blob: 162a515bf638feaa447439c2852a9701eae17326 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
A brief file description
@section license License
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include "tscore/ink_platform.h"
#include "tscore/ink_sprintf.h"
#include "tscore/ink_file.h"
#include "HttpBodyFactory.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "URL.h"
#include "logging/Log.h"
#include "logging/LogAccess.h"
#include "HttpCompat.h"
#include "tscore/I_Layout.h"
// The HttpBodyFactory creates HTTP response page bodies, supported //
// configurable customization and language-targeting. //
// //
// The body factory can be reconfigured dynamically by a manager //
// callback, so locking is required. The callback takes a lock, //
// and the user entry points take a lock. These locks may limit //
// the speed of error page generation. //
// User-Callable APIs --- locks will be taken internally
char *
HttpBodyFactory::fabricate_with_old_api(const char *type, HttpTransact::State *context, int64_t max_buffer_length,
int64_t *resulting_buffer_length, char *content_language_out_buf,
size_t content_language_buf_size, char *content_type_out_buf, size_t content_type_buf_size,
int format_size, const char *format)
char *buffer = nullptr;
const char *lang_ptr = nullptr;
const char *charset_ptr = nullptr;
char url[1024];
const char *set = nullptr;
bool found_requested_template = false;
bool plain_flag = false;
*resulting_buffer_length = 0;
ink_strlcpy(content_language_out_buf, "en", content_language_buf_size);
ink_strlcpy(content_type_out_buf, "text/html", content_type_buf_size);
// if logging turned on, buffer up the URL string for simplicity //
if (enable_logging) {
url[0] = '\0';
URL *u = context->hdr_info.client_request.url_get();
if (u->valid()) { /* if url exists, copy the string into buffer */
size_t i;
char *s = u->string_get(&context->arena);
for (i = 0; (i < sizeof(url) - 1) && s[i]; i++) {
url[i] = s[i];
url[i] = '\0';
if (s) {
// if suppressing this response, return NULL //
if (is_response_suppressed(context)) {
if (enable_logging) {
Log::error("BODY_FACTORY: suppressing '%s' response for url '%s'", type, url);
return nullptr;
// if language-targeting activated, get client Accept-Language & Accept-Charset //
StrList acpt_language_list(false);
StrList acpt_charset_list(false);
if (enable_customizations == 2) {
context->hdr_info.client_request.value_get_comma_list(MIME_FIELD_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, MIME_LEN_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE,
context->hdr_info.client_request.value_get_comma_list(MIME_FIELD_ACCEPT_CHARSET, MIME_LEN_ACCEPT_CHARSET, &acpt_charset_list);
// check if we don't need to format body //
buffer = (format == nullptr) ? nullptr : ats_strndup(format, format_size);
if (buffer != nullptr && format_size > 0) {
*resulting_buffer_length = format_size > max_buffer_length ? 0 : format_size;
plain_flag = true;
// try to fabricate the desired type of error response //
if (buffer == nullptr) {
buffer =
fabricate(&acpt_language_list, &acpt_charset_list, type, context, resulting_buffer_length, &lang_ptr, &charset_ptr, &set);
found_requested_template = (buffer != nullptr);
// if failed, try to fabricate the default custom response //
if (buffer == nullptr) {
if (is_response_body_precluded(context->http_return_code)) {
*resulting_buffer_length = 0;
return nullptr;
buffer = fabricate(&acpt_language_list, &acpt_charset_list, "default", context, resulting_buffer_length, &lang_ptr,
&charset_ptr, &set);
// enforce the max buffer length //
if (buffer && (*resulting_buffer_length > max_buffer_length)) {
if (enable_logging) {
Log::error(("BODY_FACTORY: template '%s/%s' consumed %" PRId64 " bytes, "
"exceeding %" PRId64 " byte limit, using internal default"),
set, type, *resulting_buffer_length, max_buffer_length);
*resulting_buffer_length = 0;
buffer = (char *)ats_free_null(buffer);
// handle return of instantiated template and generate the content //
