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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: BigNumHelper.cpp
* Description: Implementation of class BigNumHelper
* Created: 03/29/99
* Language: C++
#include "Platform.h"
#include <math.h>
#define MathCeil(op,err) ceil(op)
#include "str.h"
#include "BigNumHelper.h"
static const unsigned short powersOfTen[] = {10, // 10^1
100, // 10^2
1000, // 10^3
10000}; // 10^4
static const unsigned short powersOfTenInBigNumForm[] = {0x0001, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, // 10^0
0x000A, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, // 10^1
0x0064, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, // 10^2
0x03E8, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, // 10^3
0x2710, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, // 10^4
0x86A0, 0x0001, 0x0000, 0x0000, // 10^5
0x4240, 0x000F, 0x0000, 0x0000, // 10^6
0x9680, 0x0098, 0x0000, 0x0000, // 10^7
0xE100, 0x05F5, 0x0000, 0x0000, // 10^8
0xCA00, 0x3B9A, 0x0000, 0x0000, // 10^9
0xE400, 0x540B, 0x0002, 0x0000, // 10^10
0xE800, 0x4876, 0x0017, 0x0000, // 10^11
0x1000, 0xD4A5, 0x00E8, 0x0000, // 10^12
0xA000, 0x4E72, 0x0918, 0x0000, // 10^13
0x4000, 0x107A, 0x5AF3, 0x0000, // 10^14
0x8000, 0xA4C6, 0x8D7E, 0x0003, // 10^15
0x0000, 0x6FC1, 0x86F2, 0x0023, // 10^16
0x0000, 0x5D8A, 0x4578, 0x0163, // 10^17
0x0000, 0xA764, 0xB6B3, 0x0DE0, // 10^18
0x0000, 0x89E8, 0x2304, 0x8AC7};// 10^19
// The following method adds two Big Nums (without signs).
short BigNumHelper::AddHelper(Lng32 dataLength,
char * leftData,
char * rightData,
char * resultData)
// Recast from bytes to unsigned shorts.
Lng32 dataLengthInShorts = dataLength/2;
unsigned short * leftDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) leftData;
unsigned short * rightDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) rightData;
unsigned short * resultDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) resultData;
union {
ULng32 temp;
struct {
unsigned short remainder;
unsigned short carry;
} tempParts;
union {
ULng32 temp;
struct {
unsigned short carry;
unsigned short remainder;
} tempParts;
tempParts.carry = 0;
for (Lng32 j = 0; j < dataLengthInShorts; j++)
temp = ((ULng32) leftDataInShorts[j]) + rightDataInShorts[j] + tempParts.carry;
resultDataInShorts[j] = tempParts.remainder;
return 0;
// The following method subtracts one Big Num from another (without signs).
short BigNumHelper::SubHelper(Lng32 dataLength,
char * leftData,
char * rightData,
char * resultData)
// Recast from bytes to unsigned shorts.
Lng32 dataLengthInShorts = dataLength/2;
unsigned short * leftDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) leftData;
unsigned short * rightDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) rightData;
unsigned short * resultDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) resultData;
// Check if left is smaller than right, and
// if so, switch left with right.
unsigned short * left = leftDataInShorts;
unsigned short * right = rightDataInShorts;
Int32 neg = 0;
Lng32 j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < dataLengthInShorts; j++) {
if (rightDataInShorts[j] > leftDataInShorts[j])
neg = -1;
else if (rightDataInShorts[j] < leftDataInShorts[j])
neg = 0;
if (neg == -1)
left = rightDataInShorts;
right = leftDataInShorts;
short carry = 0;
Lng32 temp;
union {
ULng32 temp1;
struct {
unsigned short remainder;
unsigned short filler;
} tempParts;
union {
ULng32 temp1;
struct {
unsigned short filler;
unsigned short remainder;
} tempParts;
for (j = 0; j < dataLengthInShorts; j++)
temp = ((Lng32) left[j]) - right[j] + carry;
temp1 = temp + (Lng32) USHRT_MAX + 1; // Note that USHRT_MAX + 1 = 2^16.
resultDataInShorts[j] = tempParts.remainder;
carry = ( temp < 0 ? -1 : 0);
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
return neg;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
// The following method multiplies two Big Nums (without signs).
// The assumption is that the result is big enough to hold the
// product.
short BigNumHelper::MulHelper(Lng32 resultLength,
Lng32 leftLength,
Lng32 rightLength,
char * leftData,
char * rightData,
char * resultData)
// Recast from bytes to unsigned shorts.
unsigned short * leftDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) leftData;
unsigned short * rightDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) rightData;
unsigned short * resultDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) resultData;
// Set result to zero.
for (Int32 k = 0; k < resultLength/2; k++)
resultDataInShorts[k] = 0;
// Skip trailing zeros in the left and the right argument
// to shorten the nested loop that appears later.
