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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: CmpStatement.h
* Description: This file contains the declaration of the routines to process
* requests from executor.
* Created: 06/24/96
* Language: C++
#ifndef CmpStatement_H
#define CmpStatement_H
#include "CmpMessage.h"
#include "CmpContext.h"
#include "ComDiags.h"
#include "CmpErrors.h"
#include "OperTypeEnum.h"
// forward declaration
class CmpStoredProc;
class CmpMain;
namespace tmudr {
class UDRInvocationInfo;
class UDRPlanInfo;
class DDLExpr;
class ExprNode;
class QueryAnalysis;
class CostMethod;
class NAMemory;
class CompilationStats;
class OptGlobals;
class CqsWA;
class CommonSubExprRef;
class ValueIdList;
class ValueIdSet;
class RelExpr;
class CSEInfo;
// contents
class CmpStatement;
class CmpStatementISP;
class CmpStatementISPGetNext;
typedef NASimpleArray<NAString*> NAStringList;
class CmpStatement : public NABasicObject
enum ReturnStatus
{ CmpStatement_SUCCESS, CmpStatement_ERROR };
// constructor
// memoryType parameter is ignored
NAMemory* outHeap = 0,
NAMemory::NAMemoryType memoryType=NAMemory::DERIVED_MEMORY);
// requests process
ReturnStatus process(const CmpMessageObj&);
ReturnStatus process(const CmpMessageEnvs&);
ReturnStatus process(const CmpMessageSQLText&);
ReturnStatus process(const CmpMessageCompileStmt&);
ReturnStatus process(const CmpMessageDDL&);
ReturnStatus process(const CmpMessageDescribe&);
ReturnStatus process(const CmpMessageUpdateHist&);
ReturnStatus process(const CmpMessageSetTrans&);
ReturnStatus process(const CmpMessageDDLNATableInvalidate&);
ReturnStatus process(const CmpMessageDatabaseUser&);
ReturnStatus process(const CmpMessageEndSession&);
ReturnStatus process(const CmpMessageDDLwithStatus&);
// retrieve the reply
CmpMessageReply* reply() { return reply_; }
// retrieve the diags
ComDiagsArea* diags() { return context_->diags(); }
// retrieve the envs
ProcessEnv* envs() { return context_->envs(); }
// methods for prvStatement
CmpStatement* prvCmpStatement() { return prvCmpStatement_; }
void setPrvCmpStatement(CmpStatement* s) { prvCmpStatement_ = s; }
// retrieve the NAMemory*
NAHeap* heap() { return heap_; }
// get user sql query
char* userSqlText() const { return sqlTextStr_; }
Lng32 userSqlTextLen() const { return sqlTextLen_; }
Lng32 userSqlTextCharSet() const { return sqlTextCharSet_; }
// set user sql query
void setUserSqlText(char * sqlTextStr)
sqlTextStr_ = sqlTextStr;
void setSqlTextLen(Lng32 txtLen) { sqlTextLen_ = txtLen; }
void setSqlTextCharSet(Lng32 charSet) { sqlTextCharSet_ = charSet; }
// get/set statement index
Int32 getStmtIndex() const { return measureStatementIndex_; }
void setStmtIndex(Int32 si) { measureStatementIndex_ = si; }
void setSMDRecompile(NABoolean TorF ) {isSMDRecompile_ = TorF;}
// set the exceptionRaised_ flag;
void exceptionRaised();
NABoolean exception() const { return exceptionRaised_; }
// member functions for stored procedure handles
const CmpStoredProc* storedProc() const { return storedProc_; }
CmpStoredProc* setStoredProc(CmpStoredProc* p);
// this method will return the deletion status of CmpStatement,
// if TRUE, means this CmpStatement is ready to be deleted.
