blob: b252d926773fba68d3fd68b6f416dc26f807dc38 [file] [log] [blame]
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* @file
* @brief AWS Auth v4 signing utility.
* @see aws_auth_v4.h
#include <cstring> /* strlen() */
#include <string> /* stoi() */
#include <ctime> /* strftime(), time(), gmtime_r() */
#include <iomanip> /* std::setw */
#include <sstream> /* std::stringstream */
#include <openssl/sha.h> /* SHA(), sha256_Update(), SHA256_Final, etc. */
#include <openssl/hmac.h> /* HMAC() */
#include <iostream>
#include "aws_auth_v4.h"
* @brief Lower-case Base16 encode a character string (hexadecimal format)
* @see AWS spec:
* Base16 RFC4648:
* @param in ptr to an input counted string to be base16 encoded.
* @param inLen input character string length
* @return base16 encoded string.
base16Encode(const char *in, size_t inLen)
if (nullptr == in || inLen == 0) {
return {};
std::stringstream result;
const char *src = in;
const char *srcEnd = in + inLen;
while (src < srcEnd) {
result << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << static_cast<int>((*src) & 0xFF);
return result.str();
* @brief URI-encode a character string (AWS specific version, see spec)
* @see AWS spec:
* @todo Consider reusing / converting to TSStringPercentEncode() using a custom map to account for the AWS specific rules.
* Currently we don't build a library/archive so we could link with the unit-test binary. Also using
* different sets of encode/decode functions during runtime and unit-testing did not seem as a good idea.
* @param in string to be URI encoded
* @param isObjectName if true don't encode '/', keep it as it is.
* @return encoded string.
uriEncode(const String &in, bool isObjectName)
std::stringstream result;
for (char i : in) {
if (isalnum(i) || i == '-' || i == '_' || i == '.' || i == '~') {
/* URI encode every byte except the unreserved characters:
* 'A'-'Z', 'a'-'z', '0'-'9', '-', '.', '_', and '~'. */
result << i;
} else if (i == ' ') {
/* The space character is a reserved character and must be encoded as "%20" (and not as "+"). */
result << "%20";
} else if (isObjectName && i == '/') {
/* Encode the forward slash character, '/', everywhere except in the object key name. */
result << "/";
} else {
/* Letters in the hexadecimal value must be upper-case, for example "%1A". */
result << "%" << std::uppercase << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << (int)i;
return result.str();
* @brief checks if the string is URI-encoded (AWS specific encoding version, see spec)
* @see AWS spec:
* @note According to the following RFC if the string is encoded and contains '%' it should
* be followed by 2 hexadecimal symbols otherwise '%' should be encoded with %25:
* @param in string to be URI checked
* @param isObjectName if true encoding didn't encode '/', kept it as it is.
* @return true if encoded, false not encoded.
isUriEncoded(const String &in, bool isObjectName)
for (size_t pos = 0; pos < in.length(); pos++) {
char c = in[pos];
if (isalnum(c) || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '~') {
/* found a unreserved character which should not have been be encoded regardless
* 'A'-'Z', 'a'-'z', '0'-'9', '-', '.', '_', and '~'. */
if (' ' == c) {
/* space should have been encoded with %20 if the string was encoded */
return false;
if ('/' == c && !isObjectName) {
/* if this is not an object name '/' should have been encoded */
return false;
if ('%' == c) {
if (pos + 2 < in.length() && std::isxdigit(in[pos + 1]) && std::isxdigit(in[pos + 2])) {
/* if string was encoded we should have exactly 2 hexadecimal chars following it */
return true;
} else {
/* lonely '%' should have been encoded with %25 according to the RFC so likely not encoded */
return false;
return false;
canonicalEncode(const String &in, bool isObjectName)
String canonical;
if (!isUriEncoded(in, isObjectName)) {
/* Not URI-encoded */
canonical = uriEncode(in, isObjectName);
} else {
/* URI-encoded, then don't encode since AWS does not encode which is not mentioned in the spec,
* asked AWS, still waiting for confirmation */
canonical = in;
return canonical;
* @brief trim the white-space character from the beginning and the end of the string ("in-place", just moving pointers around)
* @param in ptr to an input string
* @param inLen input character count
* @param newLen trimmed string character count.
