastCounter)))
(counterResolutionToTimeResolution + reasonableCounterDrift)
baseCounter = currentCounter;
baseMicroseconds = currentTime / 10;
coldLoadMicroseconds =
- ((_int64) (((double) ((_int64)currentCounter)) / microsecondsPerCounterTick));
coldLoadMicroseconds = ((coldLoadMicroseconds + 500000) / 1000000) * 1000000; // Round to clock precision.
if (((double) ((_int64) (currentTime - lastTime)))
((((double) ((_int64) (currentCounter - lastCounter))) + reasonableCounterDrift
) / counterResolutionToTimeResolution
baseCounter = currentCounter;
baseMicroseconds = currentTime / 10;
coldLoadMicroseconds =
- ((_int64) (((double) ((_int64)currentCounter)) / microsecondsPerCounterTick));
coldLoadMicroseconds = ((coldLoadMicroseconds + 500000) / 1000000) * 1000000; // Round to clock precision.
if (type == 0)
*t = currentTime / 10;
if (type == 1)
*t = coldLoadMicroseconds;
lastTime = currentTime;
lastCounter = currentCounter;
return( ((type >= 0) && (type <= 2)) );
// CONVERTOLDTIMESTAMP takes a three-word timestamp and
// converts it into a Julian timestamp.
_int64 CONVERTOLDTIMESTAMP (short * threewordts)
_int64 juliants;
short lowestshort;
short lowshort;
short highshort;
short highestshort;
} timeunion;
timeunion.lowestshort = threewordts [0];
timeunion.lowshort = threewordts [1];
timeunion.highshort = threewordts [2];
timeunion.highestshort = 0;
// Convert centisecs to microsecs and adjust the base
return ( timeunion.juliants * 10000 + TANDEM_EPOCH );
extern "C"
long INTERPRETTIMESTAMP (_int64 juliantimestamp, short * date_n_time)
// INTERPRETTIMESTAMP converts a Julian timestamp to an array of integers
// representing the same Gregorian date and time of day. It also returns
// (as its value) the Julian Day Number corresponding to that date.
// _int64 juliantimestamp; // input, required, any valid Julian timestamp
// short date_n_time; // output, required, array [8],
// date_n_time [0] = year
// date_n_time [1] = month
// date_n_time [2] = day
// date_n_time [3] = hours
// date_n_time [4] = minutes
// date_n_time [5] = seconds
// date_n_time [6] = milliseconds
// date_n_time [7] = microseconds
// long result // output, the Julian Day Number (jdn)
long dayno; // result: Julian Day Number
# define year date_n_time[0]
# define month date_n_time[1]
# define day date_n_time[2]
# define hour date_n_time[3]
# define minute date_n_time[4]
# define second date_n_time[5]
# define millis date_n_time[6]
# define micros date_n_time[7]
// The JULIANTIMESTAMP that is to be interpreted by this procedure is
// basically a julian day number encoded with microsecond resolution.
// Interpreting this value happens in three steps:
// 1) Break JULIANTIMESTAMP into "julian day number" and "time of day".
// This can be achieved by dividing 86,400,000,000 into JULIANTIMESTAMP;
// since this number represents one day in microsecond resolution, the
// quotient from the division will be the number of full days, i.e, the
// "julian day number", and the remainder will be the "time of day" in
// microsecond resolution.
// 2) Break "time of day" into hour/minute/second/millisecond/microsecond
// Repeated "modulo-division" of the remainder calculated in step 1)
// by 1000, 1000, 60, 60 will yield microseconds, milliseconds, seconds,
// and minutes, respectively; what's left after this will be the "hours".
// 3) Break "julian day number" into Gregorian year/month/day
// The algorithm used to break up the "julian day number" is implemented
// after a model printed in a 1963 ACM Communications publication:
// j = j - 1721119; // j : julian day number (input)
// y = (j * 4 - 1) / 146097;
// j = (j * 4 - 1) - 146097 * y;
// d = j / 4;
// j = (d * 4 + 3) / 1461;
// d = (d * 4 + 3) - 1461 * j;
// d = (d + 4) / 4;
// m = (d * 5 - 3) / 153; // m : month (output)
// d = (d * 5 - 3) - 153 * m;
// d = (d + 5) / 5; // d : day (output)
// y = y * 100 + j; // y : year (output)
// if (m > 9)
// {
// m = m - 9;
// y = y + 1;
// }
// else
// m = m + 3;
// a) Given the upper limit of JTS_MAX (and hence JDN_MAX), dividing
// 3,600,000,000 into JULIANTIMESTAMP yields a quotient of less than
// 32 bits that represents the "julian hour", and a 32-bit remainder
// that represents the minute/second/millisecond/microsecond part of
// of "time of day". (Note that this is an unsigned 32-bit value!!)
