blob: fe99787b36a8d2d7b4b73561b83efa2c80ade847 [file] [log] [blame]
100 02000 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU The "no data" completion condition (SQLCODE = +100).
1000 42000 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY A syntax error occurred.
1001 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT An internal error occurred in module $0~String0 on line $1~Int0. Details($2~String1).
1002 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Catalog $0~CatalogName does not exist.
1003 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Schema $0~SchemaName does not exist.
1004 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Object $0~TableName does not exist or object type is invalid for the current operation.
1005 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Constraint $0~ConstraintName does not exist.
1006 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1008 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Authorization identifier $0~String0 does not exist.
1009 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName does not exist in the specified table.
1010 0A000 99999 ADVANCED MINOR DBADMIN The statement just entered is currently not supported.
1011 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MINOR DBADMIN Only one grantee per grant or revoke is allowed.
1012 01007 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN No privileges were granted. You lack grant option on the specified privileges.
1013 01007 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Not all privileges were granted. You lack grant option for the $0~string0 privilege.
1014 2B000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1015 01006 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Not all privileges were revoked. You lack the grant option for the $0~string0 privilege.
1016 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Redundant references to column $0~ColumnName were specified in the constraint or trigger definition.
1017 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN You are not authorized to perform this operation.
1018 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Grant of role or privilege $0~String0 from $1~String1 to $2~String2 not found, revoke request ignored.
1019 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1020 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Privilege settings on metadata tables cannot be changed.
1021 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN SQL is already initialized on system $0~string0.
1022 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Schema $0~SchemaName already exists.
1023 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1024 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1025 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Request failed. Dependent object $0~string0 exists.
1026 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1027 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The view $0~TableName was created before column privileges were supported. To grant column privileges, please recreate the view.
1028 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The schema must be empty. It contains at least one object $0~TableName.
1029 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Object $0~TableName could not be created.
1030 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The HBase name has a length of $0~Int0 which is too long. Maximum length supported is $1~Int1.
1031 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Object $0~TableName could not be dropped.
1032 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The DISPLAY command completes and the query is not executed.
1033 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1034 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DIALOUT Unable to obtain privileges.
1035 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Catalog $0~CatalogName already exists.
1036 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Authorization ID $0~String0 cannot grant to authorization ID $1~String1 because it could create a circular dependency.
1037 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Revoke failed because of a dependent grant between authorization ID $0~string0 and authorization ID $1~string1.
1038 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1039 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN No privileges were revoked. You lack the grant option for the specified privilege(s).
1040 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The use of ALTER on metadata tables is not permitted.
1041 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The primary key has already been defined.
1042 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN All PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint columns must be NOT NULL.
1043 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Constraint $0~ConstraintName already exists.
1044 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Constraint $0~ConstraintName could not be created because the referenced columns in the referenced table are not part of a unique constraint.
1045 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The unique constraint cannot be used because it is deferrable.
1046 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Referenced and referencing column lists do not match for constraint $0~ConstraintName.
1047 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Request failed. Dependent view $0~TableName exists.
1048 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The statement currently supports only RESTRICT behavior.
1049 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Constraint cannot be dropped because it was specified to be NOT DROPPABLE.
1050 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Constraint cannot be dropped because it is used as a referenced object for a foreign key.
1051 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN You do not have the required privilege(s) on $0~TableName.
1052 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Constraint cannot be dropped because it does not belong to the specified table.
1053 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Unique index $0~TableName could not be created because the specified column(s) contain duplicate data.
1054 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY --- unused ---
1055 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Object $0~TableName already exists.
1056 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1057 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1058 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Unable to create histogram table $0~TableName.
1059 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Request failed. Dependent constraint $0~ConstraintName exists.
1060 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1061 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1062 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Dropping metadata or reserved schema $0~SchemaName is not allowed.
1063 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1064 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1065 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1066 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1067 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1068 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Initialize authorization completed with warnings.
1069 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Schema $0~SchemaName could not be dropped. $0~String0
1070 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Object $0~TableName could not be created. File error: $1~Int0.
1071 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN View usage information for the following hive tables could not be set. Make sure that an external table either already exists or implicit creation has not been disabled. Hive tables: $0~String0
1072 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1073 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Schema $0~SchemaName was partially dropped. Use CLEANUP SCHEMA to remove remaining entries.
1074 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1075 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1076 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1077 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT --- unused ---
1078 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1079 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1080 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The DDL request has duplicate references to column $0~ColumnName.
1081 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Loading of index $0~TableName failed unexpectedly.
1082 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Validation for constraint $0~ConstraintName failed unexpectedly.
1083 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Validation for constraint $0~ConstraintName failed; incompatible data exists in table.
1084 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN An invalid default value was specified for column $0~ColumnName.
1085 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1086 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused ---
1087 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1088 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1089 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The system generated column SYSKEY must be specified last or not specified at all in the index column list.
1090 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Self-referencing constraints are currently not supported.
1091 0A000 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY --- unused ---
1092 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY --- unused ---
1093 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY --- unused ---
1094 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1095 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1096 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1097 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The specified partition $0~String0 does not exist.
1098 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Partition key ($0~String0) already specified for object $1~TableName.
1099 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~Int0 is unnamed. You must specify an AS clause for that column expression, or name all the columns by specifying a view column list.
1100 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN LOB column $0~ColumnName cannot be specified in an alter operation.
1101 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1102 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT --- unused ---
1103 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT --- unused ---
1104 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1105 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1106 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1107 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
1108 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The number of columns specified in the view column list, $0~Int0, does not match the degree of the query expression, $1~Int1.
1109 44000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The WITH CHECK OPTION clause appears in the definition of view $0~TableName, but the view is not updatable.
1111 25000 99999 BEGINNER CRTCL DIALOUT An error occurred while starting a transaction on object $0~TableName$1~String0$2~String1
1112 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN An index column list cannot contain only the system-generated column SYSKEY.
1113 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU Alter View Compile Cascade failed for following View(s): $0~String0
1114 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Metadata tables for catalog $0~CatalogName could not be created on $1~String0.
1115 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Label $0~String0 could not be created for $1~TableName (file error $2~NSKCode).
1116 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The current partitioning scheme requires a user-specified clustering key on object $0~TableName.
1117 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Dropping the only partition of an object is not allowed. At least two partitions must exist to perform the drop.
1118 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Creating object $0~TableName is not allowed in a reserved system schema.
1119 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Dropping metadata object $0~TableName is not allowed.
1120 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Use of approximate numeric datatype (float, real, double precision) in a partitioning key or salt clause is not allowed.
1121 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Partitions cannot be added or dropped on table $0~TableName. These partition operations are not allowed on tables whose clustering key consists only of the SYSKEY.
1122 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The number of specified partition key values ($0~String0) for object $1~TableName exceeds the number of user defined key columns, $2~Int0.
1123 42000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Not all of the partition key values ($0~String0) for object $1~TableName could be processed. Please verify that the correct key value data types were specified.
1124 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Metadata version is at $0~Int0. Upgrade/Downgrade to current version cannot be performed.
1125 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT API request version number mismatch.
1126 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN $0~String0 failed.
1127 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The specified table $0~TableName does not exist, is inaccessible or is not a base table. Please verify that the correct table was specified.
1128 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT An invalid API request was encountered. Details: $0~String0.
1129 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN This operation is not allowed on a vertically partitioned table.
1130 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The column requires a default value.
1131 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN There is an existing Trafodion external table, please drop it before dropping native table 0~TableName.
1132 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN An added column cannot have DEFAULT NULL and NOT NULL values at the same time.
1133 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Only super ID can perform this operation.
1134 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A concurrent utility or DDL operation is being performed on object $0~TableName, its parent, or one of its dependencies. That operation must complete before the requested operation can run.
1135 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Clustering key column $0~ColumnName must be assigned a NOT NULL NOT DROPPABLE constraint.
1136 42000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN For an added column, the PRIMARY KEY clause cannot specify NOT DROPPABLE.
1137 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT An internal error occurred: invalid index status. Details: $0~String0.
1138 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT An internal error occurred: invalid input parameter(s). Object name and status are required.
1139 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN System-generated column $0~ColumnName of base table $1~TableName cannot appear in the search condition of a check constraint definition.
1140 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Row-length $0~int0 exceeds the maximum allowed row-length of $1~int1 for table $2~TableName.
1141 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Label $0~String0 for $1~TableName could not be accessed. File system error: $2~NSKCode.
1142 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Because it is not audited, this table cannot have a column added that is declared NOT NULL or has a CHECK, UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, or FOREIGN KEY constraint.
1143 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Validation of constraint $0~ConstraintName failed; incompatible data exists in referencing base table $1~TableName and referenced base table $2~String0. To display the data that violates the constraint, please use the following DML statement: $3~String1
1144 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A quoted string was expected in first key clause for column $0~ColumnName on table $1~TableName, but the value detected is ($2~String0).
1145 3D000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The catalog name $0~CatalogName is reserved for SQL metadata.
1146 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Object $0~String0 could not be altered because it either does not exist or is not a table.
1147 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN System-generated column $0~ColumnName of base table $1~TableName cannot appear in a unique or primary key constraint definition.
1148 23000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN System-generated column $0~ColumnName of base table $1~TableName cannot appear in a referential integrity constraint definition.
1149 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName does not exist in table $1~TableName.
1150 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Table $0~TableName was not created because Partition Overlay Support could not generate volume names for the partitions to reside on.
1151 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN POS (Partition Overlay Support) was not applied because volume names could not be generated for the partitions. So a simple table ~TableName was created without partitions.
1152 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER CRTCL DBADMIN Unable to access partition $0~string0. Partition is offline.
1153 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~String0 whose size is not set cannot be part of the primary key.
1154 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Cannot create object $0~TableName because the table size $1~Int0 is too big to fit on the system($2~Int1 partitions).
1155 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Operation cannot be performed because $0~String0 is not a synonym.
1156 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Object $0~TableName does not have columns.
1157 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Synonym object $0~String0 is the same as previous mapping.
1158 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Object $0~TableName already exists.
1159 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN $0~TableName does not exist.
1160 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A mismatch between the NOT DROPPABLE PRIMARY KEY constraint and the STORE BY clause was detected. When both clauses are specified, the STORE BY key column list must be the same as, or a prefix of, the PRIMARY KEY column list. This mismatch is caused by differences between the columns themselves, the order of columns, or the ASC/DESC attribute.
1161 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN System generated column $0~String0 cannot be specified as part of the PARTITION BY clause.
1162 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY User $0~String0 already owns $1~String1 $2~String2. Operation ignored.
1163 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN You are not authorized to change the owner of $0~String0 $1~String1 owned by user $2~String2.
1164 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal error: unable to send controls while performing $0~String0. Error returned is $1~Int0.
1165 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Parallel $0~string0 operation failed on $1~TableName, the serial operation for this object will be performed.
1166 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Drop of partition $0~string0 for object $1~string1 failed with error $2~NSKCode, continuing.
1167 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Cannot change ownership of $0~String0 $1~String1 because $2~String2 is not the super ID or the services ID.
1168 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal error: unable to find the object associated with UID $0~string0 that belongs to the schema associated with UID $1~string1. This object is being accessed by $2~string2 using the lock mode of $3~string3.
1169 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Schema privileges for schema $0~String0 have not been enabled.
1170 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Invalid number of disk pools $0~Int0 specified either through the default or through the DDL statement.
1171 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Error $0~int0 was returned by the file system while fetching the size of the disk.
1172 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN DDL privileges cannot be specified on $0~string0. They may only be specified at the schema level.
1173 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Volatile table $0~TableName was not created as the free space threshold $0~string0 percent was reached on all available disks.
1174 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An invalid data type was specified for column $0~String0.
1175 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY Since table $0~TableName does not contain an IDENTIFIER column, the sequence generator object was not recreated.
1176 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Cannot create object $0~TableName because max table size $1~Int0 is bigger than absolute max table size $2~Int1.
1177 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal error: trying to create an object with a qualified name type of $0~string0. This qualified name type is not supported.
1178 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Internal error: unable to find catalog associated with uid $0~string0. This catalog is being accessed by role $1~string1.
1179 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal error: inconsistent object definition for $0~TableName found for object in name space $0~string0. Object owned by $1~string1. Unable to find object details in $2~string2;
1180 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Trying to create an external $0~String0 table with a different schema or table name ($1~TableName) than the source table ($2~String1). The external schema and table name must be the same as the source.
1181 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Trying to create a schema with name $0~TableName to store the definition of a native HIVE or HBASE table and the name is too long. Maximum length supported is $0~Int0.
1182 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Error $0~NSKCode was returned by the file system on resource fork $1~String0.
1183 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Error $0~NSKCode was returned by the file system on metadata table $1~TableName (file name $2~String0).
1184 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN You do not have the required privilege(s) on $0~ColumnName.
1185 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The location name is either invalid or missing.
1186 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName is of type $1~String0 which is not compatible with the default value's type, $2~String1.
1187 3F000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The schema name $0~SchemaName is reserved for SQL metadata.
1188 23000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Referential integrity constraint $0~ConstraintName for table $1~TableName could not be created due to circular dependency: $2~String0.
1189 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Request failed. View $0~string0 is already valid.
1190 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to initialize Hive metadata. Call to $0~string0 returned error $1~string1($0~int0). Cause: $2~string2.
1191 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN SERIALIZE option is not yet supported for $0~string0 datatype.
1192 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to retrieve data from Hive metastore. Call to $0~string0 returned error $1~string1($0~int0). Cause: $2~string2.
1193 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU The $0~string0 specified in the $1~string1 clause must be identical to the primary key for a Trafodion table.
1194 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Label $0~String0 could not be dropped (file error $1~NSKCode).
1195 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU Column $0~ColumnName is not allowed as a salt column. Only primary key columns or STORE BY columns are allowed.
1196 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU The number of salt partitions must be between $0~int0 and $1~int1
1197 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU The location $0~string0 for $1~string1 does not match with another location $2~string2 specified. All location specifications must be identical.
1198 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU View text is too long to fit into the metadata.
1199 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU The PARTITION BY clause is not allowed for a Trafodion table.
1200 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU An error occurred while reading HDFS file statistics for Hive table $1~TableName. Cause: $0~string0.
1201 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU Salted index $0~string0 cannot be unique.
1202 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU Index $0~string1 cannot be salted like a table since table $0~string0 is not salted.
1203 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU HBASE_OPTIONS clause in CREATE statement is longer than 6000 characters. Object $0~string0 was not created.
1204 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU Unsupported Hive datatype $0~string0.
1205 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU Hive feature $0~string0 is not supported.
1206 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU SALT AND SPLIT BY clauses are not allowed together.
1207 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU Text to be inserted into the TEXT metadata table contains too many quotes.
1208 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU The SPLIT BY clause is not supported for indexes.
1209 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU The SPLIT BY clause has more columns than the table has key columns ($0~Int0).
1210 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU Column $0~String0 is not allowed at position $1~Int0 in the SPLIT BY clause, because SPLIT BY must specify a prefix of the clustering key columns and the next clustering key column is $2~String1.
1211 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU The column values of the SPLIT BY first key in position $0~Int0 (one-based) are not greater (for ascending columns) or less (for descending columns) than its predecessor.
1212 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU An HBase region start key provided only part of the value for Trafodion key column $0~Int0. This could in some unusual situations cause errors.
1213 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU Unable to create or initialize a connection to Apache Hive.
1214 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU Error $0~String0 encountered when executing HiveQL statement $1~String1.
1215 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU An error occurred while determining host, port, or file name for HDFS URI $0~string0. Cause: $1~string1.
1220 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Code must contain two non-blank characters.
1221 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Only system components may contain system operations.
1222 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Command not supported when authorization is not enabled.
1223 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Grant to self or DB__ROOT is not allowed.
1224 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An invalid data type was specified for routine parameter $0~String0.
1225 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Mixing EXECUTE privilege with other privileges is not allowed.
1226 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN No valid combination of privileges was specified.
1227 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Cannot unregister user. User $0~String0 has been granted privileges on $1~String1.
1228 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Cannot drop role. Role $0~String0 has been granted privileges on $1~String1.
1229 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The $0~string0 option is not supported.
1230 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Object owner must be the schema owner in private schemas.
1231 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User-defined routine $0~String0 could not be created.
1232 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A file error ($0~int0) occurred when saving dropped table DDL for table $1~TableName to $2~String0.
1233 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Creating schema in SQL system catalog $0~String0 is prohibited.
1234 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DIALOUT Authorization need to be reinitialized due to missing or corrupted privilege manager metadata. To reinitialize, do 'initialize authorization, drop' followed by 'initialize authorization'. This deletes and recreates privilege manager metadata. Trafodion metadata is not affected.
1235 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An invalid combination of EXTENT sizes and MAXEXTENTS was specified for table or index $0~TableName. File system error returned $1~int0.
1236 3F000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The schema name specified for SQL object $0~String0 is not valid. The schema name must be the same as the schema being created.
1237 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 05/7/12 ---
1238 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The character set used in TRIGGER text must be ISO88591.
1239 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The character set for string literals in VIEW must be ISO88591.
1240 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The character set for a PARTITION KEY column must be ISO88591.
1241 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The character set for HEADING must be ISO88591.
1242 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The character set for string literals in CONSTRAINT must be ISO88591.
1243 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The hexadecimal form of string literals is not allowed in this context.
1244 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Authorization initialization failed.
1245 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The supplied partition key value ($0~String0) for column $1~ColumnName of object $2~TableName is not valid.
1246 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The supplied partition key value ($0~String0) is inconsistent with the data type of column $1~ColumnName of object $2~TableName.
1247 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---- Msg text will be merged in. ------
1248 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Partition name $0~string0 has already been used. Each partition in an object should have a unique name.
1249 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Insert into $0~string0 log table failed.
1250 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Operation cannot be performed on object $0~TableName because a utility operation ($2~string0) associated with DDL_LOCK $3~string1 is currently running.
1251 01000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The extra insignificant digits of default value ($0~String0) are truncated to match the scale of the data type of column $1~ColumnName.
1252 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The existing index $0~TableName to be used by a unique or primary constraint has not been populated. Please populate the index and then try to add the constraint again.
1253 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---- Msg text will be merged in. ------
1254 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate unique constraints are not allowed with same set of columns.
1255 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Constraint $0~String0 is the clustering key constraint for table $1~String1 and cannot be dropped.
1256 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN PRIMARY KEY constraint cannot be added since table $0~String0 already has a user specified clustering key.
1257 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---- Msg text will be merged in ------
1258 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---- Msg text will be merged in ------
1259 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---- Msg text will be merged in ------
1260 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU Debugging of UDRs is only allowed for the DB__ROOT user. Connect as DB__ROOT, preferably using the sqlci tool, and try again.
1261 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DIALOUT ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Error $0~int0 was returned by the SQL CLI while processing the UDR_JAVA_OPTIONS setting '$1~string0'.
1262 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The command cannot be executed because $0~string0 is in progress for $1~string1.
1263 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Object names that start with $0~String0 are reserved for SQL metadata.
1264 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Duplicate privileges are not allowed in a GRANT or REVOKE statement.
1265 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Duplicate grantees are not allowed in a GRANT or REVOKE statement.
1266 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Only EXECUTE privilege is supported for a procedure or routine.
1267 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN $0~string0 privilege is incompatible with this object type.
1268 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Duplicate columns are not allowed in a GRANT or REVOKE statement.
1269 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Column name $0~String0 is reserved for internal system usage. It cannot be specified as a user column.
1270 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN ALLOCATE or DEALLOCATE failed for object $0~TableName due to file error $1~Int0 on $2~String0.
1271 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN ALLOCATE failed for object $0~TableName because the number of extents to be allocated ($1~Int0) is greater than the MAXEXTENTS for a partition of the object.
1272 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER CRTCL DIALOUT The system is not licensed for use of SQL format tables.
1273 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The specified MAXEXTENTS value must be greater than the number of extents allocated.
1274 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The specified or default MAXEXTENTS value is not sufficient. The MAXEXTENTS value has been automatically set to the new value of $1~Int0 for the file $0~String0.
1275 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Constraint $0~String0 cannot be dropped because it is needed by unique constraint $1~String1.
1276 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Unable to select partition $0~String0 from table $1~TableName.
1277 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Unrecognized partitioning scheme for object $0~String0.
1278 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The command cannot be executed because $0~String0 is in progress for all schemas in catalog $1~CatalogName.
1279 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A volatile DDL statement cannot be used on regular objects.
1280 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A regular DDL statement cannot be used on volatile objects.
1282 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY A LOB column cannot be specified in a volatile table
1283 0A000 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY The specified constraint or file option is not supported on a volatile table.
1284 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Table $0~TableName cannot be dropped because it was specified to be NOT DROPPABLE.
1285 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Schema $0~SchemaName cannot be dropped because it contains NOT DROPPABLE table $1~TableName.
1286 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The NOT DROPPABLE clause is not allowed for volatile tables.
1288 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DIALOUT Security was not able to initialize.
1289 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The use of ALTER on reserved schemas and metadata schemas is not permitted.
1290 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Select from table $0~TableName failed during UPGRADE operation.
1291 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Select from table $0~TableName failed during DOWNGRADE operation.
1292 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Delete from $0~string0 log table failed.
1293 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Schema version of the object $0~string0 must be 2300.
1294 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN ISO_MAPPING must be SJIS for this operation.
1295 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Target column $0~ColumnName has mismatching default type.
1296 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Character data type of target column and literal are different.
1297 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The $0~string0 command cannot be executed because volatile schema $1~string1 exists.
1298 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Schema $0~SchemaName could not be altered. $0~String0
1299 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN You cannot specify some columns with just the name and others with name & data attributes.
1300 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Catman generated unknown Exception for procedure $0~TableName.
1301 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN NO ACTION referential action for $0~string0 clause is not yet supported as specified by ANSI SQL99 standard. To alter the behavior, set an appropriate value for the REF_CONSTRAINT_NO_ACTION_LIKE_RESTRICT default.
1302 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN NO ACTION referential action for $0~string0 clause behaves like RESTRICT referential action. To alter the behavior, set the appropriate value for the REF_CONSTRAINT_NO_ACTION_LIKE_RESTRICT default.
1303 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUU UUUUUUUU UUUUU --- unused as of 5/7/12 ---
1304 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER CRTCL DIALOUT SQL could not obtain the location of the system schema tables.
1305 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The specified schema location $0~string0 is already in use by schema $1~SchemaName.
1306 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT SQL was not able to generate a unique schema location for schema $0~SchemaName.
1307 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The schema location $0~string0 is reserved for SQL metadata.
1308 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
1309 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Object type for $0~string0 is not valid for the current operation.
1310 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The CREATE SCHEMA statement does not support the creation of triggers.
1311 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Unable to $0~string0 constraint $1~ConstraintName due to the above errors.
1312 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Unable to $0~string0 $1~TableName due to the above errors.
1313 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The referential integrity constraint $0~string0 has been created with the NOT ENFORCED attribute and will not be enforced during INSERT, UPDATE, OR DELETE statements.
1314 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The create privilege has been turned off for catalog $0~CatalogName. The $1~string0 cannot be performed for $2~TableName.
1315 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Catalog $0~CatalogName does not have an associated definition schema. The ALTER operation fails.
1316 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Specified synonym $0~TableName does not reference a system view for object $1~String0.
1317 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN No DBA role has been identified.
1318 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Synonym name $0~TableName which contains $1~int0 bytes is too long. Synonym name must be less than $2~int1 bytes.
1319 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Mismatch of privileges specified for PUBLISH or UNPUBLISH on object $0~TableName. Select column level privileges cannot be specified with table level privileges.
1320 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Mismatch of privileges specified for PUBLISH or UNPUBLISH on object $0~TableName. Select column level privileges cannot be specified with either update or references column level privileges.
1321 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The public schema has not been specified. Cannot PUBLISH or UNPUBLISH the requested privileges for object $0~TableName.
1322 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The synonym $0~String0 is referencing view $1~String1 which is not related to object $2~String2. The referenced view is related to $3~String3.
1323 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Unable to grant privileges while creating $0~Tablename.
1324 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN You are not allowed to exercise trigger $0~String0.
1325 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The WITH GRANT OPTION privilege has been disabled. You are not allowed to perform the request.
1326 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This operation is not supported on inMemory objects.
1327 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An inMemory DDL statement cannot be used on regular objects.
1328 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The $0~String0 privilege(s) cannot be specified for $1~String1 $2~TableName.
1329 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR LOGONLY Cannot create metadata views because of server failure.
1330 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Cannot revoke role $0~String0 from authorization ID $1~String1. Role has been granted to another authorization ID.
1331 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN User $0~String0 does not exist in the directory service.
1332 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Error while communicating with the directory service.
1333 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN User $0~String0 does not exist.
1334 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN User or role $0~String0 already exists.
1335 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Directory service user $0~String0 already defined in the database.
1336 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN INITIALIZE SQL must specify a $0~String0 statement for the $1~String1. INITIALIZE SQL fails.
1337 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN $0~String0 is a reserved authorization identifier.
1338 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Role $0~string0 is not defined in the database.
1339 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN $0~string0 is not a grantable role.
1340 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN $0~string0 is not a user.
1341 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Cannot unregister user. User owns one or more catalogs.
1342 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Cannot unregister user. User owns one or more schemas.
1343 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Cannot unregister user. User owns one or more objects.
1344 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Cannot unregister user. User is the grantee of one or more schema privileges.
1345 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Cannot unregister user. User is the grantee of one or more table privileges.
1346 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Cannot unregister user. User is the grantee of one or more column privileges.
1347 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Cannot unregister user. User owns one or more roles.
1348 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Cannot drop role. Role is granted to one or more users.
1349 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Cannot unregister user. User granted one or more roles.
1350 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Role $0~String0 is not granted to $1~String1.
1351 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Role $1~String0 appears multiple times in list.
1352 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN User $1~String0 appears multiple times in list.
1353 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN WITH GRANT OPTION is not allowed for roles.
1354 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Granting schema privileges to roles is not allowed.
1355 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Granting a role to PUBLIC or _SYSTEM is not allowed.
1356 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Cannot create the component privilege specified. Component privilege code $0~String0 for the component already exists.
1357 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Cannot create the component privilege specified. Component privilege name $0~String0 for the component already exists.
1358 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Component privilege $0~String0 not found.
1359 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Specified invalid privilege $0~String0 for GRANT/REVOKE.
1360 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Cannot $0~String0. Dependent component privileges exist for the user/role.
1361 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Library $0~TableName does not exist.
1362 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 is not a library.
1363 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Library $0~TableName already exists.
1364 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Cannot revoke role $0~String0. Object $1~String1 depends on privileges on object $2~String2.
1365 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Unable to obtain necessary lock for user/role number $0~Int0.
1366 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Request failed. One or more dependent procedures exist.
1367 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Procedure uses a library object, EXTERNAL PATH cannot be altered.
1368 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The library must be defined in the same catalog.
1369 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Only UPDATE and USAGE privileges are supported for a library.
1370 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The authorization name "$0~String0" contains one or more invalid characters. A valid name can only contain these characters: [a-zA-Z_0-9-@./]
1371 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Only INSERT and SELECT privileges are supported for table $0~String0.
1372 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Unable to alter table $0~String0 because of dependent object $1~String1 with object type $0~String3.
1373 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN AUDITLOG: Value for column $0~int0 ($1~String0) must be either Y or N.
1374 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN AUDITLOG: $0~String0 is an unrecognized or unsupported audit log type.
1375 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN AUDITLOG: Input strings limited to $0~Int0 characters each.
1376 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN AUDITLOG: Column numbers must be in the range 1 - $0~Int0.
1377 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN AUDITLOG: Audit configuration alter failed due to SQL error $0~Int0.
1378 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN AUDITLOG: Audit refresh time must be 0 to $0~Int0 seconds.
1379 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN AUDITLOG: Audit aging days must be 0 to $0~Int0.
1380 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN AUDITLOG: Audit threshold must be a percentage from 0 to 100.
1381 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN AUDITLOG: Column/value pair mismatch.
1382 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN JAR or DLL file $0~String0 not found.
1383 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User management operations have been disabled. $0~string0 cannot be performed for $1~TableName.
1384 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Unable to perform 1-to-1 mapping of $0~int0 partitions to $1~int1 disks for $2~TableName. Since there are more partitions than available disks, $3~int2 partitions have been created on each disk.
1385 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Mapping of disk pools for $0~TableName during CREATE failed. The number of partitions is $1~int0, the expected number of disks is $2~int1 and the actual number of disks is $3~int2.
1386 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The call to run_script failed. $0~string0.
1387 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Use of blob datatype in a PRIMARY KEY is not allowed.
1388 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Object $0~TableName does not exist in hive metadata.
1389 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Object $0~String0 does not exist in Trafodion.
1390 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Object $0~String0 already exists in Trafodion.
1391 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN $0~String0 is a $1~String1 object and cannot be updated.
1392 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Trafodion is already initialized on this system. No action is needed.
1393 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Trafodion is not initialized on this system. Do 'initialize trafodion' to initialize it.
1394 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Trafodion needs to be reinitialized on this system due to missing or corrupted metadata objects. Do 'initialize trafodion, drop' followed by 'initialize trafodion' to reinitialize Trafodion. This will delete all metadata and user objects from the Trafodion database and recreate metadata.
1395 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Trafodion needs to be upgraded on this system due to metadata version mismatch. Do 'initialize trafodion, upgrade' to upgrade metadata. Or do 'initialize trafodion, drop' followed by 'initialize trafodion'. Be aware that the second option will delete all metadata and user objects from Trafodion database.
1396 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Trafodion needs to be reinitialized on this system due to data format version mismatch.
1397 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Software version of objects being used is different than the version of software running on the system. Make sure that objects being used are built with the same version as that running on the system. Version of Trafodion software is picked from file
1398 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Error $0~Int0 occured while accessing the hbase subsystem. Fix that error and make sure hbase is up and running. Error Details: $0~String0.
1399 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Metadata has already been upgraded. No action is needed.
1400 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The default value of column $0~ColumnName contains characters that cannot be converted to $1~String0.
1401 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The default value of column $0~ColumnName contains characters that cannot be converted to character set $1~String0.
1402 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Unique index $0~TableName could not be created with the DIVISION LIKE TABLE option. Only non-unique indexes are supported with this option.
1403 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN This ALTER command is not allowed on a reserved system schema object.
1404 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName cannot be altered. Reason: $0~string0
1420 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName cannot be dropped or altered as it is part of the table's primary key.
1421 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName cannot be dropped or altered as it is used in the secondary index $1~TableName.
1422 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN An invalid HBase name was specified in this DDL statement. A valid name can only contain these characters: [a-zA-Z_0-9-.]
1423 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Insert into metadata table $0~string0 failed.
1424 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName cannot be dropped as that would leave the table with no user defined columns.
1425 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN This operation could not be performed on $0~TableName. $0~String0
1426 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN An invalid HBase column name $0~String0 was specified. A valid name must be of the format: <ColumnFamily>:<ColumnName>
1427 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Table cannot be renamed. $0~String0
1428 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Metadata definitions could not be created and preloaded in global MDdescInfo struct. Make sure that metadata table definition syntax is correct.
1429 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Inserts into _ROW_ format external hbase tables can only use the VALUES clause and must use the column_create function to create values.
1430 3F000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A schema name that starts and ends with an "_"(underscore) is reserved for internal usage. It cannot be used to create a user schema.
1431 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Object $0~String0 exists in HBase. This could be due to a concurrent transactional ddl operation in progress on this table.
1432 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Input LOB type $0~Int0 does not match column's storage type: $1~Int1 Column name: $0~String0 .
1500 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT The CATSYS - CAT_REFERENCES system schema relationship for catalog $0~CatalogName might be corrupt.
1501 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 5/7/12 ---
1502 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT The OBJECTS - REPLICAS definition schema relationship for $0~String0 $1~TableName might be corrupt.
1503 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT The OBJECTS - PARTITIONS definition schema relationship for $0~String0 $1~TableName might be corrupt.
1504 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT $0~TableName has no OBJECTS entry in $1~SchemaName.
1505 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The system schema metadata for catalog $0~CatalogName is inconsistent between the local node $1~String0 and remote node $2~String1.
1506 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The system schema metadata for schema $0~SchemaName is inconsistent between nodes $1~String0 and $2~String1.
1507 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
1508 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
1509 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
1510 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN IDENTITY column $0~ColumnName can be of the following data types only: LARGEINT, unsigned INTEGER and unsigned SMALL INT.
1511 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN There can only be one IDENTITY column for a table.
1512 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN IDENTITY column must be defined as a NOT NULL NOT DROPPABLE column.
1513 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN IDENTITY column support is available only for hash and hash2 partitioned tables.
1514 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Cannot add an IDENTITY column using ALTER TABLE command.
1515 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
1517 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Constraint $0~ConstraintName on table $1~TableName is NOT DROPPABLE, you cannot disable NOT DROPPABLE constraints.
1518 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Constraint $0~ConstraintName was not enabled because it requires index $1~TableName which is currently disabled.
1519 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Constraint $0~ConstraintName on table $1~TableName cannot be disabled because it is a foreign key constraint.
1521 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Exception table $0~string0 must be defined in the same schema as table $1~string1.
1522 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Operation $0~string0 cannot be performed because $1~String1 is not an exception table.
1523 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Exception table $0~TableName does not exist.
1524 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Exception tables cannot be created on metadata tables.
1525 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Exception tables cannot be created on exception tables.
1526 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Exception table $0~string0 not found in metadata table $1~String1
1527 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Key does not exist for $0~TableName. Cannot create exception table.
1528 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Exception table $0~string0 not found for table $1~String1.
1529 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Sequence Generator $0~string0 not found in metadata table $1~String1.
1530 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to add the LDAP default configuration.
1540 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The NO POPULATE clause is not allowed for index $0~String0 on volatile table $1~TableName.
1541 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Use of BLOB/CLOB datatype as a key of the base table or an index is not allowed.
1550 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to create UDF $0~string0 with $0~int0 parameters. A scalar UDF can have a maximum of 32 parameters.
1551 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN ---- Reserved for UDF ----
1552 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN ---- Reserved for UDF ----
1553 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN ---- Reserved for UDF ----
1554 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN ---- Reserved for UDF ----
1555 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN ---- Reserved for UDF ----
1556 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN ---- Reserved for UDF ----
1557 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Incorrect function data sequence numbering for function identifier $0~String0 in table $1~String1.
1558 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Did not find a matching row for function $0~String0 in table $1~String1.
1559 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Did not find a matching row for format or model '$0~String0' in table $1~String1.
1560 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Error parsing column definition '$0~String0' for column number $1~Int0, function identifier $2~String1, in table $3~String2.
1561 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid column direction indicator for function identifier $0~String0, column number $1~Int0, in table $2~String1.
1562 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN No output parameter rows found for model '$0~String0' in table $1~String1.
1563 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN No input parameter rows found for model '$0~String0' in table $1~String1.
1564 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Expected 1 output parameter row for format '$0~String0'. Found $1~Int0 rows in table $2~String1.
1565 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Expected 1 input parameter row for format '$0~String0'. Found $1~Int0 rows in table $2~String1.
1566 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Incorrect column numbering for function identifier $0~String0 in table $1~String1.
1567 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN An error was encountered processing metadata for function $0~String0.
1568 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN An error was encountered processing metadata for format or model '$0~String0'.
1569 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Subqueries are not allowed as arguments to user-defined functions.
1570 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN MAXVALUE must be greater than MINVALUE for $0~string0.