* @return pointer to the trimmed string.
const char *
trimWhiteSpaces(const char *in, size_t inLen, size_t &newLen)
if (nullptr == in || inLen == 0) {
return in;
const char *first = in;
while (size_t(first - in) < inLen && isspace(*first)) {
const char *last = in + inLen - 1;
while (last > in && isspace(*last)) {
newLen = last - first + 1;
return first;
* @brief Trim white spaces from beginning and end.
* @returns trimmed string
trimWhiteSpaces(const String &s)
/* @todo do this better? */
static const String whiteSpace = " \t\n\v\f\r";
size_t start = s.find_first_not_of(whiteSpace);
if (String::npos == start) {
return String();
size_t stop = s.find_last_not_of(whiteSpace);
return s.substr(start, stop - start + 1);
* Group of static inline helper function for less error prone parameter handling and unit test logging.
inline static void
sha256Update(SHA256_CTX *ctx, const char *in, size_t inLen)
SHA256_Update(ctx, in, inLen);
std::cout << String(in, inLen);
inline static void
sha256Update(SHA256_CTX *ctx, const char *in)
sha256Update(ctx, in, strlen(in));
inline static void
sha256Update(SHA256_CTX *ctx, const String &in)
sha256Update(ctx, in.c_str(), in.length());
inline static void
sha256Final(unsigned char hex[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH], SHA256_CTX *ctx)
SHA256_Final(hex, ctx);
* @brief: Payload SHA 256 = Hex(SHA256Hash(<payload>) (no new-line char at end)
* @todo support for signing of PUSH, POST content / payload
* @param signPayload specifies whether the content / payload should be signed
* @return signature of the content or "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD" to mark that the payload is not signed
getPayloadSha256(bool signPayload)
if (!signPayload) {
unsigned char payloadHash[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
SHA256((const unsigned char *)"", 0, payloadHash); /* empty content */
return base16Encode((char *)payloadHash, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
* @brief Get Canonical Uri SHA256 Hash
* Hex(SHA256Hash(<CanonicalRequest>))
* AWS spec:
* @param api an TS API wrapper that will provide interface to HTTP request elements (method, path, query, headers, etc).
* @param signPayload specifies if the content / payload should be signed.
* @param includeHeaders headers that must be signed
* @param excludeHeaders headers that must not be signed
* @param signedHeaders a reference to a string to which the signed headers names will be appended
* @return SHA256 hash of the canonical request.
getCanonicalRequestSha256Hash(TsInterface &api, bool signPayload, const StringSet &includeHeaders, const StringSet &excludeHeaders,
String &signedHeaders)
int length;
const char *str = nullptr;
unsigned char canonicalRequestSha256Hash[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
SHA256_CTX canonicalRequestSha256Ctx;
std::cout << "<CanonicalRequest>";
/* <HTTPMethod>\n */
str = api.getMethod(&length);
sha256Update(&canonicalRequestSha256Ctx, str, length);
sha256Update(&canonicalRequestSha256Ctx, "\n");
/* URI Encoded Canonical URI
* <CanonicalURI>\n */
str = api.getPath(&length);
String path("/");
path.append(str, length);
String canonicalUri = canonicalEncode(path, /* isObjectName */ true);
sha256Update(&canonicalRequestSha256Ctx, canonicalUri);
sha256Update(&canonicalRequestSha256Ctx, "\n");
/* Sorted Canonical Query String
* <CanonicalQueryString>\n */
const char *query = api.getQuery(&length);
StringSet paramNames;
StringMap paramsMap;
std::istringstream istr(String(query, length));