// b) Given the 32-bit quotient from a), 2-word arithmetic can now be
// used to add 12 hours (to get to the start of the astronomical
// day) and then divide 24 into this value yielding the "julian day
// number" as a quotient and leaving the "hour" part of the "time of
// day" as the remainder.
// c) The 32-bit unsigned remainder from a) is broken up by dividing
// 1,000,000 into it in two steps: a logical shift to the right by
// 6 bit positions (which is equivalent to a division by 64), and
// then a division by 15,625; (64 * 15,625 = 1,000,000).
// The quotient will contain the minute/second part of the "time of
// day", the remainder will contain the millisecond/microsecond part.
// d) The two results from c) are broken up further by simple modulo-
// divisions into minute and second, and millisecond and microsecond,
// respectively.
_int64 quadpart;
unsigned long lowpart;
unsigned long highpart;
} _jdnhh;
_int64 quadpart;
unsigned long lowpart;
unsigned long highpart;
} _mmssmmmuuu;
# define jdnhh_64 _jdnhh.quadpart
# define jdnhh _jdnhh.lowpart
# define mmssmmmuuu_64 _mmssmmmuuu.quadpart
# define mmssmmmuuu _mmssmmmuuu.lowpart
# define mmmuuu _mmssmmmuuu.highpart
# define mmss _jdnhh.highpart
const unsigned long DAYS_PER_400_YEARS = 146097L,
unsigned long century;
unsigned short yoc; // YEAR OF CENTURY
unsigned long temp1; // to hold ((JDN - JDO) * 4 - 1)
unsigned long temp2; // to hold ((((JDN - JDO) * 4 - 1) '\' 146097) / 4) * 4 + 3
unsigned short temp3; // to hold (((TEMP2 '\' 1461) + 4) / 4) * 5 - 3
unsigned short temp4; // to hold TEMP3 / 153
if (CHECK_LIMIT_JTS ( juliantimestamp ))
year = -1;
return ((unsigned long) -1L); // cast eliminates a compiler warning.
// For explanation of the next two lines see comment a) from above
jdnhh_64 = juliantimestamp / 3600000000LL; // 60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000 usecs
mmssmmmuuu_64 = (((_int64) jdnhh_64) * (-((_int64) 3600000000LL))) + juliantimestamp;
// For explanation of the next three lines see comment b) from above
jdnhh = jdnhh + 12L;
dayno = jdnhh / 24L;
hour = (unsigned short) (dayno * (-24L) + jdnhh);
// For explanation of the next four lines see comments c) and d) from above
mmss = (mmssmmmuuu / 1000000);
minute = (unsigned short) (mmss / 60);
second = (unsigned short) (mmss - (minute * 60));
mmmuuu = (unsigned long) ((((_int64) mmss) * (-1000000)) + mmssmmmuuu_64);
millis = (unsigned short) (mmmuuu / 1000);
micros = (unsigned short) (mmmuuu - (millis * 1000));
temp1 = (dayno - JULIAN_DATE_OFFSET) * 4 - 1L;
temp2 = ((temp1 - ((century = temp1 / DAYS_PER_400_YEARS)
) / 4
) * 4 + 3L;
yoc = (unsigned short) (temp2 / DAYS_PER_4_YEARS);
temp3 = ((((unsigned short) (temp2 - (yoc * DAYS_PER_4_YEARS))
) + 4
) / 4
) * 5 - 3;
temp4 = temp3 / 153;
day = ((temp3 - (temp4 * 153)) + 5) / 5;
if (temp4 > 9)
month = temp4 - 9;
yoc = yoc + 1;
month = temp4 + 3;
year = ((short) century) * 100 + yoc;
return (dayno);
# undef year
# undef month
# undef day
# undef hour
# undef minute
# undef second
# undef millis
# undef micros
# undef jdnhh_64
# undef jdnhh
# undef mmssmmmuuu_64
# undef mmssmmmuuu
# undef mmmuuu
# undef mmss
extern "C"
void CONTIME( short * a, short t, short t1, short t2 )
// short * a // time is returned here, in the form:
// 0: year (1975-2074+)
// 1: month (1-12)
// 2: day (1-31)
// 3: hour (0-23)
// 4: minute (0-59)
// 5: seconds (0-59)
// 6: .01 secs (0-99)
// time stamp:
// short t // low order 16 bits
// short t1 // middle 16 bits
// short t2 // high 16 bits
_int64 jt;
short dnt[8];
short copyt[3];
copyt[ 0 ] = t;
copyt[ 1 ] = t1;
copyt[ 2 ] = t2;
a[0] = dnt[0];
a[1] = dnt[1];
a[2] = dnt[2];
a[3] = dnt[3];
a[4] = dnt[4];
a[5] = dnt[5];
a[6] = dnt[6] / 10; // Convert millis to centis
_int64 LCTBias2 (_int64 GMTtime,
short * CC
short ldt[8];
long ljdn;
_int64 loffset64;
struct tm ltm;
time_t ltime;
time_t ltimegm;
time_t ltimeloc;
struct tm ltmgm;
struct tm ltmloc;
loffset64 = 0;
*CC = 0;
// get dt
if (ljdn == -1) {
*CC = 1;
return loffset64;
if (ldt[0] < 1900) {
*CC = 1;
return loffset64;
// ldt[0] - year - e.g. 1984
// ldt[1] - month - 1-12
// ldt[2] - day - 1-31
ltm.tm_year = ldt[0] - 1900;
ltm.tm_mon = ldt[1] - 1;
ltm.tm_mday = ldt[2];
ltm.tm_hour = ldt[3];
ltm.tm_min = ldt[4];
ltm.tm_sec = ldt[5];
// create time_t (ltime) out of ldt
// create tm's (ltmgm/ltmloc) out of time_t
// create time_t's (ltimegm/ltimeloc) out of tm's
// compute local bias
ltm.tm_isdst = -1;
ltime = mktime(&ltm);
gmtime_r(&ltime, &ltmgm);
localtime_r(&ltime, &ltmloc);
ltmgm.tm_isdst = -1;
ltimegm = mktime(&ltmgm);
ltmloc.tm_isdst = -1;
ltimeloc = mktime(&ltmloc);
loffset64 = ltimegm - ltimeloc;
loffset64 = loffset64 * 1000000; // convert to usec
return (loffset64);
extern "C"
_int64 CONVERTTIMESTAMP (_int64 timestamp,
short direction,
short node,
short * error
DWORD timeZoneID = 0;
short err = 0;
if (direction == OMITSHORT)
direction = 0;
if (node == OMITSHORT)
node = -1;
if (error == 0)
error = &err;
if ((direction < 0) || (direction > 3))
*error = -3; // direction has invalid value
return (0);
// timestamp parameter must be passed and check if it's within range
if ((timestamp == OMIT__INT64)
(CHECK_LIMIT_JTS ( timestamp ) )
*error = -4; // timestamp has invalid value
return (0);
if (node == -1)
{ // Local
timeZoneID = GetTimeZoneInformation (&tzi);
*error = 2;
*error = 0;
switch (direction)
case 0: // GMT->LCT
_int64 LCT_bias;
short cc_err = 0;
LCT_bias = LCTBias2 (timestamp, &cc_err);
if (cc_err)
*error = ((cc_err < 0) ? 2 : 1);
timestamp = timestamp - LCT_bias;
case 1: // GMT->LST
timestamp = timestamp - (tzi.Bias * ONE_MINUTE);
case 2: // LCT->GMT
_int64 LCT_bias;
short cc_err = 0;
LCT_bias = LCTBias2 (timestamp, &cc_err);
if (cc_err)
*error = ((cc_err < 0) ? 2 : 1);
timestamp = timestamp + LCT_bias;
case 3: // LST->GMT
timestamp = timestamp + (tzi.Bias * ONE_MINUTE);
} // Local
{ // Remote
*error = -5;
return (0);
} // Remote
return (timestamp);
void TIMESTAMP( short * a )
short error = 0;
_int64 ftime;
short lowestshort;
short lowshort;
short highshort;
short highestshort;
} timeunion;
if (!GetMicroseconds (&timeunion.ftime, 0))
timeunion.ftime = -1;
// Convert to LCT.
timeunion.ftime =
CONVERTTIMESTAMP ((timeunion.ftime + MICROSOFT_EPOCH), 0, -1, &error);
// Adjust back to 00:00 12/31/1974, convert to centi-seconds.
timeunion.ftime = (timeunion.ftime - TANDEM_EPOCH) / 10000;
if (error != 0)
timeunion.ftime = -1;
a [0] = timeunion.lowestshort;
a [1] = timeunion.lowshort;
a [2] = timeunion.highshort;
extern "C"
void TIME( short * a )
// time returned here is previously described format (in CONTIME)
short ticks[ 3 ];
TIMESTAMP( ticks ); // get the current time
CONTIME( a, ticks[0], ticks[ 1 ], ticks[ 2 ] );
extern "C"
// This procedure returns a four-word timestamp which is the
// number of microseconds since this processor was loaded.