1571 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 value cannot be zero for $1~string1.
1572 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 value cannot be a negative number for $0~string1.
1573 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN START WITH value must be greater than or equal to MINVALUE and less than or equal to MAXVALUE for $0~string0.
1574 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The CYCLE option is currently not supported for $0~string0.
1575 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN INCREMENT BY value cannot be greater than the difference between MINVALUE and MAXVALUE for $0~string0.
1576 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 value is greater than maximum allowed for this sequence.
1577 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN CACHE value must be greater than 1 and less than or equal to (maxValue-startValue+1)/incrementValue for $0~string0.
1578 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN START WITH option cannot be used for $0~string0.
1579 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This sequence has reached its max and cannot provide a new value.
1580 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Catalog $0~string0 uses an unsupported collation.
1581 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Schema $0~string0 uses an unsupported collation.
1582 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Internal Error: Sequence information does not exist in metadata.
1583 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Sequence metadata could not be updated.
1584 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Timestamp mismatch detected on Sequence object.
1590 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName is not an IDENTITY column.
1591 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The MAXVALUE option for the $0~string0 must be greater than the current value of $0~string1.
1592 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 cannot be specified for $0~string1.
1593 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Only one $0~string0 option can be altered at a time.
1594 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An error occurred trying to access the current value of the $0~string0.
1595 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The MAXVALUE option for the $0~string0 must be a valid numeric value. NO MAXVALUE is not allowed.
1596 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Recalibration of the internal sequence generator failed. \
Please see additional messages for details.
1597 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The maximum of the IDENTITY column, $0~string0, for the table, $0~string1, could not be obtained.
1598 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The new CURRENT_VALUE, $0~string0, for the IDENTITY column, $0~string1, for the table, $0~string2, will be greater than the maximum allowed, $0~string3.
1599 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The recalibration value is $0~string0 value, $0~string1, of the IDENTITY column, $0~string2, for the table, $0~string3.
1600 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Unable to lock table, $0~string0, for the IDENTITY column, $0~string1, during recalibration.
1601 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Recalibration of the GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY column, $0~string0, for the table, $0~string1, is not allowed with NO SELECT.
1700 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Object $0~string0 is not a universal user-defined function.
1701 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Encountered an error while processing a routine definition. Too many pass through inputs.
1702 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Only a character string literal can appear within the VALUE clause in a pass through input definition.
1703 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Only BINARY option can appear together with a UCS2 character string literal within the VALUE clause in a pass through input definition.
1704 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Only BINARY option can appear within the VALUE FROM FILE clause.
1705 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Encountered an error while processing a routine definition. Unable to open file '$0~string0' for read.
1706 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Encountered an error while processing a routine definition. Unable to read contents of file '$0~string0'.
1707 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Routine action $0~string0 already exists in the list of actions used by universal user-defined function $1~string0
1708 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The number of items in the NUMBER OF UNIQUE OUTPUT VALUES clause exceeds the number of outputs declared in the RETURNS clause.
1709 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Cannot drop the universal user-defined function $0~String0 - Associating routine action $1~String1 still exists.
1710 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Encountered an error while processing the ALTER PASS THROUGH INPUTS clause. The specified position must start from 1, not 0.
1711 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Encountered an error while processing the ALTER PASS THROUGH INPUTS clause. The specified position exceeds the number of existing pass through inputs.
1712 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Encountered an error while processing the ALTER PASS THROUGH INPUTS clause. The specified position appears multiple times.
1713 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Missing the required universal user-defined function name clause.
1714 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN An error occurred while retrieving metadata from catalog manager. Encountered an invalid routine action name '$0~string0'.
1715 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN An error occurred while retrieving metadata from catalog manager. Unable to start transaction.
1716 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Number of declared formal parameters with SQL parameter style cannot exceed 32.
1717 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Encountered an error while processing a routine definition. Pass through input value with BINARY type cannot be empty.
1718 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Encountered an error while processing a routine definition. File '$0~string0' is empty. A pass through input value with BINARY type cannot be empty.
1999 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU Last Catalog Manager error
2000 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU Error messages for compiler main, IPC, and DEFAULTS table; assertions for optimizer.
2001 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Error or warning $0~Int0 occurred while opening or reading from DEFAULTS table $1~TableName. Using $2~String0 values.
2002 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Internal error: cannot create compiler.
2003 08004 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Internal error: cannot establish connection with compiler.
2004 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal error: error from Compiler; cannot work on this query.
2005 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal error: from compilation, no errors in diagnostics yet for statement: $0~string0
2006 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal error: assertion failure ($0~string0) in file $1~string1 at line $2~int0.
2007 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 03/17/04 ---
2008 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT Internal error: Compiler process is out of virtual memory.
2009 40000 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The user transaction must be rolled back (or committed, if that makes sense in the application) before Compiler can be restarted and proceed.
2010 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal IPC error.
2011 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Server process could not be created - Operating system error $0~int0 while resolving program file name $1~string0.
2012 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Server process $0~string0 could not be created on $1~string1 - Operating system error $2~int0, TPCError = $3~int1, error detail = $4~int2. (See variants of Seabed procedure msg_mon_start_process for details).
2013 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Server process $0~string0 could not be created on $1~string1 - Operating system error $2~int0.
2014 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Server process $0~string0 could not be created on $1~string1 - Operating system error $2~int0 on swap file.
2015 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT Server process $0~string0 could not be created on $1~string1 - CPU is unavailable (Operating system error $2~int0).
2016 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Server process $0~string0 was started on $1~string1 but had undefined externals.
2017 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT Server process $0~string0 could not be created on $1~string1 - no more processes (PCBs) available.
2018 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Server process $0~string0 could not be created on $1~string1 - library conflict.
2019 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT Server process $0~string0 could not be created on $1~string1 - unable to allocate virtual memory.
2020 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Server process $0~string0 could not be created on $1~string1 - unlicensed privileged program.
2021 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN System error $0~int0 occurred in $1~string0 from $2~string1.
2022 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN System error $0~int0 occurred in $1~string0 from $2~string1, detail $3~int1.
2023 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Server process $0~string0 could not be created - $1~string1.
2024 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Server Process $0~string0 is not running or could not be created. Operating System Error $1~int0 was returned.
2025 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Server process $0~string0 could not be created - CPU is unavailable; $1~string1.
2026 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ****Filler for IPC error.
2027 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Operating system error $0~int0 while sending a startup message to process $1~string0.
2028 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT OSS server process $0~string0 could not be created on $1~string1 - insufficient resources.
2029 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The new min value is greater than the current max value $0~int0.
2030 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The new max value is less than the current min value $0~int0.
2031 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Could not use embedded compiler to compile statement: $0~string0 Switching to use regular compiler process.
2032 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Could not switch to embedded compiler type: $0~string0.
2033 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0: Operating system error $1~int0 while communicating with process $2~string1.
2034 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0: Operating system error $1~int0 while communicating with server process $2~string1.
2035 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0: Open of process $1~string1 failed - error = $2~int0.
2036 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 03/30/04 ---
2037 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT $0~string0: A message from process $1~string1 was incorrectly formatted and could not be processed.
2038 0A000 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Character set $0~string0 is not supported for SQLCI attribute TERMINAL_CHARSET.
2039 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ****Filler for IPC error.
2040 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ****Filler for IPC error.
2041 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ****Filler for IPC error.
2042 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ****Filler for IPC error.
2043 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ****Filler for IPC error.
2044 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ****Filler for IPC error.
2045 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ****Filler for IPC error.
2046 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ****Filler for IPC error.
2047 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ****Filler for IPC error.
2048 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ****Filler for IPC error.
2049 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ****Filler for IPC error.
2050 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 is not the name of any DEFAULTS table attribute.
2051 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Either $0~String0 option $1~String1 or value '$2~String2' is not valid.
2052 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Optimizer internal counters: $0~string0 $1~string1 $2~string2 $3~string3.
2053 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Optimizer pass two assertion failure ($0~string0) in file $1~string1 at line $2~int0. Attempting to recover and produce a plan.
2054 21000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN HIST_NO_STATS_ROWCOUNT should always be greater than or equal to CQD HIST_NO_STATS_UEC. Present Value of HIST_NO_STATS_ROWCOUNT is $0~string0 and value of HIST_NO_STATS_UEC is $1~String1.
2055 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The specified value '$0~String0' for DEFAULTS attribute $1~String1 is not valid.
2056 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The value must be a number in the range $0~string0.
2057 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The value must be a multiple of $0~int0.
2058 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN DEFAULTS attribute $0~String0 is of type $1~String1 but is being converted to $2~string2.
2059 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Errors or warnings occurred while reading values from DEFAULTS table $0~string0.
2060 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Procedure $0~string0 has already been defined in this module. The previous definition is being retained and this latest one ignored.
2061 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Static cursor $0~string0 has already been defined in this module. The previous definition, as a static cursor, is being retained and this latest one ignored.
2062 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Static cursor $0~string0 has already been defined in this module. The previous definition, as a dynamic cursor, is being retained and this latest one ignored.
2063 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Dynamic cursor $0~string0 has already been defined in this module. The previous definition, as a static cursor, is being retained and this latest one ignored.
2064 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Dynamic cursor $0~string0 has already been defined in this module. The previous definition, as a dynamic cursor, is being retained and this latest one ignored.
2065 26000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Statement $0~string0 was not found in module $1~string1.
2066 34000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Cursor $0~string0 was not found in module $1~string1.
2067 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Descriptor $0~string0 has already been defined in this module. The previous definition is being retained and this latest one ignored.
2069 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A static cursor declaration may appear only in the body of a procedure.
2070 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Statement is not valid in this context.
2071 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The name $0~string0 has already been declared or defined in this module. The previous definition, as a $1~string1, is being retained and this latest one ignored.
2072 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A simple value specification that is a literal is not yet supported.
2073 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Only super ID can compile system module $0~string0.
2074 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The name $0~string0 is reserved for future system modules.
2075 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The -a $0~string0 option is not allowed for system module compilation.
2076 21000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN HIST_NO_STATS_UEC should always be less than or equal to CQD HIST_NO_STATS_ROWCOUNT. Present Value of HIST_NO_STATS_ROWCOUNT is $0~string0.
2077 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The max size $0~int0 must be greater than the initial size $1~int1.
2078 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Assertion failure during semantic query optimization ($0~string0) in file $1~string1 at line $2~int0. Attempting to recover and produce a plan.
2079 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Error occurred during initialization of NADefaults structure. Make sure that default constants specified in enum DefaultConstants are specified in defaultDefaults[] array, are in alphabetical order and the default values are valid.
2080 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Error $3~int2 while reading file: $2~int1 bytes were read from $0~string0 when $1~int0 were expected in module $4~string1.
2081 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Error $1~int0 while opening file $0~string0 for read.
2082 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Error $1~int0 while opening file $0~string0 for write.
2083 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Error $1~int0 while naming or locating file $0~string0.
2084 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Error $1~int0 while writing $2~int1 bytes to file $0~string0.
2085 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Error $1~int0 was returned when closing file $0~string0.
2086 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The file $0~string0 could not be purged. This file contains the results of a failed compilation and should be purged.
2087 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Directory $0~string0 does not exist or is not accessible.
2090 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The command line argument for module name, $0~string0, is being ignored in favor of module name $1~string1 in file $2~string2.
2091 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The required module statement was not found in file $0~string0.
2092 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A module statement has already appeared in this file. The previous definition, $0~string0, is being retained and this latest one ignored.
2093 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A module timestamp statement was not found in file $0~string0.
2094 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A module timestamp statement has already appeared in this module. The previous timestamp is being retained and this latest one ignored.
2095 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Module file $0~string0, expected to contain module $1~string1, instead contains $2~string2.
2096 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A source file statement has already appeared in this module. The previous source file is being retained and this latest one ignored.
2097 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Source file name is over 1024 characters long.
2098 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The $0~string0 compilation completed with $1~int0 warnings.
2099 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The $0~string0 compilation failed with $1~int0 errors and $2~int1 warnings.
2100 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Break was received. The compilation has been aborted.
2101 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Compilation failure due to internal error.
2102 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This query could not be compiled with 'MINIMUM' optimization level. Suggestion: Retry with 'MEDIUM' optimization level.
2103 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This query could not be compiled for one/both of the following reasons: a) use of 'MINIMUM' optimization level, or b) incompatible Control Query Shape specifications.
2104 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This query could not be compiled for one of two reasons: a) incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications, or b) 'MEDIUM' optimization level is not sufficient to satisfy the CQS in effect. Suggestion: a) inspect the CQS in effect; or b) raise the optimization level to 'MAXIMUM'. Note that for this query, 'MAXIMUM' optimization level may result in a long compile time.
2105 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This query could not be compiled because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Inspect the CQS in effect.
2106 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This statement could not be compiled since it is too long. Break up large statements into smaller pieces.
2107 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This statement could not be compiled. Suggestion: Address the issue(s) raised in the reported warning(s).
2108 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Statement was compiled as if query plan caching were off.
2109 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid Character error converting SQL statement from character set $0~string0 to character set $1~string1 (character position $2~int0, byte offset $3~int1).
2110 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Buffer Overrun error converting SQL statement from character set $0~string0 to character set $1~string1.
2200 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN DEFAULTS attribute $0~String0 is read-only.
2201 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN SQL compilation return code is $0~int0.
2202 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 is not an application (ELF or SQLJ) file.
2203 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Application file $0~string0 cannot be opened.
2204 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN SQL compilation of $0~string0 failed.
2205 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A temporary filename could not be created.
2206 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Temporary file $0~string0 could not be created.
2207 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 is an unknown command line option.
2208 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN mxCompileUserModule requires an <application file> name.
2209 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 is not a valid delimited identifier.
2210 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Delimited identifier has no ending quote.
2211 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Lexical error: unknown symbol $0~string0.
2212 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error was encountered: expecting $0~string0 instead of $1~string1.
2213 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error was encountered: expecting an identifier instead of $0~string0.
2214 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Internal error in mxCompileUserModule in file $0~string0 at line $1~int0: $2~string1.
2215 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 is not a valid regular identifier.
2216 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN SQLJ module extraction failed with return code $0~int0.
2217 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Temporary file $0~string0 does not exist or is not readable.
2218 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Temporary file $0~string0 cannot be opened.
2219 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An attempt to change access permissions for $0~string0 failed with return code $1~int0.
2220 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 (Compiler environment variable) does not exist or is not executable.
2221 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN SQL compiler invocation failed with return code $0~int0.
2222 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN SQL module $0~string0 was not found in $1~string1.
2223 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Application file $0~string0 does not exist or is not readable.
2224 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An error occurred while opening temporary file that has the names of modules to be extracted.
2225 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An error occurred while opening the temporary file that will hold the file names of the extracted modules.
2226 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An error occurred while closing the temporary file that will hold the file names of the extracted modules.
2227 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An error occurred while creating the module definition file for profile $0~string0.
2228 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An error occurred while writing the module definition file for profile $0~string0.
2229 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN No SQL customization was found in profile $0~string0.
2230 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN There is no module statement in profile $0~string0.
2231 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Internal error $0~int0 $0~string0 $1~string1.
2232 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The argument list of internal command $0~string0 is longer that the system-imposed limit.
2233 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Query involves remote node $0~string0 that is currently not available. Compiler encountered a file system error $0~int0. It may produce a plan that is suboptimal or of incompatible version.
2234 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Compiler encounters an internal file system error $0~int0.
2235 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Compiler Internal Error: $0~string0, originated from file $1~string1 at line $2~int0.
2236 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN File name is over 1023 characters long.
2237 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Diagnostic message is over 1023 characters long.
2238 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN mxCompileUserModule accepts at most one -g option.
2239 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN mxCompileUserModule -g expects moduleLocal or moduleGlobal.
2240 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN mxCompileUserModule -g moduleLocal is not supported for SQLJ jar or profile ser files.
2241 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused as of 3/8/2012 ---
2242 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Compiler process unable to log its status and health information to the repository.
2243 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Using DISPLAY in hpdci or whiteboard is not supported.
2244 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN ULOG file path invalid : $0~string0.
2900 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN in file $0~string0 at line $1~int0:
2980 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN ? Option -g requires an argument.
2981 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN ? Unrecognized argument in option -g
2982 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN At most one -g option is allowed.
2983 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN OSS directory $0~String0 is longer than 1024 characters.
2984 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN -g moduleLocal may not specify an Expand or Guardian directory.
2985 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN ? Unsupported argument in option -g
2986 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0 should be of the form -d attr=val
2987 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN ? Malformed argument in option -t $0~String0
2988 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN ? No case for option - $0~String0 $1~Int0
2989 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN ? Too many arguments, or options incorrectly placed after the argument
2990 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN ? Missing a required option or argument
2991 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN ? Invalid combination of options
2992 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN ? Usage: arkcmp -socket sss ppp
tdm_arkcmp [-e] [-v] [-g {moduleGlobal|moduleLocal[=OSSdir]}]\
[-d compiler-attribute-name=compiler-attribute-value]...\
-e Causes Compiler to generate a warning instead of an error.\
-v Verbose mode.\
-g moduleGlobal \
Causes Compiler to place module into the global\
/usr/tandem/sqlmx/USERMODULES directory.\
-g moduleLocal[=OSSdir] \
Causes Compiler to place module into the named\
OSS directory. If OSSdir is omitted, Compiler\
outputs module to the current directory.\
-d allows you to specify any SQL compiler control query\
default settings at the command line.
mxCompileUserModule [-e][-v][-g {moduleGlobal|moduleLocal}] \
[-d <Compiler attribute name>=<Compiler attribute value>]...\
<application file> [{<module name>[,<module name>]...}]\
<application file> is the OSS pathname of a self-contained\
application executable file, native user library, or SQLJ\
jar or profile ser file.\
If no <module name> is specified, mxCompileUserModule\
operates on all embedded module definitions of\
<application file>. Otherwise, each <module name> is\
the fully qualified three-part name of an embedded module\
definition in <application file>, and mxCompileUserModule\
operates only on the named embedded module definitions.\
-e causes Compiler to generate a warning rather than an error\
if a table or DEFINE in an SQL statement does not exist\
during explicit SQL compilation. If you are using late\
name resolution and want to use a table or DEFINE that\
does not exist during explicit SQL compilation, include\
the -e option. Then at run time, the SQL executor\
automatically recompiles the SQL statement from the\
statement's source in the SQL module by using the\
run-time version of the table. However, to find errors in\
your program during explicit SQL compilation, omit the\
-e option.\
-v causes Compiler to display summary information in addition\
to error and warning messages for the compilation.\
-d allows you to specify any Compiler control query default\
settings at the command line. The command line settings\
override any corresponding settings in the DEFAULTS table.\
-g moduleGlobal \
Causes Compiler to place compiled module(s) into the global\
/usr/tandem/sqlmx/USERMODULES directory. \
-g moduleLocal \
Causes Compiler to place compiled module(s) into the same\
OSS directory as the <application file>.
2995 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0 Procedure = $1~Int0\
$2~String1 Allocate Static Descriptor = $3~Int1\
$4~String2 Declare Static Cursor = $5~Int2\
$6~String3 Declare Dynamic Cursor = $7~Int3\
$8~String4 Module = $9~Int4 (ideally, 1)
2996 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0 Timestamp = $1~Int1 (ideally, 1)
2997 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0 ($1~String1)
2998 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~Int0 errors, $1~Int1 warnings, $2~Int2 statements affected; $3~Int3 statements total
2999 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0 Counts of Each Type of Statement\
$1~String1 --------------------------------
3000 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN An internal error occurred in module $0~string0 on line $1~Int0. DETAILS($2~String1).
3001 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Syntax error at or before $0~string0
3002 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 is not a valid column reference; it has more than 4 name parts.
3003 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Length or precision must be greater than zero.
3004 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A delimited identifier must contain at least one nonblank character.
3005 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A DECLARE CURSOR statement cannot dynamically get its cursor name from a host variable while also statically declaring a cursor specification. A dynamic cursor requires the name of a previously prepared statement or a host variable containing such a name; a static cursor requires a fixed, static name.
3006 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN In a dynamic cursor declaration, both the cursor and the statement must be named in the same way: both must be literals or both must be string host variable expressions.
3007 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN In an ALLOCATE CURSOR statement, both the cursor and the statement must be named using string host variables.
3008 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Precision of $0~string0 UNSIGNED data type, $1~int0, cannot exceed $1~int1.
3009 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN DROP ASSERTION statement is not yet supported.
3010 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Character set $0~string0 is not yet supported.
3011 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 is not a valid qualified name; it has more than 3 name parts.
3012 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN COUNT is the only aggregate function that accepts (*) as an operand.
3013 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Subtraction is the only operation allowed in the parenthesized expression preceding an interval qualifier.
3014 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Precision of numeric, $0~int0, cannot exceed $1~int1.
3015 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Scale $0~Int0 cannot exceed precision $1~Int1.
3016 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Precision of decimal, $0~int0, cannot exceed 18.
3017 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An unsigned integer was expected, not $0~string0.
3018 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An unsigned smallint was expected, not $0~string0.
3019 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An unsigned number was expected within the parentheses, not $0~string0.
3020 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An unsigned number was expected as the first operand within the parentheses, not $0~string0.
3021 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An unsigned number was expected as the second operand within the parentheses, not $0~string0.
3022 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The $0~string0 operator is not yet supported.
3023 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The COLLATE clause in a sort specification is not yet supported.
3024 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The MATCH PARTIAL clause is not yet supported.
3025 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The format of the subvolume name part in the specified location name $0~string0 is not valid. The subvolume name part must be eight characters long and begin with the letters ZSD.
3026 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A comma must be used to separate file attributes.
3027 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 is not a valid simple name; it has more than one name part.
3028 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Specifying a column list for the INSERT or SELECT privilege is not supported.
3029 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 is not yet supported in referential integrity constraint definition.
3030 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The PARALLEL EXECUTION clause is not yet supported.
3031 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN CASCADE drop behavior is not yet supported.
3032 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The COLUMN clause in the ALTER TABLE statement is not yet supported.
3033 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The MOVE clause in the ALTER TABLE statement is not yet supported.
3034 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The PARTITION clause in the ALTER TABLE statement is not yet supported.
3035 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The RENAME clause in the ALTER TABLE statement is not yet supported.
3036 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The SET CONSTRAINT clause in the ALTER TABLE statement is not yet supported.
3037 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Precision of type $0~string0 cannot exceed 18.
3038 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN PIC X types cannot have leading signs, or any signs at all.
3039 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN PIC X types do not have any COMP representation.
3040 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Precision zero is not valid. Add a '9' to the PICTURE clause.
3041 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN UNSIGNED is not valid for a numeric or decimal type with a scale greater than 9.
3042 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN UPSHIFT for a numeric type is not valid.
3043 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Precision greater than 18 for a COMP numeric type is not valid.
3044 22015 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The interval $0~string0 is not valid.
3045 22007 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The date '$0~string0' is not valid.
3046 22007 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The time '$0~string0' is not valid.
3047 22007 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The timestamp '$0~string0' is not valid.
3048 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Dynamic parameters, such as $0~string0, are not allowed in a static compilation.
3049 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Host variables, such as $0~string0, are not allowed in a dynamic compilation.
3050 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The constraint must have the same catalog and schema as the specified table.
3051 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate HEADING clauses were specified in column definition $0~ColumnName.
3052 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate $0~String0 clauses were specified in column definition $0~ColumnName.
3053 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate PRIMARY KEY clauses were specified in column definition $0~ColumnName.
3054 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The NOT DROPPABLE clause is allowed only in PRIMARY KEY and NOT NULL constraint definitions.
3055 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate DELETE rules were specified.
3056 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate UPDATE rules were specified.
3057 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The ALLOCATE value must be between 1 and $0~int0.
3058 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The specified BLOCKSIZE value is not valid.
3059 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The specified size value (in the MAXSIZE clause or EXTENT size clause) is not valid.
3060 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The specified percentage value in the DSLACK clause is not valid.
3061 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The format of the specified location name $0~string0 is not valid.
3062 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate EXTENT/MAXEXTENTS clauses were specified in the PARTITION clause.
3063 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate DSLACK clauses were specified in the PARTITION clause.
3064 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate ISLACK clauses were specified in the PARTITION clause.
3065 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The primary key constraint cannot be droppable when the STORE BY PRIMARY KEY clause appears in a table definition.
3066 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0
3068 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The ALLOCATE and DEALLOCATE clauses cannot coexist in the same ALTER INDEX statement.
3069 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Table $0~TableName created in ORC (Optimized Row Columnar) format is not yet supported.
3070 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The [NO]AUDIT clause is not supported.
3071 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate [NO]AUDITCOMPRESS clauses were specified.
3072 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The $0~String0 clause is not allowed in the ALTER $1~String1 ... ATTRIBUTE(S) statement.
3073 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The [NO]BUFFERED clause is not supported.
3074 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The SEPARATE BY clause is not supported.
3075 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The [NO]COMPRESS clause is not allowed in the ALTER INDEX ... ATTRIBUTE(S) statement.
3076 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate DEALLOCATE clauses were specified.
3077 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The [NO]ICOMPRESS clause is not allowed in the ALTER INDEX ... ATTRIBUTE(S) statement.
3078 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The column list for $1~TableName does not match its external table representation defined as $0~String0.
3079 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate EXTENT/MAXEXTENTS clauses were specified.
3080 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The $0~string0 clause is not supported.
3081 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate ALLOCATE clauses were specified.
3082 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate [NO]AUDIT clauses were specified.
3083 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate [NO]AUDITCOMPRESS clauses were specified.
3084 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The BLOCKSIZE clause is not allowed in the ALTER TABLE ... ATTRIBUTE(S) statement.
3085 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate [NO]BUFFERED clauses were specified.
3086 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate [NO]CLEARONPURGE clauses were specified.
3087 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The [NO]COMPRESS clause is not allowed in the ALTER TABLE ... ATTRIBUTE(S) statement.
3088 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The ALLOCATE AND DEALLOCATE cannot coexist in the same ALTER TABLE statement.
3089 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The [NO]ICOMPRESS clause is not allowed in the ALTER TABLE ... ATTRIBUTE(S) statement.
3090 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate LOCKLENGTH clauses were specified.
3091 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The [NO]AUDIT clause is not allowed in the CREATE INDEX statements.
3092 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate BLOCKSIZE clauses were specified.
3093 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate DCOMPRESS clauses were specified.
3094 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The DEALLOCATE clause is not allowed in the CREATE INDEX statements.
3095 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate [NO]ICOMPRESS clauses were specified.
3096 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate [NO]SERIALWRITES clauses were specified.
3097 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The DEALLOCATE clause is not allowed in the CREATE TABLE statements.
3098 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate LOCATION clauses were specified.
3099 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate FILE ATTRIBUTE(S) clauses were specified.
3100 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate DSLACK clauses were specified.
3101 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate ISLACK clauses were specified.
3102 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate PARALLEL EXECUTION clauses were specified.
3103 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate $0~string0 clauses were specified.
3104 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Only the ADD option is allowed in a PARTITION clause in a CREATE TABLE statement.
3105 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Only range, hash, hash2 and system partitioning are currently supported.
3106 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate PRIMARY KEY clauses were specified.
3107 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate LIKE clauses were specified.
3108 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The LIKE clause and STORE BY clause cannot coexist in the same statement.
3109 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate STORE BY clauses were specified.
3110 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The LIKE clause and ATTRIBUTE(S) clause cannot coexist in the same statement.
3111 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The LIKE clause and $0~string0 clause cannot coexist in the same statement.
3112 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The LIKE clause and PARTITION clause cannot coexist in the same statement.
3113 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Error in CONTROL statement: $0~string0
3114 25000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Transaction access mode READ WRITE is incompatible with isolation level READ UNCOMMITTED.
3115 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate ISOLATION LEVEL clauses were specified.
3116 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate transaction access mode clauses were specified.
3117 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate DIAGNOSTICS SIZE clauses were specified.
3118 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Specified identifier is too long.
3119 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The WITH LOCAL CHECK OPTION clause is not supported.
3120 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The CREATE ASSERTION statement is not yet supported.
3121 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Partitioned entry-sequenced tables are not yet supported.
3122 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The system specified in the location clause $0~string0 is not accessible.
3123 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The format of the file name part in the specified location name $0~string0 is not valid. The file name part must be eight characters long and end with the digits 00.
3124 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The HP OSS location format might not be supported on Windows NT in the future.
3126 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An unsigned integer between 1 and 15 is expected.
3127 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An invalid character was found in identifier $0~string0.
3128 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $1~string1 is a reserved word. It must be delimited by double-quotes to be used as an identifier.
3129 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Function $0~String0 accepts exactly one operand.
3130 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The UNSIGNED option is not supported for LARGEINT type.
3131 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The statement just entered is currently not supported.
3132 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The HEADING for column $0~ColumnName exceeds the maximum size of 128 characters.
3133 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN PERFORM is valid only in COBOL programs.
3134 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The specified TIME or TIMESTAMP precision value, $0~int0, cannot exceed 6.
3135 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The precision of float, $0~int0, cannot exceed 54.
3136 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Only LEFT, RIGHT, and FULL OUTER JOIN are valid in {oj ...}
3137 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN UNION JOIN is not yet supported.
3138 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A key-sequenced table with range partitioning requires a FIRST KEY clause.
3139 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A range-partitioned index requires a FIRST KEY clause.
3140 25000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The isolation level cannot be READ UNCOMMITTED for an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or DDL statement.
3141 25000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The transaction access mode cannot be READ ONLY for an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or DDL statement.
3142 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN INTO clause host variables are not allowed in a static cursor.
3143 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN BROWSE or READ UNCOMMITTED access is not allowed on a table value constructor.
3144 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Exponentiation is not yet supported.
3145 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Positioned UPDATE or DELETE is allowed only in embedded SQL.
3146 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The PRIMARY KEY/FIRST KEY clause is not allowed on a vertically partitioned table.
3147 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN In an IN predicate whose right operand is a value list, the left operand must be scalar (degree of one).
3148 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Environment variable $0~String0 is being ignored because this version of the code is Release, not Debug. Actual query results will likely not match expected results.
3149 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate WITHOUT CONSTRAINTS phrases were specified in LIKE clause in CREATE TABLE statement.
3150 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate WITH HEADING phrases were specified in LIKE clause in CREATE TABLE statement.
3151 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate WITH HORIZONTAL PARTITIONS phrases were specified in LIKE clause in CREATE TABLE statement.
3152 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate WITHOUT $0~string0 phrases were specified in LIKE clause in CREATE TABLE statement.
3153 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The FIRST KEY clause is not allowed with hash or hash2 partitioning.
3154 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The $0~String0 clause is not allowed with the $1~String1 clause.
3155 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The POPULATE and NO POPULATE clauses cannot coexist in the same CREATE INDEX statement.
3156 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The STORE BY clause is not allowed on a vertically partitioned table.
3157 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A catalog name is required.
3158 22007 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The DATETIME value $0~string0 is not valid.
3159 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN If you intended $0~string0 to be a character set specifier for a character string literal, you must remove the spaces in front of the single quote delimiter.
3160 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 was declared more than once in the procedure parameter list.
3161 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 was not declared in the procedure parameter list.
3162 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Procedure parameter $0~string0 was not used.
3163 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Host variable $0~string0 appears more than once in the INTO list. Execution results will be undefined.
3164 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN There is a data type mismatch between output host variable and selected value.
3165 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The precision or exponent value specified in $0~String0 was less than the minimum allowed or greater than the maximum allowed.
3166 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The value specified in the float or double $0~String0 was less than the minimum allowed or greater than the maximum allowed.
3167 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate [ NOT ] DROPPABLE clauses were specified.
3168 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The FOR ... ACCESS clause is not allowed in a CREATE VIEW statement.
3169 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 is not a known collation.
3170 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate component privileges were specified.
3171 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Transaction statements are not allowed in compound statements.
3172 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN EXIT is not allowed in a compound statement.
3173 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN UPDATE STATISTICS is not allowed in a compound statement.
3174 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN DDL statements are not allowed in compound statements.
3175 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Dynamic SQL statements are not allowed in compound statements.
3176 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Subqueries are not allowed in the IF Condition.
3177 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Character set $0~string0 requires an even number of characters in the length declaration of the data type.
3178 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN One or more of the following external (host-language) data types incorrectly appears within the SQL query or operation: $0~string0.
3179 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Collation $0~string0 is not defined on the character set $1~string1.
3180 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN STREAM statements are not allowed in compound statements.
3181 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Specified name is not a valid three part ANSI name.
3182 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Extra semicolon(;) in a compound statement.
3183 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate $0~string0 clauses were specified.
3184 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An invalid SQLSTATE value $0~string0 was found. Message: $0~string1.
3185 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN SIGNAL parameter 3 must be of type string.
3186 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0: Dynamic parameters and host variables are currently not allowed in DDL.
3187 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Specifying a specific stream with SET STREAM TIMEOUT is not allowed.
3188 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A NOT DROPPABLE primary key constraint must be defined when STORE BY primary key is specified.
3189 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Setting a lock timeout is not allowed on a view.
3190 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Please use "RESET PARSERFLAGS <value>" to reset the flags.
3191 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The specified MAXEXTENTS value must be an integer between 1 and 768.
3192 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Union operands $0~string0 and $0~string1 have different transaction access/lock modes.
3193 SIGNL 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN SIGNAL SQLSTATE=$0~string0, Message: $0~string1.
3194 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The EXTENT attribute is not allowed in an ALTER TABLE or in an ALTER INDEX statement.
3195 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Table creation with data type $0~string0 is not supported.
3196 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Only one access clause may be specified for a single table SELECT.
3197 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Only one lock clause may be specified for a single table SELECT.
3198 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A negative value is not allowed in the EXTENT clause.
3199 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~string0 is incorrectly specified. Keywords ASCENDING and DESCENDING are not allowed in the partitioning key list.
3200 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- First UDR DDL error ---
3201 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Either LIBRARY or EXTERNAL PATH clause is required.
3202 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN PARAMETER STYLE clause is required.
3203 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN LANGUAGE clause is required.
3204 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN EXTERNAL NAME clause is badly formed.
3205 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN EXTERNAL NAME clause is required.
3206 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The name for an object of this type must be fully qualified, or set NAMETYPE ANSI.
3207 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Value for DYNAMIC RESULT SETS must be zero.
3208 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN UNSIGNED numeric is not allowed for routine parameter.
3209 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The maximum length of LONGWVARCHAR is $0~int0.
3210 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The minimum length of LONGWVARCHAR is $0~int0.
3211 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The maximum length of LONG VARBINARY is $0~int0.
3212 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The minimum length of LONG VARBINARY is $0~int0.
3213 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The maximum length of LONG VARCHAR is $0~int0.
3214 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The minimum length of LONG VARCHAR is $0~int0.
3215 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Computed LONG VARCHAR length $0~int0 is below minimum $1~int1.
3216 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Computed LONG WVARCHAR length $0~int0 is below minimum $1~int1.
3217 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Character set $0~string0 is not allowed in the $1~string1 function.
3218 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A table reference cannot contain DELETE or UPDATE in a CREATE VIEW statement.
3219 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Value for DYNAMIC RESULT SETS must be between 0 and 255.
3220 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 5/7/12 ---
3221 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Schema $0~string0 is a system schema. SHOWDDL SCHEMA does not display system schema information.
