blob: afbe456acdb98143e2fe6463ba479d85d5f064e9 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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-- distributed with this work for additional information
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-- @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
CREATE TABLE lnode(lNid integer primary key, pNid integer, processors integer, roles integer, firstCore integer, lastCore integer);
CREATE TABLE monRegProcData(procId integer, keyId integer, dataValue varchar (4096), primary key (procId, keyId));
CREATE TABLE procs(procType integer, name varchar(32), nid integer, program varchar(32), stdoutFile varchar(256), args varchar(4096));
CREATE TABLE monRegClusterData(keyId integer primary key, dataValue varchar (4096));
CREATE TABLE monRegProcName(procId integer primary key autoincrement, procName varchar(32) unique);
CREATE TABLE seconfig(procname varchar(32), pnid integer, bnid integer);
CREATE TABLE monRegKeyName(keyId integer primary key autoincrement, keyname varchar(32) unique);
CREATE TABLE monRegUniqueStrings(nid integer, id integer, dataValue varchar (4096), primary key(nid, id ));
CREATE TABLE spare(pNid integer, spareFor integer );
CREATE TABLE monRegNodeData(nodeId integer, keyId integer, dataValue varchar (4096), primary key (nodeId, keyId));
CREATE TABLE persist(procName varchar(32), zone integer, reqTm integer );
CREATE TABLE monRegNodeName(nodeId integer primary key, nodeName varchar(32) unique);
CREATE TABLE pnode(pNid integer primary key, nodeName varchar(32) unique);