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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ProcessEnv.C
* Description: The implementation of the class ProcessEnv, used to process
* the environment variables (defines, ...etc ) information.
* passed by executor.
* Created: 9/05/96
* Language: C++
#include "Platform.h" // NT_PORT SK 02/08/97
#include "Collections.h"
#include "ProcessEnv.h"
#include "CmpCommon.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
extern char** environ;
#define ENVIRON environ
#define PUTENV putenv
ProcessEnv::ProcessEnv(NAMemory *heap)
: heap_(heap), envs_(heap, 64)
void ProcessEnv::cleanup()
for ( CollIndex i=0; i < envs_.entries(); i++ )
NADELETEBASIC(envs_[i], heap_);
// To make sure the environment variables are the same as in executor
// (add new ones, delete the ones been deleted from executor.)
// The best way will be to
// 1. delete all environment variables first
// 2. add all the environment variables from executor.
// But PUTENV(system call) in NT creates a lot of memory leak, since this
// operation is needed for every request, the leak accumulates.
// An alternative was explored that instead of using PUTENV, ENVIRON is
// directly manipulated to save the memory and speed up execution, but
// if later in the user's code, PUTENV is called, this system call will
// manipulate the storage of ENVIRON which caused problems.
// To make sure the environment is the same as in executor and the code
// linked into arkcmp is not limited to unable to call PUTENV, the following
// is done :
// . envs_ private member in ProcessEnv contains the environment variables
// being passed over from executor last time.
// . For newenvs coming in this time, it is compared against envs_ for
// appropriate operations.
// For every entry in newenvs, if
// . it is not the same as in envs_, or
// . can't find it in envs_
// do a PUTENV and change the envs_ entries.
// For every entry in envs_, if it can't be found in newenvs
// do a PUTENV to remove this entry of environment variable.
// and delete this entry from envs_ array.
// This way,
// . PUTENV is called only when there is any changes in the environment
// variables, so the leak would not be too big. Of course, there are still
// leaks, but since this is the only system call we can use, we really
// have no other choice.
// . If there is any components calling PUTENV, it will still be compatible
// with the code. Note, that is why newenvs is compared against envs_ instead
// of ENVIRON, because other components might set the environment variables
// which makes the ENVIRON different, this info was not from executor to begin
// with and can't be removed if not found in newenvs.
void ProcessEnv::setEnv(char** newenvs, Lng32 nEnvs)
if (!newenvs)
addOrChangeEnv(newenvs, nEnvs);
removeEnv(newenvs, nEnvs);
#ifdef _DEBUG
dumpEnvs(); // only if debugging
Int32 ProcessEnv::unsetEnv(char* env)
if (!env) return 0;
Int32 i=0;
while(strcmp(ENVIRON[i], env) != 0) i++;
while(ENVIRON[i]) ENVIRON[i] = ENVIRON[++i];
return 0;
#ifdef NA_CMPDLL
void ProcessEnv::resetEnv(const char* envName)
if (!envName)
Int32 i;
size_t nameLen=strlen(envName);
CollHeap *stmtHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap();
NAList<Int32> deleteArray(stmtHeap, 16); // 16 should be more than enough
// find the env in existing env array
for (i=0; i < envs_.getSize(); i++)
if (envs_.used(i))
char* pTemp = strchr(envs_[i], '=');
if (pTemp) // found '='
Int32 envLen = (Int32)(pTemp - envs_[i]);
if (envLen == nameLen && strncmp(envName, envs_[i], nameLen) == 0 )
{ // found matching env var name
*(pTemp) = '\0';
NADELETEBASIC(envs_[i], heap_);
// remove from the env array
for (Int32 j = 0; j < deleteArray.entries(); j++) {
#endif // NA_CMPDLL
Int32 ProcessEnv::chdir(char* dir)
if (!dir) return 0;
return ::chdir(dir);
#ifndef NDEBUG
void ProcessEnv::dumpEnvs()
// To test the PUTENV still works
const char* aString = "DUMPENV=ddd";
PUTENV((char *)aString);
ofstream outStream("DUMPENVS");
Int32 i=0;
outStream << "ProcessEnv::dumpEnvs() " << endl << flush;
while (ENVIRON[i])
char tempstr[2048];
strncpy( tempstr, ENVIRON[i], sizeof(tempstr));
char* p = strchr(tempstr, '=');
if ( p ) *p = 0;
char *s;
if (s = getenv(tempstr))
outStream << "environ[" << i << "] ---- " <<
tempstr << " ---> " << s << endl;
#endif // NDEBUG
// For every entry in newenvs search envs_, if
// . not found, add a entry in envs_, do PUTENV
// . found but not the same, change the entry in envs_, do PUTENV
void ProcessEnv::addOrChangeEnv(char **newenvs, Lng32 nEnvs)
Lng32 i,j;
for (i=0; i < nEnvs; i++)
char* pTemp = strchr(newenvs[i], '=');
if (pTemp)
NABoolean sameValue = FALSE;
Int32 envNameLen = pTemp - (newenvs[i]) + 1; // including '='
char* envName = new char[envNameLen+1];
strncpy(envName, newenvs[i], envNameLen);
envName[envNameLen] = '\0';
NABoolean envChanged = FALSE;
CollIndex entriesChecked = 0;
for (j=0; entriesChecked < envs_.entries(); j++)
if ( envs_.used(j) )
if (strcmp(newenvs[i], envs_[j]) == 0)
sameValue = TRUE;
else if (strncmp(envName, envs_[j], envNameLen) == 0)
envChanged = TRUE;
if (!sameValue)
CollIndex index = j; // Put to the same location if value changed
if ( envChanged )
NADELETEBASIC(envs_[j], heap_);
index = envs_.unusedIndex(); // Insert a new env string
UInt32 len = strlen(newenvs[i]);
char *copyEnv = new (heap_) char[len + 1];
strcpy(copyEnv, newenvs[i]);
copyEnv[len] = 0;
envs_.insertAt(index, copyEnv);
delete[] envName;
// For every entry in envs_, if it can't be found in newenvs
// do a PUTENV to remove this entry of environment variable.
// and delete this entry from envs_ array.
void ProcessEnv::removeEnv(char **newenvs, Lng32 nEnvs)
Lng32 i,j;
CollHeap *stmtHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap();
NAList<Lng32> deleteArray(stmtHeap, 16);
#pragma warning (disable : 4018) //warning elimination
for (j=0; j < envs_.getSize(); j++)
#pragma warning (default : 4018) //warning elimination
if (envs_.used(j))
for (i=0; i < nEnvs; i++)
if (strcmp(newenvs[i], envs_[j]) ==0 )
if ( i >= nEnvs )
// can't find it in newenvs, envs_[j] must have been deleted
char* pTemp = strchr(envs_[j], '=');
if (pTemp)
*(pTemp+1) = '\0';
NADELETEBASIC(envs_[j], heap_);
#pragma warning (disable : 4018) //warning elimination
for (j=0; j < deleteArray.entries(); j++) {
#pragma warning (default : 4018) //warning elimination