blob: 9cbedb4932a2eff17785312e12504fe0df8cb09a [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
A cache (with map-esque interface) for RefCountObjs
@section license License
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <I_EventSystem.h>
#include <P_EventSystem.h> // TODO: less? just need ET_TASK
#include "tscore/IntrusiveHashMap.h"
#include "tscore/PriorityQueue.h"
#include "tscore/List.h"
#include "tscore/ink_hrtime.h"
#include "tscore/I_Version.h"
#include <unistd.h>
static constexpr unsigned char REFCOUNTCACHE_MAJOR_VERSION = 1;
static constexpr unsigned char REFCOUNTCACHE_MINOR_VERSION = 0;
static constexpr ts::VersionNumber REFCOUNTCACHE_VERSION(1, 0);
// Stats
enum RefCountCache_Stats {
refcountcache_current_items_stat, // current number of items
refcountcache_current_size_stat, // current size of cache
refcountcache_total_inserts_stat, // total items inserted
refcountcache_total_failed_inserts_stat, // total items unable to insert
refcountcache_total_lookups_stat, // total get() calls
refcountcache_total_hits_stat, // total hits
// Persistence metrics
refcountcache_last_sync_time, // seconds since epoch of last successful sync
refcountcache_last_total_items, // number of items sync last time
refcountcache_last_total_size, // total size at last sync
struct RefCountCacheItemMeta {
uint64_t key;
unsigned int size;
ink_time_t expiry_time; // expire time as seconds since epoch
RefCountCacheItemMeta(uint64_t key, unsigned int size, ink_time_t expiry_time = -1)
: key(key), size(size), expiry_time(expiry_time)
// Layer of indirection for the hashmap-- since it needs lots of things inside of it
// We'll also use this as the item header, for persisting objects to disk
class RefCountCacheHashEntry
Ptr<RefCountObj> item;
RefCountCacheHashEntry *_next{nullptr};
RefCountCacheHashEntry *_prev{nullptr};
PriorityQueueEntry<RefCountCacheHashEntry *> *expiry_entry = nullptr;
RefCountCacheItemMeta meta;
// Need a no-argument constructor to use the classAllocator
RefCountCacheHashEntry() : item(Ptr<RefCountObj>()), meta(0, 0) {}
set(RefCountObj *i, uint64_t key, unsigned int size, int expire_time)
this->item = make_ptr(i);
this->meta = RefCountCacheItemMeta(key, size, expire_time);
// make these values comparable -- so we can sort them
operator<(const RefCountCacheHashEntry &v2) const
return this->meta.expiry_time < v2.meta.expiry_time;
static RefCountCacheHashEntry *alloc();
static void dealloc(RefCountCacheHashEntry *e);
template <typename C>
static void
free(RefCountCacheHashEntry *e)
// Since the Value is actually RefCountObj-- when this gets deleted normally it calls the wrong
// `free` method, this forces the delete/decr to happen with the right type
Ptr<C> *tmp = (Ptr<C> *)&e->item;
// Since the hashing values are all fixed size, we can simply use a classAllocator to avoid mallocs
extern ClassAllocator<PriorityQueueEntry<RefCountCacheHashEntry *>> expiryQueueEntry;
struct RefCountCacheLinkage {
using key_type = uint64_t const;
using value_type = RefCountCacheHashEntry;
static value_type *&
next_ptr(value_type *value)
return value->_next;
static value_type *&
prev_ptr(value_type *value)
return value->_prev;
static uint64_t
hash_of(key_type key)
return key;
static key_type
key_of(value_type *v)
return v->meta.key;
static bool
equal(key_type lhs, key_type rhs)
return lhs == rhs;
// The RefCountCachePartition is simply a map of key -> Ptr<YourClass>
// We partition the cache to reduce lock contention
template <class C> class RefCountCachePartition
using hash_type = IntrusiveHashMap<RefCountCacheLinkage>;
RefCountCachePartition(unsigned int part_num, uint64_t max_size, unsigned int max_items, RecRawStatBlock *rsb = nullptr);
