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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ComKeyRange.h
* Description: defines base classes for objects describing key ranges
* Created: 5/6/98
* Language: C++
#include "NAVersionedObject.h"
#include "ExpCriDesc.h"
#include "ex_expr.h"
// forward references
class ex_cri_desc;
class ex_expr;
class keySingleSubsetGen;
class keyMdamGen;
// Class keyRangeGen
// This class contains compiler-generated information used by scan
// operators that can access ordered data directly. It is a virtual
// class that defines a common interface for different types of key
// access. The idea is to encapsulate the generation of key ranges.
class keyRangeGen : public NAVersionedObject
enum key_type { KEYSINGLESUBSET, // single key range
enum { FILLER_LENGTH = 16 };
ExCriDescPtr workCriDesc_; // 00-07
UInt32 keyLength_; // 08-11
UInt16 keyValuesAtpIndex_; // 12-13
UInt16 excludeFlagAtpIndex_; // 14-15
UInt16 dataConvErrorFlagAtpIndex_; // 16-17
Int16 keyType_; // 18-19
// while accessing a SQL/MP index, the first 2 bytes of the key value
// used is the keytag value. This is a 'special' key column that
// is not part of the base table or the key expressions that are
// generated. If the keytag_ value is greater than 0, then the
// first two bytes of the key row are initialized with it in
// getNextKeyRange() method. The keytag_ value is set by the generator
// when key info is generated.
UInt16 keytag_; // 20-21
UInt16 flags_; // 22-23
char fillersKeyRangeGen_[16]; // 24-39
// default constructor needed by UNPACK
NA_EIDPROC keyRangeGen()
: NAVersionedObject(-1)
NA_EIDPROC keyRangeGen(key_type keyType,
ULng32 keyLen,
ex_cri_desc * workCriDesc,
unsigned short keyValuesAtpIndex,
unsigned short excludeFlagAtpIndex,
unsigned short dataConvErrorFlagAtpIndex);
NA_EIDPROC virtual ~keyRangeGen() { };
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefine virtual functions required for Versioning.
NA_EIDPROC virtual char *findVTblPtr(short classID);
NA_EIDPROC virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()
return 1;
NA_EIDPROC virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
NA_EIDPROC virtual short getClassSize()
{ return (short)sizeof(keyRangeGen); }
virtual keySingleSubsetGen * castToKeySingleSubsetGen() { return NULL; }
virtual keyMdamGen * castToKeyMdamGen() { return NULL; }
// for UNPACK
NA_EIDPROC void fixupVTblPtr();
// accessor functions
NA_EIDPROC key_type getType() { return (key_type) keyType_; };
NA_EIDPROC ULng32 getKeyLength() const
{ return keyLength_; };
NA_EIDPROC ex_cri_desc * getWorkCriDesc() const
{ return workCriDesc_; };
NA_EIDPROC unsigned short getKeyValuesAtpIndex() const
{ return keyValuesAtpIndex_; };
NA_EIDPROC unsigned short getExcludeFlagAtpIndex() const
{ return excludeFlagAtpIndex_; };
NA_EIDPROC unsigned short getDataConvErrorFlagAtpIndex() const
{ return dataConvErrorFlagAtpIndex_; };
NA_EIDPROC UInt16 getKeytag() const
{ return keytag_; };
NA_EIDPROC void setKeytag(UInt16 kt)
{ keytag_ = kt; };
NA_EIDPROC virtual Long pack(void *);
NA_EIDPROC virtual Lng32 unpack(void *, void * reallocator);
NA_EIDPROC virtual ex_expr* getExpressionNode(Int32 pos) { return NULL; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Template instantiation to produce a 64-bit pointer emulator class
// for keyRangeGen
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef NAVersionedObjectPtrTempl<keyRangeGen> keyRangeGenPtr;