blob: ff5025bb23ca717c0ab21b0c862c25dfc83f19b2 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
Public RecCore declarations
@section license License
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#ifndef _I_REC_CORE_H_
#define _I_REC_CORE_H_
#include "ink_bool.h"
#include "Diags.h"
#include "I_RecDefs.h"
#include "I_RecAlarms.h"
#include "I_RecSignals.h"
#include "I_RecEvents.h"
// Diagnostic Output
int RecSetDiags(Diags * diags);
// Stat Registration
int RecRegisterStatInt(RecT rec_type, const char *name, RecInt data_default, RecPersistT persist_type);
int RecRegisterStatLLong(RecT rec_type, const char *name, RecLLong data_default, RecPersistT persist_type);
int RecRegisterStatFloat(RecT rec_type, const char *name, RecFloat data_default, RecPersistT persist_type);
int RecRegisterStatString(RecT rec_type, const char *name, RecString data_default, RecPersistT persist_type);
int RecRegisterStatCounter(RecT rec_type, const char *name, RecCounter data_default, RecPersistT persist_type);
// Config Registration
int RecRegisterConfigInt(RecT rec_type, const char *name,
RecInt data_default, RecUpdateT update_type,
RecCheckT check_type, const char *ccheck_regex, RecAccessT access_type = RECA_NULL);
int RecRegisterConfigLLong(RecT rec_type, const char *name,
RecLLong data_default, RecUpdateT update_type,
RecCheckT check_type, const char *check_regex, RecAccessT access_type = RECA_NULL);
int RecRegisterConfigFloat(RecT rec_type, const char *name,
RecFloat data_default, RecUpdateT update_type,
RecCheckT check_type, const char *check_regex, RecAccessT access_type = RECA_NULL);
int RecRegisterConfigString(RecT rec_type, const char *name,
const char *data_default, RecUpdateT update_type,
RecCheckT check_type, const char *check_regex, RecAccessT access_type = RECA_NULL);
int RecRegisterConfigCounter(RecT rec_type, const char *name,
RecCounter data_default, RecUpdateT update_type,
RecCheckT check_type, const char *check_regex, RecAccessT access_type = RECA_NULL);
// Config Change Notification
int RecLinkConfigInt(const char *name, RecInt * rec_int);
int RecLinkConfigLLong(const char *name, RecLLong * rec_llong);
int RecLinkConfigInk32(const char *name, ink32 * p_ink32);
int RecLinkConfigInkU32(const char *name, inku32 * p_inku32);
int RecLinkConfigFloat(const char *name, RecFloat * rec_float);
int RecLinkConfigCounter(const char *name, RecCounter * rec_counter);
int RecLinkConfigString(const char *name, RecString * rec_string);
int RecRegisterConfigUpdateCb(const char *name, RecConfigUpdateCb update_cb, void *cookie);
int RecRegisterStatUpdateFunc(const char *name, RecStatUpdateFunc update_func, void *cookie);
int RecRegisterRawStatUpdateFunc(const char *name, RecRawStatBlock * rsb,
int id, RecStatUpdateFunc update_func, void *cookie);
// Record Reading/Writing
// WARNING! Avoid deadlocks by calling the following set/get calls
// with the appropiate locking conventions. If you're calling these
// functions from a configuration update callback (RecConfigUpdateCb),
// be sure to set 'lock' to 'false' as the hash-table rwlock has
// already been taken out for the callback.
// RecSetRecordConvert ->
int RecSetRecordConvert(const char *name, const RecString rec_string, bool lock = true);
int RecSetRecordInt(const char *name, RecInt rec_int, bool lock = true);
int RecSetRecordLLong(const char *name, RecLLong rec_llong, bool lock = true);
int RecSetRecordFloat(const char *name, RecFloat rec_float, bool lock = true);
int RecSetRecordString(const char *name, const RecString rec_string, bool lock = true);
int RecSetRecordCounter(const char *name, RecCounter rec_counter, bool lock = true);
int RecGetRecordInt(const char *name, RecInt * rec_int, bool lock = true);
int RecGetRecordLLong(const char *name, RecLLong * rec_llong, bool lock = true);
int RecGetRecordFloat(const char *name, RecFloat * rec_float, bool lock = true);
int RecGetRecordString(const char *name, char *buf, int buf_len, bool lock = true);
int RecGetRecordString_Xmalloc(const char *name, RecString * rec_string, bool lock = true);
int RecGetRecordCounter(const char *name, RecCounter * rec_counter, bool lock = true);
int RecGetRecordGeneric_Xmalloc(const char *name, RecString * rec_string, bool lock = true);
// Record Attributes Reading
int RecGetRecordType(const char *name, RecT * rec_type, bool lock = true);
int RecGetRecordDataType(const char *name, RecDataT * data_type, bool lock = true);
int RecGetRecordUpdateCount(RecT data_type);
int RecGetRecordRelativeOrder(const char *name, int *order, bool lock = true);
int RecGetRecordUpdateType(const char *name, RecUpdateT * update_type, bool lock = true);
int RecGetRecordCheckType(const char *name, RecCheckT * check_type, bool lock = true);