Ptr<C> get(uint64_t key);
void put(uint64_t key, C *item, int size = 0, int expire_time = 0);
void erase(uint64_t key, ink_time_t expiry_time = -1);
void clear();
bool is_full() const;
bool make_space_for(unsigned int);
void dealloc_entry(hash_type::iterator ptr);
size_t count() const;
void copy(std::vector<RefCountCacheHashEntry *> &items);
hash_type &get_map();
Ptr<ProxyMutex> lock; // Lock
void metric_inc(RefCountCache_Stats metric_enum, int64_t data);
unsigned int part_num;
uint64_t max_size;
unsigned int max_items;
uint64_t size;
unsigned int items;
hash_type item_map;
PriorityQueue<RefCountCacheHashEntry *> expiry_queue;
RecRawStatBlock *rsb;
template <class C>
RefCountCachePartition<C>::RefCountCachePartition(unsigned int part_num, uint64_t max_size, unsigned int max_items,
RecRawStatBlock *rsb)
: lock(new_ProxyMutex()), part_num(part_num), max_size(max_size), max_items(max_items), size(0), items(0), rsb(rsb)
template <class C>
RefCountCachePartition<C>::get(uint64_t key)
this->metric_inc(refcountcache_total_lookups_stat, 1);
if (auto it = this->item_map.find(key); it != this->item_map.end()) {
// found
this->metric_inc(refcountcache_total_hits_stat, 1);
return make_ptr(static_cast<C *>(it->item.get()));
} else {
return Ptr<C>();
template <class C>
RefCountCachePartition<C>::put(uint64_t key, C *item, int size, int expire_time)
this->metric_inc(refcountcache_total_inserts_stat, 1);
size += sizeof(C);
// Remove any colliding entries
// if we are full, and can't make space-- then don't store the item
if (this->is_full() && !this->make_space_for(size)) {
Debug("refcountcache", "partition %d is full-- not storing item key=%" PRIu64, this->part_num, key);
this->metric_inc(refcountcache_total_failed_inserts_stat, 1);
// Create our value-- which has a ref to the `item`
RefCountCacheHashEntry *val = RefCountCacheHashEntry::alloc();
val->set(item, key, size, expire_time);
// add expiry_entry to expiry queue, if the expire time is positive (otherwise it means don't expire)
if (expire_time >= 0) {
Debug("refcountcache", "partition %d adding entry with expire_time=%d\n", this->part_num, expire_time);
PriorityQueueEntry<RefCountCacheHashEntry *> *expiry_entry = expiryQueueEntry.alloc();
new ((void *)expiry_entry) PriorityQueueEntry<RefCountCacheHashEntry *>(val);
val->expiry_entry = expiry_entry;
// add the item to the map
this->size += val->meta.size;
this->metric_inc(refcountcache_current_size_stat, (int64_t)val->meta.size);
this->metric_inc(refcountcache_current_items_stat, 1);
template <class C>
RefCountCachePartition<C>::erase(uint64_t key, ink_time_t expiry_time)
if (auto it = this->item_map.find(key); it != this->item_map.end()) {
if (expiry_time >= 0 && it->meta.expiry_time != expiry_time) {
template <class C>
RefCountCachePartition<C>::dealloc_entry(hash_type::iterator ptr)
// decrement usage are not cleaned up. The values are not touched in this method, therefore it is safe
// counters
this->size -= ptr->meta.size;
this->metric_inc(refcountcache_current_size_stat, -((int64_t)ptr->meta.size));
this->metric_inc(refcountcache_current_items_stat, -1);
// remove from expiry queue
if (ptr->expiry_entry != nullptr) {
Debug("refcountcache", "partition %d deleting item from expiry_queue idx=%d", this->part_num, ptr->expiry_entry->index);
ptr->expiry_entry = nullptr; // To avoid the destruction of `l` calling the destructor again-- and causing issues
template <class C>
// Since the hash nodes embed the list pointers, you can't iterate over the
// hash elements and deallocate them, let alone remove them from the hash.
// Hence, this monstrosity.
auto it = this->item_map.begin();
while (it != this->item_map.end()) {
auto cur = it++;
// Are we full?
