blob: 3a026bd674b269472a4744010e97dfde92885655 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef CHARTYPE_H
#define CHARTYPE_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: CharType.h
* Description: Character Type
* Created: 4/27/94
* Language: C++
#include <limits.h>
#include "BaseTypes.h"
// Some ANSI compilers require this function to be declared even though
// the template NAKeyLookup is not instantiated (that class template is a
// subclass of NAHashDictionary ... in /common/Collections.h )
Lng32 hashKey(); // a dummy -- hopefully the linker won't look for it ...
#include "NAType.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "nawstring.h"
#include "charinfo.h"
#include "ExpLOBenums.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CharLenInfo;
class CharType;
class SQLChar;
class SQLVarChar;
class AnsiChar;
class SQLLongVarChar;
// ***********************************************************************
// CharLenInfo : Information about the length of the character data type
// ***********************************************************************
class CharLenInfo
CharLenInfo () : maxLenInChars_(0), maxLenInBytes_(0) {}
CharLenInfo (const CharLenInfo & rhs) : maxLenInChars_(rhs.maxLenInChars_)
, maxLenInBytes_(rhs.maxLenInBytes_)
CharLenInfo (const Int32 maxLenInChars, const Int32 maxLenInBytes)
: maxLenInChars_(maxLenInChars), maxLenInBytes_(maxLenInBytes) {}
~CharLenInfo () {}
Int32 getMaxLenInChars () const { return maxLenInChars_; }
Int32 getMaxLenInBytes () const { return maxLenInBytes_; }
void setMaxLenInChars (Int32 maxLenInChars) { maxLenInChars_ = maxLenInChars; }
void setMaxLenInBytes (Int32 maxLenInBytes) { maxLenInBytes_ = maxLenInBytes; }
Int32 maxLenInChars_; // for UCS2, # of UCS2 elements - for other, # of real (e.g., UCS4) characters
Int32 maxLenInBytes_; // count in bytes - important when cs is a variable-length mbcs like UTF-8
// ***********************************************************************
// CharType : The character data type
// ***********************************************************************
class CharType : public NAType
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ## Future work is required to encapsulate and process information for
// ## Collations, Translations, Character Set Specifications/Repertoires.
// ## See CharType::computeNextKeyValue() for an example of one method
// ## (at least) that needs rework to handle these things.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// CharType was designed for column declaration. However, we have extend the
// character set & collate clauses to SCHEMA & CATALOG. Adding them to the adtName list, which
// doesn't seem to serve any purpose, as far as I can tell.
static const NAString LiteralSchema;
static const NAString LiteralCatalog;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CharType (const NAString& adtName,
Lng32 maxCharStrLen,
short bytesPerChar = 0,
NABoolean nullTerminated = FALSE,
NABoolean allowSQLnull = TRUE,
NABoolean isUpShifted = FALSE,
NABoolean isCaseInsensitive = FALSE,
NABoolean varLenFlag = FALSE,
CharInfo::CharSet cs = CharInfo::DefaultCharSet,
CharInfo::Collation co = CharInfo::DefaultCollation,
CharInfo::Coercibility ce = CharInfo::COERCIBLE,
CharInfo::CharSet encoding = CharInfo::UnknownCharSet,
Lng32 vcIndLen = 0 // not passed in, need to be computed
CharType (const NAString& adtName,
const CharLenInfo & maxLenInfo,
short /*max*/bytesPerChar = 0, // is maxBytesPerChar when cs is SJIS or UTF8
NABoolean nullTerminated = FALSE,
NABoolean allowSQLnull = TRUE,
NABoolean isUpShifted = FALSE,
NABoolean isCaseInsensitive = FALSE,
NABoolean varLenFlag = FALSE,
CharInfo::CharSet cs = CharInfo::DefaultCharSet,
CharInfo::Collation co = CharInfo::DefaultCollation,
CharInfo::Coercibility ce = CharInfo::COERCIBLE,
CharInfo::CharSet encoding = CharInfo::UnknownCharSet
// copy ctor
CharType (const CharType& charType,NAMemory * heap):
bytesPerChar_ (charType.bytesPerChar_),
charLimitInUCS2or4chars_ (charType.charLimitInUCS2or4chars_),
nullTerminated_ (charType.nullTerminated_),
upshifted_ (charType.upshifted_),
charSet_ (charType.charSet_),
collation_ (charType.collation_),
coercibility_ (charType.coercibility_),
virtual short getFSDatatype() const;
virtual Lng32 getPrecisionOrMaxNumChars() const;