// language and content type return values //
if (buffer) { // got an instantiated template
if (!plain_flag) {
snprintf(content_language_out_buf, content_language_buf_size, "%s", lang_ptr);
snprintf(content_type_out_buf, content_type_buf_size, "text/html; charset=%s", charset_ptr);
if (enable_logging) {
if (found_requested_template) { // got exact template
Log::error(("BODY_FACTORY: using custom template "
"'%s/%s' for url '%s' (language '%s', charset '%s')"),
set, type, url, lang_ptr, charset_ptr);
} else { // got default template
Log::error(("BODY_FACTORY: can't find custom template "
"'%s/%s', using '%s/%s' for url '%s' (language '%s', charset '%s')"),
set, type, set, "default", url, lang_ptr, charset_ptr);
} else { // no template
if (enable_logging) {
Log::error(("BODY_FACTORY: can't find templates '%s' or '%s' for url `%s'"), type, "default", url);
return (buffer);
HttpBodyFactory::dump_template_tables(FILE *fp)
RawHashTable *h1, *h2;
RawHashTable_Key k1, k2;
RawHashTable_Value v1, v2;
RawHashTable_Binding *b1, *b2;
RawHashTable_IteratorState i1, i2;
HttpBodySet *body_set;
h1 = table_of_sets;
if (h1 != nullptr) {
// loop over set->body-types hash table //
for (b1 = h1->firstBinding(&i1); b1 != nullptr; b1 = h1->nextBinding(&i1)) {
k1 = table_of_sets->getKeyFromBinding(b1);
v1 = table_of_sets->getValueFromBinding(b1);
body_set = (HttpBodySet *)v1;
if (body_set != nullptr) {
fprintf(fp, "set %s: name '%s', lang '%s', charset '%s'\n", k1, body_set->set_name, body_set->content_language,
// loop over body-types->body hash table //
h2 = body_set->table_of_pages;
for (b2 = h2->firstBinding(&i2); b2 != nullptr; b2 = h2->nextBinding(&i2)) {
k2 = table_of_sets->getKeyFromBinding(b2);
v2 = table_of_sets->getValueFromBinding(b2);
HttpBodyTemplate *t = (HttpBodyTemplate *)v2;
fprintf(fp, " %-30s: %" PRId64 " bytes\n", k2, t->byte_count);
// Configuration Change Callback
static int
config_callback(const char * /* name ATS_UNUSED */, RecDataT /* data_type ATS_UNUSED */, RecData /* data ATS_UNUSED */,
void *cookie)
HttpBodyFactory *body_factory = (HttpBodyFactory *)cookie;
return (0);
RecInt e;
bool all_found;
int rec_err;
if (!callbacks_established) {
} // callbacks not setup right
// extract relevant records.config values //
Debug("body_factory", "config variables changed, reconfiguring...");
all_found = true;
// enable_customizations if records.config set
rec_err = RecGetRecordInt("proxy.config.body_factory.enable_customizations", &e);
enable_customizations = ((rec_err == REC_ERR_OKAY) ? e : 0);
all_found = all_found && (rec_err == REC_ERR_OKAY);
Debug("body_factory", "enable_customizations = %d (found = %" PRId64 ")", enable_customizations, e);
rec_err = RecGetRecordInt("proxy.config.body_factory.enable_logging", &e);
enable_logging = ((rec_err == REC_ERR_OKAY) ? (e ? true : false) : false);
all_found = all_found && (rec_err == REC_ERR_OKAY);
Debug("body_factory", "enable_logging = %d (found = %" PRId64 ")", enable_logging, e);
rec_err = RecGetRecordInt("proxy.config.body_factory.response_suppression_mode", &e);
response_suppression_mode = ((rec_err == REC_ERR_OKAY) ? e : 0);
all_found = all_found && (rec_err == REC_ERR_OKAY);
Debug("body_factory", "response_suppression_mode = %d (found = %" PRId64 ")", response_suppression_mode, e);
ats_scoped_str directory_of_template_sets(RecConfigReadConfigPath("proxy.config.body_factory.template_sets_dir", "body_factory"));
if (access(directory_of_template_sets, R_OK) < 0) {
Warning("Unable to access() directory '%s': %d, %s", (const char *)directory_of_template_sets, errno, strerror(errno));
Warning(" Please set 'proxy.config.body_factory.template_sets_dir' ");
Debug("body_factory", "directory_of_template_sets = '%s' ", (const char *)directory_of_template_sets);
if (!all_found) {
Warning("config changed, but can't fetch all proxy.config.body_factory values");
// clear out previous template hash tables //
// at this point, the body hash table is gone, so we start //