template <class C>
RefCountCachePartition<C>::is_full() const
Debug("refcountcache", "partition %d is full? items %d/%d size %" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu64 "\n\n", this->part_num, this->items,
this->max_items, this->size, this->max_size);
return (this->max_items > 0 && this->items >= this->max_items) || (this->max_size > 0 && this->size >= this->max_size);
// Attempt to make space for item of `size`
template <class C>
RefCountCachePartition<C>::make_space_for(unsigned int size)
ink_time_t now = ink_time();
while (this->is_full() || (size > 0 && this->size + size > this->max_size)) {
PriorityQueueEntry<RefCountCacheHashEntry *> *top_item =;
// if there is nothing in the expiry queue, then we can't make space
if (top_item == nullptr) {
return false;
// If the first item has expired, lets evict it, and then go around again
if (top_item->node->meta.expiry_time < now) {
} else { // if the first item isn't expired-- the rest won't be either (queue is sorted)
return false;
return true;
template <class C>
RefCountCachePartition<C>::count() const
return this->items;
template <class C>
RefCountCachePartition<C>::copy(std::vector<RefCountCacheHashEntry *> &items)
for (auto &&it : this->item_map) {
RefCountCacheHashEntry *val = RefCountCacheHashEntry::alloc();
val->set(it.item.get(), it.meta.key, it.meta.size, it.meta.expiry_time);
template <class C>
RefCountCachePartition<C>::metric_inc(RefCountCache_Stats metric_enum, int64_t data)
if (this->rsb) {
RecIncrGlobalRawStatCount(this->rsb, metric_enum, data);
template <class C>
IntrusiveHashMap<RefCountCacheLinkage> &
return this->item_map;
// The header for the cache, this is used to check if the serialized cache is compatible
class RefCountCacheHeader
unsigned int magic = REFCOUNTCACHE_MAGIC_NUMBER;
ts::VersionNumber version{REFCOUNTCACHE_VERSION};
ts::VersionNumber object_version; // version passed in of whatever it is we are caching
RefCountCacheHeader(ts::VersionNumber object_version = ts::VersionNumber());
bool operator==(RefCountCacheHeader const &that) const;
bool compatible(RefCountCacheHeader *that) const;
// RefCountCache is a ref-counted key->value map to store classes that inherit from RefCountObj.
// Once an item is `put` into the cache, the cache will maintain a Ptr<> to that object until erase
// or clear is called-- which will remove the cache's Ptr<> to the object.
// This cache may be Persisted (RefCountCacheSync) as well as loaded from disk (LoadRefCountCacheFromPath).
// This class will optionally emit metrics at the given `metrics_prefix`.
// Note: although this cache does allow you to set expiry times this cache does not actively GC itself-- meaning
// it will only remove expired items once the space is required. So to ensure that the cache is bounded either a
// size or an item limit must be set-- otherwise the cache will not GC.
// Also note, that if keys collide the previous
// entry for a given key will be removed, so this "leak" concern is assuming you don't have sufficient space to store
// an item for each possible key
template <class C> class RefCountCache
// Constructor
RefCountCache(unsigned int num_partitions, int size = -1, int items = -1, ts::VersionNumber object_version = ts::VersionNumber(),
const std::string &metrics_prefix = "");
// Destructor
// User interface to the cache
Ptr<C> get(uint64_t key);
void put(uint64_t key, C *item, int size = 0, ink_time_t expiry_time = -1);
void erase(uint64_t key);
void clear();
// Some methods to get some internal state
int partition_for_key(uint64_t key);
Ptr<ProxyMutex> lock_for_key(uint64_t key);
size_t partition_count() const;
RefCountCachePartition<C> &get_partition(int pnum);
size_t count() const;
RefCountCacheHeader &get_header();
RecRawStatBlock *get_rsb();
int max_size; // Total size
int max_items; // Total number of items allowed
unsigned int num_partitions;
std::vector<RefCountCachePartition<C> *> partitions;
// Header
RefCountCacheHeader header; // Our header
RecRawStatBlock *rsb;
template <class C>
RefCountCache<C>::RefCountCache(unsigned int num_partitions, int size, int items, ts::VersionNumber object_version,
const std::string &metrics_prefix)
: header(RefCountCacheHeader(object_version)), rsb(nullptr)
this->max_size = size;
this->max_items = items;
this->num_partitions = num_partitions;
if (metrics_prefix.length() > 0) {
this->rsb = RecAllocateRawStatBlock((int)RefCountCache_Stat_Count);
RecRegisterRawStat(this->rsb, RECT_PROCESS, (metrics_prefix + "current_items").c_str(), RECD_INT, RECP_NON_PERSISTENT,
(int)refcountcache_current_items_stat, RecRawStatSyncCount);
RecRegisterRawStat(this->rsb, RECT_PROCESS, (metrics_prefix + "current_size").c_str(), RECD_INT, RECP_NON_PERSISTENT,
