blob: 0349ed1ce1fde5383829eeced4c6f9b582d38e09 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
HTTP configuration support.
@section license License
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "tscore/ink_inet.h"
#include "tscore/ink_resolver.h"
#include "ts/apidefs.h"
#include "ts/apidefs.h"
#include "tscore/ink_assert.h"
#include "tscore/IpMap.h"
#include "tscore/MemArena.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
/// Load default inbound IP addresses from the configuration file.
void RecHttpLoadIp(const char *name, ///< Name of value in configuration file.
IpAddr &ip4, ///< [out] IPv4 address.
IpAddr &ip6 ///< [out] Ipv6 address.
/// Load up an IpMap with IP addresses from the configuration file.
void RecHttpLoadIpMap(const char *name, ///< Name of value in configuration file.
IpMap &ipmap ///< [out] IpMap.
/** A set of session protocols.
This depends on using @c SessionProtocolNameRegistry to get the indices.
class SessionProtocolSet
using self_type = SessionProtocolSet; ///< Self reference type.
/// Storage for the set - a bit vector.
uint32_t m_bits = 0;
static constexpr int MAX = sizeof(m_bits) * CHAR_BIT;
/// Default constructor.
/// Constructs and empty set.
SessionProtocolSet() = default;
indexToMask(int idx) const
return 0 <= idx && idx < static_cast<int>(MAX) ? static_cast<uint32_t>(1) << idx : 0;
/// Mark the protocol at @a idx as present.
markIn(int idx)
m_bits |= this->indexToMask(idx);
/// Mark all the protocols in @a that as present in @a this.
markIn(self_type const &that)
m_bits |= that.m_bits;
/// Mark the protocol at a idx as not present.
markOut(int idx)
m_bits &= ~this->indexToMask(idx);
/// Mark the protocols in @a that as not in @a this.
markOut(self_type const &that)
m_bits &= ~(that.m_bits);
/// Test if a protocol is in the set.
contains(int idx) const
return 0 != (m_bits & this->indexToMask(idx));
/// Test if all the protocols in @a that are in @a this protocol set.
contains(self_type const &that) const
return that.m_bits == (that.m_bits & m_bits);
/// Mark all possible protocols.
m_bits = ~static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
/// Clear all protocols.
m_bits = 0;
/// Check for intersection.
intersects(self_type const &that)
return 0 != (m_bits & that.m_bits);
/// Check for empty set.
isEmpty() const
return m_bits == 0;
/// Equality (identical sets).
operator==(self_type const &that) const
return m_bits == that.m_bits;
// Predefined sets of protocols, useful for configuration.
extern SessionProtocolSet HTTP_PROTOCOL_SET;
extern SessionProtocolSet HTTP2_PROTOCOL_SET;
const char *RecNormalizeProtoTag(const char *tag);
/** Registered session protocol names.
We do this to avoid lots of string compares. By normalizing the string names we can just compare
their indices in this table.
@internal To simplify the implementation we limit the maximum number of strings to 32. That will
be sufficient for the foreseeable future. We can come back to this if it ever becomes a problem.
@internal Because we have so few strings we just use a linear search. If the size gets much
larger we should consider doing something more clever.
@internal This supports providing constant strings because those strings are exported to the
C API and this logic @b must return exactly those pointers.
class SessionProtocolNameRegistry
static int constexpr MAX = SessionProtocolSet::MAX; ///< Maximum # of registered names.
static int constexpr INVALID = -1; ///< Normalized invalid index value.
using TextView = ts::TextView;
/// Default constructor.
/// Creates empty registry with no names.
SessionProtocolNameRegistry() = default;
/** Get the index for @a name, registering it if needed.
The name is copied internally.
@return The index for the registered @a name.
int toIndex(TextView name);
/** Get the index for @a name, registering it if needed.
The caller @b guarantees @a name is persistent and immutable.
@return The index for the registered @a name.
int toIndexConst(TextView name);
/** Convert a @a name to an index.
@return The index for @a name or @c INVALID if it is not registered.
int indexFor(TextView name) const;
/** Convert an @a index to the corresponding name.
@return A pointer to the name or @c nullptr if the index isn't registered.
TextView nameFor(int index) const;
/// Mark protocols as present in @a sp_set based on the names in @a value.
/// The names can be separated by ;/|,: and space.
/// @internal This is separated out to make it easy to access from the plugin API
/// implementation.
void markIn(const char *value, SessionProtocolSet &sp_set);
int m_n = 0; ///< Index of first unused slot.
std::array<TextView, MAX> m_names;
ts::MemArena m_arena; ///< Storage for non-constant strings.
extern SessionProtocolNameRegistry globalSessionProtocolNameRegistry;
/** Description of an proxy port.