// building a new one, by scanning the template directory. //
if (directory_of_template_sets) {
table_of_sets = load_sets_from_directory(directory_of_template_sets);
// class HttpBodyFactory
int i;
bool status, no_registrations_failed;
// initialize first-time defaults //
// set up management configuration-change callbacks //
static const char *config_record_names[] = {
"proxy.config.body_factory.enable_customizations", "proxy.config.body_factory.enable_logging",
"proxy.config.body_factory.template_sets_dir", "proxy.config.body_factory.response_suppression_mode", nullptr};
no_registrations_failed = true;
for (i = 0; config_record_names[i] != nullptr; i++) {
status = REC_RegisterConfigUpdateFunc(config_record_names[i], config_callback, (void *)this);
if (status != REC_ERR_OKAY) {
Warning("couldn't register variable '%s', is records.config up to date?", config_record_names[i]);
no_registrations_failed = no_registrations_failed && (status == REC_ERR_OKAY);
if (no_registrations_failed == false) {
Warning("couldn't setup all body_factory callbacks, disabling body_factory");
} else {
Debug("body_factory", "all callbacks established successfully");
callbacks_established = true;
// FIX: need to implement destructor
delete table_of_sets;
// LOCKING: must be called with lock taken
char *
HttpBodyFactory::fabricate(StrList *acpt_language_list, StrList *acpt_charset_list, const char *type, HttpTransact::State *context,
int64_t *buffer_length_return, const char **content_language_return, const char **content_charset_return,
const char **set_return)
char *buffer;
const char *pType = context->txn_conf->body_factory_template_base;
const char *set;
HttpBodyTemplate *t = nullptr;
HttpBodySet *body_set;
char template_base[PATH_NAME_MAX];
if (set_return) {
*set_return = "???";
*content_language_return = nullptr;
*content_charset_return = nullptr;
Debug("body_factory", "calling fabricate(type '%s')", type);
*buffer_length_return = 0;
// if error body suppressed, return NULL
if (is_response_suppressed(context)) {
Debug("body_factory", " error suppression enabled, returning NULL template");
return nullptr;
// if custom error pages are disabled, return NULL
if (!enable_customizations) {
Debug("body_factory", " customization disabled, returning NULL template");
return nullptr;
// what set should we use (language target if enable_customizations == 2)
if (enable_customizations == 2) {
set = determine_set_by_language(acpt_language_list, acpt_charset_list);
} else if (enable_customizations == 3) {
set = determine_set_by_host(context);
} else if (is_response_body_precluded(context->http_return_code)) {
return nullptr;
} else {
set = "default";
if (set_return) {
*set_return = set;
if (pType != nullptr && 0 != *pType && 0 != strncmp(pType, "NONE", 4)) {
sprintf(template_base, "%s_%s", pType, type);
t = find_template(set, template_base, &body_set);
// Check for default alternate.
if (t == nullptr) {
sprintf(template_base, "%s_default", pType);
t = find_template(set, template_base, &body_set);
// Check for base customizations if specializations didn't work.
if (t == nullptr) {
if (is_response_body_precluded(context->http_return_code)) {
return nullptr;
t = find_template(set, type, &body_set); // this executes if the template_base is wrong and doesn't exist
if (t == nullptr) {
Debug("body_factory", " can't find template, returning NULL template");
return nullptr;
*content_language_return = body_set->content_language;
*content_charset_return = body_set->content_charset;
// build the custom error page
buffer = t->build_instantiated_buffer(context, buffer_length_return);
return buffer;
// LOCKING: must be called with lock taken
const char *
HttpBodyFactory::determine_set_by_host(HttpTransact::State *context)
const char *set;
RawHashTable_Value v;
int host_len = context->hh_info.host_len;
char host_buffer[host_len + 1];
strncpy(host_buffer, context->hh_info.request_host, host_len);
host_buffer[host_len] = '\0';