virtual Lng32 getScaleOrCharset() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual CharInfo::CharSet getCharSet() const { return charSet_; }
CharInfo::Collation getCollation() const { return collation_; }
CharInfo::Coercibility getCoercibility() const { return coercibility_; }
CharInfo::CharSet getEncodingCharSet() const { return encodingCharSet_; }
void setCharSet(CharInfo::CharSet cs) { charSet_ = cs; }
void setEncodingCharSet(CharInfo::CharSet cs) { encodingCharSet_ = cs; }
void setCollation(CharInfo::Collation co) { collation_ = co; }
void setCoercibility(CharInfo::Coercibility ce) { if (ce == CharInfo::IMPLICIT)
ce = CharInfo::COERCIBLE;
coercibility_ = ce;
void setCoAndCo(CharInfo::Collation co,
CharInfo::Coercibility ce) { setCollation(co);
void setBytesPerChar(short BpC) { bytesPerChar_ = BpC ; }
short getBytesPerChar() const { return bytesPerChar_; }
NABoolean isNullTerminated() const { return nullTerminated_; }
NABoolean isUpshifted() const { return upshifted_; }
void setUpshifted(NABoolean us) { upshifted_ = us; }
NABoolean isCaseinsensitive() const { return caseinsensitive_; }
void setCaseinsensitive(NABoolean ci) { caseinsensitive_ = ci; }
void setDataStorageSize(Lng32 size)
dataStorageSize_ = size;
Lng32 getDataStorageSize() const
return dataStorageSize_;
Lng32 getStrCharLimit() const
if ( getNominalSize() > 0 && getCharLimitInUCS2or4chars() > 0 &&
( getCharSet() == CharInfo::UTF8 ) )
return getCharLimitInUCS2or4chars();
if ( getCharSet() == CharInfo::UNICODE )
return getNominalSize() / getBytesPerChar();
return getNominalSize();
Lng32 getMaxLenInBytesOrNAWChars() const
if ( getCharSet() == CharInfo::UNICODE )
return getNominalSize() / getBytesPerChar();
return getNominalSize();
Lng32 getCharLimitInUCS2or4chars() const { return charLimitInUCS2or4chars_; }
// Useful for testing compatibility with double-byte char's
NABoolean sizeIsEven() const
{ Lng32 rem = getNominalSize() % 2;
if (isNullTerminated() && getBytesPerChar() == 1) return (rem == 1);
return (rem == 0);
// the blank character is used to fill strings when comparing strings of
// different length or when converting a shorter string to a longer one
virtual Lng32 getBlankCharacterValue() const;
// get the smallest and the greatest single character in this
// character set and collation
Lng32 getMinSingleCharacterValue() const;
Lng32 getMaxSingleCharacterValue() const;
// encode a string into a double precision, preserving the order of values
double encodeString (const char *str,Lng32 strLen) const;
NAString* convertToString(double v, NAMemory * h) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Virtual functions that are given an implementation for this class.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NABoolean computeNextKeyValue(NAString &keyValue) const;
virtual NABoolean computeNextKeyValue(NAWString &keyValue) const;
virtual NABoolean computeNextKeyValue_UTF8(NAString &keyValue) const;
virtual NAString getTypeSQLname(NABoolean terse = FALSE) const;
virtual NAString getSimpleTypeName() const;
virtual NAString* getKey(CollHeap* h=0) const; // compute hash key from SQL name
virtual NABoolean operator==(const NAType& other) const;
virtual NABoolean isCompatible(const NAType& other, UInt32 * flags = NULL) const;
#ifndef CLI_SRL
virtual NABoolean isComparable(const NAType &other,
ItemExpr *parentOp,
Int32 emitErr = EmitErrAlways,
UInt32 * flags = NULL) const;
NABoolean isCharSetAndCollationComboOK() const;
NABoolean isCompatibleAllowUnknownCharset(const NAType& other) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function for synthesizing the type of a binary operator.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual const NAType* synthesizeType(NATypeSynthRuleEnum synthRule,
const NAType& operand1,
const NAType& operand2,
CollHeap* h,
UInt32 *flags = NULL) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Print function for debugging
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void print(FILE *ofd = stdout, const char *indent = DEFAULT_INDENT);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function to return a copy of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAType *newCopy(NAMemory* h=0) const { return new(h) CharType(*this,h); }
// A virtual function to return a varchar equivalent of this type
virtual NAType *equivalentVarCharType
