blob: 43663331e788a20bf546f5d620a9c400e00d9c99 [file] [log] [blame]
Changes with Apache Traffic Server 8.1.4
#8510 - url_sig: fix bad cast to pointer of different type
#8652 - Adding clangd language server files to .gitignore (#8640)
#8653 - Clear random header value by AIO read error (#8559)
#8699 - 8.1.x: GCC 12: Address compiler warnings
#8701 - 8.1.x: Add option to mostly strictly check URL characters (#8012)
#8703 - 8.1.x: docs: Add option to mostly strictly check URL characters (#8012)
#8731 - Bug fix in origin connection handling
#8732 - Default proxy.config.http.strict_uri_parsing to "2" (#8632)