3222 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- reserved for SHOWDDL ---
3223 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- reserved for SHOWDDL ---
3224 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- reserved for SHOWDDL ---
3225 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN SHOWLABEL failed for object $0~string0. The object does not exist in the given namespace $1~string1, the object is not accessible, or the object type is not supported. SHOWLABEL supports only SQL tables, views, and indexes.
3226 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN SHOWLABEL failed for physical location name $0~string0. Object does not exist or object type is not supported. SHOWLABEL supports only SQL tables, views, and indexes.
3227 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 5/7/12 ---
3228 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN SHOWLABEL failed for physical location name $0~string0. SHOWLABEL supports only the data forks of SQL tables, views, and indexes.
3229 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN SHOWLABEL failed for object $0~string0. SHOWLABEL does not support synonyms.
3230 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The synonym must be defined in the same catalog as the specified table or view.
3232 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE of table $0~string0 with dependent $0~string1 $0~string2 is not allowed when NO ROLLBACK transaction setting is in effect.
3233 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This type of UPDATE is not allowed when NO ROLLBACK transaction setting is in effect. $0~String0
3234 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This type of DELETE is not allowed when NO ROLLBACK transaction setting is in effect. $0~String0
3235 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid value $0~string0 specified for AUTOABORT timeout interval.
3236 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 5/7/12 ---
3237 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate NO ROLLBACK clauses were specified.
3238 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate AUTOABORT clauses were specified.
3239 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate MULTI COMMIT clauses were specified.
3240 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The commit size value must be an unsigned integer value greater than zero.
3241 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This MERGE statement is not supported. Reason: $0~string0
3242 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This statement is not supported. Reason: $0~string0
3243 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate ENFORCED clauses were specified.
3244 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The NOT ENFORCED constraint attribute is allowed only in a Referential Integrity constraint.
3250 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The specified blocksize is not valid. Blocksize of 32768 is used instead.
3260 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. The formal parameter list may not appear in in definition of universal user defined function.
3261 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. The RETURN[S] clause may not appear in the definition of procedure.
3262 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. Only OUT parameter mode can appear within the RETURN[S] clause in the defintion of a procedure..
3263 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. The PASS THROUGH INPUT[S] clause may not appear in the defintion of procedure.
3264 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. Both ACTION and SAS_FORMAT appear in the formal parameter list in the universal function definition.
3265 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. The EXTERNAL PATH clause may not appear in for routine action.
3266 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. The [NO] ISOLATE clause may not appear in a user defined function.
3267 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. The [NO] TRANSACTION REQUIRED clause may not appear in user defined function.
3268 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. The DYNAMIC RESULT SETS clause may not appear in user defined function.
3269 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. The LANGUAGE JAVA clause may not appear in a scalar user defined function.
3270 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. The PARAMETER STYLE JAVA clause may not appear in a user defined function.
3271 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. No other SQL Access clauses besides the NO SQL clause can appear in the definition of a user-defined function.
3272 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. The specified size in the STATE AREA SIZE clause can only be between 0 and 16000, inclusive.
3273 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. The [NO] FINAL CALL clause may not appear in routine action.
3274 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. The NO FINAL CALL clause may not appear in user defined function.
3275 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. The RETURNS clause is missing. The NUMBER OF UNIQUE OUTPUT VALUES clause can only appear together with the RETURNS clause.
3276 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. The number of items in the NUMBER OF UNIQUE OUTPUT VALUES clause exceeds the number of outputs declared in the RETURNS clause.
3277 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. The LANGUAGE clause may not appear in the ALTER statement for a routine.
3278 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. The PARAMETER STYLE clause may not appear in the ALTER statement for a routine.
3279 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. The LOCATION clause may not appear in the ALTER statement for a routine.
3280 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. The specified parameter style is not supported for this type of routine.
3281 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. Only PARAMETER STYLE SQL clause may appear in the definition of a scalar function.
3282 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The COMPRESSION file attribute clause is not supported for this statement.
3283 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Duplicate COMPRESSION clauses were specified.
3284 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Unable to determine the routine language from the library name $0~string0. A LANGUAGE option clause is required when creating this routine.
3285 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The C interface for this type of routine is deprecated, please consider migrating to a TMUDF with a C++ or Java interface.
3286 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The routine language that was either specified or implied from the library file name is not supported for this type of routine.
3287 42000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The $0~string0 option is not supported for this type of routine.
3288 42000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred. WITH clause redefined. WITH name $0~String0 .
3300 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- available ---
3301 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 is too long (longer than $1~int0 $2~string1).
3400 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid code point value for character set $0~string0.
3401 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Hexadecimal representation of string literals associated with character set $0~string0 is not supported.
3402 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The format of the $0~string0 hexadecimal string literal is not valid.
3403 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Function $0~string0 does not take an operand with character set $0~string1.
3404 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Character set $0~string0, to which SQL_TEXT is aliased, is not allowed for a SQL module.
3405 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A partition name cannot be specified in the LOCATION clause for the CREATE statement of this object.
3406 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A DDL statement could not be translated into a statement consisting of single-byte characters for processing.
3407 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate TABLE SIZE clauses were specified.
3408 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused in this stream ---
3409 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Declaring a cursor on an embedded INSERT statement is not yet supported.
3410 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN -- unused --
3411 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Expressions are not allowed as IDENTITY column values. Specify DEFAULT or supply a valid numeric value.
3412 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN IDENTITY column $0~ColumnName must be the primary key or must have a unique index on it.
3413 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The NOT NULL constraint on IDENTITY column $0~ColumnName must be NOT DROPPABLE.
3414 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN For an IDENTITY column $0~ColumnName, the tuple list cannot have mixed user specified and DEFAULT values. Specify values for all or specify DEFAULT for all.
3415 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The first operand of function $0~string0 is not valid.
3416 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The last operand of function $0~string0 must not be NULL.
3417 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Invalid DISK POOL $0~Int0 as the maximum number of pools allowed is $1~Int1.
3418 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Local Number of Partitions clause is not allowed with DISK POOL clause.
3419 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Illegal size value $0~Int0 for disk pool number in the DISK POOL clause.
3420 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Illegal size value $0~Int0 for the number of disk pools in DISK POOL OF clause.
3421 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Duplicate NO PARTITION clauses were specified.
3422 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Duplicate DISK POOL clauses were specified.
3423 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Duplicate NUMBER OF PARTITIONS clause specified or NO PARTITION and NUMBER OF PARTITIONS clauses specified together.
3424 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN NO PARTITION, MAX TABLE SIZE, DISK POOL clauses are not supported for Materialized Views.
3425 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Embedded $0~string0 expression is not supported with Long Running Updates.
3426 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Dynamic parameters and Host variables are not allowed in the WHERE clause of Long Running Updates.
3427 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate $0~string0 options were specified for the $0~string1.
3428 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN IDENTITY column $0~string0 defined as GENERATED ALWAYS cannot accept values specified by the user.
3429 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN $0~String0 collation is supported in the ISO88591 configuration only.
3430 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN $0~String0 collation is not supported in DML statements.
3431 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN For a table with a single column that is an IDENTITY column, $0~ColumnName, the tuple list cannot have only DEFAULT values. Specify values for all.
3432 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU Reserved by SQL R3.0
3433 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU Reserved by SQL R3.0
3434 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU Reserved by SQL R3.1
3435 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The combination of type $0~String0, character set $1~String1, and length unit $2~String2 is not valid.
4000 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal error in the query binder.
4001 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName is not found. Tables in scope: $2~string0. Default schema: $3~string1.
4002 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName is not found. Table $1~TableName not exposed. Tables in scope: $2~string0. Default schema: $3~string1.
4003 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName is not a column in table $1~TableName, or, after a NATURAL JOIN or JOIN USING, is no longer allowed to be specified with a table correlation name.
4004 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column name $0~ColumnName is ambiguous. Tables in scope: $2~string0. Default schema: $3~string1.
4005 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column reference $0~ColumnName must be a grouping column or be specified within an aggregate.
4006 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Within an aggregate, all column references must come from the same scope.
4007 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The select list index $0~int0 is out of range. It must be between 1 and the number of select expressions, which in this case is $1~int1.
4008 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A subquery is not allowed inside an aggregate function.
4009 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An aggregate is not allowed inside an aggregate function.
4010 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN There are no columns with the correlation name $0~TableName.
4011 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Reference made to column $0~ColumnName via star (*) is ambiguous.
4012 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column reference $0~ColumnName must be a grouping column or be specified within an aggregate. On this grouped table a star reference is not allowed.
4013 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName is a system column and cannot be updated or inserted into.
4014 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operands of an INTERSECT or EXCEPT must be of equal degree.
4015 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Aggregate functions are placed incorrectly: $0~string0.
4016 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The number of derived columns ($0~int0) must equal the degree of the derived table ($1~int1).
4017 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Derived column name $0~ColumnName was specified more than once.
4018 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN -- unused --
4019 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The select list of a subquery in a select list must be scalar (degree of one).
4020 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Arithmetic operations on row value constructors are not allowed.
4021 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The select list contains a nongrouping non-aggregated column, $0~ColumnName.
4022 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Target column $0~ColumnName was specified more than once.
4023 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The degree of each row value constructor ($0~int0) must equal the degree of the target table column list ($1~int1).
4024 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName has no default value, so it must be explicitly specified in the insert column list.
4025 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Error while preparing constraint $0~ConstraintName on table $1~TableName.
4026 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Reading from and inserting into, or updating in, or deleting from the same table, $0~TableName, is not currently supported.
4027 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Table or view $0~TableName does not permit insertions.
4028 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Table or view $0~TableName is not updatable.
4029 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Rows cannot be deleted from a vertically partitioned table.
4030 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName has an invalid combination of datetime fields ($1~Int0, $2~Int1, $3~Int2).
4031 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName has an unknown data type, $1~Int0.
4032 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName has an unknown class, $1~Int0. It is neither a system column nor a user column.
4033 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName is a primary or clustering key column and cannot be updated.
4034 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operation ($0~String0 $1~String1 $2~String2) $3~String3 is not allowed.
4035 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Type $0~String0 cannot be cast to type $1~String1.
4036 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The source field of the EXTRACT function must be of DateTime or Interval type.
4037 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Field $0~String0 cannot be extracted from a source of type $1~String1.
4038 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operand of an AVG or SUM function must be numeric or interval.
4039 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName is of type $1~String0, incompatible with the value's type, $2~String1.
4040 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operands of a BETWEEN predicate must be of equal degree.
4041 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Type $0~String0 cannot be compared with type $1~String1.
4042 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operands of a comparison predicate must be of equal degree.
4043 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operand of function $0~String0 must be character.
4044 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Collation $0~String0 does not support the $1~String1 predicate or function.
4045 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operand of function $0~String0 must be numeric.
4046 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operands of function $0~String0 must be exact numeric.
4047 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operands of function $0~String0 must have a scale of 0.
4048 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The third operand of a ternary comparison operator must be of type BOOLEAN, not $0~String0.
4049 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A CASE expression cannot have a result data type of both $0~String0 and $1~String1.
4050 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operands of the $0~String0 predicate must be comparable character data types (that is, of the same character set and collation).
4051 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The first operand of function $0~string0 must be character.
4052 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The second operand of function $0~string0 must be numeric.
4053 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The third operand of function $0~string0 must be numeric.
4054 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT The MAINTAIN control information table contains an incorrect format.
4055 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The select lists or tuples must have comparable data types. $0~String0 and $1~String1 are not comparable.
4056 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Exposed name $0~TableName appears more than once.
4057 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Correlation name $0~String0 conflicts with qualified identifier of table $1~TableName.
4058 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Rows cannot be updated in a vertically partitioned table.
4059 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The first operand of function $0~string0 must be numeric.
4060 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Reading from and inserting into, or updating in, or deleting from the same table, $0~TableName, is not currently supported. $0~TableName is contained by view(s) $1~String0.
4061 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Rows cannot be inserted into, or updated in, an individual table partition.
4062 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The preceding error actually occurred in function $0~String0.
4063 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operands of function $0~String0 must be comparable character data types (that is, of the same character set and collation).
4064 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operands of function $0~String0 must be compatible character data types (that is, of the same character set).
4065 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The format, "$0~String0", specified in the $1~String1 function is not supported.
4066 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operands of a UNION must be of equal degree.
4067 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operands of function $0~String0 must be character data types.
4068 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operand of function $0~String0 must contain an even number of characters.
4069 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName uses an unsupported collation.
4070 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operand of function $0~string0 must be exact numeric.
4071 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The first operand of function $0~string0 must be a datetime.
4072 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operand of function $0~string0 must be a datetime containing a $1~string1.
4073 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The COLLATE clause may appear only after an expression of character data type, not $0~String0.
4075 22012 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Division by zero occurred in constant expression $0~string0.
4076 22000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Overflow occurred in constant expression $0~string0.
4077 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Function $0~String0 accepts only one or two operands.
4078 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Function $0~String0 does not accept a weight operand.
4079 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operands of function $0~String0 must be numeric.
4080 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 5/7/12 ---
4081 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 5/7/12 ---
4082 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Object $0~TableName does not exist or is inaccessible.
4083 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 5/7/12 ---
4084 42000 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN SQL object $0~TableName is corrupt.
4085 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN File organization $0~String0 of object $1~TableName is not supported.
4086 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Environment variable or define $0~String0 does not exist.
4087 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Prototype value '$0~String0' is not a valid qualified name.
4088 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The number of values in each TRANSPOSE item of a TRANSPOSE set must be equal.
4089 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Check constraint $0~ConstraintName contains a subquery. This is not yet supported.
4090 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Inserting into a packed table with constraints is not yet supported.
4091 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Inserting into a packed table with primary key constraints is not yet supported.
4092 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal error occurred while getting metadata for object.
4093 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The number of output dynamic parameters ($0~int0) must equal the number of selected values ($1~int1).
4094 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The number of output host variables ($0~int0) must equal the number of selected values ($1~int1).
4095 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A DEFAULT whose value is NULL is not allowed in $0~String0.
4096 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A DEFAULT specification is currently allowed only when simply contained in the VALUES list of an INSERT.
4097 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A NULL operand is not allowed in function $0~String0.
4098 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A NULL operand is not allowed in operation $0~String0.
4099 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A NULL operand is not allowed in predicate $0~String0.
4100 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A NULL value is not allowed in a select list unless it is CAST to some data type.
4101 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN If $0~String0 is intended to be a further table reference in the FROM clause, the preceding join search condition must be enclosed in parentheses.
4102 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The [FIRST/ANY n] syntax can be used only in an outermost SELECT statement that is not contained in a UNION or INSERT.
4103 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The [FIRST/ANY n] syntax is not allowed in query expression of a view.
4104 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN If a character literal was intended, you must use the single quote delimiter: $1~String0. The use of double quotes causes SQL to interpret $0~ColumnName as a delimited identifier column name.
4105 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Translation name is not recognized.
4106 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The character set for the operand of function $0~String0 must be $1~String1.
4107 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName has no default value, so DEFAULT cannot be specified.
4108 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Inside a ROWS SINCE, another sequence function contained an invalid reference to the THIS function.
4109 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Sequence functions are placed incorrectly: $0~String0.
4110 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The query contains sequence functions but no SEQUENCE BY clause: $0~String0.
4111 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The query contains a SEQUENCE BY clause but no sequence functions.
4112 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Absolute and relative sampling cannot occur in the same BALANCE expression.
4113 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The sample size for $0~String0 Sampling must be $1~String1.
4114 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An absolute sample size must have a scale of zero.
4115 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The sample size must be less than or equal to the sample period.
4116 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The second operand of function $0~string0 is not valid.
4117 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The cursor query expression might be nonupdatable.
4118 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The cursor query expression is not updatable.
4119 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The requested number of parallel extract streams must be greater than one and cannot exceed the number of maximally configured ESPs, $0~Int0.
4120 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN In a query with a GROUP BY, DISTINCT, or aggregate function, each column in the ORDER BY clause must be one of the columns explicitly SELECTed by the query. Column in error: $0~ColumnName.
4121 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN In a query with a GROUP BY, DISTINCT, or aggregate function, each column in the ORDER BY clause must be one of the columns explicitly SELECTed by the query. Column in error: $0~ColumnName. Table in scope: $1~String0.
4122 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN NULL cannot be assigned to NOT NULL column $0~ColumnName.
4123 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN NULL cannot be cast to a NOT NULL data type.
4124 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN More than one table will be locked: $0~String0.
4125 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The select list of a subquery in a row value constructor must be scalar (degree of one) if the subquery is one of several expressions rather than the only expression in the constructor.
4126 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The row value constructors in a VALUES clause must be of equal degree.
4127 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Type $0~String0 cannot be assigned to type $1~String1.
4128 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Default volume and subvolume information could not be retrieved from =_DEFAULTS define - DEFINEINFO error $0~int0.
4129 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The character-typed result of the function $0~String0 is longer than 32768 octets.
4130 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 is a read-only DEFAULTS attribute and cannot be updated.
4131 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Current_time, current_date, or current_timestamp is not allowed in a check constraint.
4132 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Current_user, session_user, or system_user is not allowed in a check constraint.
4133 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Both trim character and source have to be CHARACTER typed.
4134 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operation ($0~String0) is not allowed. Try UNION ALL instead.
4135 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN In an INSERT-SELECT, each column in the ORDER BY clause must be one of the columns in the select list of the query. Column in error: $0~ColumnName.
4136 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An outer SELECT was used in a DELETE [FIRST N] statement without using the [LAST 1] clause.
4137 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A DELETE [FIRST N] statement was specified on table $0~TableName which has more than one partition, without using the PARTITION clause.
4138 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Use of a subquery in the WHERE clause of a DELETE [FIRST N] statement is not supported.
4139 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Use of a subquery in the WHERE clause of a Long Running Update statement is not supported.
4140 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The second operand of function $0~string0 must be of interger type.
4141 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The default value operand of function $0~string0 must be of the same type as the 1st operand.
4150 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Primary key of table expression $0~string0 must be used for join with embedded $0~string1 expression. Tables in scope: $2~string2.
4151 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Stream access is supported only on updatable views. View: $0~TableName.
4152 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Table $0~TableName cannot be both read and updated.
4153 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Statement may not compile due to an order requirement on stream expression.
4154 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Statement may not compile due to an order requirement on embedded $0~string0 expression.
4155 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Defines (such as $0~string0) are not supported on this platform.
4156 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Inner relation of left join cannot be embedded $0~string1. Tables in scope: $2~string0.
4157 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Inner relation of left join cannot be stream expression. Tables in scope: $2~string0.
4158 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Join of stream expressions is not supported. Tables in scope: $2~string0.
4159 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Intersection of stream expressions is not supported. Tables in scope: $2~string0.
4160 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Intersection between embedded $0~string2 expression and embedded $0~string3 expression is not supported. Tables in scope: $0~string0, $0~string1.
4161 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Embedded INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement is not allowed in a UNION operation. Tables in scope: $0~string0, $0~string1.
4162 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN GROUP BY is not supported for stream expression. Tables in scope: $2~string0.
4163 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN GROUP BY is not supported for embedded $0~string1 expression. Tables in scope: $2~string0.
4164 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Outer relation of right join cannot be embedded $0~string1 expression. Tables in scope: $2~string0.
4165 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Outer relation of right join cannot be stream expression. Tables in scope: $2~string0.
4166 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN ORDER BY clause is not supported in UNION of two streams. Tables in scope: $0~string0, $1~string1.
4167 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Embedded $0~string0 statements are not supported in subqueries.
4168 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Stream expressions are not supported in subqueries.
4169 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Embedded delete statements are not allowed when using DECLARE ... FOR UPDATE clause.
4170 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Stream expressions are not supported for insert statements.
4171 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Embedded $0~string0 statements are not supported in INSERT statements.
4172 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused as of 03/17/04 ---
4173 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Stream expression is not supported for top level UPDATE statements.
4174 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN JOIN_ORDER_BY_USER prevented compiler from reordering query tree.
4175 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Join between embedded $0~string1 expression and embedded $0~string2 expression is not supported. Tables in scope: $2~string0.
4176 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Join between stream expression and embedded $0~string1 expression is not supported. Tables in scope: $2~string0.
4177 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Update of $0~string0 column $0~ColumnName is not permitted on rollback.
4178 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Update of variable length column $0~ColumnName is not permitted on rollback.
4179 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN SEQUENCE BY is not supported for stream expressions.
4180 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Stream expression is not supported for top level DELETE statement.
4181 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused as of 03/17/04 ---
4182 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused as of 03/17/04 ---
4183 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Embedded DELETE statements are not allowed on referenced tables.
4184 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Columns that are part of a referential constraint cannot be updated using embedded UPDATE statements.
4185 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Select list index is not allowed to be specified in the GROUP BY clause for this query.
4186 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- Reserved for Scheduled Subscriptions ---.
4187 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- Reserved for Scheduled Subscriptions ---.
4188 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- Reserved for Scheduled Subscriptions ---.
4189 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN ORDER BY clause in an embedded INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement is not supported.
4190 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Table $0~TableName is not a volatile table.
4191 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Schema name $0~string0 specified as part of the volatile table or index must be the same as the current user name, $1~string1.
4192 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An invalid volatile object name was specified.
4193 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The schema name prefix $0~string0 is reserved and cannot be used.
4194 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Table $0~TableName is a volatile table and not allowed within this sql statement.
4195 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The name, $0~string0, specified in the GROUP BY or HAVING clause is ambiguous.
4196 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A HAVING clause that uses a renamed column cannot contain an aggregate or a subquery.
4197 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This expression cannot be used in the $0~string0 clause.
4198 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Clustering key columns cannot be specified in the SET clause of an embedded UPDATE statement.
4199 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The SET ON ROLLBACK clause cannot be specified when clustering key columns are specified in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement.
4200 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Stream expressions are not supported for compound statements.
4201 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Embedded $0~string0 expression is not supported for compound statements.
4202 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN SEQUENCE BY is not supported for embedded $0~string0 expressions.
4203 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Insert/Update/Delete operation on non-audited table $0~TableName requires index maintenance which may cause the index(es) to become corrupt.
4204 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Stream access is supported for only key-sequenced tables. Table: $0~TableName.
4205 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Embedded $0~string0 is supported for only key-sequenced tables. Table: $0~TableName.
4206 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Embedded $0~string0 is supported for only updatable views. View: $0~TableName.
4207 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Index $0~TableName and other indexes covering a subset of columns do not cover all output values of stream.
4208 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Index $0~TableName and other indexes covering a subset of columns do not cover all columns referenced in WHERE clause of stream.
4209 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Update of nullable column $0~ColumnName is not permitted on rollback.
4210 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Embedded update/delete statements are not supported within an IF statement.
4211 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN DML operations are not allowed on a non-audited table. Table: $0~Tablename.
4212 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~TableName cannot be used to satisfy order requirement on the stream because it is partitioned.
4213 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Use of rowsets in a predicate with embedded update/delete is not supported.
4214 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The SET ON ROLLBACK clause is not allowed on a non-audited table or a table with a LOB column. Table: $0~Tablename.
4215 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Stream access is not allowed on a non-audited table. Table: $0~Tablename.
4216 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The [FIRST/ANY n] syntax cannot be used with an embedded update or embedded delete.
4217 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The AFTER LAST ROW syntax cannot be used with an embedded update or embedded delete.
4218 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The options specified in the $0~String0 command are incorrect, inconsistent or not supported.$1~String1
4219 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This command is not supported on the specified object or an incorrect object type was specified.$0~String0
4220 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The THIS function can be used only inside a ROWS SINCE function.
4221 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operand of function $0~String0 must be $1~String1.
4222 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The $0~String0 feature is not supported in this software version.
4223 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0 not supported in this software version.
4224 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The directory $0~String0 is not a valid Hive location.
4225 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Number of column families cannot exceed 32.
4226 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Table $0~TableName has a maximum record length of $0~Int0 which is greater than the HDFS_IO_BUFFERSIZE default. Increase buffer size setting, or reduce the HIVE_MAX_STRING_LENGTH default.
4240 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Expression $0~string0 in the DIVISION BY clause references columns other than clustering key columns.
4241 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The value $0~string0 is not supported at this place in the DIVISION BY clause, only constants are allowed.
4242 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The value $0~string0 is not supported at this place in the DIVISION BY clause, only key columns are allowed.
4243 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The DIVISION BY clause only supports very limited types of expressions. Expression $0~string0 is not supported.
4244 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN When using the DATE_PART function in DIVISION BY, only leading parts of the date, including the year, can be extracted.
4245 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Table $0~TableName is defined as INSERT_ONLY. You cannot delete rows or update the contents of this table.
4246 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN All column values must be specified when loading data by UPSERT USING LOAD syntax.
4247 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Specified size in bytes ($0~Int0) exceeds the maximum size allowed ($1~Int1) for column $0~ColumnName.
4248 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Index $0~string1 cannot be divisioned like a table since table $0~string0 is not divisioned.
4249 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Only non-negative constant offset value is supported in the $0~string0 function.
4250 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Object name could not be retrieved from metadata based on the provided uid. The underlying hbase object will not be removed.
4251 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Object UID could not be retrieved from metadata based on the provided object name. Metadata cleanup will not be performed but the underlying hbase object will be removed, if it exists.
4252 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN This metadata cleanup option is not yet supported.
4253 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The provided object uid does not match the object uid in metadata for this table. Check the input values and rerun the query or provide only one of the input values.
4254 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Object $0~String0 has invalid state and cannot be accessed. Use cleanup command to drop it.
4255 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Provided schema name does not exist in metadata. Cleanup will be performed on objects in this schema, if they exist.
4256 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Object type specified for this object does not match the object type stored in metadata.
4257 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN DIVISION BY with an approximate numeric data type is not supported.
4258 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Trying to access external table $0~TableName through its external name format. Please use the native table name.
4259 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Primary Key clause must be specified for an HBase mapped table.
4260 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN HBase table($0~String0) to be mapped as an external table does not exist.
4261 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The schema name $0~SchemaName is reserved for HBase mapped tables and cannot be explicitly specified.
4300 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Use of procedure $0~TableName was not valid - a UDR was invoked within a trigger.
4301 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Use of routine $0~TableName was not valid - return of result sets is not allowed within a trigger.
4302 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Procedure $0~TableName expects $1~Int0 parameters but was called with $1~int1 parameters.
4303 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The supplied type for parameter $0~Int0 of routine $1~TableName was $2~String0 which is not compatible with the expected type $4~String1.
4304 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Host variable or dynamic parameter $0~String0 is used in more than one OUT or INOUT parameter for routine $1~TableName. Results may be unpredictable.
4305 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Parameter $0~Int0 for user-defined routine $1~TableName is an OUT or INOUT parameter and must be a host variable or a dynamic parameter.
4306 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A CALL statement is not allowed within a compound statement.
4307 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Rowset parameters are not allowed in a CALL statement.
4308 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal error: Unsupported SQL data type $0~Int0 specified for a CALL statement parameter.
4309 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Procedure $0~TableName is registered to return result sets and stored procedure result sets are not yet supported.
4310 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 is currently supported only in the outermost SELECT list. For example, it cannot be a part of the subquery.
4311 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This query has an incorrect use of $0~string0. It can only be specified in the outermost select list or in the outermost selection predicate with a '<' or '<=' clause. It also cannot be part of a GROUP BY or ORDER BY operation if used in select list.
4312 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~TableName is an MXCS metadata table and cannot be directly updated.
4313 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Function rand() is not supported.
4314 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An error was detected while creating an audit row image for $0~TableName. AUDIT_IMAGE function is only supported on index tables.
4315 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An error was detected while creating an audit row image. The columns defined for the index $0~TableName do not match what was requested for the audit row image.
4316 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An error was detected while creating an audit row image. The data type defined for the index $0~TableName and $0~ColumnName do not match what was requested for the audit row image.
4320 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Stream access is not allowed on multi-partitioned table or index, when flag ATTEMPT_ASYNCHRONOUS_ACCESS is set to OFF. Object in scope: $0~TableName.
4321 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An embedded update/delete is not allowed on a partitioned table, when flag ATTEMPT_ASYNCHRONOUS_ACCESS is set to OFF. Object in scope: $0~TableName.
4322 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A column with BLOB datatype cannot be used in this clause or function.
4330 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An invalid audit compression option $0~Int0 was used in the call to INTERPRET_AS_ROW.
4331 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN KEY_RANGE_COMPARISON of partitioning keys on hash partitioned table $1~TableName is not allowed.
4332 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Table $1~TableName not exposed. Tables in scope: $2~string0.
4333 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~ColumnName is not part of the partitioning key.
4334 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN KEY_RANGE_COMPARE is not allowed on views.
4335 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The degree $0~Int0 specified for the left operand of the PARTITIONING KEY clause does not match the number of columns $1~Int1 in the partitioning key for table $0~TableName.
4336 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Embedded $0~string1 statements are not allowed in a join operation. Tables in scope: $0~string0.
4337 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Use of a subquery in the WHERE clause of an embedded INSERT statement is not supported.
4338 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Procedure label $0~String0 could not be accessed. File system error: $1~NSKCode.
4339 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Subqueries are not supported in the join predicate of a Full Outer Join.
4340 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN All Window Functions within a query must have the same window partition clause and window order clause.
4341 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN For Window Functions, the set qualifier must be ALL. DISTINCT is not supported for Window Functions.
4342 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The specified window frame clause is not valid.
4343 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A Window Frame Clause cannot contain a FOLLOWING term, either explicitly or implicitly.
4344 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Use of RANK or DENSE_RANK window functions without a window ORDER BY clause is not supported.
4345 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Window and Sequence functions cannot be used together.
4346 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Window functions can be placed only in the select list.
4347 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Maximum Window frame size of $0~Int0 rows exceeded.
4348 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Nesting Window functions with FOLLOWING clause is not supported.
4349 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Using MIN/MAX window functions with UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING in their frame cleause in the same query as RANK, DENSE_RANK, ROW_NUMBER or another MIN/MAX with UNBOUNDED PRECEDING on one end of the window frame and bounded PRECEDING or FOLLOWING on the other end is not supported.
4350 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid operation on view $0~Tablename: Long Running Updates are not supported on views.
4351 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Set Transaction MULTI COMMIT option is only supported for DELETE statements.
4352 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN SET TRANSACTION MULTI COMMIT ON is not compatible with the following options: a) READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level, b) READ ONLY access mode, and c) NO ROLLBACK ON option.
4353 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DIALOUT Table $0~TableName or one of its Referential Integrity constraints is inaccessible.
4360 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Using sequence by and qualify clauses together in the same query scope is not supported.
4361 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN All rank functions must use the same expression.
4362 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Using ASC/DESC with sequence functions is not supported.
4363 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Using Qualify clause without using rank function in the query is not allowed.
4364 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Rank can be placed only in the select list or the qualify clause.
4365 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Using rank function and aggregate functions in the same scope is not supported.
4366 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid Select list index.
4367 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Using rank function and sequence functions together in the same query scope is not supported.
4368 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Nesting rank functions is not supported.
4369 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Paramaters and outer references are not supported with rank function.
4370 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN -- Unused ----
4371 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN -- Unused ----
4372 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Snapshot scan cannot be used with table $0~String0 because $1~String1.
4373 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The base temporary location for snapshot scan cannot be an empty string and needs to end with the character /.
4374 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid escape sequence specified as BULK UNLOAD field delimiter or record separator. Only the following escape sequences are allowed: \\a, \\b, \\f, \\n, \\r, \\t, or \\v.
4375 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Window or Sequence function $0~String0 nested within an aggregate function in the same scope is not supported.
4376 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The $0~String0 option was used more than once in an UNLOAD statement.
4377 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN SELECT query specified in the UNLOAD statement is not supported.
4378 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Target location name specified for UNLOAD is invalid. $0~String0.
4379 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid BULK UNLOAD field delimiter or record separator. A valid field delimiter or record separator must be a single character or an integer between 1 and 255.
4380 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0 collation is not supported with sequence functions when collated character expressions are used with SEQUENCE BY, RUNNING/MOVING MIN/MAX, or ROWS SINCE CHANGED.
4381 42000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Holdable cursor attribute is incompatible for the isolation level.
4382 42000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Holdable cursor attribute cannot be set for a CALL statement.
4383 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A float value cannot be inserted into a numeric data type column $0~ColumnName, if the column is part of the partitioning key.
4384 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN GROUP BY ROLLUP clause not allowed for this statement. Reason: $0~String0
4390 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The OLAP History row size exceeds the limit of $0~Int0 bytes
4391 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Paramaters and outer references in the PARTITION BY or ORDER BY clause of a window function are not supported.
4392 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The REGEXP predicate only supports the default collating sequence.
4400 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR LOGONLY Internal error
4401 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR LOGONLY No Privileged Segment
4402 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR LOGONLY Program file not authorized
4403 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR LOGONLY Security Server not running
4404 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR LOGONLY Registration with Security Server failed
4405 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR LOGONLY No shared segment in Security Server
4406 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Too many requestors to Security Server
4407 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR LOGONLY Security policy file not found
4408 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR LOGONLY Error in security policy file
4409 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR LOGONLY Bad security policy
4410 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR LOGONLY Digest mismatch
4411 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR LOGONLY Decryption error
4412 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR LOGONLY SECKEYS key file not found
4414 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR LOGONLY Certificate expired
4415 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR LOGONLY Certificate not found
4416 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Certificate has been updated
4417 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR LOGONLY Error in shared segment
4418 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR LOGONLY Unauthorized user
4419 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Mismatched transaction identifiers during end transaction: Compiler transid $0~string0, Executor transid $0~string1, TMF transid $0~string2, TMF tcbref $0~string3.
4450 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Function $0~String0 is not a built-in function or registered user-defined function.
4451 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Action $0~String0 is not a registered action for user-defined function $1~String1.
4452 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Function $0~String0 expects $1~Int0 input values but was called with $2~Int1 values.
4453 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Action $0~String0 of user-defined function $1~String1 expects $2~Int0 input values but was called with $3~Int1 values.
4454 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User-defined function $0~String0 expects an action to be specified in argument position $1~Int0 but the argument at position $2~Int1 is not a character literal.
4455 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The supplied type for input value $0~Int0 of user-defined function $1~String0 was $2~String1 which is not compatible with the expected type $3~String2.
4456 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The supplied type for input value $0~Int0 of action $1~String0 of user-defined function $2~String1 was $3~String2 which is not compatible with the expected type $4~String3.
4457 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An error was encountered processing metadata for user-defined function $0~String0. Details: $1~String1.
4458 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An error was encountered processing metadata for action $0~String0 of user-defined function $1~String1. Details: $2~String2.
4459 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User-defined function $0~String0 returns $1~Int0 values, but was called in a context where the number of expected return values is $2~Int1.
4460 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User-defined function $0~String0 expects an argument of the form 'table.*' in argument position $1~Int0.
4461 ZZZZZ 42000 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User-defined function $0~String0 appears in the argument list of a sequence function. This is not allowed.
4462 ZZZZZ 42000 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User-defined function $0~String0 appears in the ORDER BY clause of an OLAP window function. This is not allowed.
4463 ZZZZZ 42000 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User-defined function $0~String0 appears in the ON clause of a full outer join. This is not allowed.
4464 ZZZZZ 42000 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User-defined function $0~String0 appears in the WHEN clause of an AFTER trigger. This is not allowed.
4465 ZZZZZ 42000 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User-defined function $0~String0 appears in the WHERE clause of a DELETE [FIRST N] statement. This is not allowed.
4466 ZZZZZ 42000 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User-defined function $0~String0 appears in the WHERE clause of an UPDATE [FIRST N] statement. This is not allowed.
