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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: CmpCommon.h
* Description: The error/memory/exception handling routines for SQL compiler
* components.
* Created: 8/29/96
* Language: C++
// Forward references -- preceding any #include's that might actually define
// them, because there appear to be circular dependencies somewhere.
class ComDiagsArea;
#include "Platform.h"
#include "ComDiags.h"
#include "ComTransInfo.h"
#include "ComObjectName.h"
#include "DefaultConstants.h"
#include "EHException.h"
#include "NAAssert.h"
// CmpContext contains the global information for arkcmp, defined in arkcmp
enum CompilationMode { STMT_STATIC, STMT_DYNAMIC };
class NAMemory;
class CmpContext;
class CmpContextInfo;
class CmpStatement;
// For ComDiagsArea and memory handling, use the following static functions
// in CmpCommon.
class CmpCommon
// To get the current ComDiagsArea*, use diags(). This area will be
// cleanup up in the beginning of the statement compilation. In the
// case of CMPASSERT called, an internal error ComCondition will be
// put into the diags() with the file name and line number specified.
static ComDiagsArea* diags();
// This routine dumps all diags messages in CmpCommon::diags() out to a given ostream.
static void dumpDiags(ostream&, NABoolean newline = FALSE);
// Some notes about memory management
// arkcmp (compiler main program) maintains two kind of heaps,
// contextHeap and statementHeap.
// For variables that will stay accross the statements, they should
// be allocated in the contextHeap, because statementHeap will be
// wiped out at the end of statement to avoid memory leak. arkcmp looks like
// main()
// { contextHeap;
// for each statement
// {
// contextHeap->init();
// statementHeap;
// .....
// contextHeap->cleanup();
// } the statementHeap is deleted at this point
// }
// Note 1: If there are storages (variables) need to be initialized,
// or cleaned up, put them into init() and cleanup() routines.
// e.g. an instance of class A is in the scope of contextHeap
// class A { char* p; },
// - if p is allocated in the scope of statementHeap ( which will
// be deleted in the end of statement), it can not be deleted in
// the the next statement loop. The suggestion will be delete p
// in cleanup(), or if you need to use p for next statement, put
// it into the scope of contextHeap (i.e. new(contextHeap) char[])
// To avoid memory leak, most of the variables should be allocated from
// statementHeap, so that they will be wiped at the end of each statement.
// Only very few should be put into contextHeap, then delete has to be
// performed to avoid memory leak.
// **IMPORTANT NOTE** : The memory allocated from this heap should be
// deleted accordingly when not in use, otherwise memory leak.
// **IMPORTANT NOTE** : The variables allocated through this heap can not
// be reused in next statement, otherwise memory fault.
// To allocate the space for contextHeap, use the overloaded new with
// CmpCommon::contextHeap() as the NAMemory*,
// To allocate the space for statementHeap, use the overloaded new with
// CmpCommon::statementHeap() as the NAMemory*
// use global new/delete will get the space from global new/delete.
// for more information about the usage of new/delete, see sqlcomp/NAHeap.h
// These #defines are just to make coding a little less crowded, more clear.
// "HEAP" is a synonym for STMTHEAP, a default as it were, for the most
// commonly new'd-from heap.
#define CTXTHEAP (CmpCommon::contextHeap())
#define STMTHEAP (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
#define HEAP STMTHEAP // the commonest case
static NAMemory * contextHeap();
static NAHeap * statementHeap();
#define CURRENTSTMT (CmpCommon::statement())
#define CURRSTMT_OPTGLOBALS (CmpCommon::statement()->getOptGlobals())
#define CURRSTMT_CQSWA (CmpCommon::statement()->getCqsWA())
#define CURRCONTEXT_OPTDEBUG (CmpCommon::context()->getOptDbg())
#define CURRCONTEXT_HISTCACHE (CmpCommon::context()->getHistogramCache())
#define CURRCONTEXT_OPTSIMULATOR (CmpCommon::context()->getOptimizerSimulator())
#define GLOBAL_EMPTY_INPUT_LOGPROP (CmpCommon::context()->getGEILP())
#define CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS (CmpCommon::context()->getOptDefaults())
// For some routines that do care about the current CmpContext*.