// The value returned is always monotonically increasing in real time;
// it is not affected by SetSystemTime or anything else.
_int64 microseconds;
GetMicroseconds (&microseconds, 2);
return (microseconds);
extern "C"
_int64 JULIANTIMESTAMP (short type,
short * tuid,
short * error,
short node
// short type; // input, optional, request type code:
// 0: return current time (GMT) (default)
// 1: return system cold load time
// 2: >>>>>> NOT YET IMPLEMENTED ON NT <<<<<<
// 3: return time elapsed since coldload
// short * tuid; // output, optional, "time update ID"
// see SETSYSTEMCLOCK for description
// >>>>>> NOT YET IMPLEMENTED ON NT <<<<<<
// short * error; // output, optional, error status returned from
// remote node requests.
// short node; // input, optional, a system number
// allows caller to specify the node
// for which the request is being made.
// -1: current node (same as not
// supplying a value)
// Only -1 is currently accepted on NT.
// _int64 result // output, the requested Julian timestamp
_int64 time;
if (type == OMITSHORT)
type = 0;
if (node == OMITSHORT)
node = -1;
if (node == -1)
{ // local request
switch (type)
case 0: // GMT
if (!GetMicroseconds (&time, 0))
time = (_int64) -1;
time = time + MICROSOFT_EPOCH;
if (!GetMicroseconds (&time, 1))
time = (_int64) -1;
time = time + MICROSOFT_EPOCH;
case 2: // SYSGEN TIME
time = (_int64) -1;
case 3:
default: // TYPE parameter value error
time = (_int64) -1;
if (error != 0)
*error = ((time == (_int64) -1) ? -1 : 0);
time = (_int64) -1;
if (error != 0)
*error = -1;
return( time );
extern "C"
int INTERPRETINTERVAL(_int64 time, // INPUT, REQUIRED - time in microseconds
short *hours, // OUTPUT, optional - hours
short *minutes, // OUTPUT, optional - minutes
short *seconds, // OUTPUT, optional - seconds
short *milsecs, // OUTPUT, optional - milliseconds
short *microsecs) // OUTPUT, optional - microseconds
// returned value - days or -1 for error
_int64 microsecs_;
_int64 milsecs_;
_int64 seconds_;
_int64 minutes_;
_int64 hours_;
_int64 days_;
if (time < 0)
return -1; // time intervals can only be positive
seconds_ = time / 1000000; // divide time in microseconds by 10**6 to get sec.
microsecs_ = seconds_ * 1000000; //multiply seconds_ by 10**6 to get microsec.
microsecs_ = time - microsecs_; // compute time mod 10**6
milsecs_ = microsecs_ / 1000;
minutes_ = seconds_ / 60;
hours_ = minutes_ / 60;
days_ = hours_ / 24;
// at this point,
// microsec_ has the microsec and MILLISEC portions of time in microseconds
// milsecs_ has the correct value
// seconds_ has time in seconds
// minutes_ has time in minutes
// hours_ has time in hours
// days_ has time in days
if (microsecs != NULL)
*microsecs = (microsecs_ - milsecs_ * 1000);
if (milsecs != NULL)
*milsecs = (milsecs_ );
if (seconds != NULL)
*seconds = (seconds_ - minutes_ * 60);
if (minutes != NULL)
*minutes = (minutes_ - hours_ * 60);
if (hours != NULL)
*hours = (hours_ - days_ * 24);
return ( days_ );
extern "C"
void INTERPRETJULIANDAYNO (long julianDayNo,
short * year,
short * month,
short * day
const unsigned long DAYS_PER_400_YEARS = 146097L,
unsigned long century; // No longer than most, actually.
unsigned short year_of_century;
unsigned long temp1; // to hold ((JDN - JDO) * 4 - 1)
unsigned long temp2; // to hold ((((JDN - JDO) * 4 - 1) '\' 146097) / 4) * 4 + 3
unsigned short temp3; // to hold (((TEMP2 '\' 1461) + 4) / 4) * 5 - 3
unsigned short temp4; // to hold TEMP3 / 153
// 0x1A431F 0x308F3B
if ((julianDayNo <= JULIAN_DATE_OFFSET) || (julianDayNo > JDN_MAX))
*year = -1;
// see proc INTERPRETTIMESTAMP for documentation of the algorithm
// used to break up JULIANDAYNO into Gregorian Year/Month/Day.
