blob: 98c19cfb4ace135049983fff0d48da4101d9057a [file] [log] [blame]
// (C) Copyright 2008-2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef INTERNAL_H_
#define INTERNAL_H_
enum InternalType
InternalType_Null, // Noop
InternalType_ActivateSpare, // activate a spare node
InternalType_Clone, // Add clone process to monitor
InternalType_Device, // Add or Change device to monitor
InternalType_Down, // Node down (watchdog not enabled)
InternalType_Dump, // Dump process
InternalType_DumpComplete, // Dump process complete
InternalType_Event, // Send Event to process
InternalType_Exit, // Delete process for monitor
InternalType_IoData, // Stdin/Stdout data for a process
InternalType_Kill, // Kill monitored process
InternalType_Notify, // Register for monitoring of process death
InternalType_Process, // Add process to monitor
InternalType_ProcessInit, // Process fork completed
InternalType_Open, // Add open to monitor
InternalType_Set, // Add or change configuration key
InternalType_StdinReq, // Request stdin data via ancestor
InternalType_Sync, // Sync monitor for Bcast operation
InternalType_Up, // Node up
InternalType_CreatePrimitives, // Create primitive processes local request
// generated during monitor initialization
// it is never generated by remote monitor
InternalType_Quiesce, // Quiesce started
InternalType_PostQuiece, // Quiesce ended
InternalType_Revive, // Revive request
InternalType_Snapshot // Snapshot request
, InternalType_UniqStr // Unique string
, InternalType_TmReady // DTM ready for transactions
, InternalType_Shutdown // Shutdown
, InternalType_SchedData // Processor & memory statistics
enum SyncType
SyncType_NULL, // No sync requested
SyncType_TmSeqNum, // sync to exchange TM cluster seq #
SyncType_TmData, // sync to exchange TM data amoung TMs
SyncType_TmSyncState // sync the current TmSync state across the cluster
enum SyncState
SyncState_Null, // No sync active
SyncState_Start, // Sync request started
SyncState_Continue, // Continue with sync on remote node
SyncState_Abort, // Sync Abort data
SyncState_Commit, // Sync Commit data
SyncState_Suspended // Sync Suspended (until spare goes active)
typedef enum {
State_Quiesce, // node is in quiesce state
} IntNodeState;
typedef unsigned long long upNode_t;
typedef struct
upNode_t upNodes[MAX_NODE_MASKS];
} upNodes_t;
typedef int Verifier_t; // Process verifier typedef
struct clone_def
bool backup; // true for a backup process
bool unhooked;
bool event_messages; // true if wants to receive notices
bool system_messages; // true if wants to system messages
int nid; // node id of process
Verifier_t verifier; // verifier of the process
PROCESSTYPE type; // process handling catagory
int priority; // process priority
int parent_nid; // node id of parent process
int parent_pid; // process id of parent process
Verifier_t parent_verifier; // verifier of parent process
int os_pid; // native OS process id
pid_t prior_pid; // for restarted persistent process, the
// previous process id. Otherwise zero.
bool persistent; // persistent process or not
int persistent_retries; // number of times process has been restarted
int argc; // number of command line arguments
struct timespec creation_time; // process creation time
strId_t pathStrId; // program lookup path (string id)
strId_t ldpathStrId; // library load path (string id)
strId_t programStrId; // full path to object file (string id)
int nameLen;
int portLen;
int argvLen;
int infileLen;
int outfileLen;
char stringData; // variable length string data
struct device_def
char ldev_name[MAX_KEY_NAME]; // Logical device name
bool primary_mounted; // phyical primary device's mount state
bool mirror_mounted; // phyical mirror device's mount state
struct down_def
int pnid; // Physical node id
struct shutdown_def
int level; // shutdown level
struct dump_def
int nid; // Node id of process to dump
int pid; // Process id of process to dump
Verifier_t verifier; // verifier of the process to dump
int dumper_nid; // Requesting process's node id
int dumper_pid; // Requesting process's process id
Verifier_t dumper_verifier; // Requesting process's verifier
char core_file[MAX_PROCESS_PATH]; // target core path
DUMPSTATUS status; // completion status
struct exit_def
int nid; // Node id of process exiting
int pid; // Process id of process exiting
Verifier_t verifier; // Verifier of the process exiting
char name[MAX_PROCESS_NAME]; // Name of process exiting
bool abended;
struct event_def
int nid; // Nid id of process to receive event
int pid; // Process id of process to receive event
Verifier_t verifier; // Verifier of the process to receive event
int event_id; // Event id to send to nid,pid
int length; // Length in byte of Data buffer used
char data; // Data to be replicated across cluster
enum StdIoType
typedef struct
int nid; // Nid id of process to receive io data
int pid; // Process id of process to receive io data
StdIoType ioType;
int length; // Length in byte of Data buffer used
char data[MAX_SYNC_DATA]; // Data to be replicated across cluster
} ioData_t;
enum StdinReqType
struct stdin_req_def
int nid; // Node id of process requesting stdin data
int pid; // Process id of process requesting stdin data
StdinReqType reqType;
int supplier_nid; // Node id of process supplying stdin data
int supplier_pid; // Process id of process to supplying stdin data
struct kill_def
int nid; // Node id of process to kill
int pid; // Process id of process to kill
Verifier_t verifier; // Verifier of the process to kill
bool persistent_abort; // when true, persistent process is not restarted
// otherwise, it is ignored
struct notify_def
int nid; // Node id of process being notified
int pid; // Process id of process being notified