// If you need to declare some global/static variables in the scope of
// context, put them into CmpContext class. (arkcmp/CmpContext.[Ch])
// To access the variables in current Context, use
// CmpCommon::context()->...
static CmpContext* context();
#define CURRENTQCACHE (CmpCommon::context()->getQueryCache())
#define CURROPTPCODECACHE (CmpCommon::context()->getOptPCodeCache() )
#define GlobalRuleSet (CmpCommon::context()->getRuleSet())
// The following functions allow access to the defaults table
// in sqlcomp/NADefaults.cpp. Given the id number of the default,
// the first returns the value as a double (-1 if invalid),
// the second puts the NORMALIZED (trimmed, upcased) string representation
// into 'result' and returns the Token
// (DF_ON, etc.; negative if not a known Token, in which case an error diag
// is emitted if errOrWarn is -1, a warning if +1, no diag if 0).
// The third one doesn't have the overhead of returning the value
// as a string. This one should be used most of the time.
static Lng32 getDefaultLong(DefaultConstants id);
static double getDefaultNumeric(DefaultConstants id);
static NAString getDefaultString(DefaultConstants id);
static DefaultToken getDefault(DefaultConstants id,
NAString &result,
Int32 errOrWarn =-1);
static DefaultToken getDefault(DefaultConstants id,
Int32 errOrWarn = -1);
static NABoolean wantCharSetInference();
static void applyDefaults(ComObjectName &name);
// The current statement under process.
// If you need to declare some global/static variables in the scope of
// statement, put them into CmpStatement (arkcmp/CmpStatement.[Ch])
// To access the variables in current statement, use
// CmpCommon::statement()->....
static CmpStatement* statement();
// The TransMode for the current statement. Was in generator.cpp previously.
static TransMode * transMode();
static const NAString * getControlSessionValue(const NAString &token);
// For exception handling, use CMPASSERT, CMPBREAK and CMPABORT macros
// CMPASSERT is used in the case of internal error. It will
// put an internal error into the global diags area (the diags that
// arkcmp passes into each routine) with the file name and line specified.
// Clean up the statement heap and wait for next statement
// request if possible.
// Notice this *always* asserts something, even if NDEBUG is TRUE.
// This is for the common code (e.g. parser) shared by sqlc and arkcmp:
// It won't put the internal error into Diags area, instead just print it.
#define CMPASSERT(b) \
{ if (!(b)) NAAssert("" # b "", __FILE__, __LINE__); }
#define CMPASSERT(b) \
{ if (!(b)) CmpAssertInternal("" # b "", __FILE__, __LINE__); }
#define CMPASSERT_STRING(b,str) \
{ if (!(b)) { cerr << str << endl; CMPASSERT(b); }}
// The following DCMPASSERT is for supporting an assert mechanism for the
// compiler that gets disabled in RELEASE (NDEBUG) code:
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define DCMPASSERT(x)
// CMPABORT will just exit the program. It is used in the case of
// server error, so the program (process) can not continue anymore.
#define CMPABORT CmpAbortInternal("", __FILE__, __LINE__);
#define CMPABORT_MSG(b) CmpAbortInternal(b, __FILE__, __LINE__);
extern ARKCMP_PRIVATE void CmpAssertInternal(const char*, const char*, Int32);
extern ARKCMP_PRIVATE void CmpAbortInternal(const char*, const char*, Int32);
extern THREAD_P ARKCMP_PRIVATE CmpContext* cmpCurrentContext;
extern THREAD_P ARKCMP_PRIVATE jmp_buf* ExportJmpBufPtr;
extern THREAD_P ARKCMP_PRIVATE jmp_buf* CmpInternalErrorJmpBufPtr;
extern void deinitializeArkcmp();