Lng32 rightEndInShorts = rightLength/2 - 1;
while (!rightDataInShorts[rightEndInShorts] && rightEndInShorts >= 0)
if (rightEndInShorts < 0)
return 0;
Lng32 leftEndInShorts = leftLength/2 - 1;
while (!leftDataInShorts[leftEndInShorts] && leftEndInShorts >= 0)
if (leftEndInShorts < 0)
return 0;
// Int64 temp;
// unsigned long * remainder = (unsigned long *) &temp;
// unsigned long * carry = remainder + 1;
union {
ULng32 temp;
struct {
unsigned short remainder;
unsigned short carry;
} tempParts;
union {
ULng32 temp;
struct {
unsigned short carry;
unsigned short remainder;
} tempParts;
Lng32 pos;
for (Lng32 j = 0; j <= rightEndInShorts; j++)
tempParts.carry = 0;
pos = j;
for (Lng32 i = 0; i <= leftEndInShorts; i++, pos++)
temp = ((ULng32) leftDataInShorts[i]) * rightDataInShorts[j] + resultDataInShorts[pos] + tempParts.carry;
resultDataInShorts[pos] = tempParts.remainder;
if (tempParts.carry)
resultDataInShorts[pos] = tempParts.carry;
return 0;
// The following method divides one Big Num by another (both without signs),
// only if the divisor fits in an unsigned short. It returns 1 if there is
// a remainder, 0 if there is no remainder, and -1 if there is an error.
short BigNumHelper::SimpleDivHelper(Lng32 dividendLength,
Lng32 divisorLength,
char * dividendData,
char * divisorData,
char * quotientData)
// Recast from bytes to unsigned shorts.
Lng32 dividendLengthInShorts = dividendLength/2;
Lng32 divisorLengthInShorts = divisorLength/2;
unsigned short * dividendDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) dividendData;
unsigned short * divisorDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) divisorData;
unsigned short * quotientDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) quotientData;
if (divisorLengthInShorts > 1)
return -1; // Error.
unsigned short remainder = 0;
union {
ULng32 temp;
unsigned short temp1[2];
for (Int32 j = dividendLengthInShorts - 1; j >= 0; j--)
temp1[0] = dividendDataInShorts[j];
temp1[1] = remainder;
temp1[1] = dividendDataInShorts[j];
temp1[0] = remainder;
quotientDataInShorts[j] = (unsigned short) (temp / divisorDataInShorts[0]);
remainder = (unsigned short ) (temp % divisorDataInShorts[0]);
if (remainder != 0)
return 1;
return 0;
// The following division algorithm is based on the one
// in Knuth's book on Seminumerical Algorithms, 2nd edition.
// Some of the steps in our implementation are more optimized
// to take advantage of base 2^16.
// The method divides one Big Num by another (both without signs).
// It returns 1 if there is a remainder, 0 if there is no remainder.
// (Note: there does not seem to be a need yet to actually calculate
// the remainder. If such a need arises in the future, the method
// should be changed accordingly.)
// The caller should pass tempData, which must point to memory
// (aligned on 2-byte boundary) of size (in bytes) :
// 3 * dividendLength + 6
// to be used for temporary calculations.
short BigNumHelper::DivHelper(Lng32 dividendLength,
Lng32 divisorLength,
char * dividendData,
char * divisorData,
char * quotientData,
char * tempData)
// Recast from bytes to unsigned shorts.
Lng32 dividendLengthInShorts = dividendLength/2;
Lng32 divisorLengthInShorts = divisorLength/2;
unsigned short * divisorDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) divisorData;
unsigned short * quotientDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) quotientData;
char * tempDividendData = tempData;
unsigned short * tempDividendDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) tempDividendData;
unsigned short * tempDivisorDataInShorts = tempDividendDataInShorts + dividendLengthInShorts + 1;
unsigned short * tempDivisorData1InShorts = tempDivisorDataInShorts + divisorLengthInShorts + 1;
char * tempDivisorData = (char *) tempDivisorDataInShorts;
char * tempDivisorData1 = (char *) tempDivisorData1InShorts;
// Begin normalizing step.
if (divisorDataInShorts[divisorLengthInShorts - 1] <= UCHAR_MAX) { // Note that UCHAR_MAX = 0xFF
// Multiply divisorData by 0x100 (= UCHAR_MAX + 1) and store in tempDivisorData.
// Note that the size of tempDivisorData is 2 bytes more than divisorData.
tempDivisorData[0] = 0;
Int32 i;
for (i = 0; i < divisorLength; i++)
tempDivisorData[i+1] = divisorData[i];
tempDivisorData[divisorLength + 1] = 0;
// Multiply dividendData by 0x100 and store in tempDividendData.