int canceled; // If true, notice request has been canceled
int target_nid; // Node id of process being monitored
int target_pid; // Process id of process being monitored
_TM_Txid_External trans_id; // Associated TransID
struct process_def
bool backup; // true for a backup process
bool unhooked;
int nid; // node id of process
int pid; // process id
PROCESSTYPE type; // process handling catagory
int priority; // process priority
int parent_nid; // node id of parent process
int parent_pid; // process id of parent process
Verifier_t parent_verifier; // process id of parent process
int pair_parent_nid; // node id of real process pair parent process
int pair_parent_pid; // process id of real process pair parent process
Verifier_t pair_parent_verifier; // process id of real process pair parent process
int argc; // number of command line arguments
strId_t pathStrId; // program lookup path (string id)
strId_t ldpathStrId; // library load path (string id)
strId_t programStrId; // full path to object file (string id)
void *tag; // process tag
int nameLen;
int argvLen;
int infileLen;
int outfileLen;
char stringData; // variable length string data
struct process_init_def
int nid; // Node id of child process
int pid; // Process id of child process
Verifier_t verifier; // Verifier of child process
STATE state;
int origNid; // Node id where the "new process" request originated
int result; // zero if process created, error code otherwise
void *tag; // process tag sent with original "process" replication
char name[MAX_PROCESS_NAME]; // Name of child process
struct open_def
int nid; // Node id of process performing open
int pid; // Process id of process performing open
Verifier_t verifier; // verifier of the process performing open
int opened_nid; // Node id of process to be opened
int opened_pid; // Process id of process to be opened
Verifier_t opened_verifier; // verifier of the process to be opened
// Processor status for a given core
typedef struct
long long cpu_user; // Time in user mode
long long cpu_nice; // Time in user mode, low priority
long long cpu_system; // Time in system mode
long long cpu_idle; // Time in idle task
long long cpu_iowait; // Time waiting for i/o
long long cpu_irq; // Time in hardware interrupt
long long cpu_soft_irq; // Time in software interrupt
} ProcStat_t;
struct scheddata_def
int PNid; // Node ID of scheduling data
int processors; // Number of processors in node
unsigned int memory_total; // Node's total memory
unsigned int memory_free; // Node's current free memory
unsigned int swap_free; // Node's current free swap
unsigned int cache_free; // Node's current free buffer/cache
unsigned int memory_active; // Node's memory in active use
unsigned int memory_inactive; // Node's memory available for reclamation
unsigned int memory_dirty; // Node's memory waiting to be written to disk
unsigned int memory_writeback; // Node's memory being written to disk
unsigned int memory_VMallocUsed; // Node's amount of used virtual memory
ProcStat_t proc_stats[32]; // Per-core processor statistics
unsigned int btime; // Node boot time
struct set_def
ConfigType type; // type of group being set
char group[MAX_KEY_NAME]; // if type==ConfigType_Process then group's name.
char key[MAX_KEY_NAME]; // key name of the item being set
char valueData; // variable length string data
struct spare_def
int down_pnid; // down node physical node id
int spare_pnid; // spare node physical node id
struct sync_def
SyncType type; // Coordination type
int pnid; // My Physical Node id
int syncnid; // TM's Logical Node driving the sync
int tmleader; // TM Leader's Logical Node id
SyncState state; // My current TM sync state
int count; // # of requests in data
int length; // data buffer length
char data[MAX_SYNC_DATA]; // Length/Data pairs to by replicated across cluster
struct up_def
int pnid; // Physical node id
struct uniqstr_def
int nid;
int id;
char valueData; // variable length string data
struct internal_msg_def
InternalType type;
int replSize;
struct clone_def clone;
struct device_def device;
struct down_def down;
struct dump_def dump;
struct exit_def exit;
struct event_def event;
ioData_t iodata;
struct kill_def kill;
struct notify_def notify;
struct process_def process;
struct process_init_def processInit;
struct open_def open;
struct set_def set;
struct stdin_req_def stdin_req;
struct sync_def sync;
struct up_def up;
struct spare_def activate_spare;
struct uniqstr_def uniqstr;
struct shutdown_def shutdown;
struct scheddata_def scheddata;
} u;
} __attribute__((__may_alias__));
// Define a constant giving the "header" size of the internal_msg_def above
#define MSG_HDR_SIZE ( sizeof (InternalType) + sizeof (int) )
typedef struct nodeId_s
char commPort[MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME];
char syncPort[MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME];
int pnid;
int creatorPNid;
int creatorShellPid;
Verifier_t creatorShellVerifier;
bool creator; // NEW monitor set to true to tell creator it is the CREATOR
} nodeId_t;
typedef struct nodeStatus_s
STATE state;
int status;
} nodeStatus_t;
typedef struct cluster_state_def
char node_state;
IntNodeState internalState; // internal state of a node
SyncState tmSyncState; // Node's current tm sync process state
ShutdownLevel sdLevel; // Node's current shutdown level
int change_nid;
unsigned long long seq_num;
upNodes_t nodeMask; // Set of nodes currently "up"
} cluster_state_def_t;
typedef struct msgInfo
int msg_count; // Number if messages to replicate
int msg_offset; // Current offset into the msg buffer
} msgInfo_t;
struct sync_buffer_def
cluster_state_def_t nodeInfo;
msgInfo_t msgInfo;
char msg[MAX_SYNC_SIZE];