(NAMemory *h, NABoolean quantizeLen=FALSE) { return this; }
virtual NAType *equivalentCharType
(NAMemory *h, NABoolean quantizeLen=FALSE) { return this; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Need encoding for Unicode charset. // 7/27/98
// See NAType.h for a description on this method.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean isEncodingNeeded() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A method which tells if a conversion error can occur when converting
// a value of this type to the target type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean errorsCanOccur (const NAType& target, NABoolean lax=TRUE) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the collating sequence and coercibility for dyadic operators
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean computeCoAndCo(const CharType& other,
CharInfo::Collation& co,
CharInfo::Coercibility& ce) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the char type information as NAString.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NAString getCharSetName() const;
NAString getEncodingCharSetName() const;
NAString getCollationName() const;
NAString getCharSetAsPrefix() const;
NAString getCharSetAsPrefix(CharInfo::CharSet cs);
NAString getCollateClause(CharInfo::Collation co);
NAString getCoercibilityText(CharInfo::Coercibility ce);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// CharSet info inference
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
static const CharType*
findPushDownCharType(CharInfo::CharSet, const CharType*, ...);
static const CharType* desiredCharType(enum CharInfo::CharSet);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHARACTER SET UTF8 character data type
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void generateTextThenSetDisplayDataType ( CharInfo::CharSet cs // in
, NAString & ddt // in/out
virtual NABoolean createSQLLiteral(const char * buf,
NAString *&sqlLiteral,
NABoolean &isNull,
CollHeap *h) const;
void minMaxRepresentableValue(void* bufPtr,
Lng32* bufLen,
NAString ** stringLiteral,
NABoolean isMax,
CollHeap* h) const;
void NONVIRT_METHOD_PLACEHOLDER_1(); // slot for reuse, or delete it!##
NABoolean operator=(const CharType& other); // assignmentOp, not implemented
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Declaration for different data type names that are used internally.
//## There is only one type being used currently -- CHARACTER_STRING_TYPE.
//## If more values are added to this, then the CharType methods
//## operator==() isCompatible() isComparable()
//## may or may not need to be changed to use the CharTypeEnum qualifier_
//## as a discriminant...
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
enum CharTypeEnum
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Definition of variable for storing internal form names.
//## See note at "enum CharTypeEnum" above.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CharTypeEnum qualifier_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Number of bytes per character - For variable-length multi-byte
// character sets like UTF8 (a character may take 1, 2, 3 or 4 bytes),
// this field contains the maximum number of bytes per character.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
short /*max*/bytesPerChar_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Maximum size in UCS2 or UCS4 characters ----
// For getCharSet() == CharInfo::UCS2, the unit is UCS2 (or NAWchar),
// and surrogate pair has a count of 2 NAWchar(acters).
// For variable-length multi-byte character sets like SJIS and UTF8,
// the unit is UCS4 (the actual character specified by the user).
// Set this field to -1 if it is not used.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 charLimitInUCS2or4chars_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// TRUE if these character strings are terminated using C nul character
// (either byte or double-byte). Implies no varLen header word.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean nullTerminated_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Flag indicating whether or not the string is "upshifted".
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean upshifted_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Flag indicating whether or not the string is "caseinsensitive".
