blob: a46c6dd6d08ee5236d6a5bbb238b669d0e59d988 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
A brief file description
@section license License
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "P_Net.h"
#include "HttpConnectionCount.h"
#include "HttpProxyAPIEnums.h"
class HttpSM;
class MIOBuffer;
class IOBufferReader;
enum HSS_State {
enum {
class Http1ServerSession : public VConnection
using self_type = Http1ServerSession;
using super_type = VConnection;
Http1ServerSession() : super_type(nullptr) {}
Http1ServerSession(self_type const &) = delete;
self_type &operator=(self_type const &) = delete;
// Methods
void new_connection(NetVConnection *new_vc);
void release();
void destroy();
// VConnection Methods
VIO *do_io_read(Continuation *c, int64_t nbytes = INT64_MAX, MIOBuffer *buf = nullptr) override;
VIO *do_io_write(Continuation *c = nullptr, int64_t nbytes = INT64_MAX, IOBufferReader *buf = nullptr,
bool owner = false) override;
void do_io_close(int lerrno = -1) override;
void do_io_shutdown(ShutdownHowTo_t howto) override;
void reenable(VIO *vio) override;
void enable_outbound_connection_tracking(OutboundConnTrack::Group *group);
IOBufferReader *get_reader();
void attach_hostname(const char *hostname);
NetVConnection *get_netvc() const;
void set_netvc(NetVConnection *new_vc);
IpEndpoint const &get_server_ip() const;
int populate_protocol(std::string_view *result, int size) const;
const char *protocol_contains(std::string_view tag_prefix) const;
// Variables
CryptoHash hostname_hash;
int64_t con_id = 0;
int transact_count = 0;
HSS_State state = HSS_INIT;
// Used to determine whether the session is for parent proxy
// it is session to origin server
// We need to determine whether a closed connection was to
// close parent proxy to update the
// proxy.process.http.current_parent_proxy_connections
bool to_parent_proxy = false;
// Used to verify we are recording the server
// transaction stat properly
int server_trans_stat = 0;
// Sessions become if authentication headers
// are sent over them
bool private_session = false;
// Copy of the owning SM's server session sharing settings
TSServerSessionSharingMatchMask sharing_match = TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_MATCH_MASK_NONE;
TSServerSessionSharingPoolType sharing_pool = TS_SERVER_SESSION_SHARING_POOL_GLOBAL;
/// Hash map descriptor class for IP map.
struct IPLinkage {
self_type *_next = nullptr;
self_type *_prev = nullptr;
static self_type *&next_ptr(self_type *);
static self_type *&prev_ptr(self_type *);
static uint32_t hash_of(sockaddr const *key);
static sockaddr const *key_of(self_type const *ssn);
static bool equal(sockaddr const *lhs, sockaddr const *rhs);
// Add a couple overloads for internal convenience.
static bool equal(sockaddr const *lhs, Http1ServerSession const *rhs);
static bool equal(Http1ServerSession const *lhs, sockaddr const *rhs);
} _ip_link;
/// Hash map descriptor class for FQDN map.
struct FQDNLinkage {
self_type *_next = nullptr;
self_type *_prev = nullptr;
static self_type *&next_ptr(self_type *);
static self_type *&prev_ptr(self_type *);
static uint64_t hash_of(CryptoHash const &key);
static CryptoHash const &key_of(self_type *ssn);
static bool equal(CryptoHash const &lhs, CryptoHash const &rhs);
} _fqdn_link;
// Keep track of connection limiting and a pointer to the
// singleton that keeps track of the connection counts.
OutboundConnTrack::Group *conn_track_group = nullptr;
// The ServerSession owns the following buffer which use
// for parsing the headers. The server session needs to
// own the buffer so we can go from a keep-alive state
// to being acquired and parsing the header without
// changing the buffer we are doing I/O on. We can
// not change the buffer for I/O without issuing a
// an asynchronous cancel on NT
MIOBuffer *read_buffer = nullptr;
NetVConnection *server_vc = nullptr;
int magic = HTTP_SS_MAGIC_DEAD;
IOBufferReader *buf_reader = nullptr;
extern ClassAllocator<Http1ServerSession> httpServerSessionAllocator;
inline void
Http1ServerSession::attach_hostname(const char *hostname)
if (CRYPTO_HASH_ZERO == hostname_hash) {
CryptoContext().hash_immediate(hostname_hash, (unsigned char *)hostname, strlen(hostname));
inline IOBufferReader *
return buf_reader;
inline Http1ServerSession *&
Http1ServerSession::IPLinkage::next_ptr(self_type *ssn)
return ssn->_ip_link._next;
inline Http1ServerSession *&
Http1ServerSession::IPLinkage::prev_ptr(self_type *ssn)
return ssn->_ip_link._prev;
inline uint32_t
Http1ServerSession::IPLinkage::hash_of(sockaddr const *key)
return ats_ip_hash(key);
inline sockaddr const *
Http1ServerSession::IPLinkage::key_of(self_type const *ssn)
return &ssn->get_server_ip().sa;
inline bool
Http1ServerSession::IPLinkage::equal(sockaddr const *lhs, sockaddr const *rhs)
return ats_ip_addr_port_eq(lhs, rhs);
inline bool
Http1ServerSession::IPLinkage::equal(sockaddr const *lhs, Http1ServerSession const *rhs)
return ats_ip_addr_port_eq(lhs, key_of(rhs));
inline bool
Http1ServerSession::IPLinkage::equal(Http1ServerSession const *lhs, sockaddr const *rhs)
return ats_ip_addr_port_eq(key_of(lhs), rhs);
inline Http1ServerSession *&
Http1ServerSession::FQDNLinkage::next_ptr(self_type *ssn)
return ssn->_fqdn_link._next;
inline Http1ServerSession *&
Http1ServerSession::FQDNLinkage::prev_ptr(self_type *ssn)
return ssn->_fqdn_link._prev;
inline uint64_t
Http1ServerSession::FQDNLinkage::hash_of(CryptoHash const &key)
return key.fold();
inline CryptoHash const &
Http1ServerSession::FQDNLinkage::key_of(self_type *ssn)
return ssn->hostname_hash;
inline bool
Http1ServerSession::FQDNLinkage::equal(CryptoHash const &lhs, CryptoHash const &rhs)
return lhs == rhs;