blob: 54cf384a33ed40e633258e32e579d47d5124b0ed [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
A brief file description
@section license License
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "P_EventSystem.h"
#include "HttpServerSession.h"
#include "tscore/Map.h"
class ProxyClientTransaction;
class HttpSM;
void initialize_thread_for_http_sessions(EThread *thread, int thread_index);
enum HSMresult_t {
/** A pool of server sessions.
This is a continuation so that it can get callbacks from the server sessions.
This is used to track remote closes on the sessions so they can be cleaned up.
@internal Cleanup is the real reason we will always need an IP address mapping for the
sessions. The I/O callback will have only the NetVC and thence the remote IP address for the
closed session and we need to be able find it based on that.
class ServerSessionPool : public Continuation
/// Default constructor.
/// Constructs an empty pool.
/// Handle events from server sessions.
int eventHandler(int event, void *data);
static bool validate_sni(HttpSM *sm, NetVConnection *netvc);
/// Interface class for IP map.
struct IPHashing {
typedef uint32_t ID;
typedef sockaddr const *Key;
typedef HttpServerSession Value;
typedef DList(HttpServerSession, ip_hash_link) ListHead;
static ID
hash(Key key)
return ats_ip_hash(key);
static Key
key(Value const *value)
return &value->get_server_ip().sa;
static bool
equal(Key lhs, Key rhs)
return ats_ip_addr_port_eq(lhs, rhs);
/// Interface class for FQDN map.
struct HostHashing {
typedef uint64_t ID;
typedef CryptoHash const &Key;
typedef HttpServerSession Value;
typedef DList(HttpServerSession, host_hash_link) ListHead;
static ID
hash(Key key)
return key.fold();
static Key
key(Value const *value)
return value->hostname_hash;
static bool
equal(Key lhs, Key rhs)
return lhs == rhs;
typedef TSHashTable<IPHashing> IPHashTable; ///< Sessions by IP address.
typedef TSHashTable<HostHashing> HostHashTable; ///< Sessions by host name.
/** Check if a session matches address and host name.
static bool match(HttpServerSession *ss, sockaddr const *addr, CryptoHash const &host_hash,
TSServerSessionSharingMatchType match_style);
/** Get a session from the pool.
The session is selected based on @a match_style equivalently to @a match. If found the session
is removed from the pool.
@return A pointer to the session or @c NULL if not matching session was found.
HSMresult_t acquireSession(sockaddr const *addr, CryptoHash const &host_hash, TSServerSessionSharingMatchType match_style,
HttpSM *sm, HttpServerSession *&server_session);
/** Release a session to to pool.
void releaseSession(HttpServerSession *ss);
/// Close all sessions and then clear the table.
void purge();
// Pools of server sessions.
// Note that each server session is stored in both pools.
IPHashTable m_ip_pool;
HostHashTable m_host_pool;
class HttpSessionManager
HttpSessionManager() : m_g_pool(nullptr) {}
~HttpSessionManager() {}
HSMresult_t acquire_session(Continuation *cont, sockaddr const *addr, const char *hostname, ProxyClientTransaction *ua_txn,
HttpSM *sm);
HSMresult_t release_session(HttpServerSession *to_release);
void purge_keepalives();
void init();
int main_handler(int event, void *data);
/// Global pool, used if not per thread pools.
/// @internal We delay creating this because the session manager is created during global statics init.
ServerSessionPool *m_g_pool;
extern HttpSessionManager httpSessionManager;