String token;
StringSet container;
while (std::getline(istr, token, '&')) {
String::size_type pos(token.find_first_of('='));
String param(token.substr(0, pos == String::npos ? token.size() : pos));
String value(pos == String::npos ? "" : token.substr(pos + 1, token.size()));
String encodedParam = canonicalEncode(param, /* isObjectName */ false);
paramsMap[encodedParam] = canonicalEncode(value, /* isObjectName */ false);
String queryStr;
for (const auto &paramName : paramNames) {
if (!queryStr.empty()) {
sha256Update(&canonicalRequestSha256Ctx, queryStr);
sha256Update(&canonicalRequestSha256Ctx, "\n");
/* Sorted Canonical Headers
* <CanonicalHeaders>\n */
StringSet signedHeadersSet;
StringMap headersMap;
for (HeaderIterator it = api.headerBegin(); it != api.headerEnd(); it++) {
int nameLen;
int valueLen;
const char *name = it.getName(&nameLen);
const char *value = it.getValue(&valueLen);
if (nullptr == name || 0 == nameLen) {
String lowercaseName(name, nameLen);
std::transform(lowercaseName.begin(), lowercaseName.end(), lowercaseName.begin(), ::tolower);
/* Host, content-type and x-amx-* headers are mandatory */
bool xAmzHeader = (lowercaseName.length() >= X_AMZ.length() && 0 ==, X_AMZ.length(), X_AMZ));
bool contentTypeHeader = (0 ==;
bool hostHeader = (0 ==;
if (!xAmzHeader && !contentTypeHeader && !hostHeader) {
/* Skip internal headers (starting with '@'*/
if ('@' == name[0] /* exclude internal headers */) {
/* @todo do better here, since iterating over the headers in ATS is known to be less efficient,
* come up with a better way if include headers set is non-empty */
bool include =
(!includeHeaders.empty() && includeHeaders.end() != includeHeaders.find(lowercaseName)); /* requested to be included */
bool exclude =
(!excludeHeaders.empty() && excludeHeaders.end() != excludeHeaders.find(lowercaseName)); /* requested to be excluded */
if ((includeHeaders.empty() && exclude) || (!includeHeaders.empty() && (!include || exclude))) {
std::cout << "ignore header: " << String(name, nameLen) << std::endl;
size_t trimValueLen = 0;
const char *trimValue = trimWhiteSpaces(value, valueLen, trimValueLen);
if (headersMap.find(lowercaseName) == headersMap.end()) {
headersMap[lowercaseName] = String(trimValue, trimValueLen);
} else {
headersMap[lowercaseName].append(",").append(String(trimValue, trimValueLen));
for (const auto &it : signedHeadersSet) {
sha256Update(&canonicalRequestSha256Ctx, it);
sha256Update(&canonicalRequestSha256Ctx, ":");
sha256Update(&canonicalRequestSha256Ctx, headersMap[it]);
sha256Update(&canonicalRequestSha256Ctx, "\n");
sha256Update(&canonicalRequestSha256Ctx, "\n");
for (const auto &it : signedHeadersSet) {
if (!signedHeaders.empty()) {
sha256Update(&canonicalRequestSha256Ctx, signedHeaders);
sha256Update(&canonicalRequestSha256Ctx, "\n");
/* Hex(SHA256Hash(<payload>) (no new-line char at end)
* @TODO support non-empty content, i.e. POST */
String payloadSha256Hash = getPayloadSha256(signPayload);
sha256Update(&canonicalRequestSha256Ctx, payloadSha256Hash);
/* Hex(SHA256Hash(<CanonicalRequest>)) */
sha256Final(canonicalRequestSha256Hash, &canonicalRequestSha256Ctx);
std::cout << "</CanonicalRequest>" << std::endl;
return base16Encode((char *)canonicalRequestSha256Hash, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
* @brief Default AWS entry-point host name to region based on (S3):
* @see
* it is used to get the region programmatically w/o configuration
* parameters and can (meant to) be overwritten if necessary.