// Note that the size of tempDividendData is 2 bytes more than dividendData.
tempDividendData[0] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < dividendLength; i++)
tempDividendData[i+1] = dividendData[i];
tempDividendData[dividendLength + 1] = 0;
else {
Int32 i;
// Multiply divisorData by 1 and store in tempDivisorData.
for (i = 0; i < divisorLength; i++)
tempDivisorData[i] = divisorData[i];
tempDivisorDataInShorts[divisorLengthInShorts] = 0;
// Multiply dividendData by 1 and store in tempDividendData.
for (i = 0; i < dividendLength; i++)
tempDividendData[i] = dividendData[i];
tempDividendDataInShorts[dividendLengthInShorts] = 0;
if (divisorDataInShorts[divisorLengthInShorts - 1] <= UCHAR_MAX) {
Int32 i = 0;
// Multiply divisorData by 0x100 and store in tempDivisorData.
tempDivisorData[1] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < divisorLengthInShorts; i++) {
tempDivisorData[2*i+3] = divisorData[2*i];
tempDivisorData[2*i] = divisorData[2*i+1];
tempDivisorData[divisorLength] = 0;
// Multiply dividendData by 0x100 and store in tempDividendData.
tempDividendData[1] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < dividendLengthInShorts; i++) {
tempDividendData[2*i+3] = dividendData[2*i];
tempDividendData[2*i] = dividendData[2*i+1];
tempDividendData[dividendLength] = 0;
else {
Int32 i = 0;
// Multiply divisorData by 1 and store in tempDivisorData.
for (i = 0; i < divisorLength; i++)
tempDivisorData[i] = divisorData[i];
tempDivisorDataInShorts[divisorLengthInShorts] = 0;
// Multiply dividendData by 1 and store in tempDividendData.
for (i = 0; i < dividendLength; i++)
tempDividendData[i] = dividendData[i];
tempDividendDataInShorts[dividendLengthInShorts] = 0;
// End normalizing step.
// Set the quotient to zero.
Int32 j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < dividendLengthInShorts ; j++)
quotientDataInShorts[j] = 0;
unsigned short q;
union {
ULng32 temp1;
unsigned short temp2[2];
union {
Int64 temp3;
unsigned short temp4[4];
Int32 m = dividendLengthInShorts - divisorLengthInShorts;
Lng32 dividendPosInShorts = dividendLengthInShorts;
// The main loop for division.
for (j = 0; j <= m; j++) {
temp4[3] = 0;
temp4[2] = tempDividendDataInShorts[dividendPosInShorts];
temp4[1] = tempDividendDataInShorts[dividendPosInShorts - 1];
temp4[0] = tempDividendDataInShorts[dividendPosInShorts - 2];
temp2[1] = tempDivisorDataInShorts[divisorLengthInShorts - 1];
temp2[0] = tempDivisorDataInShorts[divisorLengthInShorts - 2];
temp4[0] = 0;
temp4[1] = tempDividendDataInShorts[dividendPosInShorts];
temp4[2] = tempDividendDataInShorts[dividendPosInShorts - 1];
temp4[3] = tempDividendDataInShorts[dividendPosInShorts - 2];
temp2[0] = tempDivisorDataInShorts[divisorLengthInShorts - 1];
temp2[1] = tempDivisorDataInShorts[divisorLengthInShorts - 2];
q = (unsigned short) (temp3 / temp1);
if (q == 0)
if (tempDividendDataInShorts[dividendLengthInShorts - j] ==
tempDivisorDataInShorts[divisorLengthInShorts - 1])
q = USHRT_MAX; // Note that USHRT_MAX is the largest digit in base 2^16.
BigNumHelper::MulHelper(divisorLength + 2,
(char *) &q,
Int32 neg = BigNumHelper::SubHelper(divisorLength + 2,
(char *) &tempDividendDataInShorts[dividendPosInShorts - divisorLengthInShorts],
(char *) &tempDividendDataInShorts[dividendPosInShorts - divisorLengthInShorts]);
if (neg) {
// q is too large.
// Add back by subtracting the result of the last subtraction (which is
// actually negative) from tempDividendData. We ignore the return code of
// SubHelper(), because we know the result is always positive.
BigNumHelper::SubHelper(divisorLength + 2,
(char *) &tempDividendDataInShorts[dividendPosInShorts - divisorLengthInShorts],
(char *) &tempDividendDataInShorts[dividendPosInShorts - divisorLengthInShorts]);
quotientDataInShorts[dividendPosInShorts - divisorLengthInShorts] = q;
} // for j
// Check whether there was any remainder.
for (j = 0; j < divisorLengthInShorts; j++) {
if (tempDividendDataInShorts[j] != 0)
return 1;
return 0;
// The following method converts a given Big Num (without sign) into
// its equivalent BCD string representation (with the more significant decimal
// digits in the lower addresses).
short BigNumHelper::ConvBigNumToBcdHelper(Lng32 sourceLength,
Lng32 targetLength,
char * sourceData,
char * targetData,
NAMemory * heap)
// Recast from bytes to unsigned shorts.