if (table_of_sets->getValue((RawHashTable_Key)host_buffer, &v)) {
set = table_of_sets->getKeyFromBinding(table_of_sets->getCurrentBinding((RawHashTable_Key)host_buffer));
} else {
set = "default";
return set;
// LOCKING: must be called with lock taken
const char *
HttpBodyFactory::determine_set_by_language(StrList *acpt_language_list, StrList *acpt_charset_list)
float Q_best;
const char *set_best;
int La_best, Lc_best, I_best;
set_best = HttpCompat::determine_set_by_language(table_of_sets, acpt_language_list, acpt_charset_list, &Q_best, &La_best,
&Lc_best, &I_best);
return (set_best);
// LOCKING: must be called with lock taken
HttpBodyTemplate *
HttpBodyFactory::find_template(const char *set, const char *type, HttpBodySet **body_set_return)
RawHashTable_Value v;
Debug("body_factory", "calling find_template(%s,%s)", set, type);
*body_set_return = nullptr;
if (table_of_sets == nullptr) {
return (nullptr);
if (table_of_sets->getValue((RawHashTable_Key)set, &v)) {
HttpBodySet *body_set = (HttpBodySet *)v;
RawHashTable *table_of_types = body_set->table_of_pages;
if (table_of_types == nullptr) {
return (nullptr);
if (table_of_types->getValue((RawHashTable_Key)type, &v)) {
HttpBodyTemplate *t = (HttpBodyTemplate *)v;
if ((t == nullptr) || (!t->is_sane())) {
return (nullptr);
*body_set_return = body_set;
Debug("body_factory", "find_template(%s,%s) -> (file %s, length %" PRId64 ", lang '%s', charset '%s')", set, type,
t->template_pathname, t->byte_count, body_set->content_language, body_set->content_charset);
return (t);
Debug("body_factory", "find_template(%s,%s) -> NULL", set, type);
return (nullptr);
// LOCKING: must be called with lock taken
HttpBodyFactory::is_response_suppressed(HttpTransact::State *context)
// Since a tunnel may not always be an SSL connection,
// we may want to return an error message.
// Even if it's an SSL connection, it won't cause any harm
// as the connection is going to be closed anyway.
if (context->client_info.port_attribute == SERVER_PORT_BLIND_TUNNEL) {
// Blind SSL tunnels always supress error messages
return true;
} else
if (response_suppression_mode == 0) {
return (false);
} else if (response_suppression_mode == 1) {
return (true);
} else if (response_suppression_mode == 2) {
if (context->req_flavor == HttpTransact::REQ_FLAVOR_INTERCEPTED) {
return (true);
} else {
return (false);
} else {
return (false);
// LOCKING: must be called with lock taken
RawHashTable *h1, *h2;
RawHashTable_Value v1, v2;
RawHashTable_Binding *b1, *b2;
RawHashTable_IteratorState i1, i2;
HttpBodySet *body_set;
HttpBodyTemplate *hbt;
h1 = table_of_sets;
if (h1) {
Debug("body_factory", "deleting pre-existing template tables");
} else {
Debug("body_factory", "no pre-existing template tables");
if (h1 != nullptr) {
// loop over set->body-types hash table //
for (b1 = h1->firstBinding(&i1); b1 != nullptr; b1 = h1->nextBinding(&i1)) {
v1 = h1->getValueFromBinding(b1);
body_set = (HttpBodySet *)v1;
h2 = body_set->table_of_pages;
if (h2 != nullptr) {
body_set->table_of_pages = nullptr;
// loop over body-types->body hash table //
for (b2 = h2->firstBinding(&i2); b2 != nullptr; b2 = h2->nextBinding(&i2)) {
v2 = h2->getValueFromBinding(b2);
if (v2) {
// need a cast here
hbt = (HttpBodyTemplate *)v2;
delete hbt;
delete h2;
delete body_set;
delete h1;
table_of_sets = nullptr;
// LOCKING: must be called with lock taken
RawHashTable *
HttpBodyFactory::load_sets_from_directory(char *set_dir)
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *dirEntry;
RawHashTable *new_table_of_sets;
if (set_dir == nullptr) {
return (nullptr);
Debug("body_factory", "load_sets_from_directory(%s)", set_dir);
// try to open the requested template directory //
dir = opendir(set_dir);
if (dir == nullptr) {
Warning("can't open response template directory '%s' (%s)", set_dir, (strerror(errno) ? strerror(errno) : "unknown reason"));
Warning("no response templates --- using default error pages");
return (nullptr);
new_table_of_sets = new RawHashTable(RawHashTable_KeyType_String);