This consolidates the options needed for proxy ports, both data
and parsing. It provides a static global set of ports for
convenience although it can be used with an externally provided
Options are described by a colon separated list of keywords
without spaces. The options are applied in left to right order. If
options do not conflict the order is irrelevant.
IPv6 addresses must be enclosed by brackets. Unfortunate but colon is
so overloaded there's no other option.
struct HttpProxyPort {
typedef HttpProxyPort self; ///< Self reference type.
/// Explicitly supported collection of proxy ports.
typedef std::vector<self> Group;
/// Type of transport on the connection.
enum TransportType {
TRANSPORT_NONE = 0, ///< Unspecified / uninitialized
TRANSPORT_DEFAULT, ///< Default (normal HTTP).
TRANSPORT_BLIND_TUNNEL, ///< Blind tunnel (no processing).
TRANSPORT_SSL, ///< SSL connection.
TRANSPORT_PLUGIN, /// < Protocol plugin connection
TRANSPORT_QUIC, ///< SSL connection.
int m_fd; ///< Pre-opened file descriptor if present.
TransportType m_type = TRANSPORT_DEFAULT; ///< Type of connection.
in_port_t m_port = 0; ///< Port on which to listen.
uint8_t m_family = AF_INET; ///< IP address family.
/// True if proxy protocol is required on incoming requests.
bool m_proxy_protocol = false;
/// True if inbound connects (from client) are transparent.
bool m_inbound_transparent_p = false;
/// True if outbound connections (to origin servers) are transparent.
bool m_outbound_transparent_p = false;
// True if transparent pass-through is enabled on this port.
bool m_transparent_passthrough = false;
/// True if MPTCP is enabled on this port.
bool m_mptcp = false;
/// Local address for inbound connections (listen address).
IpAddr m_inbound_ip;
/// Local address for outbound connections (to origin server).
IpAddr m_outbound_ip4;
/// Local address for outbound connections (to origin server).
IpAddr m_outbound_ip6;
/// Ordered preference for DNS resolution family ( @c FamilyPrefence )
/// A value of @c PREFER_NONE indicates that entry and subsequent ones
/// are invalid.
HostResPreferenceOrder m_host_res_preference;
/// Static preference list that is the default value.
static HostResPreferenceOrder const DEFAULT_HOST_RES_PREFERENCE;
/// Enabled session transports for this port.
SessionProtocolSet m_session_protocol_preference;
/// Default constructor.
/** Select the local outbound address object.
@return The IP address for @a family
IpAddr &outboundIp(uint16_t family ///< IP address family.
/// Check for SSL port.
bool isSSL() const;
/// Check for QUIC port.
bool isQUIC() const;
/// Check for SSL port.
bool isPlugin() const;
/// Process options text.
/// @a opts should not contain any whitespace, only the option string.
/// This object's internal state is updated as specified by @a opts.
/// @return @c true if a port option was successfully processed, @c false otherwise.
bool processOptions(const char *opts ///< String containing the options.
/** Global instance.
This is provided because most of the work with this data is used as a singleton
and it's handy to encapsulate it here.
static std::vector<self> &global();
/// Check for SSL ports.
/// @return @c true if any port in @a ports is an SSL port.
static bool hasSSL(Group const &ports ///< Ports to check.
/// Check for SSL ports.
/// @return @c true if any global port is an SSL port.
static bool hasSSL();
/// Check for QUIC ports.
/// @return @c true if any port in @a ports is an QUIC port.
static bool hasQUIC(Group const &ports ///< Ports to check.
/// Check for QUIC ports.
/// @return @c true if any global port is an QUIC port.
static bool hasQUIC();
/** Load all relevant configuration data.
This is hardwired to look up the appropriate values in the
configuration files. It clears @a ports and then loads all found
values in to it.
@return @c true if at least one valid port description was
found, @c false if none.
static bool loadConfig(std::vector<self> &ports ///< Destination for found port data.
/** Load all relevant configuration data into the global ports.
@return @c true if at least one valid port description was
found, @c false if none.
static bool loadConfig();
/** Load ports from a value string.
Load ports from single string with port descriptors. Ports
found are added to @a ports. @a value may safely be @c nullptr or empty.
@note This is used primarily internally but is available if needed.
@return @c true if a valid port was found, @c false if none.
static bool loadValue(std::vector<self> &ports, ///< Destination for found port data.
const char *value ///< Source port data.
/** Load ports from a value string into the global ports.
Load ports from single string of port descriptors into the
global set of ports. @a value may safely be @c nullptr or empty.