Lng32 sourceLengthInShorts = sourceLength/2;
unsigned short * sourceDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) sourceData;
unsigned short tempSourceDataInShortsBuf[128 / 2];
unsigned short* tempSourceDataInShorts = tempSourceDataInShortsBuf;
if (heap)
tempSourceDataInShorts = new (heap) unsigned short [sourceLength / 2];
Int32 i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < sourceLengthInShorts; i++)
tempSourceDataInShorts[i] = sourceDataInShorts[i];
// Initialize the BCD to zero.
for (i = 0; i < targetLength; i++)
targetData[i] = 0;
char * finalTargetData = targetData + targetLength - 1;
Lng32 finalTargetLength = 1;
// Ignore trailing zeros in the Big Num. If all zeros, return.
Lng32 actualSourceLengthInShorts = sourceLengthInShorts;
while (!tempSourceDataInShorts[actualSourceLengthInShorts - 1] && actualSourceLengthInShorts > 0)
if (!actualSourceLengthInShorts) {
if (heap)
NADELETEBASIC(tempSourceDataInShorts, (heap));
return 0;
union {
ULng32 temp;
unsigned short temp1[2];
unsigned short remainder = 0;
// Compute the final BCD as follows. Keep dividing the Big Num by 10^4
// until the quotient becomes less than 10^4. At each iteration, compute
// the 4-digit BCD representation of the remainder, and append it to the
// left of the final BCD. For the final remainder, compute its BCD
// representation (which may be less than 4-digits) and append it to the
// left of the final BCD.
finalTargetLength = 0;
while ((actualSourceLengthInShorts != 1) ||
(tempSourceDataInShorts[actualSourceLengthInShorts - 1] >= 10000)) {
// Divide the Big Num by 10^4. It is more efficient to insert
// the division code than to call SimpleDivideHelper();
Int32 j = 0;
for (j = actualSourceLengthInShorts - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
temp1[0] = tempSourceDataInShorts[j];
temp1[1] = remainder;
temp1[1] = tempSourceDataInShorts[j];
temp1[0] = remainder;
tempSourceDataInShorts[j] = (unsigned short) (temp / 10000);
remainder = (unsigned short) (temp % 10000);
if (!tempSourceDataInShorts[actualSourceLengthInShorts - 1])
// Compute the BCD representation of the remainder and append to the
// left of the final BCD.
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
if (finalTargetLength >= targetLength) {
if (heap)
NADELETEBASIC(tempSourceDataInShorts, (heap));
return -1;
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
finalTargetData[0] = remainder % 10;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
remainder = remainder / 10;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
// Compute the BCD representation of the final remainder and append to the
// left of the final BCD.
remainder = tempSourceDataInShorts[0];
while (remainder) {
if (finalTargetLength >= targetLength) {
if (heap)
NADELETEBASIC(tempSourceDataInShorts, (heap));
return -1;
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
finalTargetData[0] = remainder % 10;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
remainder = remainder / 10;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
if (heap)
NADELETEBASIC(tempSourceDataInShorts, (heap));
return 0;
// The following method converts a given BCD string representation (without sign,
// and with the more significant decimal digits in the lower addresses)
// into its equivalent Big Num representation.
short BigNumHelper::ConvBcdToBigNumHelper(Lng32 sourceLength,
Lng32 targetLength,
char * sourceData,
char * targetData)
// Recast from bytes to unsigned shorts.
Lng32 targetLengthInShorts = targetLength/2;
unsigned short * targetDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) targetData;
// Initialize the Big Num to zero.
Int32 i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < targetLengthInShorts; i++)
targetDataInShorts[i] = 0;
Lng32 finalTargetLengthInShorts = 1;
// Ignore leading zeros in BCD. If all zeros, return.
Lng32 zeros = 0;
while ((zeros < sourceLength) && !sourceData[zeros])
if (zeros == sourceLength)
return 0;
Int32 actualSourceLength = sourceLength - zeros;
char * actualSourceData = sourceData + zeros;
union {
ULng32 temp;
struct {
unsigned short remainder;
unsigned short carry;
} tempParts;
union {
ULng32 temp;
struct {
unsigned short carry;
unsigned short remainder;
} tempParts;
// Compute the Big Num as follows. First, chunk up the BCD
// string into chunks of 4-digit unsigned short numbers. Iterate
// over these chunks, and at each iteration, multiply the current
// Big Num by 10^4 and then add the numeric value of this chunk
// to it.
for (i = 0; i < actualSourceLength; i += 4) {
// Compute the numeric value of the next 4-digit chunk.
unsigned short temp1 = 0;
Int32 j = 0;
while ((j < 4) && (i+j < actualSourceLength)) {
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
temp1 = temp1*10 + actualSourceData[i+j];
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
unsigned short power = powersOfTen[j - 1];
// Multiply the previous Big Num by 10^4 and add the value
// of the current chunk to it. It is more efficient to insert the
// multiplication and addition code here than to call the Helper()
// methods.