// this can be a min of 0 and a max of 0x59306F
temp1 = (julianDayNo - JULIAN_DATE_OFFSET) * 4 - 1L;
temp2 = ((temp1 - ((century = temp1 / DAYS_PER_400_YEARS)
) / 4
) * 4 + 3L;
year_of_century = (unsigned short) (temp2 / DAYS_PER_4_YEARS);
temp3 = ((((unsigned short) (temp2 - (year_of_century * DAYS_PER_4_YEARS))
) + 4
) / 4
) * 5 - 3;
temp4 = temp3 / 153;
*day = ((temp3 - (temp4 * 153)) + 5) / 5;
if (temp4 > 9)
*month = temp4 - 9;
year_of_century = year_of_century + 1;
*month = temp4 + 3;
*year = ((short) century) * 100 + year_of_century;
short RANGE_CHECKER (const short params[],
const short lowlimit[],
const short highlimit[],
const short count
short errors = 0;
unsigned short errorbit = 0100000; // Octal constant.
for (short x = 0;(x < (count - 1)); x++)
if ((params [x] < lowlimit [x]) ||
(params [x] > highlimit [x])
errors = errors | errorbit;
errorbit = errorbit >> 1;
return (errors);
long COMPUTEJULIANDAYNO (short year, short month, short day, short * error)
const unsigned long DAYS_PER_400_YEARS = 146097L,
const short limits [6] = {1, 1, 1, 10000, 12, 31};
short cyear = limits[0];
short cmonth = limits[1];
short cday = limits[2];
short century = limits[3];
short local_params[3];
long jdn;
// Check that date supplied is between 1/1/1 and 10000/12/31
if ((year < 1) || (year > 10000) ||
(month < 1) || (month > 12) ||
(day < 1) || (day > 31)
if (error)
local_params[0] = year;
local_params[1] = month;
local_params[2] = day;
*error = RANGE_CHECKER (local_params, &limits[0], &limits[3], 3);
return (-1L);
if (month <= 2)
cmonth = month + 9;
cyear = year - 1;
cmonth = month - 3;
cyear = year;
century = cyear/100;
jdn = ((((unsigned long) century) * DAYS_PER_400_YEARS) / 4)
+ (((((unsigned long) cyear) - (((unsigned long) century)*100)) * DAYS_PER_4_YEARS) / 4)
+ ((unsigned long) ((cmonth*153+2) / 5 + day)) + JULIAN_DATE_OFFSET;
if (day > 28)
INTERPRETJULIANDAYNO( jdn, &cyear, &cmonth, &cday);
if (cday != day)
if (error)
*error = 060000; // Octal constant.
return (-1L);
if (error)
*error = 0;
return (jdn);
extern "C"
_int64 COMPUTETIMESTAMP (short * date_n_time, short * error)
// COMPUTETIMESTAMP computes a Julian timestamp from an integer array
// that represents a Gregorian date and time of day.
// const short date_n_time; // input, required, array [7]
// date_n_time [0] = year
// date_n_time [1] = month
// date_n_time [2] = day
// date_n_time [3] = hours
// date_n_time [4] = minutes
// date_n_time [5] = seconds
// date_n_time [6] = milliseconds
// date_n_time [7] = microseconds
// short * error; // output, optional, if passed, indicates
// error checking is requested;
// used to return error status code.
// The error status code consists of
// bits which indicate the element of
// date_n_time that was out of range;
// e.g., 0x8000, bit 31, indicates the
// year was out of range.