@return @c true if a valid port was found, @c false if none.
static bool loadValue(const char *value ///< Source port data.
/// Load default value if @a ports is empty.
/// @return @c true if the default was needed / loaded.
static bool loadDefaultIfEmpty(std::vector<self> &ports ///< Load target.
/// Load default value into the global set if it is empty.
/// @return @c true if the default was needed / loaded.
static bool loadDefaultIfEmpty();
/** Find an HTTP port in @a ports.
If @a family is specified then only ports for that family
are checked.
@return The port if found, @c nullptr if not.
static const self *findHttp(Group const &ports, ///< Group to search.
uint16_t family = AF_UNSPEC ///< Desired address family.
/** Find an HTTP port in the global ports.
If @a family is specified then only ports for that family
are checked.
@return The port if found, @c nullptr if not.
static const self *findHttp(uint16_t family = AF_UNSPEC);
/** Create text description to be used for inter-process access.
Prints the file descriptor and then any options.
@return The number of characters used for the description.
int print(char *out, ///< Output string.
size_t n ///< Maximum output length.
static const char *const PORTS_CONFIG_NAME; ///< New unified port descriptor.
/// Default value if no other values can be found.
static const char *const DEFAULT_VALUE;
// Keywords (lower case versions, but compares should be case insensitive)
static const char *const OPT_FD_PREFIX; ///< Prefix for file descriptor value.
static const char *const OPT_OUTBOUND_IP_PREFIX; ///< Prefix for inbound IP address.
static const char *const OPT_INBOUND_IP_PREFIX; ///< Prefix for outbound IP address.
static const char *const OPT_IPV6; ///< IPv6.
static const char *const OPT_IPV4; ///< IPv4
static const char *const OPT_TRANSPARENT_INBOUND; ///< Inbound transparent.
static const char *const OPT_TRANSPARENT_OUTBOUND; ///< Outbound transparent.
static const char *const OPT_TRANSPARENT_FULL; ///< Full transparency.
static const char *const OPT_TRANSPARENT_PASSTHROUGH; ///< Pass-through non-HTTP.
static const char *const OPT_SSL; ///< SSL (experimental)
static const char *const OPT_QUIC; ///< QUIC (experimental)
static const char *const OPT_PROXY_PROTO; ///< Proxy Protocol
static const char *const OPT_PLUGIN; ///< Protocol Plugin handle (experimental)
static const char *const OPT_BLIND_TUNNEL; ///< Blind tunnel.
static const char *const OPT_COMPRESSED; ///< Compressed.
static const char *const OPT_HOST_RES_PREFIX; ///< Set DNS family preference.
static const char *const OPT_PROTO_PREFIX; ///< Transport layer protocols.
static const char *const OPT_MPTCP; ///< MPTCP.
static std::vector<self> &m_global; ///< Global ("default") data.
/// Process @a value for DNS resolution family preferences.
void processFamilyPreference(const char *value);
/// Process @a value for session protocol preferences.
void processSessionProtocolPreference(const char *value);
/** Check a prefix option and find the value.
@return The address of the start of the value, or @c nullptr if the prefix doesn't match.
const char *checkPrefix(char const *src ///< Input text
const char *prefix ///< Keyword prefix
size_t prefix_len ///< Length of keyword prefix.
inline bool
HttpProxyPort::isSSL() const
return TRANSPORT_SSL == m_type;
inline bool
HttpProxyPort::isQUIC() const
return TRANSPORT_QUIC == m_type;
inline bool
HttpProxyPort::isPlugin() const
return TRANSPORT_PLUGIN == m_type;
inline IpAddr &
HttpProxyPort::outboundIp(uint16_t family)
static IpAddr invalid; // dummy to make compiler happy about return.
if (AF_INET == family)
return m_outbound_ip4;
else if (AF_INET6 == family)
return m_outbound_ip6;
ink_release_assert(!"Invalid family for outbound address on proxy port.");
return invalid; // never happens but compiler insists.
inline bool
HttpProxyPort::loadValue(const char *value)
return self::loadValue(m_global, value);
inline bool
return self::loadConfig(m_global);
inline bool
return self::loadDefaultIfEmpty(m_global);
inline std::vector<HttpProxyPort> &
return m_global;
inline bool
return self::hasSSL(m_global);
inline bool
return self::hasQUIC(m_global);
inline const HttpProxyPort *
HttpProxyPort::findHttp(uint16_t family)
return self::findHttp(m_global, family);
/** Session Protocol initialization.
This must be called before any proxy port parsing is done.
extern void ts_session_protocol_well_known_name_indices_init();