* @todo may be if one day AWS naming/mapping becomes 100% consistent
* we could just extract (calculate) the right region from hostname.
const StringMap
StringMap m;
/* us-east-2 */
m[""] = "us-east-2";
m[""] = "us-east-2";
m[""] = "us-east-2";
/* "us-east-1" */
m[""] = "us-east-1";
m[""] = "us-east-1";
m[""] = "us-east-1";
m[""] = "us-east-1";
/* us-west-1 */
m[""] = "us-west-1";
m[""] = "us-west-1";
m[""] = "us-west-1";
/* us-west-2 */
m[""] = "us-west-2";
m[""] = "us-west-2";
m[""] = "us-west-2";
/* ap-south-1 */
m[""] = "ap-south-1";
m[""] = "ap-south-1";
m[""] = "ap-south-1";
/* ap-northeast-3 */
m[""] = "ap-northeast-3";
m[""] = "ap-northeast-3";
m[""] = "ap-northeast-3";
/* ap-northeast-2 */
m[""] = "ap-northeast-2";
m[""] = "ap-northeast-2";
m[""] = "ap-northeast-2";
/* ap-southeast-1 */
m[""] = "ap-southeast-1";
m[""] = "ap-southeast-1";
m[""] = "ap-southeast-1";
/* ap-southeast-2 */
m[""] = "ap-southeast-2";
m[""] = "ap-southeast-2";
m[""] = "ap-southeast-2";
/* ap-northeast-1 */
m[""] = "ap-northeast-1";
m[""] = "ap-northeast-1";
m[""] = "ap-northeast-1";
/* ca-central-1 */
m[""] = "ca-central-1";
m[""] = "ca-central-1";
m[""] = "ca-central-1";
/* cn-north-1 */
m[""] = "cn-north-1";
/* cn-northwest-1 */
m[""] = "cn-northwest-1";
/* eu-central-1 */
m[""] = "eu-central-1";
m[""] = "eu-central-1";
m[""] = "eu-central-1";
/* eu-west-1 */
m[""] = "eu-west-1";
m[""] = "eu-west-1";
m[""] = "eu-west-1";
/* eu-west-2 */
m[""] = "eu-west-2";
m[""] = "eu-west-2";
m[""] = "eu-west-2";
/* eu-west-3 */
m[""] = "eu-west-3";
m[""] = "eu-west-3";
m[""] = "eu-west-3";
/* sa-east-1 */
m[""] = "sa-east-1";
m[""] = "sa-east-1";
m[""] = "sa-east-1";
/* default "us-east-1" * */
m[""] = "us-east-1";
return m;
const StringMap defaultDefaultRegionMap = createDefaultRegionMap();
* @description default list of headers to be excluded from the signing
const StringSet
StringSet m;
/* exclude headers that are meant to be changed */
return m;
const StringSet defaultExcludeHeaders = createDefaultExcludeHeaders();
* @description default list of headers to be included in the signing
const StringSet
StringSet m;
return m;
const StringSet defaultIncludeHeaders = createDefaultIncludeHeaders();
* @brief Get AWS (S3) region from the entry-point
* @see Implementation based on the following:
* @param regionMap map containing entry-point to region mapping
* @param entryPoint entry-point name
* @param entryPointLen - entry point string length
getRegion(const StringMap &regionMap, const char *entryPoint, size_t entryPointLen)
String region;
size_t dot = String::npos;
String hostname(entryPoint, entryPointLen);
/* Start looking for a match from the top-level domain backwards to keep the mapping generic
* (so we can override it if we need later) */
do {
String name;
dot = hostname.rfind('.', dot - 1);
if (String::npos != dot) {
name = hostname.substr(dot + 1);
} else {
name = hostname;
if (regionMap.end() != regionMap.find(name)) {
region =;
} while (String::npos != dot);
if (region.empty() && regionMap.end() != regionMap.find("")) {
region =""); /* default region if nothing matches */
return region;
* @brief Constructs the string to sign
* @see AWS spec:
* @param entryPoint entry-point name
* @param entryPointLen entry-point name length
* @param dateTime - ISO 8601 time
* @param dateTimeLen - ISO 8601 time length
* @param region AWS region name
* @param region AWS region name length
* @param service service name
* @param serviceLen service name length
* @param sha256Hash canonical request SHA 256 hash
* @param sha256HashLen canonical request SHA 256 hash length
