blob: 5c64d98fabb7ce332ccedaf0be58529a4deeb521 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#include <iostream>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "Cmdline_Args.h"
#include "ComDiags.h"
#include "DgBaseType.h"
#include "ErrorMessage.h"
#include "SQLJFile.h"
#include "DgBaseType.h"
#include "ExtQualModuleNames.h"
#include "mxCompileUserModule.h"
// constructor
SQLJFile::SQLJFile(std::string &filename)
: ApplicationFile(filename), nExtracted_(0), modNamList_("")
// destructor
// open SQLJ file for extraction of embedded module definitions.
// return true if all OK.
bool SQLJFile::openFile(Cmdline_Args &args)
// put together MDFWriter invocation
Lng32 cmdLen;
char cmd[1024], *cmdP=cmd, *moduleNamesOption, cmfn[L_tmpnam+40];
char *errFileName,errFileNm[L_tmpnam+20];
char *outputFileName,outputFileNm[L_tmpnam+20];
if ((moduleNamesOption=getModuleNamesOption(args,cmfn)) == NULL ||
(errFileName=getTempFileName(errFileNm)) == NULL ||
(outputFileName=getTempFileName(outputFileNm)) == NULL) {
return ApplicationFile::openFile(args);
// invoke MDFWriter to extract modules
const char mdfWriter[]= "java sqlj.runtime.profile.util.MDFWriter";
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
cmdLen = strlen(mdfWriter) + strlen(moduleNamesOption) + 2 +
strlen("-CerrorFileName=") + strlen(errFileName) + 2 +
strlen("-CMDFList=") + strlen(outputFileName) + 1 +
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
// for efficiency we try to use the stack-allocated cmd variable.
// but, no matter how big we declare it, eg: char cmd[12345],
// it is always possible for someone like QA try something like
// mxCompileUserModule -d CQD1=v1 -d CQD2=v2 ... -d CQDn=vn my.exe
// whereby the mxcmp invocation string overflows cmd. We can always
// dynamically allocate and use cmdP but "new" is very inefficient
// compared to stack allocation. So, we try to get the best of both
// by using stack allocation for the 90% case and use "new" only for
// the pathological 10% (customer is using a program generator to
// invoke us or QA is simply trying to break our code) case.
if (cmdLen > 1024) {
cmdP = new char[cmdLen];
strcpy(cmdP, mdfWriter);
strcat(cmdP, " ");
strcat(cmdP, moduleNamesOption);
strcat(cmdP, " -CerrorFileName=");
strcat(cmdP, errFileName);
strcat(cmdP, " -CMDFList=");
strcat(cmdP, outputFileName);
strcat(cmdP, " ");
strcat(cmdP, args.application().c_str());
cout << cmdP << endl;
Int32 rc = system(cmdP);
if (cmdP != cmd) {
delete cmdP;
// interpret MDFWriter's return code
if (rc == 0) { // MDFWriter invocation OK
// check MDFWriter output
if (ACCESS(outputFileName, READABLE) != 0) { // no extractions
*mxCUMptr << FAIL << DgSqlCode(-2217) << DgString0(outputFileName);
// open MDFWriter output
else if ((appFile_=fopen(outputFileName, "r")) == NULL) {
*mxCUMptr << FAIL << DgSqlCode(-2218) << DgString0(outputFileName);
else { // all OK
if (!args.keepMdf()) {
// clean up temporary file (names of modules to extract)
else if (rc == -1
) {
// function fails: cannot create child process
// or cannot get child shell's exit status
*mxCUMptr << FAIL << DgSqlCode(-2216) << DgInt0(rc);
else { // unsuccessful module extraction
*mxCUMptr << FAIL << DgSqlCode(-2216) << DgInt0(rc);
// report any MDFWriter errors/warnings now to avoid confusing the user
// with possibly interleaved MDFWriter/mxcmp errors/warnings.
return ApplicationFile::openFile(args);
// find next embedded module definition from application file
SQLJFile::findNextModule(std::string &modName)
// make sure arguments are reasonable
if (!appFile_) {
return false; // nothing doing
if (fgets(mdf_, MAXMDF, appFile_) != NULL) {
if (strlen(mdf_) >= MAXMDF-1) { // filename is too long
*mxCUMptr << WARNING << DgSqlCode(2236);
// toss rest of line
Int32 nxtCh;
do {
nxtCh = fgetc(appFile_);
} while (nxtCh != '\n' && nxtCh != EOF);
modName = mdf_;
return true; // found one
return false; // found nothing
// extract embedded module definition from appFile_ into tempfile
// make sure arguments are reasonable
if (!appFile_ || !args_) {
return false; // nothing doing
// SQL compile the extracted module definition
return mxcmpModule(mdf_);
// return "" or "-CMFN=modNamList_" where modNamList_ is a temp file that
// has the list of module names to be extracted by MDFWriter.