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean caseinsensitive_;
CharInfo::CharSet charSet_;
CharInfo::Collation collation_;
CharInfo::Coercibility coercibility_;
CharInfo::CharSet encodingCharSet_;
}; // class CharType
// ***********************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************
class SQLChar : public CharType
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SQLChar (Lng32 maxLength,
NABoolean allowSQLnull = TRUE,
NABoolean isUpShifted = FALSE,
NABoolean isCaseInsensitive = FALSE,
NABoolean varLenFlag = FALSE,
CharInfo::CharSet = CharInfo::DefaultCharSet,
CharInfo::Collation = CharInfo::DefaultCollation,
CharInfo::Coercibility = CharInfo::COERCIBLE,
CharInfo::CharSet encoding = CharInfo::UnknownCharSet
SQLChar (const CharLenInfo & maxLenInfo,
NABoolean allowSQLnull = TRUE,
NABoolean isUpShifted = FALSE,
NABoolean isCaseInsensitive = FALSE,
NABoolean varLenFlag = FALSE,
CharInfo::CharSet = CharInfo::DefaultCharSet,
CharInfo::Collation = CharInfo::DefaultCollation,
CharInfo::Coercibility = CharInfo::COERCIBLE,
CharInfo::CharSet encoding = CharInfo::UnknownCharSet
//copy ctor
SQLChar (const SQLChar & sqlChar,
NAMemory * heap):CharType(sqlChar,heap)
short getFSDatatype() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods that return the binary form of the minimum and the maximum
// representable values.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void minRepresentableValue(void*, Lng32*,
NAString** stringLiteral = NULL,
CollHeap* h=0) const;
virtual void maxRepresentableValue(void*, Lng32*,
NAString** stringLiteral = NULL,
CollHeap* h=0) const;
// get the encoding of the max char value
double getMaxValue() const;
// get the encoding of the min char value
double getMinValue() const;
virtual double encode (void*) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function to return a copy of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAType *newCopy(NAMemory * h=0) const { return new(h) SQLChar(*this,h); }
// A virtual function to return a varchar equivalent of this type
virtual NAType *equivalentVarCharType
(NAMemory *h, NABoolean quantizeLen=FALSE);
}; // class SQLChar
// ***********************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************
class SQLVarChar : public CharType
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SQLVarChar(Lng32 maxLength,
NABoolean allowSQLnull = TRUE,
NABoolean isUpShifted = FALSE,
NABoolean isCaseInsensitive = FALSE,
CharInfo::CharSet = CharInfo::DefaultCharSet,
CharInfo::Collation = CharInfo::DefaultCollation,
CharInfo::Coercibility = CharInfo::COERCIBLE,
CharInfo::CharSet encoding = CharInfo::UnknownCharSet,
Lng32 vcIndLen = 0
SQLVarChar(const CharLenInfo & maxLenInfo,
NABoolean allowSQLnull = TRUE,
NABoolean isUpShifted = FALSE,
NABoolean isCaseInsensitive = FALSE,
CharInfo::CharSet = CharInfo::DefaultCharSet,
CharInfo::Collation = CharInfo::DefaultCollation,
CharInfo::Coercibility = CharInfo::COERCIBLE,
CharInfo::CharSet encoding = CharInfo::UnknownCharSet
SQLVarChar(const SQLChar &fixed);
//copy ctor
SQLVarChar(const SQLVarChar& varChar, NAMemory * heap):
virtual void minRepresentableValue(void*, Lng32*,
NAString** stringLiteral = NULL,
CollHeap* h=0) const;
virtual void maxRepresentableValue(void*, Lng32*,
NAString** stringLiteral = NULL,
CollHeap* h=0) const;
// True FS data type is the type that the object gets in the sqlparser.
// That type usually the same through out the life span of the object: from
// the compiler to the executor. For LONGWVARCHAR, the fs type is
// REC_BYTE_V_ASCII_LONG as assigned by the parser, and that type is later
// changed to REC_NCHAR_V_UNICODE.