// loop over each language subdirectory //
while ((dirEntry = readdir(dir))) {
int status;
struct stat stat_buf;
char subdir[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
// ensure a subdirectory, and not starting with '.' //
if ((dirEntry->d_name)[0] == '.') {
ink_filepath_make(subdir, sizeof(subdir), set_dir, dirEntry->d_name);
status = stat(subdir, &stat_buf);
if (status != 0) {
continue; // can't stat
if (!S_ISDIR(stat_buf.st_mode)) {
continue; // not a dir
// at this point, 'subdir' might be a valid template dir //
HttpBodySet *body_set = load_body_set_from_directory(dirEntry->d_name, subdir);
if (body_set != nullptr) {
Debug("body_factory", " %s -> %p", dirEntry->d_name, body_set);
new_table_of_sets->setValue((RawHashTable_Key)(dirEntry->d_name), (RawHashTable_Value)body_set);
return (new_table_of_sets);
// LOCKING: must be called with lock taken
HttpBodySet *
HttpBodyFactory::load_body_set_from_directory(char *set_name, char *tmpl_dir)
DIR *dir;
int status;
struct stat stat_buf;
struct dirent *dirEntry;
char path[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
static const char BASED_DEFAULT[] = "_default";
// ensure we can open tmpl_dir as a directory //
Debug("body_factory", " load_body_set_from_directory(%s)", tmpl_dir);
dir = opendir(tmpl_dir);
if (dir == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
// ensure a .body_factory_info file exists //
ink_filepath_make(path, sizeof(path), tmpl_dir, ".body_factory_info");
status = stat(path, &stat_buf);
if ((status < 0) || !S_ISREG(stat_buf.st_mode)) {
return nullptr;
Debug("body_factory", " found '%s'", path);
// create body set, and loop over template files, loading them //
HttpBodySet *body_set = new HttpBodySet;
body_set->init(set_name, tmpl_dir);
Debug("body_factory", " body_set = %p (set_name '%s', lang '%s', charset '%s')", body_set, body_set->set_name,
body_set->content_language, body_set->content_charset);
while ((dirEntry = readdir(dir))) {
HttpBodyTemplate *tmpl;
size_t d_len = strlen(dirEntry->d_name);
// all template files must have a file name of the form //
// - <type>#<subtype> //
// - <base>_<type>#<subtype> //
// - <base>_default [based default] //
// - default [global default] //
if (!(nullptr != strchr(dirEntry->d_name, '#') || (0 == strcmp(dirEntry->d_name, "default")) ||
(d_len >= sizeof(BASED_DEFAULT) && 0 == strcmp(dirEntry->d_name + d_len - (sizeof(BASED_DEFAULT) - 1), BASED_DEFAULT)))) {
snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", tmpl_dir, dirEntry->d_name);
status = stat(path, &stat_buf);
if (status != 0) {
continue; // can't stat
if (!S_ISREG(stat_buf.st_mode)) {
continue; // not a file
// read in this template file //
tmpl = new HttpBodyTemplate();
if (!tmpl->load_from_file(tmpl_dir, dirEntry->d_name)) {
delete tmpl;
} else {
Debug("body_factory", " %s -> %p", dirEntry->d_name, tmpl);
body_set->set_template_by_name(dirEntry->d_name, tmpl);
return (body_set);
// class HttpBodySet
set_name = nullptr;
content_language = nullptr;
content_charset = nullptr;
table_of_pages = nullptr;
if (table_of_pages) {
delete table_of_pages;
HttpBodySet::init(char *set, char *dir)
int fd, lineno, lines_added = 0;
char info_path[MAXPATHLEN];
char buffer[1024], name[1025], value[1024];
ink_filepath_make(info_path, sizeof(info_path), dir, ".body_factory_info");
fd = open(info_path, O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
return (-1);
this->set_name = ats_strdup(set);
if (this->table_of_pages) {
delete (this->table_of_pages);
this->table_of_pages = new RawHashTable(RawHashTable_KeyType_String);
lineno = 0;
while (true) {
char *name_s, *name_e, *value_s, *value_e, *hash;
int bytes = ink_file_fd_readline(fd, sizeof(buffer), buffer);
if (bytes <= 0) {
// chop anything on and after first '#' sign //
hash = index(buffer, '#');
if (hash) {
*hash = '\0';
// find start and end of name //
name_s = buffer;
while (*name_s && ParseRules::is_wslfcr(*name_s)) {
name_e = name_s;