temp = ((ULng32) targetDataInShorts[0]) * power + temp1;
targetDataInShorts[0] = tempParts.remainder;
for (j = 1; j < finalTargetLengthInShorts; j++) {
temp = ((ULng32) targetDataInShorts[j]) * power + tempParts.carry;
targetDataInShorts[j] = tempParts.remainder;
if (tempParts.carry) {
if (finalTargetLengthInShorts >= targetLengthInShorts)
return -1;
targetDataInShorts[finalTargetLengthInShorts - 1] = tempParts.carry;
return 0;
// The following method converts a given Big Num (with sign) into
// its equivalent BCD string representation (with the more significant
// decimal digits in the lower addresses).
short BigNumHelper::ConvBigNumWithSignToBcdHelper(Lng32 sourceLength,
Lng32 targetLength,
char * sourceData,
char * targetData,
NAMemory * heap)
char sign = BIGN_GET_SIGN(sourceData, sourceLength);
// Set up sign.
targetData[0] = (sign) ? '-' : '+';
// Temporarily clear sign
BIGN_CLR_SIGN(sourceData, sourceLength);
short returnValue = BigNumHelper::ConvBigNumToBcdHelper(sourceLength,
targetLength - 1,
targetData + 1,
// Restore sign
if (sign)
BIGN_SET_SIGN(sourceData, sourceLength);
return returnValue;
// The following method converts a given BCD string representation
// (with sign, and with the more significant decimal digits in the lower
// addresses) into its equivalent Big Num representation.
short BigNumHelper::ConvBcdToBigNumWithSignHelper(Lng32 sourceLength,
Lng32 targetLength,
char * sourceData,
char * targetData)
short returnValue = BigNumHelper::ConvBcdToBigNumHelper(sourceLength - 1,
sourceData + 1,
// Set up sign after magnitude set. TargetData already cleared.
if (sourceData[0] == '-')
BIGN_SET_SIGN(targetData, targetLength);
return returnValue;
// The following method converts a given Big Num (without sign) into
// its equivalent ASCII string representation (with the more significant
// decimal digits in the lower addresses).
short BigNumHelper::ConvBigNumToAsciiHelper(Lng32 sourceLength,
Lng32 targetLength,
char * sourceData,
char * targetData,
NAMemory * heap)
// Convert to BCD representation (without sign).
short returnValue = BigNumHelper::ConvBigNumToBcdHelper(sourceLength,
// Convert from BCD to ASCII.
for (Int32 i = 0; i < targetLength; i++)
targetData[i] += '0';
return returnValue;
// The following method converts a given ASCII string representation
// (without sign, and with the more significant decimal digits in the lower
// addresses) into its equivalent Big Num representation.
short BigNumHelper::ConvAsciiToBigNumHelper(Lng32 sourceLength,
Lng32 targetLength,
char * sourceData,
char * targetData)
// Temporarily convert source from ASCII to BCD.
Int32 i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < sourceLength; i++)
sourceData[i] -= '0';
short returnValue = BigNumHelper::ConvBcdToBigNumHelper(sourceLength,
// Restore source to ASCII.
for (i = 0; i < sourceLength; i++)
sourceData[i] += '0';
return returnValue;
// The following method converts a given Big Num (with sign) into
// its equivalent ASCII string representation (with the more significant
// decimal digits in the lower addresses).
short BigNumHelper::ConvBigNumWithSignToAsciiHelper(Lng32 sourceLength,
Lng32 targetLength,
char * sourceData,
char * targetData,
NAMemory * heap)
char sign = BIGN_GET_SIGN(sourceData, sourceLength);
// Set up sign.
targetData[0] = (sign) ? '-' : '+';
// Temporarily clear sign
BIGN_CLR_SIGN(sourceData, sourceLength);
short returnValue = BigNumHelper::ConvBigNumToAsciiHelper(sourceLength,
targetLength - 1,
targetData + 1,
// Restore sign
if (sign)
BIGN_SET_SIGN(sourceData, sourceLength);
return returnValue;
// The following method converts a given ASCII string representation
// (with sign, and with the more significant decimal digits in the lower
// addresses) into its equivalent Big Num representation.
short BigNumHelper::ConvAsciiToBigNumWithSignHelper(Lng32 sourceLength,
Lng32 targetLength,
char * sourceData,
char * targetData)
short returnValue = BigNumHelper::ConvAsciiToBigNumHelper(sourceLength - 1,
sourceData + 1,
// Set up sign.
if (sourceData[0] == '-')
BIGN_SET_SIGN(targetData, targetLength);
return returnValue;
// Given a desired precision of a Big Num, the following method calculates
// the required storage length (including the sign). We assume that the
// precision is > 0.