// if FALSE, means this CmpStatement should be kept around
// for more requests coming from executor.
virtual NABoolean readyToDie() { return TRUE; }
virtual CmpStatementISP* ISPStatement() { return 0; }
// destructor
virtual ~CmpStatement();
NABoolean error(Lng32 no=arkcmpErrorNoDiags, const char* s=0);
//is this compilation a re-compilation
inline NABoolean recompiling(){return recompiling_;};
// is this a special case of SMD query recompilation
inline NABoolean isSMDRecompile() {return isSMDRecompile_;}
//is this statement a DDL statement
inline NABoolean isDDL(){return isDDL_;}
inline NABoolean isParallelLabelOp() { return isParallelLabelOp_; }
inline void setParallelLabelOp(NABoolean flag) { isParallelLabelOp_ = flag; }
QueryAnalysis* getQueryAnalysis() { return queryAnalysis_; };
QueryAnalysis* initQueryAnalysis();
void prepareForCompilationRetry();
Int32 getNumOfCompilationRetries() const { return numOfCompilationRetries_; }
// statement shape rewrite
CqsWA* getCqsWA() { return cqsWA_; }
void initCqsWA();
void clearCqsWA();
CostMethod* getCostMethodHead() { return CostMethodHead_; };
void setCostMethodHead(CostMethod* x) { CostMethodHead_ = x; };
OperatorTypeEnum getItemExprOrigOpTypeBeingBound() const
{ return ItemExprOrigOpTypeBeingBound_; };
void setItemExprOrigOpTypeBeingBound(OperatorTypeEnum x)
{ ItemExprOrigOpTypeBeingBound_ = x; };
Int32& getItemExprOrigOpTypeCounter() { return ItemExprOrigOpTypeCounter_; };
//void setItemExprOrigOpTypeCounter(Int32 x) { ItemExprOrigOpTypeCounter_ = x; };
char * getLocalizedTextBuf() { return localizedTextBuf_ ; }
void setLocalizedTextBuf( char * newBuf ) { localizedTextBuf_ = newBuf ; }
size_t getLocalizedTextBufSize() { return localizedTextBufSize_ ; }
void setLocalizedTextBufSize( size_t newSiz ) { localizedTextBufSize_ = newSiz ; }
// queue of literals from SQL statement
NAStringList& getParserStmtLiteralList() { return parserStmtLiteralList_; };
// return the CompilationStats object that is recording the compilation stats for this statement
CompilationStats* getCompilationStats () { return compStats_; }
// optimizer globals
OptGlobals* getOptGlobals() { return optGlobals_; }
TaskMonitor* getSimpleFSOMonPtr() { return simpleFSOTaskMonitor_;}
TaskMonitor* getComplexFSOMonPtr() { return complexFSOTaskMonitor_; }
// controls for the compiler graphical debugging tool
NABoolean displayGraph () { return displayGraph_; }
void setDisplayGraph (NABoolean val) { displayGraph_ = val; }
void clearDisplayGraph () { displayGraph_ = FALSE; }
// objects allocated from system heap, delete when done with the statement
void addUDRInvocationInfoToDelete(tmudr::UDRInvocationInfo *deleteThisAfterCompilation);
void addUDRPlanInfoToDelete(tmudr::UDRPlanInfo *deleteThisAfterCompilation);
// help in diagnosing failed compilation with TMUDFs
NABoolean getTMUDFRefusedRequirements() const { return detailsOnRefusedRequirements_ != NULL; }
const LIST(const NAString *) *getDetailsOnRefusedRequirements() const
{ return detailsOnRefusedRequirements_; }
void setTMUDFRefusedRequirements(const char *details);
short getDDLExprAndNode(char * sqlStr, Lng32 inputCS,
DDLExpr* &ddlExpr, ExprNode* &ddlNode);
CSEInfo *getCSEInfo(const char *cseName) const;
CSEInfo *getCSEInfoForMainQuery() const;
static Int32 getCSEIdForMainQuery() { return 0; }
CSEInfo *getCSEInfoById(Int32 cseId) const;
const LIST(CSEInfo *) *getCSEInfoList() const { return cses_; }
void addCSEInfo(CSEInfo *info);
// CmpStatement(const CmpStatement&); please remove this line
CmpStatement& operator=(const CmpStatement&);
// internal helper routines
// The CmpContext this CmpStatement belongs to
CmpContext* context_;
// The previous statement. To maintain a stack of CmpStatement.