4467 ZZZZZ 42000 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Non-deterministic user-defined function or action $0~String0 appears in the query expression of a CREATE VIEW statement that specifies WITH CHECK OPTION. This is not allowed.
4468 ZZZZZ 42000 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User-defined function or action $0~String0 returns multiple values which is not allowed in the TRANSPOSE clause of a SELECT statement.
4469 ZZZZZ 42000 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User-defined function $0~String0 contains an embedded INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement in its argument list. This is not allowed.
4470 ZZZZZ 42000 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User-defined function $0~String0 appears in a check constraint. This is not allowed.
4471 ZZZZZ 42000 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User-defined function $0~String0 appears in the ON clause, UPDATE SET clause, or INSERT VALUES clause of a MERGE INTO statement. This is not allowed.
4472 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Action $0~String0 of user-defined function $1~String1 returns $2~Int0 values but was called in a context where the number of expected return values is $3~Int1.
4473 ZZZZZ 42000 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User-defined function $0~String0 appears in the WHERE clause of an INSERT SELECT [FIRST N] statement. This is not allowed.
4474 ZZZZZ 42000 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User-defined function $0~String0 appears in the WHERE clause of a long running update. This is not allowed.
4475 ZZZZZ 42000 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Action $0~String0 of user-defined function $1~String1 has a LOCALE argument ($2~String2) that is out of range.
4476 ZZZZZ 42000 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Function $0~String0 accepts exactly one operand.
4477 ZZZZZ 42000 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Subquery with degree greater than 1 cannot be renamed to a single column.
4478 ZZZZZ 42000 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User defined Function with degree greater than 1 cannot be renamed to a single column.
4479 ZZZZZ 42000 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Function $0~String0 accepts only $1~Int1 operand(s), $2~Int2 were provided due to a multi-output Function or Subquery.
4480 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Action $0~String0 of user-defined function $1~String1 expects $2~Int0 input values but only $3~Int1 values matched for $4~String2.*.
4481 42000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The user does not have $0~string0 privilege on table or view $1~string1$2~string2.
4482 42000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The user does not have $0~string0 privilege on user-defined routine $1~string1.
4483 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY This LOB conversion function is not allowed in the VALUES clause with multiple input value rows. Use it with a single value row.
4484 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY -- available --
4485 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Invalid option for BULK LOAD or BULK UNLOAD $0~String0
4486 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Constraints are not supported with $0~String0. Disable the constraints and try again.
4487 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Invalid Path: $0~String0
4488 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY BULK LOAD option $0~String0 cannot be specified more than once.
4489 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY BULK UNLOAD option $0~String0 cannot be specified more than once.
4490 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY BULK LOAD into a salted table is not supported if ESP parallelism is turned off.
4491 42000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The user does not have $0~string0 privilege on sequence $1~string1$2~string2.
4493 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Stored Descriptor Status: $0~String0
5000 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal error in the query normalizer.
5001 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANDED MINOR LOGONLY Common subexpression $0~String0 will not be shared among multiple consumers. Reason: $1~String1.
6000 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal error in the query optimizer.
6001 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN DISTINCT aggregates can be computed for only one column per table expression.
6002 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The metadata table HISTOGRAMS or HISTOGRAM_INTERVALS contains invalid values. If you have manually modified the metadata table, then you should undo your changes using the CLEAR option in UPDATE STATISTICS.
6003 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The metadata table HISTOGRAM_INTERVALS contains invalid boundary value $0~String0 for column $1~String1. If you have manually modified the metadata table, then you should undo your changes using the CLEAR option in UPDATE STATISTICS and regenerate the statistics.
6004 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The metadata table HISTOGRAM_INTERVALS for column $1~String1 do not have intervals $1~Int0 and $2~Int1 in order. If you have manually modified the metadata table, then you should undo your changes using the CLEAR option in UPDATE STATISTICS and regenerate the statistics.
6005 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- available ---
6006 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- available ---
6007 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Multi-column statistics for columns $0~String0 from table $1~String1 were not available. The columns were being used by $2~String2 operator. As a result, the access path chosen might not be the best possible.
6008 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Statistics for column $0~String0 from table $1~String1 were not available. As a result, the access path chosen might not be the best possible.
6009 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The Optimizer Simulator (OSIM): $0~String0
6010 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Multi-column statistics for columns $0~String0 from table $1~String1 were not available. The columns were being used by $2~String2 operator. As a result, the access path chosen might not be the best possible. These statistics will be automatically generated at the next opportunity; however, you can generate them now by using UPDATE STATISTICS FOR TABLE $1~String1 ON NECESSARY COLUMNS.
6011 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Statistics for column $0~String0 from table $1~String1 were not available. As a result, the access path chosen might not be the best possible. These statistics will be automatically generated at the next opportunity; however, you can generate them now by using UPDATE STATISTICS FOR TABLE $1~String1 ON NECESSARY COLUMNS.
6012 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Statistics for column $0~String0 from table $1~String1 were generated with small sample. As a result, the access path chosen might not be the best possible.
6013 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Statistics for column $0~String0 from table $1~String1 were generated with small sample. As a result, the access path chosen might not be the best possible. Better statistics will be automatically generated at the next opportunity; however, you can generate them now by using UPDATE STATISTICS FOR TABLE $1~String1 ON NECESSARY COLUMNS.
6020 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Due to query complexity, the query plan generated might be sub-optimal. Consider simplifying the query.
6021 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Compiler Optimizer Warning $0~String0.
7000 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred in the code generator in file $0~string0 at line $1~int0: $2~string1.
7001 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Default value $0~String0 is not valid for column $1~String1.
7002 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The input row format of the hive table is not yet supported.
7003 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A plan using cluster sampling could not be produced for this query.
7004 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A parallel extract plan could not be produced. Possible causes include an incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specification, use of rowset expressions, or use of SQL features that cannot be parallelized such as [FIRST/LAST N], table-valued functions, stream access to tables, and embedded updates or deletes.
7005 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Use of selection predicates in parallel extract consumer queries is not allowed.
7350 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Incompatible consistency level of $0~Int0 for Halloween protection
7351 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Incompatible lock size of $0~Int0 for Halloween protection.
7352 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A Hash-Join that may overflow its memory to disk can not accept input rows longer than $0~Int0 bytes.
8000 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU Zeroth executor error.
8001 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT An internal executor error occurred.
8002 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The current nowaited operation is not complete.
8003 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The descriptor is locked by another nowaited operation.
8004 24000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Trying to open a statement or cursor that is not in the closed state.
8005 24000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Trying to fetch from a cursor that is not in the open state.
8006 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The stream timed out, but the cursor is still open.
8007 HY008 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operation has been canceled. $0~String0
8008 3D000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Catalog name $0~CatalogName is not valid.
8009 3F000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Schema name $0~SchemaName is not valid.
8010 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Default catalog name: $0~CatalogName. Default schema name: $0~SchemaName.
8011 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY SELECT statement inside compound (BEGIN ... END) statement returns more than one row.
8013 24000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY You are trying to update or delete from a cursor that is not in the fetched state.
8014 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A SELECT statement within a compound statement did not return any row.
8015 40000 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Aborting transaction because a compound statement performed an update operation followed by a SELECT statement that did not return any row.
8016 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN An attempt was made to access $0~String0 which has a system version that is incompatible with the version of the accessing software.
8017 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Explain information is not available for this query.
8018 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Partition $0~String0 of table $0~string0 could not be accessed due to file system error $0~NSKCode. It was skipped because the default SKIP_UNAVAILABLE_PARTITION was set.
8019 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Explain plan data retrieval error, numeric field NULL or truncated.
8020 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN For this feature to work, maintain needs to be initialized by issuing 'INITIALIZE MAINTAIN' command as ID.
8021 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY $0~String0 purgedata was performed. $1~String1
8022 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Parallel purgedata failed. $0~String0
8023 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY The query has been terminated because it exceeded its CPU time limit of $0~Int0 seconds in fragment $1~Int1.
8024 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY The query has been terminated because it exceeded its CPU time limit of $0~Int0 seconds in fragment $1~Int1. The amount of CPU time used when this error was raised was $2~Int2 milliseconds.
8025 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY The query has been terminated because it exceeded its CPU time limit of $0~Int0 seconds in $0~String0.
8026 HY018 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY Server declined cancel request. The query ID $0~String0 of the targeted query was not found.
8027 HY018 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Server declined cancel request. The message to $0~String0 timed out.
8028 HY018 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Server declined cancel request. The process $0~String0 was not found.
8029 HY018 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY Server declined cancel request. The user is not authorized to make this request.
8030 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- reserved, but unused as of 12/06/12 ---
8031 HY018 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY Server declined cancel request for query ID $0~String0. $1~String1.
8032 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Explain information for the provided query id is not available in repository.
8033 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Explain information is too large to be stored in repository.
8034 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~String0 of object $1~string1 does not have a default clause but it is missing in database. This indicates inconsistent data.
8035 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Truncation of hive table failed. $0~String0
8036 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MINOR LOGONLY Error while creating the error logging file or logging the error row to file $0~String0: Details :$1~String1
8100 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Define $1~string0 does not exist
8101 23000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operation is prevented by check constraint $0~ConstraintName on table $1~TableName.
8102 23000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operation is prevented by a unique constraint.
8103 23000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operation is prevented by referential integrity constraint $0~ConstraintName on table $1~TableName.
8104 44000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operation is prevented by the check on view $0~ConstraintName cascaded from the check option on $1~TableName.
8105 44000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operation is prevented by the check option on view $1~TableName.
8106 01001 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The last row fetched by this cursor was updated or deleted between the FETCH and UPDATE/DELETE...WHERE CURRENT... of statements.
8107 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Self-referencing INSERT statement without blocking operator is not allowed with AUTOCOMMIT OFF.
8108 23000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operation is prevented by a unique constraint on the IDENTITY column.
8109 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Default $0~String0 is not a valid default.
8110 23000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Duplicate rows detected.
8111 23000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Transactions are not allowd with Bulk load.
8112 23000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Snapshot $0~String0 either does not exist or is associated with a table other than $1~String1.
8113 23000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The maximum number of error rows is exceeded.
8114 23000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The number of error rows is $0~int0
8140 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The statement was canceled, to test cancel processing. File $0~string0 at line number $1~int0.
8141 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY An error was artificially injected, to test error handling. File $0~string0 at line $1~int0.
8142 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY An error was artificially injected, to test error handling. Testpoint $0~string0, Value $1~string1.
8143 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The requested operation stopped $0~Int0 server processes.
8144 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Corruption is detected in table $0~string0$1~string1.
8300 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Late name resolution failed for $0~String0 $1~String1.
8301 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~NSKCode occurred on anchor file $1~String0.
8302 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN All partitions of $0~String0 $1~TableName are unavailable.
8303 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT Anchor file $1~String0 contains invalid data.
8350 22005 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Character set $0~String0 and $1~String1 are not assignment compatible.
8400 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Define $0~String0 should have a $1~String1 class attribute.
8401 21000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A row subquery or SELECT...INTO statement cannot return more than one row.
8402 22001 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A string overflow occurred during the evaluation of a character expression.$0~string0
8403 22011 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The length argument of function SUBSTRING cannot be less than zero or greater than source string length.
8404 22027 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The trim character argument of function TRIM must be one character in length.
8405 22008 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The operand of function CONVERTTIMESTAMP is out of range.
8406 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 03/30/04 ---
8407 22008 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The operand of function JULIANTIMESTAMP is out of range.
8408 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 03/30/04 ---
8409 22019 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The escape character argument of a LIKE predicate must be one character in length.
8410 22025 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY An escape character in a LIKE pattern must be followed by another escape character, an underscore, or a percent character.
8411 22003 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A numeric overflow occurred during an arithmetic computation or data conversion.$0~string0
8412 22024 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY An input character host variable is missing its null terminator.
8413 22007 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The string argument contains characters that cannot be converted. Source data(in hex): $0~string0
8414 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The attempted conversion is not supported on this platform.$0~string0
8415 22007 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The provided DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP is not valid and cannot be converted. Source data: $0~string0
8416 22008 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A datetime expression evaluated to an invalid datetime value.
8417 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An error occurred during the evaluation of USER function. The provided userid $0~string0 is invalid, incorrect, obsolete or inexistent and could not be converted to username.
8418 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The USER function is not supported on this platform.
8419 22012 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY An arithmetic expression attempted a division by zero.$0~string0
8420 22002 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Missing indicator parameter for a NULL value.
8421 23000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY NULL cannot be assigned to a NOT NULL column.
8422 22007 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The provided INTERVAL is not valid and cannot be converted.
8423 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The provided field number is not valid.
8424 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Function $0~string0 is not yet supported.
8425 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY NULL cannot be assigned to a DEFAULT NULL NOT NULL column.
8426 22007 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The provided value, $0~string0, is an invalid BOOLEAN value.
8427 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY $0~string0
8428 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The argument to function $0~string0 is not valid.
8429 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY The preceding error actually occurred in function $0~string0.
8430 22003 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The position argument of function GetBitValueAt is out of range.
8431 22026 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The string parameters have different length, they must be equal (IsBitwiseAndTrue function).
8432 22003 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A negative value cannot be converted to an unsigned numeric datatype.$0~string0
8433 22003 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Invalid $0~string0 character encountered in $1~string1.
8434 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid target column for LOB function. The column needs to be blob/clob type.
8435 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused ---
8436 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Mismatch detected between compiletime and runtime hive table definitions. DataModMismatchDetails: $0~string0
8437 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Mismatch detected between external table and underlying hive table definitions.
8440 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The size of the history buffer is too small to execute one or more of the OLAP Windowed Functions in the query.
8441 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN one or more of the OLAP Windowed Functions in the query may require overflow which is not supported yet.
8442 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Unable to access $0~string0 interface. Call to $1~string1 returned error $2~string2($0~int0). Error detail $1~int1.
8443 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Provided LOB handle is invalid.
8444 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Only one lob handle can be returned by child for data extract.
8445 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An error occurred during transformation of hdfs row to sql row. Error Detail: $0~string0
8446 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An error occurred during hdfs buffer fetch. Error Detail: $0~string0
8447 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An error occurred during hdfs access. Error Detail: $0~string0 $1~string1
8448 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Unable to access Hbase interface. Call to $0~string0 returned error $1~string1($0~int0). Cause: $2~string2.
8449 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An invalid HBase table option or option value was specified: ($0~string0 = $1~string1)
8450 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY ESP number ($0~Int0) has processed ($1~Int1) transactions of the LRU operation on table $2~String0.
8451 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Error returned while retrieving region stats from hbase.
8452 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The regular expression is invalid. Cause: $0~String0
8550 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Error $0~NSKCode was returned by the Data Access Manager.
8551 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Error $0~NSKCode was returned by the file system on $0~string0$1~string1.
8552 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Error $0~int0 was returned by the file system while fetching the version of the system $0~string0.
8553 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Stream overflow; subscription rate has fallen too far behind publishing rate.
8554 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU -- unused, although the error number reservation doc says it is used ---
8555 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT An internal error occurred in the SQL executor in the disk process.
8556 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An error occurred while accessing HBase table $0~string0. $1~string1
8557 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The file name passed to externaltolob exceeds 256 bytes.
8570 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN SQL could not allocate sufficient memory to build query.
8571 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN SQL could not allocate sufficient memory to execute query.
8572 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT The statement has incurred a fatal error and must be deallocated.
8573 42000 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN -- unused, old security violation error. Replaced by 4481 ---
8574 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN An OPEN was blown away on table $0~string0.
8575 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Timestamp mismatch on table $0~string0.
8576 01000 99999 BEGINNER INFRM DBADMIN Statement was recompiled.
8577 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Table, index, or view $0~string0 was not found.
8578 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM DBADMIN Similarity check passed.
8579 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM DBADMIN Similarity check failed: $0~string0
8580 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DNADMIN No partitions of table $0~string0 could be accessed. File system error $0~NSKCode was returned.
8581 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The in-memory Join operation could not complete due to insufficient memory.
8582 01000 99999 BEGINNER INFRM DBADMIN A DDL or utility operation on a table in this query changed the table definition and would cause incorrect behavior, if executed. This statement need to be reprepared by user.
8583 01000 99999 BEGINNER INFRM DBADMIN This statement contains no generated plan to execute at runtime. An error during query compilation caused this condition.
8584 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Query timed out while waiting for release work reply from ESPs. $0~string0$1~string1
8585 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Privileges on schema $0~string0 have changed (Old Timestamp = $1~string1, New Timestamp = $2~string2) forcing a recompilation. Condition will persist if recompilation is unsuccessful.
8586 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Executor had error when assigning ESPs.$0~string0
8587 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY This statement could not be transformed to use sidetree inserts. Reason: $0~String0
8590 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The modified field map passed into the INTERPRET_AS_ROW function is bad.
8591 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An error occurred while extracting columns from the audit row image passed in to the INTERPRET_AS_ROW function.
8592 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The compression flag passed into INTERPRET_AS_ROW specifies that the audit row image is compressed, but no modified field map has been passed in. This case is not supported.
8593 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Not all the columns to be extracted by INTERPRET_AS_ROW are present in the audit row image, and this is compressed audit. Extraction of missing columns is not supported.
8594 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Error returned while evaluating audit image expression.
8595 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Key values specified in the INSERT part of a MERGE statement must be the same as those specified in the ON clause.
8596 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Operating system error $0~int0 while changing process priority for ESP $1~string0.
8597 01000 99999 BEGINNER INFRM DBADMIN Statement was automatically retried $0~int0 time(s). Delay before each retry was $1~int1 seconds. $0~string0$1~string1
8598 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN View $0~string0 was not found or was dropped and recreated.
8600 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU -------- First Concurrency Control error. --------
8601 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Error returned from file system while locking/unlocking.
8602 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The file system reported error $0~int0 on a lock/unlock operation.
8603 25000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Trying to begin a transaction that has already been started.
8604 25000 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Transaction subsystem $0~string0 returned error $1~int0 while starting a transaction.
8605 25000 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Committing a transaction which has not started.
8606 25000 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Transaction subsystem $0~string0 returned error $1~int0 on a commit transaction.
8607 40000 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Rolling back a transaction that has not started.
8608 40003 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Transaction subsystem $0~string0 returned error $1~int0 on rollback transaction.
8609 40000 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Waited rollback performed without starting a transaction.
8610 40003 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Transaction subsystem $0~string0 reported error $1~int0 on a waited rollback transaction.
8611 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 03/30/04 ---
8612 25000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Transaction mode cannot be set if the transaction is already running.
8613 25000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN SQL cannot commit or rollback a transaction that was started by application.
8614 25000 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT SQL cannot begin a transaction when multiple contexts exist.
8615 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A user-defined transaction has been started. Long Running Update operation cannot be performed.
8616 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A conflict was detected during commit processing. Transaction has been aborted. Detail :$0~string0
8640 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---- unused ----
8641 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---- unused ----
8642 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---- unused ----
8643 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---- unused ----
8644 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---- unused ----
8645 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Could not replicate from source system $0~string0 (a $1~string1 system) to target system $2~string2 (a $3~string3 system).
8646 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN BDR is already initialized or reinitialized to current version.
8647 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN BDR Service process could not be created, opened, written to or read from. Error returned from $0~string0. Error Details: $0~int0, $1~int1, "$1~string1"
8648 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Error while replicating source partition $0~string0. Error Details: $0~int0, $1~int1, "$1~string1" Ip Address: "$2~string2" Port: $2~int2.
8649 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Incremental replication not allowed. No prior replication has been performed to the current target table($0~string0) and it contains data.
8650 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Number of source partitions($0~int0) must be the same as the number of target partitions($1~int1).
8651 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN DDL validation failed. Source($0~string0) and Target($1~string1) do not have the same definition.
8652 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Version($0~int0) of source($0~string0) must be the same as the version($1~int1) of target($1~string1).
8653 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN BDR Source Replicate process could not be created, opened, written to or read from. Error returned from $0~string0. Error Details: $0~int0, $1~int1, "$1~string1"
8654 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Query Id was not found. This command could not be completed.
8655 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Specified replicate query could not be aborted. Reason: $0~string0
8656 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Replicate query was aborted.
8657 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Could not recover the specified object. Reason: $0~string0
8658 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid ipAddr and/or portNum values returned after communication with BDR Service process.
8659 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN BDR Listener process on $0~string0 received an error from CLI.
8660 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Could not read BDR configuration table.
8661 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Specified target system $0~string0 does not exist, could not be accessed, has not been registered in the configuration table or is the same as the source system.
8662 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Target $0~string0 is not empty and neither purgedata nor incremental option was specified.
8663 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Transform was done for $0~string0 $1~string1.
8664 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Replicate was internally retried.
8665 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Execution of $0~string0 stored procedure failed. Details: $1~string1
8666 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A concurrent replicate operation is in progress for $0~string0 $1~string1 on target system $2~string2. That operation must complete before this one can proceed.
8667 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Replicate authorization failed. $0~string0
8668 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Execution of $0~string0 stored procedure succeeded with warnings. Details: $1~string1
8669 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Incremental replication cannot be performed. Target $0~string0 has been modified since the last replication.
8670 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM DBADMIN Query's transaction may hold audit trail.
8671 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM DBADMIN Query's transaction may hold locks.
8672 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM DBADMIN Query is not executing.
8673 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM DBADMIN Guardian error $0~NSKCode, errorDetail $0~int0, returned from PROCESS_GETINFOLIST_ for process $0~string0.
8674 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM DBADMIN Guardian error $0~NSKCode returned from $0~string0 for process $1~string1.
8675 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM DBADMIN SQL error $0~int0 from internal statement to query statistics stored procedure.
8676 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM DBADMIN Cannot suspend the query because it is already suspended.
8677 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM DBADMIN Cannot activate the query because it is not suspended.
8690 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY An invalid character value encountered in TRANSLATE function. Source charset $0~string0 , Target charset $1~string1. Error data in HEX: $2~string2 .
8691 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---- unused ----
8692 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---- unused ----
8693 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---- unused ----
8694 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---- unused ----
8695 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---- unused ----
8696 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---- unused ----
8697 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---- unused ----
8698 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---- unused ----
8699 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU -------- Last Concurrency Control error. --------
8700 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT An assertion failure or out-of-memory condition occurred during parallel execution.
8701 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN An error occurred during a parallel extract operation. ESP $0~string0 rejected an OPEN request from a parallel extract consumer. Details: $1~string1.
8702 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN An error occurred during a parallel extract operation. A parallel extract consumer could not establish its connection to producer ESP $0~string0, possibly because the ESP process identifier is invalid.
8710 01000 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Error $0~int0 returned by Measure when attempting to update SQL counters.
8731 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT $0~String0 could not be verified as a valid database authorization ID. There was a problem reading metadata. An internal query returned SQLCODE $1~Int1.
8732 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0 is not a registered database user or role.
8733 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN User $0~String0 is not a valid database user.
8734 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY Statement must be recompiled to allow privileges to be re-evaluated.
8735 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The value $0~int0 is not a valid tenant ID.
8736 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The tenant ID has already been set for this session.
8737 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY Unknown number of rows affected, due to NO ROLLBACK transaction.
8738 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY Statement must be recompiled due to redefinition of the object(s) accessed.
8740 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT CLI Authorization failure: Password expired and is in grace period
8741 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY This query contains a reference to an object that was created only in compiler memory. It cannot be executed.
8742 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY GetMetaDataInfo operation could not be completed. Reason: $0~String0
8743 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal error: Invalid routine handle specified in CLI call.
8744 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal error: Error deallocating a routine in the CLI.
8745 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal error: Error during routine invocation in the CLI.
8746 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal error: Error retrieving updated invocation info in the CLI.
8800 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---- unused ----
8801 33000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Descriptor allocation failed because the descriptor already exists in the current context.
8802 26000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Statement allocation failed because the statement already exists in the current context.
8803 33000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The provided input descriptor does not exist in the current context.
8804 26000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The provided input statement does not exist in the current context.
8805 33000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Trying to $0~string0 a descriptor that is not allocated with AllocDesc() call.
8806 26000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Trying to $0~string0 a statement that is not allocated with AllocStmt() call.
8807 07008 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Trying to allocate more than $0~int0 entries for a descriptor.
8808 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DBADMIN Module file $0~string0 contains corrupted or invalid data.
8809 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DBADMIN Open of the module file $0~string0 failed with error $0~int0.
8810 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Executor ran into an internal failure and returned an error without populating the diagnostics area. This error is being injected to indicate that.
8811 24000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Trying to close a statement that is either not in the open state or has not reached EOF.
8812 24000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Trying to execute a statement that is not in the closed state.
8813 24000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Trying to fetch from a statement that is in the closed state.
8814 25000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The transaction mode at run time ($0~int0) differs from that specified at compile time ($1~int1).
8815 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT An internal error occurred while building the TCB tree when executing the statement.
8816 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT An internal error occurred while executing the TCB tree.
8817 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT An internal error occurred while fetching from the TCB tree.
8818 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT An internal error occurred in root_tdb describe.
8819 25000 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DBADMIN Begin transaction failed while preparing the statement.
8820 25000 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DBADMIN Transaction commit failed while closing the statement.
8821 40000 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DBADMIN Rollback transaction failed during the process of fetching the statement.
8822 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The statement was not prepared.
8823 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT An internal error occurred: IO requests are waiting for $0~string0 message in the IpcMessageStream.
8824 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The input module_id does not have a module name.
8825 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY Module is already added into the current context.
8826 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The module could not be added.
8827 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The request $0~string0 could not be sent.
8828 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Out-of-memory condition occurred while creating the $0~string0.
8829 07009 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR LOGONLY Trying to set descriptor item for an entry that is either invalid or greater than the maximum entry count for that descriptor.
8830 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT There is no current context.
8831 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Either no current context or the module to which the statement belongs is not added to the current context.
8832 25000 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Transaction has not been started.
8833 25000 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The input parameter is an invalid SQL transaction command.
8834 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DBADMIN The SQL installation directory could not be found. Operating system error $1~int0.
8835 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Invalid SQL descriptor information requested.
8836 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Application specified an invalid update column for cursor.
8837 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN CLI Authentication : User: $0~string0 : $1~string1
8838 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Unable to receive reply from Compiler, possibly caused by internal errors when compiling SQL statements, processing DDL statements, or executing the builtin stored procedures.
8839 40000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Transaction was aborted.
8840 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Object name provided to CLI is not valid.
8841 25000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User application committed or aborted a transaction started by SQL. This transaction needs to be committed or aborted by calling SQL COMMIT or ROLLBACK WORK.
8842 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The cursor, $0~string0, referenced by this statement is not found or is not updatable.
8843 07009 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Trying to retrieve an item, $0~int0, that is out of range.
8844 25000 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY A transaction started by SQL that was committed or aborted by user application from outside of SQL, has now been cleaned up.
8845 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT An internal error occurred: root_tcb is null.
8846 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN An empty SQL statement was passed in.
8847 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 5/7/12 ---
8848 0A000 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY Cancel on DDL statements or stored procedures is not supported.
8849 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 03/30/04 ---
8850 24000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The table specified in this cursor update or delete statement is different than the table specified in the declare cursor statement.
8851 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A CLI parameter bound check error occurred.
8852 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Holdable cursors are supported for only streaming cursors and embedded update/delete cursors.
8853 HY092 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Specified attribute definition is not valid.
8854 HY024 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Specified attribute value is not valid.
8855 HY011 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Statement attribute cannot be set now.
8856 HY024 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Specified attribute value is not valid. INPUT_ARRAY_MAXSIZE must be positive.
8857 HY011 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY Local authentication : User: $0~string0 : $1~string1.
8858 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The value ($0~string0) is not a valid SQL identifier.
8859 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY There are pending insert, delete or update operations.
8860 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DBADMIN Module file $0~string0 has an obsolete module header.
8861 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DBADMIN Module file $0~string0 has an obsolete descriptor location table header.
8862 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DBADMIN Module file $0~string0 has an obsolete descriptor location table entry.
8863 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DBADMIN Module file $0~string0 has an obsolete descriptor header.
8864 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DBADMIN Module file $0~string0 has an obsolete descriptor entry.
8865 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DBADMIN Module file $0~string0 has an obsolete procedure location table header.
8866 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DBADMIN Module file $0~string0 has an obsolete procedure location table entry.
8867 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DBADMIN An error occurred while reading from file $0~string0.
8868 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT SQL cannot create a new context when current transaction is implicitly started by SQL.
8869 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The specified file number is not a QFO, or the file number is not internally associated with a QFO object (CLI internal error).
8870 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The current statement is not associated with any QFO.
8871 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The NOWAIT tag is not specified in the statement-id.
8872 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT New operations cannot be executed while another NOWAIT operation is pending.
8873 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The current statement is already associated with a QFO.
8874 40003 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN An error in an insert, update or delete statement caused that statement to be rolled back but statement rollback failed.
8875 40000 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN An error in an insert, update or delete statement caused that statement to be rolled back without aborting the transaction.
8876 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An error in an insert, update or delete statement has left the underlying table in a partially updated state that needs to be resolved by the invoking program.
8877 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A transaction is needed to run this query, one is not already started, and the automatic starting of transactions has been disabled.
8878 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Cannot switch to default context or
drop the default context
8879 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The buffer to return the Query ID is too small.
8880 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT CLI applications are not allowed to remove the current context.
8881 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The specified CLI context handle could not be found.
8882 38001 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Containing SQL is not permitted.
8883 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY UDR violation checking is currently disabled.
8884 38003 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Prohibited SQL statement attempted.
8885 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Control information could not be sent to the SQL compiler.
8886 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT An internal error occurred: an internally-initiated transaction was outstanding.
8887 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The provided buffer to retrieve generated code or explain data is either null or not big enough.
8888 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The underlying INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operation of cursor $0~String0 is still in progress. Since the cursor is being closed before the operation is complete all affected rows will be rolled back.
8889 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The provided buffer to retrieve Result Set proxy syntax is either null or not big enough.
8890 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The SQL compiler failed to initialize properly. Query results may differ from what is expected, due to different compiler defaults.
8891 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Non-ASCII character host variable type was specified for $0~string0 field.
8892 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 5/7/12 ---
8893 07008 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The statement argument count does not match the descriptor entry count.
8894 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Argument $0~string0 of CLI function $1~string1 is reserved for future use and must be set to $2~string2 when calling the function.
8895 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The character set $0~string0 for the descriptor item SQLDESC_CHAR_SET is not valid.
8896 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The character set $0~string0 of a host variable does not match $1~string1 of the corresponding descriptor item (entry $2~Int0).
8897 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY An RPC exception occurred in CLI request from non-trusted shadow client to trusted shadow server.
8898 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT An internal error occurred in CLI $0~string0.
8900 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Only ISO88591 and UCS2 host variables can be used to retrieve SQL error or warning messages.
8901 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The MXUDR server for this statement is no longer running. The statement will be assigned a new MXUDR server if it is executed again.
8902 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred: MXUDR returned a UDR handle that is not valid.
8903 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY An attempt was made by SQL to kill the MXUDR server for this statement (process $0~string0). PROCESS_STOP_ returned $1~int0.
8904 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN SQL did not receive a reply from MXUDR, possibly caused by internal errors when executing user-defined routines.
8905 42000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The user does not have $0~string0 privilege on user-defined routine $1~string1.
8906 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN An invalid or corrupt MXUDR reply could not be processed, possibly due to memory corruption in MXUDR while executing user-defined routines or an internal error in SQL.
8907 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Procedure $0~TableName is registered to return result sets and stored procedure result sets are not yet supported.
8908 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The request to allocate a stored procedure result set failed because stored procedure result sets are not supported.
8909 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The request to allocate a stored procedure result set failed because the provided input statement is not a CALL statement.
8910 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Reorg command on $0~string0 failed.
8911 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Reorg command on $0~string0 failed.$1~string1
8912 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The request to allocate a stored procedure result set failed. An unexpected internal error was encountered.
8913 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The PREPARE operation is not allowed on a stored procedure result set.
8914 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN An attempt to open a stored procedure result set at position $0~int0 failed because multiple open attempts on the same result set are not allowed.
8915 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN An attempt to access a stored procedure result set at position $0~int0 failed because there is no result set currently available at that position.
8916 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The request to allocate a stored procedure result set at position $0~int0 failed because the position is out of range. Valid positions range from one up to the maximum number of result sets that can be returned from the specified CALL statement, which in this case is $1~int1.
8917 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The request to allocate a stored procedure result set at position $0~int0 failed because a result set at position $1~int1 already exists.
8918 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT The Runtime Statistics infrastructure is not running. Unable to return Runtime Statistics.
8919 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Unable to retrieve Runtime Statistics for invalid Query Id $0~string0.
8920 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Invalid CPU or PID passed in. Unable to retrieve Runtime Statistics.
8921 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The request to obtain runtime statistics for $0~string0 timed out. Timeout period specified is $1~int0 seconds.
8922 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The request to obtain runtime statistics is partially satisfied. The number of CPUs that failed to report runtime statistics is $0~int0.
8923 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The given Query Id $0~string0 is not found.
8924 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Merged Runtime Statistics is null.
8925 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The given query id is not matching the query id in the merged runtime statistics.
8926 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The given SQLSTATS_DESC_STATS_TYPE is not found in the merged runtime statistics.
8928 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The length of the input array SQLSTATS_DESC is not sufficient for the merged runtime statistics.
8929 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The buffer is too small to return $0~Int0 security invalidation keys.
8930 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The buffer to return consumer query string number $0~Int0 is too small.
8931 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The specified entry cannot be added as it already exists, or it cannot be deleted/updated as it does not exist.
8932 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- Reserved for auto query retry ---
8933 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- Reserved for auto query retry ---
8934 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The MAXVALUE for the sequence generator has been exceeded.
8935 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The sequence generator update failed, see additional diagnostics for failure details.
8936 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Reorg status for this qid could not be retrieved. Either the provided qid does not exist or the reorg operation has not started or the reorg operation has finished or reorg stats are not being collected.
8937 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Invalid CPU, PID, TimeStamp, or QueryNumber passed in. Unable to retrieve Runtime Statistics.
8940 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User-defined function $0~String0 returned invalid data for output value $1~Int0. Details: $2~String1.
8941 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The buffer to return the session attribute is either null or too small.
8942 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The buffer to return the database user name is either null or too small.
8943 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A row to be returned to the user is longer than size of buffer used.
8950 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY $0~String0 encountered during the execution of the internally-generated statement: $1~String1
8951 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN SeaMonster function $0~String0 returned $1~Int0 (pid $2~Int1, process $3~String1), retry code $4~NSKCode.
8952 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0: One or more SeaMonster connections were closed due to errors on an ESP control connection. The first connection to close was communicating with SeaMonster target ($1~String1) and was notified of error $2~Int0 on a control connection.
8953 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0: Query timed out after $1~Int0 seconds waiting for SeaMonster fixup replies. The number of replies expected was $2~Int1. The number of replies received was $3~Int2.
8954 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The initialization vector supplied to $0~Int0 is too short, Must be at least $1~Int1 bytes long
8955 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Incorrect parameter count in the call to function $0~String0
8956 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0 option ignored
8957 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN OpenSSL return error int the call to function $0~String0
8960 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN UNLOAD is unable to create file $0~String0.
8961 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN UNLOAD is unable to write to file $0~String0.
8962 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN UNLOAD is unable to allocate buffers for data.
8963 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN UNLOAD encountered a backup TSE switch.
8964 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN LOAD is not currently supported with non empty tables.
