blob: ea0a210f1d219f59afaeed98bfea0660c32b5ac8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: QuasiFile.h
* Description: This file contains definitions of the QuasiFileManager class
* and QuasiFile class.
* Created: 3/26/2002
* Language: C++
#include "NoWaitOp.h"
class CliStatement;
class IpcEnvironment;
class ComDiagsArea;
class HashQueue;
class NoWaitOp;
class QuasiFile;
class QuasiFileManager;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes that keep state for no-wait SQL operations
// One QuasiFileManager object keeps track of all SQL pseudo-files
// used by a process.
// One QuasiFile object exists for each SQL pseudo-file.
// One NoWaitOp object exists for each pending no-wait SQL operation.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef EX_GOD_H // compile the following only if ex_god.h also included
#ifdef CLI_STDH_H // compile the following only if CliDefs.h also included
class QuasiFileManager : public NABasicObject
QuasiFileManager(NAHeap * noWaitHeap,IpcEnvironment * ipcEnv);
virtual ~QuasiFileManager(void);
RETCODE assocFileNumber(ComDiagsArea &diagsArea,short fileNumber,
Statement * statement);
RETCODE disassocFileNumber(ComDiagsArea &diagsArea,
Statement * statement,
NABoolean force = FALSE);
RETCODE deleteNoWaitOps(ComDiagsArea &diagsArea,short fileNumber,
Statement * statement);
RETCODE awaitIox(Lng32 fileNumber, Lng32 * tag, short * feError);
// returns QuasiFile object if one exists, 0 otherwise
QuasiFile * getQuasiFile(short fileNumber);
// get the QuasiFile if it exists, call QuasiFile::closeNoWaitOpsPending,
// removes the QuasiFile from quasiFileList_, and deletes the QuasiFile
void closeQuasiFile(short fileNumber);
// called whenever a new NoWaitOp object is created
void notifyOfNewNoWaitOp(void);
// called whenever a NowaitOp is destroyed
inline void notifyOfDeletedNoWaitOp(void)
{ pendingNoWaitOperations_--; };
inline Lng32 getPendingNowaitOps() { return pendingNoWaitOperations_; }
Lng32 pendingNoWaitOperations_; // number of pending operations
// list of QuasiFile objects
Queue * quasiFileList_;
// Ipc environment
IpcEnvironment * ipcEnv_;
// heap used by no-wait SQL procedures
NAHeap * noWaitHeap_;
// Where methods in the QuasiFile class do not raise errors, they assume
// that the QuasiFileManager (their caller) has done all necessary
// validation.
class QuasiFile : public NABasicObject
QuasiFile(NAHeap * noWaitHeap,short fileNumber,QuasiFileManager * fnm);
void associateStatement(Statement * stmt);
NABoolean disassociateStatement(Statement * stmt);
void disableNoWaitOps(void);
void deleteNoWaitOps(Statement * stmt);
void closeNoWaitOpsPending();
RETCODE awaitIox(IpcEnvironment * ipcEnv, Lng32 * tag, short * feError);
RETCODE queueNoWaitOp(ComDiagsArea &diagsArea,
Statement * stmt,
Descriptor * inputDesc,
Descriptor * outputDesc,
NoWaitOp::opType op,
NABoolean operationStarted,
Lng32 tag);
inline short getFileNumber() {return fileNumber_;};
inline NABoolean noWaitOpsPending(void)
{ return !pendingNoWaitOps_->isEmpty(); } ;
short fileNumber_;
NAHeap * noWaitHeap_;
QuasiFileManager * quasiFileManager_;
// a list of Statement objects associated with this QuasiFile
// in no particular order
HashQueue * associatedStatements_;
// a list of NoWaitOp objects (representing pending no-wait
// operations), in order of initiation
Queue * pendingNoWaitOps_;
} ;
#endif // CLI_STDH_H
#endif // EX_GOD_H