// _int64 result // output, a Julian timestamp equivalent to
// the value in date_n_time.
const short limits_set[16] = { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
10000, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999, 999
short limits[16];
# define year date_n_time[0]
# define month date_n_time[1]
# define day date_n_time[2]
# define hour date_n_time[3]
# define minute date_n_time[4]
# define second date_n_time[5]
# define millis date_n_time[6]
# define micros date_n_time[7]
unsigned long jdn;
short date_error;
// Let COMPUTEJULIANDAYNO do half the work which, of course,
// includes checking the parameters but only those passed to it.
jdn = COMPUTEJULIANDAYNO( year, month, day, &date_error );
// If COMPUTEJULIANDAYNO found no error then check the remaining
// parameters. A > compare will do since it is done unsigned
// and the lower bounds for all parameters left to be checked is
// zero.
if (date_error || (hour > limits_set[11]) || (minute > limits_set[12])
|| (second > limits_set[13]) || (millis > limits_set[14])
|| (micros > limits_set[15])
// At least one parameter has an incorrect value so let
// RANGE_CHECKER build the error mask but only if the caller
// asked for it.
// In any case, no attempt should be made to compute a timestamp
// from the erroneous parameters; instead, a value of -1 will
// be returned.
if (error)
for (int i=0; i < 16; i++)
limits [i] = limits_set [i];
*error = RANGE_CHECKER( date_n_time, limits, &limits[8], 8 )
| date_error;
return ((_int64) -1);
// The parameters passed all checks so let's announce a good
// result to the caller - if that result status was asked for.
if (error)
*error = 0;
// Finally, there's nothing left to do but to compute that
// timestamp. Since COMPUTEJULIANDAYNO has already done the harder
// part of this task, all that is needed here is to bring all
// pieces together for one microseconds resolution timestamp.
// Note the "half-day correction" done by subtracting 12 hours;
// see comments in INTERPRETTIMESTAMP to learn all about it.
return (((((_int64) (jdn * 24L + ((unsigned long)(hour - 12)))) * 3600)
+ ((_int64) (minute * 60 + second))
) * 1000000
+ ((_int64) (((unsigned long) millis) * 1000L + ((unsigned long) micros)))
# undef year
# undef month
# undef day
# undef hour
# undef minute
# undef second
# undef millis
# undef micros
extern "C"
(unsigned char *sysname, //IN OPTIONAL
(char *sysname, //IN OPTIONAL
short sysnamelen, int *nodenumber)
*nodenumber = 0;
return 0;
extern "C"
int_16 NODENUMBER_TO_NODENAME_ (int_32 sysnum,
unsigned char *sysname, //OUT
char *sysname, //OUT
int_16 maxlen, int_16 *syslen)
*syslen = 4;
if ( maxlen < 4 )
memcpy (sysname, "\\NSK", 4);
return FEOK;
extern "C"
(int_16 *prochand, // INPUT
int *cpu, // OUTPUT
int *pin, // OUTPUT
int_16 *cpu, // OUTPUT
int_16 *pin, // OUTPUT
#endif // SQ_NEW_PHANDLE
int_32 *node, // OUTPUT THE NODE NUMBER
unsigned_char *nn, // OUTPUT NODE NAME
unsigned_char *name, // OUTPUT
int_16 nml, // INPUT
int_16 *nl, // OUTPUT
fixed_0 *seq )
return XPROCESSHANDLE_DECOMPOSE_(phandle, cpu, pin, node, (char *)nn,
nnml, nnl, (char *)name, nml, nl, seq);
return XPROCESSHANDLE_DECOMPOSE_(prochand, cpu, pin, node, (char *)nn,
nnml, nnl, (char *)name, nml, nl, seq);
#endif // SQ_NEW_PHANDLE
extern "C"
return 0;
extern "C"
int_16 GETSYSTEMNAME (int_16 sysnum, int_16 *sysname)
if (sysnum)
return 0;
memcpy ((char *)sysname, "\\NSK ", 8);
return 1;
extern "C"
void DELAY( int_32 nsktimeout )
DWORD timeout;
if( nsktimeout < 0 )
timeout = 0;
// we will assume no one is silly enough to specify something that would
// cause an overflow on the multiply, because it would make no sense to care
// about a weeks long timeout. In any event, we will clip the max.
// wait time. BTW, NSK is 10ms and NT is 1ms.
if( nsktimeout < ( INFINITE / 10 ) )
timeout = nsktimeout * 10;
timeout = INFINITE - 1;
Sleep( timeout );
extern "C"
void NUMOUT (unsigned char *str, //OUT
void NUMOUT (char *str, //OUT
int_16 number, // logical 16 bit numeric value
int_16 base, // conversion base, 2 - 10 allowed
int_16 width) // cpnverted number will occupy str to
// str[width - 1]
int_32 dnum;
while ((int_16)(--width) >= 0)
dnum = (double)number;
str[width] = (dnum % base) + '0';
number = dnum / base;