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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: StoredProcInterface.cpp (previously part of
* /executor/ex_stored_proc.cpp)
* Description:
* Created: 5/6/98
* Language: C++
#include "Platform.h"
#include "StoredProcInterface.h"
#include "sql_buffer.h"
#include "SqlCliDllDefines.h"
#include "ComTdbStoredProc.h"
// Prepares the input buffer so input rows could be retrieved
// from it. Unpacks sql buffer which would convert offsets to
// pointers. To be called after receiving the input buffer
// from Executor and before retrieving rows from it.
short ExSPPrepareInputBuffer(void * inputBuffer)
SqlBuffer * ib = (SqlBuffer *)inputBuffer;
if (ib == NULL)
return -1;
return 0;
// Positions to the first row in input buffer. This proc MUST be
// called before retrieving input rows from it.
// RETURNS: 0, if all ok. -1, in case of an error.
short ExSPPosition(void * inputBuffer)
SqlBuffer * ib = (SqlBuffer *)inputBuffer;
if (ib == NULL)
return -1;
return 0;
// This method is used to retrieve input rows from the input buffer
// that is sent from Executor to Arkcmp.
// Returns the 'current' row and increments the internal rownum.
// Also returns control information associated with this input row.
// Caller needs to pass this control info pointer to ExSPPutReplyRow
// when the reply buffer (sent from Arkcmp to Executor) is being filled
// in. All reply(output) rows that correspond to this input row have
// the same control info.
// RETURNS: 0, if all is Ok. 1, if all rows have been returned.
// -1, in case of error.
short ExSPGetInputRow(void * inputBuffer, // IN: input sql buffer
void* &controlInfo, // OUT: control info
char* &rowPtr, // OUT: pointer to the row
ULng32 &rowLen)// OUT: length of returned row
SqlBuffer * ib = (SqlBuffer *)inputBuffer;
if ( !ib )
return -1;
tupp tp;
ControlInfo * ci = NULL;
up_state us;
ComDiagsArea* diags;
if (ib->moveOutSendOrReplyData(TRUE, // send (input) value
&ci, &diags) == TRUE)
return 1; // No more input rows.
controlInfo = ci;
rowPtr = tp.getDataPointer();
rowLen = tp.getAllocatedSize();
return 0;
// Initializes the reply buffer.
// Caller must allocate contiguous space of length replyBufLen
// and then call this proc.
// This proc MUST be called BEFORE moving any reply rows to it.
// Once the reply buffer is sent from Arkcmp to Executor, it
// must be re-initialized by calling this proc again.
short ExSPInitReplyBuffer(void * replyBuffer,
ULng32 replyBufLen)
SqlBuffer * rb = (SqlBuffer *)replyBuffer;
if ((rb == NULL) || (replyBufLen == 0))
return -1;
rb->driveInit(replyBufLen, FALSE, SqlBuffer::NORMAL_);
return 0;
// Copies the row pointer by rowPtr for rowLen inside sqlBuffer.
// The controlInfo must be the same pointer that was returned by
// proc ExSPGetInputRow along with the input row that corresponds
// to the reply rows.
// If replyRow is NULL, that that indicates that all reply rows
// for this input have been returned. A NULL replyRow MUST be
// passed in to this proc to end the request.
// This proc returns a value of 1, if replyBuffer is full.
// The reply row that was passed in in that call is NOT moved
// in to the replyBuffer. Caller must call this proc again with
// the replyRow. This applies to both non-null and null reply row.
// Returns 1, if buffer is full. 0, if row moved in.
// -1, in case of error.
// 2 in case of warning.
short ExSPPutReplyRow(void * replyBuffer, // IN: the reply buffer
void * controlInfo, // IN: control info
char * replyRow, // IN: pointer to reply row
ULng32 rowLen, // IN: length of reply row
ComDiagsArea* diagsDesc)// IN: pointer to diags
if ((replyBuffer == NULL) || (controlInfo == NULL))
return -1;
SqlBuffer * rb = (SqlBuffer *)replyBuffer;
ControlInfo * ci = (ControlInfo *)controlInfo;
short rc = 0;
up_state us;
us.parentIndex = ci->getDownState().parentIndex;
us.downIndex = 0;
if (replyRow == NULL) // indicate end of reply rows
if (diagsDesc != NULL)
if (diagsDesc->getNumber(DgSqlCode::ERROR_) > 0)
us.status = ex_queue::Q_SQLERROR;
if (diagsDesc->getNumber(DgSqlCode::WARNING_) > 0)
us.status = ex_queue::Q_NO_DATA;
rc = 2;
us.status = ex_queue::Q_NO_DATA;
tupp_descriptor* dDesc = 0;
if (rb->moveInSendOrReplyData(FALSE, // reply
TRUE, // do move EOD indication
FALSE, // don't move data.
(void *)&us,
&dDesc) == SqlBuffer::MOVE_SUCCESS)
if (diagsDesc)
rc = 1; // buffer is full
tupp_descriptor * tdesc = NULL;
us.status = ex_queue::Q_OK_MMORE;
if (rb->moveInSendOrReplyData(FALSE, // reply
FALSE, // don't move control,if not needed.
TRUE, // do move data.
(void *)&us,
0) == SqlBuffer::MOVE_SUCCESS)
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
str_cpy_all(tdesc->getTupleAddress(), replyRow, rowLen);
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
rc = 1;// buffer is full.
return rc;
// Prepares the reply buffer so it could be sent back
// from Arkcmp to Executor.
// Packs sql buffer which would convert pointers to
// offsets. To be called before sending the reply buffer to
// Executor.
short ExSPPrepareReplyBuffer(void * replyBuffer)
SqlBuffer * rb = (SqlBuffer *)replyBuffer;
if (rb == NULL)
return -1;
// this reply buffer needs to be sent back to executor.
// Mark it as being in use.
return 0;
short ExSPUnpackIOExpr(void * & extractInputExpr,
void * & moveOutputExpr,
CollHeap * heap)
ExSPInputOutput *ie = (ExSPInputOutput *)extractInputExpr;
// Enable version migration here !!!
// pass heap to driveUnpack. TBD.
ExSPInputOutput dummySPIO;
if ( (ie = (ExSPInputOutput *)
ie->driveUnpack(extractInputExpr,&dummySPIO,NULL)) == NULL )
// ERROR during unpacking. Most likely version-not-supported.
return -1;
// extractInputExpr might change due to relocation during a version
// upgrade.
extractInputExpr = ie;
ExSPInputOutput *oe = (ExSPInputOutput *)moveOutputExpr;
if ( (oe = (ExSPInputOutput *)
oe->driveUnpack(moveOutputExpr,&dummySPIO,NULL)) == NULL )
// ERROR during unpacking. Most likely version-not-supported.
return -1;
// moveOutputExpr might change due to relocation during a version
// upgrade.
moveOutputExpr = oe;
return 0;
short ExSPExtractInputValue(void * extractInputExpr,
ULng32 fieldNum, char * inputRow,
char * data, ULng32 datalen, NABoolean casting,
ComDiagsArea * diagsArea)
return ((ExSPInputOutput *)extractInputExpr)->
inputValue(fieldNum, inputRow,
data, datalen, casting, diagsArea
short ExSPMoveOutputValue(void * moveOutputExpr,
ULng32 fieldNum, char * outputRow,
char * data, ULng32 datalen, NABoolean casting,
ComDiagsArea * diagsArea,
CollHeap * heap)
return ((ExSPInputOutput *)moveOutputExpr)->
outputValue(fieldNum, outputRow, data, datalen, casting, heap, diagsArea);