int RecGetRecordCheckExpr(const char *name, char **check_expr, bool lock = true);
int RecGetRecordDefaultDataString_Xmalloc(char *name, char **buf, bool lock = true);
int RecGetRecordAccessType(const char *name, RecAccessT * secure, bool lock = true);
int RecSetRecordAccessType(const char *name, RecAccessT secure, bool lock = true);
void RecGetRecordTree(char *subtree = NULL);
void RecGetRecordList(char *, char ***, int *);
int RecGetRecordPrefix_Xmalloc(char *prefix, char **result, int *result_len);
// Signal and Alarms
void RecSignalManager(int, const char *);
void RecSignalAlarm(int, const char *);
// Backwards Compatibility Items (REC_ prefix)
#define REC_RegisterConfigInteger RecRegisterConfigInt
#define REC_RegisterConfigLLong RecRegisterConfigLLong
#define REC_RegisterConfigString RecRegisterConfigString
#define REC_ReadConfigInt32(_var,_config_var_name) do { \
RecInt tmp = 0; \
RecGetRecordInt(_config_var_name, (RecInt*) &tmp); \
_var = (ink32)tmp; \
} while (0)
#define REC_ReadConfigInteger(_var,_config_var_name) do { \
RecInt tmp = 0; \
RecGetRecordInt(_config_var_name, &tmp); \
_var = tmp; \
} while (0)
#define REC_ReadConfigLLong(_var,_config_var_name) do { \
RecLLong tmp = 0; \
RecGetRecordLLong(_config_var_name, &tmp); \
_var = tmp; \
} while (0)
#define REC_ReadConfigFloat(_var,_config_var_name) do { \
RecFloat tmp = 0; \
RecGetRecordFloat(_config_var_name, &tmp); \
_var = tmp; \
} while (0)
#define REC_ReadConfigStringAlloc(_var,_config_var_name) \
RecGetRecordString_Xmalloc(_config_var_name, (RecString*)&_var)
#define REC_ReadConfigString(_var, _config_var_name, _len) \
RecGetRecordString(_config_var_name, _var, _len)
#define REC_RegisterConfigUpdateFunc(_config_var_name, func, flag) \
RecRegisterConfigUpdateCb(_config_var_name, func, flag)
#define REC_EstablishStaticConfigInteger(_var, _config_var_name) do{ \
RecLinkConfigInt(_config_var_name, &_var); \
_var = (int)REC_ConfigReadInteger(_config_var_name); \
} while (0)
#define REC_EstablishStaticConfigLLong(_var, _config_var_name) do{ \
RecLinkConfigLLong(_config_var_name, &_var); \
_var = (RecLLong)REC_ConfigReadLLong(_config_var_name); \
} while (0)
#define REC_EstablishStaticConfigInt32(_var, _config_var_name) do { \
RecLinkConfigInk32(_config_var_name, &_var); \
_var = (ink32)REC_ConfigReadInteger(_config_var_name); \
} while (0)
#define REC_EstablishStaticConfigInt32U(_var, _config_var_name) do { \
RecLinkConfigInkU32(_config_var_name, &_var); \
_var = (ink32)REC_ConfigReadInteger(_config_var_name); \
} while (0)
#define REC_EstablishStaticConfigStringAlloc(_var, _config_var_name) do { \
RecLinkConfigString(_config_var_name, &_var); \
_var = (RecString)REC_ConfigReadString(_config_var_name); \
} while (0)
#define REC_EstablishStaticConfigLongLong(_var, _config_var_name) do { \
RecLinkConfigCounter(_config_var_name, &_var); \
_var = (RecCounter)REC_ConfigReadCounter(_config_var_name); \
} while (0)
#define REC_EstablishStaticConfigFloat(_var, _config_var_name) do { \
RecLinkConfigFloat(_config_var_name, &_var); \
_var = (RecFloat)REC_ConfigReadFloat(_config_var_name); \
} while (0)
RecInt REC_ConfigReadInteger(const char *name);
RecLLong REC_ConfigReadLLong(const char *name);
char *REC_ConfigReadString(const char *name);
RecFloat REC_ConfigReadFloat(const char *name);
RecCounter REC_ConfigReadCounter(const char *name);
// MGMT2 Marco's -- converting lmgmt->record_data->readXXX
RecInt REC_readInteger(const char *name, bool * found, bool lock = true);
RecLLong REC_readLLong(char *name, bool * found, bool lock = true);
RecFloat REC_readFloat(char *name, bool * found, bool lock = true);
RecCounter REC_readCounter(char *name, bool * found, bool lock = true);
RecString REC_readString(const char *name, bool * found, bool lock = true);
bool REC_setInteger(const char *name, int value, bool dirty = true);
bool REC_setLLong(const char *name, RecLLong value, bool dirty = true);
bool REC_setFloat(const char *name, float value, bool dirty = true);
bool REC_setCounter(const char *name, ink64 value, bool dirty = true);
bool REC_setString(const char *name, char *value, bool dirty = true);
// Clear Statistics
int RecResetStatRecord(char *name);
int RecResetStatRecord(RecT type = RECT_NULL);
// Set RecRecord attributes
int RecSetSyncRequired(char *name, bool lock = true);
// Signal Alarm/Warning
#define REC_SignalManager RecSignalManager
#define REC_SignalAlarm RecSignalAlarm
#define REC_SignalWarning(_n,_d) { Warning(_d); RecSignalManager(_n,_d); }
// Manager Callback
typedef void *(*RecManagerCb) (void *opaque_cb_data, char *data_raw, int data_len);
int RecRegisterManagerCb(int _signal, RecManagerCb _fn, void *_data = NULL);