8965 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN File $0~String0 already exists.
8971 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Token is invalid.
8972 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN JSON value is invalid.
8973 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN String is invalid.
8974 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Expected array element or "]", but does not found.
8975 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Expected "," or "]", but does not found.
8976 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Expected string or "}", but does not found.
8977 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Expected ":", but does not found.
8978 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Expected "," or "}", but does not found.
8979 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Expected string, but does not found.
8980 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Expected end of input, but does not found.
8981 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The input string ended unexpectedly.
8982 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN unexpected json parse state.
9200 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT UPDATE STATISTICS for table $0~CatalogName.$1~SchemaName.$2~TableName encountered an error$3~string2 from statement $4~string0.
9201 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Unable to DROP object $0~string0.
9202 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM DBADMIN UPDATE STATISTICS has located previously generated histograms that are not being regenerated. This may affect the plans that will be generated. Missing columns lists are $0~string0.
9203 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Column names must be unique when specified in column list: ($0~string0).
9204 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid option $0~string0 specified. Value must be $1~string1.
9205 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN UPDATE STATISTICS is not supported for object $0~string0.
9206 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN You are not authorized to read/write object $0~string0. Verify that you have the necessary access privileges.
9207 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The specified SAMPLE option generated an empty sample set. Modify the SAMPLE option and resubmit.
9208 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Column definitions could not be accessed.
9209 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Column $0~string0 does not exist in object $1~string1.
9210 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN One of the column data types is not supported by UPDATE STATISTICS. You must exclude this column from the column list in UPDATE STATISTICS.
9211 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN In an UPDATE STATISTICS statement that specifies $0~string0, the ON clause may contain only an EXISTING or NECESSARY clause.
9212 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Cardinality statistics will be more accurate if you use the SET ROWCOUNT option in the SAMPLE clause.
9213 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM DBADMIN If you intend to update histogram statistics for columns, you must specify a column list in the statement.
9214 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Object $0~string0 could not be created.
9215 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN UPDATE STATISTICS encountered an internal error (from $0~String0, with return value=$1~String1). Details: $2~String2."
9217 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM DBADMIN The statement will have no effect because no histograms are currently maintained for the table.
9218 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM DBADMIN The statement will have no effect because no histograms need to be updated.
9219 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Incremental UPDATE STATISTICS: An operation failed, possibly due to an invalid WHERE clause.
9220 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM DBADMIN The table is empty, so no persistent sample table was created.
9221 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Incremental UPDATE STATISTICS cannot be performed due to the absence of the IUS persistent sample table for $0~string0. Use a regular UPDATE STATISTICS command with the sample clause and PERSISTENT first to create such a persistent sample table.
9222 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Incremental UPDATE STATISTICS: the rowcount in an interval for column $0~String0 changed more than the percentage specified by CQD USTAT_IUS_INTERVAL_ROWCOUNT_CHANGE_THRESHOLD. A regular UPDATE STATISTICS is performed instead.
9223 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Incremental UPDATE STATISTICS: the total rowcount for column $0~String0 changed more than the percentage specified by CQD USTAT_IUS_TOTAL_ROWCOUNT_CHANGE_THRESHOLD. A regular UPDATE STATISTICS is performed instead.
9224 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Incremental UPDATE STATISTICS: the unique count in an interval for column $0~String0 changed more than the percentage specified by CQD USTAT_IUS_INTERVAL_UEC_CHANGE_THRESHOLD. A regular UPDATE STATISTICS is performed instead.
9225 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Incremental UPDATE STATISTICS: the total unique count for column $0~String0 changed more than the percentage specified by CQD USTAT_IUS_TOTAL_UEC_CHANGE_THRESHOLD. A regular UPDATE STATISTICS is performed instead.
9226 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Incremental UPDATE STATISTICS: one interval for column $0~String0 is reset to zero. A regular UPDATE STATISTICS is performed instead.
9227 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Incremental UPDATE STATISTICS: an interval for column $0~String0 is reduced to zero rows using IUS. A regular UPDATE STATISTICS is performed instead.
9228 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY There were no sample tables to drop.
9230 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Incremental UPDATE STATISTICS: $0~int0 columns could not be processed due to insufficient memory, and are being processed by regular UPDATE STATISTICS instead.
9231 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Incremental UPDATE STATISTICS: only RANDOM <percentage> PERCENT is allowed as the sampling specification with PERSISTENT.
9232 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Incremental UPDATE STATISTICS: cannot proceed because of the on-going IUS transaction originated at $0~String0.
9233 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN --- unused ---
9234 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Incremental UPDATE STATISTICS: a new high frequency value is detected for column $0~string0. A regular UPDATE STATISTICS is performed instead.
9235 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY --- unused ---
9236 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Incremental UPDATE STATISTICS: the histogram for column $0~string0 is empty. A regular UPDATE STATISTICS is performed instead.
9237 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Incremental UPDATE STATISTICS: WHERE clause of an IUS statement cannot contain $0~String0.
9238 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM DBADMIN Histograms were updated successfully, but partition statistics could not be updated from file labels.
9239 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN VIEWONLY option is not valid for Update Statistics on $0~string0 tables.
9240 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN ON EVERY KEY option is not yet implemented for Update Statistics on $0~string0 tables.
9241 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Insufficient privileges to perform the statistics request for table $0~String0.
9242 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Unable to create schema for Hive statistics.
9243 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This UPDATE STATISTICS command may take too long. It is recommended to use the SAMPLE clause instead. If you wish to do this without a SAMPLE clause, specify NO SAMPLE explicitly.
9244 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN UPDATE STATISTICS is not allowed in a user transaction.
9245 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM DBADMIN Unexpected out-of-order data encountered during histogram construction on column $0~string0; this might result in later 6004 warnings.
9246 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN UPDATE STATISTICS is not supported on LOB columns. Column $0~String0 is a LOB column.
9247 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN UPDATE STATISTICS is not supported on volatile tables presently.
9248 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN UPDATE STATISTICS failed due to a memory allocation failure.
9250 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Incremental UPDATE STATISTICS: non-NULL values added to previously all-NULL histogram for column $0~string0. A regular UPDATE STATISTICS is performed instead.
9251 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A persistent sample table already exists. Use UPDATE STATISTICS ... REMOVE SAMPLE to drop it first if desired.
9252 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Unable to get row count estimate: Error code $0~int0, detail $1~int1. Exception info (if any): $0~string0
10000 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU Sort Error: First Sort error
10001 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Sort Error : No error text defined. Unexpected error. $0~String0
10002 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---- unused ----
10003 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT Sort unexpectedly encountered an EOF during a read operation. $0~String0
10004 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Sort failed while generating intermediate runs with sort error $1~int1 and system error $0~int0. $2~String0
10005 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT Sort encountered an unexpected error. $0~String0 System Error $0~int0. Error detail $1~int1
10006 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT A previous IO to a scratch file failed. $0~String0
10007 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Sort failed while writing to a scratch file with error $0~int0. $1~String0
10008 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT Invalid sort algorithm selected. $0~String0
10009 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT Sort runs generated exceed maximum run number. $0~String0
10010 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT Sort run number is invalid. $0~String0
10011 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DBADMIN Sort failed while reading a scratch file with error $0~int0. $1~String0
10012 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT Sort failed during overflow with an invalid block number : $0~int0. $1~String0
10013 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Sort could not find any appropriate disks for overflow. $0~String0
10014 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Sort ran out of memory while allocating an internal data structure. $0~String0
10015 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Sort failed while calling PROCESSHANDLE_GETMINE_ with error $0~int0. $1~String0
10016 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Sort failed while calling PROCESSHANDLE_DECOMPOSE_ with error $0~int0. $1~String0
10017 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Sort failed while calling DEVICE_GETINFOBYLDEV_ with error $0~int0. $1~String0
10018 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Sort failed while calling FILENAME_FINDSTART_ with error $0~int0. $1~String0
10019 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Sort failed while calling FILENAME_FINDNEXT_ with error $0~int0. $1~String0
10020 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Sort failed while calling FILENAME_FINDFINISH_ with error $0~int0. $1~String0
10021 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Sort failed while calling FILE_GETINFOLISTBYNAME_ with error $0~int0. $1~String0
10022 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Sort failed while calling FILE_CREATE with error $0~int0. $1~String0
10023 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Sort failed while calling FILE_OPEN_ with error $0~int0. $1~String0
10024 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Sort failed while calling SETMODE_ with error $0~int0. $1~String0
10025 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Sort Error: FileClose failed. $0~String0
10026 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT I/O to a scratch file failed while calling AWAITIOX with error $0~int0. $1~String0
10027 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Sort failed while calling FILE_GETINFOLIST with error $0~int0. $1~String0
10028 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Sort failed while calling POSITION with error $0~int0. $1~String0
10029 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Sort failed while calling FILE_GETINFO_ with error $0~int0. $1~String0
10030 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Sort Error: GetTempPath error :path name too long. $0~String0
10031 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Sort Error: GetVolumeInformation failed, check root path. $0~String0
10032 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Sort Error: GetDiskFreeSpace failed, check rootPath Name_. $0~String0
10033 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Sort Error: GetTempFileName failed. $0~String0
10034 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Sort Error: Create File failed. $0~String0
10035 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Sort Error: CreateEvent failed. $0~String0
10036 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Sort Error: CloseHandle failed. $0~String0
10037 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Sort Error: SleepEx failed. $0~String0
10038 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Sort Error: WaitForSingleObject failed. $0~String0
10039 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Sort Error: Sort Error: ResetEvent failed. $0~String0
10040 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Sort Error: SetFilePointer failed. $0~String0
10041 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Sort Error: _chdir failed. $0~String0
10042 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Sort Error: Create Directory failed. $0~String0
10043 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Sort Error: Write Failed. $0~String0
10044 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT IO to a scratch file did not complete and reported error $0~Int0. $0~String0
10045 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Sort Error: WaitForMultipleObjects failed. $0~String0
10046 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Sort Error: GetOverlappedResult failed. $0~String0
10047 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Sort Error: Wrong length read. $0~String0
10048 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN IO to a scratch file failed because the free space threshold was reached on all available disks. $0~String0
10049 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT The block number was not found in any scratch file. $0~String0
10050 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Sort failed while calling PROCESS_GETPAIRINFO_ with error $0~int0. $1~String0
10051 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Io to scratch file failed while calling CONTROL with error $0~int0. $1~String0
10052 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Scratch Error: Overflow type is unknown, Supported types are SSD or DISK. $0~String0
10053 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Scratch Error: Overflow type is not configured. $0~String0
10100 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU -------------- First Scratch I/O Error --------------------
10101 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0 failed to create a scratch file. FILE_CREATE_ returned error $1~Int0.
10102 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0 failed to open a scratch file. FILE_OPEN_ returned error $1~Int0.
10103 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT $0~String0 failed to close a scratch file. FILE_CLOSE_ returned error $1~Int0.
10104 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0 scratch file write failed. WRITEX returned error $1~Int0.
10105 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0 scratch file read failed. READX returned error $1~Int0.
10110 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0 failed to alter a scratch file. SETMODE returned error $1~Int0.
10111 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT $0~String0 could not wait for a scratch file I/O to complete. AWAITIOX returned error $1~Int0.
10112 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT $0~String0 failed to set the current position in a scratch file. FILE_SETPOSITION_ returned error $1~Int0.
10113 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT $0~String0 could not get the last error for a scratch file. FILE_GETINFO_ returned error $1~Int0.
10114 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT $0~String0 could not read the EOF position for a scratch file. FILE_GETINFOLIST_ returned error $1~Int0.
10115 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT $0~String0 was unable to obtain disk volume free space information. FILE_GETINFOLISTBYNAME_ returned error $1~Int0.
10116 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT $0~String0 failed to create a disk pool. PROCESSHANDLE_GETMINE_ returned error $1~Int0.
10117 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT $0~String0 failed to create a disk pool. PROCESSHANDLE_DECOMPOSE_ returned error $1~Int0.
10118 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT $0~String0 encountered an error while searching for a scratch disk. FILENAME_FINDSTART_ returned error $1~Int0.
10119 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT $0~String0 encountered an error while searching for a scratch disk. FILENAME_FINDNEXT_ returned error $1~Int0.
10130 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Scratch I/O Error: CreateDir failed.
10131 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Scratch I/O Error: CreateFile failed.
10132 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Scratch I/O Error: GetTempFileName failed.
10133 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Scratch I/O Error: CloseHandle failed.
10134 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Scratch I/O Error: WriteFile failed.
10135 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Scratch I/O Error: SetFilePointer failed.
10136 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Scratch I/O Error: CreateEvent failed.
10137 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Scratch I/O Error: WaitForMultipleObjects failed.
10138 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Scratch I/O Error: WaitForSingleObject failed.
10139 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Scratch I/O Error: GetOverlappedResult failed.
10140 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Scratch I/O Error: ResetEvent failed.
10141 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Scratch I/O Error: GetDiskFreeSpace failed.
10150 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0 failed to find an appropriate disk for overflow data.
10151 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0 cannot overflow data to disk, because no scratch disk satisfies the free space threshold.
10152 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT $0~String0 attempted to read data using an invalid block number.
10153 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT $0~String0 attempted to read data using a block number that was not mapped to a scratch file.
11000 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU -------------- First Triggers Error --------------------
11001 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN There are more than 256 triggers in this statement
11002 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Trigger $0~string0 on table $0~string1 may be triggered recursively more than 16 times.
11003 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Trigger $0~ConstraintName on table $0~TableName was triggered recursively more than 16 times.
11004 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Triggers cannot be created on tables with names longer than 122 characters.
11005 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Table $0~TableName or one of its triggers is inaccessible.
11006 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Use of rowsets with statements involving triggers is not supported.
11007 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU -------------- Reserved for Triggers --------------------
11008 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU -------------- Reserved for Triggers --------------------
11010 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A BEFORE trigger works only at row granularity.
11011 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Only an UPDATE trigger may specify explicit columns.
11012 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An INSERT trigger cannot reference OLD values.
11013 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A DELETE trigger cannot reference NEW values.
11014 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A BEFORE trigger allows only SIGNAL and SET operations.
11015 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An AFTER trigger does not support the SET operation.
11016 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A BEFORE trigger that uses SET must have REFERENCING NEW clause.
11017 22005 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Left hand side of SET assignment must be qualified with the name of the NEW transition variable.
11018 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An empty or unsupported trigger action was specified.
11019 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Only statement triggers can scan the transition table.
11020 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Ambiguous or invalid use of transition name $0~string0.
11021 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The subject table name cannot be used in the REFERENCING clause.
11022 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Trigger action SET clause error. Column $0~ColumnName is not a column in table $0~TableName.
11023 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Subqueries are currently not supported in the WHEN clause of AFTER triggers.
11024 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Specifying the same name, $0~string0, for both OLD and NEW is not allowed.
11025 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Insert, Update or Delete statement within a compound statement is not allowed as a trigger event.
11026 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN SET ON ROLLBACK clause of Update or Delete statement is not allowed to update columns on which triggers are defined.
11027 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Embedded Insert, Update or Delete is not allowed as a trigger event.
11028 09000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Action statement of trigger $0~TriggerName on table $0~TableName has failed.
11029 27000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Attempt to change the value of column $0~ColumnName of a given row more than once in the same statement.
11030 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Trigger does not exist.
11031 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Trigger was not found in metadata table.
11032 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Columns were specified for a non-update trigger.
11033 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Object $0~TableName cannot be dropped because it is being used by trigger $0~String0.
11034 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Triggers Temporary Table existed for table $0~string0.
11035 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Metadata tables cannot have triggers!
11036 01000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN No triggers are defined on table $0~string0.
11037 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A trigger cannot be defined on a view!
11038 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A trigger can be defined on base tables only!
11039 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A trigger cannot be defined on a vertically partitioned table!
11040 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The trigger could not be defined because the primary key is too long ($0~int0).
11041 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Temporary table could not be created! Check default partitions.
11042 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Trigger $0~String0 already exists.
11043 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Late binding is not supported for $0~TableName since it has trigger(s) or ON STATEMENT Materialized Views defined on it.
11044 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU -------------- Reserved for Triggers --------------------
11045 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN FIRST N UPDATE or DELETE is not supported on a table that is the subject table of BEFORE triggers or AFTER STATEMENT triggers. Trigger $0~String0 has table $1~String1 as its subject table.
11046 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Host variables and dynamic parameters are not allowed in the action of a trigger.
11047 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN SELECT statements are not allowed in the compound action of a trigger.
11048 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Stored Procedures with access mode of MODIFIES SQL DATA are not allowed in the action of a BEFORE trigger.
11049 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Illegal use of ROW or TABLE keyword in the REFERENCING clause. Use ROW with row triggers and TABLE with statement triggers.
11050 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN NOT ATOMIC is not allowed on compound triggered action statements.
11051 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Materialized views cannot be updated in a trigger action.
11052 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Triggers cannot be defined on computed column $0~string0, use the underlying column instead.
11100 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- First UDR Server error -----
11101 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT MXUDR: Unknown message type: $0~int0
11102 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT MXUDR: Invalid UDR handle: ($0~string0)
11103 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT MXUDR: Invalid routine handle: ($0~string0)
11104 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT MXUDR: CLI Error: $0~string0 ($1~int1)
11105 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT MXUDR: Invalid Language Manager parameter mode. Parameter: $0~int0
11106 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
11107 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
11108 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN MXUDR: Unable to allocate memory for object: $0~string0
11109 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT MXUDR: Too many openers: $0~int0
11110 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT MXUDR: Unexpected error during message processing: $0~string0
11111 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT MXUDR: Internal error: $0~string0
11112 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT MXUDR: Internal error: A duplicate LOAD request arrived for UDR handle $0~string0.
11113 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT MXUDR: Internal error: An unexpected UNLOAD request arrived for UDR handle $0~string0.
11114 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT MXUDR: Internal error: A stored procedure result set $0~string0 request arrived containing an invalid result set handle: $1~int0.
11115 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT MXUDR: Internal error: CLI operation $0~string0 failed with return code $1~int0.
11116 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN MXUDR: Internal error: A stored procedure result set $0~string0 request arrived containing an invalid result set index: $1~int0.
11117 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT MXUDR: Internal error: A stored procedure result set request of type $0~$string0 could not be processed because the specified result set is in an unexpected state: $1~string1.
11118 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT MXUDR: A stored procedure result set was encountered with an output column count of $0~int0. All stored procedure result sets are expected to have at least one output column.
11150 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- UDF compile time interface errors
11151 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Unable to use '$0~string0' '$1~string1' in a user-defined routine. Details: $2~string2.
11152 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Unable to convert TypeInfo $0~int0 for column or parameter number $1~int1 from UDF compiler interface into an SQL internal type. Details: $2~string0.
11153 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Unable to produce a query plan. This could be related to a TMUDF that failed to negotiate a query plan with the optimizer. One possible reason: $0~string0.
11154 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Ordinal number $0~int0 used in $1~string0 clause of a UDF must be an integer ranging from 1 to the number of columns ($2~int1 in this case).
11155 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A TMUDF must produce at least one output column.
11200 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU -----First Language Manager Error -----
11201 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Language Manager initialization failed. Details: Errors occurred while loading Java class $0~String0.
11202 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Language Manager initialization failed. Details: Unable to initialize the Java virtual machine. $0~string0
11203 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The Language Manager failed to create its class loader, possibly due to a corrupt mxlangman.jar file.
11204 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Unable to validate Java method '$0~String0' because a Java exception was encountered. Details: $1~String1.
11205 46103 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Java class '$0~String0' was not found in external path '$1~String1'.
11206 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Java class '$0~string0' failed to initialize.
11207 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Java method '$0~string0' was not found in Java class '$1~string1'.
11208 46007 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Specified signature is invalid. Reason: The list of parameter types must be enclosed in parentheses.
11209 46007 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Specified signature is invalid. Reason: The number of SQL parameters $0~Int0 must match the number of parameters in the specified signature.
11210 46007 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Specified signature is invalid. Reason: Missing [] for OUT/INOUT parameter at position $0~Int0.
11211 46007 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Specified signature is invalid. Reason: Unknown parameter type used at position $0~Int0.
11212 46007 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Specified signature is invalid. Reason: Java signature size is more than supported.
11213 46007 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Specified signature is invalid. Reason: A return type must not be specified.
11214 46007 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Specified signature is invalid. Reason: Unknown or unsupported type used as a return type.
11215 46101 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Java execution: Invalid null input value at parameter position $0~int0.
11216 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Java execution: Data overflow occurred while retrieving data at parameter position $0~int0.
11217 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Java execution: Data overflow occurred while retrieving data at parameter position $0~int0. Value is truncated.
11218 38000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A Java method completed with an uncaught Java exception. Details: $0~string0
11219 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU -----Unused Error -----
11220 39001 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A Java method completed with an uncaught java.sql.SQLException with invalid SQLSTATE. The uncaught exception had a SQLCODE of $0~int0 and SQLSTATE of $1~string0. Details: $2~string1
11221 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Language Manager is out of memory$0~string0
11222 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The operation failed because the Java virtual machine ran out of memory.
11223 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The Language Manager encountered an internal error$0~string0
11224 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The Java virtual machine raised an exception. Details: $0~string0
11225 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Specified signature is invalid. Reason: The Java signature for a Java main method must be (java.lang.String[]).
11226 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY All SQL parameters associated with a Java main method must have a parameter mode of IN.
11227 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY All SQL parameters associated with a Java main method must be a SQL character type.
11228 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Floating point conversion error $0~string0
11229 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The Java virtual machine produced the following output: $0~string0
11230 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Multiple compatible Java methods named '$0~string0' were found in Java class '$1~string1'.
11231 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The Java method '$0~string0' in Java class '$1~string1' is not a public method.
11232 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The Java method '$0~string0' in Java class '$1~string1' is not defined as static.
11233 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The return type for Java method '$0~string0' in Java class '$1~string1' is not void.
11234 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The Java method '$0~string0' was not found in Java class '$1~string1'.
11235 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The Language Manager encountered an unexpected error trying to retrieve information from the JDBC/MX driver in the SPJ environment for the result set at position $0~Int0 in the Java method signature. $1~string0
11236 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Stored procedure $0~string0 attempted to return too many result sets. The maximum number of result sets this procedure can return is $1~Int0 and the procedure body attempted to return $2~Int1.
11237 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Stored procedure $0~string0 attempted to return result sets but the JDBC/MX driver in the SPJ environment does not support stored procedure result sets.
11238 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Stored procedure $0~string0 attempted to return one or more result sets containing large object data.
11239 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY No compatible Java methods named '$0~string0' were found in Java class '$1~string1'.
11240 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Specified signature is invalid. Reason: Parameter at position $0~Int0 is not java.sql.ResultSet[].
11241 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Stored procedure $0~string0 attempted to return result sets but the JDBC/MX driver in the SPJ environment has an incompatible version of stored procedure result sets interface. The JDBC/MX driver's interface version is $1~Int0 and the expected version is $2~Int1 or lower.
11242 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The Language Manager encountered a java.sql.SQLException while accessing a java.sql.ResultSet row.
11243 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The Language Manager encountered a java.sql.SQLException while retrieving the value of column $0~Int0 from a java.sql.ResultSet row.
11244 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The Language Manager encountered invalid character data in column $0~int0 of a java.sql.ResultSet row.
11245 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN An error occurred loading library '$0~String0' from path '$1~String1'.
11246 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN An error occurred locating function or class '$0~String0' in library '$1~String1'.
11247 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN An error occurred unloading library '$0~String0'.
11248 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN A call to $0~String0 returned errors $1~Int0 and $2~Int1. Details: \
11249 39001 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN User-defined function $0~String0 completed with an error with SQLSTATE $1~String1. Details: $2~String2.
11250 39001 99999 ADVANCED INFRM DBADMIN User-defined function $0~String0 completed with a warning with SQLSTATE $1~String1. Details: $2~String2.
11251 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User-defined function $0~String0 returned invalid data for output value $1~Int0. Details: $2~String1.
11252 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0 (SQLSTATE $1~String1)
11253 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0 (SQLSTATE $1~String1)
11254 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN UDR $0~String0 overwrote its $1~String1 buffer at the $2~String2.
11255 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Error in $0~String0 method in library $1~String1. Details: $2~String2.
11256 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Internal error in communicating with UDR $0~String0 through the object interface in the $1~String1 phase ($2~String2). Details: $3~String3.
11257 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Routine entry point was validated, no routine was created.
11258 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Error in $0~String0 method of UDR $1~String1. Details: $2~String2.
11299 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU -----Last Language Manager Error -----
12000 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---------- First Materialized Views error ------------
12001 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Creation failed. The materialized view cannot be maintained incrementally.
12002 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- unused as of 11/15/07 -----
12003 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Triggers defined on table $0~string0. Materialized views are not allowed.
12004 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN This table $0~string0 is used by materialized views. No triggers are allowed.
12005 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Materialized view $0~string0 is not found in metadata table $1~String1.
12006 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Incremental materialized views must have a simple query: $0~string0.
12007 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---------- Reserved for materialized views ----------------
12008 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Creation of the table holding the materialized view failed.
12009 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Object $0~String0 cannot be dropped because it is being used by materialized view $1~String1.
12010 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Table $0~string0 is not audited. It cannot be used by materialized views.
12011 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The materialized view table cannot be altered. ON STATEMENT and RECOMPUTE materialized views do not contain an IGNORE CHANGES clause.
12012 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Altering the attribute of the materialized view table failed.
12013 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Initialization of the materialized view failed.
12014 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The materialized view cannot be initialized; locking $0~string0 failed.
12015 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Creation of an MVLog table for $0~string0 failed.
12016 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Unique indexes are not allowed on materialized views.
12017 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Cannot create: $0~string0 is not an incremental materialized view.
12018 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Creation of the Materialized View failed: $0~string0.
12019 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- unused as of 11/15/07 -----
12020 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A duplicate of table $0~string0 is present in the IGNORE CHANGES clause.
12021 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Table $0~string0 is in the IGNORE CHANGES clause but is not a base table or is not in the FROM clause.
12022 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A materialized view cannot be built on top of these materialized views: $0~string0.
12023 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN A configuration error occurred on an initialized materialized view.
12024 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A materialized view cannot be initialized when it is using other materialized views that are not initialized: $0~string0.
12025 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A table used in the IGNORE CHANGES clause must also be in the FROM clause.
12026 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN All tables in the FROM clause are also in the IGNORE CHANGES clause.
12027 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Materialized views cannot be created on metadata table $0~string0.
12028 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Grant update is not allowed for materialized views.
12029 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN An attribute reserved for materialized views cannot be used for table creation.
12030 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- unused as of 11/15/07 -----
12031 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- unused as of 11/15/07 -----
12032 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The IGNORE CHANGES clause can be used only for ON REQUEST materialized views.
12033 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An underlying materialized view has an incompatible refresh type.
12034 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A materialized view cannot be created on top of these tables.
12035 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A materialized view can only be created on top of audited tables.
12036 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN An ON STATMENT materialized view must be audited.
12037 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN An ON STATEMENT materialized view using the MIN or MAX function can only be created on top of base tables that have the INSERTLOG attribute.
12038 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN GRANT REFERENCES cannot be performed on materialized views.
12039 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ------------- Below are MV Parser errors ----------------
12040 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN An empty STORE BY clause is not supported for materialized views.
12041 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN STORE BY ENTRY ORDER is not supported for materialized views.
12042 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN STORE BY PRIMARY KEY is not supported for materialized views.
12043 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Only ON REQUEST materialized views can have an IGNORE CHANGES clause.
12044 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A duplicate of the IGNORE CHANGES clause was found.
12045 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A duplicate of the INSERT ONLY clause was found.
12046 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A Fatal Error occurred in the attribute table lists - list type unknown.
12047 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The ALLOCATED attribute is not supported for materialized views.
12048 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The LOCK LENGTH attribute is not supported for materialized views.
12049 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The COMPRESSION TYPE attribute is not supported for the alter statement.
12050 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The AUDIT attribute is not supported for materialized views.
12051 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The DEALLOCATE attribute is not supported for materialized views.
12052 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The specified attribute is not supported for ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW.
12053 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN An attribute list syntax error occurred.
12054 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- unused as of 11/15/07 -----
12055 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A duplicate of the [NO] LOCKONREFRESH attribute was found.
12056 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A duplicate of the RANGELOG attribute was found.
12057 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A duplicate of the [NO] INSERTLOG attribute was found.
12058 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A duplicate of the MVS ALLOWED attribute was found.
12059 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A duplicate of the COMMIT EACH attribute was found.
12060 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A duplicate of the MVATTRIBUTES clause was found.
12061 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A duplicate of the MVATTRIBUTES AUDIT attribute was found.
12062 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The RANGELOG attribute is not supported for materialized views.
12063 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The INSERTLOG attribute is not supported for materialized views.
12064 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A duplicate of the LOGGABLE column attribute $0~ColumnName was found.
12065 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Stream expression is not supported for materialized views.
12066 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The embedded $0~string0 expression is not supported for materialized views.
12067 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN UPDATE Triggers and incremental materialized views may cause compilation errors for updates on table $0~string0. Table record length of $1~int0 is larger than the recommended length of $2~int1 for tables with update triggers or incremental materialized views.
12068 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This alter operation on table $0~string0 may cause compilation errors for updates on this table. UPDATE Triggers or incremental materialized views exist on this table and the new record length of $1~int0 is larger than the recommended length of $2~int1.
12069 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A materialized view cannot be created on volatile tables.
12070 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN UPDATE Triggers and/or incremental materialized views exist on table $0~string0 and the record length is larger than the recommended length of $1~int0. If you are updating multiple columns in the same update statement, try splitting your update statement into multiple update statements where less columns are updated per statement.
12071 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---------- Reserved for materialized views ----------------
12072 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The materialized view $0~string0 is inaccessible.
12073 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The materialized view $0~TableName is not available.
12074 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A materialized view cannot be updated directly.
12075 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A materialized view metadata table cannot be updated directly.
12076 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The INITIALIZED ON CREATE materialized view cannot use a NO LOCKONREFRESH object.
12077 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN All used objects must be set to LOCKONREFRESH before materialized view initialization.
12078 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The materialized view entry sequence clustering schema is not allowed.
12079 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The use of a non-self-maintainable materialized view with NO LOCKONREFRESH is not allowed.
12080 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN An AUTO/MIX range log and NO LOCKONREFRESH cannot coexist.
12081 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- unused as of 11/15/07 -----
12082 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The COMMIT REFRESH EACH clause can only be used for audited, ON REQUEST, self-maintainable materialized views.
12083 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Hash partitioning and an automatic or mixed range log cannot coexist.
12084 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN This materialized view cannot be of type INITIALIZED ON CREATE or NO INITIALIZATION.
12085 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN This materialized view cannot be of type INITIALIZE BY USER
12086 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The alter MVLog operation failed.
12087 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The operation failed because the MVLog is not empty.
12088 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A materialized view is dependent on this MVS ALLOWED attribute.
12089 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A clustering key column cannot be NOT LOGGABLE.
12090 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN A column could not be added to the IUD log of table $0~string0.
12091 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The operation could not be completed - materialized view on NOT LOGGABLE column error.
12092 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN GROUP BY columns cannot exceed $0~Int0 characters.
12093 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A materialized view cannot be created with the NO LOCKONREFRESH attribute.
12094 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 5/7/12 ---
12095 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The audit attribute cannot be changed for an ON REQUEST MJV underlying object.
12096 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN An IUD log or range log already exists for materialized view $0~string0.
12097 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The creation of a multi-transaction context table failed.
12098 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The multi-transaction context table cannot be dropped.
12099 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The COMMIT REFRESH EACH was set to zero because the materialized view was set to NO AUDIT or NO AUDITONREFRESH.
12100 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN All IGNORE CHANGES objects must have the LOCKONREFRESH table attribute.
12101 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY A materialized view cannot be created on vertically-partitioned base tables.
12102 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN ON REQUEST materialized views which track changes on multiple base tables cannot have underlying base tables with manual/mix range logs.
12103 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Recomputed materialized views must have an initialization clause.
12104 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- unused as of 11/15/07 -----
12105 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The table's partition key is not a prefix of its clustering index. The range log cannot be defined on the table.
12106 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The index was created with a NO POPULATE clause. The index will be populated during the first refresh.
12107 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The STORE BY clause is illegal. The specified columns are aggregated columns or do not exist.
12108 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The materialized view was defined without a STORE BY clause.
12109 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN To ensure optimal refresh performance, the STORE BY clause should include the following GROUP BY columns: $0~string0.
12110 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The materialized view $0~string0 and its dependents were dropped because of insufficient privileges.
12111 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN NO AUDIT materialized views are not supported.
12112 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A secondary index $0~string0 was created for the materialized view.
12113 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN ON STATEMENT MAVs and MAJVs are currently not supported.
12114 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN ON STATEMENT materialized views using this object.
12115 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The IGNORE CHANGES clause of materialized view $0~TableName cannot be altered when the logs of the tables referred to in the IGNORE CHANGES clause are not empty. Refresh the materialized view and try the ALTER statement again.
12116 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The IGNORE CHANGES clause of materialized view $0~TableName cannot be altered when the COMMIT REFRESH EACH mvattribute is specified and the alter causes the materialized view to change from tracking changes on one base table to multiple base tables.
12117 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Populating the Query Rewrite PUBLISH_REWRITE table failed unexpectedly.
12118 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Embedded Insert, Update or Delete is not allowed on a table used by an ON STATEMENT Materialized View.
12119 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The Materialized View STORE BY clause includes non-base column $0~string0.
12120 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN This Materialized View cannot be used for query rewrite. $0~string0 QUERY REWRITE has been disabled.
12200 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---------------- reserved for MVGROUPS --------------------
12201 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN MVGroup $0~string0 does not exist.
12202 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Materialized view $0~string0 does not exist.
12203 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Materialized view $0~string0 already exists in MVGroup.
12204 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The materialized view or MVGroup does not exist.
12205 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- unused as of 11/15/07 -----
12206 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Materialized view $0~string0 is not in MVGroup.
12207 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An inconsistency problem occurred in MVGroup $0~string0.
12208 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN An MVGROUP cannot contain ON STATEMENT materialized views like $0~string0.
12209 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Some materialized views used by this materialized view must appear in the MVGroup as well.
12210 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Materialized views depending on this materialized view are already in the MVGroup.
12211 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The MVGroup already exists.
12212 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The materialized view $0~string0 and all of its dependents were removed from MVGroup $1~string1 and will not be refreshed with the MVGroup.
12213 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN You are not the owner of table $0~string1. The materialized view $0~string0 was not added to the default MVGroup $1~string1 and will not be refreshed with the MVGroup.
12214 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN An MVGROUP cannot contain user maintained materialized views like $0~string0.
12299 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---------- Reserved for mvgroups ----------------
12300 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---------- Reserved for Binder ------------------
12301 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Materialized view $0~TableName is not initialized.
12302 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The materialized view is not incremental: clustering key column $0~string0 is not visible through the view.
12303 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Materialized views do not support host variables and parameters.
12304 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN An additional phase is needed to complete the refresh.
12305 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN No additional transactions are needed to complete the refresh.
12306 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN No context row was found in the MVLog.
12307 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN No catchup row was found in the MVLog.
12308 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Internal refresh error: MIN/MAX values are compromised.
12309 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The MVLOG command can only be used on MANUAL RANGELOG and MIXED RANGELOG tables.
12310 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN No materialized views are defined on table $0~TableName.
12311 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The column list is not a prefix of the clustering key columns of table $0~TableName.
