blob: ed158fb325e9131aa253f38f74b37a008a3aac98 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# A sample sqconfig file
# The following section is used to specify the:
# list of logical nodes and the physical nodes where they are hosted,
# the processor cores and corresponding logical processors, and
# the roles of each logica node.
# A logical node can have the following SQ roles:
# - connection
# - aggregation
# - storage
# You must:
# - specify all the processor cores in a physical node
# - specify the roles for each logical node
# On a dev env, you can use '_virtualnodes <num nodes>' to
# specify the number of virtual nodes.
begin node
end node
# Format: '<role name> <list of node ids (space separated)>
# node id: an index into the nodes specified above
# (with the base as 0)
# A -1 as node_id means all the nodes in the cluster
# The following would be used for virtual nodes only.
begin role_node_map
storage -1
end role_node_map
# storage_loc
# This is to specify the directory in which a volume's
# directory exists.
# This is used if the storage location is not specified
# explicitly for a particular TSE/ASE.
# You are not required to use this directive, but is very
# convenient when all the TSE's/ASE's are under the same
# location, say /database
storage_loc $TRAF_HOME/sql/database
storage_mir_loc $TRAF_HOME/sql/databasem
# Extents are for data audit volumes only, not $TLOG
# Minimum is 1550
begin at_extent_size
end at_extent_size
# Files per volume are for data audit volumes only, not $TLOG
# Minimum is 10
begin at_files_per_volume
end at_files_per_volume
# Percentage of audit allowed before TX is DOOMED
# Maximum is 40
begin tx_capacity_threshold
end tx_capacity_threshold
# Number of unique Backout processes per TSE
# Maximum is 3
begin backouts_per_tse
end backouts_per_tse
# The specification for the TM's ASE
begin tmase
end tmase
# To list all the TSE's ASE processes
# The specification is the same as for a TSE
# If the ASE volumes are under a different parent directory,
# you could specify the storage_loc again (before 'begin ase')
begin ase
end ase
# storage_loc
# This is to specify the directory in which a volume's
# directory exists.
# This is used if the storage location is not specified
# explicitly for a particular TSE/ASE.
# You are not required to use this directive, but is very
# convenient when all the TSE's/ASE's are under the same
# location, say /database
storage_loc $TRAF_HOME/sql/database
# begin tse/end tse
# volumeName [node id] [storage location]
# node id: if the nodeid is not provided then it distributes the
# volumes on the storage nodes specified in the
# role_node_map using a round robin scheme.
# storage location:
# if it is not provided then it uses the value provided
# by the 'storage_loc' directive and appends the name
# of the volume.
# To specify the storage location, you have to specify
# the node_id (can use -1 to specify that the next node
# in the round robin scheme be used).
# Important: The directories referred by the volumes below
# should exist when starting the SQ environment
# A file sq_tse.create is generated that contains
# commands to create the storage engine directories.
# A file sq_tse.delete is generated that contains
# commands to delete the storage engine directories.
begin tse
end tse
# Note: You could use '%' as the first character on the line followed by
# any SQ shell command. All the text would be passed verbatim.
# Section to configure Floating IP (Optional).
# This section needs to configured to ensure HPDCS(HP Database Connectivity Services)
# and BDR(Bulk Data Replicator) services are available after the failure of the node
# in which these services run.
# Usually, HPDCS is available via $MXOAS process.
# BDR Services is always available via $ZBDR process.
# floating_ip_node_id : Preferably, a Logical Node id with roles set to connection only.
# If no such node available, any logical node with roles set to connection
# along with other roles.
# floating_ip_failover_node_id :
# Preferably, a Logical Node id different than the floating_ip_node_id
# above with roles set to connection only.
# If no such node available, any logical node with roles set to connection
# along with other roles.
# process=<process_name>;interface=<interface>;external-ip=<ip_address>
# process=<process_name>;interface=<interface>;interna-ip=<ip_address>
# process Name of the HPDCS process ($MXOAS) that is allowed to register the
# floating ip address to the node.
# external-ip Floating (external) IP address used by the clients to avail HPDCS
# and BDR services.
# internal-ip Floating (Internal) IP address used by the clients hosted on the
# same SQ cluster to avail HPDCS.
# interface Ethernet interfaces to be used to register the floating ip addresses
# floating_ip section should be before the bdr section in this file
# The following are sample values - please update as appropriate
begin floating_ip
floating_ip_node_id 1
floating_ip_failover_node_id 0
end floating_ip
# Section to configure BDR (Bulk Data Replicator).
# bdr_cluster_name : SQ cluster name (Maximum of 24 characters) - Need not be the DNS name
# bdr_node_id : Logical node id of the SQ cluster with roles set to connection only
# If no such node available, any logical node id with roles set to connection
# and other roles. If floating_ip_node_id is configured,
# then this should be "floating"
# bdr_ip_address : Externally accessible IP Address of the above node where BDR service
# process $ZBDR would run. If floating ip address is configured
# then this should be "floating"
# bdr_port_number : Listening port number for the $ZBDR
# process. Should reserve m+1 port numbers,
# where m is the number of sql nodes. Default is 17500
# The following are sample values - please update as appropriate
begin bdr
bdr_cluster_name seaquest
bdr_node_id 0
bdr_port_number 17500
end bdr