// requires: cmfn is long enough to hold "-CMFN=modNamList_".
char* SQLJFile::getModuleNamesOption(Cmdline_Args &args, char *cmfn)
ExtQualModuleNames* EQMNs = args.getModuleNames();
Int32 count;
if (!EQMNs || (count=EQMNs->count()) <= 0) {
return ""; // means extract all
else {
// create a temporary file
char *modNamFil, modNam[L_tmpnam+20], templNam[L_tmpnam+26];
modNamFil = getTempFileName(modNam);
if (!modNamFil) {
return NULL;
FILE *tFil = createTempFile(modNamFil, templNam);
if (!tFil) {
return NULL;
// write into temp file the names of modules to be extracted
for (Int32 x=0; x<count; x++) {
const ThreePartModuleName& modNam = EQMNs->at(x);
fprintf(tFil, "%s\n", modNam.catalog.c_str());
fprintf(tFil, "%s\n", modNam.schema.c_str());
fprintf(tFil, "%s\n", modNam.module.c_str());
// return "-CMFN=modNamList_"
strcpy(cmfn, "-CMFN=");
strcat(cmfn, templNam);
strcat(cmfn, " ");
modNamList_ = templNam;
return cmfn;
// print MDFWriter errors to cout
void SQLJFile::printMDFWriterErrors(char *errFileName)
char args[1024], EorW[10];
Int32 errNum;
FILE *errFile = fopen(errFileName, "r");
if (errFile) {
// accommodate case of MDFWriter dumping more entries into its errFile
// than can fit into the fixed-size diags area. Do this by feeding
// and then dumping diags one entry at a time.
ComDiagsArea *myDiags = ComDiagsArea::allocate(mxCUMptr->heap());
while (fscanf(errFile, "%s %d ", EorW, &errNum) != EOF) {
size_t sLen = 0;
if (fgets(args, 1024, errFile) == NULL) { // fgets got EOF or an error
args[0] = 0; // empty string
*mxCUMptr << FAIL;
else { // fgets got something
sLen = strlen(args);
// chop off terminating newline
if (args[sLen-1] == '\n') {
args[sLen-1] = 0;
if (sLen >= 1023) { // diagnostic msg is too long
// toss rest of line
Int32 nxtCh;
do {
nxtCh = fgetc(errFile);
} while (nxtCh != '\n' && nxtCh != EOF);
if (!myDiags) { // no diags
*mxCUMptr << FAIL;
if (sLen >= 1023) { // diagnostic msg is too long
cerr << "Diagnostic message is over 1023 characters long." << endl;
// echo error file entry to cerr
cerr << EorW << " " << errNum << " " << args << endl;
else {
if (sLen >= 1023) { // diagnostic msg is too long
*mxCUMptr << WARNING;
*myDiags << DgSqlCode(2237);
switch (errNum) {
case 2224:
case 2225:
case 2226:
*mxCUMptr << FAIL;
*myDiags << DgSqlCode(-errNum);
case 2227:
case 2228:
case 2230:
*mxCUMptr << FAIL;
*myDiags << DgSqlCode(-errNum) << DgString0(args);
case 2229:
*mxCUMptr << ERROR;
*myDiags << DgSqlCode(-errNum) << DgString0(args);
*mxCUMptr << (EorW[0]=='E' ? ERROR :
(EorW[0]=='W' ? WARNING : FAIL));
*myDiags << DgSqlCode(-2231) << DgInt0(errNum)
<< DgString0(EorW) << DgString1(args);
} // end switch
NADumpDiags(cerr, myDiags, TRUE);
} // end if
} // end while
if (myDiags) {
else {
*mxCUMptr << FAIL << DgSqlCode(-2218) << DgString0(errFileName);
// clean up temporary file (MDFWriter errors)
// return true iff this is a SQLJ JAR or profile file
bool SQLJFile::isSQLJ(std::string& filename)
filename.rfind(".ser") != std::string::npos || // a SQLJ profile file
filename.rfind(".jar") != std::string::npos; // a SQLJ jar file