12312 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Materialized view $0~TableName is unavailable.
12313 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- unused as of 11/15/07 -----
12314 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Table $0~TableName is not used by this materialized view.
12315 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The MVLOG cannot be used on an empty table.
12316 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN No corresponding context row was found in the context log.
12317 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- unused as of 11/15/07 -----
12318 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN FIRST/ANY is not allowed in a query expression of a materialized view.
12319 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Too many changing base table tracked by the materialized view: materialized view $0~TableName cannot be incrementally refreshed because $0~Int0 of its base tables have changed.
12320 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Creation failed. Materialized views on views are not supported. The materialized view cannot be maintained incrementally.
12321 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Creation failed. The select list must have at least one column. The materialized view cannot be maintained incrementally.
12322 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Creation failed. The same table is used more than once. The materialized view cannot be maintained incrementally.
12323 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Creation failed. The selection predicate includes a nonrepeatable expression. The materialized view cannot be maintained incrementally.
12324 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Creation failed. The statement includes multiple GROUP BY clauses. The materialized view cannot be maintained incrementally.
12325 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Creation failed. The statement includes a HAVING clause. The materialized view cannot be maintained incrementally.
12326 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Creation failed. Cross joins without equal join predicates are not supported. The materialized view cannot be maintained incrementally.
12327 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Creation failed. The select list contains a nongrouping, nonaggregated column. The materialized view cannot be maintained incrementally.
12328 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Creation failed. Only equi-join predicates are allowed. The materialized view cannot be maintained incrementally.
12329 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Creation failed. Join predicates can have only one column instance on each side of the equal sign. The materialized view cannot be maintained incrementally.
12330 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Cannot alter column LOGGABLE attribute when automatic maintenance of loggable columns is ON.
12331 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Creation failed. Distinct aggregate functions are not supported. The materialized view cannot be maintained incrementally.
12333 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Creation failed. INITIALIZE clause must be provided.
12334 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Creation failed. Aggregate functions must be top level expressions. The materialized view cannot be maintained incrementally.
12399 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---------- Reserved for Binder ------------------
12499 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ---------- End Reserved MV ------------
13000 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM First preprocessor error.
13001 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM An internal error occurred. The SQL statement could not be translated.
13002 42000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM A syntax error was found near line $0~string0$1~int0.
13003 0A000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM This feature is not supported.
13004 00000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM No error.
13005 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM A general programming error occurred in file $0~string0 at line $1~int0.
13006 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Switch has bad value, $0~string1, for its expression at line $1~int0 in file $2~string0.
13007 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The output file argument is missing after the -c option.
13008 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The module definition file argument is missing after the -m option.
13009 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The listing file argument is missing after the -l option.
13010 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The timestamp argument is missing after the -t option.
13011 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM $0~string0 is an unknown command line option.
13012 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM $0~string0 is an invalid or undefined command line argument.
13013 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Help for SQLC and SQLCO is available by typing SQLC or SQLCO on the command line.
13014 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The output source file $0~string0 could not be opened.
13015 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The module definition file $0~string0 could not be opened.
13016 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Descriptor name $0~string0 conflicts with SQLC default name $1~string1.
13017 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Descriptor $0~string0 is multiply defined.
13018 33000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Descriptor name $0~string0 is not valid.
13019 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Statement name $0~string0 uses $1~string1, a reserved name SQLC generates.
13020 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Statement name $0~string0 is multiply defined.
13021 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM $0~string0 is already defined.
13022 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Cursor $0~string0 is already defined.
13023 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM $0~string0 is already defined as a dynamic cursor.
13024 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Cursor $0~string0 was not declared.
13025 01000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Warning(s) near line $0~string0$1~int0.
13026 42000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The EXEC SQL MODULE statement must precede any cursor definitions or executable SQL statements.
13027 42000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Only one EXEC SQL MODULE statement is allowed.
13028 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Static cursor $0~string0 cannot be opened because $1~string1 is out of scope at time of open.
13029 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM $0~string0 $1~string1
13030 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM $0~string0 $1~int0
13031 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Expecting a single host variable of type string.
13032 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Not expecting input host variables for static cursor $0~string0.
13033 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Host variable $0~string1 is in different scope than when cursor $1~string0 was declared.
13034 0A000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Character set $0~string0 is not yet supported.
13035 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Invalid line number $0~string0$1~int0 for line pragma; ignoring the rest.
13036 42000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM C/C++ syntax error in switch/for/while condition near line $0~string0$1~int0.
13037 42000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Function header syntax error was found near line $0~string0$1~int0.
13038 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Array size $0~string0 was expected to be an unsigned integer near line $1~string1$2~int0.
13039 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Function definition is not allowed within an SQL declare section - near line $0~string0$1~int0.
13040 42000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM A ")" was expected near line $0~string0$1~int0.
13041 0A000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Typedef encountered near line $0~string0$1~int0, and typedefs are not supported.
13042 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Unnamed declaration was found near line $0~string0$1~int0.
13043 42000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM $0~string0 was expected near line $1~string1$2~int0.
13044 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Type specification $0~string0 is not a recognized type - near line $1~string1$2~int0.
13045 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM An unexpected class declaration was found near line $0~string0$1~int0; it will be ignored.
13046 42000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM "}" was expected to end member declaration - near line $0~string0$1~int0.
13047 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Undefined tag $0~string0 was found near line $1~string1$2~int0.
13048 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Tag $0~string0 was redefined - near line $1~string1$2~int0.
13049 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Input file is not good near line $0~string0$1~int0.
13050 01000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Cursor $0~string0 is not closed.
13051 24000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Cursor $0~string0 is not opened.
13052 01000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Cursor $0~string0 is not fetched.
13053 24000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Cursor $0~string0 is not opened or closed.
13054 01000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Cursor $0~string0 is not fetched or closed.
13055 01000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Cursor $0~string0 is not opened or fetched.
13056 01000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Cursor $0~string0 is not used.
13057 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM End-of-file processing generated unexpected cursor status of $0~int0 for cursor $1~string0.
13058 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SQL CLI header file $0~string0 could not be opened.
13059 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Unknown transaction type.
13060 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The listing file $0~string0 could not be opened.
13061 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM An invalid NUMERIC precision was specified - near line $0~string0$1~int0.
13062 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Unsigned long long type is not allowed - near line $0~string0$1~int0.
13063 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Identifier $0~string0 is not defined - near line $1~string1$2~int0.
13064 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Identifier $0~string0 is not a member of struct $1~string1 - near line $2~string2$3~int0.
13065 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM End of file was found after $0~string0 when $1~string1 was expected, near line $2~string2$3~int0.
13066 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Identifier $0~string0 was expected to be a structure type - near line $1~string1$2~int0.
13067 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Source file $0~string0 could not be opened.
13068 42000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM A C/C++ syntax error was found - near line $0~string0$1~int0.
13069 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Module specification string argument is missing after the -g option.
13070 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Module Group specification string $0~string0 is not a regular identifier or is longer than 31 characters.
13071 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Module TableSet specification string $0~string0 is not a regular identifier or is longer than 31 characters.
13072 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Module Version specification string $0~string0 is not a regular identifier or is longer than 31 characters.
13073 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Module name $0~string0 is not a valid OSS file name or is longer than 128 characters.
13074 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM One or more of the three parts of the externally qualified module name $0~string0 is longer than 128 characters.
13075 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Externally qualified module name $0~string0 cannot be longer than 248 characters.
13076 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Catalog name $0~string0 is not a valid OSS file name or is longer than 128 characters.
13077 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Schema name $0~string0 is not a valid OSS file name or is longer than 128 characters.
13078 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Module catalog $0~string0 is not a valid identifier or is longer than 128 characters.
13079 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Module schema $0~string0 is not a valid identifier or is longer than 128 characters.
13080 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Externally qualified module name $0~string0 cannot be longer than 160 characters.
13081 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The output dependency file $0~string0 could not be opened.
13501 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Specified command option $0~string0 is not valid.
13502 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Source file name must be specified.
13503 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Filename for command option $0~string0 is missing.
13504 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Timestamp command option is missing.
13505 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Source input file $0~string0 cannot be opened.
13506 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM COBOL output source file $0~string0 cannot be opened.
13507 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Error while parsing source: $0~string0.
13508 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Expecting $0~string0, found $1~string1.
13509 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Expecting $0~string0 after $1~string1, found $2~string2.
13510 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The SQL declare section may not contain COPY or REPLACE.
13511 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM End of input file was reached while processing EXEC SQL.
13512 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Input file error was encountered while processing EXEC SQL.
13513 0A000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The BIT data type is not implemented in SQL.
13514 0A000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The CHARACTER SET attribute is not implemented in SQL.
13515 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Picture $0~string0 is not valid for a host variable.
13516 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Unexpected end of input file encountered after line $0~string0$1~int0.
13517 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Line $0~int0 is too long to process and has been truncated.
13518 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Line $0~int0 cannot be interpreted as a COBOL line type.
13519 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Line $0~int0 contains an unterminated character literal.
13520 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Line $0~int0 does not correctly continue a character literal.
13521 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Line $0~int0: DISPLAY host variables must be SIGN LEADING SEPARATE.
13524 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM DECLARE SECTION encountered in unexpected program section.
13525 01000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Variable $0~string0 may not be allocated correctly for a host variable.
13526 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Line $0~int0, $0~string0: $1~string1 clause is not valid for a host variable.
13527 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The first declaration in an SQL DECLARE SECTION must have level 01 or 77.
13528 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Line $0~int0: Variable $0~string0 is not alphabetic and cannot have a CHARACTER SET clause.
13529 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Missing END DECLARE SECTION detected at line $0~int0.
13800 2C000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Line $0~int0: $0~string0 is not a valid character set name.
15000 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SQLCI error messages.
15001 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A syntax error occurred at or before: $0~string0
15002 42000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Internal parser error: $0~string0.$1~string1
15003 42000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM An incomplete statement was found in input: $0~string0
15004 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Error $0~int0 on change directory attempt to $1~string0.
15005 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Unmatched quote in input (unterminated string): $0~string0
15006 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Error $0~int0 while reading from file.
15007 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Error $0~int0 while opening file $1~string0.
15008 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The specified statement does not exist in the history buffer.
15009 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The requested help topic is too long.
15010 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The help file could not be opened.
15011 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM No help is available for the requested topic.
15012 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM A file read error occurred on the help file.
15013 0A000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM This command is not supported by the SQLCI OLE server.
15014 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Section $0~string0 was not found in file $1~string1.
15015 07001 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM PARAM $0~string0 (value $1~string1) cannot be converted to type $2~string2.
15016 07001 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM PARAM $0~string0 was not found.
15017 26000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Statement $0~string0 was not found.
15018 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Break was received. The last statement may be lost.
15019 07001 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM $0~int0 values were supplied in the USING list while the statement contains $1~int1 unnamed parameters.
15020 42000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The USING list must contain at least one parameter value.
15021 42000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The USING list cannot contain more than $1~int0 parameter values.
15022 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- unused as of 04/06/04 ---
15023 42000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The USING list value $0~string0 exceeds the SQLCI limit of $1~int0 characters.
15024 42000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The USING list quoted literal $0~string0 must be followed by either a comma or a semicolon.
15025 0A000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Cursor operations are not supported by SQLCI.
15026 01000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Break rejected.
15027 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- unused as of 04/06/04 ---
15028 01000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Attempt to break from SQL statement failed.
15029 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Break was received. Please run RECOVER to recover any incomplete operations.
15030 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The specified define already exists. Use ALTER or use DELETE and ADD.
15031 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The specified define does not exist.
15032 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM An error occurred while adding, altering or deleting this define.
15033 01000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Break was received.
15034 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Specified LOG file name is not valid.
15035 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM You do not have permission to access this file.
15036 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Specified file has an inappropriate filecode or an invalid function argument was specified.
15037 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The maximum fragment length of a statement in SQL is 4096. Please retype your statement with a newline embedded in it.
15038 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM A SQL transaction is already in progress. The mode cannot be changed at this time.
15039 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM DISPLAY_EXPLAIN is deprecated, use EXPLAIN instead.
15200 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ====The next 300 msgs are the SQLCI Admin Command Library (MACL) error table.
15201 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15202 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM LOWLAYER $0~int0: $1~string0
15203 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Maximum of $0~int0 error messages exceeded, dropping the rest.
15204 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: Error number $0~int0 too large, max is $1~int1.
15205 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: Request for LowLayer error message failed, return code $0~int0 from CFGFetchError.
15206 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: Bad return code $0~int0, library call $1~string0 failed.
15207 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: Session handle was null, library call $0~string0 failed.
15208 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: Session handle not found in open list, library call $0~string0 failed.
15209 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: Buffer handle was null, library call $0~string0 failed.
15210 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: Buffer handle invalid, not in use, library call $0~string0 failed.
15211 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: Parameter error on call to client lib, library call $0~string0 failed.
15212 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: Wrong length input parameter, library call $0~string0 failed.
15213 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: EVAR list is null, library call $0~string0 failed.
15214 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: User not authorized for this action, library call $0~string0 failed.
15215 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: SERVICE name used cannot supply this info, library call $0~string0 failed. +++SUGG: SERVICE name was probably * and should be a specific SERVICE name.
15216 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: EVAR already defined, library call $0~string0 failed. +++SUGG: Look at existing EVARs with "INFO EVAR *, TYPE <xxx>".
15217 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: Guardian file system error encountered, library call $0~string0 failed. +++SUGG: Use "gtacl -c 'error $1~int0'" to decode.
15218 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: SERVER out of memory space, library call $0~string0 failed.
15219 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: SERVICE is not in started state, library call $0~string0 failed. +++SUGG: Start SERVICE and retry command.
15220 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: Configuration server on SERVICE is not operational, so library call $0~string0 failed. +++SUGG: Configuration server should soon be restarted by SERVICE, if not stop (kill) SERVICE and restart from Guardian TACL prompt.
15221 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: User input data problem, so library call $0~string0 failed. +++SUGG: Invalid environment variable definitions.
15222 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: Unspecified problem, library call $0~string0 failed.
15223 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: SERVICE process name was either an unknown process or not a SERVICE process, library call $0~string0 failed.
15224 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: SERVICE did not respond within the 5 second timeout, library call $0~string0 failed.
15225 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: Could not find semi-colon at the end of the command.
15226 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15227 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Command was missing the object type.
15228 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15229 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15230 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Opening quote is unmatched in the command, command had: $0~string0.
15231 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15232 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Empty quoted strings are not permitted in the input command. The text following the empty quoted string is: $0~string0.
15233 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Keywords can not be quoted, command had: $0~string0.
15234 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15235 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Attribute value was not terminated with a comma or semi-colon, command had: $0~string0$1~string1 $2~string2. +++SUGG: Command could be missing a comma or the whole value may need quotes. Only one token permitted for an attribute value.
15236 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15237 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Command was missing the command name.
15238 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Empty command attribute found (extra comma) just before: $0~string0.
15239 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: Command had an embedded semi-colon, command had: $0~string0.
15240 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM No attributes supported by this command, command had: $0~string0 ....
15241 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Command is missing the required attribute "$0~string0".
15242 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Command has an invalid attribute "$0~string0". +++SUGG: Check spelling or use of extra commas.
15243 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: Attribute value type "$0~string0" not supported yet.
15244 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Command has a duplicate attribute "$0~string0". +++SUGG: Remove the duplicate keyword (and value).
15245 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM This command attribute never has a value, command had: $0~string0 $1~string1. +++SUGG: Check syntax for missing comma after keyword.
15246 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM This command attribute has an invalid value, command had: $0~string0 $1~string1.
15247 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM This command attribute must have a value, command had only keyword: $0~string0.
15248 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM This command has a non-numeric character '$0~string0' in a numeric field, command had: $1~string1 $2~string2.
15249 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15250 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15251 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15252 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15253 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15254 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15255 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM A name component may not contain unquoted whitespace, command had: $0~string0$1~string1 $2~string2.
15256 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM A user name must have two components, groupname.membername.
15257 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM A component name may not contain wild cards * or ? within the name. The wild card * alone is often permitted. Use double quotes to protect these characters in DS and EVAR names when they are normal characters, command had: $0~string0.
15258 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Object name has too many components for a $0~string0 name, max is $1~int0.
15259 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM $0~string0 name component exceeds $1~int0 character limit, command had: $2~string1.
15260 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM $0~string0 name component must be * or start with $, command had: $1~string1. +++SUGG: Last component of name may be missing.
15261 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SYSTEM name component must start with the back-slash char, command had: $0~string0.
15262 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM $0~string0 name component must not be defaulted yet.
15263 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Single quote at start of component name is not permitted, command had: '$0~string0'. +++SUGG: SQL Identifiers use double quotes to prevent upcasing. Some name components are not identifiers and should not be quoted at all.
15264 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM $0~string0 name component is not an SQL identifier, can not be double quoted, command had: "$1~string1".
15265 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM $0~string0 name component is not valid, command had: $1~string1. +++SUGG: Last component of name may be missing, or double quotes on component name are missing.
15266 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Object name component has invalid character '$0~string0', command had: $1~string1.
15267 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Attribute value requires single quotes, command had: $0~string0 $1~string1 ....
15268 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Attribute takes only 'OFF' as value, command had: $0~string0 $1~string1. +++SUGG: Omit key value or look for missing comma.
15269 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Attribute value is negative or 0, must be positive, command had: $0~string0 $1~string1.
15270 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: Keyword "$0~string0" requests unsupported integer checks.
15271 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Attribute value too small, limit $0~int0, command had: $1~string0 $2~string1.
15272 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Attribute value too large, limit $0~int0, command had: $1~string0 $2~string1.
15273 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Attribute value too small, limit -9,223,372,036,854,775,808, command had: $0~string0 $1~string1.
15274 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Attribute value too large, limit 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, command had: $0~string0 $1~string1.
15275 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Concatenated strings must all start with same quote character, command had: $0~string0.
15276 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SERVICE name component * is not permitted when accessing a SERVER.
15277 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15278 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Leading spaces are not allowed in SQL identifiers, command had: '$0~string0'.
15279 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Trailing spaces are not allowed in SQL identifiers, command had: '$0~string0'.
15280 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM A quoted string was followed by syntax error in the concat operator "||", command had: $0~string0.
15281 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM No separator found after quote, command had: '$0~string0'.
15282 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15283 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15285 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM USAGE: "ADD" command supports object types: DS, EVAR, USER.
15286 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM USAGE: "ALTER" command supports object types: DS, EVAR, USER.
15287 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM USAGE: "DELETE" command supports object types: DS, EVAR, USER.
15288 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM USAGE: "INFO" command supports object types: DS, EVAR, SERVER, SERVICE, USER.
15289 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM USAGE: "START" command supports object types: DS, SERVICE.
15290 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM USAGE: "STOP" command supports object types: DS, SERVER, SERVICE.
15291 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM USAGE: "VERSION" command supports object type: SERVICE.
15292 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15293 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15294 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM USAGE: [[[system.]service.]ds] are the name components for a DS object.
15295 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM USAGE: [[[[system.]service.]ds.]evar] are the name components for an EVAR object.
15296 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM USAGE: [[[system.]service.]server] are the name components for a SERVER object.
15297 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM USAGE: [[system.]service] are the name components for a SERVICE object.
15298 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM USAGE: [[system.]groupname.membername] are the name components for a USER object.
15299 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM USAGE: command obj-type [obj-name][, attribute]...;
15300 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: Report generator got line with $0~int0 characters, max is $1~int1, truncated characters were '$2~string0'.
15301 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: Report generator got line after line array full (exceeded max line limit $0~int0). Dropped the line.
15302 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: Report generator requested to set NULL callback pointer.
15303 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: Report generator requested to clear callback pointer again, no need to clear it again.
15304 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: Report generator detected after using callback that no output lines added, but callback pointer not removed.
15305 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: DS still in use somewhere, library call $0~string0 failed.
15306 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: Data error on call to MXCS, library call $0~string0 failed.
15307 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: DS already exists, library call $0~string0 failed.
15308 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: Parameter error on call to MXCS, library call $0~string0 failed.
15309 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: DS not found, library call $0~string0 failed.
15310 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: SQL error from LowLayer, library call $0~string0 failed.
15311 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: Association server not available, library call $0~string0 failed.
15312 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: Cannot change DS state (failed to start/stop a server), library call $0~string0 failed.
15313 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: Cannot stop server process, library call $0~string0 failed.
15314 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: SERVER not found here, library call $0~string0 failed.
15315 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: DS is stopped, trace cannot be changed, library call $0~string0 failed.
15316 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: Port not available, library call $0~string0 failed.
15317 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: DS not available now, library call $0~string0 failed.
15318 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: SERVER is in use by another client, library call $0~string0 failed.
15319 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: Trace already enabled, library call $0~string0 failed.
15320 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: Trace already disabled, library call $0~string0 failed.
15321 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: Error enabling/disabling trace, library call $0~string0 failed.
15322 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: Busy, try again, library call $0~string0 failed.
15323 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: Cannot create SERVER, library call $0~string0 failed.
15324 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SUBSYSTEM: Error in configuration server, library call $0~string0 failed.
15325 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not get the list of SERVICES on the system.
15326 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not get the next SERVICE name from the list.
15327 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Failed to open a connection to SERVICE $0~string0.
15328 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not get the status for SERVICE $0~string0.
15329 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not get the status for all DSs on the SERVICE.
15330 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not get the status for DS $0~string0.
15331 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM CFG Trace file name is too long. Should be limited to 30 char.
15332 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM USAGE: FILE option is supported only with TCFG. TMACL displays to the screen.
15333 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15334 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15335 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15336 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15337 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15338 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15339 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15340 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15341 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15342 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15343 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15344 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15345 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15346 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15347 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15348 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15349 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15350 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Stop request failed for SERVER process $0~string0 on SERVICE $1~string1, object reference was $2~string2.
15351 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SERVER name must be * if DS selection attribute is specified.
15352 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not get list of SERVERs on the SERVICE $0~string0. +++SUGG: Use INFO SERVICE to see if it exists still.
15353 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM DS $0~string0 not found on SERVICE $1~string1. +++SUGG: DS name is probably not valid.
15354 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not get list of DSs names on SERVICE $0~string0.
15355 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not get name of next DS on the SERVICE $0~string0.
15356 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Failed in scan of SERVERs on the SERVICE $0~string0 before finding target name, $1~int0 were skipped before failure.
15357 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SERVER $0~string0 was not found, looked at $1~int0. +++SUGG: Perhaps name is not valid or it already terminated.
15358 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SERVER $0~string0 is not the type that can be stopped this way. +++SUGG: Perhaps name is the association or configuration server, use STOP SERVICE on them.
15359 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SERVICE $0~string0 not available, no info on SERVERs is available. +++SUGG: Use INFO SERVICE to see if it exists still.
15360 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SERVICE $0~string0 cannot supply a list of SERVERs using DS $1~string1. +++SUGG: Use INFO SERVICE to see if it exists still.
15361 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: Bad parameters on call for all SERVERs on the SERVICE $0~string0 using DS $1~string1.
15362 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: Bad parameters on call for all SERVERs on the SERVICE $0~string0.
15363 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SERVICE $0~string0 has no SERVERs. +++SUGG: Use INFO SERVICE to see if it is stopped.
15364 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15365 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not get state info for DS "$0~string0" from the service. +++SUGG: The service may never have been started and so may not know about any DS.
15366 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not get attribute info for DS "$0~string0" from the database either. +++SUGG: The DS probably does not really exist.
15367 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not get state info for DS "$0~string0" from the service and not trying for any other DSs. +++SUGG: The service may never have been started and so may not know about any DS.
15368 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not set automatic start option on DS $0~string0.
15369 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not set statistics on DS $0~string0.
15370 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not set CPU list on DS $0~string0.
15371 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not set process priority on DS $0~string0.
15372 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM DS $0~string0 creation failed.
15373 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM DS $0~string0 creation failed, cleanup failed. +++SUGG: The DS may need to be deleted or repaired.
15374 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM DS name AND SERVICE name can not both be a wild card. +++SUGG: Specify either a DS name or a SERVICE name on command line.
15375 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not get statistics from DS $0~string0.
15376 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not get CPU list from DS $0~string0.
15377 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not get process priority from DS $0~string0.
15378 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Can not delete the default DS, $0~string0.
15379 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM DS creation failed, new DS name $0~string0 already exists.
15380 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM DS $0~string0 not found.
15381 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Can not delete a DS that is in use, $0~string0. +++SUGG: The DS may need to be stopped on all services.
15382 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Connection is lost to the SERVICE, $0~string0. +++SUGG: The SERVICE may have died.
15383 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Unable to obtain all or part of the ENV variables on $0~string0.
15384 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ALLSTAT keyword must precede all other statistical keywords on the command line.
15385 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Reason text truncated, maximum characters allowed $0~int0, $1~int1 characters detected.
15386 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not enable trace for DS $0~string0.
15387 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not disable trace for DS $0~string0.
15388 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not set the attributes of DS $0~string0.
15389 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Idle server count $0~int0 exceeds maximum server count $1~int1, for DS $2~string0.
15390 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Initial server count $0~int0 exceeds maximum server count $1~int1 (or 200, whichever is smaller) for DS $2~string0.
15391 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not start DS $0~string0. +++SUGG: Most likely reason is that SERVICE is in the stopped state. Use INFO SERVICE to check the SERVICE state.
15392 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not stop DS $0~string0.
15393 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The ACTIVE attribute requires SERVICE name be specific and started, also DS name must be a wildcard.
15394 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Must specify at least one attribute on the ALTER DS command line.
15395 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not delete DS $0~string0.
15396 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not get automatic start option for DS $0~string0.
15397 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM DS name can not be *. +++SUGG: Specify a DS name on the command.
15398 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not get attribute info for DS "$0~string0" from database.
15399 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Invalid DS name in COPY option, starts with '$' or backslash without quotes. +++SUGG: Do not specify a system or service name here. The old and new DS must reside on the same system and service.
15400 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM No service active for tracing.
15401 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM EVAR type $0~string0 can not be used with the EVAR command $1~string1.
15402 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The $0~string0 attribute is missing from this command.
15403 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The $0~string0 attribute is not permitted on this command.
15404 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM EVAR name can not be * for the alter or add command. +++SUGG: Specify an EVAR name on the command.
15405 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM DS name can not be * on an EVAR command. +++SUGG: Use a specific DS name on the command.
15406 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: $0~string0 was passed incorrect EVAR type: $1~int0.
15407 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM $0~string0 does not exist in EVAR type $1~string1.
15408 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Lower layers failed to perform action requested.
15409 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The EVAR name must be * when the TYPE is ALL.
15410 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Copying EVARs from $0~string0 data source to $1~string1 data source failed.
15411 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM No EVAR named $0~string0 found in type $1~string1. +++SUGG: Perhaps type is wrong, name is spelled wrong, or SYSTEM is wrong.
15412 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The first $0~string0 with this name was deleted, but $1~int0 more duplicates were found. +++SUG: Run the delete command again if more clean-up is needed.
15413 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Duplicate $0~string0 name found, add failed.
15414 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The first $0~string0 with this name was altered, but $1~int0 more were found. +++SUGG: Delete all except last, it is the only one used.
15415 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM No EVARs found, the DS $0~string0 does not exist. +++SUGG: Probably the DS name is incorrect.
15416 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM A define EVAR name must be 2 to 24 characters long. The first two characters must be an equal sign followed by a letter. The remaining characters can be letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores or circumflexes(^).
15417 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15418 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15419 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15420 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15421 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15422 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15423 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15424 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15425 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Failed in scan of USERs on the SYSTEM $0~string0 before end, $1~int0 were scanned before failure.
15426 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: User structure contained illegal type value $0~int0, should have been ENV_PRIVILEGES=$1~int1.
15427 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: User structure VarValue did not start with permission value 0 or 1, it had: '$0~string0'.
15428 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Failed to get the list of USERs on SYSTEM $0~string0 from lower layer. +++SUGG: Perhaps a user ID was removed from the system, but not from the MXCS table permissions.
15429 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM This command does not permit * as the $0~string0 component.
15430 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Specified user $0~string0 not found in existing list. Nothing changed.
15431 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The permissions for SUPER.SUPER may not be changed or deleted.
15432 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Failed to set up an output area for outputing USERs. New changes dropped.
15433 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Failed to insert the '$0~string0' list buffer in output area. New changes dropped.
15434 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Failed to write the USER changes in the output area to disk. New changes dropped. +++SUGG: Administrator must be super.super, and user name must be registered on this system to do this.
15435 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Too many USERs for '$0~string0' list buffer size. New changes dropped. Max characters is $1~int0, failed user is number $2~int1 of this type, $3~string1.
15436 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM User name $0~string0 is not found in the system '$1~string1' user list.
15437 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Groupname $0~string0 is not found in the system '$1~string1' user list.
15438 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM This command does not permit * as the $0~string0 component when the membername is present.
15439 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15440 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15441 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15442 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15443 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15444 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15445 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15446 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15447 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15448 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15449 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15450 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15451 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15452 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Command not supported in this release, $0~string0 $1~string1.
15453 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Unknown object type, $0~string0.
15454 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Unknown command in MXCS mode, $0~string0.
15455 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Invalid command and object type combination, $0~string0 $1~string1.
15456 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM INTERNAL: Could not close connection to SERVICE $0~string0.
15457 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not open connection to SERVICE $0~string0. +++SUGG: SERVICE name may be incorrect, system name was valid.
15458 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not open connection to system $0~string0. +++SUGG: Check spelling, check connectivity, check that SQL is operational there.
15459 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Could not open connection to DB of the local system, $0~string0. +++SUGG: Verify SQL is operational.
15460 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15461 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15462 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15463 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15464 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15465 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15466 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15467 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15468 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15469 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15470 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15471 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15472 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15473 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15474 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15475 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15476 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15477 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15478 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15479 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15480 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15481 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15482 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15483 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15484 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15485 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15486 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15487 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15488 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15489 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15490 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15491 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15492 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15493 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15494 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15495 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15496 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15497 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15498 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- Not Used Yet ---
15499 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Available, insert above, don't use until last.
15501 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM A syntax error was found.
15502 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Invalid character in the command.
15503 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The string literal must be enclosed within identical quotes.
15504 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Ampersand must be followed by another quoted string.
15505 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM This value is not allowed for this option.
15506 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The value must be a period or a comma.
15507 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The value must be between 1 and 255.
15508 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The value must be between 0 and 32767.
15509 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The value must be exactly one character.
15510 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The value must be between 1 and 32767 or ALL.
15511 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The value must be between 0 and 255.
15512 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The value must be between 0 and 255 characters for the SET LAYOUT value for SUBTOTAL option.
15513 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The value must be between 1 and 255 for the SET LAYOUT value for WINDOWS option.
15514 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The value must be between 1 and 255 for the LIST command.
15515 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM This command is not allowed because a SELECT is in progress.
15516 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM This command is allowed only when a SELECT is in progress.
15517 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM An invalid option was specified.
15518 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The value must be between 1 and 32767 for LINE_SPACING option.
15519 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The current PAGE_LENGTH $0~int0 value is insufficient for the report. The PAGE_LENGTH should be $1~int1.
15520 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The column value $0~string0 is not in the DETAIL list. All TOTAL and SUBTOTAL items must be in the DETAIL list.
15521 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM You have a SUBTOTAL command but not a BREAK command. The SUBTOTAL command is being ignored.
15522 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Because of new report definition command(s), the report is being regenerated from the start.
15523 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The value of SPACE is out of range. The valid range is between 0 and 255.
15524 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The value of TAB is out of range. The valid range is the set of values from the left margin to the right margin.
15525 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The value for PAGE, NEED, or SKIP is out of range. The valid range is between 1 and 32767.
15526 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM AS DATE or AS TIME format specified on an incompatible item type or on a value that is out of range.
15527 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM An internal error occurred in the report writer.
15528 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Option name cannot be specified twice.
15529 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Alias or detail-alias $0~string0 cannot be used because a $1~string1 command is using it.
15530 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM $0~string0 is not found in SELECT list.
15531 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Specified column number is not valid. Numeric reference to a column specified in a SELECT statement must be an integer within the range 1 through $0~int0.
15532 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM $0~string0 is a duplicate item name.
15533 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM You have specified subtotal or break title or break footing or line_number on $0~string0. You must specify a BREAK command on $0~string0 before the LIST command.
15534 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15535 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The operand of JULTIME or DATEFORMAT function must have a DATETIME datatype.
15536 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The operand of the CONVERTTIMESTAMP function must have a LARGEINT datatype (binary 64) with a scale of 0.
15537 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM An invalid arithmetic operation was attempted between $0~string0 and $1~string1 datatypes.
15538 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM An operand of the LIKE operator does not have a CHARACTER data type.
15539 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM A literal string is required here.
15540 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM An invalid date and time was entered. The valid format is MM/DD/YY [Hr:Mi:Se:Ms:Us].
15541 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM AS DATE or AS TIME format was specified on an incompatible item type.
15542 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM An unknown output device was specified.
15543 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Invalid hexadecimal characters were found in input.
15544 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Comparisons between $0~string0 and $1~string1 datatypes are not allowed.
15545 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Comparisons between SINGLEBYTE and MULTIBYTE datatypes are not allowed.
15546 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Headings cannot span more than 15 lines.
15547 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM $0~string0 is a detail-alias-name. It is not allowed in this command.
15548 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The right margin does not exceed the left margin.
15549 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM $0~string0 is nonnumeric. All total and subtotal items must be numeric.
15550 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Format specification is not valid.
15551 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Numeric expression which was evaluated caused a division by zero.
15552 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM A delimited identifier must contain at least one nonblank character.
15553 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM $0~string0 is not an alias name.
15554 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The operand for $0~string0 must have a $1~string1 datatype.
15555 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Numeric literal has too many digits. A maximum of 17 digits can be specified with an integral number.
15556 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Overflow occurred during arithmetic computation.
15557 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15558 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15559 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15560 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15561 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15562 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15563 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15564 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15565 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15566 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15567 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15568 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used ----
15569 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used ----
15570 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used ----
15571 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15572 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15573 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used ----
15574 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used ----
15575 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM $0~string0 is not specified in a current $1~string1 command and cannot be reset.
15576 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM There is no current $0~string0 command to reset.
15577 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM There are no more selected rows.
15801 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15802 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15803 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The current mode is Report.
15804 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The current mode is SQL.
15805 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The specified mode is not valid.
15806 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The conversion failed.
15807 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM NULL cannot be assigned to a NOT NULL column.
15808 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM An invalid column number was specified.
15809 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM A string overflow occurred during the evaluation of a character expression.
15810 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The buffer allocated must be on an even boundary.
15811 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM An internal error occurred - unable to get a valid Report Writer constructor.
15812 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM An internal error occurred - unable to get a valid Report Writer destructor.
15813 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The specified output device is not valid.
15814 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15815 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM An internal error occurred - unable to get a valid MXCS Constructor.
15816 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM An internal error occurred - unable to get a valid MXCS Destructor.
15817 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The current mode is MXCS.
15818 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM --- unused as of 04/06/04 ---
15990 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Character set name for SQLCI attribute TERMINAL_CHARSET is not valid.
15991 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Because of the new report definition command(s), the report is being started from the beginning.
15992 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Usage information was not found or could not be displayed.
15993 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15994 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15995 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15996 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15997 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15998 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
15999 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM SQLCI internal error occurred.
16000 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Error message file not found.
16001 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The error number $0~sqlcode is not used in SQL.
19000 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred in internal stored procedure processing.
19001 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An error was found in field description of internal stored procedure.