CmpStatement* prvCmpStatement_;
// The statement heap
NAHeap* heap_;
// This heap is used to allocate the reply_ object, since this object
// will be deleted outside the this routine from executor or arkcmp.
NAMemory * outHeap_;
// The reply to be sent back to executor after processing the request in CmpStatement
CmpMessageReply* reply_;
// The flag to record whether exception has been raised in the
// statement compilation/execution. This is used to clean up properly once the
// exception is raised ( especially when longjmp occurred )
NABoolean exceptionRaised_;
// The CmpStoredProc pointer. This is used in execution ( and compilation ) of
// the stored procedure. The reason to keep this pointer here, instead of locally in
// process routine is because :
// 1. The process routine might be called multiple times for the reply to support
// multiple reply feature for a single stored procedure request. While to the
// implementation of the stored procedure, it still keeps the same handle.
// 2. In the case of exception, the connection to CmpStoredProc need to be closed.
// It should be done for both compilation and execution of the stored procedure
// request. Since we are using longjmp now, which does not clean up the stack afterwards,
// it is very important to clean up this member in exception.
// Note : Since the storedProc_ might be deleted in this class, the caller who sets this
// member should make sure delete storedProc; works. i.e. It has to be allocated correctly,
// and once it is deleted, set this member to 0, so it won't be deleted more than once.
CmpStoredProc* storedProc_;
// SQL Query in text form; used for debugging purposes
char * sqlTextStr_;
Lng32 sqlTextLen_;
Lng32 sqlTextCharSet_;
// statement index stored in the module file, mainly used by MEASURE
Int32 measureStatementIndex_;
//flag, indicates if this is a recompilation
NABoolean recompiling_;
NABoolean isSMDRecompile_;
//flag, indicates if this is a DDL statment
NABoolean isDDL_;
NABoolean isParallelLabelOp_;
// CompilationStats object that is recording the compilation stats for this statement
CompilationStats* compStats_;
// globals used during query optimization
OptGlobals* optGlobals_;
// force a shape
CqsWA* cqsWA_;
ReturnStatus setupRecompControlInfo(char * recompControlInfo,
CmpMain * cmpmain,
ReturnStatus restoreRecompControlInfo(char * recompControlInfo);
QueryAnalysis* queryAnalysis_;
CostMethod* CostMethodHead_;
OperatorTypeEnum ItemExprOrigOpTypeBeingBound_;
Int32 ItemExprOrigOpTypeCounter_;
NAStringList parserStmtLiteralList_;
char * localizedTextBuf_ ;
size_t localizedTextBufSize_ ;
TaskMonitor* simpleFSOTaskMonitor_;
TaskMonitor* complexFSOTaskMonitor_;
// The attribute displayGraph_ is used for sensing whether the user wants
// to display the query tree during optimization. Certain methods
// on RelExpr are enabled only when it is set.
NABoolean displayGraph_;
// common subexpressions in this statement, there could
// be multiple, named CSEs, each with one or more references
LIST(CSEInfo *) *cses_;
// for error reporting for UDFs, keep a list of requirements the UDF refused
LIST(const NAString *) *detailsOnRefusedRequirements_;
// indicates whether we are retrying the compile in
// CmpMain::sqlcomp(QueryText, ...
Int32 numOfCompilationRetries_;
}; // end of CmpStatement
class CmpStatementISP: public CmpStatement
CmpStatementISP(CmpContext*, NAMemory * outHeap=0);
virtual ~CmpStatementISP();
ReturnStatus process(CmpMessageISPRequest&);
ReturnStatus process(const CmpMessageISPGetNext&);
virtual NABoolean readyToDie();
virtual CmpStatementISP* ISPStatement() { return this; }
// returns TRUE if expecting more data to be fetched from the internalsp in this CmpStatement
NABoolean moreData();
// member to retrieve the ISP reqeust ID which this CmpStatementISP is processing
Int64 ISPReqId() const { return ISPReqId_; }
// the execution of the isp for certain ISP request of CmpMessageObject.
Int64 ISPReqId_;
CmpStatementISP(const CmpStatementISP&);
CmpStatementISP& operator=(const CmpStatementISP&);
}; // end of CmpStatementISP