// This new method allows the reuse of code for REC_NCHAR_V_UNICODE for
virtual short getTrueFSDatatype() const { return getFSDatatype();};
virtual short getFSDatatype() const;
virtual double encode (void*) const;
virtual NABoolean isEncodingNeeded() const { return TRUE; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function to return a copy of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAType *newCopy(NAMemory* h=0) const { return new(h) SQLVarChar(*this,h); }
// A virtual function to return a char equivalent of this type
virtual NAType *equivalentCharType
(NAMemory *h, NABoolean quantizeLen=FALSE);
NAString getClientDataTypeName() const
{ return clientDataType_.isNull() ? getSimpleTypeName() : clientDataType_; }
void setClientDataType(NAString clientName) { clientDataType_ = clientName; }
NABoolean wasHiveString() const {return wasHiveString_;}
void setWasHiveString(NABoolean v) { wasHiveString_ = v;}
NAString clientDataType_;
// if original datatype was hive 'string' type
NABoolean wasHiveString_;
}; // class SQLVarChar
// ***********************************************************************
// Null terminated string. Not supported internally.
// Valid for application hostvar and params only.
// ***********************************************************************
class ANSIChar : public CharType
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ANSIChar (Lng32 maxLength,
NABoolean allowSQLnull = TRUE,
NABoolean isUpShifted = FALSE,
NABoolean varLenFlag = FALSE,
CharInfo::CharSet = CharInfo::DefaultCharSet,
CharInfo::Collation = CharInfo::DefaultCollation,
CharInfo::Coercibility = CharInfo::COERCIBLE,
CharInfo::CharSet encoding = CharInfo::UnknownCharSet
ANSIChar(const ANSIChar& ansiChar,NAMemory * heap):
short getFSDatatype() const;
NABoolean isExternalType() const { return TRUE; }
NAType * equivalentType(CollHeap* h=0) const
return new(h) SQLVarChar(getNominalSize(), supportsSQLnull(),
isUpshifted(), FALSE, getCharSet(), getCollation(),
// A virtual function to return a varchar equivalent of this type
virtual NAType *equivalentVarCharType
(NAMemory *h, NABoolean quantizeLen=FALSE);
virtual NAType *equivalentCharType
(NAMemory *h, NABoolean quantizeLen=FALSE) { return NULL; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods that returns the binary form of the minimum and the maximum
// representable values.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void minRepresentableValue(void*, Lng32*,
NAString** /*stringLiteral*/ = NULL,
CollHeap* = 0) const
virtual void maxRepresentableValue(void*, Lng32*,
NAString** /*stringLiteral*/ = NULL,
CollHeap* = 0) const
virtual double encode (void*) const {return 0E0;}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function to return a copy of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAType *newCopy(NAMemory* h=0) const { return new(h) ANSIChar(*this,h); }
}; // class ANSIChar
// **********************************************************************
// Purpose: This class was added to provide support for the OBDC datatype.
// **********************************************************************
class SQLLongVarChar : public SQLVarChar
SQLLongVarChar(Lng32 maxLength,
NABoolean validLength = FALSE,
NABoolean allowSQLnull = TRUE,
NABoolean isUpShifted = FALSE,
NABoolean isCaseInsensitive = FALSE,
CharInfo::CharSet cs = CharInfo::DefaultCharSet,
CharInfo::Collation co = CharInfo::DefaultCollation,
CharInfo::Coercibility ce = CharInfo::COERCIBLE,
CharInfo::CharSet encoding = CharInfo::UnknownCharSet
: SQLVarChar(maxLength, allowSQLnull, isUpShifted, isCaseInsensitive,
cs, co, ce)
setClientDataType("LONG VARCHAR");
lengthNotSet_ = !validLength;
SQLLongVarChar(const CharLenInfo & maxLenInfo,
NABoolean validLength = FALSE,
NABoolean allowSQLnull = TRUE,
NABoolean isUpShifted = FALSE,
NABoolean isCaseInsensitive = FALSE,
CharInfo::CharSet cs = CharInfo::DefaultCharSet,
CharInfo::Collation co = CharInfo::DefaultCollation,
CharInfo::Coercibility ce = CharInfo::COERCIBLE,
CharInfo::CharSet encoding = CharInfo::UnknownCharSet
: SQLVarChar(maxLenInfo, allowSQLnull, isUpShifted, isCaseInsensitive,
cs, co, ce)
setClientDataType("LONG VARCHAR");
lengthNotSet_ = !validLength;
SQLLongVarChar(const SQLLongVarChar & aLongVarChar,NAMemory * heap)
virtual short getTrueFSDatatype() const;
virtual short getFSDatatype() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function to return a copy of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAType *newCopy(NAMemory* h=0) const
{ return new(h) SQLLongVarChar(*this,h); }
NABoolean isLengthNotSet() const { return lengthNotSet_; }
void setLength(Lng32 size)
dataStorageSize_ = size;
lengthNotSet_ = FALSE;
NABoolean lengthNotSet_;
}; // class SQLLongVarChar
// **********************************************************************
// Purpose: This class was added to provide support for the LOB datatype.