19002 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT No such internal stored procedure : $String0 defined.
19003 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Internal stored procedure failed without any error information returned.
19004 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU RESERVED for Internal Stored Procedure
19005 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU RESERVED for Internal Stored Procedure
19006 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU RESERVED for Internal Stored Procedure
19007 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU RESERVED for Internal Stored Procedure
19008 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU RESERVED for Internal Stored Procedure
19009 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU RESERVED for Internal Stored Procedure
19010 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU RESERVED for Internal Stored Procedure
19011 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU RESERVED for Internal Stored Procedure
19012 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU RESERVED for Internal Stored Procedure
19013 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU RESERVED for Internal Stored Procedure
19014 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU RESERVED for Internal Stored Procedure
19015 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU RESERVED for Internal Stored Procedure
19016 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Stored procedure $0~String0 expects a $1~String1 type value for parameter $2~Int0. The data type of the actual parameter value is $3~String2.
19017 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The format of input value '$0~String0' is invalid for input type $1~String1.
19018 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT A versioning related internal error occurred in internal stored procedure processing.
19019 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Input type $0~String0 is not defined for stored procedure $1~String1.
19020 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Stored procedure $String0 expects $Int0 input parameters.
19021 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Stored procedure $String0 returns with error: $String1.
19022 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MINOR LOGONLY Target feature version $0~int0 is an invalid version.
20000 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~int0 occurred during file open.
20001 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~int0 occurred during file read.
20002 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT File system error $0~int0 occurred during file write.
20003 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~int0 occurred during file close.
20004 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~int0 occurred while trying to set EOF to zero for file.
20005 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~int0 occurred while retrieving file info.
20006 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~int0 occurred while enabling large transfers for file.
20007 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT Transaction Management subsystem could not commit the current transaction.
20008 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - buffer size is not a multiple of the block size for file.
20009 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - buffer size is larger than maximum transfer size for file.
20010 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Previous read in file failed.
20011 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN An internal error occurred while performing a $0~String0 request on file $1~String1. Statement is out of sequence.
20012 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Previous write in file failed.
20013 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - did not enable large transfer for file.
20014 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~int0 occurred while getting allocated extents for file.
20015 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - no write access for file.
20016 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~int0 occurred while getting block size for file.
20017 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~int0 occurred while getting partition length for file.
20018 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT An internal error occurred. There is an inconsistency between the data type ($0~int0) and default state ($1~string0) for column ($3~string2).
20019 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT An internal error occurred. An invalid default state ($0~string0) exists in the COLS metadata table for column ($1~string1).
20020 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT An internal error occurred. The number of columns ($0~int0) defined for the referenced table $1~string0 does not match the number of columns ($2~int1) defined on the referencing table $3~string1 for constraint $4~string2.
20021 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT An internal error occurred - invalid column data type.
20022 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The field length ($0~int0) for column $1~string0 does not match the required length ($2~int1).
20023 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Object does not exist.
20024 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY Object already exists.
20025 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred while trying to access metadata for object $0~string0. Expecting cache state ($1~string1) but cache state is ($2~string2).
20026 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - invalid privilege type.
20027 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The specified begin key is greater than the end key for an ADD, MOVE, or DROP data request.
20028 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY Specified an invalid partition physical size, should be BYTES, MBYTES, KBYTES, or GBYTES.
20029 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Key range was specified incorrectly, most likely because either the begin key was specified as non-inclusive (>) or end key was specified as inclusive (<=).
20030 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The specified start key cannot be HIGH_VALUES.
20031 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The specified end key cannot be LOW_VALUES.
20032 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal problem was detected.
20033 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The partition must be empty before you drop it.
20034 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Catalog does not exist or has not been registered on the local node.
20035 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Schema does not exist.
20036 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Table $0~string0 does not exist.
20037 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY An invalid operation was specified - only ADD, DROP, and MOVE are supported.
20038 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The specified key value uses incorrect syntax.
20039 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY For the MOVE, DROP and REUSE requests, the key range must specify an exact partition range.
20040 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - file name not specified while getting file label information.
20041 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~int0 was encountered.
20042 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Importing binary data to UCS2 character column $0~string0 is not allowed.
20043 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The specified attribute cannot be modified for the existing object.
20044 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - invalid file attribute.
20045 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - invalid sort order.
20046 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - invalid size unit.
20047 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - invalid store option.
20048 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Range requested for the operation does not specify a subset of a single partition.
20049 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~int0 occurred while retrieving the name of the local system.
20050 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The modify request failed. See subsequent errors for more details.
20051 40003 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT Transaction Management subsystem could not rollback the current transaction.
20052 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Transaction Management subsystem could not set the AutoCommit.
20053 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT Transaction Management subsystem could not begin a new transaction.
20054 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - Transaction Management subsystem could not do Close() on a transaction.
20055 07000 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - Transaction Management subsystem could not prepare a dynamic SQL statement.
20056 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - Transaction Management subsystem could not close a statement.
20057 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - Transaction Management subsystem could not do GetRowsAffected() on a statement.
20058 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The specified data file does not exist or cannot be opened for READ access.
20059 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The specified format file does not exist or cannot be opened for READ access.
20060 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The -F command-line option cannot have a negative value.
20061 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The -C command-line option must have a value greater than zero.
20062 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The -T command-line option must have a value greater than zero.
20063 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 04/07/04 ---
20064 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The file type specified in the command line is not valid. Only DELIM or FIXED (case insensitive) can be specified.
20065 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The target table name is not specified.
20066 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The specified error file does not exist or cannot be opened for write access.
20067 42000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A syntax error occurred at or before: $0~string0
20068 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error or exception occurred.
20069 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The field delimiter should not contain qualifier character.
20070 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Columns in the datafile are not correct. Columns found so far: $0~string0
20071 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The row delimiter should not contain qualifier character.
20072 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY First character of the field delimiter must be different than the first character of the row delimiter.
20073 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Object $0~string0.$1~string1.$2~string2 does not exist.
20074 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN IMPORT cannot open datafile - $0~string0.
20075 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The string $0~string0 has a data format error.
20076 ZZZZZ 99999 NNNNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNNN Cannot make the process licensed.
20077 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN User does not have the needed privilege.
20078 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~int0 occurred while retrieving file label information.
20079 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN User does not have INSERT privilege to perform import operation for object $0~string0.
20080 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY The last row processed was $0~string0.
20081 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Row number $0~string0 and column number $1~string1 could not be processed. Column Data: $2~string2
20082 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The fixed-width data file does not contain enough data to be imported into the current row at column $0~string0.
20083 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The column name in the FIXED WIDTH FORMAT part of the format file is not valid.
20084 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The start position in the FIXED WIDTH FORMAT part of the format file is not valid.
20085 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The column size in the FIXED WIDTH FORMAT part of the format file is not valid.
20086 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Column $0~string0 in the FIXED WIDTH FORMAT part of the format file is not found in the target table. Key = $1~string1
20087 42000 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY One or more of the specified command-line arguments are not valid. Syntax: import catalog.schema.table -I input-file [-C number-of-rows] [-E error-file] [-F rows-to-skip] [-L max-errors] [-R multiple of trans-size] [-S] [-T trans-size] [-U format-file] [-W file-type] [-FD field-delimiter] [-QL field-qualifier] [-RD row-delimiter] [-Z character-set]
20088 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The format file name is not present in compile time arguments. Key = $0~string0
20089 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The column name is not found in compile time arguments. Key = $0~string0
20090 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The column type is not present in compile time arguments. Key = $0~string0
20091 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The column size is not specified in compile time arguments. Key = $0~string0
20092 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The column precision is not present in compile time arguments. Key = $0~string0
20093 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The column scale is not present in compile time arguments. Key = $0~string0
20094 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The column first precision is not present in compile time arguments. Key = $0~string0
20095 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The column last precision is not present in compile time arguments. Key = $0~string0
20096 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The column IsSkipped is not present in compile time arguments. Key = $0~string0
20097 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Date order $0~string0 is not valid.
20098 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The column name is not specified in the COLUMN FORMAT section of the format file.
20099 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Column ($0~string0) defined as NOT NULL NO DEFAULT cannot be skipped.
20100 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY No value is specified for "skip" in the COLUMN FORMAT of the format file. Column name = $0~string0.
20101 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU $0~string0
20102 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY The object name should not have a trailing blank.
20103 42000 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY The object name contains an invalid character: position in string $0~int0, length of string $1~int1, value found $2~int2.
20104 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY The object name is over the maximum length.
20105 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - invalid object type.
20106 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - invalid lock mode.
20107 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - invalid access option.
20108 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A qualifier is missing in the data file. Column number = $0~string0.
20109 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT $0~string0
20110 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN IMPORT cannot insert data into a populated table that is not audited. Delete the data or have an administrator make the table audited.
20111 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Source catalog $0~string0 does not exist or cannot be accessed.
20112 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Source schema $0~string0 does not exist or cannot be accessed.
20113 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Source table or materialized view $0~string0 does not exist or cannot be accessed.
20114 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Target catalog $0~string0 does not exist or cannot be accessed.
20115 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Target schema $0~string0 does not exist or cannot be accessed.
20116 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Target table is the same as source. Operation failed.
20117 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Catalog $0~string0 does not exist or cannot be accessed.
20118 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Schema $0~string0 does not exist or cannot be accessed.
20119 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Table $0~string0 does not exist or cannot be accessed.
20120 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Partition does not exist or cannot be accessed.
20121 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Partition is not the last in a table that is not key-sequenced. PURGEDATA cannot be performed.
20122 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Table has indexes. Cannot purge data from partition.
20123 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A user-defined transaction has been started. $0~string0 cannot be performed.
20124 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY $0~string0 operation cannot be performed if AUTOCOMMIT is OFF.
20125 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY $0~string0 operation cannot be performed if a user-defined transaction has been started or AUTOCOMMIT is OFF.
20126 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY Vertical partitions exist for the source table. Cannot perform DUP.
20127 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Target option was specified as NEW but $0~string0 exists. DUP operation failed.
20128 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY $0~string0 is a metadata table. DUP cannot be performed on metadata tables.
20129 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Internal error occurred while performing DUP.
20130 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The column IsNullable is not present in compile time arguments. Key = $0~string0
20131 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The row delimiter is missing from the data file.
20132 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A NULL value cannot be assigned to a NOT NULL NO DEFAULT field. Column number = $0~string0
20133 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A user-defined transaction has been started. DUP cannot be performed.
20134 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN IMPORT cannot open errorfile - $0~string0.
20135 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY PURGEDATA cannot be performed on a table with vertical partitions.
20136 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The qualifier must be a single character.
20137 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY $0~string0 has features that require schema version $0~int0 or higher. The version of $1~string1 is $1~int1. Cannot perform DUP.
20138 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The dummy column in the format file must be skipped.
20139 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT ABORTTRANSACTION failed with TMF error $0~string0.
20140 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Wrong parameter name passed.
20141 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Wrong parameter index passed.
20142 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - invalid datatype $0~int0. Allowed datatypes are 'char' and 'varchar'.
20143 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Equal sign is missing.
20144 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Internal versioning error occurred during metadata access.
20145 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Key range specified for a table that is not a key-sequenced table. PURGEDATA cannot be performed.
20146 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Key does not exist. Cannot perform PURGEDATA.
20147 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY User specified an empty range. Cannot perform PURGEDATA.
20148 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Begin key same as end key. PURGEDATA cannot be performed.
20149 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY External indexes exist for this $0~string0. Since the source and target have the same catalog and schema, index-map must be specified. DUP cannot be performed.
20150 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Since the source and target have the same catalog and schema, the source and the target names in index-map and constraint-map must be unique. DUP cannot be performed.
20151 0A000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY IMPORT does not currently support binary data files.
20152 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The VARCHAR varying-length can support non-binary FIXED-WIDTH format file only.
20153 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The VARCHAR varying-length can support VARCHAR data type only.
20154 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Column Null or Default flag is not present in COMPILE TIME ARGS. Key = $0~string0
20155 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Column default value is not present in COMPILE TIME ARGS. Key = $0~string0
20156 22002 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Invalid NULL or DEFAULT data indicator.
20157 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Assigning a DEFAULT value to the NO DEFAULT field. Column number = $0~string0
20158 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 01/12/04 ---
20159 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Character set $0~string0 does not exist.
20160 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Error occurred while encoding key value ($0~string0) for $1~string1.
20161 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Resume option of RECOVER command for DUP is possible only if DUP finished the data transfer between the source and target objects. RECOVER cannot be performed.
20162 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0.$1~string1.$2~string2 object is not valid.
20163 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - invalid include option of CREATE TABLE LIKE.
20164 42000 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The search condition for the specified check constraint has a syntax error.
20165 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The number of key columns ($0~int0) defined on the table or index is less than the number of key columns ($1~int1) defined in the request.
20166 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY Reserved words cannot be used for an object name.
20167 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY The object name must contain at least one character.
20168 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The partition key value cannot be specified when adding a partition to a hash-partitioned table or index.
20169 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Only the last partition of a hash-partitioned table or index can be dropped.
20170 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The specified location does not exist.
20171 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY $0~string0 section is missing in the format file.
20172 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY RecordLength is missing in the FIXED WIDTH FORMAT section of the format file.
20173 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT A transaction must be started before executing this request.
20174 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - a valid SQLNode is expected.
20175 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - trying to commit or rollback a transaction that does not exist.
20176 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN A concurrent utility or DDL operation ($2~int0) is being performed on object $0~string0. It must complete before the requested $1~string1 operation can run.
20177 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Resume option of RECOVER command for Import is possible only if Import finished inserting the data in the target table. RECOVER cannot be performed.
20178 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Internal error occurred while performing Import.
20179 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An unexpected error condition was encountered.
20180 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY $0~string0 section of the format file is not valid.
20181 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Begin key is greater than the end key. PURGEDATA cannot be performed.
20182 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error was encountered: OPEN of Import Stored Procedure failed.
20183 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The key value definition contains an invalid character string (value $0~string0).
20184 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The syntax of the format file $0~string0 is not valid.
20185 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY More than one partition resides on volume $0~string0. The MODIFY utility does not know which partition to move or drop.
20186 42000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A syntax error was found near "$0~string0" at line number $1~int0.
20187 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Command line option -R must specify a value greater than zero.
20188 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Command line option -L must specify a value greater than or equal to zero.
20189 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Data in the primary partition (or subset) cannot be moved to the previous partition because no previous partition exists.
20190 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Data in the last partition (or subset) cannot be moved to the next partition because no next partition exists.
20191 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This operation is not supported on nonaudited tables.
20192 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Operation is not allowed because table $0~string0 is a metadata table.
20193 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY This operation cannot be performed under a user-defined transaction.
20194 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Loading of index ($0~string0) failed.
20195 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The specified index ($0~string0) does not belong to table ($1~string1).
20196 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The specified index ($0~string0) contains user data.
20197 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The specified index ($0~string0) is not available.
20198 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 01/18/05 ---
20199 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error or exception occurred.
20200 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Catalog does not exist.
20201 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Schema does not exist.
20202 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Table does not exist.
20203 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Index $0~string0 does not exist.
20204 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The specified recover option is not allowed on ($0~string0).
20205 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Index $0~string0 is online. Cannot perform POPULATE INDEX.
20206 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY Data type conversion failed while converting key value ($0~string0) to data type(s) $1~string1 for $2~string2.
20207 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 01/12/04 ---
20208 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A user transaction is running.
20209 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY Nothing remains to be recovered on $0~string0.
20210 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A DDL_LOCKS name must be specified for $0~string0.
20211 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Specified DDL_LOCKS name $0~string0 is not found.
20212 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Utility process is still running for DDL_LOCKS name $0~string0.
20213 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred during RECOVER.
20214 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY No recovery is defined for DDL_LOCKS name $0~string0.
20215 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY Recovery failed for DDL_LOCKS name $0~string0.
20216 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY No $1~string1 is available for object $0~string0.
20217 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Catalog does not exist.
20218 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Schema does not exist.
20219 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Table ($0~string0) does not exist.
20220 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Index ($0~string0) does not exist.
20221 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 01/18/05 ---
20222 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Error occurred for partition file $0~string0 when attempting to set the number of index levels.
20223 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Internal error on unsupported character set conversion.
20224 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY This table cannot be purged because it is referenced by another.
20225 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Table $0~string0 is a hash or hash2 partitioned object. PURGEDATA does not allow individual or sets partitions to be purged, only the entire table can be purged.
20226 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - trigger parameter is not set.
20227 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The specified syntax is not supported for a hash or hash2 partitioned table or index.
20228 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - DDL Lock does not exist for the source table. Cannot perform RECOVER.
20229 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN A request to update the index status for index $0~string0 failed. DUP could not be performed.
20230 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY You cannot drop all partitions of the table or index. At least one partition must remain.
20231 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The specified syntax is valid only with a hash-partitioned table or index.
20232 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT This operation cannot be done on a nonaudited table that contains data.
20233 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY No partition could be found in volume $0~string0 for the specified object.
20234 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Partition $0~string0 could not be found.
20235 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Error returned while converting auth ID to auth name, status: $0~int0 ID: $1~int1.
20236 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Error returned while converting username to user ID, status: $0~int0, username: $1~string0.
20237 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred: invalid username specified, username: $0~string0.
20238 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A user-defined transaction has been started. The MODIFY utility cannot perform the partition management operation.
20239 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY $0~string0 is not a valid default attribute.
20240 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Table $0~string0 has materialized views. The MODIFY utility cannot perform the partition management operation.
20241 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The MODIFY utility cannot perform a DROP HASH operation on the object $0~string0 because the target partition $1~string1 does not have enough space for redistribution of data.
20242 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The table has DELETE triggers enabled on it. Please disable them and try again.
20243 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Unicode data file $0~string0 has no byte order mark at the beginning.
20244 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The byte order mark in Unicode data file $0~string0 is not valid.
20245 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY An invalid character set was specified. Column $0~string0 is part of the partitioning key and must be defined with the character set ISO88591.
20246 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 01/12/04 ---
20247 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 01/12/04 ---
20248 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 01/12/04 ---
20249 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 01/12/04 ---
20250 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The first partition cannot be reused because the specified new key range overlaps the existing key range of the first partition.
20251 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Request $0~int0 uses the same partition location as another request in the command.
20252 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY Only a single ADD, MOVE, DROP, or REUSE request is allowed.
20253 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The new key range must be empty before you can reuse a partition.
20254 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Partition could not be reused because the partition's key range contains data and the PURGEDATA option was not specified.
20255 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY An invalid partition management operation was specified for an index. Only ADD, DROP, and MOVE requests are supported.
20256 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT This partition management operation is not supported for entry-sequenced base table $0~String0.
20257 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY This partition management operation is not supported for system-clustered base table $0~String0.
20258 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The WHERE clause cannot be used with $0~string0 because it is a system-clustered base table.
20259 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal PURGEDATA error occurred.
20260 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Unicode data file $0~string0 cannot be used as a binary FIXED input file.
20261 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The WHERE clause must be used with $0~string0 because it has more than one partition.
20262 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Online operation is not supported on unpopulated indexes.
20263 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY An invalid DUP operation was specified; The INDEX ON option is required for duplicating unique and/or non clustering primary key constraints.
20264 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Invalid index names were specified in index-map. Cannot perform DUP.
20265 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Error $0~int0 returned during a call to SPI command $1~string0.
20266 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid message code $0~string0 returned from SPI request, expecting $1~string1.
20267 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Returned buffer from SPI request has a length of $0~string0, expected a value less than or equal to $1~string1.
20268 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The audit attribute of table $0~string0.$1~string1.$2~string2 which was turned off during import operation could not be turned on.
20269 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The audit attribute of table $0~string0.$1~string1.$2~string2 could not be turned off during import operation.
20270 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Redefinition timestamp has been reset for only local partitions of $0~string0 object. Please execute the command on the remote nodes to update respective remote partitions.
20271 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN SPI error $0~int0 returned from $1~string0 while performing an online reload operation.
20272 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Non-audited tables are not supported. Cannot perform DUP.
20273 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred.
20274 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Decoding the signature for a ROUTINE object failed.
20275 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Reload operation failed, file system error $0~int0 returned from ORSERV for file $1~string0.
20276 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Reload operation failed, already in progress.
20277 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY ANSI name $0~string0 is not specified in a valid format.
20290 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The current operation on partition $0~string0 for the object $1~string1 failed because a Utility operation on the same partition is already in progress or has failed.
20291 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The data specified in row number $0~string0 column number $1~string1 is longer than the actual column size definition. Column Data:$2~string2.
20292 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The MODIFY utility does not support online partition management on an object that has a decoupled partitioning key.
20293 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The partition cannot be reused because the partition contains data and the specified table is referenced by another table.
20294 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The partition cannot be reused because the partition contains data and the table has an enabled DELETE trigger.
20295 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The MODIFY request has completed successfully, but ORSERV failed. Please run FUP RELOAD to reclaim free space.
20296 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The MODIFY request has completed successfully, but ORSERV might not have completed successfully. Please run FUP RELOAD to reclaim free space.
20297 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The MODIFY request has completed successfully, but was directed not to start ORSERV. Please run FUP RELOAD to reclaim free space.
20298 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The program file $0~string0 is not licensed.
20299 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Error returned from PROCESS_GETINFOLIST_ while trying to get current user id. status: $0~int0, actual words returned: $1~int1.
20300 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The $0~string0 object is not currently supported.
20301 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM ----- Msg not currently used -----
20302 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The IO buffer is not large enough to hold the object's metadata.
20303 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY CANCEL cannot be used as an option for this RECOVER operation.
20304 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY RESUME cannot be used as an option for this RECOVER operation. No actual PURGEDATA work has been done. Retry your operation with CANCEL.
20305 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN An error was encountered during character set translation for row number $0~string0, column number $1~string1 and column data $2~string2.
20306 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~int0 returned while validating credentials for user $1~string0.
20307 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Authentication error $0~int0 returned while setting credentials for user $1~string0.
20308 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The schema object already exists.
20309 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM An internal error occurred - invalid count, unable to obtain the size of the metadata.
20310 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The size of the metadata is not valid.
20311 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The column data type is not supported.
20312 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The index object already exists.
20313 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Unable to check version compatibility for object $0~string0 of type $1~string1.
20314 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Internal Error: fail to retrieve the referenced object ID of the Synonym = $0~string0.
20315 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Internal Error: fail to retrieve the referenced object name of the Synonym = $0~string0.
20316 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Internal Error: return more than ONE referenced objects for Synonym = $0~string0.
20317 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Internal Error: invalid referenced object's type for the Synonym = $0~string0.
20318 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The partition object was not found.
20319 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The table object already exists.
20320 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The view object already exists.
20321 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM An internal error was encountered: invalid catalog or schema object.
20322 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Internal Error: can not find the Referenced Object for the Synonym = $0~string0.
20323 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM A PARTONLY restore is not valid for a table with vertical partitions.
20324 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The table object does not exist.
20325 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The job failed due to an internal error.
20330 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The specified parameter is not valid.
20331 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The specified parent object is not valid.
20332 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The audit metadata is not valid.
20333 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The audit file name is not valid.
20334 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM The restore options do not match the backup options.
20335 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Selected run time option is not valid.
20336 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM TMF function call failed, error code = $0~int0.
20337 0A000 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Feature not supported by the online option.
20338 ZZZZZ 99999 MMMMMMMM MMMMM MMMMMMM Master audit trail does not exist.
20339 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Indexes $0~string0 on table $1~string1 did not populate successfully.
20340 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Indexes $0~string0 on table $1~string1 were successfully populated.
20341 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Constraint validation failed, $0~int0 violations found.
20342 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Constraint $0~string0 on table $1~string1 has already been validated.
20343 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Exception table $0~string0 did not match table $1~string1.
20344 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Constraint $0~string0 on table $1~string1 is NOT DROPPABLE. You cannot validate NOT DROPPABLE constraints.
20345 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Constraint $0~string0 on table $1~string1 does not exist or is not a constraint of type $2~string2.
20350 42000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A syntax error was found in the MXTOOL operation '$0~string0'. Here is the syntax for the operation:
20351 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred.
20352 42000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Syntax error. No arguments were provided. Try 'mxtool help'.
20353 42000 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Syntax error. An invalid operation $0~string0 was requested. Try 'mxtool help'.
20354 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A Services ID or Schema owner can use the MXTOOL operation $0~string0.
20355 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY File $0~string0 was not found.
20356 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File $0~string0 could not be accessed. Error $1~int0 was returned.
20357 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY File $0~string0 is not an SQL object.
20358 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Catalog $0~string0 does not exist.
20359 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Schema $0~string0 does not exist.
20360 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Object $0~string0 does not exist or the Object is not valid for the current operation.
20361 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 01/12/04 ---
20362 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Error $0~int0 was returned while validating the file set list specified by "$1~string0".
20363 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Warning - file system error $0~int0 returned at the end of search.
20364 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred while getting the Guardian file name.
20365 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 04/07/04 ---
20366 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 04/07/04 ---
20367 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 04/07/04 ---
20368 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 04/07/04 ---
20369 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 01/12/04 ---
20370 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Invalid flag provided for the operation. Try 'mxtool help' for the operation.
20371 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY --- unused as of 12/14/2012
20372 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The resource fork is not accessible.
20373 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY The specified system does not exist in the network.
20374 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Option -s cannot be used in combination with any filtering option.
20375 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The resource fork for '$0~string0' is not accessible.
20376 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The environment variable SQLMX_TERMINAL_CHARSET = '$0~string0' is not supported.
20377 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN An error occurred while doing a conversion between TERMINAL_CHARSET & ISO_MAPPING CQD.
20384 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Call to $0~string0 failed for file ($1~string1).
20450 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY You asked to drop only the data fork $0~string0 but a resource fork exists ($1~string1).
20451 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY You asked to drop only the resource fork $0~string0 but a data fork exists ($1~string1).
20452 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN GOAWAY cannot be used to remove a Guardian file on a remote system ($0~string0).
20453 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Operation failed on $0~string0 due to timeout.
20454 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Only Super.Super user can perform the GOAWAY operation.
20456 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY The following file will be removed $0~string0. Are you sure? (Enter YES or NO):
20457 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY GOAWAY aborted at the request of the user.
20458 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN GOAWAY of file: $0~string0 failed due to file system error $1~int0.
20459 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY You specified -both for the GOAWAY request. However only $0~string0 exists. You must use -df or -rf option to GOAWAY the label.
20460 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY You specified -both for GOAWAY request of $0~string0. You must specify $1~string1 to GOAWAY the label.
20461 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Option -df does not match label $0~string0. Use -rf option to GOAWAY the label.
20462 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Option -rf does not match label $0~string0. Use -df option to GOAWAY the label.
20500 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 01/18/05 ---
20501 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An unexpected error happened during REFRESH. $0~string0
20502 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Assertion failed in file $0~string0 at line number $1~int0.
20503 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to open the output file $0~string0. REFRESH cannot be performed.
20504 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A user-defined transaction has been started. REFRESH cannot be performed.
20505 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to access the catalog data. REFRESH cannot be performed.
20506 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Catalog $0~string0 does not exist.
20507 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Schema $0~string0 does not exist.
20508 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Materialized view $0~string0 does not exist.
20509 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY MVGROUP $0~string0 does not exist.
20510 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Unexpected catalog inconsistency in materialized views.
20511 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY ON STATEMENT materialized view $0~string0 cannot be refreshed with CASCADE option.
20512 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY MVGROUP $0~string0 does not contain materialized views.
20513 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The task $0~string0 could not be executed (problem with predecessor task $1~string1).
20514 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY MVLog cleanup is not possible because no ON REQUEST materialized view is being refreshed.
20515 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Errors happened during the cache disposal.
20516 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR LOGONLY Simulating a crash of the refresh utility at testpoint #$0~int0 !!!
20517 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The task $0~string0 became obsolete.
20518 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Internal REFRESH error - unbalanced range logging.
20519 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Failed to receive reply from the remote process.
20520 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Object $0~string0 cannot participate in refresh; a utility operation associated with a DDL lock on it is currently running.
20521 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Object $0~string0 cannot participate in refresh; a process associated with a DDL lock on it is currently running.
20522 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY A DDL lock on materialized view $0~string0 cannot be canceled. Try to perform Refresh again, or restore the materialized view.
20523 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Object $0~string0 cannot participate in refresh, there are multiple DDL locks associated with it.
20524 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY A DDL lock on materialized view $0~string0 cannot be released. Try to perform Refresh with the CANCEL option.
20525 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DIALOUT Task $0~string0 cannot be executed remotely.
20526 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Refresh completed with errors. See $0~string0 for description.
20527 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to complete the task $0~string0 correctly.
20528 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to increment the current epoch of table $0~string0.
20529 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to execute the command $0~string0.
20530 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to lock the table $0~string0 in the read-protected mode.
20531 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred while extracting data type information from an internal data buffer.
20532 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred while comparing data from internal data buffers.
20533 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The datatype is not supported yet.
20534 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Failed to prepare the SQL statement $0~string0.
20535 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Remote task execution failure.
20536 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Failed to populate the index(es) during the recompute of a materialized view.
20537 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Failed to change the index's status during the recompute of a materialized view.
20538 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to fetch data from the multi-transactional materialized view's context table.
20539 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to execute :$0~string0.
20540 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Failed to execute :$0~string0.
20541 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Assertion failed in file $0~string0 at line number $1~int0.
20542 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~int0 occurred while converting phandle to filename.
20543 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~int0 occurred while executing WRITEREAD.
20544 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 04/05/04 ---
20545 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~int0 occurred while executing AWAITIO.
20546 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~int0 occurred while executing READUPDATE.
20547 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~int0 occurred while executing REPLY.
20548 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Process create error $0~int0 occurred while creating a new process.
20549 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Unable to execute MVLog cleanup : $0~string0.
20550 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Unable to compile statement : $0~string0.
20551 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The materialized view $0~string0 cannot be refreshed (not all of the used materialized views are initialized).
20552 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The current user does not have the refresh privilege for materialized view $0~string0.
20553 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Materialized view $0~string0 is unavailable. Specify the RECOMPUTE option explicitly for REFRESH.
20554 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DIALOUT Materialized view $0~string0 cannot be recomputed (at least one of the used tables is NO LOCKONREFRESH).
20555 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY ON STATEMENT materialized view $0~string0 is already initialized.
20556 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Materialized view $0~string0 cannot be refreshed standalone (the used materialized view(s) and table(s) are not coordinated).
20557 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Materialized view $0~string0 cannot be refreshed as long as the table $1~string1 remains unaudited.
20558 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The current user does not have the select and delete privileges for materialized view $0~string0, and cannot purge data from it.
20559 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The current user does not have the select privilege for materialized view $0~string0, and cannot populate its index(es).
20560 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 04/05/04 ---
20561 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~int0 occurred while opening TMF file.
20562 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred on an attempt to begin a new transaction. There are too many outstanding transactions.
20563 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT TMF error $0~int0 occurred while trying to begin a transaction.
20564 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 02/05/04 ---
20565 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT TMF error $0~int0 occurred while trying to commit a transaction.
20566 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT TMF error $0~int0 occurred while trying to abort a transaction.
20567 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT TMF error $0~int0 occurred while trying to resume a transaction.
20568 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT TMF error $0~int0 occurred while trying to get the transaction identifier.
20569 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT Refresh cannot open force file - $0~string0.
20570 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Syntax error occurred in force file $0~string0 near $1~string1 at line number $2~int2.
20571 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DIALOUT The materialized view $0~string0 has duplicate force options in force file $1~string1.
20572 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The force file $0~string0 is unreadable.
20573 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DIALOUT In the force definitions for the materialized view $0~string0, the star definition conflicts with another table definition.
20574 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DIALOUT In the force definitions for the materialized view $0~string0, $1~string1 is not a base table of $0~string0.
20575 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DIALOUT In the force definitions for the materialized view $0~string0, the CQS statement is not ended with semicolon.
20576 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $1~int0 occurred during FILE_OPEN_ on process $0~string0.
20577 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $1~int0 occurred during FILE_CLOSE_ on process $0~string0.
20578 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $1~int0 occurred during WRITEREADX on process $0~string0.
20579 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $1~int0 occurred during READX on process $0~string0.
20580 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The process $0~string0 cannot be opened as it is already opened by some other process.
20581 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The mode parameter $0~string0 specified for FILE_OPEN_ is not valid.
20582 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal Error: Utility $0~string0 fails to retrieve the ISO_MAPPING CQD value.
20583 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal Error: ISO_MAPPING CQD = $0~string0 is invalid.
20584 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal Error: Utility $0~string0 fails in the function GetInputData().
20585 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
20586 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to toggle the index audit flag during a recompute of a materialized view.
20587 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The Object $0~string0 is an internal object. This object should only exist during certain maintenance operations.
20588 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid Character error converting string from character set $0~string0 to character set $1~string1.
20589 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Buffer Overrun error converting string from character set $0~string0 to character set $1~string1.
20590 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
20591 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Refresh not allowed for user maintainable MV $1~string1.
20592 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Refresh has exhausted the RMS shared memory: $0~int0 percent of RMS shared memory has been used after preparing $1~int1 internal refresh statements.
20650 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 04/07/04 ---
20700 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- First Audit Fixup Server (MXAUDSRV) related error
20701 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Audit fix process $0~string0 was not able to allocate an extended memory segment. SEGMENT_ALLOCATE_ returned error $1~int0.
20702 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN A file system error occurred during the audit fixup phase of the operation, on file $1~string0.
20703 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT A heap allocation error occurred in process $0~string0 during the audit fixup phase of the operation.
20704 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT A hardware trap occurred in audit fixup process $0~string0.
20705 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An audit fixup request was made out of sequence.
20706 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An audit fixup process received a request with an invalid type for an audit fixup operation.
20707 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT A parameter was missing or not valid in an audit fixup request (process $0~string0).
20708 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An error occurred in audit fixup process $0~string0 while processing a TMF audit record during the audit fixup phase of the operation.
20709 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT A TMF audit read error occurred during the audit fixup phase of the operation, in audit fixup process $0~string0.
20710 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An error occurred while attempting to perform a REDO of a TMF audit record during the audit fixup phase of the operation, in audit fixup process $0~string0.
20711 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An error occurred while reporting an event to the EMS collector during the audit fixup phase of the operation, in process $0~string0.
20712 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred during the audit fixup phase of the operation. The maximum size for a request message to the audit fixup server was exceeded.
20713 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ------ Msg no longer used, can be reused ------
20714 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ------ Msg no longer used, can be reused ------
20715 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ------ Msg no longer used, can be reused ------
20716 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The audit fixup phase of the operation was unable to retrieve information from the TMF subsystem.
20717 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED CRTCL DIALOUT Audit fixup process ($0~string0) could not begin or commit a TMF transaction.
20718 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An audit trail version incompatibility on audit volume $1~string1 was encountered in audit fixup process $0~string0.
20719 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT A request with an incompatible version was made to audit fixup process $0~string0.
20720 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The audit fixup process $0~string1 could not run on system $1~string0 due to a software version incompatibility.
20721 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error (unknown exception class) occurred in audit fixup process $0~string0.
20722 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ------ Msg no longer used, can be reused ------
20723 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An audit fixup process found a label change audit record during fixup work. These audit records are most likely caused by another process performing a concurrent DDL operation, which is not allowed.
20724 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Audit fixup process $0~string0 found a violation of the uniqueness constraint while populating a unique index.
