blob: c32d206648ff1930b0e3d35a80e1f35fe5d10d11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: CmpCommon.C
* Description: The implementation of CmpCommon class, which includes the
* static functions to get the contents of the CmpContext
* class (containing the global info for arkcmp).
* Created: 09/05/96
* Language: C++
#include <stdio.h> // NT_PORT ( bd 10/24/96 ) define NULL
#include <iostream>
#include "Platform.h"
#include "CmpCommon.h"
#include "CmpContext.h"
#include "CmpErrors.h"
#include "CmpStatement.h"
#include "ErrorMessage.h"
#include "logmxevent.h"
#include "NADefaults.h"
#include "NewDel.h"
#include "SchemaDB.h"
#include "ControlDB.h"
#include "CompException.h"
#include "NAInternalError.h"
THREAD_P CmpContext* cmpCurrentContext=0;
THREAD_P jmp_buf CmpInternalErrorJmpBuf;
// Two jmp_buf pointers that the compiler will longjmp from.
// These two pointers must be assigned to the addresss of the
// jmp buffer when setjmp() is called when entering into the
// compiler.
THREAD_P jmp_buf* CmpInternalErrorJmpBufPtr;
THREAD_P jmp_buf* ExportJmpBufPtr;
ComDiagsArea* CmpCommon::diags()
return (cmpCurrentContext? cmpCurrentContext->diags() : 0);
CmpContext* CmpCommon::context()
return cmpCurrentContext;
CmpStatement* CmpCommon::statement()
return (cmpCurrentContext ? cmpCurrentContext->statement() : 0) ;
CollHeap* CmpCommon::contextHeap()
return (cmpCurrentContext ? cmpCurrentContext->heap() : 0 );
NAHeap* CmpCommon::statementHeap()
return (statement() ? statement()->heap() : 0);
TransMode * CmpCommon::transMode()
TransMode& transMode = cmpCurrentContext->getTransMode();
if (transMode.isolationLevel() == TransMode::IL_NOT_SPECIFIED_ &&
// First time in, *after* CmpCommon/CmpContext/SchemaDB has been init'd
// (Genesis 10-990224-2929); cf. SchemaDB::initPerStatement for more info.
// Get current NADefaults setting of ISOLATION_LEVEL --
// if invalid, use Ansi default of serializable -- then set our global.
CMPASSERT(transMode.isolationLevel() != TransMode::IL_NOT_SPECIFIED_);
return &(cmpCurrentContext->getTransMode());
const NAString * CmpCommon::getControlSessionValue(const NAString &token)
return ActiveControlDB()->getControlSessionValue(token);
// *********** About Error Handling in CmpAssertInternal ****************
// 1. TFDS must be done here to get a complete statck trace,
// It is only enabled with a special control query default.
// See the implemenation of makeTFDSCall().
// 3. Debugging support must be done here to give a complete stack trace.
// 3. Logging of EMS event is done in the outermost catch handler.
// 4. Adding Error/Warning to ComDiagsArea is done in the outermost catch
// handler.
// **********************************************************************
void CmpAssertInternal(const char* condition, const char* file, Int32 num)
NAInternalError::throwAssertException(condition, file, num);
CmpInternalException(condition, file, num).throwException();
void CmpAbortInternal(const char* msg, const char* file, Int32 num)
NAInternalError::throwFatalException(msg, file, num);
throw EHBreakException(file, num);
void CmpCommon::dumpDiags(ostream& outStream, NABoolean newline)
NADumpDiags(outStream, diags(), newline);
// The following functions allow access to the defaults table
// in sqlcomp/NADefaults.cpp; given the id number of the default, it
// returns the value
Lng32 CmpCommon::getDefaultLong(DefaultConstants id)
return ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults().getAsLong(id);
double CmpCommon::getDefaultNumeric(DefaultConstants id)
float result;
if (!ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults().getFloat(id, result))
{ CMPASSERT("CmpCommon::getDefaultNumeric()" == NULL); }
return result;
NAString CmpCommon::getDefaultString(DefaultConstants id)
return ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults().getString(id);
DefaultToken CmpCommon::getDefault(DefaultConstants id,
Int32 errOrWarn)
return ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults().getToken(id, errOrWarn);
DefaultToken CmpCommon::getDefault(DefaultConstants id,
NAString &result,
Int32 errOrWarn)
return ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults().token(id, result, FALSE, errOrWarn);
NABoolean CmpCommon::wantCharSetInference()
NAString defVal;
return getDefault(INFER_CHARSET, defVal) == DF_ON;
void CmpCommon::applyDefaults(ComObjectName &nam)
if (nam.getCatalogNamePart().isEmpty()) {
NAString dcat, dsch;
ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults().getCatalogAndSchema(dcat, dsch);
if (nam.getSchemaNamePart().isEmpty())