Lng32 BigNumHelper::ConvPrecisionToStorageLengthHelper(Lng32 precision)
// The storage length is always a multiple of 2 bytes, and at minimum, 8 bytes
// long. 1 bit must be available for the sign. Thus we use the formula:
// storage length = ceil((precision*log2(10) + 1)/16)
short err = 0;
// Change precision to be a minimum of 18 (i.e. 8 bytes)
if (precision < 18)
precision = 18;
Lng32 stLen = (2*(Lng32)(MathCeil((precision*0.208) + 0.062, err)));
if (err)
return -1; // is -1 error return code from here???
return stLen;
// The following method converts an integer, 10^exponent, to a Big Num
// representation (without sign). The given exponent should be >= 0. The
// given targetData should have a length which is a multiple of 8.
short BigNumHelper::ConvPowersOfTenToBigNumHelper(Lng32 exponent,
Lng32 targetLength,
Lng32 * finalTargetLength,
char * targetData)
// If exponent is small enough, copy Big Num from precomputed table.
if (exponent < sizeof(powersOfTenInBigNumForm)/8) {
for (Int32 k = 0; k < 8 ; k++)
targetData[k] = ((char *) (powersOfTenInBigNumForm + exponent*4))[k];
*finalTargetLength = 8;
return 0;
// Otherwise, we have to actually compute 10^exponent iteratively.
// Recast from bytes to unsigned shorts.
unsigned short * targetDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) targetData;
*finalTargetLength = BigNumHelper::ConvPrecisionToStorageLengthHelper(exponent);
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
Lng32 diffExponent = exponent - sizeof(powersOfTenInBigNumForm)/8 + 1;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
union {
ULng32 temp;
struct {
unsigned short remainder;
unsigned short carry;
} tempParts;
union {
ULng32 temp;
struct {
unsigned short carry;
unsigned short remainder;
} tempParts;
// Initialize the Big Num to 10^(sizeof(powersOfTenInBigNumForm)/8 - 1)
Int32 k = 0;
for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
targetData[k] = ((char *) (powersOfTenInBigNumForm + sizeof(powersOfTenInBigNumForm)/2 - 4))[k];
Lng32 currentTargetLengthInShorts = 4;
// Multiply the Big Num repeatedly by 10^4 (excepting the last
// multiplication, which is by 10^(diffExponent%4). It is more
// efficient to insert the multiplication code here than to
// call the mulHelper() method.
for (Int32 i = 0; i < diffExponent; i += 4) {
unsigned short power;
if (i + 4 <= diffExponent)
power = 10000;
power = powersOfTen[(diffExponent % 4) - 1];
temp = ((ULng32) targetDataInShorts[0]) * power;
targetDataInShorts[0] = tempParts.remainder;
Int32 j = 1;
for (j = 1; j < currentTargetLengthInShorts; j++) {
temp = ((ULng32) targetDataInShorts[j]) * power + tempParts.carry;
targetDataInShorts[j] = tempParts.remainder;
if (tempParts.carry) {
targetDataInShorts[currentTargetLengthInShorts - 1] = tempParts.carry;
// Fill up the trailing part of the target with zeros.
for (k = 2*currentTargetLengthInShorts; k < *finalTargetLength; k++)
targetData[k] = 0;
return 0;
// The following converts an Int64 to a Big Num (with sign).
short BigNumHelper::ConvInt64ToBigNumWithSignHelper(Int32 targetLength,
Int64 sourceData,
char * targetData,
NABoolean isUnsigned)
Int32 tgtLength16 = targetLength >> 1;
UInt16* tgt = (UInt16*)targetData;
Int64* tgt64 = (Int64*)targetData;
NABoolean isNeg = FALSE;
// Initialize magnitude of target to zero.
for (Int32 k = 0; k < tgtLength16; k++)
tgt[k] = 0;
if ((NOT isUnsigned) && (sourceData < 0)) {
sourceData = -sourceData;
isNeg = TRUE;
*tgt64 = sourceData;
// If little endian, do nothing, target is already in correct form.
UInt16 temp1 = tgt[0];
UInt16 temp2 = tgt[1];
tgt[0] = tgt[3];
tgt[1] = tgt[2];
tgt[2] = temp2;
tgt[3] = temp1;
if (isNeg)
BIGN_SET_SIGN(tgt, targetLength);
return 0;
// The following converts a Big Num (with sign) into an Int64.
short BigNumHelper::ConvBigNumWithSignToInt64Helper(Lng32 sourceLength,
char * sourceData,
void * targetDataPtr,
NABoolean isUnsigned)
UInt64 *uTargetData = (UInt64*)targetDataPtr;
Int64 *targetData = (Int64*)targetDataPtr;
// Recast from bytes to unsigned shorts.
unsigned short * sourceDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) sourceData;
Lng32 sourceLengthInShorts = sourceLength/2;
char srcSign = BIGN_GET_SIGN(sourceData, sourceLength);
// Clear source sign temporarily
BIGN_CLR_SIGN(sourceData, sourceLength);
// Remove trailing zeros in source. Note that we want a length of 4 unsigned shorts.
while (sourceDataInShorts[sourceLengthInShorts - 1] == 0 && sourceLengthInShorts > 4)
// Check for overflow. Source cannot have more than 4 unsigned shorts.
if (sourceLengthInShorts > 4) {
// Restore sign in source
if (srcSign)
BIGN_SET_SIGN(sourceData, sourceLength);
return -1;
// Copy the magnitude of source to target.