20725 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT Audit fixup process $0~string0 detected an internal error.
20726 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An audit fixup process's program file $0~string0 is not licensed.
20727 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN An unexpected error code $1~int0 was returned by the audit fixup process $0~string0.
20728 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN An SQL error $0~int0 occurred in audit fixup process $1~string0.
20729 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~int0 was returned from an MXARLIB call in audit fixup process $1~string0.
20730 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An unexpected key transform error $0~int0 occurred in audit fixup process $1~string0.
20731 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The time given in the BEFORE clause has already passed.
20732 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The time given in the AFTER clause is more than 30 days in the future.
20733 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The times given in ONCOMMITERROR clauses are not in ascending order.
20734 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Error $0~int0 was returned by CONVERTTIMESTAMP while trying to obtain local civil time.
20735 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An unexpected index transform error $0~int0 occurred in audit fixup process $1~string0.
20749 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- last Audit Fixup Server (MXAUDSRV) related error
20750 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY An invalid option was specified for the VERIFY operation.
20751 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY A user-defined transaction has been started. VERIFY cannot be performed.
20752 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The $0~string0 command cannot work on object $1~string1 that has an object type of $2~string2. $0~string0 supports only objects that have an object type of BT or MV.
20753 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error was encountered by the VERIFY operation.
20754 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN File system error ($0~int0) was returned while retrieving the $1~string0 from the resource fork.
20755 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY VERIFY cannot work on object ($0~string0), either because the object is not a table, view, stored procedure, or MV, or because the specified table, view, stored procedure, or MV does not exist.
20756 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY VERIFY cannot work on Guardian file ($0~string0) because it belongs to the $1~string1 name space. VERIFY supports only objects in the $2~string2 name space.
20757 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY The file specified ($0~string0) is a resource fork. Verify does not support operations on resource forks.
20758 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY Partition ($0~string0) is offline.
20759 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Index ($0~string0) is offline.
20760 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The redefinition timestamp ($0~string0) defined on the label does not match the time ($1~string1) defined in the metadata for Guardian file ($2~string2).
20761 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The corrupt flag ($0~string0) defined on the label does not match the corrupt flag ($1~string1) defined in the metadata for Guardian file ($2~string2).
20762 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The primary extent size ($0~string0) defined on the label does not match the value ($1~string1) defined in the metadata for Guardian file ($2~string2).
20763 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The secondary extent size ($0~string0) defined on the label does not match the value ($1~string1) defined in the metadata for Guardian file ($2~string2).
20764 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The max extent size ($0~string0) defined on the label does not match the value ($1~string1) defined in the metadata for Guardian file ($2~string2).
20765 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The audit flag ($0~string0) defined on the label does not match the audit flag ($1~string1) defined in the metadata for Guardian file ($2~string2).
20766 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The record size ($0~string0) defined on the label does not match the record size ($1~string1) defined in the metadata for Guardian file ($2~string2).
20767 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The key size ($0~string0) defined on the label does not match the key size ($1~string1) defined in the metadata for Guardian file ($2~string2).
20768 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The file ($0~string0) requested belongs to an object ($1~string1) with name space ($2~string2) which is not found in the metadata.
20769 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The ANSI name ($0~string0) in resource fork does not match ANSI name ($1~string1) defined in the metadata for Guardian file ($2~string2).
20770 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The ANSI namespace ($0~string0) in resource fork does not match ANSI namespace ($1~string1) in the metadata for Guardian file ($2~string2).
20771 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The object feature version in resource fork ($0~string0) does not match version ($1~string1) in the metadata for Guardian file ($2~string2).
20772 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The encoded first key value ($0~string0) defined in the partition map for Guardian file ($1~string1) does not match the encoded first key value ($2~string2) defined in the metadata.
20773 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The partition count in resource fork ($0~string0) does not match the partition count ($1~string1) in the metadata for Guardian file ($2~string2).
20774 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The constraint text in the resource fork does not match the constraint text in the metadata for constraint ($0~string0) while processing the Guardian file ($1~string1).
20775 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The number of droppable check constraints in resource fork ($0~string0) does not match the number of droppable check constraints ($1~string1) in the metadata for Guardian file ($2~string2).
20776 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY Check constraint ($0~string0) is defined in the metadata but missing from the resource fork for object ($1~string1).
20777 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The constraint map is missing from the resource fork for Guardian file ($0~string0).
20778 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The constraint information is missing from the metadata for object ($0~string0).
20779 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The number of indexes ($0~string0) in the index map array on the resource fork does not match the number of indexes ($1~string1) in the metadata for Guardian file ($2~string2).
20780 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY Index ($0~string0) is defined in the metadata but missing from the resource fork for Guardian file ($1~string1).
20781 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The index map array is missing from the resource fork for Guardian file ($0~string0).
20782 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The index information is missing from the metadata for index ($0~string0).
20783 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The location ($0~string0) defined in the partition map for Guardian file ($1~string1) does not match the location ($2~string2) defined in metadata.
20784 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY Partition map entry ($0~string0) is defined in the metadata but is missing from the resource fork for Guardian file ($1~string1).
20785 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The partition information for Guardian file ($0~string0) is missing from the metadata for object ($1~string1).
20786 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The partition map is missing from the resource fork for Guardian file ($0~string0).
20787 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The partition ($0~string0) defined in the metadata for index ($1~string1) does not match the partition ($2~string2) defined in the resource fork for Guardian file ($3~string3).
20788 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY User does not have authority to perform operation for object $0~string0.
20789 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The object schema version in resource fork ($0~string0) does not match version ($1~string1) in the metadata for Guardian file ($2~string2).
20790 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The partition name ($0~string0) defined in the resource fork does not match the partition name ($1~string1) defined in the metadata for Guardian file ($2~string2).
20791 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred - the partition list is missing from the metadata for object ($0~string0).
20792 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN VERIFY is not able to read file label information for Guardian file ($0~string0).
20793 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The first key value ($0~string0) defined in the partition map for Guardian file ($1~string1) does not encode to the same value defined in the metadata.
20794 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Error ($0~int0) was returned when trying to extract the catalog, schema, table, or MV from the ANSI name defined in the resource fork for Guardian file ($1~string0).
20795 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY VERIFY cannot work on Guardian file ($0~string0) that has an object type of $1~string1. VERIFY supports only objects that have an object type of $2~string2.
20796 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY Partition map entry ($0~string0) is defined in the resource fork but is missing from the metadata for Guardian file ($1~string1).
20797 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY The partition list for index ($0~string0) found in the index map array for object ($1~string1) does not match the partition information stored in the metadata.
20798 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN There is currently an $0~string0 DDL lock for $1~string1 ($2~string2).
20799 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The $0~string0 UID in the resource fork ($1~string1) does not match the UID ($2~string2) in the metadata for Guardian file ($3~string3).
20800 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The partitioning scheme in resource fork ($0~string0) does not match the partitioning scheme ($1~string1) defined in the metadata for Guardian file ($2~string2).
20801 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT There is currently an $0~string0 row hiding predicate for $1~string1.
20802 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The IncompletePartBoundChg flag is turned on for object $0~string0, file $1~string1.
20803 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The UnreclaimedSpace flag is turned on for object $0~string0, file $1~string1.
20804 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The object type in resource fork ($0~string0) does not match the object type ($1~string1) defined in the metadata for Guardian file ($2~string2).
20805 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The auditcompress flag ($0~string0) defined on the label does not match the auditcompress flag ($1~string1) defined in the metadata for Guardian file ($2~string2).
20806 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY The $0~string0 flag is set for Guardian file $1~string1.
20807 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN File code $0~string0 is incorrect for Guardian file $1~string1.
20808 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The object owner $0~string0 in the resource fork does not match object owner $1~string1 defined in the metadata for Guardian file $2~string2.
20809 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR LOGONLY The row_format defined on the label does not match the row_format defined in the metadata for Guardian file ($0~string0).
20810 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY Invoke Function with an invalid input parameter.
20811 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY Catch Unknown CLI Exception Error.
20812 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal Error: Unknown Object Security Class value found in an existing Table object.
20813 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal Error: Invoke MAINTAIN display option through CLI, no output result.
20814 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Internal Error: Invoke MAINTAIN status option through CLI, no status data.
20815 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY -----Reserved for Utility DDOL 04/06/06 ---------
20816 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR LOGONLY The current_epoch defined on the label does not match the current_epoch defined in the metadata for Guardian file ($0~string0).
20817 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR LOGONLY The mv_attributes_bitmap defined on the label does not match the mv_attributes_bitmap defined in the metadata for Guardian file ($0~string0).
20818 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR LOGONLY The refreshed_at defined on the label does not match the refreshed_at defined in the metadata for Guardian file ($0~string0).
20820 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR LOGONLY The RCB version defined on the label does not match the RCB version defined in the metadata for Guardian file ($0~string0).
20821 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY Constraint ($0~string0) is disabled.
20822 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The DML privileges in the file label do not match the privileges defined in the metadata.
20850 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY Audit bit was not changed for file $0~string0. Already set to the correct value of $1~string1.
20851 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 04/07/04 ---
20852 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY Broken bit was not changed for file $0~string0. Already set to the correct value of $1~string1.
20853 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY $0~string0 is not an SQL object that is supported by FIXUP. Only TABLES, INDEXES and Materialized views are supported.
20854 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 5/7/12 ---
20855 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN The FIXUP operation for object $0~string0 on partition $1~string1 failed with error $2~int0.
20856 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY FIXUP did not reset the corrupt bit for $0~string0. It is already set to the correct value of $1~string1.
20857 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY FIXUP did not change the redefinition timestamp for file $0~string0. It is already set to the correct value of $1~string1.
20858 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM DBADMIN File $0~string0 is located on a remote node. The current FIXUP operation cannot be performed remotely.
20859 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal FIXUP error occurred.
20860 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY $0~string0 is not a datafork/label. Only changes to datafork/label are supported.
20861 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The corrupt bit has been reset for only local partitions of $0~string0. Please execute the command on the remote nodes to update respective remote partitions.
20862 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY FIXUP can update the ANSI names for tables and Materialized views only.
20863 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for FIXUP -----
20864 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for FIXUP -----
20865 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for FIXUP -----
20866 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for FIXUP -----
20867 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for FIXUP -----
20868 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for FIXUP -----
20869 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for FIXUP -----
20870 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for FIXUP -----
20871 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for FIXUP -----
20872 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for FIXUP -----
20873 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for FIXUP -----
20874 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for FIXUP -----
20875 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for FIXUP -----
20876 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for FIXUP -----
20877 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR LOGONLY The input file $0~string0 contains invalid header information.
20990 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY PURGEDATA requires NOLOG option because $0~string0 has Materialized View defined. PURGEDATA cannot be performed.
20991 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Materialized View $0~string0 has refresh type not supported by PURGEDATA. PURGEDATA cannot be performed.
20992 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Materialized View $0~string0 is a hash2 partitioned object. PURGEDATA does not allow individual or sets partitions to be purged, only the entire table can be purged.
20993 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY Materialized View ($0~string0) does not exist.
20994 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
20995 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
20996 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
20997 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
20998 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
20999 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR LOGONLY An exception was thrown at test point $0~int0 to exercise the recovery operation. This message is for internal use only.
21000 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- First TRANSFORM utility error
21001 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The option $0~string0 has not been implemented yet.
21002 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The specified transformation is not possible.
21003 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN SKIP DEPENDENCY is disallowed here due to data dependency.
21004 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Catalog does not exist or has not been registered on the local segment.
21005 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Schema does not exist.
21006 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Table $0~string0 does not exist.
21007 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN A user-defined transaction has been started. TRANSFORM cannot be performed.
21008 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN An internal problem was detected.
21009 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN DDL Lock creation on $0~string0 fails.
21010 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Index $0~string0 does not exist.
21011 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Can not open base table/MV for index $0~string0.
21012 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Materialized View $0~string0 does not exist.
21013 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN TRANSFORM cannot be performed on a range-partitioned object.
21014 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21015 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21016 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21017 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21018 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21019 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21020 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21021 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21022 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21023 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21024 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21025 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21026 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21027 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21028 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21029 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21030 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21031 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21032 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21033 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21034 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21035 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21036 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21037 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21038 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21039 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21040 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21041 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21042 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21043 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21044 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21045 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21046 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21047 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21048 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
21049 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg reserved for TRANSFORM -----
23000 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- First Import Catalog error
23001 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0: An error occurred while instantiating $1~String1.
23002 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0: An error occurred while allocating heap.
23003 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0: File error encountered: $1~String1.
23004 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY $0~String0: Specified argument is not valid: $1~String1 $2~String2.
23005 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY $0~String0: Required argument is missing - $1~String1.
23006 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0: File $1~String1 could not be assigned to Standard Output.
23007 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0: An SQL error occurred: $1~String1.
23008 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0: Assertion failed.
23009 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY $0~String0: Too many arguments were provided: $1~String1.
23010 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- unused as of 5/7/12 ---
23011 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0: An unexpected XML tag was found: $1~String1.
23012 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0: File system error $1~Int1 from procedure: $2~String2.
23013 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0: Error code: $1~Int1. No error text available for this code.
23014 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0: An internal error occurred - unhandled exception; cannot proceed.
23015 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0: DDL command could not be found in buffer: $1~String1.
23016 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0: Formatted file error was encountered: $1~String1.
23017 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0: Expected XML tag is missing: $1~String1 $2~String2.
23018 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0: Expected map entry is missing: $1~String1 $2~String2.
23019 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY $0~String0: An invalid combination of options was provided: $1~String1.
23020 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~String0: SQL object was not found: $1~String1.
23021 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR LOGONLY $0~String0: An argument requires a corresponding value: $1~String1.
23022 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Error occurred for partition file $0~String0 when attempting to set the statistics metadata.
23099 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU --- last Import Catalog error
24000 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- first LDAP error
24001 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The LDAP host name or IP address is not allowed to be null.
24002 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The LDAP host name or IP address exceeds the maximum length of 128 characters.
24003 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Invalid LDAP port number.
24004 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Invalid LDAP version.
24005 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The Domain Name is not allowed to be null.
24006 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The Domain Name exceeds the maximum length of 50 characters.
24007 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The configuration text exceeds the maximum length of 26624 characters.
24008 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The alter config option is invalid.
24009 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The LDAP Distinguished Name suffix exceeds the maximum length of 512 characters.
24010 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The LDAP search Distinguished Name is not allowed to be null.
24011 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The LDAP search Distinguished Name exceeds the maximum length of 512 characters.
24012 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The LDAP search password is not allowed to be null.
24013 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The LDAP search password exceeds the maximum length of 128 characters.
24014 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The role name must start with an alphabetic letter.
24015 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The pre-defined roles cannot be deleted.
24016 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The LDAP port number exceeds the maximum port number 65535.
24017 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Failed to delete the Trafodion role. The role does not exist.
24018 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The user name must not start with ROLE
24020 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The LDAP CA certificate exceeds the maximum length of 4096 characters.
24021 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The LDAP CA certificate is not allowed to be null with SSL/TLS enabled, and CA certificate required.
24022 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to check the remote user.
24023 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Failed to grant the Trafodion role to the database user. The user does not exist.
24024 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN No support for an add policy function.
24025 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN No support for an alter role function.
24026 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid security object type.
24027 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to get the next available Trafodion role number.
24028 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to add the Trafodion role.
24029 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to alter the Trafodion policy.
24030 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to get the Trafodion role ID.
24031 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to delete the Trafodion role.
24032 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to get the Trafodion role.
24033 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to get a list of Trafodion roles.
24034 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to suspend the super ID.
24035 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to activate the super ID.
24036 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The role name is not allowed to be empty.
24037 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The role name exceeds the maximum length of 8 characters.
24038 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The number of maximum logon attempts must be a value from 0 through 60.
24039 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The number of seconds to wait before a logon timeout failure occurs must be a value from 0 through 86400.
24040 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The password grace period must be a value from 0 through 365 days.
24041 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The number of passwords to be remembered must be a value from 0 through 60.
24042 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The maximum password length must be a value from 8 through 64 characters.
24043 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The minimum password length must be a value from 6 through 64 characters.
24044 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The maximum number of days before a password expires must be a value from 0 through 365.
24045 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The minimum number of quality criteria that must be met when changing passwords must be a value from 0 through 4.
24046 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The user name is not allowed to be null.
24047 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The user name exceeds the maximum length of 32 characters.
24048 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Error slot available.
24049 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The user name exceeds maximum length of 128 characters.
24050 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Failed to add the LDAP configuration entry. The entry exists already.
24051 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Failed to delete the LDAP configuration entry. The entry does not exist.
24052 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Failed to alter the LDAP configuration entry. The entry does not exist.
24053 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Failed to get the LDAP configuration entry. The entry does not exist.
24054 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Error slot available.
24055 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Failed to get the user entry. The entry does not exist.
24056 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Failed to delete the user entry. The entry does not exist.
24057 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to add the database user.
24058 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Error slot available.
24059 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Unable to acquire lock.
24060 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to release lock
24061 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid lock object type.
24062 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The password does not meet the policy criteria.
24063 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The minimum password length is greater than the maximum password length.
24064 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The minimum password length is greater than eight when the password algorithm is DES or password encryption is OFF.
24065 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The maximum password length cannot be changed when password algorithm is DES and password encryption is OFF.
24066 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The maximum password length is less than the minimum password length.
24067 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The quality attribute of password cannot be changed when password algorithm is DES or password encryption is OFF.
24068 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The spaces allowed in password cannot be changed when password algorithm is DES, password encryption is OFF, or password compatibility mode is ON.
24069 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The minimum quality required of password cannot be greater than the number of quality attributes set to ON.
24070 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The Trafodion role $0~string0 does not exist.
24071 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The ROLE.NULL is not supported.
24072 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to get the maximum password length.
24073 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to add the user. The user already exists.
24074 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to add the Trafodion role. The role exists already.
24075 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Error slot available.
24076 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Error slot available.
24077 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Failed to revoke the default role from the database user. There are other roles associated with the user.
24078 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Error slot available.
24079 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Failed to set the default role. The role must already associate with the database user.
24080 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Failed to delete the Trafodion role. There are database users associated with the role.
24081 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Not authorized to perform this operation.
24082 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to add the LDAP configuration entry.
24083 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to delete the LDAP configuration entry.
24084 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to alter the LDAP configuration entry.
24085 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Failed to get the LDAP configuration entry.
24086 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The $0~string0 parameter name is too long.
24087 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The $0~string0 parameter value is too long.
24088 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid parameter name $0~string0 specified in the configuration text.
24089 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Parameter name $0~string0 was passed in without a value.
24090 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Mandatory parameter $0~string0 was not defined.
24091 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Cannot specify both UserIdentifier and UniqueIdentifier in this configuration.
24092 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid parameter value specified for parameter $0~string0.
24093 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Configuration parameter $0~string0 was specified more than once.
24094 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to authenticate the requester.
24095 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Cannot add the LDAP default configuration.
24096 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to add the LDAP configuration. The LDAP default configuration does not exist.
24097 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Cannot delete the LDAP default configuration.
24098 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Configuration parameter $0~string0 must be defined in the default configuration.
24099 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Cannot perform this operation. One or more dependent configurations exist.
24100 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid usage priority.
24101 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid date, expecting a legal Trafodion date in format MMM DD YYYY.
24102 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to alter the platform user.
24103 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Role name is missing ROLE. prefix.
24104 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid role for platform user.
24105 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Unable to add platform user.
24106 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Cannot delete, not a platform user.
24107 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Unable to delete platform user.
24108 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to add platform user. A user by that name already exists.
24109 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Failed to delete platform user. A user by that name was not found.
24110 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Current password required to change the password for this role.
24111 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This role cannot be granted to a user with an existing role.
24112 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This user has a singleton role and cannot be granted another role.
24113 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Error slot available.
24114 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid object name.
24115 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Internal error - user/role management request when no transaction was active
24116 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Resource unavailable - unable to log operation to security log.
24117 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Add Role failed
24118 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Add User failed
24119 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Alter User failed
24120 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Change Password failed
24121 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Delete Role failed
24122 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Delete User failed
24123 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Grant Role failed
24124 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Revoke Role failed
24125 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Set Role failed
24126 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Internal error occurred
24127 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Username not found
24128 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN You are not authorized to perform this command
24129 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid user for this operation
24130 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid option for this user
24131 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Role cannot be altered
24132 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid subvolume
24133 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Directory cannot exceed 128 characters
24134 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Password cannot exceed $0~int0 characters
24135 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Old password is not correct
24136 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN LDAP configuration not found
24137 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Platform role not allowed
24138 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid security character
24139 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN New role cannot be added. ROLES table failed consistency check.
24140 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Invalid directory.
24499 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- last LDAP error
25000 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- first versioning error
25001 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Program $0~string0, executing on $1~string1, has encountered a version error.
25002 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT A versioning internal error occurred: missing compatibility check.
25003 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT A versioning internal error occurred: abort transaction message cleanup.
25004 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 does not exist or cannot be accessed because of a version incompatibility. Its schema is currently being upgraded to version $1~int0; the $2~string1 cannot access schemas with versions higher than $3~int1.
25005 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN $0~string0 does not exist or cannot be accessed because of a version incompatibility. Its schema is currently being downgraded from version $1~int0; the $2~string1 cannot access schemas with versions higher than $3~int1.
25006 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT The following feature is only available for schemas with version $0~int0 and higher: $0~string0. Schema $1~string1 has schema version $1~int1.
25007 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25008 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25009 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25100 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Remote node $0~string0 is not running a compatible version of SQL software. The SQL software version (MXV) of $0~string0 is $1~Int0, the local node does not support MXVs older than $2~Int1.
25101 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Remote node $0~string0 is not running a compatible version of SQL software. The SQL software version (MXV) of $0~string0 is $1~Int0, the local node supports only MXV $2~Int1.
25102 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Remote node $0~string0 is not running a version of SQL software which can interoperate with other versions. The SQL software version (MXV) of $0~string0 is $1~Int0.
25103 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A SQL compiler of version $0~Int0 is required but cannot be found.
25104 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Remote node $0~string0 is not running a compatible version of SQL software. The SQL software version (MXV) of the local node is $1~Int0, $0~string0 does not support MXVs older than $2~Int1.
25105 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The current command requires all involved nodes to run SQL Software Version (MXV) $0~Int0 or higher. $1~string0 has a partition or dependent object on $2~string1; the MXV of that node is $3~Int1.
25106 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25107 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25108 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25109 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25200 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Table or view $0~string0 cannot be accessed because of a version incompatibility. Its schema has version $1~Int0; $2~string1 does not support schema versions lower than $3~Int1.
25201 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Table or view $0~string0 cannot be accessed because of a version incompatibility. Its schema has version $1~Int0; $2~string1 does not support schema versions higher than $3~Int1.
25202 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Table or view $0~string0 cannot be accessed on $1~string1 because of a version incompatibility. Its schema has version $2~Int0; $1~string1 does not support schema versions lower than $3~Int1.
25203 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Table or view $0~string0 cannot be accessed on $1~string1 because of a version incompatibility. Its schema has version $2~Int0; $1~string1 does not support schema versions higher than $3~Int1.
25204 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Table or view $0~string0 has schema version $1~Int0; this is incompatible with the version of the compiler that compiles the query. The compiler version is $2~Int1.
25205 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Schema $0~string0 has schema version $1~Int0; this is incompatible with the version of the compiler that executes the operation. The compiler version is $2~Int1.
25206 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The system schema on node $0~string0 has system schema version $1~Int0; this is incompatible with the version of the compiler. The compiler version is $2~Int1.
25207 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The system schema on node $0~string0 has system schema version $1~Int0; node $2~string1 does not support system schema versions lower than $3~Int1.
25208 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The system schema on node $0~string0 has system schema version $1~Int0; node $2~string1 does not support system schemas with versions higher than $3~Int1.
25209 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Related schemas must have identical schema version. Schema $0~string0 has version $1~Int0; schema $2~string1 has version $3~Int1.
25210 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Schema $0~string0 has schema version $1~Int0; $2~string1 does not support schema versions lower than $3~Int1.
25211 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Table or view $0~string0 can be accessed only by a node with SQL software version (MXV) $1~Int0, the MXV of $2~string1 is $3~Int1.
25212 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Table or view $0~string0 has schema version $1~Int0, the local SQL software version (MXV) can access only database objects with schema version $2~Int1.
25213 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The system schema on $0~string0 can be accessed only by a node with SQL software version (MXV) $1~Int0, the MXV of $2~string1 is $3~Int1.
25214 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The system schema on $0~string0 has system schema version $1~Int0. The local SQL software version (MXV) can access only system schemas of version $2~Int1.
25215 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Schema $0~string0 can be accessed only by a node with SQL software version (MXV) $1~Int0, the MXV of $2~string1 is $3~Int1.
25216 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Schema $0~string0 has schema version $1~Int0. The local SQL software version (MXV) can access only schemas of version $2~Int1.
25217 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25218 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Schema $0~string0 has schema version $1~Int0; $2~string1 cannot access or represent schemas with versions higher than $3~Int1.
25219 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The query cannot be compiled because of a version mismatch; the highest schema version of the involved tables or views is higher than the lowest SQL software version (MXV) of the involved nodes.
25250 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Schema $0~string0 cannot be downgraded; $1~string1 $2~string2 has object feature version $3~Int0.
25251 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The $0~string0 operation involves node $1~string1 which does not support schema versions lower than $2~Int0.
25252 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The $0~string0 operation involves node $1~string1 which does not support schema versions higher than $2~Int0.
25253 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25254 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25255 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The schema version of $0~string0 is $1~Int0; it cannot be upgraded to $2~Int1.
25256 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The schema version of $0~string0 is $1~Int0; it cannot be downgraded to $2~Int1.
25257 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN No schemas are affected by the $0~string0 operation.
25258 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN You are not authorized to perform this operation.
25259 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN $0~Int0 is not a valid schema version.
25260 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN No UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE operation is in progress. There is nothing to recover.
25261 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The original $0~string0 operation is active and cannot be recovered.
25262 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN This $0~string0 operation cannot process $1~string1 because it is a metadata schema.
25263 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The $0~string0 operation cannot be executed in a user-defined transaction.
25264 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN Definition schema $0~string0 cannot be dropped because user schemas of the same version exist in its catalog.
25265 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An internal error occurred during $0~String0: $1~String1.
25266 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN This SQL Software Version (MXV) cannot process RECOVER ALL METADATA because an original operation was started by version $0~Int0 software. The current SQL Software Version (MXV) is $1~Int1.
25267 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MINOR DBADMIN The schema $0~string0 has been granted schema level privileges; it cannot be downgraded to $1~Int0.
25268 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25269 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25300 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Module $0~string0 has module version $1~Int0; node $2~string1 does not support module versions lower than $3~Int1.
25301 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Module $0~string0 has module version $1~Int0; the local node does not support module versions higher than $2~Int1.
25302 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The query plan version is $0~Int0; node $1~String0 does not support query plan versions lower than $2~Int1.
25303 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The query plan version is $0~Int0; node $1~String0 does not support query plan versions higher than $2~Int1.
25304 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A compiler of version $0~Int0 was used to compile or re-compile the query. The current compiler version is $1~Int1.
25305 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The lowest version compiler that can compile the query is $0~Int0; the current compiler version is $1~Int1.
25306 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A query plan version error occurred and the statement could not be automatically retried.
25307 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The query plan can be executed only by a node with SQL software version (MXV) $0~Int0, the MXV of $1~string0 is $2~Int1.
25308 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The query plan has plan version $0~Int0. The local SQL software version (MXV) can execute query plans with plan version $1~Int1 only.
25309 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Module $0~string0 can be executed only by a node with SQL software version (MXV) $1~Int0, the MXV of $2~string1 is $3~Int1.
25310 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Module $0~string0 has module version $1~Int0. The local SQL software version (MXV) can execute modules with module version $2~Int1 only.
25311 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN System module $0~string0 has a wrong module version. The expected module version is $1~Int0, the actual module version is $2~Int1.
25312 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A version $0~Int0 compiler is required to compile the query. The current compiler version is $1~Int1.
25313 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A compiler with version less than or equal to $0~Int0 and higher than or equal to $1~Int1 is required to compile the query. The current compiler version is $2~Int2.
25314 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25315 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25316 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25317 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25318 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25319 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25399 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- last versioning error
25400 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- first distribution error
25401 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Catalog $0~string0 has not been registered on node $1~string1.
25402 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Catalog $0~string0 has previously been registered on node $1~string1.
25403 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Catalog $0~string0 already exists on node $1~string1, but it is unrelated to the catalog of the same name on the local node $2~string2.
25404 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Catalogs $0~string0 and $1~string1 must have identical visibility.
25405 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Catalog $0~string0 cannot be created because location $1~string1 is a remote node.
25406 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Runtime visibility check failed for $0~String0 $1~string1 trying to access $2~string2.
25407 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN File system error $0~NSKCode was encountered on access to the system schema on $1~String0.
25408 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25409 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25420 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Node $0~string0 could not be accessed. File system error $1~NSKCode.
25421 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An automatic catalog reference for $0~string0 already exists on node $1~string1.
25422 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Catalog $0~string0 cannot be unregistered from node $1~string1 because database objects in the catalog are present on the node.
25423 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Schema $0~string0 has no replica on node $1~string1.
25424 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN A replica of schema $0~string0 already exists on node $1~string1.
25425 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Node $0~string0 contains the only automatic catalog reference of catalog $1~string1. Schema replicas cannot be removed.
25426 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Volume $0~string0 could not be accessed. File system error $1~NSKCode.
25427 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Catalog $0~string0 cannot be unregistered from node $1~string1 because it is related to $2~string2 which has a reference on the target node.
25428 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Catalog $0~string0 cannot be registered on node $1~string1 because it is related to $2~string2 which has no reference on the target node.
25429 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Catalog $0~string0 cannot be unregistered from node $1~string1 because it is the only catalog reference that has an automatic replication rule.
25430 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The system catalog cannot be the target of a REGISTER CATALOG or UNREGISTER CATALOG command.
25431 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- unused as of 5/7/12 ---
25432 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25433 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25434 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25435 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25436 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25437 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25438 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25439 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
25490 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT DDB Debug Warning: $0~string0 $1~string1 $2~string2 $3~string3
25499 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- last distribution error
29000 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Errors 29000 - 29499 are reserved for JDBC and documented in the JDBC manuals ----
30000 ZZZZZ 99999 UUUUUUUU UUUUU UUUUUUU ----- Msg not currently used -----
30001 42000 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY A rowset must be composed of host variable arrays.
30002 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The given rowset size ($0~Int0) must be smaller or equal to the smallest dimension ($1~Int1) of the arrays composing the rowset.
30003 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Rowset size must be an integer host variable or constant.
30004 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The dimension of the arrays composing the rowset must be greater than zero. A value of $0~Int0 was given.
30005 01000 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY The dimensions of the arrays composing the rowset are different. The smallest dimension is assumed.
30006 42000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Both rowset and scalar host variables occur in the output list. Either all output host variables must be scalar or all output host variables must be rowsets.
30007 42000 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY Incompatible assignment from type $0~String0 to type $1~String1
30008 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Rowset index is out of range.
30009 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Trying to add more elements than maximum rowset size.
30010 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED MAJOR DIALOUT An internal error occurred. Rowset is corrupted.
30011 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY More than one INTO statement in the same query is not supported.
30012 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY Rowset index $0~String0 must be specified last in the derived column list of $1~String1.
30013 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Host variable used to set input size of rowset has zero or negative value.
30014 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Host variable used to set input size of rowset is not of type short, int, or long.
30015 07000 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN In dynamic SQL, the dimensions of the arrays composing the rowset must be same.
30016 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Dynamic parameter array must be of length greater than zero.
30017 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN ROWSET FOR OUTPUT SIZE is not supported with dynamic rowsets.
30018 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN VARIABLE_POINTER, and if required, INDICATOR_POINTER descriptor fields must be set for parameter arrays.
30019 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Statement was compiled with scalar parameters and array values used during execution.
30020 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY Embedded update/delete cannot be used with SELECT...INTO and rowset.
30021 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Rowsets cannot be used in the SET clause if there are no corresponding rowsets in the WHERE clause.
30022 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY At least one row was successfully inserted by the NOT ATOMIC INSERT, but one or more errors occurred. Some warnings may also have occurred.
30023 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Variable used to retrieve ROWSET_ROW_COUNT is either a scalar or an array that is smaller than the size of the rowset used in the previous statement.
30024 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN ROWSET_ROW_COUNT is not available for this statement.
30025 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY The ATOMIC and NOT ATOMIC clauses can be used only in a rowset INSERT statement.
30026 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN NOT ATOMIC INSERT is not supported on a table that has dependent indexes that are not offline. Dependent index $0~String0 exists for table $1~String1.
30027 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY NOT ATOMIC INSERT is not supported on a table that is the subject table of BEFORE triggers. BEFORE trigger $0~String0 has table $1~String1 as its subject table.
30028 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY NOT ATOMIC INSERT is not supported on a table that is the referencing table of referential integrity constraints. Referential integrity constraint $0~String0 has table $1~String1 as its referencing table.
30029 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY NOT ATOMIC INSERT is not supported on a table that is the subject table of enabled AFTER triggers.
30030 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Atomicity clause is not allowed on an INSERT statement from either ODBC/MX or JDBC/MX.
30031 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The number of error conditions raised during the NOT ATOMIC INSERT statement has exceeded the user specified value of $0~Int0 for the capacity of the diagnostic area.
30032 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM LOGONLY This statement attribute will take effect only after the statement is PREPARED again.
30033 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN NOT ATOMIC INSERT is not supported on table $1~String1 because it is the subject table of the materialized view $0~String0.
30034 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN NOT ATOMIC INSERT is not supported on a table that is the subject table of AFTER triggers. AFTER trigger $0~String0 has table $1~String1 as its subject table.
30035 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER INFRM DBADMIN All rows in the NOT ATOMIC INSERT raised an error. No rows have been inserted.
30036 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Rowwise rowsets are currently not supported for this descriptor.
30037 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The search-condition for a DELETE [FIRST N] statement contains a rowset.
30038 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The number of rows in the input rowwise rowset buffer must be between 0 and max specified value.
30039 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An invalid length was specified for the rows in the input rowwise rowset buffer.
30040 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN An invalid value was specified for the address of the rowwise rowset buffer.
30041 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN The input rowwise rowset buffer is not set up correctly for optimized bulk data input.
30042 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY DEFAULTS attribute $0~String0 cannot be set again.
30043 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY DEFAULTS attribute $0~String0 cannot be set when schema access restriction is on.
30044 ZZZZZ 99999 ADVANCED INFRM LOGONLY You can only access objects in the default or public schema.
30045 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Error $0~Int0 was returned during decoding of compressed input rowwise rowset buffer(Error param1 = $1~Int1, Error param2 = $2~Int2).
30046 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Decompressed rowwise rowset buffer length($0~Int0) returned after decoding exceeds the internally allocated buffer length($1~Int1).
30047 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN NAR details. HexdRow: $0~String0 ErrNum: $1~Int1 ObjectName: $2~TableName PartitionName: $3~String3 FileNum: $4~Int4 RecNum: $5~Int5
30048 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Fast Load failed. Number of error rows($0~Int0) inserted into the exception table exceeded the max allowed($1~Int1).
30049 ZZZZZ 99999 BEGINNER MAJOR DBADMIN Fast Load succeeded. Number of error rows inserted into the exception table is $0~Int0