* @returns the string to sign
getStringToSign(const char *entryPoint, size_t EntryPointLen, const char *dateTime, size_t dateTimeLen, const char *region,
size_t regionLen, const char *service, size_t serviceLen, const char *sha256Hash, size_t sha256HashLen)
String stringToSign;
/* AWS4-HMAC-SHA256\n (hard-coded, other values? */
/* time stamp in ISO8601 format: <YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ>\n */
stringToSign.append(dateTime, dateTimeLen);
/* Scope: date.Format(<YYYYMMDD>) + "/" + <region> + "/" + <service> + "/aws4_request" */
stringToSign.append(dateTime, 8); /* Get only the YYYYMMDD */
stringToSign.append(region, regionLen);
stringToSign.append(service, serviceLen);
stringToSign.append(sha256Hash, sha256HashLen);
return stringToSign;
* @brief Calculates the final signature based on the following parameters and base16 encodes it.
* signing key = HMAC-SHA256(HMAC-SHA256(HMAC-SHA256(HMAC-SHA256("AWS4" + "<awsSecret>", <dateTime>),
* <awsRegion>), <awsService>),"aws4_request")
* @see AWS spec:
* @param awsSecret AWS secret
* @param awsSecretLen AWS secret length
* @param awsRegion AWS region
* @param awsRegionLen AWS region length
* @param awsService AWS Service name
* @param awsServiceLen AWS service name length
* @param dateTime ISO8601 date/time
* @param dateTimeLen ISO8601 date/time length
* @param stringToSign string to sign
* @param stringToSignLen length of the string to sign
* @param base16Signature output buffer where the base16 signature will be stored
* @param base16SignatureLen size of the signature buffer = EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE (at least)
* @return number of characters written to the output buffer
getSignature(const char *awsSecret, size_t awsSecretLen, const char *awsRegion, size_t awsRegionLen, const char *awsService,
size_t awsServiceLen, const char *dateTime, size_t dateTimeLen, const char *stringToSign, size_t stringToSignLen,
char *signature, size_t signatureLen)
unsigned int dateKeyLen = EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE;
unsigned char dateKey[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
unsigned int dateRegionKeyLen = EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE;
unsigned char dateRegionKey[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
unsigned int dateRegionServiceKeyLen = EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE;
unsigned char dateRegionServiceKey[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
unsigned int signingKeyLen = EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE;
unsigned char signingKey[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
size_t keyLen = 4 + awsSecretLen;
char key[keyLen];
memcpy(key, "AWS4", 4);
memcpy(key + 4, awsSecret, awsSecretLen);
unsigned int len = signatureLen;
if (HMAC(EVP_sha256(), key, keyLen, (unsigned char *)dateTime, dateTimeLen, dateKey, &dateKeyLen) &&
HMAC(EVP_sha256(), dateKey, dateKeyLen, (unsigned char *)awsRegion, awsRegionLen, dateRegionKey, &dateRegionKeyLen) &&
HMAC(EVP_sha256(), dateRegionKey, dateRegionKeyLen, (unsigned char *)awsService, awsServiceLen, dateRegionServiceKey,
&dateRegionServiceKeyLen) &&
HMAC(EVP_sha256(), dateRegionServiceKey, dateRegionServiceKeyLen, (unsigned char *)"aws4_request", 12, signingKey,
&signingKeyLen) &&
HMAC(EVP_sha256(), signingKey, signingKeyLen, (unsigned char *)stringToSign, stringToSignLen, (unsigned char *)signature,
&len)) {
return len;
return 0;
* @brief formats the time stamp in ISO8601 format: <YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ>