// TODO: unaligned store here
*targetData = *((Int64 *) sourceData);
// Restore sign in source
if (srcSign)
BIGN_SET_SIGN(sourceData, sourceLength);
// Do nothing, target already in correct format.
// Reverse the shorts in the target.
unsigned short * targetDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) targetData;
unsigned short temp = targetDataInShorts[0];
targetDataInShorts[0] = targetDataInShorts[3];
targetDataInShorts[3] = temp;
temp = targetDataInShorts[1];
targetDataInShorts[1] = targetDataInShorts[2];
targetDataInShorts[2] = temp;
// We now check the sign of the source. Unfortunately there are complications.
// The target, an Int64, ranges between 2^63-1 and -2^63, which is asymmetric.
// We have to make sure that the source did not contain a Big Num outside this range.
if (srcSign == 0) { // source is positive.
if (isUnsigned)
return 0; // all values are ok
else if (*targetData >= 0) // target magnitude is between 0 and 2^63-1.
return 0;
else // target magnitude is beyond 2^63-1.
return -1;
else { // source is negative.
if (isUnsigned)
return -1; // error
else if (*targetData >= 0) { // target magnitude is between 0 and 2^63-1.
*targetData = -*targetData;
return 0;
else if (*targetData == LLONG_MIN) // target magnitude is 2^63. We do not even
// have to negate the target, because the bit
// representations of 2^63 and -2^63 (the latter
// in 2's-complement) are the same.
return 0;
else // target magnitude is beyond 2^63
return -1;
// The following converts a BIGNUM (with sign) into Int64 and scale it,
// returning information about the conversion to the caller (e.g.
// truncations, overflows).
// The return value can have 5 possible values:
// 0: the conversion was ok
// 1: the result was rounded up to LLONG_MIN
// 2: the result was rounded down to LLONG_MAX
// 3: the result was rounded up
// 4: the result was rounded down
short BigNumHelper::ConvBigNumWithSignToInt64AndScaleHelper(Lng32 sourceLength,
char * sourceData,
Int64 * targetData,
Lng32 exponent,
NAMemory * heap)
Lng32 sourceLengthInShorts = sourceLength/2;
unsigned short * targetDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) targetData;
Lng32 absExponent = (exponent >= 0 ? exponent : -exponent);
char srcSign = BIGN_GET_SIGN(sourceData, sourceLength);
// Clear source sign temporarily
BIGN_CLR_SIGN(sourceData, sourceLength);
// Allocate temp space for various calculations:
// Allocate space for the scale factor, which is a Big Num (without sign) with value 10^(|exponent|).
Lng32 crudeScaleFactorLength = BigNumHelper::ConvPrecisionToStorageLengthHelper(absExponent + 1);
unsigned short * scaleFactorInShorts = new (heap) unsigned short [crudeScaleFactorLength/2];
char * scaleFactor = (char *) scaleFactorInShorts;
// Allocate space for temporary Big Num (without sign) to store source after scaling.
unsigned short * sourceDataAfterScalingInShorts = new (heap) unsigned short [(crudeScaleFactorLength + sourceLength)/2];
char * sourceDataAfterScaling = (char *) sourceDataAfterScalingInShorts;
Lng32 sourceLengthAfterScalingInShorts;
// Allocate temp space for the division routine; see DivHelper for details.
unsigned short * tempDataInShorts = new (heap) unsigned short [3 * (sourceLength) / 2 + 3];
char * tempData = (char *) tempDataInShorts;
Lng32 scaleFactorLength;
// Since the above function returns a Big Num with length a multiple of 8, there may be
// trailing zeros. Adjust the length to ignore trailing zeros.
Lng32 scaleFactorLengthInShorts = scaleFactorLength/2;
while (scaleFactorInShorts[scaleFactorLengthInShorts - 1] == 0 && scaleFactorLengthInShorts > 1)
scaleFactorLength = 2*scaleFactorLengthInShorts;
short anyTruncation = 0;
if (exponent < 0) {
// If exponent is negative, we need to scale up. Thus divide source by scaleFactor.