(int)refcountcache_current_size_stat, RecRawStatSyncCount);
RecRegisterRawStat(this->rsb, RECT_PROCESS, (metrics_prefix + "total_inserts").c_str(), RECD_INT, RECP_NON_PERSISTENT,
(int)refcountcache_total_inserts_stat, RecRawStatSyncCount);
RecRegisterRawStat(this->rsb, RECT_PROCESS, (metrics_prefix + "total_failed_inserts").c_str(), RECD_INT, RECP_NON_PERSISTENT,
(int)refcountcache_total_failed_inserts_stat, RecRawStatSyncCount);
RecRegisterRawStat(this->rsb, RECT_PROCESS, (metrics_prefix + "total_lookups").c_str(), RECD_INT, RECP_NON_PERSISTENT,
(int)refcountcache_total_lookups_stat, RecRawStatSyncCount);
RecRegisterRawStat(this->rsb, RECT_PROCESS, (metrics_prefix + "total_hits").c_str(), RECD_INT, RECP_NON_PERSISTENT,
(int)refcountcache_total_hits_stat, RecRawStatSyncCount);
RecRegisterRawStat(this->rsb, RECT_PROCESS, (metrics_prefix + "last_sync.time").c_str(), RECD_INT, RECP_NON_PERSISTENT,
(int)refcountcache_last_sync_time, RecRawStatSyncCount);
RecRegisterRawStat(this->rsb, RECT_PROCESS, (metrics_prefix + "last_sync.total_items").c_str(), RECD_INT, RECP_NON_PERSISTENT,
(int)refcountcache_last_total_items, RecRawStatSyncCount);
RecRegisterRawStat(this->rsb, RECT_PROCESS, (metrics_prefix + "last_sync.total_size").c_str(), RECD_INT, RECP_NON_PERSISTENT,
(int)refcountcache_last_total_size, RecRawStatSyncCount);
// Now lets create all the partitions
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_partitions; i++) {
this->partitions.push_back(new RefCountCachePartition<C>(i, size / num_partitions, items / num_partitions, this->rsb));
// Deconstruct the class
template <class C> RefCountCache<C>::~RefCountCache()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_partitions; i++) {
delete this->partitions[i];
num_partitions = 0;
template <class C>
RefCountCache<C>::get(uint64_t key)
return this->partitions[this->partition_for_key(key)]->get(key);
template <class C>
RefCountCache<C>::put(uint64_t key, C *item, int size, ink_time_t expiry_time)
return this->partitions[this->partition_for_key(key)]->put(key, item, size, expiry_time);
// Pick a partition for a given item
template <class C>
RefCountCache<C>::partition_for_key(uint64_t key)
return key % this->num_partitions;
template <class C>
RefCountCacheHeader &
return this->header;
template <class C>
RefCountCache<C>::lock_for_key(uint64_t key)
return this->partitions[this->partition_for_key(key)]->lock;
template <class C>
RefCountCachePartition<C> &
RefCountCache<C>::get_partition(int pnum)
return *this->partitions[pnum];
template <class C>
RefCountCache<C>::count() const
size_t c = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->num_partitions; i++) {
c += this->partitions[i]->count();
return c;
template <class C>
RefCountCache<C>::partition_count() const
return this->num_partitions;
template <class C>
RecRawStatBlock *
return this->rsb;
template <class C>
RefCountCache<C>::erase(uint64_t key)
template <class C>
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->num_partitions; i++) {
// Fill `cache` with items in file `filepath` using `load_func` to unmarshall the record.
// Errors are -1
template <typename CacheEntryType>
LoadRefCountCacheFromPath(RefCountCache<CacheEntryType> &cache, const std::string &dirname, const std::string &filepath,
CacheEntryType *(*load_func)(char *, unsigned int))
// If we have no load method, then we can't load anything so lets just stop right here
if (load_func == nullptr) {
return -1; // TODO: some specific error code
int fd = open(filepath.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
Warning("Unable to open file %s; [Error]: %s", filepath.c_str(), strerror(errno));
return -1;
// read in the header
RefCountCacheHeader tmpHeader = RefCountCacheHeader();
int read_ret = read(fd, (char *)&tmpHeader, sizeof(RefCountCacheHeader));
if (read_ret != sizeof(RefCountCacheHeader)) {
Warning("Error reading cache header from disk (expected %ld): %d", sizeof(RefCountCacheHeader), read_ret);
return -1;
if (!cache.get_header().compatible(&tmpHeader)) {
Warning("Incompatible cache at %s, not loading.", filepath.c_str());
return -1; // TODO: specific code for incompatible
RefCountCacheItemMeta tmpValue = RefCountCacheItemMeta(0, 0);
while (true) { // TODO: better loop
read_ret = read(fd, (char *)&tmpValue, sizeof(tmpValue));
if (read_ret != sizeof(tmpValue)) {
char buf[tmpValue.size];
read_ret = read(fd, (char *)&buf, tmpValue.size);
if (read_ret != (int)tmpValue.size) {
Warning("Encountered error reading item from cache: %d", read_ret);
CacheEntryType *newItem = load_func((char *)&buf, tmpValue.size);
if (newItem != nullptr) {
cache.put(tmpValue.key, newItem, tmpValue.size - sizeof(CacheEntryType));
return 0;