blob: bff660a0b6dd7b23b7710fd0f6684548e02dd731 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
* A brief file description
* @section license License
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "tscore/List.h"
#include "P_VConnection.h"
#include "I_Event.h"
#include "QUICFrame.h"
#include "QUICStreamState.h"
#include "QUICFlowController.h"
#include "QUICIncomingFrameBuffer.h"
#include "QUICFrameGenerator.h"
#include "QUICConnection.h"
#include "QUICFrameRetransmitter.h"
#include "QUICDebugNames.h"
* @brief QUIC Stream
* TODO: This is similar to Http2Stream. Need to think some integration.
class QUICStream : public QUICFrameGenerator, public QUICFrameRetransmitter
QUICStream() {}
QUICStream(QUICConnectionInfoProvider *cinfo, QUICStreamId sid);
virtual ~QUICStream();
QUICStreamId id() const;
QUICStreamDirection direction() const;
const QUICConnectionInfoProvider *connection_info() const;
bool is_bidirectional() const;
QUICOffset final_offset() const;
* QUICApplication need to call one of these functions when it process VC_EVENT_*
virtual void on_read();
virtual void on_eos();
virtual QUICConnectionErrorUPtr recv(const QUICStreamFrame &frame);
virtual QUICConnectionErrorUPtr recv(const QUICMaxStreamDataFrame &frame);
virtual QUICConnectionErrorUPtr recv(const QUICStreamDataBlockedFrame &frame);
virtual QUICConnectionErrorUPtr recv(const QUICStopSendingFrame &frame);
virtual QUICConnectionErrorUPtr recv(const QUICRstStreamFrame &frame);
virtual QUICConnectionErrorUPtr recv(const QUICCryptoFrame &frame);
QUICOffset reordered_bytes() const;
virtual QUICOffset largest_offset_received() const;
virtual QUICOffset largest_offset_sent() const;
virtual void stop_sending(QUICStreamErrorUPtr error);
virtual void reset(QUICStreamErrorUPtr error);
LINK(QUICStream, link);
QUICConnectionInfoProvider *_connection_info = nullptr;
QUICStreamId _id = 0;
QUICOffset _send_offset = 0;
QUICOffset _reordered_bytes = 0;
void _records_rst_stream_frame(QUICEncryptionLevel level, const QUICRstStreamFrame &frame);
void _records_stream_frame(QUICEncryptionLevel level, const QUICStreamFrame &frame);
void _records_stop_sending_frame(QUICEncryptionLevel level, const QUICStopSendingFrame &frame);
void _records_crypto_frame(QUICEncryptionLevel level, const QUICCryptoFrame &frame);
// This is VConnection class for VIO operation.
class QUICStreamVConnection : public VConnection, public QUICStream
QUICStreamVConnection(QUICConnectionInfoProvider *cinfo, QUICStreamId sid) : VConnection(nullptr), QUICStream(cinfo, sid)
mutex = new_ProxyMutex();
QUICStreamVConnection() : VConnection(nullptr) {}
virtual ~QUICStreamVConnection();
LINK(QUICStreamVConnection, link);
virtual int64_t _process_read_vio();
virtual int64_t _process_write_vio();
void _signal_read_event();
void _signal_write_event();
void _signal_read_eos_event();
Event *_send_tracked_event(Event *, int, VIO *);
void _write_to_read_vio(QUICOffset offset, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t data_length, bool fin);
VIO _read_vio;
VIO _write_vio;
Event *_read_event = nullptr;
Event *_write_event = nullptr;
#define QUICStreamDebug(fmt, ...) \
Debug("quic_stream", "[%s] [%" PRIu64 "] [%s] " fmt, this->_connection_info->cids().data(), this->_id, \
QUICDebugNames::stream_state(this->_state.get()), ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define QUICVStreamDebug(fmt, ...) \
Debug("v_quic_stream", "[%s] [%" PRIu64 "] [%s] " fmt, this->_connection_info->cids().data(), this->_id, \
QUICDebugNames::stream_state(this->_state.get()), ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define QUICStreamFCDebug(fmt, ...) \
Debug("quic_flow_ctrl", "[%s] [%" PRIu64 "] [%s] " fmt, this->_connection_info->cids().data(), this->_id, \
QUICDebugNames::stream_state(this->_state.get()), ##__VA_ARGS__)
extern const uint32_t MAX_STREAM_FRAME_OVERHEAD;