// If there is a remainder, this signifies that some truncation occurred.
if (scaleFactorLengthInShorts > sourceLengthInShorts) {
// I.e. the scaleFactor is longer than the magnitude of the source,
// thus everything got truncated! Set source after scaling to zero.
for (Int32 k = 0; k < (crudeScaleFactorLength + sourceLength); k++)
sourceDataAfterScaling[k] = 0;
sourceLengthAfterScalingInShorts = 4;
anyTruncation = 1;
else if (scaleFactorLengthInShorts == 1) {
anyTruncation = BigNumHelper::SimpleDivHelper(sourceLength,
sourceLengthAfterScalingInShorts = sourceLengthInShorts;
else {
anyTruncation = BigNumHelper::DivHelper(sourceLength,
sourceLengthAfterScalingInShorts = sourceLengthInShorts;
else {
// If exponent is positive, we need to scale down, so multiply source by scaleFactor.
BigNumHelper::MulHelper(sourceLength + scaleFactorLength,
sourceLength, // ignore the sign byte
sourceLengthAfterScalingInShorts = sourceLengthInShorts + scaleFactorLengthInShorts;
// Adjust the length of source after scaling to ignore trailing zeros (we do not have to
// go below a length of 4).
while (sourceDataAfterScalingInShorts[sourceLengthAfterScalingInShorts - 1] == 0
&& sourceLengthAfterScalingInShorts > 4)
short retValue = 0;
// Check for overflow. After scaling, the magnitude of source cannot have more
// than 4 unsigned shorts.
if (sourceLengthAfterScalingInShorts > 4) {
if (srcSign == 0) { // source is positive.
*targetData = LLONG_MAX;
retValue = 2; // the result was rounded down to LLONG_MAX.
else {
*targetData = LLONG_MIN;
retValue = 1; // the result was rounded up to LLONG_MIN.
else {
// Copy the magnitude of source to target.
*targetData = *((Int64 *) sourceDataAfterScaling);
// Do nothing, target already in correct format.
// Reverse the shorts in the target.
unsigned short temp = targetDataInShorts[0];
targetDataInShorts[0] = targetDataInShorts[3];
targetDataInShorts[3] = temp;
temp = targetDataInShorts[1];
targetDataInShorts[1] = targetDataInShorts[2];
targetDataInShorts[2] = temp;
// The target, an Int64, should range between 2^63-1 and -2^63, which is asymmetric.
// We have to make sure that the source did not contain a Big Num outside this range.
if (srcSign == 0) { // source is positive.
if (*targetData < 0) { // target magnitude is beyond 2^63-1.
*targetData = LLONG_MAX;
retValue = 2; // the result was rounded down to LLONG_MAX.
else { // source is negative.
if (*targetData < 0 && *targetData != LLONG_MIN) { // target magnitude is beyond 2^63
*targetData = LLONG_MIN;
retValue = 1; // the result was rounded up to LLONG_MIN.
else if (*targetData != LLONG_MIN) {
// target magnitude is between 0 and 2^63.
// The value LLONG_MIN is already in correct format and doesn't
// need to be negated.
*targetData = -*targetData;
if (retValue == 0 && anyTruncation) {
if (srcSign == 0)
retValue = 4; // the result was rounded down.
retValue = 3; // the result was rounded up;
NADELETEBASIC(scaleFactorInShorts, (heap));
NADELETEBASIC(sourceDataAfterScalingInShorts, (heap));
NADELETEBASIC(tempDataInShorts, (heap));
// Restore sign in source
if (srcSign)
BIGN_SET_SIGN(sourceData, sourceLength);
return retValue;
// The following converts a Big Num to a Big Num.
short BigNumHelper::ConvBigNumWithSignToBigNumWithSignHelper(Lng32 sourceLength,
Lng32 targetLength,
char * sourceData,
char * targetData)
// Recast char strings as arrays of unsigned shorts
unsigned short * sourceDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) sourceData;
unsigned short * targetDataInShorts = (unsigned short *) targetData;
Lng32 sourceLengthInShorts = sourceLength/2; // length in number of shorts.
char srcSign = BIGN_GET_SIGN(sourceData, sourceLength);
// Clear sign bit
BIGN_CLR_SIGN(sourceData, sourceLength);
// Ignore trailing zeros in source. Minimum number of shorts in source is 2.
while ((sourceDataInShorts[sourceLengthInShorts - 1] == 0) && (sourceLengthInShorts > 2))
// Return error if overflow
if (sourceLengthInShorts > targetLength/2) {
// Reset sign bit of source
if (srcSign)
BIGN_SET_SIGN(sourceData, sourceLength);
return -1;
// Initialize magnitude of target to zeros.
Int32 k = 0;
for (k = 0; k < targetLength; k++)
targetData[k] = 0;
// Copy source to target.
for (k = 0; k < sourceLengthInShorts; k++)
targetDataInShorts[k] = sourceDataInShorts[k];
// Restore sign in source and set sign in target
if (srcSign) {
BIGN_SET_SIGN(sourceData, sourceLength);
BIGN_SET_SIGN(targetData, targetLength);
return 0;