getIso8601Time(time_t *now, char *dateTime, size_t dateTimeLen)
struct tm tm;
return strftime(dateTime, dateTimeLen, "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ", gmtime_r(now, &tm));
* @brief formats the time stamp in ISO8601 format: <YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ>
const char *
AwsAuthV4::getDateTime(size_t *dateTimeLen)
*dateTimeLen = sizeof(_dateTime) - 1;
return _dateTime;
* @brief: HTTP content / payload SHA 256 = Hex(SHA256Hash(<payload>)
* @return signature of the content or "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD" to mark that the payload is not signed
return getPayloadSha256(_signPayload);
* @brief Get the value of the Authorization header (AWS authorization) v4
* @return the Authorization header value
String signedHeaders;
String canonicalReq = getCanonicalRequestSha256Hash(_api, _signPayload, _includedHeaders, _excludedHeaders, signedHeaders);
int hostLen = 0;
const char *host = _api.getHost(&hostLen);
String awsRegion = getRegion(_regionMap, host, hostLen);
String stringToSign = getStringToSign(host, hostLen, _dateTime, sizeof(_dateTime) - 1, awsRegion.c_str(), awsRegion.length(),
_awsService, _awsServiceLen, canonicalReq.c_str(), canonicalReq.length());
std::cout << "<StringToSign>" << stringToSign << "</StringToSign>" << std::endl;
char signature[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
size_t signatureLen =
getSignature(_awsSecretAccessKey, _awsSecretAccessKeyLen, awsRegion.c_str(), awsRegion.length(), _awsService, _awsServiceLen,
_dateTime, 8, stringToSign.c_str(), stringToSign.length(), signature, EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE);
String base16Signature = base16Encode(signature, signatureLen);
std::cout << "<SignatureProvided>" << base16Signature << "</SignatureProvided>" << std::endl;
std::stringstream authorizationHeader;
authorizationHeader << "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 ";
authorizationHeader << "Credential=" << String(_awsAccessKeyId, _awsAccessKeyIdLen) << "/" << String(_dateTime, 8) << "/"
<< awsRegion << "/" << String(_awsService, _awsServiceLen) << "/"
<< "aws4_request"
<< ",";
authorizationHeader << "SignedHeaders=" << signedHeaders << ",";
authorizationHeader << "Signature=" << base16Signature;
return authorizationHeader.str();
* @brief Authorization v4 constructor
* @param api wrapper providing access to HTTP request elements (URI host, path, query, headers, etc.)
* @param now current time-stamp
* @param signPayload defines if the HTTP content / payload needs to be signed
* @param awsAccessKeyId AWS access key ID
* @param awsAccessKeyIdLen AWS access key ID length
* @param awsSecretAccessKey AWS secret
* @param awsSecretAccessKeyLen AWS secret length
* @param awsService AWS Service name
* @param awsServiceLen AWS service name length
* @param includeHeaders set of headers to be signed
* @param excludeHeaders set of headers not to be signed
* @param regionMap entry-point to AWS region mapping
AwsAuthV4::AwsAuthV4(TsInterface &api, time_t *now, bool signPayload, const char *awsAccessKeyId, size_t awsAccessKeyIdLen,
const char *awsSecretAccessKey, size_t awsSecretAccessKeyLen, const char *awsService, size_t awsServiceLen,
const StringSet &includedHeaders, const StringSet &excludedHeaders, const StringMap &regionMap)
: _api(api),
_includedHeaders(includedHeaders.empty() ? defaultIncludeHeaders : includedHeaders),
_excludedHeaders(excludedHeaders.empty() ? defaultExcludeHeaders : excludedHeaders),
_regionMap(regionMap.empty() ? defaultDefaultRegionMap : regionMap)
getIso8601Time(now, _dateTime, sizeof(_dateTime));