while (*name_e && ParseRules::is_http_field_name(*name_e)) {
if (name_s == name_e) {
continue; // blank line
// find start and end of value //
value_s = name_e;
while (*value_s && (ParseRules::is_wslfcr(*value_s))) {
if (*value_s != ':') {
Warning("ignoring invalid body factory info line #%d in %s", lineno, info_path);
++value_s; // skip the colon
while (*value_s && (ParseRules::is_wslfcr(*value_s))) {
value_e = buffer + strlen(buffer) - 1;
while ((value_e > value_s) && ParseRules::is_wslfcr(*(value_e - 1))) {
// insert line into hash table //
memcpy(name, name_s, name_e - name_s);
name[name_e - name_s] = '\0';
memcpy(value, value_s, value_e - value_s);
value[value_e - value_s] = '\0';
// so far, we only support 2 pieces of metadata //
if (strcasecmp(name, "Content-Language") == 0) {
this->content_language = ats_strdup(value);
} else if (strcasecmp(name, "Content-Charset") == 0) {
this->content_charset = ats_strdup(value);
// fill in default language & charset, if not set //
if (!this->content_language) {
if (strcmp(set, "default") == 0) {
this->content_language = ats_strdup("en");
} else {
this->content_language = ats_strdup(set);
if (!this->content_charset) {
this->content_charset = ats_strdup("utf-8");
return (lines_added);
HttpBodyTemplate *
HttpBodySet::get_template_by_name(const char *name)
RawHashTable_Value v;
Debug("body_factory", " calling get_template_by_name(%s)", name);
if (table_of_pages == nullptr) {
return (nullptr);
if (table_of_pages->getValue((RawHashTable_Key)name, &v)) {
HttpBodyTemplate *t = (HttpBodyTemplate *)v;
if ((t == nullptr) || (!t->is_sane())) {
return (nullptr);
Debug("body_factory", " get_template_by_name(%s) -> (file %s, length %" PRId64 ")", name, t->template_pathname,
return (t);
Debug("body_factory", " get_template_by_name(%s) -> NULL", name);
return (nullptr);
HttpBodySet::set_template_by_name(const char *name, HttpBodyTemplate *t)
table_of_pages->setValue((RawHashTable_Key)name, (RawHashTable_Value)t);
// class HttpBodyTemplate
byte_count = 0;
template_buffer = nullptr;
template_pathname = nullptr;
template_buffer = nullptr;
byte_count = 0;
HttpBodyTemplate::load_from_file(char *dir, char *file)
int fd, status;
int64_t bytes_read;
struct stat stat_buf;
char path[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
char *new_template_buffer;
int64_t new_byte_count;
// ensure this is actually a file //
snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", dir, file);
// coverity[fs_check_call]
status = stat(path, &stat_buf);
if (status != 0) {
return (0);
if (!S_ISREG(stat_buf.st_mode)) {
return (0);
// open the file //
// coverity[toctou]
fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
return (0);
// read in the template file contents //
new_byte_count = stat_buf.st_size;
new_template_buffer = (char *)ats_malloc(new_byte_count + 1);
bytes_read = read(fd, new_template_buffer, new_byte_count);
new_template_buffer[new_byte_count] = '\0';
// check for read errors //
if (bytes_read != new_byte_count) {
Warning("reading template file '%s', got %" PRId64 " bytes instead of %" PRId64 " (%s)", path, bytes_read, new_byte_count,
(strerror(errno) ? strerror(errno) : "unknown error"));
return (0);
Debug("body_factory", " read %" PRId64 " bytes from '%s'", new_byte_count, path);
// actually commit the changes //
template_buffer = new_template_buffer;
byte_count = new_byte_count;
template_pathname = ats_strdup(path);
return (1);
char *
HttpBodyTemplate::build_instantiated_buffer(HttpTransact::State *context, int64_t *buflen_return)
char *buffer = nullptr;
Debug("body_factory_instantiation", " before instantiation: [%s]", template_buffer);
LogAccess la(context->state_machine);
buffer = resolve_logfield_string(&la, template_buffer);
*buflen_return = ((buffer == nullptr) ? 0 : strlen(buffer));
Debug("body_factory_instantiation", " after instantiation: [%s]", buffer);
Debug("body_factory", " returning %" PRId64 " byte instantiated buffer", *buflen_return);
return (buffer);