// **********************************************************************
class SQLlob : public NAType
SQLlob(NABuiltInTypeEnum ev,
Int64 lobLength,
LobsStorage lobStorage,
NABoolean allowSQLnull = TRUE,
NABoolean inlineIfPossible = FALSE,
NABoolean externalFormat = FALSE,
Lng32 extFormatLen = 100);
SQLlob(const SQLlob & aLob,NAMemory * heap)
//is this type a blob/clob
virtual NABoolean isLob() const {return TRUE;};
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A method which tells if a conversion error can occur when converting
// a value of this type to the target type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean errorsCanOccur (const NAType& target, NABoolean lax=TRUE) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A name that expresses the characteristics of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAString getTypeSQLname(NABoolean terse = FALSE) const;
Int64 getLobLength() {return lobLength_;}
Lng32 extFormatLen() { return extFormatLen_; }
virtual Lng32 getPrecision() const { return (Lng32)lobLength_; }
virtual CharInfo::CharSet getCharSet() const { return charSet_; }
void setCharSet(CharInfo::CharSet cs)
charSet_ = cs;
LobsStorage getLobStorage() {return lobStorage_;}
NABoolean isExternal() { return externalFormat_;}
Int64 lobLength_;
NABoolean externalFormat_;
Lng32 extFormatLen_;
NABoolean inlineIfPossible_;
CharInfo::CharSet charSet_;
LobsStorage lobStorage_;
}; // class SQLlob
// **********************************************************************
// Purpose: This class was added to provide support for the BLOB datatype.
// **********************************************************************
class SQLBlob : public SQLlob
SQLBlob(Int64 blobLength,
LobsStorage lobStorage = Lob_Invalid_Storage,
NABoolean allowSQLnull = TRUE,
NABoolean inlineIfPossible = FALSE,
NABoolean externalFormat = FALSE,
Lng32 extFormatLen = 1024);
SQLBlob(const SQLBlob & aBlob,NAMemory * heap)
virtual short getFSDatatype() const
{return REC_BLOB;}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function to return a copy of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAType *newCopy(NAMemory* h=0) const;
const NAType* synthesizeType(NATypeSynthRuleEnum synthRule,
const NAType& operand1,
const NAType& operand2,
CollHeap* h,
UInt32 *flags) const;
}; // class SQLBlob
// **********************************************************************
// Purpose: This class was added to provide support for the CLOB datatype.
// **********************************************************************
class SQLClob : public SQLlob
SQLClob(Int64 blobLength,
LobsStorage lobStorage = Lob_Invalid_Storage,
NABoolean allowSQLnull = TRUE,
NABoolean inlineIfPossible = FALSE,
NABoolean externalFormat = FALSE,
Lng32 extFormatLen = 1024);
SQLClob(const SQLClob & aClob,NAMemory * heap)
virtual short getFSDatatype() const
{return REC_CLOB;}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function to return a copy of the type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NAType *newCopy(NAMemory* h=0) const;
const NAType* synthesizeType(NATypeSynthRuleEnum synthRule,
const NAType& operand1,
const NAType& operand2,
CollHeap* h,
UInt32 *flags) const;
}; // class SQLClob
// sss #endif
#endif /* CHARTYPE_H */